The End of the Road
- 3 years ago
- 34
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It had snowed several times, once for two days. The trading post was built into the side of a ridge. Since we were close we decide to go during the day. As we came closer I saw a large vehicle with a long trailer a little ways from a medium sized flier. I pulled up beside Sarah who had stopped in front of the door.
Julie stopped beside me and grinned as she turned to look at the large vehicle with the trailer, "a snow home, nice."
Sarah snorted as she climbed off her runner, "maybe."
I got off and stretched as a man walked out of the trading post. He looked middle aged and seemed to look a little desperate. He smiled almost too sweetly as he gestured, "beautiful is it not?"
I glanced at the long vehicle, "it might make traveling easier."
He grinned, "I will make a deal with you."
Sarah stepped up beside me, "what deal?"
The man swallowed, "your furs for the snow home."
I was tempted but Sarah snorted. She looked at Julie, "remember uncle Mason?"
Julie nodded and looked at the man, "throw in the trailer after we check it."
He did not even hesitate, "deal!"
I held up my hand, "after we check it and if I like what I see."
He nodded, "of course."
I did not even know what to look for but Sarah and Julie did and started for the home. They walked around it and looked under it past the stands that held it up. They dug into the reactor housing before going inside the home. They even checked the trailer the same way. Julie was shaking her head when she came back, "the anti grav generators on the home are to narrow. First deep snow bank and we will sink like a rock and belly out."
I shrugged and turned, "no deal."
He opened his mouth and Sarah cleared her throat, "throw in everything you have and we will take it."
I turned as Julie looked at her with her mouth open. The man did not hesitate, "DEAL!"
I looked at Sarah as she walked to him and shook his hand. I kept looking at her but she winked and gestured. I sighed and started to help unload all our furs. Julie was tight lipped as the Trader came out and started checking the furs before giving the man a credit chit. He barely hesitated before grabbing his bags from the home and running for the flier.
Sarah grinned and looked at Julie, "all we have to do is recalibrate the feeds and adjust the anti grav generators to a wider base."
Julie blinked and then grinned, "I never thought of that."
She linked arms with me, "why don't you show trader Murphy the cuts of meat we brought and we will fix the home."
I looked at them, "this better work or I will spank both of you."
I turned to the trader who was grinning. He nodded to the flier as it lifted, "Jacob was looking for an easy way to do things so you got an extremely good deal."
I glanced at the flier thinking of the shuttle port when I met Sarah and Julie, "his wives?"
He looked at me before grinning, "you just traded for them."
Sarah and Julie had been talking and stopped to look at him. I slowly turned to look at Sarah and she blushed. I sighed, "where are they?"
He grinned, "in shopping."
I gestured to Sarah, "you go find them and explain."
She looked at Julie who grinned, "silly witch, your deal."
Sarah grinned before turning to walk into the store. I shook my head before turning to the sleds with the meat packed away. The trader looked at what we had before bring out a larger sled. We made a deal and I helped him load the meat. I barely noticed Sarah and Julie as they led the two girls to the home and started working.
I went to the trailer and started checking it. I had to smile because it had a front section that was set aside for cleaning and tanning hides with dozens of sliding racks. It had four times the bots I already had too. The runner in back was in perfect shape but only had three sleds. There were three times as many traps as I had but no snares.
The trailer had adjustable ceiling and floor racks to put the hides and meat. I went into the trader's store and he turned and smiled as two older women grinned at me. I settled down to do the bargaining. I bought another runner and traded a few of my sleds. I also bought almost every snare he had.
Sarah and Julie came in as I finished and linked arms, "Petal and Ivory need a few things. Their ex husband did not bother to make sure they had everything and..."
I waved my hand, "I will load the runners and seven of the sleds. Watch our credit balance."
I nodded to the trader and he followed me out to bring the other runner and take the extra sleds away. He also brought out all the snares with the few items I had purchased. I packed the tent and most of the other stuff away in the trailer in case we needed them. I moved things around and made five kits with the traps and snares, putting each in one sled.
I arranged each runner with two sleds and finally closed up the trailer. Our personal things were gone so the girls must have come out. I went to the snow home and hesitated before opening the door and stepping up in. Sarah and Julie were both naked and grinned before gesturing to the two girls sitting at the small dining table, they were naked to and smiled.
Sarah slipped her arm into mine, "Petal is the one with the reddish blond hair and Ivory is the..."
I snorted, "the other one."
I turned to the front and the pilot seat, "did you finish shopping?"
Julie nodded as I stopped behind her and looked at the fancy navigational consol. She grinned, "that ass was just running with a satellite overview."
I glanced out the front window, "does it have remotes?"
Julie nodded, "three."
I sat in the pilot seat and checked the controls, "did you adjust the anti gravs so we will not end up stuck in a snow bank?"
Sarah put her hands on my shoulder, "yes. We should have a eight meter wide footprint."
I nodded and glanced at Julie, "do you remember my course?"
She grinned, "yes."
I glanced back at the two other girls, "make sure everyone knows how to use the Nav station. Send out the remotes and lets get going."
I started the primary hydrogen reactor and brought the anti gravs online. Once everything settled I checked the trailer readouts and brought its anti gravs alive. I smiled before glancing at the map screen and started driving. Sarah, Petal and Ivory took turns running the nav station using the remotes to pick our course, I stopped as it began to get dark.
I dropped the legs and adjusted them to level the vehicle. I leveled the trailer and set the GSR (Ground surveillance radar) alarm. I brought the two secondary reactors up and shut the primary reactor down. I turned and slid out of the seat and walked back to the dining table. I sighed as I sat across from Petal and Ivory, "okay tell me about yourself."
Julie was cooking and Sarah started helping her. Petal looked at Ivory and smiled before looking at me, "I am fifteen, from down south and wanted ... to leave home. Jacob was a friend of a friend of an uncle. When uncle said he was coming I jumped to accept without ... checking him out."
Ivory was nodding and I looked at her. She grinned, "Petal and I were neighbors and when she told me what she was doing I wanted to go with her."
I sighed and looked at Sarah and Julie, "since we have the home now, you need to start doing your schooling."
I looked at Ivory and Petal, "did you and Jacob have sex much?"
They snorted and Petal shook her head, "Jacob was only good for one shot a day, if he could get it hard."
Sarah and Julie snickered and the two girls looked at them. I smiled and looked at Julie, "have you done a med check on them?"
Sarah grinned back at me, "they have their inhibitors and are clean."
Julie stopped to kiss me, "I even made sure they douched."
I grinned and glanced at the stove, "how long before dinner?"
She pulled me up, "take one to bed and it will be ready when you finish."
Ivory was sitting on the outside and I pulled her up and after me as I walked towards the back and the large bed. She was nervous as I turned at the bed and pulled her around. I sat her down and pushed her back before kneeling and leaning forward between her legs. Petal sat beside Ivory on the bed, "Sarah said you did this."
I smiled as I opened Ivory's pussy and licked through it before nibbling on her inner lips as she moaned and dropped back to the bed. I pushed my tongue into the strawberry favored pussy before covering her clit. I began to lick and tease it with my tongue. Every now and then I would capture her clit and suck on it.
It was not long before she jerked and started shuddering. She stiffened and then spasmed and twisted away, "ooohhhh!"
Petal laughed as Ivory panted and I stood before undressing. They both stared at my hard cock and Ivory whispered, "damn! You are twice as big as Jacob."
I slipped my boots and pants completely off before taking my shirt off. I moved Ivory back on the bed before moving over her and settling between her legs. I kissed her before lifting up and positioning my cock. I pushed and wiggled and forced my cock into her tight pussy. She groaned as I finally pushed in and sighed.
I kissed her before starting to fuck her with short thrusts that gradually pushed my cock deeper. She was grunting and shuddering as I fucked her. Slowly she became slipperier and started lifting and thrusting her hips up. She tossed her head as her pussy grasped and kept squeezing my cock. She stiffened before bucking and jerking around, "FUCK!"
She clung to me as her warm, slippery pussy tried to grab my cock. I fucked her harder, using deep thrusts and grinding against her. I was forcing her womb open and she wailed and kept shuddering almost violently. I thrust into her and held on as I peed and spewed a huge stream of cum. Ivory lifted and spread her legs as she tilted her hips, "YES!"
I pumped and spurted and flooded her womb before stopping. I sighed and kissed her before slowly pulling out, "thanks Ivory, I needed that."
She laughed as Petal giggled and followed me off the bed. Ivory wiped leaking cum from her pussy, "Jacob did not cum that much either."
I shook my head before heading back to the dining area. Sarah and Julie grinned when I came in followed a minute later by the two girls. Dinner was nice as we ate and watched the falling snow outside. Sarah leaned against her sister and whispered, "we get a night off."
I laughed, "I am so going to fuck you awake in the morning."
She grinned as Julie snickered. I sighed and nodded to Petal and Ivory, "tomorrow Petal follows Sarah and Ivory follows Julie. Show them how to set the traps and snares. I saw the three new rifles in the rack by the door. Make sure they are sighted in and can shot them."
Julie grinned, "take your new fuck bunnies to bed and we will clean up."
Ivory and Petal stood quickly, I followed them and stopped beside the bed to reach out and pull Petal back to the edge. Ivory laughed as Petal grinned and spread her legs. I knelt and opened her pussy before leaning in and licking through it. She shivered and I smiled as I pushed my tongue into her and then began to nibble and tease her clit.
When I sucked on her clit, she arched her back and screamed as she squirted. I stood and turned her on the bed before moving between her legs. She was panting as she struggled to fit my cock to her pussy. I pushed and wiggled as I forced my cock into her. Petal shuddered and spread her legs more as she lifted them and I started to fuck her nice and slow.
She was both warm and slippery as her hips lifted to meet mine. It was moments before she was shuddering hard as her pussy grasped and squeezed my cock. She squirted me again as I hit and pushed against her womb, "aaaahhhh!"
She kept jerking and shuddering as I fucked her. She hugged me tight, rubbing her lovely bare breasts against me. It was a couple of minutes before she started to writhe around and buck, "ooohhhh!"
Ivory laughed as I started planting my cock deep in Petal. I pressed and humped and jabbed as I rubbed against her. I fucked her hard and she started kicking as she wailed and convulsed. I buried my throbbing cock hurriedly before gushing into her. Sarah and Julie slipped onto the bed as I continued to pump spurts of warm cum into Petal.
When I stopped cumming she sighed and dropped to the bed panting. Ivory was grinning when I looked at her. I kissed Petal and pulled out before reaching for Ivory and rolling her onto her stomach. Sarah and Julie laughed as they pulled Petal over. Ivory looked back as I lifted her hips and pushed into her cummy pussy.
She shuddered and pushed back as her pussy tightened. I fucked the two girls four time each before I was done and relaxed. They had huge grins on their faces when they went to sleep. I woke to my alarm and had to struggle out of bed and look around to find it. The girls were all stretching on the bed as I grinned and reached for Sarah.
She laughed as I pulled her to the edge of the bed and spread her legs. Julie grinned and kissed her sister before slipping off the bed. Ivory and Petal followed her quickly as I rubbed Sarah's clit before pushing into her. When I finished Sarah ran to the bathroom to pee. I walked around the home and trailer in the thick morning snow to check everything.
I pulled out the five runners and hooked a sled behind each, the sled held traps and snares. When I came in I nodded to the girls in the dining area, "okay, Sarah up the low valley to the west, Julie you go east and I will go north. Petal and Ivory have traps and snares in their sleds too. You girls be careful and keep your trackers on with your radios."
I took my rifle down before going back out to my runner. It took me a few hours to set all my traps and snares. I killed a six Nexal Pigs before I got back to the home. I put the cuts of meat in the cold boxes in the trailer before sliding both sides at the front of the trailer out. It was just the front twelve feet that slid out five feet on each side.
It made the tanning room inside almost twenty feet wide and twelve feet long. I adjusted the work tables before starting. When the girls came back they were red faced and laughing. Sarah and Ivory slipped away as Julie, Petal and I finished tanning the hides. I sent Julie and Petal in when we finished and pulled out the other five sleds.
I opened the door to the smell of fresh bread and wonderful cooking. Sarah and Ivory came to pull me to the bathroom as they stripped me. The shower was big enough for all three of us if barely. After the shower I was pulled into the small living room. Ivory grinned as she straddled me and slowly impaled her tight pussy.
She shuddered as she started rocking and I began caressing her hips. Before long her pussy was grasping and squeezing my cock. She jerked and spasmed erratically as she wailed. The other girls were laughing as Ivory fucked my cock hard. It was only ten minutes before I grunted and shuddered before pulling her hips in and down.
She jerked in surprise as her pussy clenched and squeezed my cock. I started gushing a fountain into her and she gasped, "ooohhhh!"
I pumped and spewed and squirted until I was done and Ivory sighed and leaned against me as she relaxed. I hugged her as her warm pussy spasmed and squeezed my cock. She kissed me a minute later and then lifted up and stood to walk toward the bathroom. Petal took her place on my lap but spread her legs as she sat on my cock slowly.
I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts, "are we taking turns tonight?"
Julie and Sarah grinned and Petal turned to kiss me, "Ivory and I wanted to fuck you once more before Julie and Sarah take over."
I laughed and hugged her as her pussy squeezed my cock, "so they get me the rest of the night?"
She nodded and I tugged on her nipples, "you girls better be careful or I will tie one of you up and just use you."
They laughed and Petal wiggled on my lap before thrusting back and forth. Her pussy rippled and squeezed my cock. She shuddered hard as I rubbed and tugged on her nipples before starting to finger her pussy. She thrust back and forth as she wailed and twisted. I kept kissing her bare shoulder and neck as she jerked and spasmed.
She even wet me a couple of times before she lay back against me panting. I hugged her and she sighed before turning to kiss me and slipping off my lap. Sarah straddled me and slowly pushed my cock into her. She rubbed her breasts against my chest as she began to thrust back and forth. I caressed and felt her hips and butt as she kept fucking me.
Her warm, silky pussy started grasping and squeezing my cock. It was not long before she was jerking and shaking as she moaned. I turned her head and kissed her slowly and passionately. She spasmed hard as her pussy tightened and squeezed my cock as she squirted, "YES!"
I shuddered at the feel of her tight pussy sliding on and off my cock as she rubbed her pussy on me. She was shuddering hard and clutching me against her as she moaned. I held her hips and thrust her back and forth before pulling her down onto my throbbing cock. She was jerking erratically as I held her with my cock jerking against her womb.
I grunted and groaned as I started pumping thick spurts of cum. Sarah stiffened and then jerked as another huge spurt pumped into her, aaaahhhh!"
I spurted again and again until I was done and her womb was full. When I stopped cumming she shuddered and kissed me, "I really love feeling that."
The other girls laughed and she grinned as I hugged her. She slipped off my lap and sat beside me as Julie and Petal started baking bread. Dinner was nice since we had a real stove to cook on and bake in. After dinner I cleaned up as the girls snuggled together on the couch and started watching a new vid they had downloaded from the trader.
When I slipped into bed a little later Julie was the first to join me. She laid beside me and caressed my body, "the home is a lot better than the tent."
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xmoviesforyouIt was just another night when Kira was driving home from her boring job at the hardware store. It was eight o' clock on a Saturday night, and as tired as she was there was no way she was missing her date at the hooka lounge. She had worked a ten hour shift and was ready to have some fun. Recently, her nymphomaniac impairment had only barely been contained by excessive masturbation; but it would never be enough. Kira longed to have a long, hard cock ramming into her tight pussy. She craved...
Hello, my pet. There's been a change of plans. I had to go to the office to meet with a client—and he's made a lot of last-minute changes, which means that I have to stay here for awhile. So I want you to come down here to my office so I can amuse myself with you while I work. Tell the receptionist you're my new assistant—she'll tell you where to find me. Dress appropriately. See you soon... Darn, Jenny thought. She'd been looking forward to having Him come over. She'd put on her...
I heard the doorbell ring and I knew it was Amber… Despite being excited about the prospect of what could happen next, I took my time in the shower. I enjoyed the warm water raining down on me. I soaped and washed my body. I lingered on my ass and cock; I wanted to be sure they both were clean for what could come later. I finished up and dried off before I realized I did not bring a change of clothes with me. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to John’s room.I found the room empty...
BisexualBend me, shape me, the ride home. By Vonya Lee All of a sudden I realize I haven't got a clue about what I should do next ... I feel funny, kind of sheepish. I've never been in this situation before. Do I climb back into bed? That could be a mistake. Should I round up my things and go? I know I often appreciated girls who would leave early. God I wish Todd were here. He'd know what to do, proud slut that he is. Maybe I could get my cell phone ... I...
A Female Sexual Story You Must Read The title does not allow you the pleasure to describe the loss of your virginity, nor does age allow you the scope or breadth of descriptive prose to fully say what it is like to feel a man's cock enter you, the parting of that thin line that forms your girlish pussy, from which you pee, as you squat to do so. When that thin line parts it displays another set of pinkish sensitivity, a small clitoris that makes you touch yourself discretely, or the more...
Joe and I went to a swing club one Sunday afternoon and were lounging near the pool. I hadn’t seen anyone I was interested in, and Joe was content after he’d fucked and feasted on the fat juicy pussy of a 50+ year old hot Black woman who had been eyeballing him. We were getting ready to leave; I wanted to go home to smell his face and lick it as he told me about how her pussy looked, felt, and tasted. As we began to get up, all heads turned to the direction of the gate. In walked the...
Female Masturbation, Japanese Style Female Masturbation, Japanese StyleBy PoweroneCopyright 2006 This story is inspired by a series of Japanese videos titled ?Female Sexual Esthetique.? ??????????? Eriko had always been close to her Grandmother, who had spoken at length about her life in Japan until she died last year.? Eriko was amazed at the stories her grandmother told, things that her mother would never even mention.? During her grandmother?s life, the sexual norms in Japan...
Black and White By: Light Clark Synopsis: Alyssa and Noah had been friends ever since they were kids, but high school was complicating that. She was one of the popular girls, and he was a 'nerd'. Unfortunately for the two of them, things only got more complicated from there. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe; just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is certainly not canon. Note:...
In the games room of his parent's house, Justin fucked the grown woman on the pool table like shown in many erotic XXX movies. Jenn whimpered and sobbed from the violent convulsions rocking her slender body. Her pussy milked the cock and her hips thrusted madly to satisfy her boy lover. "Can you feel my cock deep inside your cunt," Justin asked and Jenn rolled her head from side to side in protest. How could she answer the boy and tell him her womanly body was succumbing to his masterful...
"What's next on the agenda, Carol," Dr. Cameron Fixx asked his nurse, "nothing tough I hope!?!" "No such luck," she said with a laugh, "we have a woman in the waiting room with what we think is and impacted wisdom tooth!!!" "Do we have a file on her already," the doctor asked!?! "Nope, brand new patient," Carol replied, "she just moved into town and says she hasn't seen a dentist in over ten years, and I think I can see why, she's scared to death!!!" "How old is she,...
Hi there and I am a regular visitor of this site though my interest lies mainly in the incest stories. I am an good looking guy with an average body staying in thane and I won’t make false comments like others. This story has an inspiration from someone’s true story trying to pin down for you people. Any girls/aunts interested to be in touch please drop me an email on This incident has happened between me and my cousin’s wife. The names in the story are changed. It was the year 2008 when I had...
IncestWednesday, November 8, 2028... Victor Charles, Harry Slaughter, and I were in one of Charles & Associates’ small conference rooms. We were ready to discuss what needed to be done to set up my collaboration, so Vic and Harry could present a successful defense when the collaboration was sued. Vic said, “I’ve briefed Harry on what we discussed last Friday, Carl. He and I have several suggestions on how you should structure these five businesses. During our last meeting, I said we would...
Astrid cast her eyes on her axe before looking back to Toothless. He simply lay there waiting and accepting his fate. She could bring her axe down and end his life. End the life of her Hiccups guardian, first and best friend. If Toothless had shown himself the day after her ****, his blood would already be seeping across the floor. Today, however, she was conflicted. What she said to Hiccup was true she loved this b**st. Hiccups stuttered suggestion ran through her head and she had to focus to...
So there i was in just my heels tiny skirt and jacket my D size tittys were trying to bust out and also covered in spunk! so I walked but into the woodland to find the two boys and an older guy wanking into my red pantys that i gave them ! thay all took turns cumming on them red thong with cream all over them! can i put them back on now i asked ! fuck yea said the older guy! my thong was still warm with there cum as i slipped them back on omg very wet too i pulled my skirt back down and off i...
She's so fucking beautiful, amber eyes wild as she struggles naked on her marital bed against the silk scarf that secures her wrists. Her breath snorts hot against the hand I've clamped across her mouth, the phone in my other.The call connects. "Oh hi, this is Leah's... husband." I flick my gaze down to meet hers, flashing with anger. "Sorry to bother you so early, but she won't be coming into work today." I listen a moment. "Oh no, she's just-" I'd love to say something sassy like...
CheatingThis a true story of the first blow job I ever got. My mom and dad got a divorce when I was very young. Until I was 9 I lived with my mom, then I moved to my dads. My dad happened to live with his evil tweeker girlfriend, the only thing she ever provided was a hot daughter who was the same age as me. Her k**s never lived with us but visvisited every other weekend. By the time we were 13 she started puberty and began to grow very nice tits and ass. Being mature our parents decided it...
Lou lay half propped on one elbow and continued to quench his thirst. Taking water in small draughts from his cupped palm, savoring every drop of moisture, he studied the skittish young woman sitting at the cook fire. She sure was a pretty young thing. Auburn hair was piled in haphazard disarray above a face with delicate features, a pert little nose, brown eyes with a touch of green to them, and a complexion like fresh cream; smooth and soft. It was a gentle face. A might dirty one at the...
Josh Raines was less than thrilled to go to a party thrown by his fathers boss. To his mind it was part of continuing conspiracy by his parents to drive him completly insane through boredom. "Now Josh be sure to mind your manners. This man does pay the bills." His father said lightly and got out of the car. Josh and his mother both followed. Walking toward the impressive three story stone house ahead of them. Josh whistled as he looked the place over, someone sank some money into this place....
Hi! It is Ravi. I am back with another real erotic incident. Enjoy the story that I am going to narrate. I shifted to my friend’s apartment leaving my cousin’s flat where I fucked his wife nicely. I settled there well. One evening while returning from an interview, I saw a beautiful Marwadi lady with a kid on the stairs. At First glance I could not make out that she was the mother of a child and around 27 years old! She was wearing jeans & top and had fabulous figure. Anyway since now, I just...
Princess Yasmine By Princess Ali had never seen such a display of power in his entire life. He was the young Crown Prince of his fathers Kingdom. His father was King Abdullah Aziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia, and the Commander of the armed forces of the Kingdom. His father had invited his eldest children to watch the years annual military parade in celebration of Eid Ul Fitr. The young prince admired his father. He loved his father more than anything else. While at times, the...
Tyler had a crush on Whitney when they were in high school. Now that their parents are married, Whitney loves walking around the house in booty shorts to tease the shy Tyler. She finally corners him in the living room and asks why he never asked her out in high school. She tells him he’d be surprised what women would agree to, if he only had the balls to make a move. He kisses her. This isn’t enough to impress Whitney. She challenges Tyler by telling him that, in her experience, shy guys are...
xmoviesforyouKAY`S SECOND PRESENTATION TO JACK.BEFORE! As you all know by now kay loves to be used, and has recently had a first visit to the masterful Jack, details of which are in my story’s (385/6 and7) and are 99% true only small details have been changed to protect ID and locations which will be the same in any story you read of this lady. I personally am her scribe, I get nothing from it except the excitement as you do and as a bonus, her friendship and odd pictures of the lady which confirm the...
Davey lead Robbin to his bunk and looked at her. Damn, she was a cute girl. With the long brown hair, and the big brown eyes, she radiated innocence. But her air made him wonder. Robbin reached down and hooked Davey’s belt loops and pulled his to her. She kissed him square on the lips, hard and fierce, her kiss full of lust. Her tongue forced its way into his mouth, intertwining with his. She pulled her head back, sucking on his lip, toying with the ring there. Davey wrapped his arms around her...
Hey buddies this is sandy here again back with another story, writing after quiet long time, well, i got good response for my last story “twist of my life….” so i just wanna thank u guys and for your compliments and for enlightening me to write more stories. I think the readers know about myself as i wrote in last story, anyhow i will tell about meto the new readers of the story, i am sandy, a cool guy with tall dark and innocent natured studying b,com myself in bijapur district of karnataka,...
IncestHave you ever heard the saying two is better than one? It’s not ALWAYS applicable, for instance two years in prison is NEVER better than one… unless you’re into that kind of thing. But in the case of this couch, two is definitely better than one. This week we’ve got Angeline and Sophie, and before I go any further I’ll preface by saying this is a FUCKING EPIC SCENE, we’ve got an hour and thirty eight minutes of debauchery. If you’re not into long...
xmoviesforyouHis smile was wide as he made his way down the hall to his room. He heard his mother showering and going through her processes for bed. His dad just gave a halfhearted hello as he walked past their bedroom door. His dad was busy watching TV. Tim turned on the overhead light as he entered his room and immediately closed and locked the door. He quickly blew a kiss to Cindy on the wall, sat down at the desk, and was taking off his shoes when his mom knocked. Tim unlocked the door. “Hey, I...
At Hands On Hardcore we can never get enough of glamour porn sex goddess Rebecca Volpetti and today we invited the Romanian hunny into the studio to have a nude portrait painted of her stunning body by the multi-talented sex artist, Mugur. Well, we know from previous experience that Miss Volpetti has an insatiable appetite for sex and after she strips out of her mini-skirt and down to just her panties, the curvy assed all-natural beauty tells Mugur that she really just wants to fuck him for the...
xmoviesforyouLara held my hand as we stood in the currents of the Roe, watching the flow of life as this playful tendril of the sea wound her way around and through us. Each little splash measured one more instant of being together with my sister, little moments that when placed end to end added up to simple perfection. Because the hours that recently passed had been just that: a complete surrender of any fear of each other. Our deeds and misdeeds were starting to come out now, weighed and reckoned, then...