BlizzardChapter 12 free porn video

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“I hate this game. I don’t understand how you’re having fun,” Sam announced after Alex had won their first game of Ascension.

“I hope the grocery store is open tomorrow,” Max said as she dragged a couple of cans of Richardson’s store-brand chicken noodle soup from my cupboards. “You can’t feed us for another day.”

“We’ll play something else now, Sam,” Alex climbed up to her feet. “What do you like?”

“Don’t you three have meal plans?” I asked. “I’m not used to buying food for four.”

“I don’t know what any of these are except for Sorry,” Sam grumbled. “I always hated Sorry.”

“Well yeah, but the power’s still not on uptown, so where would Alex eat?” Max answered me. I switched over to Sam and Alex turned to Max.

“I don’t think we have enough liquor for Sorry. We’d have to use half-shots,” I pointed out.

“They cook everything with propane anyways. Besides, I can eat at you guys’s meal hall too. It’s closer, and the roads are bigger and they’re more likely to be ploughed,” Alex said. “The trick’ll be smuggling out food for Gene.”

“Shots? Sorry‘s a drinking game?” Sam raised her nose in confusion. She had been energetic all day. She had been tramping around in the boots and my bathrobe. Bathrobes had become the uniform of sorts.

“We’ll just take Gene out for food,” Max said. “Least we could do, right?”

“It isn’t tonight. You girls have class tomorrow,” I pointed out.

“You think anything’ll be open?” Alex asked. She pulled out Master Labyrinth and grabbed Sam’s attention. “C’mon, girl. No more math.”

“You’re just saying that to get me naked,” Sam accused.

“I like math,” Max said as she came over. “But I do too much of it at school. I want to relax with friends and no math.” She poked me. “You don’t have crackers or bread.”

“No, I probably don’t.” I looked up. “Is there enough soup for everyone?”

“There is, but I think you’ll want something more.”

“I usually fry up some meat and dump it in along with some frozen vegetables when I cook a can of soup.” She didn’t like that idea, but she reached for the freezer anyways. I changed tack and stopped her. “There’s some potatoes. Do you girls like mashed potatoes? I do good mashed potatoes.”

“Really?” Sam lit up.

“Sure,” I said. I climbed up and lifted Max out of my way as I walked over to the little kitchenette. It was small for me. It wasn’t big enough to prepare a meal with someone. That was always something I liked to do. Hadn’t done it in a while.

“Do you need me to peel?” Max asked. She had asserted herself on my kitchen and apartment all day. The bed was made with fresh sheets. The garbage was packed up. She had volunteered to shovel. She would’ve scrubbed down the walls, floors, and bathroom if I hadn’t got embarrassed and stopped her. That probably would’ve just been a delay but I had cleaned the washroom as she stripped and remade the bed.

“So you’re a wizard,” Alex was saying, “You’re going to make a secret magic spell but we all have to raid this moving labyrinth for ingredients.” That was a good game. Simple. Not entirely math-free though: you had to take into account the topology of rearranging the map and predicting the paths you needed to get the bits you wanted. And once all the playing was done, you had to count up to see who won. Sam would accuse Alex of hiding math on her by the time we were finished.

“I’m going to give mom a call while you guys do dinner.” Sam got up and went to the washroom again. She was smiling this time. I was glad she had perked herself up after this morning. Alex flounced over and hugged me.

“How do you make mashed potatoes?” she asked me.

“You boil them and then you hit them,” I said, surprised the concept needed to be explained.

“Oh la la!” Alex squeezed me and hammed up her praise. “Such a knowledgeable and skilled chef!”

“Yes, it’s an ancient family recipe from just before man tamed the dinosaurs,” I said with a smile. I kissed her. Grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in.

I looked over at Max, who was expertly peeling a potato with my paring knife. I usually just used the peeler and wasted way more. She smiled down at her hands. “Humans weren’t around to tame dinosaurs.”

“What about chickens?” I asked. Had I thought twice, I might have come up with another plan. I shushed the giggling Alexa and stalked the intent Maxine.

“I suppose birds are dino--Christ!” Max squealed as I grabbed her waist and laughed warmly. I nosed aside her red hair and sloppily kissed her neck. “Ow! Crap!”

“Oh my god!” I reached across her and turned on the faucet. She put the knife down and was holding her left hand where she had cut into her index finger. I hoped I had band-aids. I kissed her ear. “Sorry!”

“It’s only a little cut,” she said, rinsing it. Alex stepped up with a sponge to wash off the knife. Max shook her head. “I’ll get that.”

“Health first. It doesn’t look deep. I’ll get you a band-aid.” I hoped I was not going to be having her hold a couple folds of toilet paper over the cut. I was certain I didn’t have Kleenex.

“It’s like I can’t even look at him without feeling happier than I’ve ever felt in my life,” I heard Sam saying to her mom. “How do I get him to tell me he loves me?”

I tried to ignore that as I rapped on the door. She jumped and squealed.

“Sam, uh, Samantha, uh, lovely, uh,” I was brainfarting.

“What is it, Gene?” she asked.

“Max cut herself--Max has a cut on her hand. Can you pass me a band-aid from behind the mirror?” I hoped.

“Sure, yeah, of course.” She quickly opened the door and handed me a box of Ninja Turtles Band-Aids. It was unopened. I frowned. Maybe I had just assumed -- for more than a year -- that I didn’t have any. “It’s not bad, is it?”

“Just a little cut on her finger.”

She smiled at me. “Here you are, nurse.”

“Why, thank you, doctor!” I said back. She closed the door, but kept her smile through the crack until we couldn’t have eye contact anymore.

“Yes, Mom. Max. My roommate Max. What other Maxes are in Halifax? Whatever. Max also likes him! We’re all going to try to make it work! I do too like him! We’re going to try! The three of us. No, the three of us and Gene. Max, Al--”

I hurried away as Sam’s voice got more accusatory and combative. I rushed over to Max.

“It’s really not that bad,” Max told me as she watched Alex finish up her job for her. “I’ll be alright.”

“Let me see,” I demanded and picked up her wrist and turned over her hand. It was a long cut, from below her finger up to the first knuckle, but it was shallow and it was only welling a blood drop at the end of the cut. “Prognosis isn’t good. You’re going to lose the hand and the arm. Probably the whole left side of your body.”

“She did tell you she’d be all right,” Alex chuckled, taking the offered punchline. She opened the box.

“This is important, Max.” I looked up at her huge eyes. She had the softest features, but she didn’t smile as often as the adorable Alex. Sam had more of a classic beauty to her. All three girls were stunning. I realized I had taken an extra moment or two. “Which turtle are you?”

“Oh, um,” She looked over. “Raphael?”

“She’s a Donatello,” Alex said.

“He has the nunchucks?” Max asked. Alex and I gasped in momentary horror. We both started laughing.

“He does machines,” I explained.

“I didn’t even open the packaging!” Max burned red. I had taken the Donatello-faced band-aid and stuck it tightly around her finger. I reached up and kissed her.

“He’s the nerdy one,” Alex said. “With the stick and purple mask.”

“I love purple,” Max nodded. She leaned forward and kissed me back. I smiled, lifted her hand, kissed her band-aid, and danced her away from the kitchen space. Alex stowed the box in a cupboard, and picked up and rinsed the next potato. “I really want to help with dinner.”

Max wouldn’t let me sit her in my chair so I sat her on the foot of my bed. I kissed her nose. “No.”

“What do you mean, no?” she huffed.

“I mean, you need to heal and get better,” I smiled. “We get to dote on you and make you feel awesome.”

“OK,” she pouted. “But only because I really like you.”

“I really like you too,” I said. I could go with ‘really like’ for months. Let the first impressions and bubbling new relationship energy burn off before I took the words further. I realized I’d have to be the one saying the words first. These girls, they were unprepared. They were about to have their feelings hit them harder than they could imagine. I was not prepared either. Not for three girls at the same time. I was more excited for the challenge than I was worried about the outcome. I swung back to the stove and pulled out a pot for the potatoes. I went back down and grabbed the other for the soup.

“Hey everyone,” Sam came back into the room. “Dinner ready? Are you OK, Max?”

“I kinda wish I wasn’t being treated like an invalid.” She waved her Donatello band-aid at Sam.

“Oh, perfect choice for her!” Sam grinned and rushed over to hug me from behind.

“Hey, squeezy,” I said to her. “Feeling good?”

“I’m feeling like this is the best feeling anyone’s ever had,” she said. I stopped myself from saying, “I really like you, Samantha.” That wasn’t what she hoped to hear, and a half-measure would be a knife in her guts. I looked over at everyone. Alex grinned as she handed me the pot full of water and potatoes.

“OK,” I said, putting them on the burner. “Let’s get ready to eat.”

Max bristled at not being able to help, but we all made her stay put. That was half of the fun. Sam avoided work, and was opening Sorry and marvelling at the four colors of tacky bikini shotglasses I had inserted into the game.

I did as I promised. Boiled and hit potatoes. I smuggled in some butter but they didn’t need to know that. Plus, they were all watching me. Alex scooped out the potatoes and used the spoon to shape them into volcano bowls, and I poured the soup into those. It was cute. I didn’t have a real table.

“I’m going to have to get a new place,” I said, and had reason to believe myself this time.

“Right away?” Max worried as she tried to eat the soup without breaking down the potato walls and overflowing her plate like Sam, Alex, and I had already done.

“What do you mean?”

“We have to move out of the dorms in May,” Alex said. “We should all get one big place together.”

“Yeah! A huge one-bedroom apartment! It’ll be great!” Sam agreed.

“We’ll need more than one bedroom.”

“Not if the bed is big enough,” Sam countered.

“I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the next room,” Max said shyly.

“Why would--” Alex began.

“If I get too tired in the master bedroom.”

“We’d all want our own space,” I pointed out. I shook my head. “No, I’m going to look for a decent-sized place for me. You guys should do the same.”

“I think Dad and Mom want me to head back to the island over the summer,” Sam fretted. “But if we have a place, then I’ll have a reason to stay.”

“And how will you be paying for your rent and everything?” I pointed out. “We don’t even know how much you girls can afford. If you’ll have to get a job--”

“Daddy promised me rent if I stay on the Dean’s list,” Alex said.

“I have to do my best, but my parents gave me a similar deal,” Max said.

“I’d rather get a job and make my own way,” Sam said. The other girls clamored that they would do that after they graduated. I looked at Sam. She crossed her legs; the leather of the borrowed boot really accented her calf. I looked up to her eyes. “For now, Dad will help.”

“Yeah...” I had a bit of help myself when I was in school. Until I switched majors for the fourth time. I could see Alex’s dad making an ultimatum that could cut into our plans for rent. “It’s not a ‘today’ thing.”

I tried to pass it off. We finished off our food and played a round of Master Labyrinth. I got them to talk about school. We did pets, movies, things that scare us, things we shouldn’t laugh at but do, and all the various other bits of first-date chatter I had prepared.

“I really don’t think it’s a bad thing to laugh at octopi,” I said to Alex.

“‘Octopuses’,” corrected Sam. “Also ‘octopodes’, but ‘octopuses’ is fine.”

“Maybe not to you, but how do you think the octopus feels?” Alex contested.

“Well, I know how it feels to see you smiling and laughing,” I pointed out. “So, if they get you to smile, then I will do everything in my power to protect the world’s octopuses.”

“Thank you,” Sam triumphed at my proper word usage.

“That there are always octopuses in the world is a better way to make a pretty girl smile than to make dead-baby jokes.”

“Hey, I mean, they’re just so far in the wrong they come out the other side,” Max said defensively.

“You’re a monster,” Sam smiled.

“A tickle monster!” Alex reached over and went for Max’s belly. She giggled, thrashed, and escaped behind me.

“Protect me!” Max pleaded.

“No, I’d like to see where this goes,” I laughed. She lost her frown, and pouted.

“I guess I have to.” And she trudged back around me to Alex.

“You OK, Max?” Alex asked.

“I think she found a way to turn off your attack,” I grinned. I reached over and rubbed Max’s arm. “Well done.”

“Thank you?” She looked confused.

By now it was nighttime, and the streetlight outside my window was lighting up the snow behind my curtain. I frowned. “Alex, is power back on at your dorm?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. Her eyes went wide. “Oh wait, I can check on my phone.”

I smiled. I reached over and ran my fingers through Sam’s hair. She was snuggled up against my left leg.

“Uh, yeah, looks like power’s back on most everywhere,” she said. “Oh ... You want to walk us home.”

“If only so everyone’ll get fed in the morning.” I grinned. “OK, Sam. You gotta leave the boots behind.”

“Ah... “ She pouted but started to unzip them. I had a flash up the skirt of her robe. I smiled as I remembered last night.

“Hey, can I wear them?” Alex smiled bright. “You’re going to drop me off last, yeah? You can take them back with you.”

“They’re still not my boots,” I pointed out, although I was beginning to doubt that I didn’t have maritime salvage rights to them by now. “Is it really right to be tracking them through the snow and slush?”

“Those heels aren’t great for ice,” Max added. “You could slip.”

“Hey Max, you wanna wear them?” Alex said with more than a bit of an accusatory tone.

Max shook her head. “I wore them this morning. It’s your turn next.”

Sam tossed them over the arm of my chair. She stretched, untied the belt of my robe, and let it puddle around her ankles.

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My wife and I recently bought a convertible. It’s hard to believe that a car can change your sex life, but it can! I now wonder why automakers don’t sell a lot more ragtops. Zoe and I are a middle-aged couple living in London. Years ago, following the death of Zoe’s parents, we inherited a small holiday home in rural France. The surrounding countryside is beautiful: rolling hills, fields of sunflowers during summers and picturesque mediaeval villages all year round. We spend several weeks there...

3 years ago
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First Threesome

When this took place I was only a few days over twenty years old. I did not own a car so I was on the city bus I used it to get to work . I always seemed to get a ride home from work so I used the bus to get there.I was on the bus and this black girl she kept looking at me. Well she finally asked me if I was living or was with a girl named Lisa. And I said yes I was. She was a very sexy looking black girl and her tits were big like 38c I would say. Well when I said yes that I was living with...

2 years ago
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Inquisition Blood MagicChapter 8 Epilogue

I cornered Morrigan and Leliana shortly after my marriage to talk about the insanely arousing double-penetration that King Alistair had inflicted on Morrigan. I brought Leliana as she was enthralled to tell me the truth, whereas Morrigan had promised to grant me whatever I asked for, but I'd never actually enthralled her. I could have spent the time and forced Morrigan to my will – she'd agreed to that when she first offered herself to me – but I found it far more fun to make her submit...

4 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 13 Late Night Conversations

Marta’s House, Detroit About two hours later I woke again. I whispered in her ear that I had to get up and take care of some things. She said, “Okay honey, but when you get back you bett...” Then she faded out. I got up and went down the the kitchen stark naked. Marta was sitting there wearing a summer sleeveless nightshirt with a cup of coffee, like she was thinking of something, or waiting for me. Of course I kissed her and she immediately knew what we had done. “I like her too my son,”...

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Jean and Denica decided to take the day off. Work had been grueling for the last few weeks and they decided to take some much-deserved time off. Besides, their friend Veronica was on vacation and told them they were free to use her pool while she was gone. So, they went over to her house and let themselves in with a key she had left them. Once there, they slipped into their bathing suits and jumped into the pool to cool off. It was almost 90 degrees today and the water felt great. They played...

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I slept with my Husbands Friend while he wat

The feel of the sun on my body makes me horny. There I have said it, a dirty little secret guys should never know, but no matter how hard you try to be secretive, something happens and before you know it, you are out of your depth, doing things you never admitted to yourself and shamefully, actually getting off on it big time. Here is a true story of a very dirty thing I did on holiday, and I could not help myself. We flew out to Maspalomas promising to meet up with a couple of friends of my...

4 years ago
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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Yeah, I’m back with a story about which I have talked about in my last story, umm okay let me remind you all about that, remember I talked about Shashi bhabhi in my last story. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m Deven Shastri, residing in the capital, New Delhi, average guy with some good looks I guess, and a normal cock size of 6inch with 2.5 cm thick, to be frank coz I don’t like to be fake at all,...

4 years ago
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Love on the Overnights

Stew had been a cop at the college for about 15 years. Being a Police Officer at a college presented plenty of challenges, not just the ones his brothers and sisters in the city police faced, but others, not the least of which was the frustration of having to explain his job over and over again and even to the college administration who would interfere with his duties as a law enforcement officer almost on a daily basis. He was there as much for public relations as anything else, he got that,...

3 years ago
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Wake Up

I can't remember the last time I woke up on my own.My husband and I have what I can only guess is a unique arrangement. It started early in our marriage, when we were both fresh out of college. Our meeting was pretty vanilla, but it didn't take us long to figure out that we were yin and yang in the bedroom. We both liked it rough - he loved taking control and making me feel helpless almost as much as I loved being his plaything.We experimented a lot and while I never complained, we would...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 522

Navarre again provide another good one! A guy and his best friend go into the bathroom at the ballpark to pee. He happens to look over at the wrong moment and notices Donnie has an enormous dick. He can’t help himself and asks him what his secret is. “Well,” he replies a little shyly, “before I have sex, I whack it really hard on the bedpost three times. It works wonders.” The guy figures it’s worth a try, so late that night when he gets home, he goes into the bedroom, strips off his...

1 year ago
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The White Dress

In 2 months we had hardly uttered a sentence to each other. We weren't havi ng sex. We didn't even kiss anymore. Our relationship was at the worst it's ever been. Some fight awhile back had us acting like this. After a period of time I forgot what the fight was even about, I didn't know if it was my own fault or perhaps hers. Now we weren't at each others necks, we were cordial but we just stopped showing affection for one another. Touching seemed like it was against the rules, and we both...

2 years ago
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CattailChapter 6

Delmer was still arguing with deBoer as Roger, Catalina, and Bonnie made it out the door. Getting out into the sunshine was enough to cool Bonnie's temper, at least as far as Roger could see. "'Counselor?' 'My colleague?'" Catalina laughed. "I didn't know my boyfriend was a lawyer." "Your boyfriend is just a retired factory rat," Roger laughed. "All you did was introduce me as your friend, and he took it from there. I'm glad he did, though. We had to get out of there before a...

3 years ago
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CD Dorm

PrologueAfter chatting with my very pretty CD friend Meeah, I decided I was going to write a little tidbit about my first CD encounter. Originally this was going to be a 100% true story. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your disposition, my kinky/fetish side came through in a few places. There were some things my roomy and I talked/fantasized about but never did. I’m penning them here to bulk up the story. Since this prologue is being written after the story is finished, I put truth...

1 year ago
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A Family Affair

The story is written below, but first... (Virginia T. Watson is a pen name for erotica. This story and all others posted by us are our copyrighted material, published on Amazon and all other major book sites.)Leah is a hot, horny, cum hungry slut and wants to be seen as much as possible. She loves making guys' cocks rock hard and women's pussies soaking wet! Leah's hot, full pic gallery topped 15,000 views and is still going strong. See it here......

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Zacks Style

My sister, Jessica, was paying us a visit. Jessica had been recently divorced, and I was glad to see him go. Anytime they were here, he thought he had free reign with his hands. They were all accidental, of course. I was surprised my husband, Fred, ignored his meandering with his hands on my body.Jessica has a terrific figure, and I sometimes wonder how our mother and father could create two different women. I am small-breasted in comparison to Jessica, and she is much curvier than I am. If the...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Naomi Swann Young Blonde Ukranian Naomi Swann Hardcore POV

Young beautiful blonde Ukrainian Naomi Swann, face covered with cum after having had sex with two cocks, backstages shows us her beautiful cheerleader body, nice little tits, and a tender and innocent smile, and tell us about her sexual preferences and dreams before starting slavery and submission section as she likes. Starting with a hanging and clapping on her buttocks and face to warm her up, she is willing to submissively fulfill her master’s wishes, making her suck his dick,...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Bani Biwi 8211 Part 3

Agle din subha, tino hi mujhse pahle uth ke apne kaam mein lag chuki thi. Mujhe college jaana tha aur late ho raha tha. Lund mein bhi jalan si thi. Pahle kabhi sex kiya nahi tha isliye subha himmat nahi thi ki sex karun. Sushila ko sharmate hue se bataya toh muskura di aur boli. Hadbadi karoge toh sahna hi padega. Fir oil le kar aayee aur room band kar ke halke haathon se maalish karne lagi. Lund puri tarah tan gaya aur oil ke karan jalan kam hui. Maine Sushila ke kamar aur pet pe haath ghumana...

2 years ago
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indian wife banged hard2

Rohith and Leela are Indian couples married and have got settled in Las Vegas. Rohith is 26 and Leela is 23.Leela has a perfect C cup tits that don’t sag and an ass do die for. She has long black hair and 32-26-34 shape.Rohith works as a accounts executive in a private firm in Vegas. He has a mere 4 inch thin cock that can’t satisfy the sexual queen like Leela. Once in his firm due to his carelessness some important documents that worth around million dollars were lost, the firm then ...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 4

Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...

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Playing with Paul

A few photos in my album compliment this true story.I met Paul through a well known website, we chatted a bit and eventually agreed to meet in the car park of a local pub. Neither of us could ‘entertain’ at home, so we used a car as our playroom. We could both be described as ‘bi-curious’ and we certainly indulged our curiosity! Our play took place in the car park of a local attraction off-peak where there was a huge amount of space to keep ourselves away from prying eyes. Our second meeting...

2 years ago
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The Escape

It was a rainy Sunday morning. Kabir had been waiting for a fare outside 432 Cherry Lane for a long time, long enough for his fantasies to get wild and woolly. Would he be able to take his next customer home to his basement and fuck her? What would she look like?                                                                        -                         -                     -Millie ransacked her closet and chose a green dress, black patent leather shoes and a straw hat with a bow in it....

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ChameleonChapter 8

Tom was so gung ho that Genie gave him the full treatment all at once. That was quite a physical shock for any human body to take, so it laid Tom out for a couple of hours. As soon as he was back in circulation, Genie and Mom fitted him out with a uniform and the special gun. Tom had been in the Marines, so he had a head start on the muscle memory that we all had to work on. Within 24 hours we figured that Salamander was ready to be a regular team member. (By the way, the Salamander of...

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I started working out with a neighbor of mine who was once a competitive body builder. He was an invaluable source of fitness information. Anything you wanted to know about exercise, he seemed to know it. Since it was years since I did any real exercise, I welcomed his advice. After a couple of months working out with him, I really started to see significant gains. Since I was single again, I was very happy about this. Even if my newly muscled physique didn’t always impress all the women, it...

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Number 19

The cat lost her balance and fell off. This was immediately followed by a loud splash, a piercing feline howl and a blinding orange blur flying through the living room-a trail of wet paws left in its wake. Sy, as usual, was in his boxer shorts and white tank shirt, reclining in his BarcaLounger-the remote control in one hand aimlessly flipping through the channels. A can of Krutchman's Double Malt Super Suds in the other. Channel surfing was much too elegant of a term for Sy. It might imply...

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Aboard the Lundrim Seksi Part 1

This time he thought he'd spend a few days on his yacht telling everyone he's going fishing alone but truth is he wasn't out fishing and he wasn't alone. Down below in the VIP cabin was his companion. There she was, at roughly 5'1" and 95lbs; her 28" bust, skinny 26" waist and 30" hips fit her perfectly. She had bright burgundy hair going down to her shoulder blades which complimented her even toned, light pink colored skin. He was 6'4" and slightly overweight but still...

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The holiday that changed our lives Chapter 8 9 The Plumber cums The Old Man cums back

Introduction: Two more tales from this week . . . Chapter 8: The Plumber cums About twenty minutes to three, Margaret called me to ensure her love receptacle was clean and fresh ready for the plumber. It wasnt – it hadnt been for most of this week as she couldnt stop gushing, not that I minded the clean-up duties! [In case youve starting reading this chapter, I would recommend starting with Chapter 1 and working onwards from there. If your reading this with your good (or even naughty!) wife,...

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Promotion Reward

I had called my wife to let her know about my new promotion, the Director of Engineering. It was very exciting to me and asked my wife to get some wine and steaks from the store.Several hours had passed and it was finally time to head home for the weekend. The commute felt long, especially since I was excited to have dinner with my wife, and hopefully have some promotion love making. I finally got home and noticed an extra car in our driveway. Of course I recognized it, it belongs to Liz's best...

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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 16

It took a little to convince the General that they needed the OH-58, crew and Hellfire missiles. "E'veen, when I was a new two-bar, I had a thing for your mother ... you look enough like her to be twins ... If she and your grandmother were standing here you could be triplets. It's one of the worst moments of my life." "Meeting my mother?" "Yes ... only to find out she was 14." 'Uh oh, ' thought E'veen, 'now what?' "Why, thank you, sir ... I miss them both." 'I should, I'm...

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Wife and friend fuck for the first time 2 of 6

Fantasies and the next nightPart one of this series, gave all the dirty details, of how my wife Ann and I hatched a fantasy about her fucking my best friend. For months it remained nothing more than a fantasy that she and I used to heighten our sexual pleasure. I don't think either of us ever intended for things to go further, but one fact is undeniable. Each time we invited that fantasy into our bed, we fed it a large helping of lust. It grew larger, bolder, more detailed, nastier, and more...

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