KellyChapter 9 free porn video

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The ringing of the phone did not wake Kelly up Thursday morning.

The poking in her ribs by someone in bed with her did.

"Are you going to answer that fucking thing?" Laura asked. "My head is going to explode."

Glancing down at their nude bodies, seeing the partial glass of wine on the nightstand, and feeling the dried remains of last night's multiple orgasms brought back a rush of memories. Kelly blushed slightly and peeled her sticky body off the bed, untangled herself from Laura and reached for the phone.

"Hello?" she said, feeling relaxed but drained.

"Hi Kelly, did I wake you?"

It was Todd. Sometimes his constant cheeriness was enough to drive her bonkers. It was especially irritating in the mornings. Kelly did not do mornings well.

"No Todd" she replied looking at the wall clock. "I'm always up and raring to go at seven in the morning." Cursing herself for her lack of self-control she lit up another Cameo and took a deep drag. She chased down the acidic taste with the lukewarm wine still in the glass. She could hear Todd laughing on the other end of the line. "Jesus Todd, it's Thursday. What's so important that it couldn't wait until the afternoon?"

Todd, still laughing said, "I got the proofs from the Regan shoot done. I worked all night on them and would have called you earlier but I know how cheerful you are in morning."

Kelly should have been excited now. This was a big step up for their agency. This was the kind of work that paid the best and gave their company the greatest exposure, but her mind was still on last night.

"That's great Todd," said Kelly, looking longingly at the supine, languid body of Laura. Kelly took her nails and dragged them softly, teasingly across the smooth belly of her lover.

"Well?" she asked, forcing herself to the business at hand, "How do they look?"

"Fan-fucking-tastic" was his response. "Remember that blonde... Sara? The one that came with James?"

"Yeah," said Kelly becoming interested because Todd was not usually this enthused regarding a model. "What about her?"

"Did you see the stunt she pulled with the boat where it looked like she was airborne? Standing the boat on its tail?"

"Okay" she thought. "Different kind of model."

Kelly racked her memory but it was just seven in the morning and she barely recalled anything from those two days other than Brenda and the experience with James.

"Refresh my memory," she said.

"Forget it Kell. If you had seen it you would have remembered. Anyway, the pictures turned out fantastic. This is a no-brainer sale, and if old man Regan distributes them the way he was talking, we are going to be the hit of the next boat show circuit!"

"That's great Todd"

"No, wait a minute," he continued. "There's one shot of Sara that I want to submit to one of the major boating magazines!"

"He's positively on fire!" Kelly thought.

"This is front cover material!" he continued. "I don't mind the reputation boost, and our agency's profile wouldn't be hurt by the publicity either, but since it was on the customers dime and using his boat, we need a release form allowing me to submit it."

"Hmmm..." Kelly was thinking out loud now. "The publicity wouldn't hurt Regan either," she continued. "Do you feel like taking a trip out there to deliver them personally? I can call and see if he's available."

"I'd love to go," said Todd, "but you'll have to make the arrangements. I want to crash for a few hours. Call me if Regan wants to see what he hired the best for."

"Okay," said Kelly. "If I don't wake you up with a call, then obviously today is a no go, but if it's a go, I'll give you time to make yourself look human first." She was laughing quietly as she hung up the phone.

As much as Kelly wanted to climb back into bed with Laura, she called Regan's. It was still early, but the plant was open and after explaining to the receptionist who she was, she was instantly patched through to Chuck's office.

"Good morning Kelly," he said. "I was just having coffee with Brenda and Amanda. Brenda just arrived back this morning. She's also brought her friend Amanda."

"My God," thought Kelly. "Has it only been a week? It felt like a lifetime ago!"

Kelly explained her reason for calling.

"You're telling me the brochure is done?" Chuck asked.

"Just so we're perfectly clear Mr. Regan, the film has been developed and the proofs are done. This is what you contracted TKO for. I'm sure you have your own choice of printer for the brochure, but if not I can certainly put you in touch with a few of the best in the country."

"You're right of course Kelly, I do have a company that does all my copy-editing and printing. I guess I just assumed it would take longer before I would see the prints. I've had lots of ad agency photographers over the years, but never one that delivered in such a timely fashion. If the pictures are any good, I will owe my friend who recommended your agency a bottle of my best wine."

Kelly was smiling to herself as he said this. Had it not been for the delay in getting Sherri's contract signed, Todd probably would have finished the pictures by Monday.

"I'm quite sure you'll like the pictures Mr. Regan. I haven't seen the proofs yet, but Todd was very excited when he called me a few minutes ago. He worked all night on them, and you know we put our reputation on the line with every shoot we do, and as it says in the contract, if you don't like the results, you don't pay a cent."

"That was another reason I thought I would give your company a try," said Chuck. "I like to see that kind of self assuredness in all the people I do business with." He sighed. "Regretfully, these days, for most companies CYA is SOP."

Kelly laughed.

"And please," he added, "No more Mr. Regan. Just call me Chuck."

"Okay Mr... Chuck, I understand you spoke to Todd about us flying in?" Kelly asked.

"That's right Kelly, as long as you don't try to land in my lake with a modified L-1011, you should have plenty of space."

Chuck Regan was as excited to see the pictures for his new brochure as Todd was about showing the results. Kelly explained Todd's special request and Chuck was quite obliging, telling her to bring along the consent form and even suggested that since he advertised in nearly all the boating magazines he would be glad to be of help in making sure it got to the right person. They made arrangements to meet after lunch and Chuck insisted they stay for dinner at his house.

"Wow," thought Kelly as she hung up the phone. "His mood and disposition has really changed since the week of the shoot."

Kelly next called Chris and asked how long it would take before his floatplane would be ready to fly and if he had a pilot available.

Chris told Kelly he would have the Cessna 170 floatplane fueled, inspected and ready to roll in three hours.

"Thanks Chris, will there be any problems coming back? We might be a little on the late side."

"How late are you talking Kelly?"

"Possibly as late as 8."

"Hmm... It won't really be dark yet, but that's a long time for the pilot to sit around. Especially with how busy we are right now. Is there any chance of you staying the night and getting picked up the next morning? If not, I'll have him drop you off and I'll come and pick you up myself when you're ready to head back. I'll give you a special rate for any inconvenience."

"You're a sweetheart Chris. Let me check to see what we have on the go and what kind of accommodations they have there. Maybe it would be better if we stayed the night. I'll let you know just as soon as I know. But we will definitely be flying out at 1 o'clock okay?"

"You got it!"

As Kelly hung up the phone she felt a hand slide around her waist and work its way up to tweak her nipple as a soft mouth kissed her back.

"Another trip?" Laura asked.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I'm afraid so. I'm just trying to figure out what to do now. If we come back late, we're going to be bushed and rushed. This is a lucrative deal for us, and I don't want to screw it up by watching a clock."

"So why not spend the night? There must be a sleazy motel you and Todd can spend the night at," Laura laughed.

"Oh God. I hadn't even thought about that. We've shared rooms before, but that was before..."

"So? Why not take the opportunity to get better acquainted?"

"Without you there? I'm not sure Laura."

"Well, you can always do what you did in the past and pretend what happened the other night didn't happen, but you'll be missing out on an experience. Trust me."

"Maybe," said Kelly. "Are you sure you'd be okay with this if it did happen?"

Laura laughed as she rolled off the bed, pulled Kelly up and hugged her tight. "Kelly, I love you, and I love Todd. I also know that Todd loves you as well as he loves me. Love grows as you share it, it doesn't diminish." To emphasize her point, Laura trailed a wet tongue over Kelly's neck, gently nibbling on the tender areas.

"Mmm... you smell good," said Laura kissing Kelly's throat.

"That's because I smell like you!"

Laughing and kissing Laura and Kelly fell back on the bed.

Just after 9, freshly showered, the girls were having breakfast and vitamins together. Breakfast of course consisted of fruit and raw vegetables. They were discussing what Laura would be doing with her free time when Gloria came in.

Gloria saw the two girls sitting, laughing and smiles on their faces. She had never seen Kelly so happy. This wasn't the way she had expected to see Kelly happy, but the Obi-man had said Laura was going to play a large part in Kelly's happiness and future. He had also said something else to "G," something she had not even told her daughter. She just smiled at Kelly with the secret knowledge deep inside.

"Good morning G," said Kelly with a beaming smile on her face. "You remember Laura?"

"Morning baby gal," said Gloria, "Ya man, me remember Miss Laura."

"Please Gloria, just call me Laura, otherwise I'll have to call you Mrs. Clarke."

Gloria laughed, "Cha, you no call me that. Let it be, you friend wit my chil', you call me G."

Laura laughed as well. "Okay then it's settled. I'm Laura and you are G."

Kelly had hidden her face and her smile during this exchange. After four years of trying, Todd still couldn't get Gloria to call him anything other than Mister Todd.

Gloria was shaking her head as she put the kettle on to make her morning cup of Blue Mountain instant coffee.

As G sat at the table lecturing the girls on the need for a more substantial breakfast, Laura mentioned what a delightful daughter Gloria had.

"Ya, me proud of her, but ya know, that girl, she got a gift of the gab. Me fret she talk too much. Big problem that."

"No," said Laura realizing she should not mention the discussion about Gloria's spiritual consultant. "She was just telling me how beautiful it was where she grew up. St. James Parish?"

"Very beautiful, but no opportunity fee me kids."

Kelly excused herself and made a phone call to the tourist center in Jacksonville asking for names of motels close to Regan's. Half an hour later she had booked herself and Todd into a room. She then called Chris back and confirmed they would be staying the night and arranged for a pickup time the next day just after lunch.

Kelly could hear Gloria and Laura discussing Miss Cleo and Gloria in an excited voice proclaiming the woman as a fraud and had never practiced anything from the psychic world in Jamaica. As G got more vocal her English dropped further into patios and Kelly smiled as she realized Laura was not only keeping up, but was starting to use some of the same expressions.

Kelly was happy. Gloria had always been a good judge of people and if she liked Laura then it was a good sign.

Kelly remembered Chuck saying Brenda had just had coffee with him and she knew from Brenda's email that she was supposed to be back at Regan's today so the next call she made was to her.

As her fingers dialed the phone she realized she was shaking with anticipation. She had not seen Brenda in over a week and though both Kelly and Todd were planning to attend the grand opening of the Marina's new "Wheel" office in a week, she couldn't wait to see Brenda. She needed to talk to Brenda. Hell, she plain needed Brenda right now. So much had changed since the last time when Brenda had asked Kelly if she trusted her.


"Brenda?" Kelly asked, a catch in her voice.

"Kelly!" said Brenda, her voice brimming with joy and happiness. "How are you feeling Honey?"

Kelly started to say she and Todd would be visiting that afternoon, but Brenda told her that she had already heard the news.

"Tell me the rest of what's going on in your life Kelly. I was getting a little bit worried about you based on your emails."

"I think you turned me into a lesbian," Kelly whispered.

Brenda snorted. "Bullshit. If you were inclined that way you would never have tried to hit on James."

"Yes, but I've had two really bad experiences with former boyfriends over the weekend, and yet last night I had a fantastic time with a girl."

"And this is what you're basing your conclusion on?" Brenda asked laughing.

"Well, no... the night before Todd and I got physical as well, something we always said wouldn't happen, but we weren't alone."

"Sounds interesting," said Brenda. "Who was the other person? Wait, let me guess... the girl you spent last night with."

"How did you know?"

"Lucky guess," said Brenda. "How did it turn out?"

"It was good I guess," said Kelly, "It didn't go, you know, all the way, but it was satisfying and fun."

"Just not as good as last night though right?"

"Last night was different Brenda!"

Brenda looked up and saw Rick, one of the young technicians hovering around her desk. Covering the mouthpiece she told him to find something useful to do, out of her sight. Alone again, she turned her full attention to her friend on the phone. "What do you mean Kelly? Why was last night different than the night before?"

"Well, the night before was like it was planned. Do this first, and then do that. It was more like connect the dots than making love."

Brenda laughed. "That's okay Kell, I've been having a devil of a time getting people to stop playing connect the dots with my freckles. But you said it was fun and satisfying. That sounds like a step in the right direction to me, so what's the problem?"

"It just wasn't the same as last night. Oh Jesus. I don't understand this. I really love Todd and want it to be the same with him as it is with Laura, but it's not."

"Laura huh. Nice name. So tell me what's different with her alone than when you're with Todd?"

"This is going to sound really stupid Brenda, but when I'm with Laura, I feel like a real woman."

"Did James make you feel like a real woman?"

"James... ? Yeah, well, even though we didn't do anything except for me humping his leg. God I still can't believe I did that."

"That's okay sweetie," said Brenda, "You just need to learn how to enjoy men. You're coming later today? How about we spend some time together and work this out?"

"Thanks Brenda... I knew I could count on you."

Kelly lit up another and contemplated calling Todd. Knowing he could be showered and dressed in minutes, Kelly decided to let him sleep a few hours more.

She re-entered the kitchen to a heated debate on the merits of Brad Pitt's new bride. Gloria of course was devastated.

Kelly put the kettle on and made a pot of tea. "Well, it looks like we'll be off again this afternoon, hopefully back tomorrow."

"Don fret pon it chil', tings gunna be a'right. Run 'long now, go tek care ya business."

"Thanks G," said Kelly. "Once this job is out of the way, we should be home a bit longer. Todd has that gymnastic equipment shoot to do and that will keep us in town for a while."

As Kelly poured the tea, Laura said, "Well at least this way I get plenty of time to study and catch up to the rest of my class."

"One day girl, it'll be you that's off running to catch a plane," Kelly laughed. "We'll be the ones staying behind."

"I doubt you'll ever stand still too long Kell. Something in you just drives you to succeed."

Gloria nodded in agreement.

Kelly packed a small overnight bag with a few changes of clothing and underwear, her makeup case and slipped into a pair of safari shorts and a light cotton blouse. Laura helped her tie her hair back into a tight roll held together with a wooden comb. That, and an oversize shoulder purse carrying all the essentials she might need on the trip was all she needed.

It was getting on to 11 so they drove back to the studio in Laura's car. She would have the honor of waking Todd up.

Friendly greetings at the studio with Vanetta and Laura rushed upstairs while Kelly explained to Vanetta about the impending trip. As she waited for Todd, she read over the morning mail, updated her database and took a Gravol for motion sickness chasing it down with a bottle of mineral water. Knowing her smoking time would shortly be limited she indulged herself as she heard the shower running upstairs.

Todd and Laura came down the stairs both with huge smiles. Even Kelly had to smile. Laura could be insatiable!

Todd had thrown on a set of scrubs, packed another pair and a few t-shirts into an old canvas bag, running shoes without socks though he had at least packed a couple of pair as well as underwear.

Out of the closet he took his travel camera, filled a small artic cooler pack with film from the fridge, slipped in a few chemical cold packs to keep the film cool, checked his batteries and packed it all in a polished aluminum case.

"Todd, you haven't even combed your hair," said Kelly.

Todd looked at her in surprise, then shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. Everything fell into place. "All set?

Wincing from the scathing look Kelly threw his way, he gave Laura his cell phone. "It's fully charged sweetheart. Just leave it on and I can call you from Kelly's. When we get back we'll have to get you one of your own because in this business, you never know where you'll be when you're needed."

Kisses and hugs exchanged, Todd and Kelly took a cab to the airport.

The flight was uneventful and the pilot comfortable with water landings. Receiving permission to land, they were directed to a dock where they were greeted by the technician who had cleared the lake traffic for them. As the Cessna took off again the boats headed back into the lake and the technician led them to a side door opening on a walkway that took them directly to the main office.

During the flight, Todd had shown Kelly the 11 x 14" glossy prints he had made the night before. Kelly was impressed, and knew that Chuck would be amazed. It filled his criteria to the letter, and the quality and lighting was perfect.

Announcing themselves at the main reception area, they were asked to have a seat and that Mr. Regan would be down shortly. They had barely seated themselves when Chuck bounded down the stairs from the upper offices.

"Kelly, Todd," he said, shaking hands with both of them. "Good to see you again!" Chuck sat down beside them in the spacious reception area and offered them drinks. Kelly asked for a diet 7-up while Todd, the real caffeine addict asked for coffee. Chuck asked the receptionist to arrange for it and then turned to Todd.

"I understand you've got something exciting to show me Todd," he said.

Todd smiled and opened his portfolio case. Although Todd had shown them to her on the plane, Kelly still got a rush seeing that first picture of Sara standing Chuck's stepped hull on its stern. Its stark angular lines only helped accentuate the smooth curves of its driver. Her blond hair billowing behind her while her hands were gripped on the controls and a smile of pure satisfaction on her face showed her complete mastery of the boat.

"Sweet Jesus," Chuck mumbled turning the picture from side to side. "Look at that control, and the spray coming off the stern," he said. "It makes you want to go and sail forever." Todd just smiled.

The drinks arrived and Chuck still couldn't take his eyes off the photo. Finally he said, "that girl... she did more than stand the boat on end, she and her friends have managed to stand the industry on its end." He looked up at both of them. "I want you both to know how pleased I am that you brought this group out here." Looking at Kelly he asked if they were all under contract to the agency.

Kelly thought quickly. The contract was legal and binding of course, but they had been hired for a brochure, not a secondary promotion campaign. But she knew that the "James Gang" was involved with Chuck now on a business level as well.

"Mr. Regan," she began carefully, "we billed you scale rate, and paid scale to the group to be fill-ins for background, and our contract was for pictures for an ad brochure..." She held up her hand as she saw him start to speak. "However, it is one of the best action shots Todd has ever captured and we won't charge anything for any other use of this photo for publicity purposes." She turned to Todd. "Is that kosher for you Todd?"

Todd quickly nodded his enthusiastic response.

"That leaves only Sara to clear it with then," Kelly said. "And since the 'James Gang' has other business dealings with you, I think this can be settled between you and their company. We'll even forego any fees if she agrees to your using it."

Chuck looked at Kelly closely for a few minutes, no sign of emotion could be read on his face. "They hooked you too didn't they?" he finally asked breaking out in a smile.

Kelly and Todd both laughed.

"They are an unusual group," Kelly said, "and yes we got hooked the same."

"Mr. Regan," Todd started.

"Please," Chuck interrupted. "Call me Chuck."

"Okay then Chuck," Todd continued, "I'd like to get your permission to submit this to various boat magazines."

"Yes, Kelly mentioned that on the phone this morning," Chuck said, "but tell me Todd, how would you feel if I placed this in the biggest one, "International Powercraft," as a pull out poster? Double page? That will guarantee it being on the cover as well."

Todd's mouth dropped open. "That would cost you a fortune," he finally managed to get out.

"Not quite as much as you might think Todd. You see, the magazines also want something spectacular that people would put on their walls instead of the inside of a bird cage. They'll absorb most of the cost if we let them put the name of their magazine in..." He paused and looked at the picture again. "Say in this corner here," pointing to a blank section of water. "Our name will go underneath as the builder and yours and the TKO logo will be directly below that."

Looking at Kelly for approval, which he got in the form of a smile, Todd grabbed Chuck's hand and said, "You've got yourself a deal!"

Chuck laughed and asked Todd how large they could make a print from the original without losing quality. Todd assured him that with the Hasselblad's larger format, they could easily enlarge in segments up to wall size.

"That's great!" Chuck said, "Because that is just what I want to do with that main wall across from the reception desk," pointing at a wall that currently held smaller pictures of the different Regan boats.

"Now what say we go upstairs and plan on lighting a few fires under the sales staff," he said with a smile. Turning to Kelly he said, "And I know there is someone here who has been asking about the time of your arrival every half hour or so."

Kelly hoped her blush wasn't showing.

Ten minutes later they were seated in Chuck's office in nice plush leather chairs, fresh drinks at their sides. Chuck had his secretary contact their local Digital Print and Copy center to dispatch a pick-up courier. Because he was Chuck Regan he was told that everything would be put aside to run this job through the minute it arrived. He ordered five 20 x 30" prints, and 100 8 x 10" glossies. Apologetically he told Todd that he knew it wouldn't quite be up to the quality of the original print, but he wanted to put them on the wall so people could see them with out having to pass the original around.

"Why the glossies?" Todd asked.

"Because I know that Sara is going to get a lot of requests for autographed pictures," said Chuck with a knowing smile.

Kelly placed a call to Sara at the marina. She had to wait some time before Sara could make it to the phone but had an interesting chat with JulieAnn. Kelly explained to Sara what had transpired and that she was entitled to renegotiate for this shot. Sara discussed this with Jules while Kelly stayed on hold and when she came back on line said, "So I'm going to be a centerfold model?"

Kelly laughed at that. She hadn't thought of it quite that way, but yes, technically she would be. "Yes, complete with the staple on your navel!"

"Cool!" said Sara. "Wait until my folks hear about this! My dad's going to have a heart attack!"

Sara said she had to get back to finishing work on a boat she was demonstrating later, but to fax the paperwork and she'd sign it.

JulieAnn came back on the line and asked if they could find time to meet the two gymnasts. "They're going to be in Brookhaven on Monday for lunch. Sara will be demonstrating a boat we fine-tuned. I realize it's short notice, but..."

"No, that's okay JulieAnn. Sherri's father had told us about going to Harbour Town this weekend for golf. From his enthusiasm, it sounds like a great golf get-a-way. Besides, we'll be here until tomorrow and there's really no need for us to rush back to Charlotte for the weekend. We'll just have to see about accommodations and renting a car. Let me get back to you on this okay?"

Kelly hung up the phone and turned to Todd. "Feel like spending the weekend in South Carolina? Those gymnasts are going to be where Doctor Prevan is playing golf this weekend, though they won't get there until Monday."

"A weekend at a golf resort?" asked Todd, "You're kidding me right?"

"Are you talking about Brookhaven?" asked Chuck. "If you are then it's much more than a golf resort. It's actually a beautiful island with wildlife sanctuaries and of course lots of boats. It's a prime vacation spot."

Kelly knew what Todd was thinking. "Chris is sending the plane back tomorrow anyway, we could have him fly Laura down to join us."

"It's really busy at Brookhaven this time of year," Chuck continued, "I doubt I could get you a place on the south end of the Island on this short notice, but there's a Hampton Inn directly across Short Creek. That's the commercial area and right next to the marina. I've got a few connections there. If you like, I'll make sure you get one of their best business suites and I'll have one of my boats take you there tomorrow." Chuck then asked his secretary to book them into a two bedroom executive suite with a living room.

"That's really kind of you Chuck," said Todd. "We really appreciate that."

"Guess I better make a few more calls too," said Kelly. She called Chris and explained the change in plans, and then called Laura, telling her to pack for a weekend holiday and where to meet Chris in the morning. Finally she contacted Jules to confirm the Monday lunch meeting.

"Where are you two planning on spending tonight?"

Kelly told him that they were booked at a nearby motel.

"Nonsense." Chuck said. "You'll stay at the house with us."

Todd looked at Kelly who looked back at Todd. This was so different from the man who had hired them.

Todd said, "Thanks Chuck. We'd love to!"

With all the arrangements made, Chuck smiled and asked them if they wanted to go to their rooms and freshen up. Todd was all in agreement, hoping to catch a few more hours of sleep, but Kelly hesitated.

"Don't you worry Kelly," Chuck said with a smile, "I haven't forgotten."

Chuck asked his secretary to page Brenda. "Just tell her there's a problem here only she can solve. Ask her to please hurry."

Turning to Todd and Kelly he once again thanked them for bringing this group into his life.

Looking directly at Kelly he said, "Did I hear you correctly downstairs when you referred to them as the James Gang?"

Kelly laughed and asked if Chuck had met the entire group yet. Chuck said with a wry smile he had only just met the entire group on Monday. Kelly and Todd both laughed. "Quite a team aren't they?" asked Kelly.

"Well," said Chuck. "If Brenda is any example of dealing with them full time, I'm sure that my life will be the richer for it. I like all of them, and Amanda is here with Brenda this week. They are truly an amazing group. Brenda has been here nearly full time since last Thursday staying up at the house with Anna and me. She has been both a breath of fresh air and a candle in a dark room for us. The house hasn't been this lively or happy in many years."

Same as Kelly
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You Little Thief

Fbailey storyWhen I turned sixteen I bought my first car. Oh it wasn’t much and my father put in half of the money and put me on his insurance. I had worked for two years mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and on a rare occasion babysitting my little sister. I knew the value of money and hoarded it for gasoline and going out with my friends. Victoria was thirteen years old and a royal pain in my ass. She was just a little brat and as I found out recently a little thief too.I had been suspecting...

2 years ago
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A Novel of Things to CUM Part1

Birds singing, trees gently swaying in the wind and me smiling in anticipation of what was to come. Reaching the door I stood there contemplating my future actions and their implications. For the second time, everything about my life would change for the better. Not so much for who I know will answer the door. As I hear footsteps approaching I briefly considered backing up and calling this whole thing off. Two minutes later, the door opens and there she stands in pajama bottoms and a...

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LucianChapter 3

A million drops of water will hollow out a stone Three months passed, and a patient repetition of daily chores created a new normality for Lucian Gaines – even in a world as weird as Norton’s Academy of Excellence. Since he started classes, things sped up. Life became more palpable, more real – though increasingly bizarre. He was at a school after all, a school with its strict schedules and classes, tests and exams and all the usual tedious chores. There was the daily routine of getting...

3 years ago
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flirting missus

My ex wife was 12 years younger than me. She always attracted attention and was a very attractive girl. She held down a good job with a bank and came from a middle class family. The only problem was when she had too much to drink she became very flirty and would get herself into situations she couldn't always get out of. At first, if i was there, i would come to her aid, then on one occasion i decided enough was enough. If she wants to keep getting into the situations she can deal with them...

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My sisters husband

I am a cute girl next door type similar to ones you would see in Hallmark movies. I have pale white soft skin, sky blue eyes, 5’7, 90 pounds, size 36C/24/36, natural blond hair but I wear my hair brown. It all started when I moved to Boston. Three years ago, I was accepted to a college in Boston, where my married elder sister Lizzy lives. I was going to stay in a student housing, but Lizzy insisted that I stay in their house, and I accepted. Lizzy and her husband Mike have a nice ocean...

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Millies TransformationChapter 4

When the door bell rang Millie knew, even before Judith spoke, that she would have to answer the door with her pussy peeking out from underneath her ultra short skirt. Despite her facade of calm, Millie felt like a trembling, scared, child on the inside as she reached for the door knob. The two women standing at the door were complete strangers to Millie. The each held a wrapped gift and were dressed in white dress shirts, thin black ties, short plaid skirts, knee high hose, and patent...

4 years ago
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Silly Rabbit Part 8

Silly Rabbit, part eight by Vonya Lee 'Gwen filled us in on everything that happened tonight. I don't think I could have hoped for more. I never knew his dad was capable. I guess we found Dick's hot button. I hope Chris has a scar he can feel. Gwen said the cut was on the back of his head so hair will cover it. I just think it would be nice if he could touch it as a reminder of his father's hate for him. I just hope we got it all on film.' "My poor...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Emily Addison Shape Up Or Ship Out

Jay Romero has enlisted and his boot camp date is coming up fast. His stepmom, Emily Addison, doesn’t think Jay is ready. She finds him in the living room, sprawled out on the couch in his fatigues and surrounded by a mess of junk food. Emily tries to be kind to Jay at first, but his monotone responses to her attempts at conversation quickly piss her off. Since Emily believes Jay’s dad hasn’t done right by his kid and that Jay is going to burn out, she decides to take matters...

1 year ago
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Emmys Games Part 1

“Put my panties on,” says the text message from Emmy. It is 9:30am and I have just woken up. I look across to the bedside table and see Emmy’s panties sitting there all dried out from last night’s shenanigans. I lean over and pick them up, and can’t resist the urge to hold them to my face momentarily and savour their aroma. I do as the text message asked and put on Emmy’s cotton panties. They are not what I usually wear, not quite as slutty, but the fact they are hers has me rock hard the...

4 years ago
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A Photographers Erotic Fantasy Journalbiker Boy

I love my job as the photographer for Fantasies For Women magazine. It's like Playgirl meets Cosmopolitan, but with more photos and stuff. My name's Kristy Garrison. I was so excited about to do photo work for the magazine's debut issue. My very first photo op was a photo shoot for the cover and centerfold with an up-and-coming male supermodel named Frederico Di Pellani from Italy. He was tall, dark, buff, and handsome. He had short, black hair, deep, soulful chocolate brown eyes, chiseled...

4 years ago
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The Panther Chapter 4

While Helen was gone, I went to have a piss and quick wash. She came back with two mugs, placed them on the bedside tables and skipped into bed. She told me to behave and not to spill anything on ‘our’ bed. Helen was in high spirits, bubbling over in merriment and excitement. There was no sign of regret or guilt for having broken her marriage-vow on the marital bed. There was no evasion, no search for excuses.Sitting in bed, sipping our coffee, she told me how happy she was that the ‘Panther’...

2 years ago
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Sophies Adventures Chapter One

An 18 year old girl fucking her way through the supernatural. ALL PEOPLE ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTS OR ANYTHING OF SEXUAL NATURE ARE ALL OF THE AGE OF 18 OR OLDER, THE MAIN CHARACTER IS 18, IF THIS IS NOT THE LEGAL AGE TO CONSENT TO SEX IN YOUR AREA OR COUNTRY, DO NOT READ.This is a STORY, there will be more then one chapter. You may read this and think there is no plot, but a good plot takes time! It needs to grow along with the characters so just wait for it.Chapter one.Sophie had been raised in...

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Alberts FantasiesChapter 6

Albert and Jason had taken the drugged beauty to the Mandeville Arms Apartments. They had put Emma in a special apartment that had been designed to be escape poof. It had soundproofing and no windows. The entrance door was solid steel interior covered with wood panel exteriors. It would be where she would be kept until such time that they deemed it safe to let her out. After getting naked, Will stroked his cock and brought it to full erection as he looked over Albert’s beautiful and...

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School day

It was a bright sunny monday and it was the last day of the school year. You are one of five girls ( or any of the boys). Bree: African American teen girl Jane: white American teen girl Ashisa: Japanese teen girl April: white American teen girl Mary: African American teen girl Eliza: Spanish teen girl Casey: German teen girl Jenna:Native American girl Feel free to add girls or chapters to this story. I will try and get to them as fast as i can. Most i will just approve in all likelihood. Thanks

2 years ago
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My Niece Shalyn

Copyright 2000, Jack Spratt, ALL Rights Reserved Special Thanks to my Proof Reader George Davis It has been a very trying year. Work in this industry has put undue pressure on all of the employees and any time off is welcomed. The thought of starting three well-deserved weeks of vacation is God sent considering the staff has been working twelve hour days for the last six months, six days a week, to get the project off the ground. My plan is to enjoy the three weeks at the family hideaway in...

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Caleb Comes to Town

Caleb Comes to Town by JEP Chapter 1 – Caleb Picks up Supplies Caleb was making his semi-annual trip to town. Twice a year he drove intothe little town in his huge truck to pick up six months of supplies, take agander at humanity, and then he would return to his remote farmhouse. His tripalways followed the same pattern. First, was a stop at Ray's Café tohave breakfast. It was the only business that would be open at 5:00 a.m. Calebalways had the same meal – three eggs over medium, a rack of...

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The Ring of TruthChapter 6

Since this is my fantasy, there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. All of my characters enjoy good hygiene so showers are only mentioned when part of the sex. They also eat when needed; none of my characters go hungry. If anyone should discover such a ring, I could be convinced to buy it. Please enjoy, comments are always appreciated and high votes massage my ego. I looked to my mother lying with the cheerleader between her legs which were tossed over Jennifer’s shoulders. I smiled at...

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Hazel My Sexual Teacher

This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Is Steve in?" I asked. "Oh...

1 year ago
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4 Years Later Remembering Cyprus

Lying on my bed, I can still feel my body shivering, still smell cum and still wish everything that happened yesterday was only a dream… a wet dream for that matter. A dream coming right out from one of those books or maybe from one of my deepest darkest desires and fantasies. It’s been a while since that episode in Cyprus and I figured that was it. A simple experience I needed to have. Another physical or flesh pleasure that I had to try. Yet I can still hear Chad’s heart beating in harmony...

1 year ago
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Is The Rumor True

"Oh, shit," she muttered, parting her lips from mine. "I totally forgot to tell you, Piper." "We're making out in the bathroom five minutes before the first class of the new semester, and you just suddenly remember something, Emma?" "Yes, smart-ass," she giggled, backing away a tad. "I heard a rumor about our teacher, Ms. Lewis; supposedly, she left her last teaching job in another district because she got busted for having sex with students. Female students, I might add." "No, shit? Well, that...

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Helped Servant Sanjeev To Fuck Mom

Hello guys, This is starboy. This is my first story here. I am here to tell you about the sexiest fuck session of my mom and my helper uncle. In this part, I will tell about mom and uncle and in the next part, I will tell you how I fucked his wife. So, to start, my father works in a foreign MNC. He stays home a very little. Almost negligible stay at home, you all can say. Now to tell you about my mom, she is 44 years old and has a figure of 36-24-36. She has the sexiest and...

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My Own 7th Heaven with Beverley Mitchell

A couple years ago I was going to UCLA for a semester on an exchange program. I had a fairly light load and did extra work once or twice a week for some extra cash. On one Tuesday I was working on 7th Heaven on location. They were shooting a scene outside of a high school with Beverley Mitchell and Jessica Biel. The 2nd Aissistant Director was in charge of placing extras and he grabbed me and had me doing some repetitious crosses near the two female stars. After numerous takes and angles,...

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Sleeping with Beauty

I was late, of course. By the time I arrived at the court, I was greeted by an eerie silence, walking through rooms and rooms of people sitting, slouching, laying, all of them sleeping as if frozen in time. I slowly paced the long hallways, quiet rooms and courtyards, stripping off more and more layers of my gown until I was completely naked, enjoying the freedom, the feeling of a cool, light breeze on my breasts, safe in the knowledge that nobody could see me now as I set out to enact my...

2 years ago
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Moth Ch 034

Submitted to by the author. * ‘Where do I deliver the dress and the jewellery afterward?’ asked Zoa, looking at the reflection of herself, and the tailor, and the ceremonial advisor. There was plenty room for all of them in the mirror. It filled nearly half a wall. ‘You don’t do that, darling,’ said the ceremonial advisor with a smile. ‘It’s yours. Call it an unofficial gift.’ Zoa wanted to smile gratefully at the woman, but she was still having trouble making that...

3 years ago
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The Threat

The threat By Christine Jason had accomplished his fifty-first mission and it was about to be executed. He looked out the window of his tiny spy craft at the planet below, CentauryIV. He sent a message to the eight fleet grand admiral Shanya. "Last outpost has been found. The traitor Abu is here with his fleet and the rest of the rebel sect of orions. The beacon is active. " A tight smile spread across Jason's face. The orions, he thought with disgust. They were crazy religious...

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The first time crossdressed and strapon

The first Time Croasdressed and Strapon It has been 9 years since the first time being made in to a sissy for my then girlfriend. Her whole family was going away for the weekend so she said she want to stay home, here parents where ok with her stay home for the weekend and even told her to uave me over to keep her company when they where gone and enjoy the weekend together. Friday morning she came to pick me up telling me she had a very exciting weekend planed out for the two of us. So when...

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Mast maid 8211 part1

Mein 40 sal ka hun aur ye mera sachi kahani hai . kaise laga feedback dijiyega. Ye kahani us time ka hai jab mein 24 sal ka tha aur service karte huye akela raheta tha. Mere gharme ek maid kam karti thi jo shadi shuda thi. Umar 28 salki aur do ladki maa thi. Uski nam radha. Lekin dekhne se nehi lagti thi ki do bacho ki ma hai. Syamli colour ki thi, figure 38-28-38.Uski 38d mumme dekhkar to mera lund haemsha khaa ho jata thaUsko yad karke rat me kai bar muth mar chukka tha. Jab mauka mile usi...

1 year ago
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The amazing life of toothpick0

‘Just wake the fuck up already toothpick. Mom told me to wake you up” Sara said in a sassy tone, knowing that it would irritate me as she left my room. “Yeah go fuck yourself fat ass” I said quietly because I knew she would kick my ass if she heard me. I got dress and went down stairs, And to my surprise my childhood friend Ashley was at the table eating. “Oh look who finally woke up it’s the star of the show toothpick himself.” While she was stuffing her face with pancakes. “Shouldn’t...

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The Perfect Pieces Ch 13

Author’s note: Chapter 13 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 13 Deputy Secretary of State Singer was having an especially difficult day. Four meetings and nothing resolved, problems piled on her desk and a sinking feeling she was accomplishing nothing of value in her life. The world was no safer since she had joined the State Department twenty years ago. She could no longer find the drive that had driven her up the ranks. Cynicism had quelled her...

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Independent Another London Tube Close Encounter

Introduction: It was the height of the morning rush hour and I was about to change tube trains. To be honest, I had been scanning the talent a bit, to see if there was anyone nice to stand next to, but time was getting on and I might be late if I didnt just squeeze onto the next train to come in. It was the height of the morning rush hour and I was about to change tube trains. To be honest, I had been scanning the talent a bit, to see if there was anyone nice to stand next to, but time was...

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Private Show 2 Saucy StrapOn Sextet

The private strip-show I’d done for Dick had left me with a sore arse but a full purse. That same weekend, I’d agreed to do an extra Sunday afternoon show in the Farringdon Arms to help out one of the other girls and I was a bit worried that my bum might still be bit sore after the bashing it had received on Friday. But I rubbed plenty of cream around it on Saturday, and by the next day, I found I could sit down without wincing too obviously.There was quite a good crowd of locals in for the...

Strap-On Sex
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BangBros Twitter 6900 463000

Much like any other social media service, Twitter has become inundated with porn. Porn is like a magical parasite worming its way into every facet of traditional life. I'm never more than a click or two away from seeing some whore from half a world away show me her naughty bits.Charm < TitsThere are porn stars out there now that have more followers than most traditional celebs. It makes sense. The only weapon Emma Watson has to attract followers is her charm. Meanwhile, bitches like Mia...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Runaway TrainChapter 4

I was pondering the differences from how I perceived Liz's life to be and how she looked at it when she stood abruptly. "If we are going to do anything before we eat and start a long-winded conversation, we need to get moving!" she declared with a grin. In only a few hours I had figured out the difference between sincere and feigned with her facial movements. Liz hadn't smiled much when she was younger. First off, she didn't have a whole lot to smile about. But she also had a mouthful...

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Camille and the Preacher Man

The moon, riding high in the sky that night, cast a silvery light over the small town. In a brick bungalow at the top of a hill, moonlight shone through the bedroom windows, revealing a man on his knees beside the bed. Resting his elbows on the bed, he clasped his hands tightly. Reverend Paul Trent’s light brown hair was wavy, long on top and trimmed close around the sides. His face, neither handsome nor homely, was that of an everyday man. Only in his eyes could one see the fire and spirit...

4 years ago
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How I Took My Cute Girlfriend8217s Virginity

Hey guys, this is my first story on iss, I’ve been reading a lot of stories here but all of them sound like fantasies.. So I wanna share my dick raising real story of my first encounter with my gf. She was a virgin and we’ve been in a relationship since a year. We were in relationship for a long time but it being long distant….we never got to fuck each other except for some foreplay and smooches. We have been doing some vid sex on Skype but one day when we were both back home in our city…we got...

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How much JAV content do you really want to watch? Don’t fucking answer that, mother fucker. We all know that there is no end to your insatiable appetite. You will never be fucking satisfied and will always want to watch new JAV content each and every fucking time. I know what I am talking about, considering I review kick-ass pornography on ThePornDude.If that describes your horny fucking ass, then I urge you to visit Sex JAV when you want to see a wide variety of content that will have your ass...

Asian Porn Sites
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A Lot Less Bovver Than A Hover

It was hot. Hot and sunny, as it had been all week. Kirstie had been enjoying the sunshine sprawled out on her front on a garden couch, her bikini top unfastened. Jules, her friend who was sitting on a chair beside her, was catching up on her studies. End of term exams were approaching and she didn't want to finish her first year at university with a bad set of results. She was sitting in the sun in shorts and a tee shirt but open beside her was a copy of Corke's "Robotics, Vision and...

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My Friends Sexy Mom

It was a Friday my friend wanted me to sleep over so I said yes. My mom dropped me off and before I could get in the house my friends mom said “thank you for letting him sleep over, bye.” And then she said hi and also asked if I could wait over by the counter. Then once I saw her in the light I noticed she was wearing a very revealing top with no bra to reveal a nip slip, with a gold necklace, high heels, and an extremely short skirt. She walked over to me taking of her top to reveal those firm...

Erotic Fiction
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Billy hated being a flight attendant, mainly because dealing with public sucked. Most travelers, especially business travelers, were abusive and felt they were the only passenger on a plane. Nonetheless, the pay was good and Billy didn’t have to work too many hours. And, there was one regular traveler that Billy had his eye on. A businessman, James, who commuted on his flight every week. James was one of the few passengers who treated Billy and the other flight attendants with common courtesy....

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 20

Grace concludes her narrative. Dog #1 I was startled when I felt a wet nose hit my sex and an even wetter tongue start to investigate my pussy. I braced myself for what was to happen next. The licking stopped and I felt the horse being raised slightly. The pair of floor supports had by their positioning endured my legs were apart. Even though I was expecting it I was still surprised when I felt the beast at my rear. This time he mounted me straight away his hind legs thrusting and hopping...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

3 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 9

cabin tents rented for‬$25‬a day summer.$30‬a night winter rate trailer rentals:‬larger‬$75‬mid size‬$60‬small‬$50 John Boyd‬28yrs old Gabby Boyd‬25‬yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef(‬according to mom‭) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering‭ Jasper Amos hunter, ‬guide, ‬knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion Davenport‬Angie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim...

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This one is for Tracy

This story requires a short preamble. I had e-mailed erotic stories and fantasies back and forth with my friend Paul for several months. He liked to be a dominant, so one day I asked him to send me exacting instructions on how he would like me to masturbate, which I would have to do and then describe back to him. He sent the instructions, which involved me getting fully cross-dressed before sitting down to watch a particularly hot she-male video, and about a week later I was finally able to...

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I jolted awake as the bathroom door clicked shut. I waited until I heard the lock click before I breathed. I heard a zipper and the sound of fabric against skin. I peeked around the shower curtain and almost shouted with glee. It was Earin. I had deliberately waited until I knew my parents would be in bed. I jerked aside the shower curtain. "Surprise!" Earin jumped and hurriedly covered up her hairless vag. "Dray!" She gasped. "What are you doing?" I grinned. "Earin, I think...

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My name is Ashley and my best friend's name is Sarah; we're both the same age (16 at the time this story happened), and we've known each other since we were in elementary school, so we seldom spent much time apart as we grew up. During the summer between our 10th and 11th grades, though, I went on a long vacation with my family and thus I didn't see Sarah for about two months until August of that year, just before school was about to start. So you could say I was surprised when I finally...

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Becoming A Slut Husband Rob

It had been a long, hard, but very satisfying evening. It had started out with one hell of a good blow job, followed by my eating a baby smooth bald pussy and then a hot fuck session. We then eased into a sixty-nine until I was hard again and then she mounted me and rode me reverse cowgirl until we both came. A short break to catch our breath was followed some more sixty-nine and then one more hot, hard fuck before it was time for me to go. In the afterglow of sexual exhaustion Stella said,...

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Shivani And Rahul 8211 Part 14

I hope everyone is enjoying the series. Your feedback will go a long way in improving my writing. I hope everyone reading is vaccinated. Let’s dive back into the lives of Shivani and Rahul. The next day too, Shivani had taken the day off. She had gone to Kavita’s house early morning and got her baby Ramya back home. The day went by with no action as Rahul was busy with his office work. Kavita came to visit Shivani in the evening after banking hours. Kavita: In the morning, you looked super...

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B5 Chapter 3 Jordan Transformed

Chapter 3: Jordan TransformedJordan awoke later in the afternoon. Her first perception was that she was in a different room than Dee Dee's lab, where she had started the day. Where she was now certainly didn't bear any resemblance to a laboratory. It looked more like a hospital room. As her senses cleared, Jordan could tell that she had been propped up on some pillows in a sort of semi-reclining position on the bed. At first, Jordan couldn't quite move her waist and hips very easily. She...

1 year ago
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Stephanies Secret

Chapter 1Stephanie?s Orthodontic VisitStephanie Chin moaned softly as her orthodontist tightened her braces, the ache in her teeth making her squirm minutely against the plastic chair.  Her thighs, exposed below a short jean mini-skirt, pressed tightly together as her whole body tensed, her hands gripping the armrests of the chair.  She felt a throbbing in her groin as her breath quickened, followed by a deep shame at what she was feeling.  Her eyes roamed past Dr. Jacobs and Jane, his...

2 years ago
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Our Night Out

You looked simply breathtaking in your evening gown, simply amazing... who was to know that the top half was the Basque and the bottom half was made by hand out of the same material...I was astounded when I first saw how simply sensational you looked when the limousine arrived at your hotel to pick you up... I had let you get pampered in the spa whilst I finished closing a work deal that would allow us 1 month all expenses paid to a destination of your choice...As you climbed into the...

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