A Cloak Of LiesChapter 1 free porn video

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Camille threw an arm across her eyes to block out the beam of the overhead lamp that penetrated her sleep. She moaned, pulling away from the hand that grasped her shoulder.

"Agapi," an achingly familiar voice said, "time to get up."

Her heart jumped in her chest. Was that Niko's voice? Her Niko? How could that be?

Then a torrent of memories flooded her sleep-fogged brain, reminding her of the events of the last few days. Niko was alive, and he'd stolen her away from her home and her carefully reconstructed life.

Fresh anger and an equally deep sadness drew a pained growl from her throat. Shoving his hand away, she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her muscles groaned in protest, aching from her new life on the run. Glancing around, she realized that she was still in the stolen motor home with the first gray streaks of predawn light illuminating the horizon outside the window.

Olan was asleep, or unconscious, on the bed next to her. She didn't remember crawling into the sack with him, but judging by the look on Niko's face, it probably wasn't the wisest thing she'd ever done. He looked positively enraged.

"What's the matter, Honey?" she asked with a voice dripping poison. "Seeing your wife in bed with another man too upsetting for you? Deal with it."

"You two at it again?"

Both turned to see Olan's pale face, an amused grin hiding his obvious pain. Camille was instantly contrite for having disturbed his rest. Carefully pulling herself off the bed, she bent over his body to check his bandages.

"Your fever's down a bit," she said while laying a hand on his forehead. "Think you could drink some water?"

Olan nodded slightly, grimacing at the pain that the movement caused. Niko picked up the bottle from the side table to hand to her. Camille snatched it from him without glancing at his face, holding it to Olan's lips. He drank eagerly, sputtering softly when he tried to swallow too fast.

"We gotta get you inside, Buddy," Niko said, pulling the blanket from his friend. "There's a soft bed in there with your name on it."

The new hideout was perfect. Nestled in the densely forested land deep in the Ozark Mountains, it allowed creature comforts as well as seclusion. The large home was made almost entirely of logs and stood two stories high.

The three bedrooms were situated upstairs, each with its own exit to the balcony that spanned the top floor. Camille had insisted on putting Olan in the middle room, effectively putting a buffer between her bedroom and the one that Niko would occupy.

She had to smile to herself when he growled about it, but she refrained from comment until he announced that he was going to dispose of the motor home, and would likely be gone all day.

"You can't go out there. It'll be light soon," Camille snapped, trying to disguise her concern.

"It has to be done, Camille. I need to take it as far away as possible and find us some alternate wheels. We also need supplies."

"You can get supplies in Cabool. There're a couple of grocery stores there, you know."

Shaking his head, Niko tried to cool his irritation before speaking again, "I can't take that chance. We have to stay as quiet as possible and make sure that nobody sees us. It's better I do it this way. I can get what we need in Springfield or some other town."

She frowned at him, casting a glance up the stairway toward the bedrooms, "At least get a couple hours' rest before you go. You look like hell."

"I'm touched by your concern," he growled, running a hand through his hair. "Just take care of Olan till I get back."

Then he was gone without a backward glance, leaving her alone with an injured man and her growing paranoia. If only Allinson had kept a phone hooked up at the cabin, things would be easier. Camille desperately wanted to speak to Doug, if only to let him know that she was still alive and to hear the reassurance of his voice.

She would have to find a telephone somewhere. The suspicion that Niko had so carefully nurtured in her began to take hold. She could easily sneak out while he was gone, and hike the few miles to town. There she would find a phone and could make the call, but what if she were seen? Besides, there was no way she could leave Olan alone. What if something happened and he needed help?

Camille was reduced to pacing the floor, trapped in her own indecision. Her nerves were frazzled, her mind on edge. The dull throb that had started at the base of her skull the moment she woke in the motor home had developed into a full-blown headache. On top of that was a burning sensation in her stomach that made her want to vomit.

She realized that it had been days since she had eaten a real meal. It had also been too long since Olan had eaten. An hour later, after spooning thin broth into his mouth, she sat staring at her own bowl of canned chowder. She just couldn't bring herself to eat the bland soup, no matter how hard she tried.

Alternating between walking the main floor of the cabin and climbing the stairs to check on Olan, she found herself exhausted. A beautiful day had dawned, but wariness kept her inside. Now, as darkness approached, every sound in and around the cabin had her jumping in fright.

How long would it be before Niko found his way back? What was keeping him? The questions grew louder in her brain until she wanted to scream.

She had no idea when it was that she had dozed off, or what it was that woke her, but she found herself sitting bolt upright on the sofa with a long, slow chill running the length of her spine. She sat for a moment, scarcely daring to breathe in the darkened cabin, listening. Camille was just about to berate herself for being afraid of the boogeyman, when she heard a car door slam.

Clamping her teeth down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming, she scampered to the kitchen in search of the gun Niko had insisted she keep. Just as her fingers closed around the grip, she heard the front door open.

It had to be Niko. Who else could it be? But why didn't he call out to her or turn on the lights? She pressed herself against the wall just inside the kitchen door. The blood drumming in her ears was so loud she could barely hear the person's footsteps as he slowly crossed the parlor floor.

She heard the creak of the swinging kitchen door as it started to open. As if in slow motion, the door was pushed inch by inch until Camille could see the toe of a shoe silhouetted at the bottom.

With all her strength, she threw her body against the door. There was a loud thud and the pained yelp of a man whose face had just collided with solid wood, followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor.

Grabbing the edge of the still-swinging door, Camille threw it open, planting her feet wide to hold it there, pointing the gun at the face of the intruder.

"Thee mou, woman," Niko hissed. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Her stomach did a flip. She gulped at the air around her to keep herself from puking all over him. It was sheer force of will that moved her thumb slowly off the hammer and eased her finger from the trigger.

Niko reached up, took the gun gently from her cold fingers and worked his way out from between her legs and off the floor. Laying the gun on a side table, he reached out to touch her.

Camille jerked away from his hand, jumping back to let the door swing shut again. She walked to the table, her legs barely able to support her as she pulled out a chair and sat down.

Burying her head in her hands, she realized that she would have shot the man. She would have looked him in the eye and killed him as if his life didn't matter. His being Niko only made that reality worse. What was she turning into?

The ceiling lamp flashed on. The glare would have been blinding had she not had her face covered with her hands. She could hear Niko moving about behind her, turning on the water, opening cabinets.

"You okay?" he asked from somewhere to her left.

When she didn't answer him, he moved closer. His hand touched her shoulder while he gently pried her fingers from her face.

"Camille? It's all right. You're safe now."

"No. It's not all right. Nothing is all right," she whispered, staring at his feet. "I almost shot you."

"But you didn't," he said soothingly as he crouched down to look at her face, "I'm just glad you did what I told you. You kept the gun..."

Her arms shot out, shoving him away and knocking him off balance. She was on her feet and across the room, glaring at his sprawling form on the kitchen floor.

"I'm turning into a killer. I'm becoming like you," she accused. "How many people have you murdered, Niko?"

"None," he snapped, "whenever I killed someone it was out of self-defense."

"How many?" Camille raised snarled, raising her voice as she questioned him.

"I don't know. I didn't keep count."

He pulled himself from the floor, his face like a thundercloud ready to burst. The man was as angry as she had ever seen him, but she didn't care.

"I won't let you do this. I won't be like you," she said, backing away as he advanced. "Let me go. I want to go home."

"Don't be an idiot. They'd get you before you got to the front door. I did all of this for you, Camille. I came back for you."

"No, you didn't."

Her flat statement stopped him in his tracks.

"Just what the hell do you think I did it for?"

"Yourself. You're an arrogant prick, Niko. You always were. I just didn't see it until you decided to come back from the dead. Everything you've done was for your own wants and needs. You never took anyone else's thoughts or feelings into consideration."

"Oh, and you're so selfless," he retorted. "All you've done since I saved your life was talk about getting away from me and back to your beau-hunk. It's all about how your life was interrupted and your future was ruined. Did you ever stop for one minute to think what I went through to get to you? And what about Olan? He almost got killed trying to help..."

"Trying to help you," she yelled, cutting him off. "You almost got your partner killed; chasing your selfish dreams of a past you can never get back."

She advanced on him then, poking a long finger into his chest, "Get this through your head, secret agent-man. There is no 'us' anymore. You walked out. You left me to die with a broken heart. Well, I survived you. You hear me? I survived."

Niko surprised her by taking a step back, turning his face away from her.

"I'm sorry, Camille. If I could change it all, I would. You're all I ever wanted... When I woke up in that hospital and they told me I had to stay away..."

He turned to look at her again, his dark eyes nearly tearing a hole in her soul. The pain he revealed to her was real and more forlorn than anything he had shown her so far. It stabbed at her heart, making her hate herself for the words she had hurled so carelessly at him.

"You're bleeding," she said, only now seeing the crimson streak that trailed down the right side of his face.

"Yeah, well, I got hit in the face with a door."

"Serves you right for sneaking around in the dark," she said with little conviction. "Does it hurt?"

"Like you care..."

"I do care, Niko," she sighed, stepping forward. "Let me have a look."

"Ouch. Damn, woman. Take it easy."

"Stop whining, you big baby. I barely touched you. Sit down so I can clean it up."

She found a towel, wetting it at the sink. As she turned back to him, she saw the way he looked at her, the sadness in his eyes. The emotion those soulful eyes stirred in her made her want to kick herself. Why was she feeling sorry for him?

"Don't look at me like that," she murmured as she raised the towel to his face.

"Like what?"

"Like a lost puppy."

"Sorry. Just wondering when you'll decide to forgive me."

"When hell freezes," she groused, taking a vicious stab at the cut above his eye.

He grunted in pain, flinching away from her hand. Feeling contrite, she took a deep breath and tried once again to be gentle as she cleaned the wound. As she leaned closer, his scent reached her nostrils. He had always smelled like wind, rain and all things masculine.

She felt the warmth of his hand as it settled over the curve of her hip, felt the way her body responded to his touch. Gritting her teeth, she tried to focus on first aid and not the sudden desire to get lost in his arms.

"You need a couple of stitches in this," she murmured.

"It'll heal," he said, pulling her hand from his face. "Agapi, I love you. You know that, don't you?"

"I know you think you do, Niko."

"What would it take to prove it to you?"

"Let me go."

"No," he growled fiercely, seizing her arms.

He stood, dragging her against him as his chair toppled backwards.

"I won't let you go. I can't. You're mine, damn it."

"Yours? You mean you own me? I'm not a piece of steak, idiot. You can't just order me, carve me up to your liking and consume me. I'm my own person now."

"That's not the way I meant it, and you know it. We belong together, Camille."

"We used to," she whispered, suddenly feeling close to tears. "I used to pray to you at night, used to beg you to come back. But you didn't. I was so alone, Niko. I didn't want to believe them, but I had to let you go or die. So I finally accepted your death. I finally had to face the truth that you were gone forever."

She studied his face as she continued, "Now you have to do the same for me. I need you to let me go and let me get on with my life."

His features hardened into a mask of fury. She thought he was going to explode. Then his expression changed to one of sorrow and finally to that of resignation.

"I'll let you go, Camille," he rasped. "I'll let you go after I get you someplace safe. You can wait till then to be rid of me, can't you?"

She closed her eyes, not wanting to see his wounded expression. Nodding, she pulled back slowly, feeling his hands release her arms. She wondered why there was a sudden burning pain in her chest and why she felt like falling apart.

"What did you expect?" Olan said a few days later, his sharp eyes watching Niko and making him uncomfortable. "You can't force a woman to love you."

"I don't need to hear it, Pal."

"Growling at me ain't gonna fix it, you know. You knew going in that she has a new life now. You didn't really expect her to take one look at her long-dead husband and fall back with her legs in the air, did you?"

"Shut up and eat your damned eggs," Niko said, turning to look out the window.

He felt like hell. His head ached from the stress of walking on metaphorical eggshells all the time. He was tired from all the running and the sleepless nights spent tossing, wondering why his wife no longer wanted anything to do with him.

Camille had spoken to him only when forced in the days since he had returned to the cabin only to get his skull dented by the kitchen door. They'd had a fight, a bad one and he'd promised to let her go.

He'd been regretting that promise since the moment the words flew from his mouth. There was no way he was going to be able to keep it. He might just as well cut his own jugular as to turn loose of his only reason for living.

She was giving him no cause for hope, either. Camille kept to herself, locked away in her room for hours on end. The only time she came out was when she was sure that he wasn't around. What little he'd seen of her only told him how much she was suffering inside. She was growing thinner, paler with each passing day.

He had brought food to her, even left it outside her door when she'd refused to open up, but she had eaten little. The woman was wasting away and there seemed to be nothing he could do about it. Things had to change or she would be too weak and too sick to keep up when it was time to run again.

"You gotta do something, Niko," Olan said around the bite he'd just taken. "When she came in to check on me last night, she didn't look so good. This whole thing's eating her alive."

"You think I don't know that? I've tried. She won't talk to me. She won't eat."

"From the sound of the traffic in the next room, she doesn't sleep much either."

"I know. I hear her pacing up and down the stairs all night."

Niko turned to face the bed where his friend lay.

"How long do you think she can keep this up?" Niko asked earnestly.

"I don't know. She looked to me like she was ready to keel over any minute. If I were you, I'd get in there and make sure she eats something."

"What am I supposed to do, just shove the food down her throat with a ram rod?"

"She'd tear you a new one," Olan laughed. "That's something I'd pay money to see. No, my friend. You're going to have to go in there and humble yourself. Beg, if you have to. Do whatever it takes to make her come out of it. Whatever you decide, you better do it fast. I'll be ready to go in another day or two."

"You ready to get out of this bed and try your legs?" Niko asked, taking the empty plate from Olan.

"Yeah. Been layin' around too long as it is."

Setting the plate aside, Niko bent to offer a hand, grasping Olan's good arm. Once on his feet, Olan took a minute to get his balance before taking a few tentative steps across the room.

"She's a good woman, Niko. She deserves a hell of a lot better than what she got from life."

"Better than what she got from me, you mean," Niko said, holding out his arms in case he needed to keep the other man from falling.

"Yeah. Listen, Niko, you didn't have a lot of choice in all of this, but you made a mistake going after her. You shoulda left it up to the Company to protect her."

"Oh, right. That turned out so well. The assholes had her staked out as bait. If we hadn't gotten there..." Niko let his voice trail off, not wanting to say aloud what might have happened if they hadn't gotten there in time.

"Did it occur to you that the only time she was in real danger was the minute you decided to get to her? Jesus, man. Think. They didn't swarm in on her house until you showed yourself. You're the reason she's on the run now."

"You're a real prick, Olan."

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I was having a blast! Going across Europe sight seeing, experiencing all sorts of new things. I started off in Barcelona for a week and had some of the best sex of my life. The women there were crazy in bed and their oral abilities were much better than the girls in the US. I was traveling around with my buddy Victor, a friend from college. Victor was blessed with a great body defined abs and a general defined body, he has these blue eyes and blonde hair that make it easy for him to bring back...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Claudia Bavel Amor En La Playa

Claudia got caught by our producer just taking in some sun on a rocky beach. When he asked why she was solo, she said its because no one wanted to chill with her! He could not believe it so he decided to stay with her for a little. When asked what he wanted to do, he cues in his two amigos and suggests a fuck party! They move from the beach to the woods so Claudia can get to gagging on these guys spicy chorizos. They set down a blanket to make it a fucking picnic and continue to ravage her...

3 years ago
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Die Puppe Teil 2

Die Puppe (Teil 2) "Eine Begegnung" Nach einer ganzen Weile erreichten wir endlich unser Ziel. Madame deMontrose lie? mich wieder auf den Sitz zur?ck, damit ich die Gelegenheit nicht vers?umte die prachtvolle Allee und den Anblick ihres Anwesens zu betrachten. Der Wagen hielt vor einem riesigen Herrenhaus, wobei die Reifen ein knirschendes Ger?usch auf dem groben Kies machten. Auf der gro?en Treppe vor dem Haupteingang stand eine Gestalt, ich konnte aber nur deren Umrisse in der Abend...

1 year ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 15

Back when her parents tried to get her to attend the Schermer retreat, Lindsey should have been more suspicious when her father caved so easily. Suspicion, however, was not yet a big part of her nature. She had no reason to suspect her parents of doing anything drastic to her, certainly nothing physical. They were closed-minded, mean-spirited, suspicious, paranoid - the list of their passive faults was very long. But there was no reason to suspect them of any form of violence. What had...

2 years ago
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M J Part Two Frottage and the art of preten

M & J had their first sexual experience only a few weeks ago. Despite considering themselves 'straight', neither could shake the fact their first sex was with a guy. They walked the walk and they talked the talk but behind closed doors and left to themselves, these two couldn't seem to keep their dicks to themselves. Both loved the softness of women's bodies, sucking their boobs, fingering their dripping pussies, and eating pussy. So that didn’t seem to matter when their passions took a...

4 years ago
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A mature lady in Hyderabad

HI guys, this is Alex again from Hyderabad and i’ve got another great story for you people. This was an especially bright day, and I had planned to meet my friend who stays at the outskirts of the city, where we had planned a party, there was booze and some call gals arranged. I as usual was late to start for the party so I was speeding up to reach the destination. Unfortunately at the city outskirts as it was late in the evening, and also as I was driving recklessly, a mishap occurred and I...

2 years ago
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Car Park No 1

The Car Park No 1 The car park has always been a great place for meeting a fellow for a good time. I had been there several times over the years and felt a great satisfaction in satisfying the needs of a horny participant.It has become more of a challenge since the police seem to patrol it more often than in past years. However, I had the opportunity to have a few hours to my self as my wife was out. I decided to look in to any prospects at the park.I drove in and parked to view all in coming...

3 years ago
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A Chapter from Peaches Cream by Aishling Mor

Catherine pushed open the press house door, stepped within and shut it quickly behind her. Immediately the biter wind that had been blowing across the levels all day was shut out, to be replaced by warm, still air, rich with the smell of apples. The building was a great, high barn, at the centre of which stood a massive stone trough, piled high with apples and straw. These were being crushed by a great round stone supported on a central shaft and drawn slowly around by a donkey whose musky...

1 year ago
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My Sister Ashley chapter 7

“Ashley.” I whispered. My sister hung from the ceiling by a pair of silver handcuffs strung over a large hook screwed into the concrete. A thin streak of dried blood ran from the corner of her mouth. Her toes were about an inch from the ground and she seemed either asleep or unconscious, her naked body hanging limply. Sasha reached out and ran a hand up my sister’s hard stomach, between her large breasts and caressed her face. She said something in what I was now assuming was...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 195 Tit Flashing

Monday, May 9, 2005 I was shaken awake sometime in the middle of the night. When she knew I was awake, Ava urgently whispered to me, "Carol desires you. She wants to have sex with you." "Haha. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a guy." "Yes, I know. Carol's in love with you. Properly in love, with sex and everything." "Boy, are you ever confused. I'm a GUY! The type of guy who is not a girl. Carol's a lesbian, so there's no way she can like me in that way." "She does! She...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Stella Cox Jade Jantzen 04242017

Good girls. Bad girls. Peer pressure, too! You know the routine. THe bad ones figure out a way to make the good ones do things they normally wouldn’t do…under any circumstances. Just take a look at Stella Cox and Jade Jantzen. They’re on their way to the mall do to some clothes shopping…or are they? Stella, our favorite bad girl, knows there’s an adult bookshop on the way to the mall. It’s a place Jade would never enter on her own. Watch Stella pull Jade into...

3 years ago
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Carol Ch 4 Then Lee

The marriage between Carol and I was a one of a kind thing. It is difficult to even describe, one almost had to live it. Carol had one real goal, and that was to please me. My own goal was to please her! There was never an argument, or upset of any kind in our time together. She delighted in teasing me, she knew very well of my urges to have her ‘accidentally’ flash some poor unsuspecting soul. There were no inhibitions at all in this beautiful woman! One would think that this type of...

1 year ago
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After the Pantomime Part 5

After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 5 - The Panto Sarah the Cook starts to take over - and who is Auntie Elsie? The last two weeks of rehearsals went like a flash - literally so, as every time I was in costume someone from the Society seemed to be taking photos. 'For publicity,' they kept saying. We all knew our lines by now (well, mostly) and knew our moves (well, approximately). A lady who taught dance drama at the local college helped with the musical numbers and...

3 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 9

Myrna made me a cup of coffee as I sat at my empty desk, wondering how our CASA files figured into the investigation. All of my grandfather's stuff had been in unmarked boxes, so anyone finding them wouldn't know what they were unless they took the time to sit for hours like I had and go through them. The CASA files were what were worrying me because of their sensitive nature. The locations and addresses of several cases were written down, and would be a good tool for someone looking for a...

2 years ago
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soccer mom ann gets slutty

I never believed anything like this could ever happen to me, but I'm here to tell you that everything here in happened just as it occurred one year ago. Just to set the stage and give you a little back ground, I'm a happily married woman for eight years now, with two beautiful c***dren and a husband who loves me! We aren't rich or anything, but my husband is a very successful corporate lawyer, so we're not hurting any, and by most standards we'd be considered upper middle class! At the time of...

2 years ago
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Continuing with Naughty Betty 2

“When do you think you will be ready for round two?” Betty said with a dirty smile on her face. “Aren’t you a naughty one” I said as I pulled her up close for a kiss. “Let’s go downstairs and get something to drink and see what we can do.” then I kissed her again. We got up and she started to put on her underwear, “Now I don’t think we need these do we?” I asked smiling. “Oh, are you telling me that you are a nudist?” she said while she stopped and stepped out of her pretty panties. “That’s...

3 years ago
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Die Antwort an Phil Teil 4

Da ist nun Teil 4 und auch dieser Teil beschäftigt sich, wie auch der letzte Teil, nicht nur mit dem Thema Sex, auch wenn es dazu gehört. Aber lest selbst und bildet euch euer Urteil. Ich hoffe, die Mischung die es hier zu lesen gibt, gefällt euch.Phil! Auch dir wünsche ich viel Spaß. Der letzte Satz ist für dich!______________________________________________________________________________________________Teil 4 - Der Morgen und Überraschungen...Am nächsten Morgen wache ich auf und wir liegen...

3 years ago
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Hot Time in BiloxiLusting for the Construction ManagerPart 2

Hi, my name is Tammy and you already know I am the Construction Manager that Mike lusted after. He has told his story up to the wild night we spent together before he left Biloxi. Now it is my turn to carry on the story since Mike seems to have no interest in doing so. In fact, since he ‘got’ what he wanted he has lost interest. Yeah, I know it is partially my fault because I rather encouraged him. Nevertheless, what happened in that hotel room that night was both our faults. However, not my...

3 years ago
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A Morning After Stroll

Mark stood in the hotel foyer willing Louise to appear. The time was 7.05am. He had checked the outside temperature and finding it surprisingly balmy, given that the sun was barely over the trees on the other side of the river, he had relayed that fact to Louise, the lady he had just spent a wildly sensuous night with. Since 8.30pm on the previous evening, this last twenty minutes had been the longest time they had been apart. How crazy was that?The lift doors opened and there was a thump in...

Love Stories
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Old mattress used for hot gay sex

I was over at my coworkers place to help him move some things. We had been having gay sex behind our gf's backs so we became quite close. We started loading up his truck and towards the end we ended up moving his old mattress. We went ahead and left it outside up against the house as we put in the new one. That was the last of the things we would be moving that day as we grabbed some drinks and took a break. After joking around a bit I asked him how many times he fucked on the mattress. After...

1 year ago
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Harrys Ladies Chapter 4

When Harry arrived in the Leaky Cauldron, he decided to go shopping for formal dress robes. The group then headed to Madam Malkin’s Robe shop. Inside he got fitted and purchased several Wizengamot robes as well as some casual ones. When he was done, Harry turned to his ladies and asked “See anything you like or want?”. He was responded by several wicked smiles. Harry gulped his wallet would feel it later, but he didn’t care if his ladies were happy. When they were done Harry was carrying a...

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family Peepers Anonymous Author

Chapter 1 Virginia Hightower was giving her teenaged son a good look at her pussyand getting really turned on in the process. She had always been anexhibitionist and had been thinking a great deal about exposing herself tothe youth but this was the first time she had actually done it. Her husband and daughter had both gone out and Virginia was alone in thehouse with Jimmy. The handsome boy had been sitting in the living room,reading a magazine and...

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How I went from a Cocksucker to a Total sissy Sub

I was living in Las Vegas in the 70's. I used to get high and go to an ABS and suck cock. After going there a few nights a week for few months a black guy(which was rare) came in. He opened my booth and asked if I wanted company. I was scared but I said yes. He was about 5'11 220 and dark. We were watching a movie when he took my hand and put it on his crotch. It felt so big. He then told me to get on my knees and I did. He said undo my pants so you can get what you want and need. I unzipped...

3 years ago
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Erin the pupil and Mike the Formmaster

Erin, a lovely young girl full of life and excitement, well over 18 and in her final year at school or college whatever you call it over there! Erin was due to see her Tutor, Mike, a bit older than Erin but in a way a little adventurous in his private life, slim, smart looking ...he liked a challenge! Anyway, Erin met Mike and informed him they could not meet that daytime to improve her spelling and syntax, she had NetBall to do! Mike asked her which days were free, and none were!Erin said, "...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 04 Futas First Arab Passion Chapter 1 Novas Cuckolding Wedding Night

Chapter One: Nova's Cuckolding Wedding Night By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 December 23rd, 2038 – Nova Alfarsi “What was it like to be the first futa to enroll in King Njam bin Mohammad program to introduce futas to the Arab world?” “Terrifying,” I answered, shifting in the seat, my hijab wrapped about my face. It was a colorful affair, chosen by Wahida. “But also eager. I wanted to help my futa-mother out. She had this dream of futas being accepted everywhere.” “Yes, President...

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Diary of a Broken Heart

…or ‘Amazing weeks in the Fall ’09’. Why two titles for the post? Right now it’s the former but I know myself well enough to recognize in a few more days or maybe weeks it will be called the later. This is a little therapeutic for me so I hope some of you pretty girls don’t mind if I publish a little story. Maybe you might like it and if you do I hope you’ll let me know that you want more? Maybe you can help me get over this little thing that I’m writing about? First allow me to introduce...

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Brenda and Connie Ch 18

When Brenda, Connie and Vickie woke up that Saturday morning there was no inclination by anyone to start a normal day. Instead there was an unstated consensus to continue in their sex play at least for that day. Brenda was the first to awaken and she immediately turned to Vickie’s cunt and started licking it. Vickie then awakened to the feeling of a tongue in her vagina as her hips were moving automatically into Brenda’s face. After she became fully aware of what was happening to her, Vickie...

4 years ago
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Guilty Secret

Look after her ‘til I get home Pat said, so I did. I love Boobs - well actually I love all the pieces of sexy ladies. But mostly I love Boobs, of a certain type and calibre it must be said. If truth were but known’ I’m greedy and ‘picky.’ But the ones that I was being teased with right now were close to perfection. Dangly, with areola like chapel hat pegs. Solid, big, plenty to suckle on when you could reach them, which I couldn’t. Currently the lady they belonged to - Julie - had me embedded...

2 years ago
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Our Romantic Weekend

Mark and Beth had decided to have a romantic weekend away together, so they packed their bags and headed off to a couples resort on a secluded island in the Bahamas that they found. They are both looking forward to this weekend trip and all the possibilities that are in store for them. As they sit in the airport waiting for their flight they can’t stop talking about how excited they are about this weekend. Beth starts feeling very frisky and discreetly tries to caress Mark’s dick through his...

3 years ago
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My Neighbors Down the Hall Part 1

"Hey, Neighbor. Can you help us out? We didn't have money for movers and we were trying to move our stuff in. We ran into some trouble, though," one of the girls said hurriedly as she was trying to keep an eye on the things they had in the front yard. I replied, "Today is your lucky day. You just hired a moving man for the day. My name is Paul. Let me close my door and I will be right there." As it turned out, there were four girlfriends moving in. Their names were Maria, Selena,...

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Grindr afternoon

It all started one day when I got off of work early. I was super horny so I stopped and bought a pair of lime green lace thongs. I went into the bathroom to slip them on. Afterwards I drove to a rest area and logged onto Grindr. I updated my profile stating that I was sitting in my car in panties looking to meet and suck. In a few minutes I got a message from a 19 year old chubby guy who wanted to meet. This was a dream come true because I absolutely love pleasing chubby guys. He asked if I...

2 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 3

Much to my surprise there was no trip to the space ship for me. I'd expected to be whisked aboard and then have a few days or weeks or at least a few hours being taken back in time to put me where I was going. That wasn't what happened though. I simply appeared on the ground beside my eight by eight by eight container with twenty-four green plastic totes stacked neatly beside it. Rose had gone over my immediate actions, with as best she could foresee, what would happen right away in mind....

3 years ago
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My sex Life Chapter Two From Rags To Richs

I first met Pam while I was still at school as I worked for her Part time by looking after her garden during school summer holidays and at weekends to earn extra pocket money. Pam who was in her fifties was 5ft 4ins tall, weighed about 130/135 lbs, brown hair with blue eyes and a nice figure for a woman of her age. Not only had Pam become my employer but also a good friend whom I could trust and confide in. ...

3 years ago
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Jealousy drama

"Come here, she-monkey."I go to Mr Hagarch on my hands and knees. I am not allowed to erect myself. I am fully naked, as usual. "Come bitch, here is something for your knees. Kneel on this tray of rice."I obey. It hurts, of course, but i love the humiliation. "Put your hands on the back of your head."My humiliation grows, my nipples are hardening. Hagarch, aka Gorilla, observes it and starts grinding them between his fingers, causing pain. I am aroused more. "Listen, slave. Beta Epsilon...

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