CajunsChapter 3 free porn video

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Lee had her turn. She let Tad know just before she had her third orgasm and Tad let himself shoot his juice in her as she had it. Lee liked to stay on Tad after he let loose in her. She had gone to sleep that way often. That night Tad let her lay there only a few minutes.

Tad told Libby to lay down on her back. He told Lee to get off and sit on her mother's face.

Libby moaned " no don't make me do that". Libby started to get off the bed but Tad caught he arm and pulled her roughly back on the bed.

Tad gave Libby a hard slap on her ass and told her to do as she was told.

She lay down, she was crying.

Tad told Lee to put her pussy over Libby's mouth, Libby was going to clean all of his semen out of her. Tad told them he would tell them when to stop.

Tad let Libby suck Lee's cunt until Lee had several orgasms. Tad had told Lee to finger Libby as she cleaned her. Libby had several climaxes before Tad told them to quit.

After he had one of his darlings on each side of him Tad asked if Libby had liked doing that. Libby replied " It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be before I did it". Tad told Libby he expected her to clean Lee every time they fucked from now on.

Libby said " Yes Sir".

Saturday morning Tad woke his ladies at day break.

Tad told them to fix breakfast while he made a few phone calls. After they had eaten and cleared the table Tad told them to just stack the dishes in the sink. He told them he wanted them to shower and fix their hair. Tad told them he would choose the clothes they would wear.

All three had fun taking a shower together.

Tad's ladies fixed their hair and waited on the side of the bed for him to tell them what to wear.

Tad told Lee to find those two halter tops that almost showed her tits. Lee found them, there were two just alike but one was larger than the other. Lee had bought the large one. After wearing it one day she had decided that it showed too much of her tits. The next week she had bought a smaller size.

Tad told Lee to find shorts for them.

He told Libby to get out those pairs of white sneakers she had bought for both of them.

Lee asked Tad if those denim shorts he had bought for her the day he saved her life would do.

Tad had gotten her two pair that day.

He told her they would do fine, they made her ass look good.

They got dressed, they looked like twins not mother and daughter.

Tad told Libby to tie her halter a bit looser so more tit would show.

Tad told them they were ready.

Tad let Lee run the boat up to the garage. Tad opened the Town Car and told Libby to sit in back.

Tad closed the garage door and pulled on to the highway. Tad asked Libby to tell him every thing that happened between her and Jedi last week end.

Tad asked her if they had kissed. Libby said that every time they had privacy that night he had kissed her. Tad asked her how many times that was. Libby said he had kissed her at least eight times.

Tad asked her if she had liked Jedi's kisses. Libby said she had really liked them a lot. Tad asked Libby if she had let Jedi feel of her tits. Libby said " Not at first but the second time he tried she had let him. Tad asked Libby if she had let Jedi see her tits. Libby told them that in his office just before Tad knocked on the door she had let her dress down and Jedi had nursed them.

Tad asked if she had let Jedi do any thing else. Libby said Jedi had put his hand up under her dress but she had made him stop that before he found out how wet she was.Tad asked Libby if Jedi had gotten up a hard because of her. Libby said Jedi had kept one up all the time he was with her.

Tad asked Libby if she was interested in Jedi. Lee said she thought she was. Tad told Libby that they were going to Jedi's ranch.

He said he was going to leave her there and she could come into town when Jedi came in at just before three thirty. He came in at that time to get the place ready to open.

Tad said that they would get to the ranch before nine am and that would give her six hours with Jedi. He told her to 'play hard to get' at first and then let him have his way.

Tad told Libby to give Jedi the best fuck he had ever had. He told Libby to really make it good for him.

Tad said he had seen Jedi's dick one time when he was pissing and he had one to be proud of. He told her she just might get the best fuck she ever had.

Tad told Libby that he and Lee would take her home after Jedi brought her in to town. She could wash the sweat off and they all would put on the clothes they had brought to go to dinner in.

Libby asked Tad " What makes you think I will need to wash away sweat"?

Tad told her that Jedi had not had a woman in nearly two years. Tad said he had a lot of catching up to do. He imagined Libby was going to work her pretty ass of.

Libby asked Tad if he was trying to get rid of her.

Tad told her he was giving her a chance to have the best fuck of her life. Tad told her she was his as long as he wanted her.

Jedi came out to see them as they drove up to the house. Tad told his uncle that Libby had asked him to bring her out to see his ranch. Tad had told her a lot about it.

He asked his uncle if he would have time to show Libby the house and part of his place before he had to go in to town.

Tad said he and Lee were going to take Kate and his mother shopping. He asked if Jedi could bring Libby in with him.

Jedi was all smiles, of course he could he told them.

As they drove off Lee asked Tad what he was up to. Tad said he was hoping that two nice people might get together.

Tad told Lee that Jedi had married a really nice woman. She had been a beautiful woman as well. Some of the guys she had dated before Jedi had let it out that she was more woman in bed than any one they had ever fucked before.

They were true lovers, only one thing prevented it from being a perfect union.

Kamie could not have children.

Tad told Lee her mother was still young enough to have children by Jedi if we can get them together.

Lee said that she thought Tad had been planning this since he met her mother. She thought now that Tad had made her mother into some one he could control just for this.

Tad grinned and said "Aw now honey you goan make your main man out to be some kind of bastard if you say things like that".

Lee said " Tad if this fucks up and my mother is hurt again, I am going to be angry with you".

Tad drove into town and picked up his aunt Kate at her shanty boat.

Kate asked where Libby was.

Tad told her Libby was spending part of the day with Jedi.

Kate asked if Tad was trying to be a match maker. Tad told her he was giving them a chance to get aquatinted, they had seemed to like each other last Saturday night.

Kate told Tad any woman would like a man with as much money as Jedi had. Lee made an angry reply to that. She said " Kate Libby has a lot more money than Jedi has".

Kate said " No shit".

Tad said " No shit Kate".

"Well that makes her a better catch than he is" Kate said.

Tad told Kate that they might not like each other when they knew more about themselves.

That shut her up.

When they picked up Norene, Tad's mother, she asked about Libby. Kate said " She is out on our brother's ranch". " Your son is trying to get them to breed" Kate said

Tad shouted "Kate do you want me to whip your ass"? Kate told him he would not whip his favorite aunt's ass. Tad told her he sure would if she came out with another remark like that one.

Lee told Norene that last week Jedi had invited Libby out to see his place. She said that Jedi was going to bring her in with him when he came in to open up.

Tad told her he was just giving them a chance to get to know each other. He said if any breeding took place it was no ones business but theirs.

Norene said " I hope they like each other, both are lonely people". Norene said that she would like Jedi to re-marry and she thought Libby would make him a fine wife.

Lee said " Are we getting a little ahead of things ladies, they just met last week end".

Tad said "I think I remember hearing that Jedi dated Kamie for four years before he asked her to marry him",

Norene told him he had.

Tad said that if Jedi was that slow making up his mind to marry her he doubted that there was going to a whirl wind romance even if those two liked each other.

The subject was closed.

They parked at Wal-Mart. Tad gave his mother and Kate each a hundred dollar bill and told them to spend it wisely but well.

Lee had expressed a desire to put some hanging baskets on the screened in fore deck. Tad went with her to the garden shop. Lee asked how many he would let her put up out there. Tad told her she could have as many of them as she wanted. Lee found only four that she liked.

They all met near the front door at three P.M. on the dot. They loaded their purchases in the trunk and Tad took his aunt and mother home. Tad had not promised them dinner that night.

Tad pulled into Jedi's parking lot right after he did.

Jedi and Libby got out of his Cadillac and walked over to Tad's car. Tad asked if they had a nice visit. Both said it had been better than just nice.

Tad told his uncle that they would be back later, Tad asked Jedi to reserve the room next to his office for 'Yates, a party of three at seven thirty'.

Jedi asked if he might join them for dinner. Tad said "Most certainly".

Libby got in the back seat.

Lee asked Libby to tell her about her day with Jedi.

Libby leaned back in the seat and said " O my God".

Tad asked Libby if that meant her day had been good or bad.

Libby made no answer.

Lee asked Libby to tell her about her day again.

Libby said they had fucked.

Tad asked what she thought of Jedi's house and ranch.

Libby said " Didn't see them".

Tad said " Libby you were in the house, you saw it".

Libby said " Saw the hall and Jedi's bed room and his bath".


Libby said " I told you we fucked".

Tad said " Jesus Libby, all day"?

Libby told them that they had taken a pee break two times and Jedi had gone somewhere in the house and brought back cokes one time.

Tad asked Libby how she had been able to fuck for nearly six hours.

Libby said she was able to do that after she got numb down there. The most remarkable thing was how in hell did Jedi keep a hard dick for that long. Libby said he had spurted in her the fourth time just before they left for town.

Libby said he never lost his hard.

Lee asked if that was remarkable.

Libby said that she had never had sex with but three other men before Jedi. Except for Tad she had never had a man that could hold off his climaxes long enough for her to have more than one.

Libby said that it certainly was remarkable.

Lee told her mother that Tad had been teaching her to be a good Fuck one Saturday. Lee said Tad had fucked her nearly eight hours. It had not been nonstop like she said it was for her today though. Lee said they did stop to eat two times and a few times to pee.

Tad told them that all the Yates men learned to do that before their first fuck.

They parked in the garage and went down the creek to home.

As they went in Libby asked Tad if she could take a shower and rest until time to get dressed for diner.

Tad told he she could, and that she deserved it.

Libby asked " Did I do what you wanted of me"?

Tad told her it sounded like she had.

They made it back to Jedi's place exactly on time.

Jedi joined them soon after they entered.

Jedi almost kissed Libby on her lips he was so glad to see her.

Jedi ushered them to their private dining room. When the ladies were seated he poured wine for all of them.

Jedi made a toast to two wonderful women, a mother and a daughter.

Libby made a toast next to the most interesting man she had ever met, Jedi Yates.

Jedi glowed.

Jedi said he had ordered a few things for appetizers.

A waiter rolled a cart in and put several dishes and covered bowls on the table then left.

Libby raised a lid and asked what this was.

Tad told Libby she did not need to know what any thing on the table was. He promised she would like all of them. Tad said for her to try some of every dish.

Libby said " Yes Sir".

Jedi raised his eye brows at that.

Lee did not have to be told, she had eaten those things before, she knew what each was and liked all of them.

Libby had a taste of every dish, she said she liked every one.

Jedi asked if Caesar salad would do.

It would.

A thick Lentil Soup was next.

Jedi asked if everyone liked fish. They all did, and Jedi spoke into a tiny radio. Jedi asked how long before the Trout Jedi was ready. He was told it was ready now. Jedi told them to bring it on to them now then. The trout was brought with steamed cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

They all groaned after eating all the Trout and veggies they could when Jedi announced that desert was his Skunk Cabbage cobbler.

Libby told Jedi she was stuffed and could eat no more. Jedi said a woman had to keep up her strength, she might need extra calories at any time.

Every one at the table laughed.

Jedi's eyebrows went up again.

He had not thought his remark was that funny.

The cobbler came and it was so tasty they all ate some of theirs.

Tad figured Libby needed her bed. Tad told Jedi they were going to have to leave. Jedi and Libby danced two more times.

The ladies went to the toilet and Tad tried to pay for the meal.

Jedi would not even talk about a bill.

Jedi wanted to talk instead. He asked if Tad had some sort of control over Lee and Libby.

Tad said that he did.

Jedi asked what it was.

Tad said he owned them.

Jedi said " That is bull shit Tad".

Tad said Lee would never be for sale but he would sell him Libby if he wanted her.

Jedi said he did want her. He asked how much Tad wanted for her.

Tad asked Jedi if he was in love with her.

Jedi said he was, she was the first woman he had ever met that was as sensual as he was. His late wife had not been as willing as Libby was for sex.

Jedi said he loved her.

Tad asked if he gave her to him would he marry her. Jedi said he would.

Tad told Jedi that he would give her to him if he would permit him to fish in his private pond.

Jedi said " Shit boy you have had that since you were a child.

Tad grinned and told Jedi to shut up and tell him if they had a deal or not.

Tad told his uncle that he would send Libby to stay with him for a month.

If after a month either of them did not want to get married for the rest of their lives Jedi was to send her back to him.

Tad said " You are getting a bargain Coon Ass, treat her like the lady she is". Never let her doubt your love or you stand a chance of loosing her Tad said.

Tad told Jedi that they were still young enough to have kids. Tad told Jedi that he would make Libby want that.

The ladies emerged and Tad told his uncle to call him the next day. Tad said " Don't fuck up a great ladies life if you are not sure you want her".

They slept late the next morning.

Over breakfast Tad told Libby she would be going home with Lee and him that day. It was up to her if she wanted to pack and come back in a few days to spend a month with Jedi at his ranch.

Tad said that after a full month of living together, if they both felt they were in love enough to make it work he would permit her to marry his uncle.

Libby asked if she had any say so in this.

Tad told her she was in charge of her own destiny in this and it was her choice. She could come back to Jackson next week or miss the opportunity to ever have a life with Jedi. She could come back here and live with Jedi until she wanted to leave. If she wanted to marry Jedi and he wanted to marry her there would be one hell of a wedding.

Libby said she was scared she asked Lee and Tad to tell her what would best for her to do.

Lee told Libby that she thought it would be best if she spent the time with Jedi. That would give her a whole month to decide what she wanted to do.

Tad told Libby Lee was right, Libby would have a month to decide if she loved Jedi enough to marry him.

Libby said she would not marry a man that would expect her to fuck all the time like that yesterday.

Tad said " Libby Jedi has gone two years without a woman, he got caught up yesterday". Tad went on to say " Jedi is thirty four years old, he probably will not want you every night".

Tad asked Libby if she wanted more children. He told Libby that Jedi desired children of his own.

Libby said that she had wanted at least four when she married Lee's father.

David had not wanted children and had made her send her one child away even, Libby told them.

Tad told Libby that she could still have children with Jedi as the father.

Libby asked when she had to make a decision.

Tad told her Jedi was going to call her around noon and invite her to visit him and be his house guest for a while next week.

Tad told her she could make a choice then or come back up here and try living with Jedi. Tad told Libby that she would have her own car up here and would be free to leave anytime.

At eleven thirty the phone rang. Tad told Libby to answer it the call was for her.

Libby said " Hello".

Then "This is Libby".

Pause " Thank you and good morning to you".

Libby then said after a long pause " That is a very nice invitation and I would love to".

Libby said she had several things to do next week but she thought she would be free to come by Wednesday.

There was a pause then she said " That is probably the nicest thing anyone ever said to me Jedi".

Libby told Jedi to call her at home tomorrow evening.

They packed up later, Lee packed for Libby, she was in a happy daze.

On the way to Mobile Libby burst out with " What if he does not like me"?

Tad asked her what was not to like about her, he told her Jedi would find out that she was near perfect just like he had.

Libby told Tad that all Coon Asses were full of organic fertilizer.

Jedi called Libby Monday evening.

Jedi called Libby Tuesday evening.

After each call Libby would report the conversation to Lee like a teen having her first crush.

Libby waited until her bank opened Wednesday morning, drew out two thousand, then drove her current model Cadillac to Jackson. She got to Jedi's ranch by eleven thirty. Jedi met her at her car and carried her two bags to a bed room connecting with his.

Jedi said she could unpack later, he had snack food in the kitchen.

They grazed on tiny things that by now Libby had learned to not ask what they were.

Libby had worn a blazer and matching skirt. When she took that blazer off Jedi was looking at her tits through a transparent blouse.

After they had snacked Jedi asked if she would like to spend an hour getting better aquatinted in his bed room.

Libby said am glad you asked that".

Jedi escorted her there.

Later Libby told Lee and Tad that Jedi had eaten her for about thirty minutes. Then he had probed her with his big prick until she had her fourth climax then he poured his sperm into her.

Libby guessed that Jedi had brought her to a climax nine or ten times.

They had taken a shower together.

Jedi said he must leave her to go open his club soon. He offered to show her how the VCR and TV worked.

Libby had asked if she could go with him and do something to help out.

Jedi said she could be the hostess if she wanted.

He offered to pay her. Libby laughed and told him she needed no pay. She said she intended to have a good time doing that.

Libby asked Jedi what he wanted her to wear on her 'job'.

Jedi told her to wear the sexiest thing she had.

Libby did.

She was a hit at the club, her pretty smile and poise made all the men and women working for Jedi love her.

She was quick to learn her duties as a hostess and the customers liked her.

Their days fell into a pattern, Libby and Jedi would get out of his king sized bed and have breakfast. Every morning Jedi would kiss her and tell her something nice. Like one morning he told her he had a hard time going to sleep last night. Jedi told Libby that the feel of her perfect body molded against him kept him wide awake.

Same as Cajuns
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Having taken a nap, I woke up as Jen crawled into bed with me. She had just taken a shower, and her body smelled fresh and delightful. She was wearing a white lave thong, which was complimenting the curves of her hips and her luscious butt cheeks perfectly. Her huge boobs looked amazing as she laid down beside me. She kissed me, and her delicate little hand found my cock under the satin covers. She started stroking my cock gently. "Oh, I love your cock..." she said in a purring voice. "It feels...

2 years ago
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Ana in our black neighbors bed

Two days after my sensual wife had fucked our black neighbor Sam; I arrived home late from my office and I could not find Ana.It was strange; since her car was at the front driveway.I wrote her a text on the cellphone, asking where was she.A few seconds later, I read her answer: “being naughty…”I rushed to the back yard, to look over Sam’s house; but all lights there were out. It seemed nobody was there inside.Then I asked Ana what she was doing. A couple minutes later, I received a short...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Braylin Bailey Hyley Winters Blondes In Stolen Bikinis

Security officer Mike Mancini brings blonde suspects Braylin Bailey and Hyley Winters to the backroom for some questioning. They deny the accusations so Officer Mancini submits them to a strip search in which he finds them wearing stolen bikinis. Once completely naked, they’re instructed to bend over the desk so that Officer Mancini can perform a deep cavity search. Braylin is worried about getting in trouble, so Hyley makes a deal with Officer Mancini, if they both comply with his every...

2 years ago
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Katy D

I remember you said: “You have to swallow it, Katy. That’s what girls do.” You should have noticed how I was staring at you. I mean I was naked on my knees in front of you, doing my best trying to give my own dad my first ever blowjob on my eighteenth birthday, and you were telling me I had to “swallow it”. I really didn’t know what I should have thought about that, so it was a bit weird start, I have to say. I didn’t quite know what to expect anyway. I mean I knew the general sex things, of...

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Theatrical…..18So back to this evening, we drove off to the hotel, Julia and I marched through reception again, while my friend booked us in and got the key, same room, as we went to the room a door opened in front of us and the black waiter came out carrying his tunic, he smiled and walked past us back to the reception, “is that?” Julia asked, “yes, he seems popular all of a sudden” I said smiling at her, we got to the room and I threw myself onto the couch, kicking off my shoes as I chuckled...

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It was the middle of a Nor' Eastser (Bad Snow Storm In New England) when the lights went out and the winds were howling like giant monsters across the roofs... Snow was piling up fast and the only place to be, was in bed.My fleece sheets and I were cozy and the battery operated toys were set to run smoothly for a cold and snowy night...I wasn't sure if I should start feeling myself, perhaps, my handsome next door neighbor, Mack, would oblige me with some candles and wine and then I would be...

1 year ago
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Owned Family CH3 No Turning Back

This is a continuation of a story about a family that submits to their black neighbor. If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, bestiality, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. The next two days were very much alike. I worked at Tys house learning his investments and improving his filing system, if you could call it a system. From what I could tell he came into money left to him by a family member...

3 years ago
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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 18

The sound of happy voices carried from the kitchen, not loudly but enough to emphasise the quiet in the living room. Elizabeth was sitting across from John on one end of the sofa, and Gail was on the other. She regarded them both for a few moments. John suddenly felt self-conscious at the scrutiny. Elizabeth approached John and, putting one knee on each side of his legs, sat down on his lap, facing him. She motioned Gail to join them while she kept her own eyes locked on John's. "I am so...

1 year ago
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A Date With Destiny

(note from Author? (note from Author?.. This is my first attempt at writing a story?feedback is welcome. Thank you. )   It began simply enough, a dream, a wish, nothing more than a reoccurring fantasy. That simple beginning has plummeted into a mass of complex feelings and emotions, leaving me in this current situation. I steal a quick glance into my rear- view mirror and I take stalk of the reflection I see staring back at me. Strong, yet feminine features, warm brown eyes...

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LTD Malissas Academy 27

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 27 By: Malissa Madison I hurried towards the Tank Community telling myself that I really just wanted to visit with Lydia. But I knew deep down why I was pushing the speed limit, I wanted to know about the Seekers. And Julie's continued reminders every time I pushed her up over the posted limit were only making me more nervous. "Malissa, we are being pulled over," she announced as the flashing blue lights came on behind me. Pulling over to the side I...

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Horses in the City Ch 03

A week later, the diner was busy and one of the other waitresses was sick, so Emma came in early to help. She hadn’t minded, since her day with Luke, she’d been in a wonderful mood. They’d gone out for a little while before her shift today, and he’d kissed her before saying good-bye. A light, curious kiss that had made her feel dizzy with delight. Even the piano in her apartment didn’t seem to loom in the corner, she knew it was ridiculous, but she thought the instrument looked almost friendly...

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Wet TShirt Contest With Kelly

It was the spring of 1980. Kelly was in her sophomore year of college.Since starting college Kelly had been pretty well behaved. We were living some distance apart and I would visit her once a month or so for the weekend and we would find a way to screw like bunnies. Tricia, her roommate, was pretty cool and would head back to her hometown when I was coming to town so Kelly and I could fuck all weekend in the apartment.Neither Kelly nor Tricia had the money to go south for Spring Break and was...

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The Price Of Vengance

"I want him dead for what he did for me. Simple as that." "'Simple as that'? Are you sure you're willing to pay the price we ask?" "Anything. There must be some way to put an end to him." Up until a couple of years before that fateful night Carla Greer had been a rising star in the FBI. Gratuating at the top of her class and in charge of numerous high-profile cases she was set to attain great things in her career, and with her fiancee and fellow FBI agent her life couldn't have been more...

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Asha Mittal Episode 8 Dost Ke Bete Ko Choda

Ye kissa 2 saal pehle ka hai. Main jahan rehti hun abhi wahan mujhe 4 saal ho chuke hai aur uss mohalle mein meri kaafi achchi friends ban chuki hai. Meri sabse achchi dost Maya aur Sarita hai. Maya aur Sarita dono bhi isi dhandhe mein thi. Sarita kuch 52 saal ki hai aur uska poore mohalle ko pata hai ki woh ye randi waala dhandha karti hai. Kyunki usko ab lag bhag 12 saal ho chuke the. Par Maya aur mera abhi tak kisi ko nahi pata. Hum dono hi mohalle mein nahi laate customers. Sarita toh khud...

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NewSensations Amber Moore Teen Schoolgirl Amber Is A Quick Learner

Adorable teen blonde schoolgirl Amber has decided to go sit in on her friends tutoring session since she could not make it. And Codey was not gonna waste anytime sitting around. But eager Amber interested him in staying asking if she could practice her blowjob skills. After some great sucking he told her she was just fine as she asked him to fuck her. Without hesitation Codey slipped off her white panties and licked up her sweet pussy juices before sliding his hard cock inside her hot wet tight...

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Cocklust Ch 15

When finals week rolled around, everything around us ground to a halt.  There were no parties on the Row, no meetings for any student groups, and of course, no regular classes.  But at that point, finals were the least of my concerns.  All I could think of was the winter break to come.I kept pulling up my e-mail, where Chad had sent our flight confirmation.  It felt so official to see our full names together in all caps: CHAD MATTHEW COLLINS and SCOTT BRADLEY HARRINGTON.  It was another sign...

Gay Male
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Chrissys New Life 1

Chrissy's New Life Part 1 My name is Christopher Reilly. I woke up early this morning and quickly showered and dressed in my school uniform. I am a freshman at St. Mark's Academy for Boys in Los Angeles, and, although my studies are progressing nicely, I am still homesick. It was November, and I have been away from home for over two months. I have always been an excellent student in grammar school and, from my earliest years, I have been something of a teacher's pet to the nuns at St....

3 years ago
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Lois Griffin in Trouble

Lois Griffin sat on the edge of the bed. Her wrists had been tied very tightly together behind her back, her ankles lashed together and she was gagged securely with a red ball gag that forced her mouth open. Apart from snug little string bikini panties, she was naked. Her husband, Peter, was in the en-suite bathroom gargling after brushing his teeth.Their children, Meg, Chris and baby Stewie, had been sent to Lois’s parents for the weekend. Brian was on a writers’ retreat. It was just Peter and...

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Days Of Passion 8211 A Journey Of Wild Sex Encounters

Hi guys I am Chetan 25 years old practicing lawyer from Bangalore. Average built about 5’10 tall. The incident that I am describing here took place 4 years back in the second year of my college. Our college was located on the outskirts of the city in the lap of the forests and surrounded by an artificial lake giving it the most scenic setting for college. Being a partially- residential university 70% of its students stayed on the campus itself. It was the month of November when the early winter...

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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

Group Sex
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Child MagusChapter 18

I hadn't discussed getting back to my apartment with anyone, so I planned on walking. At the corner of South Nedderman and Cooper, I was waiting for the crosswalk light when I heard someone honk and call my name. I looked and found Jordan waving at me from the parking lot just south of Davis Hall. She was in a body hugging pale yellow dress that dipped low enough in front to show her blue and white bra. The hem of the skirt stopped halfway down her thighs and she wore knee-high leather...

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ExxxtraSmall Lola Fae Fuck It In The Bucket

Lola Fae is a sexy, tiny little girl. Shes so slim and slender, she even fits in a bucket! When our dude shows up, he manhandles her like a rag doll, easily picking her up and hoisting her up over his head. He throws her over his shoulder and carries her into the bedroom where he whips out his monster cock, to her absolute delight. He fucks her right out of the bucket she came in, ramming his big uncut cock inside her tiny pink pussy. He fucks her from every angle he can come up with,...

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Midnight Express to Savior

Why is she looking at me? Can she tell? Can she see through my coat and know what I wear beneath it? No, it's impossible. But is it? Gosh I sure hope it's my imagination. But there she did it again. Yes I am sure of it now. She's judging me, I just know it. What makes her so much better? That she can sit smugly in an empty subway car looking down at me. I'm just as good as she is! No, not really. She's a Nun, a woman of the faith. Still how can she tell I just got off work? Is...

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SexAndSubmission Avi Love I Love My Double A8217s

When Derrick Pierce sets out to cure himself of his big tits porn addiction, Double-A Avi Love becomes the target for his obsession. While Avi is admiring her tits in the mirror Mr Pierce pays a visit and convinces her to check out a great opportunity on a new technology for breast augmentation. She likes her little titties and doesn’t want to make them bigger but agrees to go and at least listen to the presentation because maybe one day she might want to get a boob job. Oh but sweet and...

2 years ago
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I fucked a MILF in a wheelchair

I was a grad student at Valdosta State University a few years ago and I used to see a M.I.L.F. in a wheelchair that was mid 40ish and very good looking. She had a really nice rack on her! I made a point of running into her a number of times around campus so I could talk to her. I discovered she worked for VSU and was not a student. She was divorced and had k**s grown and out of the house. I told her I liked to hang out at Bungelow's, a local college bar, and sure enough one night I saw her come...

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my sistersex slave emily

Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emily's house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o'clock. After dinner Emily said she was going to take a shower and for me to pick out a movie for us to watch when she finished. So while she was in the shower I went into her bedroom and put on a hardcore porn movie that I had brought with me then called my friends and told them to come over my sister's house to help me...

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After the Shooting

After the Shootingby VO After the shooting absolute petrified silence.She had been pushing her way past Stephan through the open door into the corridor when it happened. He just swung round, pulled a gun out and shot her in the head! She collapsed half in, half out of the room. He pushed the door shut, sweeping the whole of her out into the corridor.Then, swinging round again and glaring at us like a searchlight: "Now - understand?"We did. Nobody moved."You do as told, and you do quickly."...

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His Mothers Hair Part II E

His Mother's Hair, Part II E By Melissa Anne Curling Author's note: In the following few paragraphs, the stage is set for the next installment of Wendy's story. After that, there is a vivid description of a lovemaking session between Madge and Nancy. If you aren't inclined to enjoy a scene like that, go to 'Edit' in your browser menu and do a 'Find' for the word kitchen (just the word, no underline or punctuation). That should take you to where the story picks up after their love...

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ReturnChapter 10

Next day was Friday, forgetting to turn on my alarm, I woke up late. It was past 9 am. The flat was empty Mario must have taken the bus to college. Making myself, coffee had a few sips to wake me up then I jumped into the shower. Quickly got dressed then left for the gym. On locking my front door, I heard a voice behind me. “Hi, stranger.” It was Vicky. “Hi Vicky, long time no see, what are you up to,” I said. “Got the day off, going to do some shopping, I need to get out of the...

3 years ago
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Joans Week as a Motel Slut

Introduction: A young couples week away turns out provide much more than expected This story is all fiction. I hope some readers will find it enjoyable. Your feedback and observations are most welcome and help provide ideas for future storylines. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– SUNDAY Joan lay in the reclined passenger seat of their car as it cruised down the highway. Her shorts lay on the floorboard and her pale green cotton blouse was open exposing her...

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Slow Pump

I’m not sure what was more depressing — having to work on the summer holiday while the family was off having fun, or watching a big chunk of the bonus money I earned go right into the gas tank of my decade-old Subaru. I pulled into the service station on the opposite side of the pumps from a beat-up Ford Taurus. Duct tape was holding part of the fender together. I guess my car isn’t so bad, I thought to myself. As I was about to swipe my credit card at the pump, I saw a slender blond in short...

1 year ago
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The PsychicChapter 4 Going Home

San Francisco Memorial Hospital Victor Lidia backed away from the apparition in fear and then turned and ran into the bathroom. When the door closed, the apparition started laughing and then looked at the two policemen. "Leave my children alone, or I will be back for you!" she said and vanished. "What the fuck was that?" Officer James Betman asked. "I don't know, but I think we should do what it wants. I would hate to have it come back," Victor replied as he sat up in his bed. "I...

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After many drinks flowed and the three were well acquainted Lois made the suggestion they all go back to hairs, her house was empty after all, her mum and step dad were away for the weekend. The taxi ride home proved to be the starters for their evening. Ryan’s tongue swapped between both Lois and Robyn’s the girl’s hands rubbing up his broad legs, getting closer and closer to his raging hard on. When they arrived at Lois’ house, the girls led Ryan upstairs. They tied his hands to the head...

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The Travel Agency

The Travel Agency By Morpheus A dented old Ford Explorer pulled up alongside the curb, barely stopping before the doors started to open up. Several seconds later, all five of the college students inside were standing around on the sidewalk, staring at the building in front of them. The front of the building had glass windows, with a large sign that simply said 'Travel Agency' above them. Pictures of famous cities, landmarks and exotic locations filled the windows, along with...

2 years ago
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lovely bhabhi

)Hi this is oorja. I’m 26 yrs young and single guy. I’m 5’9” tall fair in complexion and gud looking. I’ll not boast abt my body but it is average built. I stay at punjab with my parents and sister. We have a family in our neighbourhood with whom we have family like relations. There were uncleji, auntyji, inderpal bhaiya, baby didi and sukhi bhaiya. They have one more house at chandigarh. As uncle ji and inderpal bhaiya were working at chandigarh so they were staying there and come to patiala...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 366

Statements from the past... Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement... - Mark Twain The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible - George Burns Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. - Victor Borge Be careful about...

2 years ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 10

Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of. – 5 – The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they’d met but I didn’t think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn’t think they’d ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they...

4 years ago
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Dinner at the Athelstan Part 3

The envelope Judith had given me contained £500 for me and £200 for Sam and that was a first. Sam was delighted. When you consider that was merely a gift and not our fee we were particularly pleased and resolved to have a bottle of champagne to celebrate. The following day I went shopping for food and wine while Sam escorted another of the agency whores during the morning. I intended to make her a decent meal for us to share with our bubbles but it was not to be. She came round to my flat (we...

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Luscious Hentai

At (, you can choose from a massive selection of both real-life fuck flicks and drawn pornography, and they both delve into some of the nastiest, most perverse fetishes you can imagine. It doesn’t matter whether you’re up for some good old-fashioned lesbian strap-on sex, or if you’d prefer seeing a skinny, wimpy anime protagonist fuck his way through all of his female classmates and teachers in just a few episodes. has both real and imaginary porn covered,...

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Tzars Ring 8 Amanda

The following day was pretty much the usual series of events, this happened every time after one of the sex parties. Lucy dropped statements about how sore she was from being fucked by Michael's huge cock, how stretched she felt, how great he was. All of this was Lucy seeking to get some response from her husband. But instead of his usual crushed emotions that he would normally portray, he just hummed to himself, making a nice hearty breakfast.He loved porridge, has done since an early age. In...


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