Latex Futa Nuns From HellChapter 2: The Subjugation Of Father Francis free porn video

It was a blazing hot summer day as Jessica trudged down the burning sidewalk, her thick wool habit making the journey much more arduous than it needed to be. That had been the story of her life since joining the Sisters of Guadalupe. It might as well have been the sisterhood’s motto. “Harder than it has to be.” But not for much longer. Their mission was no longer hers. Jessica was charting a new course and the first stop was a sex shop in downtown Austin.
She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn’t an option. Lilith’s gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did, Lilith’s curse scraped at her mind as much as her digestive system. Her need for a man’s essence grew more urgent by the hour and it drove her forward with ambition.
After a long walk in the summer heat and dozens of gawks from people unused to seeing a nun in public, Jessica spotted her destination. The name of the shop, “Forbidden Fruit” was lit up in blazing neon, buzzing away and wasting electricity in the sun blasted concrete jungle. She ducked into the shop and immediately felt the sweet relief of air conditioning. This was decidedly not a waste of electricity and if Jessica was successful in her conquest of the church and the convent, installing central air would be a top priority.
A bell jingled as Jessica entered the dimly lit store, but the man at the counter was deep in conversation with a pair of customers and hadn’t yet noticed her. She slipped down one of the aisles as the heavy smells of rubber, metal and lubricant assailed her nostrils. Shelves of sex toys, restraints, bondage equipment and shiny fetish clothing slid into view as she silently prowled through the store. Jessica was immediately aroused, her cock beginning to stir as she reflexively clasped her hands in front of her. She longed for the day when she wouldn’t have to be so careful, but for now she knew that discretion was the better part of valor.
She reached into her right pocket and felt the wad of cash secure at her side. Like most nuns, the Sisters of Guadalupe were forbidden from maintaining wealth of any significance due to their vow of poverty. However, the sisters were allowed to keep “petty cash” on hand for personal needs and emergencies. The amount she had saved from doing odd jobs in the community was probably more than Mother Superior would have approved, but Jessica had always believed in stretching rules to the breaking point. Even at the high prices she was observing, Jessica had enough to cover her needs today and then some. If she played her cards right, she might even get some of her “wants.”
She heard the customers wrapping up their chat at the back of the store and prepared to make her move. Jessica hunched down and peered through the racks of leather and latex clothing to get a better look at the man at the counter. He was bespectacled, medium build and sported a crew cut. He appeared to be in his early 30s, was about Jessica’s height and wore a polo shirt and khaki pants. She couldn’t help but think he would’ve looked more at home in a Best Buy than a sex shop. There didn’t appear to be any other staff on hand. This was a golden opportunity to test out the new abilities Lilith had granted her.
Jessica waited as the young couple exited the store, the ringing bell alerting her that the coast was clear. She stepped out of the aisle and began making her way to the counter at the back. The young man had ducked down and was apparently searching for something below the desk. Jessica grinned, relishing this opening that good luck had provided.
She reached the counter without making a sound, raised her hand and brought it down on the metal bell pointedly. A loud ring sang out followed by an audible thud below the desk as the young man smacked his head against the top of the counter.
“Ahhh! DAMMIT!“
“Oops” said Jessica in feigned surprise, her mischievous expression unchanging.
The young man popped up behind the desk, his face reddened and pained. His frustration quickly faded to consternation as he found himself face to face with the beautiful young nun. His eyes opened wide, nodes of deep black within white as he gazed at her in total perplexity.
“Hello there, Mam. Is there something I can do for you?”
“You can start by calling me Jessica.”
“Sister Jessica?”
“Just Jessica will do.”
“Uhhh, Mam ... err, Jessica ... are you sure you’re in the right place?”
She looked from side to side, taking in the fetish emporium in all it’s glory before returning her coy expression back to the young man.
“If I was in the wrong place, I’d know by now, don’t you think?”
The young man stared at her for long seconds before replying. Jessica wondered if it was the pheromones or if he would’ve been smitten with her regardless. Had she stumbled on someone with a nun fetish? Or simply another white boy thirsty for a taste of Latina in his life? It mattered little, the real test would come soon.
“I, uh ... well, you’re right, of course, Miss.”
“You got a name?”
“It’s Timothy, Mam.”
“Miss ... Mam ... You don’t follow instructions very well do you?”
Timothy was completely flustered at this point, rubbing the back of his head with one hand as Jessica crossed her arms below her breasts. She raised one eyebrow as her gaze turned haughty.
“My apologies. I just ... it’s very nice to meet you, Jessica.”
“The pleasure is all mine. You wouldn’t happen to be the owner of this establishment, would you Tim?”
“Why yes, I am” he said proudly, setting his hands on the counter-top and smiling back at his intriguing and unlikely customer.
“Well then, you’re just the man to talk to. Perhaps you can help me with something...”
She kept her eyes locked on his as she leaned forward, her arms unfolding. She held up one hand as her expression turned helpless.
“I had my heart set on some shoulder length gloves, but my hands have always been big. I’m not sure if a woman’s size large will fit. Let me show you...”
Her right hand closed the distance to his left hand, placing it on top softly. She then brought her left hand down onto his right, covering it with a gentle firmness. Her reddish brown eyes turned back to Timothy, staring deeply into his dark pools.
“See? Almost as big as yours.”
His eyes softened. His face became totally placid. She could feel something in him yield on a primal level. He was much more open to suggestion than he had been just moments ago.
“I’m sure we have what you need” he stammered “and if we don’t, I’d be happy to order it for you special. No charge.”
“Excellent! Now Tim, let’s say that I wanted to purchase several items today but I was on a budget. Is there any chance we could negotiate a discount? For a first time customer who’d love to become a regular...”
Tim couldn’t take his eyes off her. He was fixated on the glowing embers that were her pupils and her supple, luscious bronze skin. He leaned in closer to Jessica as if in a trance.
“I’m sure we could work something out.”
Jessica’s smile deepened as she batted her eyelashes.
“That’s what I like to hear, Tim.”
It took every ounce of her will not to jump over the counter and ravish him. The thirst raked at her throat. Her stomach winced. She wanted badly to quench it now, but this wasn’t the time or place. Perhaps he would be useful in that capacity later, but right now she needed to stick to the plan. Jessica raised one hand to his face and gave his cheek a gentle stroke.
“I think we’re going to be very good friends.”
It was early evening as Jessica made her way across the courtyard to Father Francis’ residence. The air had cooled considerably since midday, but it was still fairly warm out which made the trek less than comfortable. She had already soaked one habit in perspiration earlier that day before returning to her room to shower and change. Over her shoulder she carried a large bag stuffed with her purchases from Forbidden Fruit. The evening air was heavy with the scent and taste of impending precipitation. A storm was coming, in more ways than one.
The thirst gnawed at Jessica deeply, but she strode on, confident in the knowledge that she only had to hold out for a little while longer. Unless the most ridiculous surprise in the universe awaited her and Francis was secretly a eunuch, Jessica would have what she needed soon. More importantly, she would have a man in a position of power who needed her way more than she needed him.
Despite these reassurances, her nerves were piqued. Perhaps that’s natural when one is about to do something so out of character; so completely different than everything they’ve done for the last fifteen years. She had gotten along fine with Father Francis since he joined St. Michael’s several years ago, but in that time she had noticed things about him that didn’t add up. She had seen below the surface of his holy guise and the dirt she had on him was her backup plan if anything went wrong.
A mosquito buzzed hungrily at her veil and she swatted it away. That mosquito was her lingering doubts and misgivings, she decided. Jessica had made her choice. The path was clear and it was leading directly to the medium sized bungalow on the edge of the church campus. It was nothing lavish, but it suited the needs of one priest just fine. She knew the house well, having gone in to clean and service the dwelling many times. Why hire maids when you have nuns at your disposal?
Father Francis had put on the outside lights as the sky started turning dark; a good indication that he was home. As long as no one else showed up to interrupt Jessica it looked like everything would go according to plan. She reached the plain wooden door and paused a moment, straightening her habit and veil as she looked up at the cross adorning the humble residence. Jessica took a deep breath and rang the doorbell before standing back slightly. Long moments passed before she finally heard his footsteps and the door swung open.
“Sister Jessica? To what do I owe the pleasure this evening?”
“Good evening Father Francis” she replied, her head bowing slightly “I’ve come to discuss a few things, if you have time?”
“I was about to head out for some ice cream. Would you care to join me, sister?”
“No, I don’t think I’m in the mood for ice cream, Father. I find myself in turmoil these last few days. I’ve had many wicked thoughts and I feel I may need to confess.”
“Oh ... say no more. Ice cream can wait! The good work of our lord cannot. Please, come in.”
He stood back and held open the door. Jessica offered him a meek smile as she stepped into the well lit foyer.
Francis was a handsome man and only a few years older than Jessica. He was thin, slight of build and an inch or two shorter than her, standing at about 5’8 or 5’9. His dark brown hair was parted on one side and his fair skin had a healthy, peach colored tone. His warm brown eyes had the slightest tinge of green in them and they immediately disarmed anyone he encountered. He wore the traditional white collar, black button down shirt and black pants that his order was known for, though his sleeves were short to accommodate the summer heat.
Francis was fairly young to be a full fledged priest with a parish of his own, but that’s the way things had been trending in recent decades. Catholic priests kept getting younger because their ranks were depleting. The information age and modernity were rendering religion obsolete. People went to see therapists and counselors now to talk about their problems, not the clergy. You could hardly blame them when the non-stop pedophilia scandals of the priesthood had been a constant blemish on the institution. The scope of the problem seemed to grow worse every year. With less people attracted to the faith and even fewer people wanting to join the clergy, new recruits were rushed through the seminary and assigned a mission much younger than they would’ve been in the past.
Francis closed the door and extended his arm, his hand pointing down the hallway.
“We can talk in my study. Would you like something to drink?”
“No, thank you Father.”
‘But I’ll be giving you something to drink real soon.’
She walked into the residence slowly, staying close to Francis as they made their way inward. Jessica wasn’t sure what distance her pheromones were effective at, but if she could get him under the influence early, this would go much smoother.
“What’s in the bag? Planning to spend the night?” he quipped.
“Oh, no!” Jessica hurriedly replied as they turned into his den. “I had to run into town to pick up a few things today...” She sat in the chair opposite his desk as she continued, setting her bag down on the floor “ ... but I wanted to see you before it got too late, so I came right here.”
Francis shook his head as he took his seat behind the desk. “You went into town today? It was 102 degrees out, wasn’t it? You Sisters of Guadalupe are made of tough stuff!”
“We’re used to hardship” Jessica replied, barely able to hide her resentment behind a thin smile.
Francis’ study was a simple, but well decorated room. The walls were filled with old tomes, biblical study texts, dozens of different versions of the bible, self improvement books and even some classic literature and modern mystery novels that he enjoyed. The walls sported an assortment of paintings ranging from landscapes to biblical art. The room was neat and orderly, the environment of a deliberate man with an eye for detail.
“So, Sister Jessica, what troubles you?”
“Many things Father, but I will begin with the visions.”
“Visions you say? That sounds serious.”
“I have had many lately. Some waking, some asleep. Terrible, lustful visions...”
Jessica wasn’t the type of woman who could whip up tears on the spot, but she was very good at faking sincerity. She leaned forward from her chair as she spoke, putting her hands on the desk and then clasping them together. A pained expression took form as she wove her tale.
“Visions of myself and various men in sinful attire. Scenes where we engage in ... completely depraved acts beyond description.”
“Oh. Those kind of visions. Sister Jessica, if I had a nickel for every woman who came and told me a tale like that, this church would never need for money again.”
“Yes, but Father, they were so real! I keep seeing it every night. They tempt me! And I’m a sister of our order. I’m not supposed to...” she sniffed a bit, as if she were about to sob, and bowed her head.
And then, the trap was sprung. Francis reached forward and placed his hands over hers.
“Sister, it’s alright. Even the most committed members of the clergy experience these things from time to time. The important thing is to leave these wicked thoughts behind. To banish them from your mind and cleanse yourself with prayer, fasting and confession. By coming here tonight, you’ve done the right thing.”
Jessica raised her head slowly and gazed into his eyes. He was completely unchanged. He offered her a slight, sympathetic smile and then removed his hands, leaning back into his chair.
‘Shit! Why isn’t it working?!? Could he really be one of those people with “the strongest wills” that Lilith had mentioned? Not likely. Is it because he’s gay? She never mentioned whether that mattered. Ugh, there’s so much she didn’t tell me!’
“I have no doubt that these incidents will pass. If you truly want them to, that is.”
‘You fucking hypocrite... ‘
So that was it then. The only thing that would turn Francis into her first slave was a healthy injection of her cum, but her seduction powers would be no help in getting him there. She would have to subdue him through more conventional means. That meant it was time for plan B.
“I’m sure you’re right, Father. Thank you. I hope you won’t think poorly of me after this, but I have some doubts to confess as well.”
“We all have doubts, Jessica. Lord knows I’ve had my share. Please, do tell. Confession is good for the soul.”
“The scandals just keep breaking in the news. It’s very hard some days to wear my title with any self respect.”
“Yes, it’s been a rough time to be a Catholic. I don’t think anyone would dispute that. But these are the times we must cling even more fervently to the tenants of our faith and redouble our efforts to do good work.”
“I don’t think I can do that, Father. The doubts have grown overbearing. I doubt the church. I doubt the mission of my Sisterhood. I even have doubts ... about you.”
It registered like a slap to his face and his eyes shot forward. They met Jessica’s reddish brown orbs and found no weakness. Only a lioness studying her prey.
His eyebrows furrowed. “Doubts about me? What do you mean, Sister?”
“Last fall, you were supposed to go to the Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis. But you didn’t go there, did you Father? I was here to help clean not long after you left. I found the printouts for your tickets in the trash. You were booked on a flight to Barbados.”
Francis swallowed. His hands folded together and his eyes glared at her with equal parts anger and concern.
“I really don’t think that’s any of your...”
“I’ve seen the way you look at men in church” she interrupted.
Jessica began taking off her veil. Her long, curly locks of dark brown hair were freed at last, tumbling down from the top of her head.
“Young, well built men, especially.”
“That’s preposterous slander.”
“Another time, when I was in your room, I found the catalog you hide under your mattress. You know the one. The men’s fashion catalog with all the sticky pages?”
“I bet if we went in there right now I’d find it. Or maybe you’ve found some new wank material?”
“This conversation is over.”
Francis started to stand but Jessica put her foot on the edge of the desk and pushed, channeling all her strength into one powerful shove. The desk lurched forward and bit into his torso, knocking him back into the chair and almost sending both toppling over.
She stood quickly and looked down at him, her hands on her hips. Her eyes were ablaze with hunger and her body surged with dominant energy.
“Yes, this conversation IS over, and you’re going to do exactly what I say, because if you don’t, Mother Superior, the Bishop and every parishioner of this church will find out exactly who you are and how you’ve abused church funds.”
The hope drained from Francis’ eyes. He slumped back in his chair, his head hanging down until his forehead met the palm of his hand. The realization of his blown cover hit him full force and resignation entered his voice. His eyes remained closed as he spoke.
“What do you want?”
“Look at me.”
Francis’ hand slid from his face, his gaze returning to the unveiled nun. His forlorn expression oozed defeat and concession.
“I want my life back, FUCKER! I want to feel good again! That’s priority one and you’re going to help me with it right now.”
Jessica reached down and pulled her habit up the length of her body. The thick, black garment slipped over her head and to the side, leaving only a dark purple bra holding up her ample mocha cleavage and a set of silken pantyhose trailing down her long legs.
It took Francis a couple moments to register what he was seeing, but unmistakably wedged to one side in her soft, black leggings was what looked like a third leg. Her length of dark brown meat displayed markedly, straining to be free of its silky prison. Francis’ eyes went wide and he gripped the sides of his chair reflexively.
“What the ... What is going on here?!?”
Jessica reached down, grabbed the seam of her pantyhose and pulled them down smoothly. She kicked off her shoes and pulled the form fitting garment off, tossing it to the side. She stood back up, her engorged member bobbing into view. Her impressive endowment was hardening and lengthening by the second, her fat scrotum churning with batter below.
“It’s your lucky day Frankie. It’s a big, fat dick you don’t need to waste the church’s money on.”
She strode closer to him, her curvy frame and growing erection bounding gently. Francis recoiled, pressing his back into the chair as she drew nearer.
“What’s the matter? This the first cock you’ve ever seen that you didn’t want to suck? Or are these the problem?”
Jessica reached up and gave her breasts a nice squeeze through the lacy, purple bra. She smiled devilishly before unfastening the clasp and dropping the restrictive garment at her side. Her large mocha mounds spilled out, jiggling slightly as they, too, found their freedom. She trailed one hand through her luscious hair and down the back of her head, allowing Francis to soak her in her full, naked form. After a few moments, she resumed her approach.
“I get it. I’m not really your type. If it makes you feel better, you can close your eyes and pretend I’m a big, strong man.”
She stopped just a couple feet from the chair, placing her hands on her hips once more. Her fat length of dark meat was jutting directly at him, almost at full mast now.

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