A Paladin's TrainingChapter 17 free porn video

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“Two suns will rise from the ashes, but the sky can only hold one.”

-Prophecy found in a partially destroyed book, title and author unknown.

The days went by quickly as Smythe occupied himself with carefully combing Ironshire for any dormant arohim that may be residing in the town. A next-to-impossible task, to be sure, with the vala being undetectable in a person until it awakened.

Jeira had been getting along much as expected from a woman who had lost her husband so suddenly; some days her spirits were up, others down, but her heart was healing slowly. Bella and Rayna spent as much time with Jeira as they could when they weren’t working their crafts – Bella was a weaver, and Rayna a seamstress – which seemed to help Jeira no end.

Hamlin’s service had been a simple affair, with just Smythe, Bella and Rayna present, along with a handful of folk from the town who knew the man and had come to pay their respects.

This morning Smythe had been out and about, as he had the last several days, feeling about with his Gift from time to time on the chance that he might sense a blooming arohim. It was not a fine day in Ironshire; a late spring rain had set in, and the steady downpour had remained consistent the last few hours, effectively keeping indoors those who did not need to be outside.

Smythe pulled his collar up against the rain, though he was already soaking wet. His leather boots splashed through puddles as he strode down the cobbled street, keeping his vala expanded for the enhanced awareness, despite the risk. He’d been at this for days, now, and turned up nothing.

“One more day, Henley,” he muttered to himself as he walked, squinting against the rain. “Best to be sure. One more day.” The last thing he wanted was to miss an arohim due to lack of searching. Ironshire had a population of more than a thousand folk – mostly humans, with the odd Dwarf or Elf getting around – and Smythe wanted to be absolutely thorough with his search.

Before Aran, there hadn’t been a new arohim since Smythe had found Elaina thirty years ago. Then Aran had come along, and now Sara, which gave Smythe hope for the future of the Order.

As Smythe was trudging through the Ironshire town square, with the Iron Fountain decorating the centre, he saw something that made him stop dead. Four people in red-lined yellow cloaks were dismounting their horses in front of the town hall, which lay on the southern side of the square.

Didn’t Aran say that the Heralds of Dawn wore cloaks of those colours? What could the Heralds want in Ironshire?

Retracting his vala, Smythe put the Fountain between himself and the Heralds and peered through the steady rain as they ascended the stone steps of the hall and entered through the arched double doors that always stood open during the day.

He considered going in after them to see what they wanted, but thought better of it; best they didn’t see his face if they didn’t have to. Perhaps it was best to lay low until he could learn what the Heralds were doing in Ironshire.

Smythe hurried home, burning to know the answers to the many questions racing through his mind.

Smythe remained around the house the next day, during which the rain continued, only seeming to get heavier as the day wore on. Truth be known, he wanted to be out seeking potential arohim, or finding out why the Heralds were here, but his instincts – which had served him well over the past hundred years – told him to stay put for now.

Needing something to focus on, he fired up the forge behind the house and got busy in the smithy, working on a few orders that had fallen behind due to recent events. Ironshire knew Henley Smythe as a weaponsmith, and weaponsmith only, and it was important to keep up the appearance, especially with all the distractions he’d had lately. For each thing he crafted, he used just a touch of his vala to improve the quality. Everyone knew that any weapon forged by Henley Smythe took longer to rust, and needed sharpening much less than normal. His reputation had grown over the last ten years as the best smith in the region, and folk paid well for his work.

Smythe lost himself in the repetitive ring of hammer on steel, the sound somewhat dampened by the rain hammering on the tiled roof of the smithy. The day was cool, but the work was hot, and he soon doffed his shirt to work in just his breeches and leather apron. Halfway through shaping a new sword for one of the guardsmen, a presence brought his head around.

Jeira stood there watching him work, arms folded and leaning against one of the timber uprights that supported the smithy roof. She looked beautiful, clad in a sheer white robe that only just covered her to the tops of her pale, slender thighs. Rayna had made the garment for her, and it was a fair approximation of the traditional robe that was worn by members of the Order of Aros.

‘Too pretty to be a farmer’s wife,’ Smythe thought to himself as he appreciated the way her black tresses framed her pale, lightly freckled face and tumbled down over her slim shoulders.

Her dark eyes reflected the glow from the forge as she regarded him. She didn’t say anything, and Smythe got the feeling she didn’t want to talk just yet, so he carried on shaping the glowing metal, sticking it back in the burning coals and pumping the bellows when it got too cool.

He could feel Jeira’s eyes on him as he worked, following his movements from bellows to anvil to quenching barrel. With the blade finished and ready to be fitted to a hilt, Smythe turned while reaching up with both hands to pull the apron’s neck loop over his head, only to find Jeira standing inches from him, looking up at him with those deep, dark eyes.

His hands froze where they were, awkwardly holding the apron loop against his chest as he met her unblinking stare. “Are you well, lass?” He asked softly.

In answer, she nodded, and reached up to take the apron from his hands, her slim fingers gently removing his thick ones from the heavy leather. She let it drop, and the top half of the apron flopped down against Smythe’s legs, leaving him bare to the waist.

Jeira’s eyes left his face for the first time in long moments as she brought her hands up to run her fingers through the thick hair on his chest, not seeming to mind that the dense curls were beaded with sweat. Ever so slowly, her hands trailed down his flat stomach and around to the tie at the small of his back. She had to step closer to reach, and her soft breasts pressed into his chest as she deftly untied the string and let the apron drop to the ground.

Smythe wanted to stop her, or to at least make sure she was ready for this, but would she be doing this at all if she really wasn’t ready? Using his vala, he aligned with her to get a feel for her emotions. While not as accurate as a real Bonding, aligning could still give a fair idea of a person’s state of mind. In this moment, he could feel Jeira’s pain over the loss of her husband, but also, he could feel love, gratitude, and intense arousal.

Of course. She was Bonded to a Paladin – Aran – and so her desires were much more potent than they would be otherwise.

A sense of urgency seemed to overtake Jeira as she moved back slightly to get her hands down to his belt. When Smythe tried to help, she batted his hands away and shot him a predatory look that set his blood on fire. The look said; “I’m in charge, I want this. Don’t get in my way.”

Smythe suppressed a small smile as she bent to tug his breeches all the way down, enjoying the feeling of freedom as his hardening cock sprang free of it’s confines, the cool spring air feeling good on the sensitive skin.

Jeira left his breeches around his ankles and remained in a squat before him. Her eyes were locked on his rising phallus and her hands had come up to his thighs, slowly stroking them up and down as she brought her mouth to the bulbous cockhead and opened wide.

“Fuck,” Smythe muttered as he watched the end of his cock disappear into Jeira’s mouth. She began to suck him earnestly, her head rocking back and forth and the little moans from her throat creating pleasurable vibrations. Her hands moved from his thighs, one to caress and fondle his heavy balls, the other one snaking around to squeeze his buttock, her fingernails digging in as her passion mounted.

The deluge continued outside as the smithy was filled with the wet sucking sounds of Jeira’s skilled oral performance, as well as Smythe’s grunts of pleasure.

Jeira’s mouth popped off his cock to utter her first words since appearing at the smithy. “Come in my mouth, Henley,” she panted before inhaling him once again.

Smythe had spent eighty or so years of his life as a Paladin, and could choose to spend his seed whenever he desired, but he didn’t see the point in denying the lass her request, and so he allowed himself a release, bellowing with pleasure as he felt his nuts tighten and hot fluid travel up his shaft before erupting into Jeira’s willing mouth.

She moaned wantonly as his come hit her tongue. Pulling her mouth free, she smiled up at him as she tugged on his pole, aiming his still-pulsating cock at her face, which quickly became spattered with his hot cream.

Quite unexpectedly, she began to laugh as his climax died down. Still clutching his cock with one hand, she stood, scooping some of his juice off her cheek and popping it into her mouth.

“Mmm,” she murmured. There was a distinct twinkle in her eye as she made a show of sucking on her finger while slowly fisting his still-rigid member. Her hand never released it’s grip, even when he bent to tug his boots off and kick his pants away.

Smythe reached out to the nearby shelf where he’d hung his shirt, and offered it to her so she could wipe herself down, but she refused, and with a wordless smile, began to walk backwards, leading him by his cock out into the pouring rain.

In seconds they were saturated, their hair plastered flat against their heads and water streaming off their bodies. Jeira laughed delightedly, her face turned to the sky, blinking against the downpour. Her robe had become completely transparent, molding itself to her slender frame and clinging to every graceful curve.

The cool rain felt invigorating after working the forge, and Smythe couldn’t help but laugh along with the beautiful woman in front of him. She was a sight indeed, with her slender body dripping wet and her pink nipples hardened to points. The rain had done nothing to dampen Smythe’s desire, and he wrapped her in his arms, interrupting her laughter with a fierce kiss.

Her hands instantly came up to his shoulders as she kissed back, moaning into his mouth as she pressed herself to him, telling him with her body that she was his.

Between the house and the forge was a small expanse of soft grass, which Smythe lay Jeira down upon. She opened her thighs willingly, inviting him to take her right then and there, out in the open and in the pouring rain. He did just that, untying the sash of her robe and parting it to expose her to his eyes before he smoothly slid into her waiting warmth.

Jeira clutched him tightly, her slim arms and legs trapping him in a most enjoyable prison. After giving her time to adjust to his size – he could alter it at will, but sensed that this was what she wanted – he began to slowly pump his hips.

Jeira whimpered into his ear as they fucked with a gradually increasing tempo. The rain continued to beat down on them, but their desire was running hot, and Smythe was not about to let something like a little rain interfere with his first time making love to Jeira.

He pushed himself up on his hands so he could look down at her pale, slender body. Her breasts bounced in time with his hips, and as his eyes wandered further, he could see his cock disappearing and reappearing between her slick lips.

Jeira’s lust-lidded eyes locked onto his as her hands caressed his arms and shoulders, then moved to his neck before trailing down to his chest.

Feeling into her, Smythe read what she wanted, even though she didn’t know it herself. Abruptly shifting the angle of his hips, he thrust deeply, his pelvis smacking into hers with a wet slap.

Her eyes came wide open at that, and her fingers curled violently, gripping two handfuls of his chest hair as she sailed into a quaking climax, her mouth open in a silent scream, her body tensed, her thighs vise-locked around his waist.

After long moments, she began to relax, and Smythe changed their position, gathering her up in his arms and sitting back on the grass, which put Jeira sitting in his lap, still impaled on his shaft.

She held his face in her hands, looking into his eyes. “Thank you, Henley,” she whispered.

Her words were almost inaudible over the rain, but he caught it. “Thank you, lass,” he returned, smiling broadly.

Their lips met again in another torrid kiss, and Jeira’s hips began to move, aided by Smythe’s hands lifting and lowering her bottom, as well as squeezing firmly.

Jeira broke the kiss and leaned back, supporting herself with her hands laced behind his neck, giving him access to her breasts, which he took full advantage of, quickly taking a hard nipple into his mouth and lashing it with his tongue.

Smythe didn’t know how long they made love in the rain, nor did he care. Night had fallen some time ago, but the rain still persisted. At some point, he’d walked into the house, dripping wet and carrying an equally soaked Jeira, who was sound asleep in his arms. After toweling her off, he tucked her into her bed and quietly left the room.

Now that night had come, he would be able to walk the streets with less risk of being noted by the Heralds. It was time to find out what was happening in his town.

The news was worse than Smythe feared. After a few days of wandering around town and having discreet conversations with the right people, it looked as if the Heralds were petitioning Berrigan Stallen – the Mayor of Ironshire – for permission to open a chapter house in the town.

Smythe had stayed clear of the four visiting Heralds, but had seen them from time to time riding through the streets and looking down their noses at folk. Most stayed clear of the strangers, but some of the more foolish denizens of Ironshire seemed interested in the Heralds, or at least in the ridiculous stories they told of the Order of Aros being a perverted cult!

He shook his head as he recalled one of the Heralds he’d seen yesterday – a beardless young fellow barely old enough to be called a man – standing on the lip of the Iron Fountain grandly proclaiming that the Heralds of Dawn saved the world from the Paladins a thousand years ago!

Smythe had only just stopped himself from yanking the boy down from his perch and setting him straight. What was worse were the twenty or thirty townspeople standing around and listening!

Smythe loved Ironshire, as well as her people, but it was a relatively quiet and isolated town, and the residents were simple, well-meaning folk, who were probably just excited that there was something unusual happening.

It would be a shame when he had to leave Ironshire – he never stayed in a town longer than about ten years; it got too hard to explain why he never looked any older – Smythe found that he quite enjoyed the quiet places in the world. Steady work, a good tavern, and a pretty woman or two to occupy his time. What more could a man ask?

It would be easy to just disappear to some far corner of Ekistair and settle down in some town nobody had ever heard of and let the rest of the world go its own way, but that line of thinking would serve him not. He was a Paladin, bearing the Gift of Aros, and so he would honour that Gift by serving.

The rain had finally ceased earlier that day, but the heavy clouds still remained, concealing the moon and stars. In the main streets, lamps had been lit atop steel posts at dusk, as they were every night, but in the narrower, lesser-used back streets through which Smythe was walking, the darkness was near pitch. It mattered not, with his vala -enhanced senses guiding him safely between the tall brick houses with their sloped roofs.

The faintest scrape of boot on stone came from behind him, and before Smythe could turn, something struck him in the head. As he fell to the wet cobblestones, one last thought flitted through his mind before everything went black; why hadn’t he sensed someone behind him?

Smythe floated in blackness, an empty void of nothingness that stretched on for eternity. With a smile, he imagined a comfortable leather chair, and into existence it popped. Taking a seat, he imagined a richly furnished study, with solid timber furniture, a fireplace, and fine paintings lining the walls, interspersed by bookshelves brimming with volumes.

He’d visited the Plane of Aros so many times now that creating whichever setting he desired was automatic, and done with only the briefest thought. He took this time to think about what had just happened in the waking world.

Somehow, someone had snuck up behind him and knocked him out, but how had his vala not sensed them? The vala had never failed him before. Smythe resolved to find out once he awoke.

Suddenly, a chair appeared opposite Smythe’s, and a second later, a man was occupying it. A handsome fellow with clear blue eyes and shoulder-length hair tied back with a leather cord.

“Aran!” Smythe exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

“Hello, Henley,” Aran said warmly as he clasped Smythe’s forearm before they embraced in a back-slapping hug.

“It’s good to see you safe, lad,” Smythe said as they resumed their seats. “We were worried for a bit, there.”

There was something different about Aran since last Smythe had seen him. Something had changed; it was in his eyes. While he looked the same physically, he seemed older, wiser, and more in command of himself.

“I am safe,” Aran said, though his tone hinted that safety was a fleeting thing. “And Jeira?”

“Safe,” Smythe replied. “Though I didn’t get there in time to save her husband.”

Aran nodded sadly. “I felt her pain, though I knew not what caused it.” He met Smythe’s eyes levelly. “I know you did everything you could, Henley. Thank you.”

Aran had seen straight to the problem Smythe had been having; he’d been trying not to blame himself for Hamlin’s death, but sometimes niggling doubt crept it’s way into his heart. Still, Jeira held no grudge toward him, and Smythe really had done everything he could. Perhaps it was time to put this one to rest.

“She is still with you, in Ironshire?” Aran asked.

Smythe nodded. “Living with Rayna, Bella and I. You know, I’ve become something of a caretaker to your women, Aran.” Like Jeira, Rayna and Bella were also Bonded with Aran.

The younger Paladin grinned. “I’m sure you’re having a horrible time with that, too.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Smythe said dryly, unable to stop his own wide grin. It really was a wonderful thing, having three beautiful women to love.

Aran laughed. “I miss them, but I’m glad they’re with you. They’re in good hands. They’re probably all curled up in bed with you now, are they?”

Smythe grimaced as he remembered the blow to the head he’d just received. “Actually, lad, I’m only here right now because I was struck from behind on the street and knocked out.”

Aran’s brow furrowed as Smythe added, “funniest thing, though; I didn’t sense it coming, even through the vala.”

The lad sat forward at that. “Did you get a look at who hit you?”

Smythe shook his head. “I went down quick; it was a good blow.”

Aran looked worried. “I nearly lost Sara in a similar way, except the man had a knife, not a club. She didn’t sense the assassin, and neither did I.”

Smythe pursed his lips. “I’ve never heard of anything like this, Aran,” he said quietly. “Does Elaina or Amina know?”

“Not yet,” Aran replied. “I haven’t met with either of them in some time.” The lad’s face grew serious then. “But more importantly; you, Henley, are likely in danger right now!”

Smythe flashed Aran a grin. “I’ve been in danger before, Aran. I’ll be in danger again, too, I’ll wager.”

Aran studied Smythe intently, not fooled by the grin. Yes, he was definitely different. He was becoming a leader. “Are there Heralds in Ironshire?”

Smythe nodded. “Four of them turned up a few days ago. They’ve been meeting with the mayor, I think. I’ve been keeping a low profile, but since they arrived, I’ve wanted to search just another day or two for any arohim that might be around town.”

Aran looked thoughtful. “It’s possible they’ve a way to avoid being detected by the vala. I hope this is not the case, but we must prepare for the worst. Do whatever you need to do, but get out of Ironshire, Henley, and take the women with you. Make for the Karvani Mountains, for Amina’s Temple. I’m on my way there now with Sara and the others.”

“Alright, lad,” Smythe agreed. “I’ll do what it takes, and get the women out safely. For what it’s worth, I’ve been combing Ironshire for days and not sensed any arohim. I’m convinced there are none.”

“Well, that’s one less thing to concern ourselves with, I suppose,” Aran said. “Have you spoken with Amina or Elaina?”

“Not since Elaina told me to find Jeira,” Smythe told him.

“I’ll update them if I see them first. Either way, they need to know all this as soon as possible. Henley, the Heralds are undertaking some kind of huge territory expansion. They’ve got the Maralon City Watch at their beck and call, they’ve put the city on lockdown, and they have patrols all through the countryside, too. Them being in Ironshire can only mean one thing; that they want influence there, too.”

Smythe saw the sense in this. “I think the mayor may be listening to them, too, else they would have left by now.”

“All the more reason for you to get out, man,” Aran urged.

“Right then,” Smythe said, standing up. “I have work to do, so I’ll be off. I’ll speak to you soon, lad, I’m sure.”

Aran stood too, and embraced Smythe again. “Take care, my friend. Get out safely, and give the girls a kiss for me. I’ll see them soon.”

As the last word left his lips, Aran winked out of existence, and Smythe followed, back to his unconscious body.

Smythe’s head lolled, his chin on his chest as he came to, the room coming slowly into focus as his vision corrected itself. He was naked and roped to a chair in some sort of cellar or basement, with stone walls and pillars.

The only light was coming from the torch being held by none other than kind-faced Berrigan Stallen, the Mayor of Ironshire.

“Really, Henley,” Berrigan began, for all the world as if he were a grandfather speaking to a favourite grandchild who’d gotten himself in trouble. Which was ridiculous, as Smythe had at least forty years on the man, but Berrigan didn’t know that. “At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but the more I got to know you, the more obvious it became.”

“Berrigan, please,” Smythe muttered thickly, finding it difficult to make his lips and tongue work. “Why am I tied up?”

The mayor ignored him. “You are the most talented smith I’ve ever seen, and you could make your fortune in Maralon, or Dun Arghol, not to mention one of the Great Cities! Yet, you decide on a backwater town like Ironshire?”

For the first time, Smythe truly regretted choosing Ironshire as the place to live this part of his life. Small towns were gloriously quiet and unassuming, but in small towns everyone knew each other, and that could create problems. “Berrigan,” he repeated, this time with more success. With an effort, he raised his head to look the man in the face. “I know you’ve been meeting with the Heralds. Don’t listen to them! They lie, and are more dangerous than you know!”

Berrigan nodded sadly, unperturbed by Smythe’s outburst. “It had to happen eventually, Henley. There were too many things about you that stood out, like your real age, or your birthplace, or your remarkable abilities with women!” Emotion had crept into Berrigan’s voice, which cracked slightly as he spoke.

Smythe took the man’s tremulous tone for sadness. He’d never seen the greying, grandfatherly fellow upset, and deeply regretted putting him in this position. “I have not been completely honest with you, my friend,” Smythe began. “But I swear on my life, I am not what they say!”

Berrigan sighed and moved to slot the torch into a sconce on a nearby pillar. “Alas, Henley, perhaps I should mention that I have not been entirely honest with you, either.” He continued talking in his gentle, kindly voice as he removed his cloak of office before beginning to undo the laces of his fine linen shirt. “There are depths to my own history that I have chosen not to reveal, until now, at least.”

A ball of ice formed in the pit of Smythe’s stomach as Berrigan opened his shirt to display the symbol tattooed on his chest; a sunburst with pointed spikes radiating from the centre, the very same symbol that was emblazoned on red-and-yellow cloaks worn by Heralds.

Berrigan Stallen was a Herald of Dawn.

On instinct, Smythe opened his vala and felt into the other’s man’s heart in an attempt to align with him, but found no resonance, no commonality with which to align. It was like trying to find emotion inside a rock. How was this possible? In all his long years, Smythe had never met a living creature he couldn’t align with.

Berrigan barked a laugh. “Ha! Keep your filthy powers to yourself, Henley. They won’t work on me, anyhow; I am a seasoned Paladin hunter, and I learned long ago how to resist your abilities. Your head will be the fourth on my mantle.”

Paladin hunter? Fourth head? Rage began to burn in Smythe’s gut. Paladins were scattered across the world, numbering probably less than twenty or thirty, and this man was hunting them?

Smythe slowed his breathing in an attempt to contain his fury, but it was difficult.

Leaving his shirt open, Berrigan stepped in front of Smythe and squatted before him, and for the first time ever that Smythe had seen, the kindly expression was gone, replaced by one that belonged on a beast of prey. Up close, Berrigan’s eyes glowed with an unsettling light of zeal, bordering perhaps on madness.

The Mayor’s voice was quiet, and his eyes bored into Smythe’s. “Your order is lies and poison, Paladin, and your so-called Gift will not affect me. I am one of the High Council of Heralds, and have been for near twenty years.”

Smythe met the other man’s stare levelly, refusing to be intimidated.

Berrigan continued, his tone suddenly shifting to something bright and happy, making Smythe wonder if the man was in full control of his sanity. “Now, word is currently being spread about town regarding your true nature, and you are to be executed on the morrow in the town square. I expect a rather large crowd, Henley.”

“Just like that?” Smythe spat. “You’re going to kill a friend just like that? Oh, Berrigan, if you only knew the truth, you would stop this madness.”

“Silence!” Berrigan’s shout was punctuated by a loud slap and a stinging sensation on Smythe’s cheek. “For long we have waited, Henley, we Heralds. We are rising again, you will see. Kedron!” He barked that last word, and there was a pause before doors creaked open behind Smythe and bootsteps made their way into the room.

A younger version of Berrigan stepped up to stand beside his father. He was tall and wiry, young Kedron Stallen, with short black hair and eyes of brown. The lad couldn’t have been more than seventeen or eighteen, yet he looked down at Smythe with contempt, his lip curled in a sneer.

Overall, the boy was a fair imitation of his father, though he had not yet the presence or the self-confidence to carry off the look of disgust believably.

Then Smythe saw something that rocked him to his toes. For the briefest second, a golden nimbus surrounded Kedron, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. If the lad had not been standing right in front of him, he might have missed it altogether.

Kedron Stallen was arohim.

Smythe nearly burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, captured by a long-time friend that was secretly a Herald, while searching for an arohim youth that turned out to be the very same Herald’s son? Aros worked in mysterious ways, indeed.

“You’ve met Kedron before, have you not?” Berrigan said proudly, clapping his son on the shoulder. “He is almost ready for his Cleansing. He is strong, and smart; he will make a fine Herald of the Dawn.”

Smythe didn’t know what a Cleansing was, but he didn’t care. Kedron was arohim! He chose to keep his mouth shut, for now.

“Son,” Berrigan addressed Kedron. “We are giving Henley the rest of tonight to contemplate his impending execution, and you are being given the honour of guarding him.”

The lad stood up straighter, eager to carry out his duty. “Yes, father!”

“He will try to lie, to coerce you, to make you doubt yourself, Kedron, but your faith is stronger than his deceit, is it not?”

“Yes, father!”

Smythe felt sorry for the lad; what things had his misguided father subjected him to in the name of their order?

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She woke up to the smell of coffee brewing, sausage frying, and shafts of golden sunlight streaming in bars across the bed. She couldn’t remember how she got here. She was lying on an immense king size bed with a huge carved oak headboard. The comforter was a beautiful hand quilted design in muted reds, blues, and cream. When she sat up, she realized she was devoid of any clothing. Still not yet recalling the series of events that led her here to this bedroom, she slid out of bed, pulling the...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 39

"Tell me what you know, Mr. Chief Justice." I was operating on instinct as the shock of the news was still setting in. Just a short time after hearing of the deaths of the First Family, I was expected to know how to react to losing the finest leader America had had in a generation, if not several. "The rescue teams uncovered the body of the President a few minutes ago. It appears he died of asphyxiation, along with his Secret Service Detail and a group that includes several of his...

3 years ago
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My beautiful wife

My wife is amazing.Sometimes I forget just how amazing until I see her standing there in her bikini.We have just put our son down for a nap after being out by the pool and she looked extra sexy right now. Her long messy blonde hair and her small little bikini teased me as she went about her business. She had an amazing ass and a small waist. Most of the time just looking at her made me horny as fuck but today... I could feel the bulge in my swim trunks growing as her sun kissed legs strutted...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Strangers On The Train

It was quite cold when I got on the train. I was rubbing my hands to keep warm. The station was ….and I had to go upto Ahmadabad. It was slightly warmer on the train as all the windows, except one or two here and there were down. I found it was somewhat dark inside too but the little chatter and warmth there was made it much better than the bleak platform. I was ready to dump my luggage, to curl up with a book and to have a nap. I hoped it was not congested or noisy in my coop. When I reached...

3 years ago
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A Good Round and a hole iner

This is a short story about a long weekend golfing in Spain with my best friend. It is factually true, and something I frequently replay in my mind.   When Pete and I left Gatwick for Tenerife, little did we know what the long weekend have in store for us. We’d rented an apartment at a holiday golf resort just south of the airport on the Costa Silencio. As we struggled to get our golf clubs and our cases into the small rented car, the sky was clear and even in the late afternoon it was really...

Group Sex
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Betsy CarterChapter 10

Sally walked into the room thinking that she had made a horrible mistake. There were a lot of people, none of whom she recognized, moving around. She grabbed Gary’s arm to prevent being separated from him. Betsy had disappeared somewhere into the heart of the party. It was a typical frat party – a lot of testosterone driven young men, scantily dressed young women, too much booze, not enough light; and loud music, which made talking impossible. The air had the lingering hint of a sickly sweet...

1 year ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 6

"Well?" Miles Sloane asked somewhat impatiently, as his daughter Angie and his wife Pamela left the bathroom at the Sloane house, where they decided to gather this time. "It's official. You're a grandpa!" Angie shouted excitedly, kissing her own father on the lips with more than a hint of tongue. "How does that feel, baby, to know that this might be your child as well as your grandchild?" Pamela, herself pregnant now with Sven's baby, teased her hubby, "I frankly hope that it is....

1 year ago
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A Very Happy Holiday To Me

By : Raaaza Choubey I don’t know if it was a dream or just something that happened but it was Christmas and I felt sore and achy all over but with a wonderful feeling none the less. I am a crossdresser who is trying now to discover and explore his female personality and can now happily tell of who I was in the past, who I am today and perhaps who I will be in the near future. I began my life as a normal child until the age of twelve years old when I went into my parents’ bedroom to look around....

3 years ago
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Looking closer at her face he couldn't find a single flaw with it the skin was smooth, her voice always had him feeling as if he could do anything. "Hopix? I have to call the council, there is a mission I feel I have to do. I feel I owe the Queen and your people so much that I have to do it." Alan told her a few moments later having to tear his gaze away from her face. "I understand Alan I will do all I can to help you as I always do." Hopix said with a wide smile on her face....

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Leave Your Mark

Gerald pulled the pillow tighter over his head as he tried to drown out the sounds of the roommate fucking his latest conquest. The moans and the rhythmic bumping of the bed hitting the wall filled the room.Gerald shared his room with one of his teammates. Something he was beginning to regret. Every night since training camp started the roommate had brought a new girl into the dorm room."That's it right there," the girl screamed.That was the last straw. Gerald grabbed his pillow and his...

2 years ago
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Steve stared around wildly. He looked deep into the darkness of the moonless night, but could see no one. Trying to slow his breathing, he moved quickly to leave the yard.But before he could get out onto the sidewalk, he was frozen in his tracks by the sound of a female voice calling after him.“Steve..? What are you doing out here?”Turning slowly, Steve saw Colleen moving from behind the back corner of the house. And despite the obvious awkwardness of the situation, his cock jerked a little at...

1 year ago
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The Flag of Truce

*** Preamble The Airline industry always sought ways of making their engines more safe, efficient, and robust. They have also sought to affiliate themselves with Cambridge and Oxford Colleges where engineering sciences were a paramount part of that College’s curriculum. They have believed for some time now that there was one particular scientist who had successfully enhanced their engines by her experimentations into the coating on the inside of the Jet engines they used. She was currently...

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Coteacher is Horny

Months of talking dirty finally lead to some fun For three years, I worked with a woman named Stephanie teaching night school. Every evening, we would teach for an hour and a half, take a break and eat, and then teach for another hour. During those breaks, I got to know her well--she drank a lot, fucked a lot of guys, and seemed to take great pleasure in tormenting them sexually. Her life was a maze of "Marco heard me talking to Jack" drama, and while it was stimulating, it was a world away...

3 years ago
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My husband and I are both in our mid-20's and have been married for three years. Lately, I've noticed he likes looking at cream pie pictures and videos on adult websites. One night, we were fucking, bareback of course, and after he came, he asked me to spread my legs so he could see his cum in me. I did as asked and after he looked at it a couple seconds, he shocked me by going down on me and sucking out his own sperm! I had never seen him do that before and honestly, I was a little stunned he...

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MBA Pass 8211 Part 4 My Sex Circle Increased

Hi, readers! Sorry for not publishing for a very long time. I have been getting many requests to write more and so I am continuing my story ‘MBA Pass’ series. I will also publish my other stories soon. Thank you for your appreciation of my previous stories and hope you continue enjoying my new stories. Life was going great with Maya aunty. We were still enjoying having sex with each other. Sometimes, we used to have sex with our neighbor Fatima. Maya wanted to try cuckolding with me. I said...

3 years ago
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Eskort Spezial

Kaitlyn hatte fast alles was Sie sich wünschen konnte. Mit ihren 25 Lenzen hatte sie es geschafft. Sie hatte einen gutverdienenden vermögenden Mann geheiratet der Ihr alle Wünsche erfüllte. Ein großes Haus mit Garten, Pool, Sauna und allem anderen Schikanen. Kleider, einen Sportwagen und und und... Und dennoch fühlt sich Kaitlyn unzufrieden. Vielleicht lag es daran das ihr Mann zu wenig Zeit für sie hatte, vielleicht das Kaitlyn keine Lust mehr auf Tennis, Golf etc hatte... Gelangweilt...

2 years ago
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RENT COLLECTION Hi there I am new member here. after reading so many stories here I finally made my mind to put my own experience into words for me and for all of you. I am Mahendra (real name), 40, from Mumbai and am an IT professional. Alongwith my own home, I do own and give on rent few extra rooms. This incident I am sharing has happened around 10 years before. There is a small andhra preadesh family with couple and baby of 11 months residing in our rented room. I knew the family since...

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Life Swap Glass Ceilings

Glass Ceilings Belladonna I threw the earnings report down on my desktop. I wasn't angry about a word of it. It showed yet another robust quarter for my company. The bottom line would make even the greediest and most miserly capitalist grin, but it felt like a hollow victory. It was all too easy now. I pushed my chair away from my desk and stood up. I walked towards the window to reflect on my life while I stared out the window of my top floor office. The city lights shinned...

1 year ago
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Long Arm of Discipline Part 3

The relationship with my parents improved slightly- but not by much. They kept Chang’s card on the refrigerator door. I guess he was their personal “dial-a-cop”. I became frustrated with their “do we need to call Det. Chang?” threats. Oh sure, when you are not able to handle me you get this guy to spank my ass for you. I am not sure if they really liked him or they were just using him as a weapon against me. Either way, he became their friend and he frequently came to our house to visit....

2 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 15

I woke up to a pair of black eyes staring into mine only centimeters away. "I must be in heaven," I whispered. "Well," Leanne replied with a slight grin on her lips. "Ah will say of all the first words ya could have when returning from the dead those certainly saved yer arse a stern talking to." "I love you," I whispered again. "I wanted to say that before they..." "Enough," she said placing a finger lightly over my lips. "We know and that's enough." Her fingers moved up to...

3 years ago
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Thanks to my Hubby

This is dedicated to the man of my life, the man who made sex a playful and joyous thing. He is a few years older than I, and had far more sexual experience when we met. During the first couple of years he presented me with many challenges and provocative sexual situations for which I will always be grateful. I thank him for allowing me the opportunities to explore and experience all that sex is about without jealousy or inhibitions. I love the way he casually introduced me to...

Wife Lovers
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Brotherinlaw Rode Me To Heaven Part 8211 2

Hello friends, I’m your Sritha J. I am of age which is 24 years. I have a fair complexion, with a good height of 5.7” (Yes I am tall) with black medium eyes and medium hair just below my shoulders. My stats (which means my measurements) are 34-28-26 and I maintain my figure by regular work out and diet.   I’m also a regular visitor of Kerala Erotic & Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback about my previous story Brother-in-law rode me to heaven.   Today I’m going to...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 461

Say thanks to R J Shore for this one!!!! A little girl walks into her local pet store and asks the shopkeeper, “Mist-ter, do you have little bunnies?” The shopkeeper crouches down so the two are eye-to-eye. “Why yes, young lady, I have several cute little bunnies. I have white ones, and brown ones, and a few black ones. What color would you like?” The girl puts her closed fists on her hips and answers, “I don’t phink my pet pyfon weally gives a shit!” ✧ ✧ ✧ ⊹⊹⊹ TrueAirSpeed provided...

1 year ago
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Fucking Sisters Hot Friend

Hi, friends this is Pabby again with another story… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at The story began when I was posted in Mumbai. Afsana, my sister colleague at her office, was a Gujrati girl having a great physique and husky sexy voice, came in my...

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I cheated my husband

I came across this sex – story website and I thought I d share my experiences about how I cheated on my husband Chuck with our neighbor, Jacinto; I can’t say I’m proud of it, but on the other hand I’m really not ashamed of it, as it was really hot and felt absolutely natural; it s also kind of fun and naughty to write about it. First a little about myself; I m not a grammar nazi or even close to being a skilled writer; I even had to go online and read a bunch of erotica just to get a feel for...

4 years ago
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Workout Partners are the Best

I finally made the decision to join a gym and try to get into shape. I’m not obese but over the years I have definitely put on a little fat. I stand 5’6 and weigh almost 210, according to my latest weigh in, with black hair, blue eyes and a well-trimmed beard. I have never been the most confident person in the world but since hitting 200 pounds I have found a new low. The first couple weeks were pretty rough since I hadn’t done much physical activity in the last few years. I decided to go to...

Quickie Sex
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Dost Ne Maa Chodi 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto me parmood aap logo ne part 1 me padha ke kaisa mera dost ravi ne meri maa chod di,ab agay ke kahani Jab me baatroom se fresh hokar bahar aaya to me sidha drawing room me gaya waha dekha ke ravi nahi tha to mai kitchen ke taraf gaya main ne dekha ke ravi maa se lipta hua tha wo maa ke dera dera gaand masal raha main dono love bird ko kitchen me chod kar office janay ke liya ready honay chala gaya jab me tayaar ho kar aaya to ravi is baar wahi baitha hua tha me bola ke ravi office...

2 years ago
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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 9

When they recovered from the orgy, the dyke night manager was standing by the bed, her clothes opened, one hand twisting a nipple while the other was shoving fingers quickly into her pussy until her whole big body was rocked by orgasm. "Hi Jeanette," said SHE, her body embedded in the pile of bodies. "What brings you here?" "People have been complaining," explained Jeannette, putting her clothes back together, her face beat red from a combination of embarrassment and intense orgasm,...

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Girl FagChapter 36

All my brothers were gone along with Daddy to hit the junkyards. They'd taken the big Mack Super tow truck and the old flatbed ten-wheeler we used for hauling stuff. Steve's Mach I was there, the old Deceiver, but he wasn't and I figured he was driving Lisa's car, since he'd left me a note saying he was at Lisa's place and he'd be back about noon to pick me up. It was only gonna take about four or five hours to get to Seattle maybe, so we didn't have to rush too much. I was just...

2 years ago
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Der Hacker

Die Tastatur klackerte, Thomas starrte wie gebannt auf den Computerbildschirm. Die Instantnoodeln waren bereits kalt geworden, seine Cola schmeckte nur noch schal, er hatte den Deckel nicht zugedreht. Seine Augen brannten höllisch und sein Kopf pulsierte schmerzhaft vor Übermüdung. Es musste doch möglich sein- Eine weitere Zeile Codes floss ihm aus den Fingern, noch eine weitere, problemlos verstand er all die Dinge, die er gerade tat. Thomas mochte vieles nicht können. Er war nicht sportlich,...

Mind Control
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Thats What Friends are For

“It’s John Anderson! IT’S JOHN BLEEDING ANDERSON!” my mind crowed while my stomach turned cart wheels. The mad woman was running round inside my head again and I prayed that she’d keep her damned voice down before he heard. John’s arm was round my waist and his hand was resting lightly on my hip. I glanced round the table in the social club that my school friends and I were sitting at and and breathed easier. Nobody was staring aghast at me so I guessed that my internal-idiot hadn’t given the...

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Awesome Foreplay With Sexy Aunty

Hi everyone, myself romantic guy from Hyderabad and this sex story is about an aunt let her name be Rajani. She has swaying huge ass and awesome pair of boobs which make her look more sexy. I never used to miss a chance to have a look at her assets whenever possible. She used to observe my looks but I never dared to make conversation due to my shyness and inferiority complex feeling. Her husband works in an MNC and she had kids who stay at their grandparents home. On the eve of new year, the...

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Expected Visitors

I woke up around three in the morning with a raging hard-on and Sandra slowly bobbing up and down on my cock. I have to admit, it is a nice way to wake up in the middle of the night. Needless to say, my insatiable wench was not going to be denied. I maneuvered myself to where we were in a sixty-nine with her on top. We devoured each other with my one climax and her three. We fell back asleep not waking until the alarm went off at six in the morning.Coffee was brewing when I came out of the...

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Julies Naughty Idea Part Two

Once my mother got home, I heard her moaning and screaming all night. Gerry must have been giving it to her good, because of feeling guilty with screwing me. It woke me up and I felt kind of horny and hot for Gerry. I took off my nightgown and played with my pussy. I was imagining Gerry between my legs licking my cunt. I brought my breasts up to my mouth and sucked at my nipples. I’m lucky, because they're so big. I can bite and suck on my own nipples. I love doing this because then, my bald...

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Fools Gold Ch 02

In the end, Anne agreed to meet with me and we were able to hammer out a settlement. It was easier than I expected. When we met, Anne acted relieved over the lack of rancor. I’m not saying we didn’t snap at each other, but we did try our hardest to keep things civilized. It helped that we both had one overriding concern, minimizing the impact on the girls. She was leery at first over the concept of sharing custody, but I was able to convince her that it was the best option for the girls. Of...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 9

Deacon looked at me. “Well, I guess that couldn’t have gone much better.” “Which? Cleaning out the basement of the Slocum Joe’s, or dealing with Danse and Maxson?” “Danse and Maxson. I didn’t have any doubts about getting or retrieving the prototype. I’ve seen you in action. I admit that watching you take down that second Behemoth was a thing of beauty, though. I don’t think there’s anyone else who’s actually ever done that.” “I agree with Deacon,” Nick said. “I’ve seen a deathclaw and...

1 year ago
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Owned by a Young Stud Blackmail Part 4

Jenny stood up, having just finished getting throatfucked by Bo. She raised her hand to her lip, wiping away a bit of saliva, and moved to smooth down her outfit. She was dressed as a slutty french maid, with stilettos and thigh high sheer leggings. Mike, Bo, and the other two roommates were staring at her, and Jenny bowed her head respectfully toward them. “Is there anything else I can get you Sirs?” There was a pause, then Bo spoke, “I could use another beer. I need to rehydrate before...

3 years ago
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Riding the Jessie Train

Introduction: The following is a follow-up to the account described in my previous story starring Jessie. It was a long-time coming. While much of this story is true, we added a lot to it to make it more worth writing, so I didnt feel right categorizing it as a true story. Again, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. It was late afternoon, and Jessie and her husband were on their way from dropping off their son with Jessies brother. As they took care of the kid, I...

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RoboSlut INC

Hello, hello! Welcome to Robo-Sluts INC or as we like to refer to ourselves as RSI for short. We here at RSI craft and manufacture only the greatest and best Robotic companions for your personal entertainment! Now, now despite the name our robots are more than simply just lifeless dolls for you to play with. No, my dear consumer the robots that we produce here at RSI are perhaps the most lifelike and realistic robotic companions that you will ever meet, and yes we said meet, as these Robo-sluts...

1 year ago
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The Neighbour Chapter 3

The Nieghbour chapter threei opened my eyes...as i focused them you still lay beside me your breathing slow..and your face was peaceful and content... we lay side by side on the large couch...your long black sheer gown flowed long your body, till it reached you thighs and then opened up and drifted to the floor....i looked at you sleeping so comfortably....i moved my hands down from your neck along your your slowly rising chest pushing back the silky material that...

2 years ago
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Dave finds a book part 4

it was the black night desk manager plowing his mom's ass. His dad was sitting in a chair watching and stroking his cock. 45 miles away at ground zero Theresa silently padded out of her bedroom, stopping out of sight of the open game room door. The sexy MILF heard the unmistakable sounds of 2 people passionately kissing. Her nipples hardened and her pussy lips became damp. Soundlessly she went back to her room and closed the door again blood rushing in her ears. After catching her...

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Force X Mass Penetration

Arriving at his off-campus home I was immediately confused and baffled about my decision or either my poor sense of direction in reaching the proper location. In his driveway were a Lexus Sc430 and the growing “Boom” of bass resounding from his rather untidy but large, by college standards, house. Ignoring the warning signs and pushed by my academic woes, I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Kevin who was closer to my expectation, being average height and medium framed; he spoke as man...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Chapter 01 Introducing Sarah

Second Note: I apologize if you started reading this story and it disappeared. I accidentally deleted the first chapter and had to resubmit. Sorry for any inconvenience. Being pretty had never been one of Sarah’s problems. She had a good body and a cute face and knew how to use both to get what she wanted from men. She liked the stares and enjoyed teasing them. But she suffered from being shy and insecure which kept her from ever standing out. She didn’t really fit in with most of the...

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Chapter 26 Leaving The Mountain

After Connie and I freshened up a bit I made us a nice cool double Jack to mellow us out. I felt like rubber after that intense sexual workout we had. Where she got her energy was beyond me. She downed her drink quickly and made her way downstairs to gather the group into the playroom. I could barely make out Connie’s voice but it sounded like she was laying down some playroom rules for our little orgy. I planned to stay a step ahead of them if I could. But first things first. My...

1 year ago
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Trading UpChapter 26

Christmas morning started with a phone call. I reluctantly got out of bed and looked for my pants, finding them in the hall. I dug my phone out and answered the call. “Hi, Mom,” I said sleepily, walking down the hall to the kitchen to talk. It was early, but my mother loved Christmas. Today was her Superbowl. She had a big gathering there in Phoenix every year, so she was probably calling me between getting the turkey in the oven and starting on the sides that hadn’t been prepared...

3 years ago
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Internet Romeo

One night my wife was chatting online and talking away to some guy in a yahoo chat room. Amidst the giggles and sudden outburts of laughter she called me over and showed my a cam shot of this guy's cock on screen, and I must admit, it was a lovely looking cock for a guy.Some time later and a lot of exchanged lines, it turns out our mystery guy was only 10 minutes from our door and the wife was already asking me if we could go for a walk and meet up. I couldnt say no to that smiling little face,...

4 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 16 Biological Terraforming

Lt. Col. Joseph Collins initiated radio contact with Azahar as soon as Sir Galahad entered normal space at the inbound jump point with the message, "Good day, Azahar. This is Lieutenant Colonel Collins, Captain of Sir Galahad. I have some equipment for you along with about fifty souls to help with your construction activities." McKinsey barely had time to get nervous when the alarm caused by the station's sensors detecting a ship exiting hyperspace in the vicinity of Azahar before the...

3 years ago
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Zabardast Maal Shalini Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hey, myself arav and I am back. As I told you earlier, from the very first day I had my first intimate encounter, my life became a ride full of sex and intimacy. I don’t want to remember all those experiences in sequence to write over here and made myself feel boring. So here I’m writing one of my experience crossing over my mind right now. Since after my first experience when I was in high school, I had lots and lots of experiences till now. I just love having a intimate time with aunties and...

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The Naked Adventures of Lilly and Friends

"Forgetful" Lilly is an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, with the one exception: She has a dreadful short-term memory and as a result frequently forgets to wear clothes! Much to the amusement of her group of mischievous friends and neighbors. Lucky for her, those same friends like messing with each other as much as her and it's not uncommon for one or all of them to fins themselves without a stitch of clothing on their bodies. Those group of colorful characters are as follows: Lilly-...

4 years ago
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Gang Aft Agley Chapter 7 of 7

I had planned on sleeping in until noon, but a naughty nymphomaniac changed my mind.I was sound asleep on my back, with her body snuggled in next to mine. A quiet murmur woke me up, but I tried to ignore it. A warm hand gently stroked my cock, and I couldn't ignore that. I was shocked that I was hard again after all that we had done the night before.In barely audible tones, she asked herself a question, and then she answered herself. I struggled to decide if I wanted to wake up and listen, or...

Wife Lovers
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Back in 1971 I,d only recently emigrated to England and was still settling in. Most of the jobs I tried weren,t very satisfying or even helped pay our bills, but I was trying hard. Wife Sarah was a very sexy a****l, but we couldn,t afford babies so it was the pill and worrying that at times she,d forget to,take it so late periods could be worrying. When she was really sexy she,d put on the tightest minidress she possessed with no bra(she has magnificent 40D cup boobs) and crotchless fishnet...

2 years ago
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She Loves My big Black dick

The last few months, my life had hit rock bottomMy wife kicked me out of the house and filed forA divorce, you can say I was up shit’s creek.After two weeks of living in an extended stay hotelI decided to pack my things up and find a New place to live, I got inside of my car and Just drove. After two plus hours of riding I cameTo Birmingham Alabama. I needed access to the internetSo I could search for extended stay hotels. I drove for a few Minutes and I came across a local library. I walked...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Jelena Jensen Nina North The Wish

With Nina North’s father out of town she helplessly asks her step mother Jelena Jensen for an allowance raise. Jelena doesn’t see any reason why Nina can’t find a job and earn her pay which makes Nina furious. Both woman leave each other’s company and simultaneously wish aloud that for just one day, the other can know what it’s like being in their shoes. As night falls, Nina and Jelena have a restful sleep but when morning arises things are not as they seem and...


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