CindyChapter 21 free porn video

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Work in the morning. Cindy off to school. During pauses in my day, I imagined what HER day was like.

I didn't have that many pauses. The project was getting to the part where we were actually closing switches and introducing electricity into my equipment for the first time. I labored over reports and procedures and meetings. The reports? I'd stayed on top of them, so that was no problem. The procedures? This wasn't the first time I ever did a project like this, so I dipped into my archives well ahead of time and had them prepped. But I couldn't avoid meetings. Interminable meetings where people who knew little asked questions and received answers they understood even less. But that's the way it is.

I was out the gate a half hour late and calling on the phone as soon as my tires hit the highway. I drove into the park to find, as expected, Cindy at the front office yakking with Helen, and the now-familiar form of Charlie Peebles on a chair in the corner.

"Hello, ladies. Hello, Charlie." I shook his hand.

"I just told Helen she needs to get me a better chair," he laughed. "Cindy says ya'll are eating with the Hardesty's this evening?"

"Yessir," I said. "You know, I think that he was the one person who had the most difficult time accepting us being married."

Helen said, "Well, him working at school and seeing a whole building full of girls her age, I can understand some of that."

"Yeah," repeated Charlie. "He's thinking of jailbait."

"I know about jailbait," I said. "You know how many dreams I had that ended in "we the jury find the defendant guilty"?"

Charlie chuckled. "Dan, that's one of the reasons I took an interest when Helen explained. I guess if she thought you were honorable, her words, then I needed to make you legal."

"I was 'jailbait'?" chirped Cindy.

"Oh, no, dear," said Charlie. "You were as honorable as Dan was. With jailbait, somebody's without honor. In it for the kicks. Or for no reason at all."

I smiled. "Babe," I said to Cindy. "If I thought you were jailbait, then you wouldn't have gotten within fifteen yards of my door. And I still had bad dreams."

She smiled at us all. "HAD! As in past tense."

Helen laughed this time. "You don't know how much I worried for the last few years about this girl. Now I can sleep at night, too." She smiled at Charlie. "Of course it's easier to sleep when you have someplace to stick your cold feet."

She started closing down her office as Cindy and I left.

We had just enough time to deposit my computer case and Cindy's bookbag in the trailer, kiss passionately and head back out the door. Before I left, though, I got on line and placed a pizza order, then we headed out.

I liked being married to her. I liked having her sitting beside me in the truck. I liked her red head resting on my shoulder as we drove. I liked her choosing music to listen to, and I liked when she turned it down to let us talk, and I even liked when she said, "hold that thought. I LOVE this part!" and turned it back up.

The music was turned down. "You thought I was jailbait, Dan?"

"Cindy, remember the first time I saw you? Where were we?"

"At the pool. You were wearing your dark green trunks. Swimming laps. And I was wearing the only suit I owned."

"Yeah. And I thought, "Cute. But too impossibly young. Don't even think about it." And I didn't."

"There were other people there that day. It was Sunday. You moved in the day before." I was amused at how much she remembered. "I didn't talk to you that day."

"No," I said. "That was the next day. Monday. Late. And we were the only people there. And I was nervous about you."

"What made you stop being nervous?"

"Baby, I stayed nervous about you until the day we said "I do". But when we just sat there and talked, and the conversation was about everything under the sun, and I found out that you could actually carry on a real conversation, I relaxed. That's when I knew you weren't jailbait. You were my friend. Too darned young, too darned cute. But a real friend."

"Yeah. After about the second week I started talking to Mizz Helen about you, you know."

"I didn't know then."

"You treated me like I was a real person, not a dumb kid."

"About the first time we talked I figured you weren't a dumb kid."

She smiled, holding onto my arm as we pulled into the Hardesty's driveway.

"Let's go see the Hardesty's," she said.

And Jim met us at the door with Ann right beside him. I shook his hand, pulled him to me and clapped him on the back and got a man-hug in return. "Jim," I said. "I'm so glad I can still call you my friend."

"Me, too, Dan. Me too."

Cindy and Ann were hugging too and Ann was making congratulatory sounds. Then we changed places. More hugs, then we went inside and sat in the living room.

Ann was first. "Ya'll make a cute couple. And we're happy for you. But you should've seen the colors Jim turned when he first found out."

"Heyyyy," Jim said. "Water under the bridge."

"Yeah," I said. "And the river flows." Cindy slid a little closer to me. "I got to marry my best buddy."

Cindy smiled at me.

Jim said, "I had to wrap my mind around that one. But you know, I'm guidance counselor at a MIDDLE school. And this year we've had sixteen pregnant girls. In a MIDDLE school. And those are just the ones I know about because they're still students. I probably don't find out about some who transfer or just stay home or whatever."

He looked at his wife. "Ann pointed that out, Dan. Said that I needed to see that Cindy wasn't one of THOSE poor kids. Thirteen or fourteen and pregnant. And how many kids are having sex and in and out of unhealthy relationships and situations, and here you and Cindy are, and you're trying to do the honorable thing, and I think that's about the time that I got hit on the side of the head. Attitude adjustment. You know."

"I know, Jim."

The doorbell rang. Pizza. I heard kids coming down the stairs. We all dove into pizza and then retired back to the living room. Jim grabbed his banjo and pointed me to the bass. Ann showed up with her violin. "Fiddle, thank you! This IS Alabama!"

We practiced, that is, if you can call a roomful of people singing and laughing to the sounds of musical instruments "practice."

"You know they want us to do another Saturday show at the RV Park?" I said.

Ann laughed. "That just means they've had a hundred percent turnover since our last one."

Cindy looked at Teresa, Jim's thirteen year old daughter. "Teresa," she said. "I know you're in chorus at school. We could do a duet. Or you could do a solo."

Teresa twisted bashfully... "I dunno. Maybe a duet?"

Jim looked at Ann, beaming.

I looked at eleven year old son Bill. "Oh, no," he said. "Not me. No way."

"You're missing the fun, Bill. Musicians, like, they have GROUPIES," I joked.

Ann kicked Jim playfully. "Hon, you got all the groupie you need right here."

"Yeah, Dan," he laughed. "Last time I had a groupie I ended up marryin' 'er."

"Actually," Ann teased, "He was the much more rare orchestra groupie, and I collected HIM!" She kissed him, eliciting a "Mommmmm!" from her daughter.

"Come on," Cindy said. She held up a sheet of paper with the words to a song, a simple little bluegrass hymn. "Let's try this one!"

And we played along happily as Teresa and Cindy, honey blonde and redhead, young beauties both, sang. We ran through that number three times, pronounced it good, then worked on another.

On the way home Cindy turned down the stereo. "Dan, babe, THAT'S the way life is supposed to be, right?"

"Supposed to be?"

"Yeah. Friends who love and accept you, families that love each other. Fun that isn't destructive. Like that stuff we just did."

"That was pretty good, wasn't it?"

She purred on my shoulder. "We have good friends. The Hardesty family. Mizz Helen and Judge Charlie. And family. Your brother and sister. Now they're OUR family." She sighed. "Don't you see, Dan, this is the way it's supposed to be?"

"Yes it is." I pulled my eyes off the road to kiss the top of her head. "I never had this either, babe, not like this. You've made us a life beyond riches." I kissed her again. "I love you."

"Mmmmm," she purred, nestling against me. "I love you, too, babe!"

Wednesday was work and school.

Thursday started out as a normal day. It went downhill for me when I got to the job and we started down the list to energize one of my electrical substations. We were rolling along pretty good, as I expected, when the unexpected happened and something operated that wasn't supposed to operate, causing an industrial grade "Oops!" We started troubleshooting. I was pretty sure, almost certain, of the cause, and we were working to reduce it, and I could see that I was going to be working late. At three thirty I called Cindy.

"Babe," I said. "We have a problem." I explained what went on. I didn't have to soft pedal too much. Cindy was forever asking questions and while I wasn't giving her "engineer" answers, she readily absorbed the technical stuff.

"How late?" she asked.

"Eightish," I said.

"Okay babe," she said. "I'll do a TV dinner for me and you can have one when you get home, 'kay?"

"Great, babe!" I said. "Love ya!"

"Love ya, too!"

And I went back to work. Things checked out pretty much the way I'd suspected. We found a problem. A technician who should have known better had made a rookie mistake and this is where it showed up. No equipment was damaged but a few reputations took a beating. At seven-thirty we closed the switch and things were normal. At the job.

My cellphone rang. I answered. Cindy. "Dan!" Tears. Sobs. "Come home quick! I shot somebody."

I looked at my lead technician and the project manager. "Emergency at home. I'm outta here!" And I almost ran out of the building. My golfcart scorched the road to my truck and I was pedal to the metal all the way out the gate.

Halfway to the park the phone rang again. I didn't recognize the number. "This is Dan Richards."

"Mr. Richards, I'm Deputy Stevens with the sheriff's department. Are you on your way here?"

"Yes I am, sir. Is my wife okay?"

"She's fine, Mr. Richards. There's been an attempted break-in. She's fine."

I breathed a half a sigh of relief. "But she said she shot somebody."

"Uh, yessir," he said. "There's been a fatality"

I breathed deeply, trying to control emotions. "Accident?" I couldn't see Cindy PLAYING with our guns. But...

"Nossir. This no accident. I'd say it was pretty much on purpose. We got a 9-1-1 call. I was the first one on the scene."

I rounded the last corner before the park, the truck's diesel howling. "I'm almost there. I'll talk to you in a second." The park was full of flashing lights. Sheriff's department. Fire and rescue. Ambulance. I had to park down the road from my own trailer. When I stopped Cindy was running to me, tears streaming. Into my arms.

"Dan! Oh, Dan. I shot 'im. He tried to break in, and I shot 'im!" She sobbed uncontrollably.

So I had her side of the story, although I didn't know who "him" was. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the crowd, meeting a deputy walking in our direction.

"I'm Dan Richards," I said. "I'd shake your hand, but..." Cindy was clinging to my neck.

"I'm Greg Stevens with the sheriff's office. We just talked."

We walked back together. Another vehicle added to the crowd, this one with Judge Charlie and Helen. Helen held her arms open, beckoning Cindy. Cindy reluctantly left my side and joined Helen. Judge Peebles came to stand at my side. Sotto voce he said, "Son's on the way."

"The D.A.?" I paused. "Does he usually come to these things?"

"He does if I call 'im." He looked at me. He was a whole lot more alert than you might expect for a man in his eighties. "You folks're family." He led the way as we pushed through a crowd of onlookers. A shooting wasn't something you saw every day in an RV park, and I think the whole crowd was there.

Judge Peebles got us to the inner circle. There was indeed a body lying on the ground, covered with a sheet. An inordinately large pool of blood surrounded it. Cameras flashed. Several were taking pictures of the door of my trailer and the scarring where somebody'd obviously pried at it. The frame was scarred. And so was the door.

The deputy turned to me and the judge. "Looks like he forced the door and when he stepped in, she shot 'im. From about three feet. With a twelve-gauge. And when he tried to get up, she shot 'im again. Twice. No, three times. That's one messed up dude, there."

"Who is it?"

"Belongs to that red pickup," the deputy said. "Tags are registered to one Larry Strucker. Not the nicest of guys. Record was long enough I had to scroll through it on my computer. You know 'im?"

I sighed and looked at the judge.

"Go ahead and tell 'im. Son'll be here in a second anyway." He eyed the deputy. "I'm Judge Peebles. My son's the DA."

The deputy nodded. "Yessir. I know him. And you, sir." He looked at me. "How do you know," he gestured toward the body being loaded onto a gurney, "this guy?"

"I don't, really. He used to date my wife's mom. They broke up last summer and he's been driving in here since then. Didn't know what he was looking for."

The deputy shook his head. "Well he sure ain't gonna be lookin' any more. That's one dead dude."

Another man joined our little cluster. Judge Peebles introduced him. "Dan. Deputy Stevens. This is my son Jerry. The District Attorney."

We shook hands. I stood silent as the deputy recounted the findings thus far.

"Where's Miss Cindy?" he asked. He looked at me. "Your wife. She was the shooter, right?"

"She was a young lady at home by herself when somebody tried to break in."

He looked at me, then his dad, then back to me. "Dan. Don't take me wrong. I might not be CSI, but I can see enough evidence to tell you that I wouldn't file a case against her if my life depended on it."

"Sorry. My string's stretched pretty tight."

"I can imagine," he smiled briefly. They were loading the corpse on a gurney into the back of the ambulance. "Let's go talk to Miss Cindy."

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Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me.Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks ago a big muscular type African guy in his mid 30’s kept going past me and looking at me out of the corner of his eye. After about his third walk past I gave him a little smile. When I could see him coming down...

3 years ago
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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 9

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 9: Confide In MeI wake up slowly, hesitantly, swimming up towards consciousness despite myself. The light hurts my eyes and the noise hurts my ears, and I just want to snuggle down into the couch and go back to sleep.But I can smell bacon.And that's probably what woke me up, 'cause my body's all twitchy but my brain is dead. I feel like a zombie. I lurch to my feet and stumble to the table, grabbing a hot rasher of bacon from the big plate that's sitting there....

3 years ago
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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 3

"what, she's just a friend babe chill" lloyd said. " well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my cell phone asking for you." i said. " Erica you really need to chill out because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? i told you shes my close family friend so get off my back."...

1 year ago
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Hole in FourChapter 9

Our Christmas gifts to each other were alone time. I was with one girl for about three hours on four consecutive days. On Tiffany's day which was the last day, she brought me back to her house and we were together until the evening because her parents were at a mayoral dinner. On any clear winter day, we would hit the driving range for an hour. Erin was awesome! The time she spent on golf with me and with Eric was starting to really pay off. Erin could hit it straight and with authority....

2 years ago
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Would you like to fuck me asked Hina.Huh, what did you say I asked shocked by the blunt and unexpected question?Well, we have been working on this damn project for 3 days straight, 12 to 14 hours a day. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and have spent more time together this week than we have with our spouses, she said.She was right. Monday morning at 6 we had started on the preparations for the Sales Conference. 2 late sittings on Monday and Tuesday, clocking 14 hours a piece at the...

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Fanny at School

I'm Fanny. Papa named me after the girl in that smutty book called Fanny Hill. I think perhaps that Papa wanted to do naughty things with me, but he died before I turned five years old. Mama and I had to go and live with mean old Uncle Alfred. Then Mama died last year, just before I turned eleven. I think that Uncle Alfred worked Mama to death; he made her do all of the housework and cooking after we came to live with him. Only being twelve now, I can't do anything about it now. But I'll get...

2 years ago
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My New Friend Emily

There is a small park across the street from my house; I will wander over every couple of days and girl watch. For a week I have noticed a young lady, about 24. She looks so natural and sweet. Shinny hair, sparkling eyes, white teeth and face covered in little freckles. She dresses very casual. Baggy shorts and long tops. Sundress and sandals. Sweat pants and tee shirt. Other thing I noticed is that they were all different shades of pink. But what I noticed the most is that it appears that...

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HeatherHeather found herself on a beach, pounded by the surf and lashedby the wind and rain.  She supposed it must be the coast of Spain,but all that mattered at that point was survival.  She crawledupward and hid among some rocks, her shoes lost, her clothingsodden with sea water.  At dawn, some peasants, searching forvaluable jetsam after the storm, found her.  She could not run fromthem, for her bare feet and full skirts, wet, heavy, clinging,impeded her, and she was, in any event,...

3 years ago
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Whorror Movies

You're sitting on the couch in your living room, flipping channels with your husband. It's pouring rain outside, occasional lightning brightens the windows followed by shaking, rumbling thunder. The different tv channels form an incoherent collage as you skip past them. Mysterious break-ins around the town of---bzzt--- the wild antelope grazes peacefully, unaware of the nearby pred---bzzt--- authorities have not disclosed any apparent explanations to the disappearances---it sucks, and it cuts!...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

3 years ago
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Stormy Night In

FIRST THINGS FIRST Before we get to the story I would first like to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please feel free to leave any feedback, comments, etc. so I can make changes. Also, please feel free to add chapters or make grammatical and spelling corrections. I will approve any submissions of addition/edits so long as they make sense to the story. With that, this story is 100% fiction, no characters are based upon any real people, to the best of my knowledge....

2 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 8 Fit to be Tied

"Well now, said Hoke, "Are you girls serious with your games?" "What kind of games?" I said. "The tie me up, tie me down, kind for openers," he said. "Or maybe you'd like a little spanking?" "We're not into serious pain," Julie said. "Nothing serious," he said reassuringly. "Let's use Yellow as the code word to stop anything before it goes to far, okay?" "Yellow it is," I said. "Yeah, yellow," Julie chimed in. Shimmying out of her robe and palming her pussy in...

2 years ago
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Island Holiday for Two Ch 2

In the cool of the evening they decided to go for a stroll on the beach. Amanda told Marcus that she needed to change out of my short outfit into something more comfortable. “Ok doll. The maid has everything I requested in a picnic basket all I have to do is get the lantern after all I need to see what I am doing. I bought your favorite wine too, because we celebrating your new beginning.”She walked over to the closet, and picked out one of my new outfits. It’s a short, low cut, light green...

Straight Sex
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One morning my wife was standing in line at the Local Coffee shop and the nice looking black man behind her complimented her and bought her a coffee .... He talked and eventually they went to there work . He had gotten her business card and called and invited her to lunch the next day; she accepted. The next day she dressed in one of her great outfits, a wraparound dress with great heels. She was outstandingly dressed and so so sexy. I complimented her on her outfit and she told me she...

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Second ChanceChapter 18

Colleen and I were flown, with my staff - nothing is ever easy for the Vice President - to a remote base in Montana. By the time we landed and choppered to secure facilities, the Secret Service still hadn't gotten a handle on what happened. Anyone could see that the constant violence attempted against Charles and me was way outside the norm, and there had to be connective tissue that told the rest of the tale. I was interviewed for hours by a combination Secret Service/FBI/CIA team that had...

1 year ago
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Sex with newly married bhabhi on Train

Let me tell you all a bit about myself. My name is Ritesh ; 24yrs old with a cock size of 7inches and 2.5 girths . I’ll be waiting for your valuable comments/suggestions; [email protected] and if any cuckold couple/ married women/widows/divorcees/girls want to have discreet no strings attached relationship then they can mail me. Privacy is guaranteed and no infos will be shared or disclosed. Now, moving to my recent story… This incident took place on the month of January when I was...

Cheating Wife
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Online masturbation with my old Uncle

I used to think people who dropped clangers online deserved all they got for not being careful, and now, here I am in all my honesty about to tell you 10,000 words of mine, names changed of course, but true right down to the nitty gritty and in total honesty.Would be cool if I got some comments after the story if this has happened to you.I'm married three years and thanks to my close relationship with my uncle, my mother's brother, who works in the offshore oil and gas sector, my husband was...

1 year ago
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We missed each other

Note : this story is completely fictional Crystal and I are going out for almost a year and it had been a long time before we last saw each other.Everynite I would send her text messages telling her how baddly I missed her. She replied feeling the same way, so we decided to set up a meeting day where we would both be able to hangout for hours. The time and date was set, and I longed for the day to come. Finally it did and i rushed out of high school like it was the end of the term. I drove over...

2 years ago
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The Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling By sissy_babs The phone on Beth's desk rang with just one ring. She knew it was internal and probably Gary, her new boss. She cringed a bit as she reached for the phone. It was hard for her to think of him as the new Vice-President of Marketing. After all she had been with the firm a year longer than Gary. She was responsible for bringing in more revenue and she had more experience and more education. What she didn't have was a penis. She knew that was the only...

3 years ago
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Awesome Experience With My Girlfriend

Hi. This is viraaj again. This is the story of first sex with my girlfriend “Snehal”. Snehal & I went into relationship after the 12th board exams. We were really together from there along. We joined the crash course, went to yoga , most of the activities, we used to be together. We were literally inseparable. After getting good score in MHT-CET, Snehal got admission in one of the private autonomous institute & I got the admission in government college in Amravati. we were sad as we now had to...

4 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 20

This is the final chapter of the story, loose ends tied up and a small twist or two at the end. Some Australianisms Wagging school = playing truant Bent as a nine bob note = a demonstrative gay man Mobile = cellphone Arvo = afternoon Sledging = Verbal abuse or intimidation of a player particularly in cricket where it is generally accepted as a legitimate practice. This final chapter includes a short description of part of a cricket match. You don’t need to understand the game at all,...

4 years ago
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First Time Gay III

We were with some other boys playing in the dark some hide game in one of the boys family room. My BF had a great ass and other boys commented on how cute and femme it was. I find myself behind him. I got up close to him and put my hands on his hips. I became very hard and began to grind my hard cock into his cute big ass. We were still in clothes. It was dark in the room and boys were laffing and making loud noises. He reached behind and began grabbing my hard on. It was so hard. We went...

3 years ago
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The TempleChapter 13

Thompson closed his copy of Blackstone's Laws of England after reading only a couple of pages, and turned out the light. The sounds of Zophia doing the dinner dishes was just barely audible. He'd wanted to spend the night at the temple, but Alice had sent him home. "Your wife won't be allowed to see you tonight," Alice explained. "She's getting another twenty-five lashes, the pain of which she'll have to bear for two hours during prayer time until I heal her just prior to her lights...

3 years ago
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Is Three A Crowd

The note was stuck under my windshield wiper blade, and was in Gloria's handwriting. "Come over for dinner tonight...7:30 sharp !!" I finished work, raced home, showered, and sat on the sofa waiting for 7:25. just so I could dash across the yard and arrive on time. I knocked on the front door, and Gloria met me. "Wow...I'm impressd at your punctuality," she laughed, "Come in." She was wearing an orange sleeveless stretch top, a black stretch skirt which ended a bit above her knees, and orange...

1 year ago
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Naberries Adventures

Greeting, I'm Padme Naberrie. I am one of the few handmaidens appointed to serve Queen Amidala of Naboo. If you don't know already, I am actually the Queen of Naboo. Naberrie is just another maiden name that I go by. I haven't seen much action in my adult servitude, but I have had some exciting memories in my childhood. I was like a rogue, always curious of new things and always getting into trouble. I was fairly popular back then, but ever since I became a handmaiden, life is now too boring...

3 years ago
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Anniversary With My Mom 8211 Fucking Her

Hi friends let’s go with the new story. This story happened 3 years ago when I was 20 years old and my mother was 41 years old. We are a very small family – me, Rahul, my mother Lakshmi and father Raghuvardhan. My father was 53 years old when this incident happened, and he was working as a supervisor in mining industry. He used to come late in the night, like 1  or he usually works night shifts and his rest period is daytime. For me, from my childhood I have never been much fond of him....

2 years ago
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Jack and the RollercoasterChapter 5

Over the next three weeks Ally called frequently in the evening to practice our dancing. She also got into the habit of arriving around seven-thirty every other morning to get on the treadmill and rowing machine. I changed my workout times to seven, so that I could shower when she was working out. Ally noticed this change without comment. For me it was all about avoiding temptation. Most men would relish the opportunity to see a woman like Ally, soaking in sweat, rendering her tee-shirt...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Matty All You Need

Matty is just taking some to make herself up in the morning when her lover, Hans, opens his eyes. Rolling out of bed, Hans makes a good case for his teen love to come back with him. He tugs her shirt up to cup Matty’s breasts, then peels her shorts off so he can rest his warm hand on Matty’s smooth twat. Giving in to temptation, Matty falls back into bed with Hans. He keeps on rubbing her clit as he covers her chest and neck in soft kisses. Working his way lower, Hans settles...


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