The Longings Of A Vampire free porn video

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When I finally awoke I was starving to death, freezing, and I had no idea where I was, but I knew that I wasnt in my apartment because it was pitch black. I began to feel around, every where I touched felt like stone, cold and hard, I soon realized that I was in something like a very small concrete room, more like a box. I was guessing about 3 feet wide and 6 ft long, still having no idea where I was, I started pushing against the sides and top nothin had any give, if it was a room then there had to be a door and even it was a box I had to be able to open it somehow. It began dawning on me it wasnt a room or a box but a cold stone coffin, like the old ones you see in the movies, the really old ones that have skeltons of people who did a 100 or more years ago.The top would be a solid peice of rock probably weighing over a hundred pounds and would be all but moveable by someone weighing 127 pounds. My mind whirled, why would I have gotten in a stone prison to go to sleep? It just didnt seem like something I would do, it had to be a dream, more like a nightmare. my mind finally stopped spinning and I could think clearly, something had happened last night, I pushed my mind to remeber more. The bus stop, walking home, the stranger following me, my well lit apartment, THE EYES, the ones that glowed and the teeth those really long sharp teeth. I was to the point of screaming for help, but what if he was still out there waitng for me to wake up. If he was still there and found out I had woke up or that I wasn't dead, if that was his intentions, he would certainly do much worse to me then put me in another coffin. I tried listening, trying to hear of some kind of sound that there was anyone around. My pockets, maybe he hadnt searched me and taken my cell phone, which would be unlikley, not because of him taking it, but because I alomst always forgot to get my cell phone when I leave. I knew it was still on charge at home, but I felt for it anyway, maybe it was like one those weird movies where someone buries you, but leaves you a cell phone thats language is different from your and thinks that he is the only one you can call. I wasnt that lucky, nothing was in my pockets and there wasnt anything in there with me. That was a surpirse, I had expected to be laying on bones, dust even perhaps, but there was nothing, not even a satin sheet you see on the fancy coffins at a funeral home. Just cold, hard, concrete or stone whatever it was it had me trapped. Maybe 50 years from now someone would come searching for there long lost anchester tomb. Maybe the would open my prison and find me here, a red t- shirt and blue short shorts on a skeleton. I wonder what they would think? What did I care what they thought, I was trapped left to die, freezing and starving, it seemed that I hadnt ate in weeks. What exactly had I done to the guy to make him want to do this to me, maybe I was a victim of some of pysco killer or something. What if the grave yard was full of his victims, helpless women who he had been knocked out or worse and stuffed in big old coffins. If I ever got out of here, "IF" yeah right I would never get out, but I let my imaginaion go, if I ever got out I would bring the police here to find there bodies so there souls could be let free. So that there families, mothers, fathers, husbands, children, sisters, would finally have peace in knowing what had happened to there loved one and maybe it could even help find the crazy, weird eyed, sharp tooth guy , that could fly, so he could be brought to justice and he wouldn't be able to hurt anyones else. Wait he could fly? Well not fly glide sort of, he had came after me his feet weren't touching the ground, that wasnt possible people cant fly, but then again right now in my position anything was possible.

In my fury of thoughts I must have dosed off, awoke again, but to light not dark, I had began to think that maybe it was a dream till I realized I was still in the stone bare 1000 year old coffin but the top was pushed over, with just enough room for me to climb out. I cautouisly raised expecting him to hit me in the head with a shovel and lock me back in hoping I would bleed to death. There was nothing there, but more stone walls with iron gates. One was open like he was letting me go, but that wouldn't be possible, why would he have chased me, put me in a stne box and then let me go? Iit didn't make sense to me, not that I was complaining, all I wanted was to go home. There was bench right by the door there were fresh flowers and a note there, maybe from someone coming to visit there great grandmother who was supposed to be lying in that box instead of me. I picked up the note all it said was ; go home I will explain later, p.s the flowers are for you. Alrighty then if it keeps you from sticking me back in there my pleasure sir. So I took the note and flowers and ran as fast as I could to get home. I wasnt to far from home and there was still a little light left so I was lucky.
i was home finally after my horrible adventure if adventure is what its called. I checked every room locked every window and finally the door just making sure last nights break in didn't happen again. i stuck two tv dinners in the microwave and had 3 more pulled out just in case. I started a hot bath and decided to soak my worries away until the hunger pain was too much to bear. calling the police hadnt crossed my mind they wouldnt belive me anyway and I didn't want upset my capture. After I dressed, I half ran to the microwave trying get somehing to eat before I passed out. I pulled the enchalata dinner out ready to gobble it up. The food had barley touched my lips before I vomitted. I fell dry heaving to the floor. It had to be that I hadn't ate in days, so I tried again. The same response, maybe I should go to the hospital, they were sure to think I was starving myself, who belive my story so I decided to just lay down and try later. I expected it to be hard to sleep being I had slept so much and that my stomach felt like it was an erupting volcano, but I passed right out as soon as my head touched the pillow.
I dreamed I was flying through the air when I woke up. As I came back to the real world, I felt wind flying through my hair, the cold night air on my skin. I still felt like i was flying my vision became clear the ground was coming in fast, dear god what now! I closed my eyes welcoming the hard ground hoping it would end this never ending bizare torture. There was a quite thud and no pain, it felt more like I was being held like a small child in someones very strong arms. I opened my eyes and looked up. Some one was caring me, the face was handsome, but he looked sick. There were purple spots under his eyes and his skin seemed loose against his bones. Maybe he had cancer or was very bad on drugs, his eyes were glowing again, but I felt safe with him, which was unbelivable since he had super human powers, could fly, locked me in a coffin and kidnapped me once again from safe warm bed. I was mesmerized by his beauty even through the sick look. he looked down at me and smiled those awful teeth flashed in the light from a lamp post, but still all I wanted to do was touch his beautiful face, my hand involintarily went to touch his face, he jerk away before i ever touched in skin. "Don't do that."That was the first time I had heard him speak and he scared me shitless. " I'm sorry if I frightned you, just dont touch me, after you realize what i've done to you, you'll hate me." I wondered, what had be done to me? Had he raped me? Is that why I got sick trying to eat? Had he impregnanted me? Even if he had I shouldnt be sick this early, it had only been a couple of days since he took me the first time. Or had it been longer, had I been out for that long? " No I didn't rape you, your not pregnant, and I took you tuesday night you went home thursday and its friday night." What the hell? can he read minds? "Yes", I can." " uhh... okay" was all I could muster. At that he set me on my feet " wait here I'll get you something to eat." All I could do was nod my head. I looked around, we were in the city park there was no food here and it was midnight, what if while I standing here waiting for him someone came along with worse intentions than he had, in just a tank top and sleeping shorts, it wouldnt take much for a late night jogger to decide, hey what the hell she's asking for it wearing that out here. Lost in my thoughts I still had no intention of disobeying him no matter what the coinciquinces. I was standing there when I smelled something it was sweet and it made my stomach grow. " Come here." The voice was soft, but harsh. I ran to where the voice came from all the while the sweet smell getting stronger. I troded throught the small part of the woods that hadn't been cut down in the park.There he was, standing by a tree, the smell was so strong and my hunger had me nearly frenzed. I felt like I could eat a bear if that was what he had found me to eat, completley raw. I stopped a few feet from him, and he pointed to the left, there was a man there, he looked just like the jogger I had imagined would walk by me while I was waiting for the dark figure to come back. He was tall, musclar, and wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He laid on the ground , blood was gushing from his neck and chest. He reached his hand up and croaked out "help me!" I bent down thinking I was going to try to stop the bleeding, but the smell was coming frrom his blood and the hunger took over. there was a low growl, his eyes bulged with fear and I latched on to his gushing neck.
I drank till his blood lost its sweet taste, when I looked at his face his eyes where lifeless, I had finished the dark mans job I had sucked the life from him. from behind me I heard " I told you, you would hate me when you found out what I had done to you." His voice sounded sad and ashamed. What had he done to me fed me body parts while he had me? He chuckled " No i turned you." I had forgot he could read my mind, wait turned me into what exactly? " I turned you into what I am, a monster who feeds of the blood of human people." There is a name for that I thought ..... Vampire?
" Yes." Man this mind reading thing was getting annoying. That thought brought another chuckle from him. Even though he was in his own words a monster, he had a kind voice and I still felt safe with him. " You shouldn't, you should hate me, run away from me, kill me for what I've done." I didn't like it when he talked like that it made me sad too. " Why should I hate you, you have done nothing to hurt me." That comment didn't even make sense to me. "I'll explain later, we need to get out of here"
***I awoke to something hard against my back. It was a body, it was him, Sir Nathan Roland, a 13th centry noble man, who was turned into a vampire at the age of 24, the day before he was to marry his love Rosalina. They had planned to elope and marry against both there families wishes. I had come to know him by Nate and Rosalina was long ago dust, I had been to fall for my capture and maker the night he taught me to feed. Since then he had taught me the ways of a vampire, unlike everything else I wasn't a complete failure. You eat, kill and hide, simple as that. He always laughs at me before we go on a hunt because I keep saying the steps in my head. This was the first night he had ever slept in the same place as I did, he always left before i fell asleep. Tonight was different, tonight he was mine, I would be his Rosalina for as long as he would have me. He had no feelings for me. The immortal stick to the one person they loved during their human life apparently. They hold onto the people they lost years ago, the ones who would had ran in terror if they had found out what he had become. I wasn't the same. I had never connected with anybody, I've had always been an out cast, the least loved of the family. The life of a vampire was like an adventure for me, an eternal life, never to grow old or wonder when im going to die or how. His voice came out slow and groggy, but no matter, as always he scared me when he spoke " I can't sleep with all the thinking your doing ." The mind reading thing , what had he heard? Could he see the livid visions of my "day dreaming." "Don't think about it, don't think about it!" " What exactly are you trying not to think about my wanna be Rosalina?" "SHIT, do you ever sleep?" " Yes, but I can still hear your every thought in my dreams, Avanna." He always used my birth name, which I've hated since I was 5, I had been called Ava since I had moved to New York from South Carolina and wasn't used to "AVANNA", but here it was coming out of his mouth, in his deep sexy voice. A laugh once again, because guess what I let my mind run away and he can read every thought! " You have a very wild imagination Ava, the thoughts you go to sleep with would bring any man into your bed." The words rolled off of his tongue , he knew I had been fantasizing about him, his big strong body on top of me, my maker having his way with me, using my body for his pleasure, his big hard cock fucking my tight little cunt till he released his cum deep inside me. "HMM...." the sound escaped from his lips, he moved closer to me and put his face in my neck. " You drive me crazy with your thoughts." I could feel his hot breath on my skin. His body felt so good against my thin clothes. His cock nestled inbetween my tighs. I gasped, I was already wet, but now I was soaked. I wanted him so bad I could taste him. He began rocking his hips pushing deeper in my legs. "Do you really want me to use you like that?" " Yes.... " it came out as a moan. He grabbed my shorts and ripped them off. His cock took no time penetrating me . He pushed in God he was bigger than I imgained, but it felt so good. He wasnt even half way inside me before me pushed me over and began ramming my pussy. i could feel his dick pushing against my cervix, it sent chills all over my body. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, he whispered in my ear " Is that how you like to be fucked you dirty little slut!?" " Yes daddy. Dunno where that came from, but oh well. " Is this what your daddy used to do to you, is that why you want me so bad, you lil whore, do you want me to be your daddy?" I couldn't answer, i was cumming all over his long 9 inch cock and it was the first time a guy had ever made me have an orgasm. I screamed, it felt so good, my pussy squeezed and trembled wraping around his cock. I pushed back against him, I waned him to fuck me faster, harder, I couldn't get enough. He began grunting, " Oh fuck Avanna, I'm cumming. I felt his cock swell and my pussy filled up with his cum.

The next morning I was sore. My inner thigh muscles felt like I had been working out all night. It took a minute to realize what exactly had happened, this was going to be an embarassing morning. The quite girl he turned had the mind of a whore on the street corner. Nate was no where to be seen, he must have already went out like always, he never spent more time than he had to with me. I felt guilty like I had done something wrong, Strong arms wrapped around me, I still hadn't learned to use the unhuman strength or hearing or smell or the ability to kill a full grown grizzly bear like it was a bug on the ground. I had no urge to fight him, it only took me a second to notice the feel of his arms. " Good morning Avanna, did you sleep well?" I was begining to like the way he said my name. " Yes, how about you Sir Nathan?" He laughed, " Fine, my little freak." Even though I had been turned weeks ago I still blushed. " I heard you were awake so I came back" This was unusual behavoir for him, he had almost no physical contact with me, since last night, I didnt want to be laughed at so I shut my thoughts of the zero to none possibility he was developing feeling for me out of my head. " So what are we doing today." " I was looking for a place for us to hunt tonight, its time for you to feed. After last night we both need to replenish our strength." " Uhh.... yeah, " He looked at me curiously all I could do was look down at my feet. " Whats the matter , do you regret last night? Did I do something wrong?" " No no not at all, it was amazing and I really wanted to, you saw that yourself!" I finally gathered the courage to look into his eyes, he looked intent and concerned. " Your father really did hurt you didn't he?" Fire started coursing through my vains. " NO, Why would you ask something like that!?" He looked startled, that was a first, " You just looked like you regretted something and last night...." " That has nohing to do with my father! There are somethings just better left alone, stuff that I'm better off forgetting!" " I'm sorry Ava, I wasn't trying to ..... I... I... I, just don't want to hurt you, I need you. I want you to stay with me. I don't want to be alone anymore." My anger vanished. " Nate i'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap." He wrapped his arms around me, and looked down at me. I reached up and kissed his hard cold lips. His hands ran through my long strawberry blonde hair. His body drove me crazy, I wasn't used to being this close to anyone, I had only been with one person and it was wrong he had used me, I had only been 14..... I had to stop myself before Nate saw my mind, but it was too late. He stopped kissing me, his body went ridgid and his eyes were dark, he looked like he was on the brink of killing someone. " Who was he..?" Nate's voice was cold as steel, it sent shivers down my spine." " No one please don't worry about it." I tried to lock my thoughts, to think of something else, but I couldn't. It was like Nathan had ahold of my mind, like he was making me think of him.
He was my sisters friend, his name was Devon and he was 19 at the time. He had always stayed with my folks, he was like a brother. Devon was a really nice guy, at first. While my mom worked and my sister was in college, we were left alone all the time. It wasn't until the one night everybody was gone that he made his move. I had been in my room in nothing, but a tank top and boy short panties. The radio was turned way up to Nickelback, so I never heard him come in. He had flopped half on top of me on the bed. " Whatcha doin Ava" " Doing homework, what about you?" " Tryin to get in those tight little panties of yours baby." His words surprised me, before I could say anything, his lips grazed me ear softly. " Hmm... you smell so good, I seen you in here last night, I was watching you play with yourself when everybody was asleep. I can do so much better than your little fingers baby, let me show you how good a man can make you feel. He was pushing his crotch against my ass, he had me wet down there and I really did want him, but i knew I shouldn't. " I can't Devon, its not right." My protest wasn't as strong as I had wanted it to be, it sounded more like I was whinning. " But baby I want you so bad, I need you, I want you to see how horny your sexy little body has got me." He took my hand and put it on his cock. He was probably 6 inches, but it was still big to someone who was a virgin. " Devon No .... stop" It came out as a whisper,I was getting scared, I tried to fight back, but he pushed me down into the mattress with his body, he was moving my hand back and forth down his shaft. " Hmm... baby that feels so good, don't try to fight me, I don't want to hurt you, just do as I say and I'll make you feel good baby, just don't say anything or I'll have to tell your mom what I saw you doing last night, she wouldn't like that would she baby?" I didn't know what to do, I couldn't let him tell mom, but it was wrong for him to do this to me. " Ok just don't tell anybody please!" " Thats a good girl, now I'm going to let you go I want you to take off your clothes and suck my big cock" " No Devon I can't!" He grabbed my hair and pulled hard, I cried out, tears began to come to my eyes " Listen you little bitch, you walk around here half naked and expect me not to want you, your just trying to be a cock tease, I don't play around with whores who show it to me and not give it o me! Either suck my dick or I'm going to take that pussy and cum inside you, then tell your mom, you got on my cock while I was drunk and took advantage of me. Then she'll know what a slut you are! Now take your clothes off!" My face was soaked with tears, I took my panties off first then my top, trying to cover my B cup breast. He snatched my hand away " Aww.... baby those are perfect." He pulled his shirt then his pants off and began rubbing the head of his cock. " Come here baby..." He pulled me over to him, and pushed the back of neck down till my lips were touching his cock. " Open your mouth and suck me." I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, he pushed my head down till he was gagging me. " Relax your throat baby, and when I pull your head up close your mouth around my cock and suck on it like you would a popsicle." He pushed his cock to the back of my throat again and his cock went down. When he pulled my head back up I did just like he told me. " Good job baby, god your such a good little cock sucker.... hmm.... thats it , I want in that pussy baby, lay back." Before I could protest, he pushed me back and was on top of me. He kissed my lips and and my neck. His cock was rubbing up and down my slit. When he ran the head across my clit, my body shook. "You like that baby?" I nodded my head. His cock slipped down to my hole. He pushed in just a little bit." I felt something tear, it hurt so bad I screamed out. " Oh baby I didn't know you were a virgin..., god your little cunt is so tight." He began pushing faster and harder, it still hurt but not like before. He had only been inside of me for a few minutes, but it felt like forever, he began hitting something inside of me, it felt so good the pain vanished, just then he started grunting " Oh God baby, I'm gonna cum in your sweet little pussy.... Oh fuck yes!" He filled little pussy with his cum, as soon as he finished he got up and began dressing as I lay there confused, my clit was still tingly from the almost orgasm. " Go wash your self real good, if you get pregnant I'll kill you and the baby, I won't let a slut like you ruin my chances with your sister." I did as I was told I scrubbed until my skin was red. I felt so guilty and ashamed, I knew it was all my fault that Devon did that to me. It was my fault he wanted me, I had teased him without knowing it. It would be all on me if my sister didn't want him, because I made him want me that one time. That night as I fell asleep my mind blocked everything out and that was the fist and last time I had had sex. It would have been the only time if I hadn't had found Nate.
My mind finally let me come back from that nightmare, Nathan was no where to be found I was all alone in the abonded shack we had found and took shelter in for the last days. Nate was gone for days before he showed back up. I thought he had left because of what he seen in my mind, becauseeven after i realized that Devon had raped me some part of me liked how he took advantage of me. His clothes had been ripped and he looked weak. I couldn't look in his eyes I was scared I would see hate. He half ran to me and threw his arms around me. " I could never hate you, none of that was your fault, it never was you were just a young girl, he was the one who is to blame. He never should have layed his hands on you. You were so innocent and he violated you, I left to find him to make him pay. I was going to rip his throat out with my bare hands!" Nate's eyes were ablaze, it scared me that he had left to go kill the man who had rapped me 6 years ago. " It was too late though, he killed his self 3 moths ago. Some part of me felt sorry for him but the other part knew he deserved to die. Nate voice broke my thoughts " We need to hunt, I should have never left you here by yourself, if something had happened and I wasn't able to get back in time you would have straved to death. God how could I be so stupid." He was hitting hisself to hard, did he think I was completely helpless? " Lets go, there is a camp near by, theres 6 people left, two of their friends have came up missing, if we hurry we can get them before morning. They plan on leaving at sun rise so they can report there to missing friends to the police." I had a devilish grin and I could tell he confused he must really think I am completely helpless. " How do you know all this?" " well for one there 2 missing friends were my lunch yesterday and I've picked up a little of your mind reading, humans are very easy to read.
After all ways well and he was full we moved on further south we ended up in Colorado. With the money and clothes we took of those campers, we found a decent hotel to rest for the next few days till we had to move again. While i was in the shower Nae went to buy us some clothes, the only female camper had been a few sizes bigger than me, I looked like a homeless kid in here clothes, that was a disadvantage in a way, but it wasn't so bad in others. I could lure our next meal in dressed like that. At 23 I still looked 15, it wasn't so bad though A 100 years from now I would still look 15 so that would always be an easy target for the sick men who want to take little girls. What they didn't know was this "little girl" would suck them dry and leave there bodies in an alley way to rot. Lost in thought my hands were running up and down my body trying to get the soap off so I could get out. I spent a little too long on my nipples, I had gotten very horny. I needed Nate, I needed him to make me come again. He hadn't touched me since he got back, but I thought I had picked up a few wet dreams while he was asleep. He moaned my name in his sleep and the way he starred at my body while I got undressed before he left really didn't need to read his mind, although I was getting better at mind reading thing too. Of course he was a pro at it and nex thing I knew his cock was between my legs and his hands cupped my breast, pulling and gently pinching my nipples. I leaned my head back and moaned. " Are you about finished?" " Yea I guess... " I said almost annoyed he would rather shower than finish pleasuring me. " Don't get dressed I'll attend to your needs as soon as I get out. It seemed like he was taking forever in there, so I just closed my eyes. When I opened them it was morning. The tv was on, the local channel was telling about the 8 campers who were found drained of blood, they thought it to be an act of a serial killer, of course always blame the unatural killing on a human. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I awoke to Nathan's body on top of mine. " The dead has awaken." He said jokingly. His hard cock was all ready pushing against my cunt hole. " It's time to finish what we started last night." He pushed onto my back, his lips kissed mine gently, he moved his mouth down the my nipples then further, as he planted kisses on my stomach, I felt my clit tingle with anticipation, hoping he would move his mouth down further. He slid his tongue down to my thigh then up o the other. just when I thought I was going to die from foreplay, he gently flicked my little clit with his tongue. That sent electric waves through my body. " OH god..... hmm... tha feels so good!" He would speed up and then slow down just when I was on the brink of an orgasm. Finally when he couldn't take humping the matress anymore, he let me cum. " Nate, fuck... I'm cumming!" My back arched, I had his hair in one hand and the sheets in the other. My body spasmed against his tongue till my clit couldn't take anymore. Before I had time to blink, His cock was inside me pumping hard and fast. I was cumming again, my my pussy clamped down on his cock milkiing it, I wanted him to cum inside me again, I wanted to make him shake and moan as he released his seed inside of me. He was listening to my thoughts again, he grunted as he began filling my pussy full.
We cleaned up together in the shower, I was just aboutto get out when Nate pinned me between his hard muslar body and the wall. He picked me to where my legs wrapped around his waist, then jolsted me higher till my legs rested on his shoulders. He began licking on my clit again, then down to my little hole and back up again. While he flick he tongue up and down my button his finger found my tight virgin asshole and began fingering me. That was a pleasure I had never experienced. He was fucking me with two fingers, y entire body clenched up. I was cumming harder than ever. He stuck his free hand over my mouth to try to stop me from screaming, I must have blacked out. When I awoke I was starving just like the night he turned me, the night i found myself in a coffin, I would have to ask him what he hell he was thinking putting me in a coffin? " Get dressed, we have to move." That was the only words he said to me before leaving the room. I put on the clothes he had laid out for me and met him in the hallway. He started walking quickly out of the hotel, I follwed in behind him wondering what was going on. He didn't stop once we were outside, I treaded behind him trying not to fall in snow. He finally stopped deep inside the dark woods. " They have your picture posted on the news. Their saying that your disapernce might have something to do with those campers we killed, we have to move and fast." He didn't give me any kind of warning he grabbed me we were flying.
I awoke to something hard against my back. It was a body, it was him, Sir Nathan Roland, a 13th centry noble man, who was turned into a vampire at the age of 24, the day before he was to marry his love Rosalina. They had planned to elope and marry against both there families wishes. I had come to know him by Nate and Rosalina was long ago dust, I had been to fall for my capture and maker the night he taught me to feed. Since then he had taught me the ways of a vampire, unlike everything else I wasn't a complete failure. You eat, kill and hide, simple as that. He always laughs at me before we go on a hunt because I keep saying the steps in my head. This was the first night he had ever slept in the same place as I did, he always left before I fell asleep. Tonight was different, tonight he was mine, I would be his Rosalina for as long as he would have me. He had no feelings for me. The immortal stick to the one person they loved during their human life apparently. They hold onto the people they lost years ago, the ones who would had ran in terror if they had found out what he had become. I wasn't the same. I had never connected with anybody, I've had always been an out cast, the least loved of the family. The life of a vampire was like an adventure for me, an eternal life, never to grow old or wonder when im going to die or how. His voice came out slow and groggy, but no matter, as always he scared me when he spoke " I can't sleep with all the thinking your doing ." The mind reading thing , what had he heard? Could he see the livid visions of my "day dreaming." "Don't think about it, don't think about it!" " What exactly are you trying not to think about my wanna be Rosalina?" "SHIT, do you ever sleep?" " Yes, but I can still hear your every thought in my dreams, Avanna." He always used my birth name, which I've hated since I was 5, I had been called Ava since I had moved to New York from South Carolina and wasn't used to "AVANNA", but here it was coming out of his mouth, in his deep sexy voice. A laugh once again, because guess what I let my mind run away and he can read every thought! " You have a very wild imagination Ava, the thoughts you go to sleep with would bring any man into your bed." The words rolled off of his tongue , he knew I had been fantasizing about him, his big strong body on top of me, my maker having his way with me, using my body for his pleasure, his big hard cock fucking my tight little cunt till he released his cum deep inside me. "HMM...." the sound escaped from his lips, he moved closer to me and put his face in my neck. " You drive me crazy with your thoughts." I could feel his hot breath on my skin. His body felt so good against my thin clothes. His cock nestled inbetween my tighs. I gasped, I was already wet, but now I was soaked. I wanted him so bad I could taste him. He began rocking his hips pushing deeper in my legs. "Do you really want me to use you like that?" " Yes.... " it came out as a moan. He grabbed my shorts and ripped them off. His cock took no time penetrating me . He pushed in God he was bigger than I imgained, but it felt so good. He wasnt even half way inside me before me pushed me over and began ramming my pussy. i could feel his dick pushing against my cervix, it sent chills all over my body. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, he whispered in my ear " Is that how you like to be fucked you dirty little slut!?" " Yes daddy. Dunno where that came from, but oh well. " Is this what your daddy used to do to you, is that why you want me so bad, you lil whore, do you want me to be your daddy?" I couldn't answer, i was cumming all over his long 9 inch cock and it was the first time a guy had ever made me have an orgasm. I screamed, it felt so good, my pussy squeezed and trembled wraping around his cock. I pushed back against him, I waned him to fuck me faster, harder, I couldn't get enough. He began grunting, " Oh fuck Avanna, I'm cumming. I felt his cock swell and my pussy filled up with his cum.

The next morning I was sore. My inner thigh muscles felt like I had been working out all night. It took a minute to realize what exactly had happened, this was going to be an embarassing morning. The quite girl he turned had the mind of a whore on the street corner. Nate was no where to be seen, he must have already went out like always, he never spent more time than he had to with me. I felt guilty like I had done something wrong, Strong arms wrapped around me, I still hadn't learned to use the unhuman strength or hearing or smell or the ability to kill a full grown grizzly bear like it was a bug on the ground. I had no urge to fight him, it only took me a second to notice the feel of his arms. " Good morning Avanna, did you sleep well?" I was begining to like the way he said my name. " Yes, how about you Sir Nathan?" He laughed, " Fine, my little freak." Even though I had been turned weeks ago I still blushed. " I heard you were awake so I came back" This was unusual behavoir for him, he had almost no physical contact with me, since last night, I didnt want to be laughed at so I shut my thoughts of the zero to none possibility he was developing feeling for me out of my head. " So what are we doing today." " I was looking for a place for us to hunt tonight, its time for you to feed. After last night we both need to replenish our strength." " Uhh.... yeah, " He looked at me curiously all I could do was look down at my feet. " Whats the matter , do you regret last night? Did I do something wrong?" " No no not at all, it was amazing and I really wanted to, you saw that yourself!" I finally gathered the courage to look into his eyes, he looked intent and concerned. " Your father really did hurt you didn't he?" Fire started coursing through my vains. " NO, Why would you ask something like that!?" He looked startled, that was a first, " You just looked like you regretted something and last night...." " That has nohing to do with my father! There are somethings just better left alone, stuff that I'm better off forgetting!" " I'm sorry Ava, I wasn't trying to ..... I... I... I, just don't want to hurt you, I need you. I want you to stay with me. I don't want to be alone anymore." My anger vanished. " Nate i'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap." He wrapped his arms around me, and looked down at me. I reached up and kissed his hard cold lips. His hands ran through my long strawberry blonde hair. His body drove me crazy, I wasn't used to being this close to anyone, I had only been with one person and it was wrong he had used me, I had only been 14..... I had to stop myself before Nate saw my mind, but it was too late. He stopped kissing me, his body went ridgid and his eyes were dark, he looked like he was on the brink of killing someone. " Who was he..?" Nate's voice was cold as steel, it sent shivers down my spine." " No one please don't worry about it." I tried to lock my thoughts, to think of something else, but I couldn't. It was like Nathan had ahold of my mind, like he was making me think of him.
He was my sisters friend, his name was Devon and he was 19 at the time. He had always stayed with my folks, he was like a brother. Devon was a really nice guy, at first. While my mom worked and my sister was in college, we were left alone all the time. It wasn't until the one night everybody was gone that he made his move. I had been in my room in nothing, but a tank top and boy short panties. The radio was turned way up to Nickelback, so I never heard him come in. He had flopped half on top of me on the bed. " Whatcha doin Ava" " Doing homework, what about you?" " Tryin to get in those tight little panties of yours baby." His words surprised me, before I could say anything, his lips grazed me ear softly. " Hmm... you smell so good, I seen you in here last night, I was watching you play with yourself when everybody was asleep. I can do so much better than your little fingers baby, let me show you how good a man can make you feel. He was pushing his crotch against my ass, he had me wet down there and I really did want him, but i knew I shouldn't. " I can't Devon, its not right." My protest wasn't as strong as I had wanted it to be, it sounded more like I was whinning. " But baby I want you so bad, I need you, I want you to see how horny your sexy little body has got me." He took my hand and put it on his cock. He was probably 6 inches, but it was still big to someone who was a virgin. " Devon No .... stop" It came out as a whisper,I was getting scared, I tried to fight back, but he pushed me down into the mattress with his body, he was moving my hand back and forth down his shaft. " Hmm... baby that feels so good, don't try to fight me, I don't want to hurt you, just do as I say and I'll make you feel good baby, just don't say anything or I'll have to tell your mom what I saw you doing last night, she wouldn't like that would she baby?" I didn't know what to do, I couldn't let him tell mom, but it was wrong for him to do this to me. " Ok just don't tell anybody please!" " Thats a good girl, now I'm going to let you go I want you to take off your clothes and suck my big cock" " No Devon I can't!" He grabbed my hair and pulled hard, I cried out, tears began to come to my eyes " Listen you little bitch, you walk around here half naked and expect me not to want you, your just trying to be a cock tease, I don't play around with whores who show it to me and not give it to me! Either suck my dick or I'm going to take that pussy and cum inside you, then tell your mom, you got on my cock while I was drunk and took advantage of me. Then she'll know what a slut you are! Now take your clothes off!" My face was soaked with tears, I took my panties off first then my top, trying to cover my B cup breast. He snatched my hand away " Aww.... baby those are perfect." He pulled his shirt then his pants off and began rubbing the head of his cock. " Come here baby..." He pulled me over to him, and pushed the back of neck down till my lips were touching his cock. " Open your mouth and suck me." I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, he pushed my head down till he was gagging me. " Relax your throat baby, and when I pull your head up close your mouth around my cock and suck on it like you would a popsicle." He pushed his cock to the back of my throat again and his cock went down. When he pulled my head back up I did just like he told me. " Good job baby, god your such a good little cock sucker.... hmm.... thats it , I want in that pussy baby, lay back." Before I could protest, he pushed me back and was on top of me. He kissed my lips and and my neck. His cock was rubbing up and down my slit. When he ran the head across my clit, my body shook. "You like that baby?" I nodded my head. His cock slipped down to my hole. He pushed in just a little bit. I felt something tear, it hurt so bad I screamed out. " Oh baby I didn't know you were a virgin..., god your little cunt is so tight." He began pushing faster and harder, it still hurt but not like before. He had only been inside of me for a few minutes, but it felt like forever, he began hitting something inside of me, it felt so good the pain vanished, just then he started grunting " Oh God baby, I'm gonna cum in your sweet little pussy.... Oh fuck yes!" He filled my pussy with his cum, as soon as he finished he got up and began dressing as I lay there confused, my clit was still tingly from the almost orgasm. " Go wash your self real good, if you get pregnant I'll kill you and the baby, I won't let a slut like you ruin my chances with your sister." I did as I was told I scrubbed until my skin was red. I felt so guilty and ashamed, I knew it was all my fault that Devon did that to me. It was my fault he wanted me, I had teased him without knowing it. It would be all on me if my sister didn't want him, because I made him want me that one time. That night as I fell asleep my mind blocked everything out and that was the first and last time I had had sex. It would have been the only time if I hadn't had found Nate.
My mind finally let me come back from that nightmare, Nathan was no where to be found I was all alone in the abonded shack we had found and took shelter in for the last days. Nate was gone for days before he showed back up. I thought he had left because of what he seen in my mind, becauseeven after i realized that Devon had raped me some part of me liked how he took advantage of me. His clothes had been ripped and he looked weak. I couldn't look in his eyes I was scared I would see hate. He half ran to me and threw his arms around me. " I could never hate you, none of that was your fault, it never was you were just a young girl, he was the one who is to blame. He never should have layed his hands on you. You were so innocent and he violated you, I left to find him to make him pay. I was going to rip his throat out with my bare hands!" Nate's eyes were ablaze, it scared me that he had left to go kill the man who had rapped me 6 years ago. " It was too late though, he killed his self 3 moths ago. Some part of me felt sorry for him but the other part knew he deserved to die. Nate voice broke my thoughts " We need to hunt, I should have never left you here by yourself, if something had happened and I wasn't able to get back in time you would have straved to death. God how could I be so stupid." He was hitting hisself to hard, did he think I was completely helpless? " Lets go, there is a camp near by, theres 6 people left, two of their friends have came up missing, if we hurry we can get them before morning. They plan on leaving at sun rise so they can report there to missing friends to the police." I had a devilish grin and I could tell he confused he must really think I am completely helpless. " How do you know all this?" " Well for one there 2 missing friends were my lunch yesterday and I've picked up a little of your mind reading, humans are very easy to read.
After all ways well and he was full we left out of Nevada and moved on further South. We ended up in Colorado. With the money and clothes we took of those campers, we found a decent hotel to rest for the next few days till we had to move again. While i was in the shower Nae went to buy us some clothes, the only female camper had been a few sizes bigger than me, I looked like a homeless kid in here clothes, that was a disadvantage in a way, but it wasn't so bad in others. I could lure our next meal in dressed like that. At 23 I still looked 15, it wasn't so bad though A 100 years from now I would still look 15 so that would always be an easy target for the sick men who want to take little girls. What they didn't know was this "little girl" would suck them dry and leave there bodies in an alley way to rot. Lost in thought my hands were running up and down my body trying to get the soap off so I could get out. I spent a little too long on my nipples, I had gotten very horny. I needed Nate, I needed him to make me come again. He hadn't touched me since he got back, but I thought I had picked up a few wet dreams while he was asleep. He moaned my name in his sleep and the way he starred at my body while I got undressed before he left really didn't need to read his mind, although I was getting better at mind reading thing too. Of course he was a pro at it and nex thing I knew his cock was between my legs and his hands cupped my breast, pulling and gently pinching my nipples. I leaned my head back and moaned. " Are you about finished?" " Yea I guess... " I said almost annoyed he would rather shower than finish pleasuring me. " Don't get dressed I'll attend to your needs as soon as I get out. It seemed like he was taking forever in there, so I just closed my eyes. When I opened them it was morning. The tv was on, the local channel was telling about the 8 campers who were found drained of blood, they thought it to be an act of a serial killer, of course always blame the unatural killing on a human. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I awoke to Nathan's body on top of mine. " The dead has awaken." He said jokingly. His hard cock was all ready pushing against my cunt hole. " It's time to finish what we started last night." He pushed onto my back, his lips kissed mine gently, he moved his mouth down the my nipples then further, as he planted kisses on my stomach, I felt my clit tingle with anticipation, hoping he would move his mouth down further. He slid his tongue down to my thigh then up o the other. just when I thought I was going to die from foreplay, he gently flicked my little clit with his tongue. That sent electric waves through my body. " OH god..... hmm... tha feels so good!" He would speed up and then slow down just when I was on the brink of an orgasm. Finally when he couldn't take humping the matress anymore, he let me cum. " Nate, fuck... I'm cumming!" My back arched, I had his hair in one hand and the sheets in the other. My body spasmed against his tongue till my clit couldn't take anymore. Before I had time to blink, His cock was inside me pumping hard and fast. I was cumming again, my my pussy clamped down on his cock milkiing it, I wanted him to cum inside me again, I wanted to make him shake and moan as he released his seed inside of me. He was listening to my thoughts again, he grunted as he began filling my pussy full.
We cleaned up together in the shower, I was just aboutto get out when Nate pinned me between his hard muslar body and the wall. He picked me to where my legs wrapped around his waist, then jolsted me higher till my legs rested on his shoulders. He began licking on my clit again, then down to my little hole and back up again. While he flick he tongue up and down my button his finger found my tight virgin asshole and began fingering me. That was a pleasure I had never experienced. He was fucking me with two fingers,my entire body clenched up. I was cumming harder than ever. He stuck his free hand over my mouth to try to stop me from screaming, I must have blacked out. When I awoke I was starving just like the night he turned me, the night I found myself in a coffin, I would have to ask him what he hell he was thinking putting me in a coffin? " Get dressed, we have to move." That was the only words he said to me before leaving the room. I put on the clothes he had laid out for me and met him in the hallway. He started walking quickly out of the hotel, I follwed in behind him wondering what was going on. He didn't stop once we were outside, I treaded behind him trying not to fall in snow. He finally stopped deep inside the dark woods. " They have your picture posted on the news. Their saying that your disapernce might have something to do with those campers we killed, we have to move and fast." He didn't give me any kind of warning he grabbed me we were flying.
****** We landed in woods not so different from those we had just left. " Where are we?" I asked almost afraid of the answer. He was pacing back and forth, " Rome, were waiting for the others." Rome? The others? What in hell was going on, this was going to be trouble I just knew it. " Look Avanna I don't have time to explain, just keep your mouth shut, don't say anything to them ok, and please try to keep your mind to yourself, for both of our sakes. Their close." I didn't think it was possible for me to keep quite inside my own head. I had always been quite, but not to someone who could read minds, many someone by the way he was talking. As dark figures began to show theirselves in the forest, I tried to shut out all thoughts and just watch as three men walked slowly towards us. The first one spoke in an accent of someone from New Orleans. " I see you have found yourself some trouble Nathan, all over some pretty little girl. " He looked me up and down with those glowing eyes. " How long has she been turned, No more than a few months I presume, she still has color in her face." Nate's voice startled me " We need somewhere to hide till they stop looking for her, can you help us?" " I can't say you've came to the right place Nathan, the last time you were here you caused alot of trouble for the elders, and myself as well. Killing every pretty little girl you seen, draining them dry simply because your bride to be no longer wanted you, but that has been many centuries ago. I will talk to the Magister, maybe his amusement with you still stands, and maybe he will let your toy stay as well. Stay here I will return before morning." With that him and the others turned and were gone, they moved so fast I didn't see them. Nathan's face was ridgid, he did not like being here, he didn't like asking for help from Larki and he surely didn't like Larki telling me about his past.
I hadn't eaten since we left Nevada, the hunger was begining to go to my head. It was nearly dawn and here was no sign of Larki. A no show always meant the worst. Nathan had not said a word to me, since he told me to shut up, I wondered if that order still stood. Just then there was a voice to my left, " The Magister wishes to see you.... alone. I will look after your pet until you return." " I will not leave her Larki, especially not in your hands!" Nate's face was livid. " Does the Noble Sir Nathan wish to defi the Magister orders? I thought you wanted help and protection? You should be wise and leave now, the Magister does not wish to be left waiting." " You touch her Larki and I will...." Larki cut him off. " Go now she is safe I will not touch her pretty little head." Nate looked at me and then he was gone.
I had not moved from the spot which I had been sitting all night. I never looked up at Larki, although I could feel his eyes on me. He sat a few feet from me, the only thing that moved was his eyes and they never left from my direction. I was playing with a small flower which was growing on the ground near me. My head felt fuzzy like when Nathan had made me think of Devon. I blocked my mind away from him, " It's not very polite to look into other peoples thoughts with out their permission." I said with all the courage I could muster. " I see your master has taught you a few tricks. This is very intersting most young vampires cannot control their minds, all they worry about is finding there next meal, you are much more controlled than I woud expect." His voice was curious, I said nothing else.
The sun had rose, it was directly above, lights cast shadows down from the canopy of the forest. Larki had finally moved, he simply walked around looking at the forest. Nathan still had not returned and my hunger was getting worse, what would Larki do to me if the Magister's amusement with Nathan was no more. Would he make him pay for the rouble he had caused so long ago? Would he kill him, have him locked away somewhere to starve?" Would Larki become my new master? No that couldn't be, Nathan had to come back. Larki assumed him position starring at me once again. He could tell I was getting weak, what little color I had was gone. "Are you hunger little one?" Larki voice was almost kind, I had not even seen his face before last night and knew nothing about him, but Nate's distrust and caution made me think he was not a kind person or one to leave any kind of trust with. " I'm fine I will feed when Nate comes back." " I'm sorry child, but I do not think your maker will be coming back. I do not say this to frighten you, but I believe it to be the truth." When I just starred at him he continued. " You see Rosalina was no human. She was a vampire that is why they were eloping to marry. It was not her parents who didn't approve it was her creator the Magister himself. He is the one who wanted to have him killed, but Rosalina turned him before the Magister had the chance. Rosalina lost interest in him because of his appetite for the human girls. He was a monster even to our kind. He was casted out of the clan. Yes he has changed with age, but he has never stopped chasing after his Rosalina. This is not the first time he has came back. Mind you, this is the first the he has brought anyone with him, but not the first time he has changed anyone. Nor are you the first young girl whose life he has taken away. If Rosalina even breathed of wanting him to come back he would leave his young one to fend for itself. You may think I am not the one to trust, but I can say this nither is your maker." With that he walked away. He had to be lying, there was no other explanation, but then again why hadn't Nathan returned.
It was night fall again I had been thinking of Larki's lies, by now it was almost obvious he was telling the truth. I was starving, but had no will to hunt. Since Larki had left I had almost made up my mind to stay here till I die. Nate was not coming back nor did he have any feelings for me. It was as simple as that. I had been left to fend for myself while he returned to his Rosalina, the only reason he had taken me with him this far was so I would not be found by police and the excistence of vampire would not be discovered with me. I fell asleep, when I came to there he was, he had came back for me. " Come the Magister has agreed to let us stay. I'm so sorry I took so long Ava, I had to do somethings. Get up you need to feed." I wanted to protest, to hurt him, to defy him, but I didn't have the streghth. He picked me up in his arms gently as if I was a child. " I'm so sorry I left you like this please don't be mad at me , you should have known I would come back for you." The mind reading thing. I didn't have the power to voice the words, but my mind never stopped working. I thought of everything Larki had told me, my thought weren't even as angry as I felt. " That's enough I will explain later, for now I need to take care of you." There was authority in his voice. I didn't want him to take care of me, I didn't want to fall for him more and more and then the day come when Rosalina needed him and he would leave me alone for good. He could hear every word, his arms tensed up around me. " Just leave me here Nathan, Leave me and go back to her, its where you belong. Its better for you to go now then to leave me later, atleast now I'm close enough to death it won't hurt as bad. Put me down." He kept walking and I had used all my strength being mad. I black out in his arms.
When I opened my eyes there he was, his arms were loose around me, I tried to slip free, to get out of here while I could. He never moved, I looked around the room, it was very beautiful and old. The walls resembled a castle, everything was stone. The canopy bed was big, it had light purple curtains hanging over it, the room looked like an old painting, flowers on every bed side table. I walked out of the door as quitely as I could. I followed the long corridor hoping to find a way out. Someone's hand wrapped around my waist. " Good morning beautiful." Nate's voice was hopeful, I guess he thought I didn't remember what Larki had told me. I turned around to look at him, his face was grim. " Where are you going?" he asked me. " Oh you already know the answer to that Nathan." I would give him hell as long as I could, I really didn't want to leave him, but I didn't want him to leave me later. " I began walking away again. His arms grabbed me and held firm. " Let me go Nathan." I fought against him, struggling to get away, but his steel grip never loosened. I finally gave up. " Come You need to feed, you barely ate anything, I nearly had to force feed you." " Why put so much effort into someone you don't care about Sir Roland, its honestly a waste of time." I tried to sound unemotional. " I do care about you Avanna, I love you, and i'm not going to abondon you." With that he holsted me over his shoulder and carried me back the way I had come. I tried to protest, I punched him in his back and neck as hard as I could. We went back into the room. Nathan threw me onto the bed. He took his shirt off and then climbed on top of me. I pushed him back, but he took my arms and held them above my head. He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ears. He traced my neckline and up to my mouth. His lips gently kissed mine. I couldn't help but to kiss him back. He tasted so sweet and my body gave in to him, wanting him to take me. He softly chuckled " Thats enough for right now its time for you to eat." He led me to a large chamber. There were many humans there, they all had metal bands around there neck, wrist and ankles. They were slaves to the Magister and all who stayed in his castle. Beautiful all of them, the women were dressed in long black dressed and the men wore robbes and tunics like the Greeks you see in mythology books, they all looked like Gods. " The Magister does not allow anyone to kill his servants, you simly feed off of them. Find one you like, but be very careful not to drain them." Nathan warned. There was a beautiful man, he was tall and very muscular. He smelled like wild flowers and freshly cut grass. He welcomed me, which was very akward since Nate had only taught me to over power prey and suck the life out of him. I just stood there not sure what to do. Nathan beckond him over to him, he spoke to him in a language I did not understand. He followed us back to our room along with a honey blonde girl with big breast. " I thought maybe it would be easier for you to feed if we were alone. Once the door was closed the big handsome man wrapped his arms around me from behind and began kissing my neck. This surpised me I turned around hoping Nathan wouldn't be mad because of what he done. The honey blonde was infront of Nate bobbing her head up and down on his cock. His head was thrown back in ectasy. I didn't know what to do till the man pulled me back towards him and began kissing me.


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My First Encounter With A Vampire

I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me right, Georgia. There were a string of murders that had happened and strange things I guess had been going on. My boss figured if I got a really good story that maybe we could start selling our papers to bigger cities. I had...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With A Vampire

Introduction: I travel to small Southern town expect to write and article, instead I end up running into a mystical creature. I still remember how it all happened. It was one of the moments I will always remember for the rest of my life, nothing could take this memory away. I still remember every single detail as if it was still fresh in my mind. I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to...

4 years ago
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My First Encounter With A Vampire

I still remember how it all happened. It was one ofthe moments I will always remember for the rest of my life, nothing could take this memory away. I still remember every single detail as if it was still fresh in my mind. I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me...

3 years ago
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the breeder vampire

This vampire is just as powerful as the common vampire with only one exception.This vampire does not want your blood.He wants your fertile pussy.His power is to breed with any and all females that are fertile. This passage will tell the tale of how he lures women with his eyes.He controls them with the tone of his voice.Women can not resist.This vampire can not be stopped.He will not stop.His power is to breed. A long long time ago at the age of thirteen a young male,while in the shower...

4 years ago
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If only every work place had a vampire

I am going off track here, anyway, so it’s my birthday, but also today a new girl started at work. Her name was Ally; it’s been annoying me all day, every time someone shouted “Ally”, not knowing who they were trying to talk to. I have never seen anyone like her before; she is about my height, likes all the same stuff as me...and has a vampire obsession. As she walked through the door this morning, the fan blowing her dyed pink and purple, straightened hair so it spread out around her...

4 years ago
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the breeder vampire

the breeder vampire this vampire is just as powerful as the common vampire with only one exception.this vampire doesnt want your blood.he wants your fertile pussy.his power is to breed with any and all females that are fertile.this passage will tell thetale of how he lures women with his eyes.he controls them with the tone of his voice.women can not resist.thisvampire can not be stopped.he will not stop.his power is to breed. a long long time ago at the age of thirteen a young male...

2 years ago
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Alexander The Office Vampire

Every morning as she came into the office, she brought a bouquet of fresh flowers that she placed in the vase on her desk. She threw out the old ones, although they were only 24 hours old, rinsed out the vase, poured fresh water in and delicately arranged the flowers in it. Always dressed in the most outrageously sexual outfits, sometimes, very short skirts with white knee-high platform boots, other times long dresses very low cut on the bosom and slit to the hips, with stiletto heels of all...

2 years ago
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Tale of the Next Door Vampire

She was fucking him, fucking him good. Her light and slender body bouncing up and down on his cock. Both moaned in pure ecstasy, each calling out each others names as he buried himself further and further within her with each bounce. Pushing with his hips, he met her bouncing with a thrust to bury himself deeper and deeper within her, his thick cock stretching out her tight, velvet hole. Beads of sweat were breaking out on their foreheads as they fucked with passion with their eyes closed,...

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How to Fuck A Vampire

Introduction: You might have guessed by now I have a vampire (and green day) fetish…so this is based on both. After knowing him all these years, I wanted him to know the truth about everything. I wanted him to be like me, if I wasnt going to age and grow old then neither was he. Selfishness was a personal trait of mine, if I wanted something, I always got it no matter the consequences I might face later. For seven years I stalked my prey, followed him to every show he played, ran my finger...

2 years ago
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the breeder vampire

this vampire is just as powerful as the common vampire with only exception.this vampire doesnt want your blood.hewants your fertile pussy.his power is to breed with any and all females that are fertile.this passage will tell thetale of how he lures women with his eyes.he controls them with the tone of his voice.women can not resist.thisvampire can not be stopped.he will not stop.his power is to breed. a long long time ago at the age of thirteen a young male c***d,while in the shower...

3 years ago
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How to Fuck A Vampire

​For seven years I stalked my prey, followed him to every show he played, ran my finger down the sharp strings of his guitar, hung around the venue exits flirting my ass of with both him and his crew so I could find out every little detail. His music meant everything to me but he meant more, some people would call it obsessive but I wanted him badly, his perfect body, dark fluffy hair, venomous green eyes, the crooked teeth, the hypnotic voice, I wanted all of it to myself. ​After seven...

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Peoplethe Village Vampire

The events described start about the same time as Luvirini's story. Only relevant parts are reproduced to leave out much pointless whining by the original writer. Year twelve of ninth period of owl Thirty-second Sunday I really should have learned to keep my mouth shut around idiots who have high rank. Of course when your title is "head of survey in Magnimar county" you are apparently allowed to be a drooling idiot that is likely not capable of signing his own name. The fine...

1 year ago
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My First Encounter With A Vampire

I still remember how it all happened. It was one ofthe moments I will always remember for the rest of my life, nothing could take this memory away. I still remember every single detail as if it was still fresh in my mind. I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me...

Erotic Fiction
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The vampire

It was hidden in a cellar of an old abandon mansion about a mile out side of the city limits. No one ever bothered visiting the old Quartermane place anymore, a ramshackle collection of farm buildings dominated by a huge old barn and a house three or four times the size of any in found town. Unoccupied for at least fifty years, hardly anyone left could even remember anyone ever having lived there, and when the wind would blow, strange sounds echoed from the holes and cracks in the tired old...

4 years ago
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The vampire

It was hidden in a cellar of an old abandon mansion about a mile out side of the city limits. No one ever bothered visiting the old Quartermane place anymore, a ramshackle collection of farm buildings dominated by a huge old barn and a house three or four times the size of any in found town. Unoccupied for at least fifty years, hardly anyone left could even remember anyone ever having lived there, and when the wind would blow, strange sounds echoed from the holes and cracks in the tired old...

3 years ago
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The Zulu and the Vampire

THE ZULU AND THE VAMPIREHi. Let me begin by telling you a bit about me. My name’s Morris Dee, and I’ve got an angular sort of face, with good cheekbones, a straight nose, and greeny-grey eyes, all topped off with a mop of dark, curly hair. I’m 5’9”, and of medium build, apart from my thighs and bum, which are quite beefy (I cycle). I’m OK with that, as I like dragging up, and girls’ clothes look better on you when there’s a bit more sand in the bottom of the hourglass.During my time at college,...

4 years ago
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A Mage And His Vampire

The chirping of the cricket's melody and the resounding bellow of the frogs hidden within the marshy grove echoed out through the night as the moon began to rise. A cry from a distant wolf pierced the darkness of the new night sky. Moving sluggishly through the thick marsh, a cloaked being made his way through the soft earth. He snorted at the smells that came fom it. It smelled of rotting vegetation and something else. Walking further into it's depths, he saw what the something else was. A...

4 years ago
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Tango with a Vampire

This story is my contribution to the Halloween contest. I’d appreciate your vote and any comments you’d care to leave. * ‘Good evening.’ The voice interrupted her daydreaming but that was fine with her. According to the clock ringed in neon over the bar, Halloween would be over in less than an hour. Midnight. The witching hour. The hour when things were not always as they appeared to be. She turned to the guy on the stool to her right. He was in costume, of course. They all were. Dark, dark...

4 years ago
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A Nicer Breed Of Vampire

 Hey guys! Been reading up on vamps and found so much contradiction I just had to write a nice story I would enjoy experiencing. Forget what you heard about mirrors and huge fangs and black costumes and just enjoy a work of pure fiction about a guy and lady that rocked each other!Well, my divorce was finally history. I won’t go there other than to say I got the condo on the beach along with all the repairs that went along with it. My ex, “plaintiff”, must have had party after party waiting on...

1 year ago
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Sex With The Vampire

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, my name's Spike. One day my sister, Drusilla, came into my room at night to drink my blood. "What do you want," I asked. "I am a vampire and I've come to suck your blood!" I laughed and said, "You sould like Belle Lugosi's Dracula." "What if I do?" Then she began to stripping. First she started with her shoes and her socks. "What are you doing," I asked. "Taking off my clothes, Spike. Isn't that obvious. I suggest you do the same." "Why," I asked,...

3 years ago
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Destiny As a Vampire

So Im definitely an amatuer writer, but this fantasy has been on my mind lately. I felt the best way to indulge in it was to get it out on paper, so to speak. Keep in mind, I was writing this more for myself than anything, but I felt like I should share it, in case any one else enjoyed it. This is only the second erotica story Ive ever written, so please, go easy on me. Id love constructive criticism or comments, and if I get positive feedback, Ill consider a sequel, or series, or whatever...

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My Lady Vampire

My Lady Vampire I can still remember the first night I met her: my Alina. It was a cold night as I passed her. She wore a black dress as she stood in front of the club. I remember feeling drawn to her. A beautiful voluptuous woman with long dark hair she stood out in the crowd of women that were far too skinny. I had never liked the really skinny ones so she was a welcome change. I approached her gathering my courage as I removed my coat to offer to her. She turned as I drew near...

3 years ago
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A Gift to a Vampire

Nigel heard the sound of footsteps cross the threshold of his home, since that fateful night when he became this creature he learned many valuable tricks from his love Lian. One of which he enjoyed most of all was leaving his house unlocked after the sunset, amazing how many people wandered into his home thinking they could steal something from it. When really there was a monster lurking inside ready to steal from them. Following the sound of the steps he heard them stop in the lounge, an ideal...

4 years ago
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My Lover My Master My Vampire

I was laying there on my bed. I glanced over at the clock, 3 AM. I rolled over on my back and sighed. Some nightmare I couldnt even remember had freaked me out and woke me up. I over on my side, adjusting my night shirt over my braless, panties body, so that I was more comfortable. Suddenly, I heard footsteps in my room. I rolled over. Seeing nothing I thought to myself Must just be the dog who I knew had a tendency to sleep in my closet. I rolled back over and started to fall back to sleep...

2 years ago
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Mistress Vampire

It was a Friday afternoon and I was having a quiet night drinking with my friends and having a little fun. After we've said goodbye to one-another I left the pub and was walking through the dark and quiet streets. There were narrow streets between buildings which were full of homeless and drunk people puking and shouting sometimes. And one of this narrow streets was taking me home. Everytime I walked this street I felt something horrible could happen to me, but nothing happened yet to me. But...

3 years ago
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A Different Kind of Vampire

A Different Kind of Vampire By Krysta Sit down. We need to talk. By now you know what I am, or at least, you suspect. You have a choice to make... but not quite yet. First, allow me to tell you my story, and then we'll see about your decision. Years ago, I was like you. Don't ask me how many years. I couldn't tell you. Years aren't important to one such as myself. As I said, I was like you. My name, then, was Jim. I was quite unhappy, though I tried to hide it. I...

5 years ago
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Short Stories Supernatural Vampire

The following stories are short stories, meant for only having one part. No background information and made for everyone. This short story season will be one for everyone of the subjects on Lush and if you would like a personalized story just put it in my inbox. I will ask for details ECT. Please enjoy this installments of my short stories.   Supernatural : Vampires.   As I closed the book to my favorite story "Vampires the lost lovers" there was a long chill coming down my neck. The window's...

2 years ago
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Cronicles of MartosChapter 3 The Day Of The Vampire

As time went on, Martos became lonelier. He began thinking of finding a mate, but this was no easy task. His group had eight women, and ten men without him, and the women were already married to the other men, and watching the happy couples, made him think about a wife even harder. After three months, his luck changed. He was in one of the biggest cities that had over eight thousand citizens. He was at the bazaar, with two other of his group, buying supplies and animal fodder for the upcoming...

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The Truth About Vampires

This is the true story of vampires in the world today. You probably have heard all the stories about the centuries old vampires, who live forever once they have been bitten by another vampire. And they cannot be killed, except by a stake through the heart, or maybe cutting their heads off and keeping them separate. This story began many years ago when Vlad the Impaler was ruling over Hungary and fighting off the Turks. The stories all told of how he would impale his victims through the asshole...

4 years ago
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Coyote vs the Sex Vampires

COYOTE VERSUS THE SEX VAMPIRES By C It was a dark and stormy night. Coyote was in the cold, mountainous nothernreaches of his hunting territory. The rain--really a cross between rain andhail--was hitting him with stinging force. He had to find shelter or he mightnot get out of this alive. Just as this thought occurred to him, he saw lightsin the foothills of Mount Golgoth, about a mile to his west. He put his headdown and grimly made his way in that direction. After what seemed like hours of...

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Interlude with the Vampire

I've been watching the various boards for a couple of years, wondering if anyone writing some of the erotic Vampire stories had it right. I don't really think so, based on my own experience, though occasionally one of them sounds close. The thing is, I guess I can't say I'm an expert, since there's no guarantee that others are like Brad. But it's hard to believe they could be very different, since when I think about him, everything seems so logical. I was between marriages, the first a...

4 years ago
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Vamping A Vampire

When Alice awoke, she initially thought that she was on fire. Her entire body felt warmth of an intensity for which fire seemed a reasonable explanation. As sleep faded from her eyes, she looked around. She still couldn't see very well, but the lack of light convinced her that there was no fire. Her lover moaned softly, sucking on her neck. No, he must have been giving her a hickey in his sleep. Or something. She pushed him softly away, and got out of bed to take a shower. It was not until...

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Hands of a Vampire

It was early Sunday morning, and I had been sitting in a local coffee shop reading the newspaper when Crystal came in. In the three years I had known her, we had become close friends, so I eagerly invited her to sit an chat. Eventually, however, the conversation turned to the subject she had avoided for all three years of our friendship. ‘There’s something I’ve been wondering…’ I knew what this was about, and simply got to the point. ‘The gloves, right?’ Crystal’s eyes widened, then...

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A young man8217s seduction by a beautiful Vampire

The city was dark that night, darker than hell. The rain clouds seemed thicker than ever before and there was the occasional rumble of distant thunder. My name is Andy and I am a writer but not one of good fortune. I had been having a hard time during those months. Several publishing companies had rejected my manuscript and I was reduced to working as a bartender. It was a really seedy place and the clientele were a pretty rough crowd. Thankfully the bar was fairly empty that night,...

4 years ago
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Living with a Vampire

Your a 27 year old man named John Hamilton that stands at 5'11 weighs 185 pounds with respectable amount of muscle. You have short blond hair and piercing Blue eyes. You are descended from a long line of monster hunters dating back several centuries but were hurt during you last hunt getting hit by a car chasing after a Vampire that was stalking the streets of Boston, Massachusetts. You were severely injured crippling your left-leg, but thanks to a long stay in a rehabilitation facility your...

2 years ago
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If I was a vampire

It was a simple start. A bottle of tainted soda. How it got that way is unknown and unimportant right now. All that matters is it is tainted with the blood of a vampire. Whoever drinks it will become one themselves and seek to convert others. Now, this bottle was delivered to a private school located in the upper Midwest. It sat in the vending machine for who knows how long before it happened to land in your hands. The only thing making it looks out of place were the words on the front, Share a...

Mind Control
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This is a story written as if in a dream… a fantasy… a fantasy of a man who has been away from his wife for months together… the man and his wife are working in separate cities… And the man is about to be united with his wife 6 days later… This story of mine deals with the acute physical longings translated into acts of fantasy that the man sees while he is sitting on his porch on a balmy Sunday afternoon… * * * * * Sweet, when I reach there on the long leave that we both have been looking...

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Sin Angels and Vampires

The angels descended on Rome in the dead of winter. Three of them – forsaken, pale and naked creatures arriving in the black night like falling silver stars.Sophrosyne watched the heavenly bodies approach with a shiver. She had seen angels before, but these were different – they made an uneasiness crawl in her bones. There was something ragged about them. Something broken and awful. When the angels landed at the temple steps before the clergy, they were unsteady, weak and disoriented.The first...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Shower With A Vampire

Introduction: I was asked yesterday for more vamp fic, so this is one i wrote ages ago I need to get home. Damn, I still dont like being out in the dark even though Im 21. Even though I was told vampires and werewolves are just myths, I still think there are evil things lurking out there. Tonight is even worse, its a full moon, and its giving me goosebumps, I wasnt planning on leaving town this late, but when theres a sale in Ann Summers I cant help it. I get absorbed by all the sex toys. That...

3 years ago
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Im In Love With Twin Vampires

I had graduated high school back in June. Some of the richer kids had helped throw a graduation night party at their mansion. I had gone to the party with my then-girlfriend, Mindy. Happiest time of my life, right? WRONG. Around 11:30 that night, I’d gone to look for Mindy; she’d been gone for a good half an hour by now. I walked upstairs and down the hall, and suddenly heard loud moaning, moaning that sounded horribly familiar. Backtracking to the source from which the moans came...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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Shower With A Vampire

Anyway, so it’s dark, and my house is just over the bridge. Not far to walk now. But I can feel someone behind me. I don’t like this, really don’t like this. I walk faster but I know they are gaining on me. Closer to home... Closer... I’m in the alley way behind my house and can feel a hand on my shoulder. I knew I shouldn’t have been out. Now someone’s going to find my body 10 miles away from my home or something. My heart is beating fast, and I don’t know what to do. He’s obviously...

4 years ago
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Short Stories Supernatural Vampire

The following stories are short stories, meant for only having one part. No background information and made for everyone. This short story season will be one for everyone of the subjects on Lush and if you would like a personalized story just put it in my inbox. I will ask for details ECT. Please enjoy this installments of my short stories.   Supernatural : Vampires.   As I closed the book to my favorite story ‘Vampires the lost lovers’ there was a long chill coming down my neck. The window’s...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites

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