A Paladin's TrainingChapter 19 free porn video

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“The Dawn will shatter before the rising of the Sun.”
-Ancient saying in some parts of Ekistair. Origin unknown.

‘The days are growing shorter,’ Shenla thought to herself as the sun disappeared behind the western mountains that lined the coast of Palistair, stretching from Amindaer in the south all the way to the frozen wastes in the far north. Lightning flickered in the distance to the south, heralding yet another thunderstorm.

The storms had been frequent and savage, rolling across this land once every few days, bringing gales, twisters, lightning and torrential rain. Somehow, the raging tempests never seemed to adversely affect the army of Dark Elves and Risen that Maloth had camped on the plain north of Amindaer.

To her right strode Barrog, her hulking nine-foot Orc easily keeping pace with the horses despite being on foot. To her left was Peldin, her slender but strong Mor’elda, with his midnight black skin in sharp contrast to the snow-white hair that he kept tied back. To her rear was Torvin, her muscular Human Warden, black-cloaked and head shorn of hair with his buxom Risen minion in tow.

These men were bound to Shenla as her ahk’sheth, and they would happily die for her if she asked them to, though she would only do that in the direst of need; if they died, she would be reduced to near-death herself, and that was not something she wished to experience ever again.

Like Maloth, the more souls Shenla bound, the stronger she would grow, but in turn she would have to keep her pets sustained. If her men were not able to fuck her at least once every moon, they would start to get sick, and eventually die. Currently she only had these three, but she was looking for additional suitable candidates. Maloth’s strength had grown significantly since he’d bound his fifth soul, and Shenla wanted a taste of that power.

In the back of her mind, Shenla wondered how many souls she could bind and keep sustained. How many men could she fuck in a month? She smiled as she considered that. The number would be quite high; she was a Demon of lust, after all. For now, however, she would do as Maloth was doing, and only bind high quality pets that were worthy of serving her.

She had done that with her three present companions to great success. Peldin had been a guard captain before she claimed him; the Dark Elf fought well, and he fucked even better. Torvin was a high-ranking Mor’tirith - a Warden of the Dead – from the ancient city of Angavar, and Barrog had been a raid leader among his Orc people, which was fortunate, as Shenla was currently riding into Gor’dur Orc territory to seek audience with the Chief.

Barrog said the Gor’dur were fiercely territorial, and he was surprised they hadn’t already begun to skirmish with Maloth’s army. Maloth had sent Shenla in the hope that an accord could be reached before the Orcs attacked; ‘accord’ meaning that Shenla would be seducing the Chief and strongly suggesting that the Orcs join with Maloth. Having Barrog with her would hopefully increase her status with the rest of the Orc people.

They were riding across a vast expanse of hard, stony ground toward a narrow chasm in the mountain barely wide enough for three riders abreast. Barrog said the chasm opened up on the other side into a large series of caverns.

“We are getting close,” Barrog growled in his guttural, bass voice. “They will know we are here, now.” Shenla scanned the mountains, but saw nothing. The chasm opening was still several hundred yards away.

“Will they be friendly?” Peldin murmured as he studied the rocky landscape.

“We are still alive,” Barrog replied. “That is a good sign.”

Torvin grunted from behind them and began to whisper something in another language until Shenla rounded on him. “No spells!” She hissed. “I want them to trust us enough to let us meet with the Chief!”

Torvin stopped immediately. “As you wish, Mistress. You should know, however, that the Gor’dur are savages, and cannot be trusted.”

“This is correct,” Peldin agreed, fingering the hilt of the longsword he carried at his hip.

Barrog shot them both a glare. “You know nothing, fools!”

Shenla had had enough of this. “Quiet!” She snapped. Just for good measure, she tweaked the link between their souls and hers, like pulling on a thread of cotton, to remind them of who owned them. The men remained silent after that.

Why did she have such trouble with her pets when Maloth never seemed to? Truthfully, she liked having strong, willful men in her possession. It meant they had spirit, and were worthy of her. Besides, they really weren’t difficult to put back into line, when necessary.

“Something approaches,” Peldin said, his pointed black ears twitching fitfully.

“War drums,” Barrog said uneasily, easing his huge axe from the loop on his back.

Sure enough, the ground soon began to vibrate with the booming of distant drums, and Orcs boiled forth from the chasm, their long legs covering ground quickly as they charged toward the party of four. Shenla drew reign and commanded her pets to halt and leave their weapons sheathed.

As they exited the pass, the impressive mass of Orcs formed into an organised column six abreast while never losing step. When they drew closer, Shenla could make them out individually, their fierce faces painted with stripes and patterns of red, their weapons glinting in the moonlight. Shenla smiled when she saw that the hulking brutes wore very little; the men wore simple loincloths that did nothing to restrain their loins as they ran, and Shenla was greeted by the sight of hundreds of bouncing Orc cocks running toward her. What a treat! The women wore similar garb, with the addition of a few straps of cloth to contain their mighty breasts.

Soon enough, the column reached Shenla’s small group and, without slowing, split down the middle, surrounding the visitors before closing the split on the other side. Barrog, Torvin and Peldin put their backs to Shenla, but left their weapons sheathed, as she had commanded.

The Orcs formed a tight circle, spear tips pointed inward. Long moments passed before a huge Orc pushed through the ranks. He was taller even than Barrog, and his dark green skin bulged with rippling muscles. Two large tusks jutted from his lower lip, reaching almost up to his wide, flat nose. His eyes were hard, but there was intelligence in his stare. A huge hammer was strapped to his back, one side of the head flat, the other shaped into a cruel spike.

Shenla felt herself grow moist as she eyed him up and down, particularly the way his heavy cock shifted back and forth beneath his loincloth as he moved.

The Orc pointed a finger at her. “What are you doing here, woman?”

Smiling, Shenla undid the clasp of her cloak and let it fall back over her horse’s rump. She had dressed specifically for this occasion, in nothing more than thin straps of leather. It was rather an excellent design, one that she had gotten from a male Warden who like to dress his Risen in such a fashion. A strap ran over each shoulder, connecting to another than ran across the front of her breasts and behind her back. A vertical strap ran from the horizontal strap, down her belly, over her rapidly moistening pussy and back up through her buttocks to connect to the strap at her back. Not only did it draw the eye of every male who breathed, but it felt good to wear, too.

The big Orc’s eyes roved over her body, and Shenla didn’t miss the twitch beneath his loincloth. “Who are you?” He asked, his eyes still hard.

“I am Shenla, sister to Lord Maloth the Corruptor, who now leads the Mor’elda of Eredor, the Amun’noroth of Orris, and the Mor’tirith of Angavar. He wished for me to visit the Gor’dur Orcs and extend our ... respects ... to your people.”

The big Orc thought for a moment, his eyes studying the way her breasts moved as she breathed. “Ha!” He said finally. “Cowardly Elves, a handful of Giants and some corpse-fuckers! Not such a grand force, I think!”

Chuckles spread through the Orc ranks at their leader’s joke. Barrog had been on the other side of Shenla’s horse, out of sight of the Orc leader, but now he stepped out. “You might be surprised, Garrun,” he said quietly.

Garrun’s eyes widened as he recognised Barrog, then they narrowed as his brow drew down. “Barrog! You have some stones, coming back here after deserting your tribe!”

“I did not desert!” Barrog growled. “I was taken, and now I belong to Shenla!”

Garrun spat on the ground at Barrog’s feet. “You are pathetic, Barrog. You abandoned your people for a foreign whore! You will not be leaving this place alive, traitor!” Garrun reached for his hammer, and Barrog’s hand went for the axe on his back.

Shenla wondered in that moment if perhaps she should bind Garrun; he was large and strong, and he had at least some intelligence about him. No, she would not make this decision now. She would watch this Garrun for a little longer to see what kind of Orc he was before she made up her mind. Taking a deep breath, Shenla reached out with her power and enveloped the Orc leader in dark lust, including as many other male Orcs she could reach, which turned out to be quite a few; her powers were growing.

Grunts and exclamation rippled through their ranks as Orc cocks began to rise. The leader was no different; his loincloth was now standing out at a right angle, and his huge chest was rising and falling with the arousal coursing through him.

Garrun’s eyes left Barrog and locked onto Shenla, his enormous erection pulsing.

The loincloth fell away and Shenla’s pussy flooded as she beheld the thick, foot-and-a-half long Orc phallus pointed directly at her like some kind of deliciously obscene salute. She wanted to fuck this monster right now, but some self-control was necessary – for the moment, anyway.

Seeing Garrun fall under Shenla’s spell, Barrog relaxed, but kept his axe in hand and his eyes on the Orcs surrounding them, some of whom were beginning to grow distracted by the sudden wave of lust. A few had grabbed nearby females and were attempting to mate with them, some successfully, others not. One poor Orc reached for the female next to him and got a knife in his ribs for his trouble. Some of the males that were not near a female simply took themselves in hand and stroked their cocks while staring wantonly at Shenla atop her horse.

She didn’t mind; she loved the attention. “You want to fuck me, Garrun?” The brute nodded as he wrapped his huge hand around his veiny prick. “Then take me to the Chief, and I will give you pleasure like you’ve never had.”

Garrun nodded dumbly, then roared at his troops to form up. They did so – though perhaps more slowly than they would have without Shenla’s interference – and began to lope back to the chasm, keeping their guests contained within the circle of spears.

The Orcs slowed to a trot once inside the steep-sided chasm, which wound its way through the mountain for maybe half a mile before leading down beneath the earth and into a series of vast caverns. For over an hour they traversed the underground realm, which contained a bustling Orc population.

Eventually, the escort entered the largest cavern yet, a huge space with what looked like a fighting pit in the centre. Two Orcs were trading blows in the centre of the pit amid cheers and shouts from the onlookers sparsely occupying the surrounding rows of bench seats that had been cut into the rock. At the opposite end of the pit from Shenla was a dais that held two large thrones that looked to be made entirely of bones. Upon each of those thrones was a figure, though they were too far away for Shenla to make them out clearly.

The majority of the Orcs surrounding Shenla and her pets peeled away at that point, leaving only a dozen or so – Garrun included – to escort them to the dais. Upon closer inspection, the thrones were occupied by a male and female Orc respectively. The male was much smaller of stature than Shenla would have expected – she thought Orcs valued size and physical strength above all else – but the female was large and imposing, though also beautiful, in her own way.

Tall and statuesque, the female had straight black hair falling down around her deep-green face and onto her broad shoulders. She wore no clothing, and her breasts – which rivalled Shenla’s in size – sat large and proud, showing no hint of sag. She had a firm, flat stomach, wide hips and thick, strong thighs. A tiara made of fine bones adorned her head, and the black eyes beneath glittered dangerously as they fell on Shenla and her pets.

The male was short, and much less muscular than any other Orc Shenla had ever seen. He had skin the colour of mossy earth, and was probably no taller than Torvin. A crown in the same fashion as the chieftess’s tiara rested on his brow in his mane of dark hair. He was handsome enough for an Orc, Shenla supposed, but she found herself wondering how this fellow had come to be chief – he had to be the chief; who else would be sitting that throne?

“Do not let his appearance fool you, Mistress,” Barrog rumbled softly. “He is fast, and deadly, and clever.”

The diminutive chief sat back casually on his bone throne, his thighs apart to show an appendage that certainly got Shenla’s attention, resting like a green snake on the seat of the throne. She thought it might rival Garrun’s when hard.

One naked Orc attendant stood beside each throne – a female for the chieftain, and a male for the chieftess – both were young and attractive. The male was broad and strong and covered with chiseled muscle, while the female was almost willowy, for an Orc, though her breasts and hips were still generously proportioned.

The chief flicked a finger and the pretty young attendant stepped around and knelt between his legs, presenting her tight, olive-green rear to the visitors. Her smooth sex with its puffy outer lips was visible between her thighs. After a moment, her head began to make telling bobbing motions.

“So, what have you brought us, Garrun?” The chief asked in a lazy voice. For all appearances, he seemed arrogant and careless in his power, though Shenla knew better, and not just from Barrog’s warning; it was his dark eyes that she watched, and they saw everything.

Garrun stepped forward and saluted the chieftain and chieftess, thumping a huge fist to his chest. His phallus was still at full mast, and the chieftess was eyeing it interestedly. “I bring you Shenla, Chieftain. She claims to be the brother of Maloth, who now leads the armies of the Dark Elves, the Wardens, and the Hill Giants.”

“Ah, yes,” the chief said slowly, fixing his stare on Shenla. She took a deep breath to accentuate her chest, but his eyes never left her face. “The ragtag army on the Forlorn Plains. I was wondering when an emissary would appear.”

Shenla could feel the lust rising from the chief as his servant pleasured him, but his face betrayed no emotion, as if this were simply an everyday occurrence for the Orc leader. Reaching out, she touched his lust with her power as she spoke. “Mighty Chief,” she began, dismounting smoothly and sashaying toward the dais. Again, the chief’s eyes never left her face, though his breathing was growing heavier as his servant suckled him. “We do not wish to interfere with your lands or your people. My brother wants you to know that he intends to take Amindaer Fortress, and your Orcs would be an asset to this cause. There would, of course, be generous rewards offered to those who help Lord Maloth.”

The chieftess spoke then for the first time, glaring at Shenla but addressing the chief. “I say we let this Lord Maloth break his teeth on Amindaer, and then we come and sweep him and his pathetic army from Palistair entirely!”

Not for the first time, Shenla cursed the fact that her power held little to no sway over females. Mentally, she adjusted her tactics; she had intended to drop her cloak and reveal her body as she’d done earlier, but surely that would only further the chieftess’s hostility. She would have to find another way.

The chief barked laughed at that. “Such ferocity, Morana! That is one of the many reasons you are my mate.” He thought for a moment, glancing between Shenla and Morana while his hand tangled itself in his servant’s hair, forcing her further down on his cock. “Perhaps you are right, Morana. Perhaps we should allow them to attempt this ambitious feat and shatter themselves against Amindaer’s walls.” He sat forward, a knowing smile on his face. “But what if they don’t shatter?” He said quietly. “What if this Lord Maloth has discovered a way to take the city, and the Gor’dur refuse to help? Then we would have a new lord in Amindaer, one who has no love for the Orcs. What do you think, Morana?”

The chieftess frowned thoughtfully, staring at Shenla and her three pets. “It is true, my love, that we currently have a tenuous peace with Amindaer, and Markos has been honouring that thus far.” She paused for a moment and waved her attendant over. The strapping Orc stepped up beside his chieftess and she idly began to stroke his long green cock with one hand. “But Markos is a bandit at heart, and his trust can only be taken so far. I suspect one day he will betray us, regardless of whether the Gor’dur honour the pact or not.”

While Morana spoke, the chief listened, though his glittering eyes remained fixed on Shenla. His cute attendant continued to suck him all the while, offering a gentle moan every now and then. Shenla could feel the lust wafting off the girl; apparently, she enjoyed her job.

Morana continued. “I see two options, Beshok; either we trust this Shenla and her Lord Maloth and assist them in taking Amindaer, or we kill Shenla now and send a legion of Gor’dur warriors to destroy Maloth’s army. Not only would we eliminate this Maloth, but we would take down the Elves and the Wardens in one stroke, exposed as they are.”

Beshok chuckled. “Very astute, as always, Morana.”

At that moment, Beshok reached his climax, and with a grunt, began to fill his concubine’s willing mouth with his seed. Shenla used that moment of peak pleasure to strike, lashing out with her power and wrapping tendrils of lust around Beshok’s heart, tendrils that connected the Orc chief to Shenla. Not in a true binding, but it would make him very amenable to her requests. He would lust after her, desire her above all else. She’d done the same thing to king Berenor, with satisfying results.

Morana’s eyes left Shenla to watch her mate come, and her hand began stroking her servant’s thick tool more insistently. The brawny Orc grunted in pleasure, and his heavy sack began to swing between his thighs as his chieftess picked up speed. Shenla reviewed her opinion of these Orcs; she’d thought them savage brutes until she’d bound Barrog, and Barrog had shown her that there was something more to them. Meeting Beshok and Morana had only convinced her further that they were quite civilised, in a primitive sort of way. More important however, was the fact that no matter how well-spoken and intelligent they seemed to be, they were still slaves to their lust, and that was where Shenla had the most power.

Beshok’s eyes had closed during his climax, but they opened again shortly after, and a new light shone in the dark orbs; lust. The diminutive Orc gazed hotly at Shenla as if she were the only other being in the world. The chief roughly shoved his servant aside, revealing his rampant erection, the thick green rod reaching almost to his chest and glistening with the Orc girl’s saliva. “The Gor’dur will ally with you, Shenla,” he proclaimed in a strong voice. “But know this: if we have reason to believe you will betray us, our retribution will be violent and swift.”

So, he wasn’t completely under her sway yet. Shenla had to respect the fellow’s willpower; his body would be awash with rampant arousal, but yet he still seemed in control of himself.

“Also,” Beshok added. “There are two conditions which you must fulfill; the first is that Barrog must face punishment for deserting his people. Under normal circumstances, this would mean death, but in the light of our new alliance, I will offer him the chance to redeem himself in the Pit.”

Barrog shifted his weight at that. Shenla glanced behind her at the Pit, where one Orc stood with his fists held high, his boot on the chest of his opponent, who was lying on the ground. Two smaller Orcs rushed into the centre to drag the body away. Shenla couldn’t tell if he still lived or not.

Shenla addressed the chief. “Who will be his opponent, Chief Beshok?”

Beshok grinned malevolently. “I think Garrun would be a suitable match. Do you agree, Morana?”

Morana matched her mate’s grin and nodded. She was watching Garrun, in particular his cock, which was still somewhat hard from Shenla’s earlier efforts. Shenla doubted she would be able to entirely wrap her hands around that mighty weapon, though she couldn’t wait to try.

Garrun barked a laugh. “Thank you, Chief! It would be my honour to crush Barrog’s skull into the dirt!”

Shenla couldn’t alow that; if Barrog died, she would be reduced in power until she could find a replacement, and while she’d never experienced losing a pet, she had the feeling it would also involve large amounts of pain. She tugged on the threads she’d earlier placed on Garrun, and the huge Orc turned his head to regard her, his cock flexing eagerly. She gave the brute the slightest, almost imperceptible shake of her head, and while he didn’t give any outward sign, she felt that he’d received the message: do not kill Barrog.

At that moment, Morana’s servant began to buck his hips, and long ropes of Orc juice began to spurt from the end of his cock and onto the chieftess’s face and tits. She never took her eyes off Garrun the entire time, quite content to let the brawny young Orc spill his seed on her skin. When he was done, she released his member, and without looking at him, simply said; “clean me off.”

The young Orc obeyed immediately, vanishing and returning seconds later with a cloth which he used to wipe his chieftess down.

“And what is your second condition, Chief Beshok?” Shenla asked politely, though she layered her tone thick with sweet promise.

“My second condition, Lady Shenla,” Beshok began, scornfully pronouncing the word ‘lady.’ “Is that you will prove your loyalty to the Gor’dur by sharing my bed tonight.”

Shenla could have laughed out loud, though she schooled her features. This was his condition? It was almost too easy! She bowed her head gracefully, trying to pretend that she didn’t want to feel his enormous cock inside her. “As you wish, Chief Beshok. I will accept these conditions in the interests of our alliance.”

A short time later, Shenla, Peldin and Torvin were sitting in the roughly hewn stone seats surrounding the Pit, watching Barrog and Garrun preparing for their fight. Barrog had stripped down to his loincloth and was casually swinging his heavy double-bladed axe back and forth. Barrog was almost nine feet tall and thickly muscled, but Garrun had almost a foot on him, and the monstrous Orc’s body rippled as he flexed and stretched, partly to limber up, but mostly – Shenla suspected – for show, especially with the way he twirled that enormous spiked hammer around like it was a twig.

The word had got out that Barrog had returned and was to face Garrun as punishment, and Orcs had flocked to the arena by the score, packing the rows of crude seats until there was no room left. Guttural voices filled the huge cavern as Orcs excitedly waited for the show to begin.

“Silence!” Chief Beshok’s voice boomed from where he stood on the dais, and every Orc in the arena immediately hushed. “Today is a monumental day for the Gor’dur! Today we have forged an alliance which will allow us to take Amindaer City!”

Cheers erupted from the crowd; Amindaer had long been coveted by the races of Palistair, but divided as they were, neither Orc, nor Elf, nor Warden had the strength to conquer it alone. Now – thanks to Maloth – they would be united as one, and would have the means to take the previously impenetrable Amindaer City. Maloth would be most pleased with Shenla when she brought him the good news.

Beshok waved the crowd to silence. “Also, today the traitor Barrog has returned to us!”

Hate-filled roars and cries followed the chief’s words, all directed at Barrog, who continued to warm up, ignoring his brethren.

“Barrog will be punished under trial by combat!” Beshok continued. “And if, by some miracle, he defeats Garrun, or survives the fight, then his crime will be forgiven!”

Raucous laughter thundered around the arena at that one; obviously not many Orcs thought Barrog stood a chance. What they didn’t know was that Barrog’s soul was Bound to Shenla, which made him somewhat faster and stronger than he would be otherwise. Still, Shenla was not completely certain Barrog could defeat Garrun, which is why she’d given the silent command to the bigger Orc.

Beshok raised a hand, and the crowd quieted once again. “Begin!”

Garrun and Barrog had been circling each other in the centre of the Pit, and at the word ‘begin,’ Garrun thundered forward with a roar, reaching Barrog in four long strides and bringing the head of his hammer down as if he wanted to drive the smaller Orc into the ground like a stake.

Barrog shifted his weight ever so slightly as he inched to one side, and the hammer whistled past his face, striking only empty air as it sailed by harmlessly and thunked into the sandy ground. In less time than it takes a heart to beat, Barrog’s axe rose and fell, chopping through the haft of Garrun’s hammer in one clean blow.

The entire arena fell silent, and more than a few Orc jaws had fallen open in shock. With a scream of rage, Garrun left his hammer in the dirt and thrust the severed haft toward Barrog in an underhand stab, but Barrog smoothly knocked the attack aside and brought the butt of his axe handle up into Garrun’s chin before planting a bare foot in the huge Orc’s belly, knocking the wind out of him.

Gasping for breath, Garrun dropped to one knee, and Shenla saw Barrog glance in her direction, asking an unspoken question. She nodded, and Barrog hefted his axe to deliver the killing blow, but to Shenla’s surprise, he dropped the axe and bent to pick up Garrun’s hammer. She felt a pang of regret as Barrog brought the hammer down upon Garrun’s skull and a sickening crack echoed around the otherwise silent arena; she really would have liked to try that Orc cock.

Garrun collapsed in a heap on the ground, the back of his head a bloody mess where the hammer had fallen. With a triumphant bellow, Barrog placed a foot on his dead opponent and kicked him over onto his back before raising the shortened hammer above his head.

The arena exploded in thunderous applause, the Orc spectators whooping and cheering Barrog’s name. Barrog turned slowly, drinking in the adulation.

The cheers died down when Beshok rose from his throne. “Barrog!” The Orc chief bellowed. “You have passed your trial by combat, and are hereby cleared of all charges of desertion!”

There were further cheers at that, but Beshok pressed on. “As well as this, you defeated your enemy without being struck, and if that weren’t enough, you killed him with his own weapon. You have brought much honour upon yourself. The Gor’dur Clan would offer you a prize, Barrog. What would you ask of us?”

Barrog remained silent for a moment, before answering in his bass, guttural voice. “I would have you grant a request, Chieftain, but I would ask you in private.”

Later, Shenla and her sycophants were lounging in the private quarters of Beshok and Morana. The chief and chieftess’s chambers were expansive, and this particular room was comfortable, if a little primitive. Thick furs and square feather pillows covered the stone floor, surrounding a blazing firepit that filled the space with pleasant warmth.

In keeping with the Orc leaders’ manner, Shenla had removed her cloak and leather straps, and was sitting nude before the fire, leaning back on her hands and allowing Beshok to rake his eyes over her body. For effect, she’d opened her thighs while keeping the soles of her feet together, forming a diamond shape with her legs. The heat from the fire felt good on her already inflamed sex.

Beshok was certainly taking advantage of Shenla’s display; sitting cross-legged to her left, his gaze was openly roaming over her body, and his cock – which was even more impressive up close – was standing up proudly in his lap. Perhaps it was not such a shame about Garrun, when there was meat like Beshok’s so close to hand.

Barrog sat to Shenla’s right, having been offered a place of honour sitting at the fire with the chief and chieftess, and Shenla, as an official ally of the Gor’dur, was offered the same.

Morana sat beside Beshok, sitting almost in imitation of Shenla, except the chieftess’s legs were straight and slightly apart, giving Shenla a view of her hairless, puffy slit. Shenla found herself wondering what Orc pussy tasted like; she’d never had the pleasure.

A few feet behind Shenla were Peldin and Torvin, who also sat naked on the furs. Dark Elves and Wardens were not regarded fondly by the Gor’dur, and as such it was a wonder they were allowed in the room at all. Shenla had instructed them to sit back and remain silent, so as not to interfere with her plans. A glance over her shoulder showed her that the two men had found a way to amuse themselves; Torvin’s buxom Risen had her head in his lap and was devotedly sucking his cock while Peldin knelt behind the former human and quietly fucked her ass. Shenla watched for a moment, liking the contrast of Peldin’s midnight skin against the pale grey of the Risen.

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Cast of Characters: Bianca Floris: Protagonist. Raymond Peter Evans: Viewpoint character and Bianca's husband. Veronica Ryder: Jessica's sister and Bianca's classmate. Jessica Ryder: Viewpoint character, Raymond's friend and an incesbian psychotherapist. Jessica's story: A call in the night. Most people believe that they lead a happy and successful life if they live in exquisite homes, make a large sum of money, and own expensive cars. As for me, I never felt that way. I made my...

1 year ago
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The 8ball

The 8-ball is a mysterious item rumored to be from an alternate dimension; it's everlasting, undying, passed down from generation to generation. But this 8-ball isn't just an antique to hold, or a tool to be used, hell, it isn't even meant to be in a game of pool. No, this 8-ball is alive, or to be more exact, whatever's inside is alive. Multiple individuals have claimed to have spoken to the being in the ball, though no one has ever seen it; or if they have, lived to tell the tale. You see,...

Mind Control
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Listen To This You Bastard

Copyright© 2003 Edited by Big D, circa 2005 There was a young girl from Annista Who dated a lecherous mister. He fondled her titty, Got one finger shitty, Then screwed up his courage and kissed 'er. The shrill scream of the phone violently wakes Ron up from a deep contented sleep. The darkness is total and his eyes see nothing, but with the familiarity of years of living in the same home and with the same layout, he turns upon his bed and fumbles for the receiver. It seems to...

3 years ago
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Willow Autumn Dakota Elle

Willow, Autumn, Dakota & Elle In on an airport’s pick-up area Willow and Autumn stand with their luggage, as a car pulls up, and Dakota sticks her head out. “Oh, my God!” she squeals, “You’re so grown up!”Behind her, Elle gets out.“Not as much as her!” Willow jokes.“Oh, I know, my baby sister just shot up overnight. She could carry me now!”Elle goes around back, and opens the trunk, and her and Autumn load the luggage in. “Did you just get that cut?” Elle says, referring to Autumn’s short...

4 years ago
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Lake House 2

I didn’t think I had ever been so aroused.   I’d never had a woman have such a long or loud orgasm before.   I kissed my way up to her mouth, making a brief stop at each nipple along the way.   My raging cock just barely touched her wet pussy as I reached her mouth and we began to kiss.   She licked my chin and sucked my lips, cleaning her juices off of everything but my mustache.   Then she gave me a little shove to the side and rolled me over on my back.   Now it was her turn, and she began...

Straight Sex
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Episode 16 Becki in Chains

Crowded pub in NewcastleA couple sat at table in the pub, when 2 gorgeous chicks walk in, stand hips touching at bar. Man cannot keep his eyes off their long legs and tight denim-clad bums, wife notices his gaze. "Stop drooling, they're much too young for you... wait a minute isn't that blonde Becki from your favourite porn site?"How did you ...?""Easy, just click on your Most Visited page on Chrome; you really should be more careful on the Junior Porn Club site " she said raising her voice...

2 years ago
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Sexfight League Bayley vs AJ Lee

----- AJ smirked to herself as she skipped down the ramp to the ring. She was confident. Sure she'd lost the Women's Championship the month before. But she just had to win this number one contender's match against some nobody whore to get right back in the race. It wouldn't be long before this new girl was cumming on the mat for her. The audience was clearly excited. Thousands of women cheering for AJ in her cute cut off t-shirt and jean shorts. She gave them a wave, before her...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 3

A week later I serviced Nicks divine dick once more. He had the day to himself and inited me to his flat. The risk was an additional pleasure for him as was being completely naked. I was fully clothed as usual. He talked a lot as I slurped and sucked my way towards his satisfaction. He even took a call and shuffled me backwards towards his balcony window as he conversed about his plans. His friend had no idea that Nick was pulling my head on to his prick so that my lips gapped at the base of...

2 years ago
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MrsRajni Gupta Ko Kali Se Full Banya

Hot mrs. Rajni gupta ko kali se full banya, Friends, bhabhi n aunty aoor sabhi ko meri oor se hello n very 2 thanks , jinhone meri last story (hot mita or uski 4 friend k saath hard chudai) ko bhut zabardast response diya, mere pass kaafi e mail, aoor phone call aaye, jiskie karan main iss main meri 4th story present karne jaa raha hu , I hope yah bhi aap sabhi ko jarur pasand aaye gi. Ek baar main aap ko wapas apna introduction de dena chata hu , mera naam manoj hai . hight 6 feet, body fit n...

3 years ago
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Just The Tip Part 2

Before I could see it, I could feel it between my tits, the ripple of motion traveling up his huge shaft, making his cum-channel bulge out against my sternum as it rose like the magma from a boiling volcano.I was making the mistake of looking right at it when he groaned, a veritable lion’s roar into his orgasm. As a result, the first shot blasted from his cock in a fat airborne rope, time seemed to slow down, and I could only watch in mute astonishment as the finger-thick stream of spooge flew...

Straight Sex
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Escape From LexingtonChapter 17

This year has been difficult for me. As much as possible, I’ve tried to stay in the background, letting Striking Eagle make the decisions and work assignments. It was a lot harder to do that I thought it would be and has me questioning my decision to leave more than once. It’s not that Striking Eagle didn’t do a good job, but I felt as if I was letting down people who trusted me. Happily, everything went well this year with no unpleasant surprises. All during the summer, I watched Striking...

3 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 42

They slept in, not getting out of bed until nearly noon. Rob carefully peeked behind the curtains to see what is was like outside and discovered the sun was shining brightly. He reached out to touch the glass and found it cold, with frost around the edges. Rob came out from behind the curtains to find Elaina stretching like a cat on the bed. "What were you doing back there, beloved?" she asked with a kittenish smile. Rob snorted. "Checking the weather outside," he answered. "Mmm,"...

2 years ago
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The Kindness of Strangers

The sign said "REST STOP 1 MILE", a little over a hundred more miles to go. I was thinking how tiresome this drive was becoming. I was on my way back from visiting my mom in Pennsylvania over the spring break and had just crossed the Virginia-North Carolina state line on my way back to school in Chapel Hill. I had driven the route so many times that the beautiful scenery along the Blue Ridge Parkway no longer had much of an impact on me. I just wanted to get back to my apartment and veg for...

3 years ago
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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 5 Latina MILFrsquos Futa Delight

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales’s living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as she watched the solution fade from a blue to a hot pink. It was ready. She...

3 years ago
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My Specail TalentCh1

==================================================================================== It all started my 8th grade year. I had noticed ever dice the start of the school year, that there was something different about the way people acted. Not just the students, but the teachers too. The biggest change I noticed, was in the female students, and even some of the teachers. I had noticed the way some of them acted around me, it was strange because before, really no girl had paid THAT much...

1 year ago
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Our Family Comes TogetherChapter 2

As I walked toward the bed, I said, "Don't worry, I'm not upset, I really don't mind. If anything, I think I want to join in," and I began taking my clothes off. Tracy just sat there, the sheet pulled up covering her boobs but Kevin seemed to relax, after all he knew the sexual situations we used to get into, this was not so different from most of those, except that it involved our daughter. "Tracy, I've seen you naked, honey, lots of times, you can drop the sheet," I said as I got...

1 year ago
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The dressing room

We were both stunned when the gallery in New York suddenly began selling my work for such a large amount of money. I am a very simple girl that has never had a lot of money. For god’s sake I had never even been on an airplane or in a major city. Being in new York and seeing my art on display in one of the most cutting edge galleries in the world was a shock for me. Suddenly I did have a small fortune to play with. I had no problem parting with the money because I knew my work was in high...

2 years ago
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The early years with Tammy

Cars well ,they had to look good and go fast and if they did I found that they attracted the pretty girls.My first car was a 64 chevy impala that was fast and looked good the best part was it had a big back seat. Now at 17 I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship and the longest was about 2 months .It all depended how long it took to get them in the backseat with their pants down. This story is about two girls that were friends and the fun I had with each of them separately . Tammy was...

3 years ago
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online guy and his best friend part one

i started talking to this guy online and we had been talking for a while swap pics of each other and agcreed to meet up on saturday at 11 in his town. it was saturday 11 o clock i was waiting at the side of the river waiting for him. 5 mins later he rang me and said to meet him at his house so i went to his house. i knock on the door he answer wearing nothing but tight pants he said ‘come in’ so i went in and sat on the sofa he came in the room and stood and he had a huge hard on he did not...

2 years ago
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Spaceship 5EX

The EX-class Cruiser was a breakthrough in space travel. It had the capability of traveling at faster than light speeds, enabling it to make journeys that in the past would have take decades or even centuries. The EX’s could now make those same voyages in mere weeks or months. That opened up a whole new age of space exploration and discovery as star-systems that were previously out of range for even the most extended trips by “sleeper ships” could now be visited for research, study, and...

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Star Traders a review

Star Traders: a review by Trismegistus Shandy ----- The short-lived television show _Star Traders_ (1972-73) has long been legendary among fans of science-fictional TV with good stories and bad special effects. Canceled after less than two seasons, it was never widely syndicated partly because of the small number of episodes and mainly because of rights disputes in the wake of the bankruptcy of Silver Silo Studios. These rights disputes prevented any official video release until...

3 years ago
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Tales of Ancient Rome 2 Salidia and Lydia

Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave       rises to power in ancient Rome.  Tales 2 is a        character study of a complex and murderous femdom.        109 pgs.                Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia                                                by                                                TG                                          Chapter 1                                   Laying in Supplies        "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...

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Our new toy

Misty and I had been discussing bringing another man into our fun and we have even been talking to a few willing participants but they usually back out at the last minute. I was away on business and Misty had decided that she was going to make a surprise visit and we were going to get this guy toy fantasy completed. I was looking forward to it actually. For some reason it really got my blood boiling to think about watching her as she sucked another man’s cock and stroked mine at the same time...

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Savuka Thopil Ullasam

Hello friends, indru kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 19 vayathu pennai ilamaiyaana aan matter podugiraan. Vaarungal tamil kama kathikul sendru eppadi avalai usar seithu anuba vaithaan enbathai paarthu magizhalaam. En peyar vickey vayathu 23 aagugirathu, en veethiyil oru ilamaiyaana pen irukiraal. Aval ippozhuthu thaan palli padipai mudithu vittu kalluriku sendraal, ithu naal varai avalai naan paarthathe kidaiyaathu. Ippozhuthu kalluriku selum pozhuthu thaan parka aarambithen, muthal murai iruvarum...

1 year ago
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Drive By Girls! No, don't you ever for a second get to thinking that drivebygirls.com is some BangBus copy! No! These chicks don't step out of the cars, nor do they let the studs inside the vehicles. Everything happens through car windows, and it's one hell of a concept. Idiotic, risky, but unique. Is there anything else xxx website can do to differentiate itself from the competition besides attempting to be original? In the era when everything is said and done, hardcore and explicit, the only...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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River 6

So far: River's parents return that evening, only to discover what happened this morning. Dale is adamant that he will kill the molester, even if it means going back to jail again. River, however, is dejected and mopish as the river continues to ignore her. River and Wayne were silent as they drove back into the park from the town. After they crossed the little covered bridge, River sobbed twice, and then broke out into tears. Wayne quickly pulled over, and then slid along the...

2 years ago
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Confusion of Tongues

‘The grub wasn’t always too bad, when it wasn’t spoiled and the creepy crawlies weren’t busy making their nests between bites. You know a few days worth of field rations can buy quite a bit on the streets of _______. & If there’s one thing you didn’t go lacking for, its entertainment. You’d be tickled to see the ease in which family men whore their nearest & dearest when the tables are bare- it’s back to god given commodities at such times, believe you me. I went several days without in...

2 years ago
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A New Life for Rose

Rose had just recently turned fifty. For the last year, she had worked very hard to get her body back in shape. After three kids, she had let herself go, gaining weight with her first, then never losing it all before getting pregnant with her twins. She had gained almost hundred pounds with them, and only lost about forty-five pounds after they were born. Over the years she had made halfhearted attempts to lose weight, but whatever she lost, she ended up gaining back and more. She stopped...

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The ExtraChapter 2 Abigail

WHEN WALKER ARRIVED at the hospital ward he was informed where Bill was, but clearly warned that Bill had two people with him already and patients in recovery from surgery were only allowed two visitors at a time. Perhaps in a couple of days, depending on his rate of recovery from the effects of the anaesthetic, the nurse said, Bill might be allowed three or four visitors at a time. Walker looked through the glass door and saw Bill in the small four-bed side ward, with two women: an older...

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John was cursing. He had been caught putting a thumbtack on his teachers chair, and now he had to clean the library. The oldest part of it, the one in the cellar to be precise. So now he was handling books and dusting them off. He did it without much care. Suddenly he stumbled and dropped a book. It crashed on the floor, opening itself. John cursed and started to recover it, but then stopped. What was that? A magical "Word of control"? What nonsense. "Xotzil". And such a book is in a school...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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The Dinner Party

One Saturday night, not long ago, my husband, Dan, and I decided to throw a small dinner party with a few close friends. We invited three couples; John and Amy, Paul and Trish and Wes and Leigh. We enjoyed a delicious meal after which the men headed for the den while the women cleaned up. The four of us were in the kitchen doing the dishes when Amy mentioned her frustration over how unfulfilling her and John's sex life had become. We were all around the same age, early 30's, and had been...

4 years ago
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Its Sarahs Turn

Kat led us to her bathroom where Sarah and I then showered together. It was nice to run my hands over Sarah’s entire body, her small soft breasts under my hands, her nipples still hard. I washed her come from her bush and the insides of her thighs as Sarah moaned again in pleasure. I was treated to the same pleasure as Sarah soaped my entire body and then wiped me clean with the washcloth.After we finished and were toweling off, Sarah washed off Kat’s dildo. She then slipped it into her pussy...

3 years ago
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With roommate and friends

With roommate and friendsMy husband, who's sort of a masturbation junkie, thinks this is a great story and said I should post it. He is the only person who knows about this and says it still turns him on. I am sort of embarrassed by it. I never masturbated till I was in college. One afternoon, thinking I was alone for a couple of hours, I got naked and slipped into bed in the dorm to do this new thing that I found so great. I was touching myself for fifteen or twenty minutes, when my roommate...

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Fraternity Batebrothers

“Hey man, you seen Brian and Lee up and around yet? I think they got smashed last night, bro.” Nick looked up from his game of Halo at the question, seeing his fourth roommate, Danny, framed in the door to his room. Danny — Hispanic, 5’10”, with close-cropped black hair — was wearing a loose pair of gym shorts and his tank top was stained with sweat from his usual morning workouts. Nick shrugged, glancing at the clock — after 11 in the morning on a Saturday. “Nah, man, haven’t seen them. They...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slutty Friend Ch 01

When I got the text from Paige, I laughed out loud. "What a slut," I thought. She'd sent me a picture of her tits practically busting out of this shirt she wore that buttoned all the way up. What a tease.Paige was 18, my daughter's best friend. They were in the same senior class, and did practically everything together. They loved to sunbathe in the backyard, oiled and shining, or jump on the trampoline, shrieking, their tits bouncing beautifully. Emily, my daughter, was gorgeous, tan with...

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Boobs for free

I m a regular reader of iss.and i’m particularly interested in those stories involving wives and girlfriends.i’m writing on iss for the first time as i really couldn’t help but share this with all of you. These events took place only a few months back.and trust me friends this is a real one.i’m 25 and from the city of joy.i’ve completed my mba and i’m a executive in an mnc.i’ve been engaged to my girlfriend for the last 5 years and we are into a very stable and beautiful relationship. She is 24...

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I Sometimes Say the Dumbest ThingsChapter 1

I knew better before I even opened my mouth. I am not good with kids. They make me uncomfortable and they seem to know it. But I have a curse. I am one of those people that likes to help out when I can. So when my boss was fuming and so terribly upset at the office yesterday I asked what had upset him so. I knew that he was all set to leave on a ten day cruise with his wife. It was going to be their second honeymoon. We had been working furiously to get ahead at work so that he could take...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 14 The Dangers Of The Unsafe Zone

Going along with his plan, Zax had a few things to fear from but each had the potential to end his endeavor. One was the nurse or the doctor, whichever she was. If she would awake up to see that he is not in the resting bed and alert the staff members and representative Guardians before he will enter cave zero thirty nine again then his plan will most likely fail. Second were the staff members that distribute the green time bracelets. If even one of them will notice that they are missing...

1 year ago
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chat lover divyarlm

Baat un dino ki hai jab main naya naya chating kerne laga tha tab meri ek net frien bani us ka naam tha Divya jo Delhi main rahti hai. Main har roj ushke sath chat kerta tha. Or chat kerte kerte pata nahi hum kab ek dusre ki sari baaten jan gaye. Ushne mujhe bataya ki ushko sex bahut pasand hai to ek din main ush se milne chala gaya.. Tab ushne program bana or hum dono ushki ek friend ke ghar chale gaye. Waha per ushki ek friend pahle se hi thi. Ushne aapna naam rupali bataya. Fir hum kuch deer...

2 years ago
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MrMrs MeOur Second Encounter

We met at the same hotel for our second encounter a month later, having had numerous chats and cams in between. After a couple of drinks in the bar Dave announced he and Sarah were going up to their room to get ready. Dave slipped me his room key and told me to let myself into their room an hour later. I went to my room,showered then decided what lingerie to wear. I chose a tiny pair of pink panties with black stockings and suspender belt,topped by a cream chemise...hidden by jeans and a...

3 years ago
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I Remember 3

A landlord saw an ad we placed for remodeling work and contracted for Dand myself to do some work on one of his rentals. We were doing some insulation, roofing repairs etc. The tenant at this two story single home rental was a woman a few years older than myself. When we arrived, she was very friendly and followed us around some. She made several suggestive comments and let us know that she had moved to our town recently to separate from her boyfriend. As we worked through the second...

3 years ago
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Outwardly BoundChapter 2

The next morning, even Will is dragging around the camp, but the girls all act like nothing happened during the night as they yawned and rubbed their eyes and discovered that there were no showers, only the river, if they wanted to bathe. “Bathe in the river? Nude?” Lisa responded to this one, “Well, AT the river. Otherwise, I’ll have to find you a safe spot if you want to go IN the river. And, well, nude if you like. I’m sure Will won’t mind, right Will?” Will flustered and blushed,...

3 years ago
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I smell sex pt two

I could hear the slurping get louder and louder. She was sucking him nice and slow.He was coaching her on with his dirty talk and she was digging it. I still wanted to see what was happening. I begged Mike to take off my blindfold. He was so caught up in getting his dick sucked,that he forgot about me. The fucking sucking noises were too much for me to handle. I was screaming for Mike to take this fucking blindfold off.My cries were muffled by his moans. I heard him get off the couch and move...

1 year ago
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Crossdress boys ultimate romp

He was in his late 20s.. I'm in my late teens. the thought of meeting him really didn’t come across my mind. however I was won over by his passion and sincerity and he doesn’t even mind if I didn’t shave my legs! wow! we arranged to meet at the car park near my place, he asked me to wait for him and he'll reach in about 45mins. I went straight to my aunts drawer, looking for my favourite pieces of lingerie.. I chose to wear a black lace t-back panty... a black padded bra.. and a pair of...

2 years ago
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The Paint Job Part 3

"So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch.  "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen.  Am I okay to describe it like that?"I'd expected Adam to haughtily inform me that one man doesn't make love 'to' another but rather that their sex is collaborative and their love fully reciprocal.  Or some variation on that general theme.But instead Stephen giggled and surprised me by blurting...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Timeless LoveChapter 4

"I don't want to go to bed," she said, making Charles stop in his tracks on the stairs. "Then what do you want?" "Well, I don't want to go to my bed, at least." Charles looked at her, his eyes filling his face, "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that I want to stay with you," and Cynara could have sworn that she saw him blush. "Cynara, do you know what your asking?" But Cynara wasn't interested in talking anymore, she grabbed his hand and pulled him up the rest of the...

3 years ago
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Meri Sexy Wife Ko Wild Ho Kar Plumber Se Hard Fuck Karte Dekha

Mera naam manish hai aur me surat city raheta hu. Aaj me aapko jo batane ja raha hu ye koi story nhi ek real incident hai jo meine apni aankho se dekha hai. Meri wife preeti dekhne me achhi lagti hai ekdum gori aur achhi figure 34 29 35. Ek month pahle ki ye baat hai.. Me roj ke jaise 10 baje office ke liye ghar se nikal raha tha ki plumber aaya.. Muje der ho rahi thi isliye meine preeti se kahan plumber ke shower thik karalo… Me office ke liye nikal gaya..jab office phon ha tab dhyan aaya ki...

2 years ago
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All The Kings Horses AdaptingChapter 2

"Is there one of the husbands who is the leader?" Julia asked. "My husband, Will," Val answered, and the others agreed. "Would you all give me permission to call Will and tell him that I am working with you. It would help me a lot if I could get a sense of what the men are feeling and thinking." "Oh, please, do that!" Val said quickly. The others added their encouragement. Fortunately, Will was able to free himself when his secretary told him that the call was from a doctor and it...

1 year ago
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Hard Luck Harlan Lawton Chapter 2 of 2

Sitting in a bar and crying in one's beer is a less than delightful way to live a life. That said, it is a primo way to think things over. So here was Jennifer allowing me, an old flame, an ex-husband, a complete loser the opportunity to get his rocks off, occasionally, and that for free! That there was a downside to that kind of favor does not seem to have occurred to her. My ego was crushed, but my balls were emptied out. My self-esteem, what little I’d had, was reduced to a vague mist in...

3 years ago
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Craig MccallisterChapter 9

There was no question about it when they started shooting at us—we either had to run or to fight, and neither one of us was the running type! However, a plan suddenly occurred to me. "JANE, FOLLOW ME! I HAVE AN IDEA I WANT TO TRY!" We turned and raced away from the gunmen. I hoped to build up a little space between us and the wagons in order to keep from wounding the captive women. Once I thought we were far enough away, about 300 yards, we whirled around and brought our large shotguns to...

4 years ago
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The Last Galactic Generation

My footsteps echo off the broad ceramic floors, unmarked walls and high ceilings. I am the only type-zero human male alive within more parsecs than I care to think about. The base is empty. Everyone else is dead. I am quite old by anyone’s measure, though I look pre-pubertal. I learned long ago that our society judged it wise to retard the hormonal development in society at large. The incidence of wars and other large-scale anti-social behavior dropped by several magnitudes. I wear the...

2 years ago
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Sissy Princess Daddy

Sissy Princess Daddy By cutepatti My name is Pat and I'm a middle-aged man living with my two daughters... Allura who just turned 18, and Brittany who just turned 13. My wife, their mother, and I had divorced a few years earlier and I had custody of the girls. All was well... at least I thought it was, until one day I was confronted by the girls... who had decided they weren't going to take my teasing and taunting any longer. I had always done it just for fun, but the girls...

2 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 39

Someone was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse bent over Sam, who was backed up against me with my arms around her. Once she saw I was awake she stood up. "It's 7:30. They're going to start wandering in and out of here any time now. I thought you might like to get dressed." "Thank you." "Can I bring you a cup of coffee?" "God, yes. I drink mine black." "How about your daughter?" "She puts as much cream and sugar as she can in it." "I've got a son like...

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