Devlin's StoryChapter 36 free porn video

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"Well?" Krissi asked that evening as they picked over the dinner buffet. "What did you and Evan do today?"

"We went to a baseball game," Devlin said. "It was a high school game, and it was the last thing I expected."

"How was it?"

"No bad. I think I only made a partial fool of myself. He stuffed my head so full of facts about baseball that I'm probably more confused than before. I had very little idea of what was going on. But he loves it. From the way he spoke it's a very complicated game."

Krissi smiled. "It's also a lot simpler than it looks. The pitcher throws the ball, the batter hits it, and everybody runs around for a bit. Eventually somebody gets the ball and throws it back in."

"Sounds like you've played it, or at least watched it," Devlin said.

"When I was living in Europe we consciously tried to do American things," Krissi said. "We always celebrated Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and so on. They have European NFL for those who like football. The Europeans are only sort of learning about baseball, so we played slow-pitch softball." She laughed once. "I wasn't very good at it. I 'throw like a girl', but every girl I know does, so I guess that doesn't count."

"Last year I sold some sports bras to the Women's Softball Team at ISU." Devlin paused to push the remaining spaghetti around on her plate. "They don't throw like girls, but then they have coaches to teach them how to throw."

"Do you know what you're going to do tomorrow?"

"Only that we won't be meeting his parents. I don't think he wants that." She grimaced. "I can just see it. 'Mom, Dad, there's this girl I met who came down here for Spring Break... ' I've heard some of the comments the locals make about the people who come down here for Spring Break."

Linda, who was walking by at the moment, stopped. "It's a love-hate relationship," she said. "They're tourists, and so you love their money, but they're tourists, so you wish they'd stop bothering you and go home. It's probably the same in every tourist destination."

"I don't live in one," Devlin said. "Why on Earth anyone would want to spend their vacation in Central Illinois is beyond me. Chicago... I could see going to Chicago on vacation, but not Bloomington."

"I'm sure Central Illinois just lovely," Linda said.

"It's flat, it's hot, and unless you like looking at crops, there isn't much to see, at least in the town where I grew up. The only vacation places in Central Illinois I know about are the parks along the river, and those are booked weeks in advance."

"It isn't as flat as large parts of Holland," Krissi said, "but parts of Holland are below sea level. Not to change the subject, but what do we have on tap for tonight?"

"A movie," Linda said. "My husband found this one, God knows where, and after viewing it we decided everyone else should see it."

"What is it?" Krissi asked. "A romantic comedy? That might not fit around here."

"Sort of," Linda said. "I will add that it has a strong sexual content."

Krissi rolled her eyes. "That figures. The guys'll like it."

"I think the girls will, too. The guys are slabs of beefcake, and their equipment is pretty good. The girls... the girls aren't bad looking, either."

"Something to look forward to, I guess," Devlin said after Linda had left. "Sex movies have never appealed to me."

"Me, neither," Krissi said. "I think that's common to a lot of women. We need more than just visual cues to get us worked up."

"Though I won't ignore a nice hard body," Devlin said. She looked at what was left of her meal. Shall we go see what this movie is?"

The 'theater' was a covered area with bug screens around the edges. There was a table with drinks and snacks, folding chairs arranged in a two rows in the sand, and a PC with a projection camera in front. Everyone else was already settling in. Devlin picked a chair in the second row. Trey, a guy from the University of Georgia, settled down next to Devlin.

"Have you seen some of these?" Devlin asked.

Trey shook his head. "I like dirty pictures just as much as the next guy," he said, "but most movies don't do that much for me. The acting is atrocious, the dialogue is a joke, and don't even get me started on the cinematography."

"Pretty bad?"

"I've majored in the subject, and I'm embarrassed by what I see."


"Have you seen many of them?"

Devlin shook her head. "One, I think, and parts of two others. I found them boring. But then girls aren't as turned on by visual cues as guys."

"You might get some argument about that," Trey said. "But that's a discussion for some other time."

Linda started the picture. After a brief title scroll the main characters came on. Devlin suppressed her surprise: it was Rick and Marie. There was another couple who were supposed to be their teenage kids, but they didn't look that young, the girl especially. Devlin wasn't sure her boobs had been that big when she was 16.

The plot was that they were attending a wedding, and visiting Marie's sister and brother-in-law who lived in a small town 'back in the hills' of Central California. The first few scenes were of them packing, loading the car, and rolling down the highway to a small airport. There they boarded a small commuter plane. The plane took off, flew over a range of hills, and landed at an airport.

"Notice the number on the plane isn't the same as the one they boarded?" Trey asked quietly. "That's stock footage."

Devlin gave him a smile and tried to ignore him. The movie was slow, but she was still willing to give it a chance.

They airport was surrounded by mountains that looked much taller than the hills they'd flown over. They picked up their luggage and left the terminal. There were two cabs at the cab stand. Another couple who had been on the plane was there, having sex with the cabbie and the girl from the ticket counter.

Rick and Marie, and their 'kids' walked right by that as if it was the most normal thing in the world. The other cab took them to a hotel. The clerk at registration had her head buried under another girl's skirt. She paused long enough to check them in. By then the other woman had walked away, but the cabbie bent the clerk over the desk and slipped his suddenly hard cock into her.

Their hotel room had two Queen-sized beds. Marie's 'daughter' went to the balcony to take in the view. The pool was one floor below them, and there were three couples next to it, all of them having sex.

"I can't believe this movie," Tina said as Marie's 'daughter' changed into a pair of bikini bottoms, picked up a towel, and left for the pool. "Do people do anything in this place except fuck?"

"I've seen it before," Rosie said, "and the answer is no. Everybody screws everybody else all of the time. If they're not doing it directly in front of the camera, they're doing it in the background."

Devlin began looking around at the people watching the movie. She put her hand on Trey's knee. "Do you want to stay and see this to the end?"

"We should," he replied. "It would be the polite thing to do."

On the screen Marie had just met her sister at a house. It was only to be expected: they hugged, they kissed, they fondled, their clothes came off, and soon they were kissing, licking and touching each other. After a mutual climax that might have almost been real--at least Marie's neck turned red when she was supposed to be climaxing--the men got involved. Then the nieces, nephews, and Marie's 'son' and 'daughter' got involved. The living room was soon filled with naked people fucking and sucking each other on every piece of furniture.

After a bit people got tired and began to leave. Marie decided she had to run to the store to get something. When she got out to the bus stop there was a woman already there. The woman had pulled up her skirt and was doing herself with a dildo. Marie helped her, the woman helped Marie, and then the bus came. They boarded it, and picked up right where they'd left off.

Marie's bus stop came up and she got off; the woman she'd been with began sucking the dick of a guy who'd gotten on.

The movie continued in a similar vein. Everyone, at every opportunity, had sex with everyone around them. The wedding was more of the same. It was outside, and when the couple said "I do", they stripped and did it right there. After a moment the rest of the people at the wedding joined in.

By then Devlin was doing everything but watch the screen. This turkey had to be coming to an end, and in the vague hope that it would get better, she began paying attention again.

Marie and Rick, and the two actors playing their kids, were obviously ready to go home. They got to the airport to find other people there, and of course everyone promptly had sex with everyone who was close at hand. The girl playing Marie's daughter was caught in a beautifully framed shot with jism in her hair, more all over her face, long strings of it on her breasts and tummy, and a positive torrent pouring down her legs; that wasn't a surprise to anyone who'd been watching--in the last sex scene she'd been involved with at least four guys who appeared to be inexhaustible.

The plane pulled up to the terminal, and everyone hastily cleaned up and boarded. Ten minutes later they were landing at the same airport they'd left. The daughter's boyfriend was there to greet them. As he was driving off with her he put his hand on her knee.

"What kind of girl do you think I am?" the daughter said as she pushed it away.

The camera zoomed in on Marie just as the credits started to roll, but she was dressed in a severely tailored navy blue suit with her hair pulled back. You wouldn't have believed it was the same person you'd seen naked through most of the movie.

"We attended a wedding," she was telling several people in an office. "It was okay; I think the kids had fun."

"It's important to do things together as a family," a woman said. "I think it helps if people in a family can have similar interests."

"We do," Marie said, "at least when we're on vacation."

"That has to be the lamest excuse for a movie I've ever seen," Devlin told Trey as they walked away.

"They ought to rename it," Trey said. "You know, something like Covered in Come."

"How about something classical," Devlin said. "I Fucked 30 Guys."

Trey laughed. "That's probably accurate. I'm not sure if either of the actresses did fuck 30 guys, but between them I think they did."

"They didn't seem to spend much time doing anything else."

"That's the way most x-rated movies go. Everything that happens is just a set-up to get them in bed."

"... and on the couch, the floor, the lawn, the bus stop..."

"You forgot the ticket counter, the wedding chapel, a half a dozen tables..."

"And let's not forget the middle of the street, on the bus, and at the cosmetics counter," Devlin said. "I liked that touch, cumming on her face at the cosmetics counter. The guy's cum forms a foundation," she said, sounding just like a teacher. "Try not to lick up too much of it, but rub it into your skin..." She laughed. "It sounds just like when I was learning about make-up."

"It might be easier to list the places they didn't do it," Trey said. "It'd be a shorter list." He chuckled. "It got to be pretty repetitious after a while. Meet someone, suck or fuck them, and then go on to the next person. I got to counting."


"The daughter--she had sex in every scene she was in, and I don't mean just sucking someone--somebody fucked her in every scene."

"I thought we saw an awful lot of her, more than I thought we should."

"And with the close-ups we know more about her anatomy than anybody but her gynecologist should."

"I didn't pay attention to those parts," Devlin said. "Well," she amended, "I did, but only when the guy's dick was present. But a close-up of his dick sliding in and out of her isn't that exciting, at least to me."

"They're not meant to get women excited," Trey said. "They're meant to get guys to jack-off in the theater."

"Guys do that?" Devlin looked at him in surprise. "I didn't know that."

"More than people are willing to admit. It's why guys don't sit that close to each other."

"Somehow I don't see me fingering myself off while watching a movie."

"Do you do it when you read?"

She laughed. "I suppose, but not so much as you think. I've almost never had to rely upon my fingers for my sexual needs."

"Really? I thought all girls did themselves."

"We do, but not so we admit it." They stopped at his bungalow, and after a moment went in. "It's not something a girl is supposed to talk about. I've never been sure why, either."

"Girls giggle and guys smirk, when a guy admits to beating his meat," Trey said. He turned on the light in the room, and then ran his hands across Devlin's body. "Um, nice and soft."

She played briefly with his nipples before flattening her hands across his chest. "And this is nice and hard, just the way I like it."

He drew her down on the bed. "I think your chest is much more interesting."

"I've heard that a few times."

"How about a real compliment, then?" He kissed her breasts, slowly circling in on her nipples. His fingers caressed her, just brushing her skin in an electric caress.

"Your skin is so soft," he murmured around his kisses. "I like that."

He cupped her breasts, mounding them up, pushing his face between them to kiss the valley he'd created. The stubble on his scratched so deliciously, and she put her hand on the back of his head, holding him there. His warm body was pressing against hers, but there was no urgency, not yet. That would come later.

He moved slowly up to her neck, his fingers continuing to fondle the soft flesh of her breasts. His kisses were like fire, burning and exciting her at the same time. When he nuzzle the hollow at the base of her neck she crooned, running her hands across his strong shoulders and down his back. This was promising to be a very good evening.

"Do you want it fast?" he asked when he paused for breath. "Or do you want me to continue what I'm doing?"

"Don't stop what you're doing," she said.

He dropped a kiss on her lips. "Your wish is my command."

He zeroed in on her nipples, nibbling and sucking on them with just his lips, pulling them into exquisite peaks of tightness. Every touch, every brush went right through her. She wanted to pull him down, let him get a good suck, but she wanted him to keep teasing her just like this.

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I arrived at the door of the property. It seemed nothing unusual; typical house in the street; manicured lawns, neat hedges, pretty plants along the borders. I guessed that a lot of the neighbours were quite competitive with each other over who had the nicest garden, house, car, etc. Anyway, I'm not here to admire what I can't afford; here to work. Work, last day before my contract comes to an end. It's been a mostly good job but I have a new one starting on Monday and I will be happy for this...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 14

"Ladies and Gentlemen – Thank you for being with us as the City of Branson welcomes the Branson Eagles. We are thrilled to have such a great organization affiliated with our city..." The Mayor droned on as a packed house awaited the first pitch of the first game in the new stadium. Ushers moved everyone efficiently to their sections. Concessionaires kept everyone fed, and our community came out to launch the new team. Jack's people hovered, filtered through the crowd, and generally...

1 year ago
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Private Zlata Shine Anal Sex Addict

Zlata Shina is a sexy blonde with big natural tits who has come to Private Specials, Friends in Porn for one thing and one thing only… anal sex, and lucky for her, Kai Taylor is here to give it to her! So enjoy this busty beauty in action on as she warms up her ass with a huge dildo before replacing it with Kai’s huge cock, but not before prepping him with an incredible deepthroat blowjob as she goes on to enjoy the anal pounding of a lifetime that will leave her big beautiful...

4 years ago
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You Cant Hurry Love Chapter 4

"Okay," Roxanna began telling Dan the story of her first husband. "I had long since gotten out of being a maid at a motel. I had taken a crash course and become a dental hygienist. When that wasn’t particularly satisfying or fulfilling, either, I enrolled in a junior college, where I studied for two years.” “You got an associate degree?” Dan asked. “Yes. In electronic technology. Soon after, I landed a job as an electronics technician, testing computer chips to make sure they worked properly....

Love Stories
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Mom8217s Sex Journey Part 8211 2

In the previous story titled mom’s sex journey, I narrated the first 3 affairs of mom, this part begins with affair 4. Previous part summary: Mom had affair with a neighbour which continued for some days and it is ended with his relocation to other place and later mom had unexpected affair with clothes shop owner and this affair is not ended and was continuing meanwhile she was into another affair with doctor late night and this affair also ended with one time sex. So, till now out of 3 there...

3 years ago
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Little Sister

Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...

4 years ago
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Todd Just Cant Stop Cheating

His eyes darted wildly to either side of the house as he rang the doorbell for a second time, fearing that his girlfriend would show up early to see her friend. Todd was meeting Harper, his girlfriend’s best friend, at her house for a quick fuck before the two girls were going to meet to practice some new cheers.Harper liked playing things dangerously and cutting things close, Todd not so much; he didn’t find the concept of almost getting caught as sexy as she did. It wasn’t as if he had much...

4 years ago
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Dream Girl a Campus Tail Story

Kelli stirred and blinked slowly. It was still very dark in the bedroom. Ryan was behind her, still sleeping. She realized what had woke her as she heard Ryan mumbling in his sleep, and felt his hips move. Ryan was apparently having a very sexy dream, as his large cock was moving between her hips. They slept naked, so there was nothing to hinder his movement. Kelli parted her legs slightly, and felt his cock rubbing her slit as he move. It seemed he had already been rubbing against her, as she...

3 years ago
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Bank holiday camp pt8

After everyone had cooled down we started getting off the bed.“Anyone for a cold drink?” Mandy asked.Everyone said yes, and we all walked into the dining area.I walked up behind Mandy sliding my arms around her waist from behind kissed her neck, and then whispered in her ear, “That was so hot watching you with Kathy and Helen! Thank you.”“Oh you peeked, did you? Well, it was my pleasure and you can watch anytime you like.” she smiled.“Would it be okay if I grab another quick shower please?”“Of...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 15 Reunion

Tristan sat in the Captain's ready room, gazing out of the view port at the large planet sized moon. He lent back in the chair, legs resting on a low table. His fingers drummed on the broad arm of the chair belying his relaxed demeanour. The meeting should have started half an hour ago. He resisted the temptation to go and find the reason for the delay. He knew he would be informed as soon as something were known. His heart missed a beat as the door buzzer sounded. He sat up quickly and...

3 years ago
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Thanksgiving Ch 1

Every year Hayley would go to the cabin in mountains with her family and spend Thanksgiving. It was a ritual that began with her father and continued with her children. All her brothers and sisters and their families would go up and enjoy the first snowfall of the year. It was always a feeling of returning home after playing in the snow for the day. A hot fire, puzzles, drinking hot chocolate, popcorn and snuggling with each other watching movies or reading a book. This year would be the first...

1 year ago
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My Friend MumChapter 3 My Mother Becomes My Lover

Our cuddles were warmer, no more TV watching, just laying together in that special hour before bed. She knew, yes she had to know. I know she didn't want to go down this path, I think she had been resisting stepping on it for a long time and here I was slowly holding her hand and leading her along it and she couldn't resist it any longer but was still not making any moves herself. Evening after evening we sat there touching each others breasts, stroking our fingers in each others hair,...

1 year ago
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It all started shortly after the general election of 2021. A Liberal government was elected for the first time in the UK for many years. Our new government was hasty to introduce a number of reforms in state law. Most notably was the legalisation of incestuous relations. The new law stated that so long as all parties involved were above sixteen years of age, and that the sex was consensual, then sexual relations between relatives would be legalised, regardless of how closely related the...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 2

Set in Coletown Keith Boyd Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie DIY in plastic The bike had been running fine for two days when I rode it to Gatehouse for the first time. Gatehouse was my two acre plantation on General Briggs Swamp road. Since Fred, his son John, and I had loaded the storage building’s kit onto one of his dog food...

2 years ago
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Phuddion Ki Barsaat Part 2

Hello dosto tu may ab dobara ap ko baki ki story sunany aya hon.tu hoa yun k nasreen ki phudi tu maar k may usy farig ker chuka tha ab baari thi anti robina ki sister ki baari jo k mera lun chusna shuro ker chuki thi or may sath sath us ki naram naram bary size ki bund k sath khel raha tha.haat lagany sy us ki bund esay hilti thi jesy zalzala aa jata hy.kherdostop hoa yun k anti robina ki sister sy mayny sex k sath sath us k husban k sath us k sex k relation ka b pocha us nay bataya k mera...

4 years ago
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sandis world of fashion pt 2

Sanderson's is one of the older stores, but very well known. I thought It was strange that I was instructed to go in through the side door and stop at the will-call desk. I asked for the name I had and one of the assistant managers led me to the back of the store, passing loaded stock carts, and boxed goods piled in what could best be described as junk stacks. We kept going and I was about ready to back out. What kind of an operation would be run from this dingy place? "Go in there," she said,...

4 years ago
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Hijabi to Whore Part 1 Virgin No More

Iqra was sixteen year old girl from london with a pakistani background but at an early age she realized that she preferred the English values more than the Islamic values and she followed them albeit in secret from her family so this is how Iqra a hijab wearing Muslim girl started her journey of becoming a whore.If you are from the UK you would know that cricket matches between schools n universities are a big deal and so the story begins there it was the end of the cricketing season and the...

2 years ago
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The More the Merrier

Lily was in her fourth and final year of college. She was a business management major, a rather stuffy field for such a young and lively girl. After working so hard and saving up, she wanted to send her last spring break somewhere exotic, relaxing. Over the last year, she prepared for her trip by dieting, working out, and otherwise getting her buxom 5'9 frame into perfect shape. She pranced her curvy blonde body out in front of mirror at least a hundred times. She was bikini ready, and wait to...

2 years ago
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Sins of the father A

Still kissing you, I undo your top and remove it. Now you bottom completely off. Pausing my kiss to look down at your body. Oh that wonderful small body. You push at my tee shirt so I take it off. Your lips kissing my chest, sucking on my nipple. Your hand pumping me in my trunks. Time to get them off too. Down they go, I step out of them as you slowly go down to your knees. Taking my knob into your hot mouth. Sucking it hard. I brace myself as you take it out of your mouth, hold up...

2 years ago
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Infidelity Revisited Ch 07

Charmaine left his house later that afternoon. Unfortunately, they did not have sex again. They didn’t have time, as Ryan had things to do before work that night. That evening, she pulled out her vibrator for the first time in months. After getting herself all worked up with it, she practiced putting it in her ass. It was a good 7 inches, though it was far skinnier than Ryan’s big member, but for now it was more than big enough. It was quite painful, but in her efforts to make her new lover...

3 years ago
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Before Me

He put his full weight into the door. The bolt holding the chain to the door gave way and the door flew backwards. Forcing the her father backwards into the flat. As he entered the flat, the father recovered and came at him. He used her father’s momentum against him. Causing him to slam into the wall by the door and then delivered a solid punch to the ribs. The father fell to the ground as his wife charged at the intruder with a frying pan. He punches her squarely in the stomach causing her to...

3 years ago
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Late Evening Jog Part One Revised

Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead...

3 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 27

When the quad walked in the door ... there on the right was a stack of bib aprons. The four of them collected one each. Then they stepped up to the bar: “Four Wendy’s, Ernie,” Wendy said. She looked at me. I paid. That drew a chuckle from the crowd. “Where you sitting?” Ernie replied. Wendy took a look. “Corner table by the window.” “Frank!” Ernie called. Frank stuck his head out between the batwing doors. Ernie hollered, “Four Wendy meals.” He got a nod and went back to washing...

1 year ago
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Coming MotherChapter 2

Jay lay on his mother's bed, flat on his back. There was no moonlight here, and Shellie clicked on the small reading light on the bulkhead. "I want to see," she whispered. Jay gazed at his mother. He didn't feel shy, or embarrassed. He felt an intense excitement, his cock standing out of the fly of his shorts, very hard. He was proud of his hard-on, pleased that his mother found it fascinating. He looked at her. Her silk gown clung to her slender body, outlining it. The top strained...

2 years ago
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Natashas Naked Adventures

Natasha's biggest fear is being naked. However her nightmare comes to life in this series of unfortunate events. Chose how she ends up naked in front of other people the way you want or in order by episodes. Episode One: The Naked Waitress Episode Two: Sex Museum (Coming Soon) Episode Three: Halloween Party (Coming Soon)

1 year ago
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Past nightmare became a dream come true

I had just turned 18 six months ago, i was fresh out of high school with the very nice, old thunderbird that my dad had bought me for graduation. With all the money i had saved up from the many checks, gifts, and jobs i had gained over the year i was off to kentucky to see my mom, brother, and all the friends i left behind just 3 long years ago. I had many worries as i crossed the county line. Nobody in that small town knew i was coming home, even my mom would be shocked since i haven't seen...

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