- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
She was fascinating in the way her body flowed with the water as if she were part of it. Each graceful stroke of her soft arms propelled her along the surface, in harmony with the nature that surrounded her as well as the fiery sunrise catching on her wet skin. Then she disappeared under the surface, sliding beneath the water as her blond hair followed, ebbing away slowly until it became one with the water.
Her head broke the surface, leading her body up into the sweet air of the new day as the flames of the sunrise glistened in her wet hair. One arm extended seductively as she turned on her back, exposing the delicate curves of her breasts to the burning light. Each taut nipple stood proudly over the water, guarding the gentle swell of her belly and the soft tangle of golden curls below it.
The minute she had stepped into the murky water, he'd had the impression he was seeing a goddess. Her golden skin glimmering in the faint light of the awakening day had been like an apparition. With a toss of her wheat-colored hair she had taken possession of his mind, leaving no room for the anger he had been harboring.
The secretive smile on her face alone was enough to remind him that he was a man. With all that she'd been through over the past two days, he couldn't imagine how she could find enough pleasure to create that smile. He wished he'd been the one to make her lips curve so deliciously, to make her feel even a moment of joy. As it was, he was held spellbound by the magic of her expression, quickening the pace of his heart.
A painful swelling prodded against the unforgiving zipper of his jeans as he watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath. His hands itched to touch her, to grab her hips so that he could impale her, take possession of her flesh and her being.
The throbbing in his groin became more insistent when she suddenly rolled back over and glided toward the edge of the pond. She stood slowly, the surface of the water settling around her hips when she reached the log where she had earlier placed the items she'd been carrying. As she reached for one of the items that turned out to be a bar of soap, he could only watch in fascination as she worked up a lather to run over her shimmering flesh.
He crawled under the brush, working his way toward her in virtual silence as she continued to bathe. He stopped only ten feet from where she stood with her back to the bank. Her back seemed to stiffen slightly as she set the soap down on the log before ducking into the water and swimming toward the middle, leaving a trail of foamy bubbles in her wake.
She stopped several yards out, turning to face the bank, standing straight with the water coming to her shoulders. "Come out of there, " she barked, looking directly at his hiding spot.
Niko froze, not wanting the spell to be broken or to be caught spying on his wife. Then he watched in amazement as one of her hands broke slowly to the surface, a pistol clutched there and trained on him. With a low whistle, he cautiously raised his head, smiling at the deadly beauty in the water.
"No wonder you can't break the case," Camille flared, "if that's what you call 'covert activity.' Jesus Christ. Why are you skulking around in the bushes, peeping at me? Can't a girl get some fucking privacy?"
The grin on his face told the story well. He'd been enjoying the erotic show she'd been putting on, enjoying it more than even he realized. "Do you always take a bath with a gun?"
"Smart ass," she snorted as she lowered the gun. Watching as he kicked off his shoes and reached for the belt at his waist, she added, "What do you think you're doing?"
"I thought I'd join you. How's the water?"
"Hey, who invited you? Get out of here."
"Don't test me, agapi mou. I'm pissed as hell that you wandered off," he growled softly as he finished peeling off his clothing. "You need to set your happy ass down and think about this. It's no party. You could've gotten yourself killed pulling a stunt like that."
She watched in frustration as he waded into the water, noting the beauty of his naked physique as he set his own gun on the log next to her shampoo and soap. "I told you not to call me that. You have no right."
His back stiffened at her words, his face turning angry — but only briefly. That irritatingly easy smile returned, flashing at her from across the water. She wanted to hurl the cold steel, still gripped in her fingers, at him.
"Of course," he said smoothly as he picked up the small bottle of shampoo. "I should know better than to call my wife by names of adoration. How foolish of me."
He walked through the water, moving toward her, his eyes glittering with amusement. Stopping just inches from her, he raised his empty hand, cupping her shoulder, running the palm down her arm. His fingers felt the muscles under her skin tense, drawing tight as a shiver ambled through her body.
His hand settled over the unyielding hardness of the gun, still gripped in her hand under the water. "You gonna use that on me, Baby?"
"I might," she offered suggestively, her grip tightening under his hand.
He chuckled, the warm, rich sound rumbling deep in his chest and tumbling from his lips. Still holding her hand, cocking his eyebrow, he whispered, "I believe you would."
He released the gun and the hand that held it, running the pads of his fingers up her arm, over the curve of her shoulder to her nape. The skin under his touch drew taut, a reaction he remembered so well from that life they had before. Stepping around her, sliding his palm under her drenched hair, he positioned himself behind her — close enough that she could feel his heat, but not pressing his body against hers.
"What are you doing, Niko?" She tried to sound stern but the question came out sounding like an invitation.
His lips brushed against the curve of her neck, causing the water around her to flow in tiny ripples as she shuddered. "I'm going to wash your hair, my Camille," he breathed against the shell of her ear. His touch left her briefly, opening the bottle and pouring a liberal measure into his palm. "Hold this for me."
Camille felt the cool bottle, as it slid over her shoulder to rest just above her breast, felt the heat of the flesh that held it to her. She reached up, shaking, to take it from him, letting her arm drop back into the water once she had it. His lips nuzzled her ear, tasting the water on her skin, sending another quiver dancing through her.
His hands cupped the top of her head, his fingers diving into the thick, wet tresses, massaging her scalp. He stopped only long enough to pull the ends out of the water and work them into the lather on her head. A soft moan escaped her lips as she leaned into him, feeling the muscles of his chest against her shoulder blades.
His movements were seductive, deliberate, designed to entice her senses, each stroke of his fingers sending delicious sensations through her. He pressed himself against her, pulling her head back onto his shoulder as his fingers continued to work. She found herself forced to concentrate that she wouldn't drop the gun in her hand and lose it in the soft bed of the pond.
The sensations he created were made of smoke and dreams, weaving in and around her, consuming her mind, dominating her body. She sagged against him, moaning softly when his fingers left her scalp to stroke down the sides of her neck, splaying over her collarbone and further. He wove a seductive spell that would soon have her whimpering like a newborn kitten if she didn't get hold of herself.
Memories of the way he'd once played her body like a maestro, strumming all the right nerves came back. He'd always had the ability to rob her of her senses, send her to unbelievable heights of pleasure. That was before — before the pain of loss and loneliness after he went off on his great adventure. He'd abandoned her without a word, left her to her struggle for her own survival. Now, he was back, expecting her to forget the commitments she'd made, the fight she'd endured to rebuild her life without him. And she was letting him!
She stiffened, her body solidifying as her pride and her anger seized control. Stepping forward, she whirled around in the water, glaring at the passion that glazed his dark eyes.
"God damn it!" she snarled, pushing away from him hard enough to knock him back in the water. "Changing tactics, I see."
Camille stomped through the water, her arms swinging furiously in her haste to get away. Slamming the gun onto the log, tossing the bottle of shampoo at the bank, she whirled around to scowl at him from across the water. Lather dribbled down the sides of her face, tumbling onto her neck and shoulders as the piles of hair cascaded from her head.
"Do you ever give up?" she sneered, raising her voice to be sure he would hear her. "Face it, Niko. What we once had is gone. I've moved on. When I needed you, you weren't there, but someone else was. I am going to marry him. Do you understand that?"
She dove under, swimming out into the water and away from him, leaving a trail of creamy soap froth in her wake. Running her hands through her hair, she stayed under the surface just long enough to ensure she got all the shampoo out. When she came up for air she found Niko standing nearby, an unreadable expression on his face.
Camille turned, wanting to put distance between them, only to feel his iron grip as he seized her arm. Drawing her to his body, his arm snaked around her waist, holding her fast. "Why?"
She snorted, pushing at his chest. "Why? Because he loves me. Because he'll always be there for me. That's why."
"You didn't say you love him, though, agapi," he whispered, capturing one of her struggling hands in his, holding it to his chest. "No one ever loved like we did. Your... What's his name? Doug? Your Doug will never be able to show you the passion and fire that we have, even now."
His voice was soothing, his black eyes catching the flames of the sunrise, heating her with his glances. She felt her body reacting, the warmth flooding her senses as her hard nipples pressed against the smooth skin of his chest. Turning her head, she tried to twist in his arms, to pull away before it was too late.
"Niko, please. You called me a whore before. Remember? That's exactly what you're trying to turn me into now. Don't make me unfaithful to him. Let me go."
The urgency of her plea caught in his heart, tugging at what was left of his compassionate side. He released her slowly, hesitantly, allowing her to step away. A stabbing pain in his chest, near where that first bullet had struck him all those years ago, stole his breath, almost staggering him. By the time she took her second step, he was nearly choking on bitterness.
"No!" His hand shot out, dragging her back. Clasping both her upper arms, he held her to him, his face only inches from hers. "I'm your husband, not that guy you're trying so hard to remember. I'm the one you're being unfaithful to."
"Take your hands off me, Niko," she demanded calmly. "You're not my husband anymore. I don't even know who you are."
He felt the pain in his chest again, spreading through his limbs at her words. "I'm the man who loves you, Camille," he ground out. "The same man who loved you all those years ago. I never stopped, unlike you."
It was Camille's turn to be hurt, her brows drawing together in an anguish frown. She wanted to lash out at him, to make him suffer what she'd known after his disappearance, but she kept her voice soft, chose to be honest with her words. "I never stopped loving you, Niko. I just had to learn to live without my heart."
Her whispered confession caught him by surprise. His grip relaxed as his fingers crawled over her arms and around her back. He pulled her into a gentle embrace, held her against his warmth, her head cradled on his shoulder.
"No woman lives without her heart, Camille. You have my heart; can't you give me yours? Poso mou eleipses moro mou — how I've missed you, Baby."
She lifted her head, pushing back to look into his eyes. "You're not playing fair, Niko."
"I know, agapi mou," he rasped, lowering his head slowly.
His lips tenderly brushed her forehead, moving along the line of her brow to her cheek. He curled a finger under her chin, lifting her face higher as his lips caressed her skin. When his mouth finally claimed hers, the rest of the world receded, leaving only the two lovers, basking in each other and the water that surrounded them. A soft moan floated up from her throat, mingling with the sounds of the new day.
"Thee mou, " he gasped, lifting his head to look at her face. "Eisai toso omorfi."
Camille returned his gaze, her eyes hazy and glazed. "Hmm?"
"My God, Camille," he translated. "You're so beautiful."
He bent to kiss her again, the fingers of one hand moving between them to trace the curve of her breast. Camille pushed back again, trying hard to keep him at arm's length. It wasn't working so well.
"Niko, please," she begged. "Let me go."
The finger trailing around her nipple became more insistent. "I've seen the way you look at me, Baby. I know you feel what I do."
"Feeling it doesn't make it right," she whispered against his mouth. "I can't do this."
"I've loved you my whole life. You loved me, too. I have a ring on my finger that says it's right."
"And I have a death certificate that says it isn't." She turned her head, trying one more time to get him to let her loose.
"Do I feel dead to you?" he demanded, his voice harsh, full of emotion. He pressed her open palm to the flesh of his chest again. "Can't you feel my heart beating? I'm warm and alive and I need you. You need me. Does he make you feel like this? Does he know how to set you on fire?" He stopped for a moment to study her face. "I've been to hell and back trying to get to you. I would give up my life just to make love to you one more time. Don't turn me away."
Something in his eyes — a memory perhaps, or the spark of a flame long gone dormant — caught her by surprise, draining away what little was left of her resistance. She lost the battle she fought with her body, her arms curving upward to encircle his neck. This time when his lips found hers, she returned his kiss with eagerness. A shudder of pure delight traveled through her while his hands stroked the length of her spine.
The kiss ended when Niko lifted her, sliding an arm around her back and the other under her knees. His mouth descended again, taking hers, his tongue forcing its way between her teeth. It seemed to Camille that the water on her skin had turned to steam by the time he laid her down on the cool grass.
He lay beside her, propped on one elbow as his eyes took in every soft curve of her body. "Do you remember the last time we made love outdoors?"
Camille nodded, not trusting her voice as his hand slid over her wet skin.
"We'd sneaked away from camp, found a spot by the lake. You were quite the wild woman, as I recall."
"You always did have that affect on me, Niko." Her voice was husky, her words ending on a gasp as his fingers settled over her soft mound.
He watched with fascination when she licked her lips, bending to capture the lower one between his teeth and suck it into his mouth. Her shaking fingers tangled in his hair, holding his head fast while his hand continued to explore the remembered secrets of her body. Then he pulled himself free of the kiss, rolled on top of her, and pried her thighs open with his knees.
He nestled there as she arched her back, the velvety head of his engorged shaft sliding along the opening of her slick, wet sex. Pulling back when she tried to grind against him, he smiled knowingly, acutely aware of the need that drove her. He felt it too, with each breath that flooded the scent of her into his nostrils, with each soft gasp and whimpering moan that sounded in his ears.
Hey Guys this is Shankar and this is my second story in ISS. After the first story I received many comments and one such feedback was from a girl named Chithra. Talking about her,she was a normal Tamil girl with dusky skin tone and well shaped ass and boobs. She had replied to an author for the first time and she wanted to lose her virginity to me. I was very much excited and we started talking regularly. First she feared to share things with me but later as we talked she got along with me...
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xmoviesforyouHOUSE SITTER By Lisa Lovelace It was summer vacation, and mom was being a pain. Making me do chores around the house, telling me to go out and find a job instead of just sitting at home playing games, nagging me to get a haircut. I'd just graduated from Edina High, and I figured a guy was entitled to kick back for a while, right? I didn't have any big college plans, we didn't have enough money for that, but I could always enroll in community college for a couple of years and see where...
RAKSHA BANDHAN KA TOHFA I am Mridula. This is my first story narrated by my brother who gave me an incredible gift on Rakhi. If you like my story, you can email me and I will try to respond to your emails. I hope to entertain you. My email id is Mridula didi ka jhagda adalat mein chal raha tha kion ki didi ne apne pati per talak ka case kar diya tha. Main uss wakt Hostel mein rehta tha. Mujhe meri maa Shobha Devi ka phone aaiya,” Beta, teri didi ke case ka kal faisla hone wala hai aur ab usska...
I hope you liked part 2 and you like part 3 even more. Please leave feedback as it encourages me to continue. HOME ALONE 3 By Susan Brown I had a strange dream. I seemed to be in the car and there was a funny smell. I looked down at myself and I saw that I was wearing boy's clothes! That wasn't right I was a girl and anyway the clothes smelt horrible. I took the smelly boys clothes off. As I did so I noticed that Mum and Dad were asleep in the front of the car. We must have pulled...
A world dark and asleep. A world for Geoffrey, spread across the night and empty of people. There are always some people up and about, aren't there, even at the end of the evening? Not now and not here. Geoffrey drives along a parkway, watching the streetlights move by smoothly and quietly, one every few seconds, an endless procession of them, dignified and calm. He passes through a few blinking traffic lights. The green of the dashboard dials is so peaceful it makes him think of things far...
The barn is warm, a heated breeze blowing in through the open double doors doing little to dispel the stifling atmosphere. Flies buzz. Out side, the noon sun is beating down mercilessly, its light shining contrasting with the dimness inside. The man looks very different from the way he did hiking up the mountain. He is still wearing his wool socks, but the rest of his clothes are gone. His upper body is cross-crossed with thin leather straps that resemble a harness. Tiny silver studs shine...
GayIt was a glorious spring afternoon! The main path that wound its way through the center of the Gardens was lined on either side by cherry trees that were in full bloom. The rain and wind from the night before had covered the asphalt path in a smattering of blossom petals that turned it into a sea of pink stars. We walked along the path together in silence for awhile, all three of us taking in the beautiful sites around us. Cocooned as I was beneath the lace parasols and surrounded my...
Antal entered his house just before the noon meal with a scowl and was followed by his two new slaves. Apprehensively, Ilona met them at the door wondering if something had gone wrong. Regardless of her son's disposition she rushed over to hug her friend. "Barbala! You're here!" she cried. "Thanks to Master Antal," Barbala sighed into Ilona's shoulder. "Did everything go well, Master?" Ilona asked looking over at her son. "Easy enough," Antal answered with an exasperated snort....
So there I am surfing Tinder when a match pops up. Now on Tinder I swipe right on everything because you just never know and at the end of the day my primary concern is finding women who are comfortable being sluts. So up pops Sandra she's 63 and married to an asshole, her words not mine. Turns out she married at 18, three now grown k**s and a loyal stay at home mom. She never went to college and hubby was the bread winner and a very successful one at that. Over the years he'd cheat, was...
Naughty real estate agent McKenzie Lee shows client Jay Romero a property and gives him an offer that he just can’t refuse, namely to break in his new couch fucking her. The busty seductress unleashes her mouthwating melons to entice the stud into titty play and wraps her pouty lips around his hard cock for one of her topnotch professional blowjobs. Watch the horny Penthouse MILF work his monster dick with her soaking wet shaved pussy, getting fucked from behind until he busts a messy...
xmoviesforyouDear Sir, I really have to tell someone about the events of last night, even if I never send this letter at least I'll have written it down! First, some background. I am thirty-five and married to Alison, ten years my junior, for two years. I have a very good relationship with my mother in law who is nearer my age than my wife is, being forty-four. Jane, known to the family as Janie, is a buxom lady being of large proportions, though well matched large proportions. We have a "slap and...
You pace, making sure to keep your eyes open for Jenny, your best friend. She said she would meet you here today, but you still hadn't seen her, and it had already been a half-hour. As you eye all the girls walking around you, a hesitant thought comes to mind - maybe I should ditch Jenny and go for the other girls? She had apparently ditched him, after all. Why not go after some other girls? Your eyes immediately spot two girls that you would love to fuck... A blonde babe, with D-cup tits and a...
I decided to go to a nearby cruising area one night that I had heard about, situated just off a main road. Night time was always the busiest time apparently and there were always loads of guys looking to fuck a cute ass. I was new to doing this. I knew it went on, but had never actually been to a cruising spot at night, especially one where I knew there was loads of action. I was nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I knew if I got out of the car and wandered into that darkness, that...
From: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@ To: Just Plain Bob Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 5:16 PM Subject: Story Oh wow Bob, thank you so much for going through my story and taking out the things that might have identified me. I'm especially glad that you reworked the "Intern Party". If anyone I work with reads these kinds of stories and they read about that party the way I wrote it it would have been a dead give-a-way. They would know all the nasty things I'd done and especially about my...
Un par de noches después de la tremenda cogida que le habían pegado cuatro hombres en el bar de la esquina, todavía a mi adorada Anita le ardía la cola y se quejaba de algunos leves dolores vaginales…No habíamos hablado del tema entre nosotros, pero yo estaba convencido de que ella se acordaba de mucho más de lo que quería hacerme creer.Al día siguiente era sábado y al regresar de hacer unas compras, pasamos por el frente del bar. En ese momento se asomó a la calle el dueño y nos invitó a...
Kyle Mason and his stepsister Destiny Cruz both want to use the living room, but for different reasons. Destiny wants to study for her upcoming test, but Kyle wants to practice his guitar. Destiny is so desperate that she offers to give Kyle a blowjob if he’ll leave the room for her. Kyle doesn’t take her up on it, but it sure generates some sexual tension, with Kyle responding that he could make her cum by putting his dick in her. Destiny’s next attempt to make Kyle leave is...
xmoviesforyouTo state the obvious, Tera Patrick is an incredibly beautiful creature, and I own every one of her adult DVD's, and plenty of magazines she appeared in, plus pictures I downloaded from the internet. Fuck I have a Tera Patrick file in... Sorry I'm not letting know in where. So just imagine my excitement when my friend Bradley Scott got us invitations to a Hustler Convention that was taking place in a nearby city. All the top names in the adult film business were going to be there; Jessica...
Hi Friends Raj here again after a long time. Not because there were no occasions but because just sex is no fun. Should have some story to write. Sex can be written by anyone. I had slept with two friends who were in my city and who came back from onsite in December and Jan. And there hubbies were out of town and they had missed good sex for 3 months and wanted good hard dick and fuck. But that was pure animal lust. Then the marketing gal came for a week to strategize and plan for this quarter...
Ok I got a sorta funny story..Few days ago I'm at a gas station...I'm next in line,and a insanely gorgeous young lady gets behind me..I tell her to go ahead cause she a female..And yes I still would of done that if she looked, bless her heart,like a "sea donkey"..But I also knew it was gonna be the proper way to check her out without being to creepy..Anyway she says go ahead cause I'm gonna be a minute I'm buying scratch she kinda steps up beside me to look at the selection under the...
Beverly, Ap?ritifs, and a series of Peculiar Mornings. The first time Charline and I met Beverly was at a meeting, back when we did graphic design labs, networking and installs for food companies. She was exceptionally good at first impressions. The building was still in construction, wire and dry wall and tools everywhere. Elevators with green dusty pads on the walls. Riding down the elevator to meet up with her, there was a sweaty, grisly and very bad smelling construction w...
Blonde newbie Emma Sirus makes her Hussie?Pass debut this week and we paired the skinny coed up with the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? because we’re like that. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ???♀️ where we find out that Emma just LOVES to be pounded, the Virginia cutie gets herself warmed up by finger-fucking her gaping pussy. In comes Brickzilla with some ? lube for Emma’s slender body and we get to see her twerk that rather juicy backside. She then...
xmoviesforyouI remember that the sky was grey and leaden. The clouds were almost impenetrable, and they cast everything into an early, foreboding twilight. It was a heavy feeling, an oppressive weight settled about your shoulders. The sky pressing down, the walls closing in. I am not normally a claustrophobic person but even during my watch on the north-western tower I felt strangely trapped, more like I was enclosed in a dim airless room than a high perch with a view for leagues around. I wasn’t the only...
HistoricalShe had fought hard in a brutal conflict to reclaim her stolen throne and with it the Kingdom that she now ruled in a new budding empire of darkness. But at the end her foes, the so-called ‘heroes’, had spited her at the last turn, rushing from her grasp the object of her more physical desires. A foreigner of sorts, as none in her kingdom were as perfect as he had been. Vibrant red hair like living fire. A feminine nature that put even her attractiveness to shame. A quietness and meekness...
the room is filled with our scentour bodies wet with love making i have been between your legs foreverit seems.i kiss your wet mouth and go deep inside taste youone more push and i come deep in your moist holewe touch with our soulsi move back our sex drips from your wet pussyi move between your legs and taste our sexthen we kiss and you taste your come.when will i taste your comebut thats part two
To ye baat tab ki hai jab mujhe apne higher studies ke liye bahar jana tha. To main apne purane ghar mein kuch dino ke liye akela tha. Us ghar mein ek kaamwali aati thi jo 30 ya 35 saal ki thi aur uska naam Surekha (name changed) tha. Uska rang sanwla tha aur uske boobs ka size approx 35b tha aur gaand normal thi. Uska face sundar tha. Woh kafi shant swabhav ki thi aur apne kam se kam matlab rakhti thi. Mujhe woh bohut pasand thi aur main usko soch kar kai baar muth marta tha. Main uske sath...