BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes A DadChapter 18: Jared’s Ramming Pole free porn video

“And don’t you guys forget to keep up on all your assignments. No slacking now. This is university we are talking about now, not just grade school.”
Jared Reznik issued that one last exhortation just as the last of Vanessa Benson’s new friends were leaving the house. All five of them laughed and agreed to do this as they piled into Tracey’s car and drove off into the night leaving Vanessa, Gloria and Jared alone at last in their own home.
“Well, I’m pooped” said Gloria as she started heading down the passage way to the shower. “I’ll probably fall asleep in the shower if I’m not careful. See you two later. I’ve got a real early start tomorrow so I’ll be hitting the hay straight out of that bathroom. That young Tracey guy gave me way too much of a good time. And I’m blaming that all on you, young lady. I hope it’s not going to be like this every night now that you’ve started at BSC!”
Vanessa watched her mom’s naked ass disappear out of the lounge room as she said in reply, “No, mom. It won’t be like this all the time. Bumping into them tonight was just one of those freak things that happens now and then. But it was a lovely way for them to meet you both. Mind you, they already knew Jared a bit from BSC today. But it was lovely for you to meet them too. Tracey Manning, I think, really enjoyed meeting you, mom, and I know you really enjoyed meeting him - well his big, curvy cock anyway!”
“Alright now! That’s enough of that!” called back Vanessa’s mother from the bathroom. “You were getting your fair share too from what I observed. So don’t pick on me, young lady!”
Vanessa heard the shower taps being turned on so didn’t bother replying to that last statement. She just said quietly to Jared, “Too true, too true! And you were having quite a bit of fun with Tracey yourself, weren’t you!”
Before Jared could make any sort of a response Vanessa had turned and had begun making her way to her own bedroom. Once inside she just flopped down front first onto her bed and lay there totally naked on top of her blankets with her head resting on her hands and those hands resting on her pillow. Jared stood in the lounge room for a few seconds then followed his step-daughter to her bedroom but didn’t go any farther than the doorway.
Jared stood in the doorway of Vanessa’s bedroom and just admired the beautiful flow of the naked girl’s bodily curves. Those curves swept up from her legs then along and over her lovely round butt cheeks. From there those curves moved up to form Vanessa’s tight waist and the very gracious lines of her spine and back. From Jared’s vantage point in that doorway Vanessa’s skin looked just so smooth and inviting as it wrapped around her young naked body adding a whole new dimension to those sexy curves. That naked skin and those curves then flowed up and under Vanessa’s dark hair and around her shapely shoulders, neck and head.
Vanessa’s head was turned towards Jared and her eyes were shut as he observed her very pretty body and face. But even though Vanessa’s eyes were closed she still knew that her step-father was standing there looking at her.
As Jared stood silently in the doorway Vanessa took her right hand and patted the bed just beside her as an invitation to Jared to come in and lie down beside her. Jared was almost obedient in this request.
Instead of coming over and lying down beside Vanessa he come over and laid his own naked body down on top of her naked body. From this position Jared began to kiss Vanessa’s face and neck before moving on down the curve of her back to her butt cheeks. Jared had to move off to the side to get his lips onto those two round mounds of amazing female flesh. As he did that one of his hands pushed its way up between Vanessa’s legs so it could connect with all that other soft female flesh that was calling to him right now. That hand then began to caress Vanessa’s pussy lips and clitoris which caused Vanessa to spread her legs apart as she just lay there quietly face down on the bed.

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