Wasting TimeChapter 2 free porn video

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Once they had picked out dress clothes for the kids, Ethan refused to leave until Chris had picked out something for herself. He told her it was just selfishness on his part, "No man wants to be seen in church with a woman unless she is the prettiest and best dressed there."

Chris knew he was only teasing, but it made her beam with pride.

After the clothes shopping was completed, Ethan took them to the toy section. "You can have five toys each, but I have to approve them and I don't want any crying or fit throwing over the ones I say 'no' to... Understand?"

Of course they nodded and said, "Yes," but Ethan knew it was going to be a knock down drag out over each and every toy. He rejected most of the toys the kids selected.

Two hours later after tears, fits, screaming, and a little kicking, they had five toys each. Ethan had approved each and everyone of them.

For the first time since staying with Ethan, Chris had almost exploded at him. Later, she was so glad that she bit her tongue and kept her mouth shut

Chris received her biggest lesson from Ethan that night. He wasn't trying to teach her anything, but she learned it on her own. It didn't take long for her to realize how and why Ethan had approved the toys he did.

Actually, most were games, kid games, but interactive kid games. She and Ethan spent the evening playing their new games with them.

In the hall that night, Chris pulled Ethan down and lightly kissed him good night on the lips but didn't whisper a word, none were needed. A surprised Ethan watched as she went into her bedroom and didn't shut the door.

Turning and looking at him, she asked, "What? It's too warm and stuffy to sleep with the door closed."

Ethan stumbled off to bed wondering if he would ever understand women.

Sitting in church the next morning it just seemed the natural thing to do as Ethan took Chris's hand in his. It must have been the right thing because she gave his hand a tight squeeze as she smiled up at him.

The kids giggled.

After church, they decided on the mess hall for lunch. Once their plates were filled and they were seated at a table, Ethan made them wait. They were shocked when he lowered his head and started saying grace.

Sitting quietly, the little ones wondered what was going on. When they looked up at mom, her eyes were closed, but she had a big smile, so they knew everything was alright.

Just like going to church every Sunday, from that day on it became a tradition before every meal. The kids noticed mommy always smiled.

When Chris and the kids met George, his wife Ruth, and their four year old son, Chris's daughter latched on to their son and he couldn't get away. It was love at first sight.

Since George was a crew chief also, Chris discovered they lived only two houses down. She and Ruth immediately became good friends.

A shopping safari was planned and organized as soon as Ruth started filling Chris in on where all the good stores were located in relation to their homes. Ethan and George sat listening and shaking their heads, wondering not only what they had created, but if the malls would ever be the same again.

Little did they know how close all their lives would become over the next few months. At least a barbeque every other Saturday, two nights a week playing cards, and almost daily the women got together to visit, take the kids to the playground, or go shopping.

Ethan was happy for Chris, she seemed to be in heaven with her new found life.

When Ethan walked in the door one evening, he was surprised as a huffing and puffing Chris, scarfed tied around her head, said, "I could use some help here."

"With what?" Ethan asked as he dropped his stuff and followed her down the hall.

'I decided it's time for my own bedroom," she replied. He could see she had been struggling to dismantle her bed to move it back to the third bedroom.

Surprised but glad, Ethan understood the meaning of the move. She now trusted him fully and no longer harbored any fear of him whatsoever. "No problem," he said. "Why don't you go start dinner and I'll take care of this chore?"

"You've got a deal," she replied, smiling as she exited the room.

Early one Saturday morning, Chris and Ethan were sitting on the wood rail fence that separated their house from the open grounds of the estate. Although their home was located on the back side of the estate where the mansion couldn't be seen, the fence still allowed the housing addition and the estate, to have their own privacy.

As they were enjoying the crisp morning air and sipping their coffee, they could see two riders on horseback approaching. Excitedly Ethan said, "Looks like you are finally going to meet Richard... and," as he strained his eyes, "his protégé, Amber."

Chris was virtually spellbound as a stunning young lady and a magnificent gentleman carrying a riding crop in one hand came trotting up to them. Ethan bounced off the fence and took hold of the reins of the gentleman's horse and started petting the horse's neck as he said, "Good morning Richard. Enjoying your ride?"

"As always, Ethan," the gentleman replied, smiling as his horse spun around sideways right up to Chris. She was startled and a little frightened but relaxed as Richard stuck out his hand.

Just before Richard had offered his hand, he switched what Chris had thought was a riding crop to his other hand. Instead she discovered it was a beautifully crafted walking stick. It looked so elegant it almost seemed an extension of Richard himself.

"I would ask what they call you, but you have to be Miss Chris whom we have heard so much about. I'm Richard and this is Miss Amber, it's my pleasure to meet you."

The stunning young woman spoke up, "And it's my pleasure also. We have heard nothing but wonderful things about you and your children."

While shaking Richard's hand, Chris was at a loss for words. They were so majestic that the moment seemed almost mystical, right out of a picture book or movie, with the horses' breath fogging in the crisp morning air and glistening in the early morning sunlight. She knew Richard and Amber were special, but for the next thirty minutes they made her feel special.

It was almost impossible for her to look at Amber and believe the stories she had heard about her living on the streets and being homeless. She looked more like someone who had been a story book princess all her life.

During their chat, everyone noticed Chris seemed to be fascinated by Richard's cane. Finally Chris couldn't stand it any longer and she asked, "Could I hold your scepter?"

Richard turned slightly red but laughed with Ethan and Amber. Chris looked confused until it suddenly dawned on her what she had said.

With Chris sitting there blushing in deep embarrassment, a smiling Richard sought to save the moment, "Yes my lady, you may hold my scepter." Still sitting atop his horse, he turned sideways and bowed his head as he held out the cane with both hands extended palms up.

Even Chris had to join the laughter now. As usual Richard seemed to find a special smile for the occasion, this time a regal one.

As Chris gently took the cane with both hands, she found herself fascinated and couldn't resist running her thumb over the extraordinarily handcrafted gold and silver wolf head.

After their brief chat, Chris sat watching them trot off. Now she understood why Ethan thought so highly of them and was constantly commenting on what a fine gentleman Richard was.

But she knew Ethan was wrong, Richard was so much more than just a fine gentleman and there were no words she could think of to define Amber, she seemed beyond real. Chris realized she had just experienced one of those unforgettable moments that are so rare in life.

As tears rolled down her cheeks, Ethan looked up and thought, 'Oh hell, not again, ' but he knew better than to ask.

One evening after Chris had rinsed the dishes and loaded the dish washer, she headed into the living room to join the festivities. The kids, seeing her coming made a dash to climb into Ethan's lap.

Laughing, Chris darted across the room and jumped into his lap first, saying, "Ha-ha, I beat you." The kids stopped and looked at her funny. Smiling she turned to look at Ethan and he was also looking at her funny. "What?" she asked, "Can't I play too?" as she threw her arms around Ethan's neck.

All of a sudden she bolted into an upright position as Ethan burned a deep red and flustered, "Sorry... I never thought... I didn't intend..."

"It's alright," Chris said. "It's natural, nothing to be ashamed of," as she settled back down, laying on his chest with her head resting on his shoulder, feeling his erection pressing into her.

Ethan could have sworn she squirmed a little extra as she settled down to snuggle. Of course the kids didn't help as they climbed on top of her, making her wiggle and squirm some more. All Ethan could do was grin and bear it with a red face.

After playing gin that night, Ethan was following Chris down the hall as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary as Chris did her stop and pull for a brief good night kiss. Only this time, her lips lingered on his longer than normal, when suddenly he was aware the kiss had become something more.

He felt the pressure before his lips parted allowing his tongue to firmly meet hers before curling around in an explosion of passion. His hands grasped her upper arms tightly as he pulled her body to his.

Suddenly he pulled back, "Chris... I... we can't, you are married."

For a few seconds Chris looked confused, then said, "You're right." She nodded good night, left him standing there, and went to bed.

The next evening when Ethan walked in the door, he was surprised. Chris was dressed to go out and there were no delicious odors coming from the kitchen. He looked at her with that 'and' expression.

"We are going out to celebrate," she informed him.

Now he was lost, "Celebrate what?" he asked.

"I'll tell you as soon as you get cleaned up and ready to go." She hustled him towards his bedroom.

After showering and dressing, he stepped into the living room, "Ok, now tell me. What are we celebrating?"

Smiling, she replied, "I called an attorney today and I'm filing for a divorce on the grounds of desertion. You're looking at a soon to be free woman," she said as she put her hand in the middle of his chest and gave him a slight push that landed him in his recliner.

"And you know what that means," she said, jumping into his lap. She squirmed until she felt the desired results, then she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, then squirmed some more. The kids were laughing as Ethan again flushed red.

Ethan wondered if this was going to become a nightly habit, he hoped so.

The attorney had informed Chris that a legal notice had to be run for the required amount of time in the local paper of her husband's last known address. Then it would just be a matter of the waiting period for it to become legal that is if the father didn't show up and contest it.

Chris said, "Whatever it takes. I don't think him showing up will be a problem. He's been gone over a year now. I just want to be rid of him once and for all."

Soon as Ethan walked in the door he knew something was wrong. The kids were playing in the living room floor as usual, but instead of running and jumping on him, they just glanced up and then back down. Ethan knew they were hiding their fears.

Stepping to the kitchen doorway, he could see Chris standing at the sink. She was crying. Ethan knew she was aware of his presence. His only thought, 'She's hiding her shame, but she'll tell me when she's ready.' He went to shower and freshened up.

Dinner was on the table when he returned, the kids were seated and so was Chris. No one was smiling. Ethan sat down and said grace. They ate in silence, this was a first and Ethan prayed whatever it was would be the last. He was getting anxious for Chris to 'spill the beans.'

After the kids had finished and retreated to the living room Ethan was wondering, 'Are they headed off to play or going to hide from whatever is upsetting their mommy?'

Never looking up, tears rolled down her cheeks as Chris started to speak, "Got a phone call today, actually got two of them. The first one was from my attorney. Greg had called him wanting to contact me." More tears rolled off her cheeks as she sat there quietly.

"And..." Ethan said, "the second call was from Greg."

More tears rolled as she nodded, 'Yes.'

"Chris, tears and silence aren't going to help or accomplish a thing. If I'm nothing else, I am your friend. You can talk to me about anything. I may not have all the answers, but I do have a sympathetic ear."

Chris bailed out of her chair headed around the corner of the table. Ethan instinctively knew what was coming as he unconsciously moved his chair back. She straddled his lap as she collapsed on his shoulder sobbing as they hugged each other tight. Normally this would be very sexy, but not tonight.

"Greg called, we had a long talk. He's on his way here, wants to talk face to face. Claims he has a new job, a steady one, and has been trying to find us for months. He wants us to come back home," she said.

Ethan felt the pain rip through his body as he was immediately torn between love, hate, and friendship, all wanting to be heard, seen, and felt at the same time. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he sat holding her, just rocking back and forth from the pain of his own inner turmoil. Now he knew why they all were so silent, even the kids.

"I won't stand in your way Chris, I can't, he is your husband and... the babies... he is their father. The decisions you make have to be yours." Chris could hear the pain in his voice.

"I have to ask. Do you love Greg?" he wanted to know.

"I didn't think so, at least not anymore, but as soon as I heard his voice... We did have a few years together and there is some history there. It all came rushing back to me, almost like it was just yesterday that he walked out the door." She started sobbing again.

"When will he be here?" Ethan asked.

"In about an hour," Chris replied.

Stunned, Ethan felt like he was reeling. 'And it all comes crashing down just that quick, ' he thought.

"Well, you need to talk to him. How about I take the kids to a movie? Give you two some time alone to hash things out," Ethan suggested.

"No, I don't want to be alone here with him. I'm not afraid of him or anything, but I just want you close by," Chris said.

"Ok, when he gets here, I'll take the kids in the bedroom and play some games with them. You two can have the kitchen. I don't want to be so close that either of you feel too uncomfortable to say what is on your mind," he informed her.

Chris just nodded as they sat silently holding on to each other.

The phone rang and everyone listened as Chris gave Greg directions to the front door.

Everyone froze when the knock came. The kids didn't know why, but they were scared and nervous too. Chris looked out then opened the door to a young man who's physical description could have mirrored Ethan's, even though they didn't look anything alike.

As Greg stepped into the room, he hugged Chris, a little too long to suit Ethan. Then he dropped to one knee and said, "There are my babies, come give daddy a big hug and kiss."

Both ran to Ethan who was standing and latched onto a pant leg each.

Chris asked her daughter, "Don't you remember who this is?"

Ethan wanted to smile but didn't when she answered, "Yea, that's Greg."

Then both reached up to Ethan holding out their little arms to be picked up and said, "Hold me daddy."

Greg turned red. Ethan could tell it was more than just embarrassment. Greg was angry, but he was smart enough to control it in front of Chris.

Before Ethan could pick up the kids, Greg stepped across the room and stuck out his hand, "You must be Ethan? Christie told me all about you. I'm Greg."

"My pleasure," Ethan lied.

Greg smirked as he continued, "I just want you to know that I really appreciate what you have done to help my family. I'm just glad you're too old for Christie, otherwise I'd have to be jealous."

Chris immediately said, "Greg!"

Greg looked at her and said, "Hey, I'm just expressing my gratitude for what the man has done," he lied. "I think it's great when older people give young people a helping hand."

If looks could kill, Greg would have been dead. Chris's visual darts were long, deep, and full of anger.

"I'll take the kids in the bedroom and keep them entertained so you two can talk," Ethan offered.

"Hey that's great," Greg said turning to Chris. "You have your own older live-in mature babysitter."

Ethan took the kids and headed down the hall before he was tempted to show the young smartass just how an older more mature person baby-sits a young foolish dumbass.

The kids and Ethan played until their bedtime, then he lay with each of them until they fell asleep. After they were asleep, Ethan could hear bits and pieces as occasionally Chris and Greg's voices rose in anger.

He heard Greg insist that she and the kids go with him that night, if nothing else, at least she should go spend the night with him. Finally Chris convinced him that she wasn't going anywhere with him and it was getting late.

"Ethan has to get up early to be at work. Call me tomorrow and I'll meet you in town and we can continue our talk there," she told him.

"Why don't I just come back here, that way the old man will be gone and we can say whatever we think and feel without worrying about him?" Greg pressed the issue.

"First off, Ethan is not an old man, he is only about eight years older than you. Second, it wouldn't look right and could get Ethan in trouble if you came back here. I'll meet you in town. We can talk there the same as we could here," she insisted.

After he heard the front door shut, Ethan returned to the living room.

"Guess you heard most of that?" Chris asked.

"A little," Ethan replied, "I'm glad you told him not to come back here. Sorry Chris, I'm very uncomfortable with him here."

"I understand," Chris replied, "There is no reason for it. I won't allow him to come back here."

Ethan could see she was stressed, "How about a game of gin?"

"Sorry, not tonight," Chris responded, "I'm wasted, going to crawl off to bed. See you tomorrow," she replied, moseying off to her bedroom without kissing him goodnight.

Ethan shut everything down, then sat in his recliner in the dark. That was his mood, dark. Chris hadn't missed kissing him goodnight since that night she kissed him on the cheek. Things had changed, he could feel it.

A scream, Ethan bolted up in bed and heard Chris dash across the hall shutting the kid's bedroom door as she started soothing the little one back to sleep. Glancing at his clock, he already knew it would be four a.m... It was the first nightmare either of the kids had since their second night there. 'Yep, ' he lay there thinking, 'things have changed, but not for the better.'

The next morning confirmed it, Ethan faced his first morning alone since Chris had asked for the alarm clock. His world grew darker by the minute.

After dressing, he headed out and stopped by the mess hall. His crew was shocked, it had been so long since he had been at breakfast with them, but they knew just by looking something was wrong. They didn't ask.

Ethan didn't eat breakfast, he just sat quietly sipping his coffee, not even hearing the war stories his crew were telling as they joked and laughed about their latest female encounters. He was lost in his own little world.

The kids woke Chris up as they crawled in bed with her. 'Oh my God, what time is it. I forgot to set my alarm, ' she thought as she bailed out of bed. 'Damn, Ethan is already gone.'

Then it dawned on her, 'Oh shit, I didn't kiss him good night and I missed breakfast with him.' She started to cry as she imagined what he must be thinking and feeling. 'But he is wrong... or is he... if so, then why didn't I think of those things last night. Shouldn't he be the most important thing in my life next to my kids? Damn.'

As Chris got up to fix her kids breakfast, she realized, "One way or the other, I have to deal with Greg today. At this rate I will end up losing them both, and I definitely don't want that to happen.'

"Wrap it and let's roll," Ethan told his crew as they packed up and piled out for work. Their work order for today was some repairs at the stables. As Ethan looked over the list, he calculated with a little luck, they could complete everything in one day.

Upon arriving at the stables, Ethan immediately started placing each man on projects best suited for their talents and skills. That was one of the things that made him such a good crew chief, knowing and utilizing each member of his crew to maximize their efficiency.

Coming around a corner, he passed two grooms talking and laughing.

While checking out a nearby stall repair where a horse had broken some boards with a sound kick, he couldn't help overhearing one of the grooms, named Raoul making a bold but indecent brag.

"Yea, I finally nailed that Amber bitch, that's classy stuff. She was a virgin, bled like a stuffed pig and squealed like one too but loved every minute of it. Hope the boss never finds out, he might fire my ass for taping his private stock. Probably spoiled his plans all to hell, I bet Richard thought he was saving that cherry for a special night."

Raoul looked very surprised when Ethan came out and grabbed him by the upper arm half dragging him back into the stall as he said, "Come here a minute, I need to talk to you."

After tossing him up against a wall, Ethan slammed his open palm into the center of Raoul's chest. "Look asshole, I don't know if what you are saying is true or not and I don't care. But if I ever hear you breathe another word about Miss Amber, you won't walk out of here. Do we understand each other?"

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My Dream Fulfilled At The Age Of 27 8211 Part 2

I was receiving several emails from the past few years. Sorry guys I couldn’t continue the second part as my system was sent to get repaired. I completely forgot to visit this site. Now I have got enough time due to lock down to continue Part 2. Guys, I have promised the couple not to share their details with anyone and keep it secret. Still, you guys are asking me to provide contact details and address. I am sorry I have deleted the contact number the next day, as per their request. I cannot...

1 year ago
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Ice House

ICE HOUSE by Lauren Westley All disclaimers are in force. This is just a work of fiction and for the enjoyment of those who are old enough where they live to read it. It is mature subject matter. None of the characters are real. ([email protected]) Part 1. The flight north to Resolute Bay was stunning. The sun glistening off the ice in contrast to the Arctic blue water...lapping at the edges of the endless white ground. We were flying in a Twin Otter which is an incredible...

1 year ago
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Awoken Part One

I woke suddenly, I’d felt something on my arm and when I opened my eyes I was startled to find someone vaguely familiar standing over my bed. She was stunning, red hair the colour of Dawn, eyes as green as emeralds, skin as pale as the moonlight streaming through my window, with a delicious spray of freckles, cheeks as sharp as a knife, a nose that would be the envy of any Hellenistic Sculptor, and a chin with a dimple that was so innocent yet held danger. However what held my attention about...

2 years ago
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Love Is Blind Ch 3

Allison slipped quietly from the bed, being careful not to awaken Brad, and went into the living room. Galahad immediately came up to her. Picking up her watch, she opened the crystal cover and felt the numerals and hands. It was 7:35 a.m. ‘Are you ready to go out,’ she whispered. She went over and opened the sliding glass door to the small patio and the just as small fenced yard, letting the dog out. She left it open enough that he could get back in. ‘There, you can do your stuff and I’ll go...

3 years ago
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What A Fucking Evening

By: AWC Jacob was never as nervous as today. He had done it many a times but then for no good reason, he got married and now well over two long decades, he was back in the game. He was at one of the piers of the Liberty Marina. His eyes were looking all over. He was very clear when he said that it was the end of September, meaning it got darker a bit earlier than a month or so ago and he insisted to be on time by fixing the time of between 7:00 and 7:15 PM sharply and now Robbie was late by...

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hot mom 2

The moment Jodie saw her son at breakfast the next morning, she knew she had trouble. Her eyes hadn't been playing tricks on her yesterday. Dane really was as cute and sexy-looking as his father. Jodie just didn't trust herself to behave around him.She figured they'd better not be alone together any more than they had to. It would be better to get out of the house."Dane, how would you like to go on a picnic today?" she asked brightly. "There's a little lake outside of town that's really nice...

4 years ago
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Domineering Neighbor Girl prt1

Well I have a continuing fantasy about a dominant female humiliating me and until last week I always wondered if it had something to do with my mother or aunt. cursing me out at c=Church or Library or Grocery store. I am a salesman for a manufacturing company and made a cold call on a potential new customer. When I checked in at reception the young man said that the director of purchasing would like to learn more about our company and would give me 10 minutes before her next appointment.When...

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A Close Family

Any similarity between characters and locations hereby depicted and factual characters and persons is entirely unavoidable due to the commonplace nature of the practices hereby described but the author wishes to humbly apologise in advance for any upset this may cause.A Close Family.I guess I was naive when I come to the Sherman’s house for the first time.I saw old man Sherman round my Pa’s house just before Billy Bob Sherman invited me over one afternoon, Billy Bob was in my class at school,...

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Bahama Mamabyzaza10010©After circling the island with its magnificent blue water and beaches, our plane touched down in the Bahamas at 4:30 in the afternoon. It was a long flight from Chicago's O'Hare airport, where we transferred flights from Eppley Airport, in Omaha. I was really looking forward to a great week in the sun and getting out of this brutal Midwestern March weather. This winter was particularly cold in Lincoln, and I'd been working particularly hard during my current semester at...

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Caffeine Effect Part 1

I was patiently reading my book while waiting for you in our favorite coffee shop. You said you’re coming late because you have some mattersto attend to. I was engrossed with reading that I never notice you slide beside me. ‘Hi Gorgeous!’ you whispered to me. ‘Hey! What took you so long?’ ‘Sorry, I’ll make it up to you.’ I smiled sheepishly, for I have something up in my mind to get back to you. You noticed that my bloused was unbuttoned and my red lace bra is peeking underneath. I hear you...

1 year ago
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Violets AreChapter 5

Violet looked out the van window at the passing snow covered trees. Four days. It was like she was a time traveler. In the blink of an eye, she had been sent four days into the future. Four days of her life, gone. It could have been worse, but her mind was having a hard enough time wrapping itself around this as it was. Four days of her family thinking she was going to die ... how would her brothers and sisters react to her? How would SHE react? What the hell had happened? The Red Witch...

4 years ago
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Take It

          Sam knelt down on his Mistresses command, legs spread.            "On your knee's" she commanded, slapping a whip against her open hand. It hit with a small sound, enticing Sams gaze to flick to the whip. His Mistress stopped hitting her hand and Sam looked up obediently, his wants apparent. She smiled at him. Though, not a nice smile. Sam opened his mouth to speak and received a hard slap against his cheek. He took it; hardly wincing. The red mark slowly faded,...

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Cum Tasting

Have you ever wondered what your own cum tasted like? If you’re like me, you have. Since I was a young man, I’ve been fascinated by it and wonder how it tasted. I would jerk off and tell myself that I was going to taste it. I couldn’t wait to try it. The problem was that as soon as I came, I changed my mind. One night, my girlfriend, Gina and I were at my apartment. She was giving me a fabulous blowjob and it was almost time for me to explode. I told her that I was going to cum but she didn’t...

2 years ago
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A good colleague called me recently and told me to finally fight with her boyfriend. He was angry because the same day bought two tickets for mini-vacation to a cabin on the Prahova Valley and I wanted to invite him make a surprise weekend. Unfortunately, this thing was not possible because the fight was started before deconspirarii surprise.Honestly, I was with her even from this point of view, such a sadness because I had lived only a week before, when my friend told me that "no go" and...

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The week gets better still Pt 4

Introduction: what a way to have fun, I woke to feel the bed moving slowly, Grant was spooning Liz and fucking her from behind, we played for a short while, licking and kissing one another, all still sexually content from yesterday, but horny, I knew Grant had most likely started to fuck her because of his morning woody, and was warming her up for the days fun, so I pulled Liz into the shower, soaped her up a bit, then I got her to kneel down, and saw Grant with cock in hand, I said how would...

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Rash Decisions

This is a short and fairly light-hearted story. I've been toying with the idea for over a year. It's set in my DNA universe, but it is not a continuation of the main storyline. You don't need to have read my DNA stories to be able to follow this one. I've probably got a dozen things wrong about centaurs and horses, but that's the way they work in my universe. At least, that's my excuse. There you'll find out a little about me and where my stories are archived. If you...

3 years ago
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Hunting the witch Public

Walking into the guild hall I walk over to the job wall and look it over. Feeling my stomach grumble softly I look for a quick job so I can eat something. The only job I could ever get was adventuring for various reasons and it didn't pay that well. Grabbing a job about a witch I move to the counter and hand it in presenting my card to the old man there. "Ah this one, you are a brave son a bitch, or stupid," The old man says as he fills out some paperwork. Handing the job papers to me he grabs...

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She Was Something Else0

She Was Something Else I was just sitting at a table in the hotel bar, drinking my beer and watching the game on the big screen television. My team was winning. I saw a very beautiful woman enter with a man, sit on a barstool, and look around. She smiled at me and talked to the guy. She appeared to be wearing body paint and nothing else. In reality she had on a very sexy skin tight dress that was very short, strapless, and had a plunging neckline. The dress was white and her high...

3 years ago
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Team Player

Sixteen hours till the game.His team spectated bitterly from the bleachers as football players dominated the campus’s only field."Now what?" Scott, their captain, sounded grim.Alec eavesdropped on Scott’s exchange with Pierce, a striker, perched discreetly under the stained bleachers. A whistle blew, signalling a foul and muffling Pierce’s response, but Alec caught the gist. "... ask Sanders, and don’t send freshmen."They had these exchanges often. It portrayed the notion of sending...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Struggle

Copyright© "Ouch!" the big woman yelped as my cock stabbed her squarely between her pussy and her anus. I backed off a little, struggling to keep from dropping her. We had been walking home in the dark when she said "Gol darn it, honey, I'm too horny to wait 'til we get there. You gotta put yore pole in me NOW, dammit! I wanna get fucked!" So I dragged her down the next dark alley and into a small setback between buildings, where I unzipped my pants and whipped out my charger. I...

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Im not Gay just a White CockSucker

I went through my mid-life crisis recently, but instead of buying a Porsche or a 800 inch flat screen TV or fucking my twenty-two year old secretary (although it was tempting) Instead I decided to get back in shape. I was an athlete in high school and college, but in my thirties work, family and neglect have added a few more pounds than I was proud to admit. So now in my early forties, I bought a year membership at a fitness club, knowing I was way too cheap not to use it if I paid for it.I...

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BlendersChapter 11

A Destroyer came a week later. May was in her office working on her clients' records. She had transferred most of her money to two offshore accounts in a fictitious name, made provisions for her family, and sent out checks to all her clients with a business letter with each check telling them she couldn't manage their accounts any longer. She then meditated on strengthening every aspect of her mind, spirit, and body. This Destroyer wasn't too effective. She killed it easily. The flat was...

2 years ago
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Weaponizing Estrogen Vol 1 Alexandra

Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 1: Alexandra © 2017 by Tori St. John Chapter 1: A Happy Accident It's not that I hate men. It really isn't. The way that I see it, in my attempt to make the world a better place, I made a strange discovery: It turns out that many men are far better off emasculated. Men don't realize this simple truth, of course. Which is where I come in. Utilizing just a few simple techniques, my track record for achieving my intended outcome is remarkably high. ...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 388

Thank Alphqwe for this short enlightening comment. Remind you of anyone you know????? For you to consider, He was born ignorant and has been losing ground ever since. ✧ ✧ ✧ Another one similar: He was born stupid and has spent all his life perfecting it! ✧ ✧ ✧ This one is from Cbarge Cute little blonde girl, five years old goes into the pet shop. “I want a bunny wabbit,” she says in her enchanting little voice. “I have a lot,” says the shop keeper. “Do you want a little bunny...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Kay Lovely Crush On Daddy8217s Big Black Cock

Kay Lovely just got back to Los Angeles, her hometown. After spending time with family she stayed with her best friend for a few days. They have a beautiful house on the hills. One morning she was lounging by the pool when she noticed her friend’s dad sitting on the patio. She hadn’t seen him for years while she was away for college. She is blushing because he looks just as good if not better after all these years. She had a crush on him while in high school. She works up the...

2 years ago
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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers, Basa from Bangalore 37 married handsome businessman hun, mai es story ka part 1&2 submit kar chuka hun aur bahut sare readers say response be mila hai, mai in sob readers ko thanks karta hun esliya k time spent for reading my story, story kisa bhe ho muje zaror comments karay, es part may kis tara se anushka ke chut ko lal aur tadpa k chuda hun. Chut ka darshan shuru keya, chut to eak dum clean shaved chut ti aur achi tara se wet ho chuka ta, jab mai chut ke love juice ka smell...

4 years ago
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Leoni my secretary

I am Ravi, 39, and I head the India Operations of a German Chemicals Major and am located in Mumbai. In fact I started the operations here, and in the process did the required recruitments. I was looking for a good secretary who could be trusted and who did not mind working a little late, and in this quest, the placement services sent me a lady, Leonie by name, who was around 36, and whom I found to be good in the interview. I appointed her and while she had asked for Rs.8000/ as her pay, I...

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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 28

Things started to settle into a routine with Dazhawn’s stable. The girl’s lived permanently in his complex. Word about Carl quickly spread and no white parents dared oppose their daughter’s new career. The sluts spent their days frolicking with the other girls and spending much of their time enhancing their beauty. Dazhawn’s bottom bitch Darlene ran the complex for him along with a few other of his Black hoes. They arranged aerobic sessions for the white sluts to maintain their slim white...

3 years ago
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Kiran ka nangapan 8211 part I

Hi friends This is vishal …Here i am again with my new story , i hope you have been liking my stories, please keep mailing me your feedback on , Following is the list of all my published stories with a link to them, please do read all of them if you have not done so so far, they are really good and so is this one … Vandna ka nanga nach Http://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/vandna-ka-nanga-nach/ Seduced by wife’s friend Http://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/seduced-wifes-friend/ The ultimate...

2 years ago
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The Deception of Choice Episode Eight

The Deception of Choice. Episode Eight, comprising Chapters 21& 22. Preamble David's struggle against the insidious encroachment of femininity becomes ever more crucial. Perhaps not helped by the sweet reasonableness of Dr. Tabatha. Certainly not helped by the more physical aspects introduced into his study of Female Sexuality. And then there is the added complication of the arrival of the latest recruit and David's role in helping her to feel at home. Chapter...

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The ShootistChapter 2 On the run

The next morning, Pa had to go to work. I was left to putter around and wait for him to get back for supper before we could have some time to talk. About all we had time for when I got in last night was a quick hello and an almost as quick explanation of why I was where I was. I promised to give him all of the details of my adventures when I saw him that evening. Meanwhile, I helped the cook with a few chores and mostly lazed away the day. Late that afternoon, the mean bastard that I had met...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Stacy Jay Loves Anal

Big boobed stunner Stacy Jay strips out of her slinky gothic attire, in search of manmeat to stuff her tight holes! She wandered outside naked before finding Small Hands and his nice big dick in the privacy of his living room – lucky! They made out as he rubbed her pussy, and she sucked him deeply preparing his stiff cock to penetrate her! She couldn’t get enough between the slit sliding and tittie fucking- Stacy HAD to have her asshole pumped full of penis in order to satisfy her...

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Imprisoned for SexChapter 3

The Starburst School of Correction The police space van stopped outside the Starburst School of correction hovering noisily over the landing pad before landing, and Linda his sexy constable sex escort climbed reluctantly off his cock and said "Damn it, I was just going to cum again," "As soon as she had cleaned him up, Tony's naked body was hustled through the barred entrance by an irate Linda, where a severe looking young lady of about 28 was standing waiting for his arrival. "You...

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A peeper Pays a price 2

Tom sits up, and gets out of the glass box. She turns to face Melissa, and in one movement starts kissing her on the lips. Grabbing her ass and back, she pulls Melissa against her, so that their naked cunts touch each other and their juices mix. Tom feels oddly off balance, now that he is so much more top heavy, and their breasts smash together as they tightly hug each other and kiss. “Good girl, now would you like to help us with our...

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The Long Road Back Ch 04

‘When I awoke the next morning, I was disoriented. The sun was coming in the wrong window and my bed felt different. Opening my eyes, I looked around the hotel room. Marie was sitting on her bed reading some papers dressed once again in that same brown tweed suit. It was then that the day before came back to me and I choked back a sob. Marie must have heard me because she looked up at me and smiled. ‘Well good morning. Are you hungry?’ I thought about that for a minute until my stomach gave...

3 years ago
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First and amazing experience with two men 2 days a

I still can't believe what I just experienced 2 days ago..I still feel my clit extremely sensitive and I can not stop thinking about it..I am a 43 years old married woman, having an affair at this moment with a 39 years old man. I could be probably judge as a bad wife for cheating my husband, but I like to think that I am not..for reasons that I don't think is relevant at this moment to say why I am cheating, what I can't wait to share is my amazing story about two days ago.I always hear that I...

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Nathan and IrisChapter 4

Nathan stepped into his lab. He hung his black coat and hat on a hook, set down his stick and sat at his desk. It was Tuesday. Iris hadn't called. He knew she had his work and cell phone numbers, and he realized that he had never asked her for hers. He turned to his computer and searched for the city's public school system. Up came the school district's website. Elementary schools, middle schools ... high schools. He clicked on the link for high schools. Geez, how many high schools does...

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