Devlin's StoryChapter 39 free porn video

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They left the island on Tuesday. Devlin settled gingerly in the passenger seat. They'd had a good old-fashioned orgy the night before, and she was a little tender. Most of the guys looked exhausted, as well they should. The whole party had been just one partner after another. This morning the trash can for the condoms had been nearly full. Not every one was filled; guys had put on a fresh one when they'd changed partners, and Jim and Linda had insisted that every guy get at least a few thrusts into every gal, even if they didn't cum.

"How are you feeling?" Krissi asked as she started the car.

"Tired. And if I don't see another cock for at least a day I'll be satisfied." Like Krissi she was wearing a skirt and top. She wasn't wearing any panties at the moment; she didn't want anything touching her between the legs.

"Nobody at Emma's would believe that," Krissi said, chuckling.

"Even I have limits," Devlin said. "Before last night the most guys I'd ever been with in one evening was eight. That was at Emma's, and I had eight more the next night. It was my 16th birthday, and I thought I'd celebrate by doing one guy for each year." She laughed. "I was so sore on Sunday I could barely pee."

"About like today."

"Those few minutes in the hot tub this morning helped. Pity the guys; they've got to be just as sore."

"Probably. I thought you didn't spend the entire weekend there when you were in High School." Krissi signed them out of the parking lot and headed toward US 1.

"My mother and I have always gone out on my birthday. But that weekend one of her co-workers unexpectedly went into labor, and she had to cover for her. It seemed exciting when I thought about it, but after a while it just all sort of blurred out."

"Did you cum?"

Devlin smiled. "Silly question. Yes, I did, and frequently. As a matter of fact I came with everybody I was with, though after a while I was just at that point, you know, where you're almost there, and the slightest touch pushes you over."

"You must have been exhausted."

"I slept all the way home, and slept late the next morning. I didn't realize how much that much sex took out of me. I'd once had four guys in one night, and I felt great afterwards, so I thought it would be pretty much the same thing."

"Well, as far as I can tell your climaxes are pretty intense. All of that intensity has to come with a price."

"How would you compare the intensity of one gal's orgasm with somebody else's?" Devlin asked. "Every girl's climax is unique to her."

"What was the name of that guy at Emma's? You know, the one with the toys and camera? He could probably tell."

"He could tell us the physical parts, but so many of the fireworks takes place in a girl's head. That you can't measure. I mean, as far as I can tell, my climaxes have always been pretty strong."

Krissi checked the traffic and turned onto US 1, heading for Key West. "Some of mine are more intense than others. I've had some that were way more powerful than others."

"Me, too. That weekend at Emma's, I'm glad I spread it out over a couple of days. I didn't want to look like raw meat down there."

Krissi nodded. "I can see that. Until last night the most I'd ever done in one night was five, so you've got me beat by a mile."

"Well, I don't remember too much of last night. After a while it was just a blur, just one more hard cock and hard body after another."

"Same here. What about those pictures Linda took?"

"At least she didn't get my face."

Krissi laughed. "No, just your boobs and pussy. She has one of our faces, but we're clothed."

"That's a relief. Did you notice? She got all of the guys when they were hard."

"Yeah, I noticed. Fantasy pictures for her as well as him."

Devlin stuck her arm out the window, letting the wind blow over her, and remembering bits of the night before. Well, as Monica had said this morning, it was fun, but on to other things.

"What are we going to do when we get to Key West?" she asked Krissi.

"I've got a list of things to do. We're going to do as many of the tourist things as we can in two days. You've probably already seen most of them, but humor me."

"I thought we were just going to do the Ernest Hemingway House."

Krissi nodded. "We are. And on Friday we'll go to Cedar Key. Travis McGee is still supposed to be living there. We'll get Orlando on our way back south. And on Tuesday..."

"Don't remind me: on Tuesday we return to snow and ice."

"I can't help it if a big storm has come out of Canada. We have a week. Maybe most of it will have blown over by the time we get home."

"We can always hope."

On Sunday they were resting their feet in the hot tub behind their hotel on Walt Disney World. They'd toured the Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center, and their feet were sore. They weren't alone, there were a number of other people who had been there just as long, and they, too, were resting their feet.

"What do you want to do today?" Devlin asked. She wasn't sure her feet could take another day at Walt Disney's World.

"How about a baseball game?" Krissi asked.

"And where would we find a baseball game around here?" Devlin asked. "Mickey's All-Stars?"

"The Atlanta Braves Spring Training Facility is right next to the entrance to this place. We could be there in 20 minutes."

"Why not?" They got out of the tub and walked back to their room. "When do you want to do Sea World?"

"Later this afternoon. The game should be over by 3:00, so I thought we could head over there and take it in. Or we could do Universal Studios Boardwalk."

"I thought we'd do that this evening."

"It may mean missing Sea World."

"I may be willing to chance it. After all, there's more than one Sea World."

The parking lot for the ball game was moderately full. Devlin winced as she followed Krissi to the ticket booths.

"You've only see high school baseball, haven't you?" Krissi asked as they climbed the steps to their seats."

"That's the game he took me to," Devlin said, nodding.

"Well, these are real major leaguers, with some of the top minor leaguers, too." She pointed off to the side. "Or we can see a different game with all minor leaguers, except maybe somebody who's just getting in his innings or at-bats."

"No, let's stick with the majors," Devlin said.

The game wasn't as boring as the high school games. Devlin decided she liked young men who were definitely in shape and wearing tight double-knits. She particularly watched the pitchers. She couldn't tell one pitch from another; some had more arc than the others, but that was about it. There was plenty of hitting, though, and overall the game seemed a lot more energetic than what she'd seen in the Keys.

She said as much as they drove to Universal Studios.

"Completely different skill level," Krissi said. "I used to see the same thing in soccer. You'd be amazed at somebody in your school, and then you'd see one of the top soccer players." She smiled. "There was a world of difference."

It was late when they got back to their room. They mostly packed, and Devlin fell on her bed, exhausted. They had South Beach tomorrow, and then Tuesday they were flying back home. It was hard to believe this vacation was almost over.

"Want to learn more about baseball?" Krissi asked from the desk. She'd plugged in her laptop and was looking at something.

"What, is there a course or something I can take?"

"Even better. You can do Adds and Drops when we get home. Oh, not for your regular classes, but the University will let you change PE courses if you want."

Devlin chuckled. "You mean I should sign up to play baseball? I can barely throw!"

"Women's Beginning Slow-Pitch Softball," Krissi read from the screen. "I've got the University's course catalog up on the screen here. What are you taking right now?"

"Swimming, same as always, though I'm running out of swimming courses."

"Transfer to this. Classes are starting right after we get back."

"I'm not going to play in a blizzard. The weather report I saw this morning showed 2" of fresh snow in the Bloomington area."

"Didn't say you had to." Krissi paged down several times. "Let's see, they start with the fundamentals, how to throw, how to catch, and how to hit. It's taught by members of the ISU Varsity Women's team." She shrugged. "I expect the first few classes will be held indoors. That's when they'll teach you to throw."

"I don't know."

Krissi sighed. "Look at it as a marketing opportunity, Devlin. You'll have all of those gals you can sell sports bras to."

"Okay, that makes sense." She thought about it. "Beginners?"

"It says here that they teach you how to throw. It doesn't get much more basic than that."

"I'll think about it."

"Don't think too long. Adds and Drops are on Wednesday."

"I said I'll think about it." She could see what Krissi was getting at, though. She might not be any good playing softball, but she'd have people she could ask questions of, people who could give her accurate answers.

On Tuesday morning they drove down to Miami. They made directly for South Beach. This was their last chance to catch some sustained sun, and they were both curious about the place.

"It's not as risqué as a European beach," Krissi murmured as they hiked over the sand. "I was expecting people would be going topless."

"Maybe those prudes Linda told us about are inhibiting everyone." Devlin followed one guy. "However the guys are topless, and their trunks don't hide much."

Krissi nodded. "Yeah, some good is coming out of this."

"Hard to believe my suit is conservative," Devlin said, looking at two women standing a few feet away. "And this is the most daring suit I have."

"You should spend some time on a European beach," Krissi said, laughing softly. "Come on, let's find some sand and relax."

The next day they flew home. They had a layover in Chicago. Devlin had worn her sun dress out of stubbornness; she didn't want to admit her vacation was over. But when they emerged from the jet walkway she was rubbing her arms. She'd forgotten that jetways weren't heated, and it was 28º outside. When she stood at the window all she could see was snow stretching away on all sides.

Krissi had worn her winter clothes the entire flight. "Time to change," she said as Devlin turned away from the window. "You'll want to change, even if it's just to hide the girls."

"The girls?" Devlin looked down. The cold had crinkled up her nipples, and they were trying to push through the front of her dress. "Oh. Yeah, I'd better get changed before I put somebody's eye out."

"Or a guy trips on his tongue."

"Back in a few minutes." She picked up her carryon case and headed for the Women's Restroom.

It seemed like half the women on the flight had had the same idea. Devlin found a corner and forced herself to put on her heavy wool slacks and black turtleneck. She'd carried her coat on separately, and pulled that on as well. She had one of her Florida tee-shirts on underneath the turtleneck, adding a layer of warmth. She made a note: when she got to the dorm she was going to take a long, hot shower. And tonight she was going to make sure she had her comforter on the bed.

"It must be a zoo in there," Krissi said when Devlin emerged. "I was expecting you a few minutes ago."

"Zoo doesn't cover half of it," Devlin replied. "How much longer do we have before we board?"

"Two more hours. Time enough to get something to eat."

"I guess. I don't think there's food service except at Linkins today."

Krissi checked her watch. "Dinner is still several hours away. Let's eat now."

"Nothing too fattening. I weighed myself yesterday, and I like the weight I'm at right now."

"I do, too. But I'd love a Chicago hot dog with all of the fixings right about now. C'mon, while you were changing I found a place to eat just down the concourse."

They landed in Bloomington just after sunset. There was 3" of fresh snow on the ground, and more drifting down out of the sky. The weather forecaster on the TV in the terminal was predicting more snow the next day.

"This is a far cry from Cedar Key," Krissi said as they waited for the van. "Remember the sunset?"

"I remember a warm breeze blowing through my hair," Devlin said. "I remember wading in water so warm it felt like bath water. I remember..."

"Enough! You're making me wish I was back there."

"Me, too." Devlin watched her breath drift away as a cloud of white. "I wish it was typical Spring weather, not this."

"You couldn't ask for a starker contrast."

"I know." Devlin sighed. "Well, it was fun while it lasted."

"Yeah, that it was. You've been a whole week now without any male attention. Are you going to implode or something?"

"No, I think I'm good for another few days."

"Isn't Tuesday nights... ?"

"Not while school is on break. I have a whole week before the next party at Cindy's."

"You almost sounded relieved." Krissi flashed her a grin. "Don't tell me you're not horny."

"Okay, I won't. This trip's made me think of a few things, though."

"You have Evan to thank for that."

"True. I'm glad I went." She saw the van turn the corner. "I think I'll call him after I get back to my room. I'm going to need some cheering up."

"You always have me."

"Yes, but not tonight."

Krissi nodded. "It'll seem strange going to bed alone, but I guess I can get used to it. After all, I've done that for most of my life."

"Let's remember to draft a thank-you note for Jim and Linda."

"That would only be polite." She laughed. "Let's just not tell people why we're thanking them."

Devlin grinned. "Yeah, that could cause problems. Look, let's get together Thursday or Friday. I'll have to go see my Mom and things like that, so the next day or two will be out."

Krissi nodded. "Yeah, and we can reminisce about old times, when there were plenty of young studs around to satisfy our every wish."

The van pulled to a stop. Devlin handed the driver her ticket, watched as he loaded her luggage, and then climbed in. Krissi sat beside her, and they surreptitiously held hands as the van headed into town.

"A baseball player?" Danny asked as he stepped out of his pants. He shook them out and draped them over the back of the chair.

"He kind of swept me off my feet," Devlin said. She dropped her bra on the chair holding her clothes. "He did it slowly, though. It wasn't until the last day that I think we both realized this was more than just a Spring Romance."

"Nice tan," he said as she slipped out of her panties.

She turned around, striking a modeling pose: hand resting on one hip, chest shoved forward, and hair tossed over her shoulder. "Like it?"

"I'd be a fool to say no."

She walked over to him. "And to think, only two days ago I was wearing a thong that was so tiny it barely even covered here." She took his hand and put it between her legs.

He smiled. "You mean it didn't cover this?" He put his other hand on her breast.

She moved it to her other breast. "It didn't cover this one, either." She gave him a warm smile. "Isn't that shocking?"

"Sounds more tantalizing than shocking."

"If the girls in my swimming class could have seen me they would have been so nasty you wouldn't believe it."

"Because of your tan?"

Devlin nodded. "Guys have no idea how vicious gals can be to each other."

"Oh, I don't know," he chuckled. "We guys get a few hints. We aren't entirely clueless." He pulled his hand from between her legs and sucked the fingers. "Tastes good."

"Or is it less filling?" She pulled his shorts down and squeezed his cock. "Here's the filling."

"And I bet you have just the place to put it."

"Not in its current condition."

He drew her into his arms and kissed her. "We can remedy that."

"We might even answer a question I have. I know where our noses go when we kiss, but where does a hard cock go?"

"We'll have to experiment and find out." He kissed her again, running his hands down her body. "Hmm, it seems to go to one side."

"I'd rather it go in."

"Yeah, but the only places in front are your mouth and your navel."

"I don't feel like giving a blow-job today, or at least not right now."

"I'm a guy, so I'd love one, but not right now. Tell me, do you think this guy is the one you're after?"

"... the one I'm after?" She gave him a cautious look, surprised at his sudden change of subject. "Does that mean what I think it means?"

Danny shrugged. "Only if you want it to." He went over to the window and edged the curtains open. Lunch time traffic was plowing down the street with a clunking of chains, audible even from the fifth floor of the hotel. "Nasty out there."

Devlin decided she would have to quiz him about what he had meant, but later. "How's Sue? I tried calling, but didn't get an answer."

"She and the kids are off at her mother's until the end of the week."

"Ah, that explains why you have this hotel room." She moved behind him, laid her head on his shoulder, pressed her body to his, and slid her hands up his chest. "Um, nice and firm."

"I thought you got plenty of that in Florida."

"There's a big difference between sex with someone new and sex with someone you've been with a few times."

"Oh?" He turned, cradling her with his arms. "And what's that?"

"Every new person you have sex with, well, it's an adventure. You have to learn what they like and don't like, they have to learn about you, and so on. That can take time. And sometimes, despite your best efforts, it just doesn't work. But with someone you know..." She slid her hand across his tight butt. "There's no learning curve."

"Ah, I understand. You know, it's cold over here by the window."

"Really? I thought I was getting nice and warm."

"That's because your cute little behind isn't right next to the window."

She took the hint. "Too bad we only have time for once today," she said as she led him back to the bed.

"Yeah, well some meetings you can't get out of." He settled in next to her, his hand caressing her stomach. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Um, depends upon what you have in mind."

"How about a night of unbridled lust?"

"No thanks, I had plenty of those in Florida."

"Okay..." He paused to cup her breast and drop a kiss on her nipple. "How about dinner and a night of friendly sex?"

She smiled. "That I could do. You did say dinner, didn't you?"

"I'll spring for dinner."

"Then I'll be there. Let's make it a fancy dinner. I'll even wear a dress."

His fingers stole across her tummy and dipped between her legs. "Why cover such perfection?"

"So I don't freeze to death." She ran her hands up his chest. It was nice being back on familiar territory. "It's cold out there." She cupped his cock. "Though I don't find any evidence of that right here. I thought these things shrank when exposed to the cold. If anything, it's larger than it was a couple of minutes ago."

He tweaked her nipples. "This might be considered evidence of how cold it is."

"I don't think they're hard because of the cold."

"I had to check."

Their foreplay continued, part banter, part getting accustomed to each other again. Sex with Danny was... comfortable. They knew what each other liked. After all of these years there was a certainty to their anticipated pleasure that she didn't get from a guy she was with for the first time. She knew that sort of familiarity could lead to boredom, but in her case, since there were enough other guys in her bed, that familiarity was something welcome to come back to.

Maybe that was why so many couples found the lifestyle rekindled the passion of their love life. There was the adventure of someone new, the touching, and the learning of all of the nuances of a new body. But, in the end, after the excitement of a new experience, there was that reminder of what you found so exciting in your own partner. Couples had told her that it had opened them up to a deeper commitment. They were reminded of why they had fallen in love, and how their partners were there for more than just the sex.

When Danny sheathed his length in her she gave a sigh that was from more than just the physical pleasure. Danny was familiar with her moods, and he paused.

"You seem happier than usual."

"Well..." She squeezed his hardness with her tummy muscles. "I was just welcoming an old friend."

"I know you too well, there's more to it than just that, although I will admit it feels good."

"Oh? How long has Sue been gone?"

"She left a week after you did."

"Hmm, maybe I'd better spend the night with you. You might burst if I don't."

"Uh huh. You didn't answer my question."

Rather than wax philosophical about sex partners--this was definitely not the time or place for that--she decided to try something else. "You're not wearing a condom. I like that."

"We haven't used a condom since you were 14. Do you want me to?"

"No." She encouraged him to move. He got the hint, drew back and began thrusting, though slowly. "Um, that's better. No, all of the guys there used condoms. I know why we're supposed to wear condoms: they protect against disease, and guys last longer when they use them. I just don't happen to like them."

"That makes two of us."

"Condoms feel too slick. I like the little bit of roughness of skin against skin, especially down there."

He kissed her beneath the ear. "You're getting that here."



"Shut up."

He laughed, and began to move harder.

One of the best things about a regular partner like Danny was that she knew his moods and what was working for him. She shifted around, snapping her hips, squeezing him with each stroke. The first time she did it he lost his rhythm, but he grinned and got back in sync right away.

"This isn't going to take long," he muttered through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, yeah, just as long as it takes long enough."

She ran her hands up over his shoulders--not as good as some of the shoulders she'd caressed in Florida--then down over his flanks to his waist. She kept picturing his cock erupting, spurt after spurt of his juices, bathing her insides. He'd done so hundreds of times, and yet each time seemed new and different.

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Hi. This is Sirisha again. As you may know already, I am 28 and married to my first love Kunal. Both of us working in the same company at different floors. Coming to the incident, it was the time of EID. I had gone to my parents home as I had a holiday. My mom’s name is Tara. She is 49 years old but still in a good shape. Her measurements are 36-34-38. My dad had passed away 12 years ago. What happened was, when I went there, my mom was fully stressed. I asked her what the reason was. She told...

3 years ago
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Party slut

Introduction: Fantasy about fucking another mans wife in front of her friends I had completed my first year at work after leaving university and I fancied a holiday. I decided to stay in a holiday camp on the south coast of England near my old university and where many of my friends had settled. My intention was to relax in the facilities at the camp and visit my friends during their free time (after work, etc.). The first night I met up with my friend Phil and went to a restaurant and then on...

3 years ago
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My New Sissy Life

I was so stunned I was unable to speak. I only thought things like this existed in my fantasies and could never actually exist in the real world. It had been three weeks since I found an ad posted online seeking two submissive males for "training." I read the description which said, "Attention sissy boys! Have you ever wished that you were a trained sissy slut? Of course we both know the answer to that! I'm sure as you were pathetically scowling the web to find things to excite your little...

2 years ago
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Corbin Duece James Chapter 7

I heard the rumbling of bikes outside the hotel and ran to get Anna.  "Yea I understand mom." I heard her disappointed voice speaking into the hotel phone.  "Yea... Ok... Love you, bye." Then she hung the phone up.  She walked up to me with a sad look, "I can't got with you." she said bowing her head.  "Why not?" I asked.  "My mom says I can't, won't let me drop out of high school." she said starting to tear up.  Then my phone started ringing. It was Eagle, my...

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A Night In San Francisco

Kevin "Oh god, what am I going to do?" a woman's voice cries out. I look up from my newspaper and stare at the innocent-looking woman crying on the phone a table away from me. She is quite beautiful even when she is crying. She frantically taps her thumb at her phone screen and holds the phone to her ear. She bites her nails nervously as she waits for whoever she called to pick up. "Oh, please, please, please, pick up," she begs her phone. She taps her thumb on her phone screen again and brings...

Love Stories
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Harder than your husband

The Frank Zappa song containing the title line, once was a sound mask for spanking a younger girlfriend into some serious discipline. How did that happen?The flat-chested hairy cutie got stuck writing her MA thesis and asked for my help. As I liked and fancied her, I gladly agreed. We set up a step-by-step schedule to get things done. But she failed to show any progress at my next visit. I argued that she really needed to shape up. If not, I would take my measures or stop to help her.When she...

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pt 1 my conservative wife

It had been along time since we had done anything worth writing about.My wife marta was almost 40 years old now,And to dateshe has only touched two cocks besides mine.I had still been trying to get her to fuck another man so I could watch but Ihave been unsuccessful,We have gone out to dance clubs where I have seen her dance with other guys,but she would have to be tipsy just to dance with someone else,alcohol has an affect on her that makes her lose inhabitions and she will let loose and some...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Phoenix Marie Trisha Parks Super Slut Training Part 2

Last time on, Trisha Parks was getting fucked up the ass by James Deen and Phoenix Marie. Now it’s Phoenix’s turn to show off her butthole. She’s still the master butt slutt trainer, but Trisha is coming in at a close second. I’m not exactly sure how to judge a butt fucking recipient. But let’s just say Phoenix Marie and Trisha Parks are at the top of their game. Trisha even goes for a flesh cock in her butt and fake, rubber dick shoved up her tight...

1 year ago
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Kidnapped Sex SlavesChapter 2

Devon ate slowly, munching on the cereal while her eyes focused and unfocused. There was not a great deal of the drug in her system. Freda wanted her to be aware, if not necessarily alert. The cereal was almost entirely sugar and had almost no redeeming qualities. Certainly, it had no protein. To go with the cereal, there was kool-aid, not milk. Milk was too nourishing. Amber was animated and happy, making up for Devon's comparative silence. She had less of the drug than Devon, needing less...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Dawn 04272017

Sure, technically 19 year old Dawn is still a teen. But let’s face it, this girl has been around the block a time or two (and got herself some permanent skin painting while she was at it). This will become evident to you the longer you listen to Dawn and how she already knows men more than she should. And when you watch her fuck, there will be no doubts that this teen has been around a cock or 30. Besides, we always get a little suspicious in regards to a girl’s innocence when she...

4 years ago
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Making The Brides MaidChapter 4

But they knew they really had to show up, at least briefly, at the reception. Having to stand around making small talk while she was thinking of all the hot fucking that awaited her when the reception was over made it almost impossible for Randi to keep cool. She could feel her blood pounding with anticipation. In the powder room with her cousin Chelsey, who was one of the bridesmaids, she could hardly keep from blurting it out. Chelsey was the same age as Randi, and just as gorgeous. She...

2 years ago
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Destined To Be Ch 03

Hey, here’s the next installment. A bit longer as requested. I’ve played a lot with where I wanted this story to go and I hope you guys like where it’s going. Please remember that I’m new to this so it can get rough at times. And please try not to take the timeline of things to seriously just try to roll with it because I haven’t quit mastered timelines yet. Also this isn’t the end in case you get worried! Feedback is much loved! –SugarDay ~April~ When I made the move a month and a half ago I...

3 years ago
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The Country Club Life

I'm a 28 year old fit woman and I'm proud of my looks. I have two c***dren but I've focused on keeping a flat stomach and a tight ass. We live in a large two story home with a pool in the backyard and a separate pool house.My husband is a successful company man and he's on the fast track to success.You';d think my life is complete, but there are some frustrations.I'm fairly sure my husband is having affairs with the college interns he claims he needs. He spends at least two evenings each week...

2 years ago
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Mistress of Transformation 2

MISTRESS OF TRANSFORMATION #2 By Tired Old Man Chapter 8 ? Playground Fight In the days that followed, I started to think of my cousins as my sisters, and my aunt as my mother. I was even getting used to being called Denise. It had been two months since I came to live with my aunt, and I was enjoying being treated like a little sister. But today my aunt made a very troubling suggestion, saying that I could have girl's genitals if I wanted. That I could get rid of my penis and...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Expecting Sex Addicts

OHGirl: Warm spunk filled my mouth in large blasts as I swallowed down each sticky gulp quickly, making room for more, while I kept my lips tightly wrapped around my current sex partner’s throbbing shaft. I was rubbing his balls with one hand as I stroked his long, brown cock with the other and milked him for more warm nectar. I had no idea who he was, but he had been staring at me while I shopped for croissants that morning and I led him to an alley where I offered my services. He had paid me...

1 year ago
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A Fathers Fantasy 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a single father raising two daughters and a son. My oldest daughter, Becki is still living at home as she commutes to collage. She is very beautiful, 5'4", long dark red-brown hair, about 100 lbs. and she has big tits. I know I shouldn't notice that about my own daughter but it is hard not to notice. I try to be a cool dad, open minded as well as I try to give her as much privacy as possible. I wouldn't say she is slutty but she does seem to go...

2 years ago
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Teen Diaries 23 My Boyfriend is Watching

My name is Olivia and I have a boyfriend named Justin. He's eighteen and I'm seventeen. We're pretty sexually active and Justin is very kinky sometimes. He loves to have sex in lots of random places, like the woods, an empty movie theater and a storage closet at our high school. But last night he asked me to do something I didn't think I'd be able to do. "Olivia, I want to watch you have sex with an old guy you've never met before." I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth....

1 year ago
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Moving On With Mac

I was attracted to him in high school but we never talked. Here I was eight years later, divorced from the man I thought I’d love forever and driving four hours to fuck the one I’d never had the chance to. It all started a few weeks ago. After months of mourning my divorce, I had finally started to rebuild my life. I created a new Facebook profile, one free of the memories and photos of my once happy marriage. I hadn’t thought about Mac in years, since high school probably, but suddenly there...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Lena Paul 22453

Lena Paul’s excited to go to the salon and lingerie boutique with her friend … until she arrives at her house to find she’s not home! Her friend’s boyfriend Ryan tells Lena that his woman is out running errands, so Lena rings her up and tells her to get her ass back! She shoots pool with Ryan while she’s waiting, and catches him staring at her rack instead of the one on the table! When he admits that her big natural tits blow his mind, she says she’s got a half a mind to blow him. Out fall her...

3 years ago
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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 10

We left just before lunch. Madison helped us pack Ben. We got to know her some and she agreed to come to our house after Christmas. She said she try to bring her brother and Gwen. Christmas was good though q1uiet. Tricia spent a lot of time at Bert's house but Ben spent time with us. Right after Christmas, Madison, Bobby, and Gwen joined us planning to stay through the New Year's celebration. Madison is a hot blonde who loves to be nude. She also enjoyed sex but no pain. She and Ben...

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Teachers Dont Just Teach Math

It was getting late as James walked through the empty common room of the dark school. He had been finishing of some work towards his art exam, but now he was ready to go home. First though he needed to drop off some maths home work to the teacher. He turned a corner and was in the dark stairwell, quickly he climbed the steps, and came onto the first floor of the building. The carpet was grey, matched by the walls, all together it was a very dreary place. The sky outside was dark, and through...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 25

Shapeliness The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran’s flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. ‘So keep them,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need them if you’re going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling?...

1 year ago
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AdultTime Valentina Nappi Lauren Phillips Secret Parlor Scandal

Ok, check out this INSANE video I’m sending you! I don’t know how it got leaked, but we HAVE to find out where this massage parlor is. You’ll see why after you watch it lollll. So it starts out with the camera showing this guy go in for a massage and it seems normal enough. He lies down on his stomach while this hot chick gives him a rubdown. But then we see that there’s another camera under his table, and not just another cam, there’s another CHICK!! And...

2 years ago
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FaithfulChapter 16 Liberty or Death

In August another Maryland convention met, its stated goal to write a constitution for the newly independent state. One of its first acts was to divide fast-growing Frederick County into three parts. The hilly western section became Washington County, and the legislators decided to call the troublesome southern section Montgomery after the dead hero of the abortive attack on Quebec during the rebellion's first winter. At the end of August British General Howe with some 30,000 men, including...

4 years ago
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Who Do You Want

My wife told me she always dreamed about me fucking one of hergirlfriends, then she made it happen.As soon as I met Donna at a party, I knew I wanted to be with her. I'mpretty tall, six-five, and she was five-eight, so we are at least in thesame part of the stratosphere. She was bubbly and fun with wavy blondhair down just past her shoulders and her body, well, she's slender andcurvy with beautiful long legs and a nice figure. Really she's got greatboobs and likes guys to notice them.Well, the...

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Taking of the Forbidden Fruit

I was just 13 when my father died. That left my stupid little sister and me for mom to take of. We were devastated over his death for a long time. Living in the mid-west, the winters can be bad. Mom did her best to run dad’s small farm. One winter day I was 18 & on a Friday after school it started snowing. By dusk it was really getting deep. By night it was above knee deep. Mom & I feed, watered the livestock cleaned corrals. Grandpa came by with his plow and moved driveway and barn...

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Dominique Ch 06

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the right...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Society of the Future

          As nudity became normal, so did the tolerance of displaying sex openly. In movies the sex scenes became more or less pornography and public sex was common. The entire idea of sexuality was revolutionized and the boundaries of straight versus gay were blurred. Sex became common between people that were in no way emotionally tied. Businesses and restaurants featured waiters and waitresses that would preform sexual favors for a price. In a nice restaurant, after ordering the food, men...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 63

Neville leaned against a wall in Borgin and Burkes, flipping through a book of rare curses. The descriptions were in Old English, dating from Chaucer's time, and the calligraphy was so ornate as to render the text incomprehensible. But the illustrations were clear enough. Positively gruesome. Neville turned the book sideways to look at a painting of a man who had been turned inside out. Unseen by Neville, Old Borgin bowed his customer out of the shop, and then dropping the obsequious manner...

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House in the Woods Joshua and Katy

© Copyright 2003 "Oh come on Katy! Let's just see if he'll do it!" The athletic young man tried to drag a brown haired beauty from the cab of his SUV. Struggling to release her arm from his grasp, she responded sharply, while trying to keep the volume of her voice down, "I've been telling you all the way up here, I don't want to do it! Why won't you believe me, Josh!" I let the dogs out but signaled them to hang back, and approached the young couple. He was so engrossed in...

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Sarah Carerra 336 Chorus of Agony

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 36 - Chorus of Agony The rest of the weekend was more relaxing, except for the countdown of the Top 20. 'Your Time Will Come' stayed at #1 on the countdown, but 'Ever After' fell completely out of the Top...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XXI

Sorry friends for having delayed posting this episode and I will promise to post further episodes as early as I can again apologize to readers who mailed me expressing disappointment for being late. It was about 6 in the morning and I was still drowsy with lack of sleep throughout the entire last night, being witness to bride being fucked by her brother in law then Vanaja sister playing with me on bed followed by me almost smooching. My Mom’s well rounded boobs after some of her friends...

4 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 6

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1991 “And homegrown and down-home, that makes one Cookin’ up that old time, long lost recipe for me, woh It’s gettin’ hard to find Guess it ain’t hip enough now You take an average guy, he can’t identify, uh And there’s a short supply of her fine, fine stuff Lemme get on, lemme get on, lemme get on some of that Shake it up, bake it up nice, uh Lemme get on, lemme get on, lemme get on all that I so love my baby’s poundcake.” Van Halen was so much better with Sammy...

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A King and His QueenChapter 37 Millie

“Who are you?” “I’m Alice.” “Are you on the project?” Millie asked despite assuming that everyone there was part of the project. “No. I’m Andrew’s mother.” Not expecting that answer, Millie stared at Alice trying to think of something to say. Finally, she managed, “This is awkward.” “You’re about my age, aren’t you?” “Probably,” Millie said. Being less than helpful, Cat said, “According to Andrew, Millie gives the best blowjob in the world. You might want to take some lessons from her,...

3 years ago
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Daddys new Girl

Mommy, Look What I FoundI just wanted to check something on Wiki........."Mom, can we talk?"Jill put down the shirt she had been folding, Saturday, washing day and looked at her daughter, "Sure Sam, whaaarsssss's upp?""'s a long talk". Having a lawyer for a husband - father had helped and started both into thinking, logically, and to listen. Forming ideas for rebuttal was how he put it. Both Sam and Jill had set up a little game, fun things were 'short talks' and usually had...

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My nephew called and asked could he spend 2 weeks at my house. He was going to a basketball camp not too far from where I lived. I told him sure and my brother called and we ironed out all the specifics. My nephew was a great BASKETBALL player and had high hopes of being in the NBA. By eleven, he was already 6 ft tall and he was actually pretty good at the sport. I hadn't seen my brother or his family in almost 2 years as he was in the military and he and his family travelled often. My...

2 years ago
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Could The Past Truly Be Her Future Ch 02

She stood there….her heart thumping in her chest, as he watched her, his eyes looking straight into hers. He wanted so badly to be strong, to not melt and tell her how much he missed her. And at the same time, he was so angry with her, for giving up on what they had. Amber was completely overwhelmed, and caught off guard, guys at a table across from John yelling out at her for more drinks, bass thumping as the DJ played music in between stage shows, and the man who had her heart, sitting in...

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Bob Comes for a Stay at Jack and Sallys Part

As he drove south on Interstate 24, Bob was whistling a happy tune. He could not help but be excited. And hard. He was on the outskirts of the city, and another 30 minutes he would be pulling into Sally and Jack’s drive. Tonight, he would be sleeping with Jack’s wife.It was only 30 minutes flying time, but adding in the hour or so for check-in at the airport, and the time it took to get from the airport to Sally and Jack’s, well, he did not mind the not quite four hour drive from his house to...

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Sin BravelyChapter 31

"Put this on," the driver said, holding a blindfold over his shoulder. It was of the sort people wear when they wish to sleep. "Seriously?" Wolfgang almost smiled as he took it from the man's fingers. "Are you carrying a weapon, Herr Brandt?" the other man asked as he started the car. "Yes," Wolfgang said. "Very well," the driver nodded, checking traffic before pulling away. "Put the blindfold on." "Right," Wolfgang sighed. "Wake me up when we get there." The drive...

1 year ago
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Be The Cuck! I would call my readers cucks, but you sad fucks don't have a girlfriend or wife to cuck you. However, that doesn't stop you, bastards, from having a cuck mindset, and nothing is more pathetic than being a single cuck.Cucking SoloIn an effort to create the cuck illusion, I bet you fucks give back ally hand jobs while depriving your own cock of a stroke. Of course, it's not the same thing, but it's just as depressing, if not more so. An angel cries every time you cuck your own...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Scarlett Roses Part One

Scarlett waited anxiously for her boyfriend, Ryan, as she paced around the dorm room. She was nervous, knowing what would likely happen later that night. After all, it would be the first night that they had the room to themselves. Scarlett’s roommate, Amanda, was gone for the weekend visiting her parents. So, she expected that she and Ryan were going to finally have sex tonight. Scarlett was a virgin. She grew up in a small town and was raised by rather strict parents. She never even really had...

First Time

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