The Leather Clowns
- 2 years ago
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Cathy was screaming.
Persephone screamed.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
Persephone charged ahead of us to the healing chamber and I unceremoniously dumped Cathy on the floor with my canes. She'd apparently hit the artery and I was spurting blood and weakening rapidly. I fell into the chamber and the lid was closed before she stopped yelling. I heard one solid thump on the lid before it sealed. My last thought was 'Good luck, Seph.'
When the lid to the healing chamber opened, Cathy was still yelling on the floor next to us. Persephone had the canes and a welt over her left eye.
"Why did he get to go first? I can't even walk!" Cathy yelled.
"He was bleeding. You've been this way for months," Persephone yelled back. I stepped out of the healing chamber, picked up Cathy, and dumped her in.
"Sweet dreams," I said and closed her last scream in with her. I sank down to the floor and looked up at Persephone. She was standing there rigid, the canes clutched in her hand.
"Where is Lisa?" she demanded. "Please don't tell me she is dead. Please!" I shook my head.
"She refused to come back."
"Refused? You left her on Chaos?" For a moment, I thought it was a bad idea that Persephone had my canes and I was sitting on the floor. Instead of swinging them at me, she threw them at me and stomped out of the room. I was seriously beginning the think being a hero was not worth the hassle. I went into the bedroom, propped the canes in a corner, and stripped. I walked into the shower.
"Give me a little help here, computer," I said. "Some water, please?"
"Seph!" I called.
"Computer, give him a shower," she yelled.
I spent a good bit of time under the flow. I hadn't had a shower in a year. I'd bathed in tubs of water heated over a fire. Usually, the last of the six people in my family to bathe in tepid, dirty water. I let the spray sluice the accumulated grime and dried blood off my body and relax my taxed muscles. The water began to get cold.
The water never gets cold on Crossroads. The temperature is maintained by the computer. Seph!
"Thanks a lot, computer," I muttered. "In case you are not aware, the responsibility of the Caretaker is to provide for her hero's comfort and needs. Not to torment him." The temperature improved, but fluctuated as computer processed the information. I got out of the shower and dried myself. There were no robes and I wasn't about to put my filthy Chaos clothes on again. Not that they were around. I walked naked into the dining area.
"You left her!" Persephone accused when she saw me. "How could you leave your caretaker behind? I can't believe you did that!" Persephone was barely holding it together. Our entry into Crossroads and the discovery that Lisa was not with me were taking their toll on the girl. I had to remind myself that she was only nineteen and was as desperately in love with Lisa as with me.
"Persephone, I love Lisa with all my heart. She is everything to me. Do you think I wanted to leave her on Chaos?" I pled. "She's safe. Safer than she would be returning to Earth with me. She has a purpose and is determined that she has done the right thing. Do you think I would abandon my love?"
Persephone hesitated and then ran to my arms weeping.
"They never prepared us for this," she cried. "They never said we would love our hero's companion as fiercely as our hero. They didn't even have a category of Earthly Caretaker. Lincoln, I love you so much I can barely stand it when you are gone. And I love Lisa just as much. I know that when you bring Cadence, I will love her, as well. Please help me through this. I feel such loss that she did not return with you!"
I carried Persephone back to the bedroom, undressed her, and showed her in the best way I could how much I loved her.
I basked in the glow of making love to Persephone. I knew that on Earth, fifteen minutes had not yet expired. But I had been without intercourse for over a year. Lisa and Legs had done their best to keep me sexually sated, but there is absolutely nothing like feeling your cock throbbing in the heat of a woman's sex. Simply having an orgasm just isn't the same.
We heard the chime of the healing chamber. I looked at Seph and stroked the entire length of her beautiful body.
"Let us hope her attitude has improved," I said. We went to the chamber and opened it.
Cathy's eyes popped open and she looked at us.
"Is it true? Is this really Crossroads? Do I truly have a hero?" she asked.
"It is true, Cathy Temp," Seph said. "I am Persephone Caretaker and this is Hero Lincoln."
"I thought it was all a ruse," she said. "I lost all hope. I thought I had been sent there to die." I offered her my hand and she pulled forward. Then her face fell. "I cannot move my legs. I thought I was healed. I can't move!" she cried.
"Perhaps it is the muscle atrophy. I was paralyzed for six years and it took months for me to regain all the strength in my legs. Be patient, love," I said as soothingly as I could. I held Cathy's hand as she panted for breath in near panic. Seph looked at the readout on the unit. She shook her head.
"Your broken pelvis was already healed. The chamber only heals unhealed wounds. It didn't touch the injury that caused your legs not to work," Seph whispered.
"No," Cathy wailed. "Lies. All lies. I cannot conceive and raise a child like this. I can't even get out of this stupid box!"
If ever a woman had woken up to hope only to have it dashed to bits, Cathy was that woman. She had denied that any of it was possible and we brought her to a healing chamber with the promise that she would be healed. She clutched my hand and wept, her anger and violence subsumed by her grief. I read the very detailed report displayed on the healing chamber. Persephone had identified every injury that I had when she read the chamber's report on my healing. My bones had knit together just fine. But I had severed nerves that had not reconnected. The chamber repaired that defect. Cathy's pelvis had healed in such a way that she could not move her legs. She had feeling, though, and was in near-constant pain. The chamber had not reconstructed her pelvis so that her legs would work.
I reached into the chamber and gently lifted Cathy out of it. I held her to my chest as she wept.
"I am so sorry, Cathy. I am so sorry for the pain I must cause you," I whispered in her ear.
"Just do it," she responded. "Kill me and let this nightmare end. I beg you. If you are a hero, end this misery."
I gently kissed her lips, then lifted her body as I brought up my right knee. I smashed her body down against my knee with enough force to shatter all the bones of her pelvis and lower spine. She screamed. I pushed her quickly into the chamber and closed the lid.
I leaned over the chamber and wept.
"What did you do?" Seph whispered in horror. "Hero Lincoln, who are you?"
I turned to her with tears running down my face. She stepped away from me in horror.
"It is our only hope," I rasped. "I broke the bones that were damaged before. Now the chamber has to heal them. The chamber only heals things correctly. It has to put her back together the right way." I sank to the floor beside the healing chamber and wept. Persephone sank to my side and we held each other as we waited for hours for the chamber to chime.
"I'm not dead," Cathy said when we opened the chamber. "Or this is the mythological hell and I will continue to suffer my fate over again."
"Let us hope not," I said. "I could not do that again. Can you move your legs?" For a moment, Cathy was silent as she tested her muscles.
"I believe so," she said hesitantly. "They feel weak, but I can feel them move. And there is no pain."
"Let us get you out of there and see if you can make them move," Persephone said. We both helped the damsel from the healing chamber and she tentatively moved her legs forward.
"I can! I can move my legs. But they are so weak."
"The chamber heals you, but it does not necessarily restore your strength. When I came out of the chamber, it took months of physical therapy for me to fully get my legs under me. But Cathy ... You are back. I am Hero Lincoln and you are my damsel."
"Fuck me!" she cried. I believe she meant it literally. Instead, Seph and I helped her to the table where we ate a full meal. "It's real!" Cathy said. "I had let myself believe that it was all a ploy to send me away to die. I am so worthless. I have never been able to keep a job. I have always been prone to accidents. I thought they had sent me to Chaos so I wouldn't hurt anyone again. Will you? Will you really make me pregnant?"
"Well, I will do my best," I said. "But I think we should help you get your strength back before we start planting a baby in your womb."
"Fuck that!" Cathy said. "I promise to work on my rehabilitation every day, but please fuck me now, my hero. Please show me that it is all real!"
I could not resist. Like all Cassandran women, now that she was rescued and essentially healed, all Cathy could think about was her libido. She needed sex and lots of it. I carried her to the bed as soon as we had finished eating enough to give us strength. Her legs were weak, and I was actually thankful for that. I barely managed to pull my face from between her thighs when she came the first time. When I tentatively placed my cock at the entrance to her vagina, she pulled me violently forward and into her pussy. She had no interest in making love. She wanted to be fucked and fucked right goddamned now. I did my best to satisfy her wishes, but there is little that a man can do to improve the experience that a Cassandran woman can have all on her own. Simply having my cock in her was enough to send Cathy into the stratosphere. In a strange way, that made me miss Cadence all the more.
I knew that with Cadence, it wasn't having a cock that turned her on. It was having me.
"My love," I said to Persephone over Cathy's unconscious form. "How can I tell you how much I love you?"
"I find I scarcely know you, my hero," she replied. She looked at me over our sleeping damsel. "How could you know that you needed to break her bones again?"
"It was in Hero Seth's journals," I said. "He once rescued a damsel who had broken her arm. It had not been set properly and she was in constant pain. They determined that she needed to rebreak her arm in order to have it healed properly. Lisa was prepared to do the same thing with my back if it had not worked when I went into the healing chamber. But my bones had knitted together correctly. There were simply nerves that had been severed that never got reattached. The chamber was able to do that."
"But to ... to break her body ... how could you ... even think... ?"
"I did not think, my love. I knew what had to be done and simply did it."
"You left Lisa Caretaker on Chaos. You brought back a wretched woman, and then you broke her body against your knee. I hardly know who you are, Hero Lincoln."
"I am the sad and uncertain boy with whom you fell in love," I said.
"I will do my best to remember that."
"Seph, is it possible to get in touch with other caretakers? Or former caretakers?"
"Yes. If there is a reason."
"I would like to reach former Caretaker Mei-Xing."
"That name sounds familiar. She must have been well-known."
"She was Danny Sun's caretaker."
"Oh, my! Why do you wish to reach her?"
"Because of what you said. You said you were not prepared to love a companion as much as you loved your hero. Mei-Xing deserves to know that Danny's companion, Chang, loved her and is safe on Chaos."
No matter how much Cathy wanted to conceive and return to Cassandra, the path was arduous. She still held bitterness toward the system and what she had been through on Chaos. She also held onto some antagonism toward me for having not rescued her more quickly and then having delayed bringing her back to Crossroads, and finally for reinjuring her. No matter how much I explained my responsibilities to others, she still believed a hero only had to rescue a damsel and leave. Damn all others.
And she needed daily physical therapy to regain the muscles in her legs. She was lucky that it had been only a little over a year since her accident. Her muscles had deteriorated, but had not completely atrophied. Daily exercise helped her get stronger. And nightly romance helped heal her soul. I wined and dined her, sang to her, caressed and kissed her, and finally seduced and made love to her.
After three months, though, both Cathy and Persephone began to worry about whether she was fully healed and could bear children. Cathy went into the healing chamber and almost instantly I felt a pang of nausea in my stomach. I grabbed a pair of sweats and my canes and headed toward the portal. Cathy and Seph came from the healing chamber.
"Hero Lincoln, I can never thank you enough for saving me. I will endeavor to be the kind of mother that your child will be proud of. I am pregnant," Cathy said. She turned and walked through an open portal and out of my life into her own world. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for my own adventure.
"No!" Persephone cried as I stepped forward. "I love you!" She threw herself toward me and the impact took me off my feet and sent me through the portal.
I came through the portal in a roll as an axe swept over my head and into the side of the wardrobe. I knocked the wielder off his feet as I tumbled back to mine, both canes raised for battle. To my relief, Seph had not come through the portal with me.
"You said he was a cripple," a voice said to my left. I spun and swung a cane down on the gun hand of one of Wilson's goons. He screamed and rolled backward out the bedroom door. Beneath me, Wilson was scrambling backward and grabbing for his pistol.
"I don't know who you are, but you've just bought the farm, buddy," he yelled at me.
"I'm your brother, you stupid fucker," I screamed back at him. It made no difference to Wilson. He had his gun out and I swatted it with one of my canes. The gun went flying into the hallway.
"Where is Lisa?" he demanded.
"Where you can't get her," I said. "Same as Cadence."
This is my first story, so I am looking forward to feedback and reviews. Feel free to run with the basic idea. As normal, this not for those under 18, some graphic stuff, no safe for kids, etc, etc. Enjoy. Invasion of the Boobie Clowns In the dark night sky, a trail of light appeared. If anyone had seen it, they would have noticed something a bit odd. For a falling star, the light of its trail was unlike any other. This trail was pink, and in fact, the meteor as it fell from...
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I sat on the couch, frustrated as hell. Finals were coming soon, and my head was spinning nonstop. An outlet for me needed to be found. One where drama wouldn't come with it. I sat there as a clueless twenty-three-year-old brunette, just hoping that things would become better. Little did I know, that the solution was walking through the door. My twenty-four-year-old roommate, standing at five foot ten, with her long blonde hair, and c-cup breasts, saw me, and knew what I was thinking. “You'll...
Straight Sexthe sleeping pill had worked great. too. For a moment I feared that the boy was dead. Instead it was stone dead, but sleeping. fell in a few minutes like a cooked pear. I now had to give me to do. drag it down below, in the playroom. So call: the playroom.-I can offer you a drink? - The little shit had accepted - thank you gladly - and there in the kitchen drops down in the drink while he could not see me. then a good mixed and the magic potion that was pretty ready. poor bastard.I was polite...
Killer sex Typical the last train of the tea time rush packed and I got to go to the end of the line, oh happy times. She thought as she moved trough the carriage doors and tried to find room to stand. Well at least I’m on my way home at last she thought as the train pulled into the next station; a tall black guy boarded the train behind her. Very tall slim in looses fitting sports bottoms and a t-shirt showed his well-developed chest off nicely. If she had...
Straight SexOne of the girls used her cellphone to call 911 to request cops and EMS (Emergency Medical Services). I used my cellphone to call home to ask Mom and Dad to come pick us up. None of us, except for me, was dressed in undamaged clothes. Beth reclaimed her skirt before the cops or EMS showed up, and she stole a belt from one of the downed boys to keep it in place. The cops, EMS, Mom and Dad, and a TV crew all arrived at about the same time, and the next hour was spent in answering...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
"You must be Bandy," I said. "Looks like we've come to the right place." "It's the last place you'll look, anyway," the dwarf said. "I couldn't help but notice that you have some fine performers, but that there is no real organization to their shows. It is just act after act that people watch until they are bored and then leave. I believe that by joining forces, we might bring a certain je ne sais quoi to the show. We could generate real excitement. Bring people in to see...
The RV was parked at Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley. My watch said 3 am and I was completely awake. So was my very new and very nervous bedmate. Her arm was across me and the fingers were lying on my chest. I turned over and she caught my mostly limp cock in her hand. Her lips landed on mine and the cock wasn’t staying limp. Marian said, out of the dark, ‘Is he hitting on you?’ Sheila giggled, ‘No, we’re both awake and he’s hard. I’m squeezing him. Do you want some action? I can get out...
A Decision at Chaco After the scare with Julie’s uncle and the other bikers at the edge of the Glen Canyon reservoir, we made our way carefully to the RV hidden in the wash. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the rig headed back to the road in the pitch black, but Marian did a great job with a hooded flashlight. She took the other seat and said the women were going to spell each other staying up with me. I didn’t say anything but wondered when I would get Julie in my lap again. On the low...
He saw her hanging onto a tree, her body buffeted like a rag doll by the intense wind and pelting rain. ‘Can I get to her?’ he muttered to himself. ‘She’s going to let go and be swept under by the water at any moment.’ He drove his Ram to the highest spot he could find, and stopped, without turning off the engine. The water still covered the wheels. He picked up the binoculars he had in the glove compartment and focused them on her. She saw his vehicle. The look of total despair on her face...
Excitement in Death Valley I met Marian at a fund raiser for the library. We knew each other distantly, but socialized with different people. She had a degree in library science in her past, and substituted for the full time librarians when they went on vacation. She was tall and slim and always well dressed. Elegant wasn’t quite the right word. There was a quality of aloofness that added to her feminine allure. It said this was not a woman to make a casual pass at. ‘Hello, Jeff, are you...
We started work in the morning. I had to acquire materials in order to modify the wagon. I didn't dare make it too heavy because the axles and wheel hubs with leather bushings would wear out faster. We would be greasing the axles every mile or two and trying to keep them clear of dirt. Traveling by wagon was slow, but we estimated that it would be only two or three weeks to Mule Crossing where the damsel was supposedly recuperating from her accident. While I worked on the wagon, Lees worked...
We had a splendid meal and some spontaneous singing and dancing. Legs acquitted herself nicely and even her uncle was making catcalls at her. I used my canes to do a dance with her and the Duke's senior officers and their women were, judging by their laughter, highly entertained. I noticed that although Legs sat at the Duke's left during dinner, Guardian sat at his right. It seemed as though inviting his niece to visit was primarily a way of getting her guardian to attend. I was curious...
Christian was new in town. His father had recently been transferred to a new office, so he packed up the whole family and moved. Christian was upset at leaving his friends, but his one consolation was that the new town he was moving to was home to the Blue Dolphins, a champion swim team. Christian was a swimmer – and a damn good one at that. He held records at his high school, which was very impressive for a freshman. The first thing he did when he got to his new house was find the pool. Jenny...
EroticHie everyone, I am a 20 year old, 6 footer guy pursuing my education in Pune.. Regular gymming helps me to make some necks turn for me.. I reside in a posh locality of Hadapsar.. For privacy I would call myself Ethan. Coming to the story.. I used to hit the gym at 6 am in the morning and would return back at 7 . At the same time some gorgeous girls would be leaving for their college. Seeing them would give me a boner.. Once I noticed a lady watching me and she caught me ogling at the girls.....
Hi, guys, this is Tony from Kerala back again with another exciting incident which happened a few weeks back. The heroine is one of my old college mates. She was my friend’s ex too back then. It was back in college that my friend and she were in a relationship. I knew each and everything they had done together. And after they got bored with each other, both of them moved in different directions. She continued to be in relationships with different people. This incident took place when I was on...
It had been a stressful spring. Danielle's parents had decided to divorce after 18 years' marriage when it turned out that Danielle's dad wasn't her biological father. Danielle still felt guilty about it. She'd had a routine blood test and when she brought the paperwork home to show her parents, her dad exploded in a rage as she couldn't possibly be his daughter with that blood group. Her mother had broken down and said that she'd had an affair with a boy in after the summer when...
Tania woke up to a loud thump. She sat bolt upright in her bed. It was dark in her room and her eyes were unfocused yet, but she thought the clock said 7:15pm. When did she fall asleep? She really couldn’t remember. Looking off the end of her bed, there appeared to be a yellow glow outside her door, particularly toward the living room. She reached up and rubbed her eyes again. She focused on the glow. It was uncharacteristically quiet. Where were her children? What was this about? Could she be...
College for me was a time of growing up in a lot of ways. Academically, I learned a lot through the classes I enrolled in. Socially, how to get a long with a lot of people from different walks of life. Spiritually, I adopted a set of values that continue to serve me well to this very day. And personally, I learned a lot about myself, what was important to me and what wasn’t. College was also a period of time where I learned a lot about the opposite sex and where guys, and where, specifically,...
It was a sort of homecoming for me. Returning to one’s alma mater does qualify for the homecoming feel. To add to the excitement was getting back to the labs and departments that one had spent as a student. It was a sweet surprise when the head of Anatomy Department in the prestigious medical college in Bangalore — my alma mater – called me and asked if I was interested to take up a short term teaching assignment in his department. I had recently passed out of my post graduation in anatomy...
Shannon opened the door as she got home from work. It had been a while since she had worked and it was her first day, but it had been a decent one. It was a little dim in the house, which was a surprise to her because she knew that Brian should be home, usually on the computer and the light would be on. But once she opened the door, she saw just exactly what was going on. There were candles lighting a path. A path that obviously she was meant to follow. As she set down her purse, she saw the...
You are John. You're 18, still in high school. Your sexual drive is currently like a Mack Truck, barreling over everything in its path. But you're a virgin. Sucks, huh? What do you look like? Well, you're YOU. Figure it out. Your Aunt is named Doe. You should know, you picked the name. For the sake of storytelling, she will not have a vague, undefined appearance. She is about 5'9", red hair, and D Cup breasts. She's not all that attractive, but you find yourself drawn to her anyway. She's rude,...