KellyChapter 23 free porn video

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While Kelly and Laura and Todd had been upstairs fooling around, Cara and Ami were getting used to the equipment.

"I understand a lot more of what Todd is going to be looking for," said Ami.

"What's that, Sweetheart?" asked Cara.

"Well, as unglamorous as it may sound," Ami said, "we're just bodies to show off the uniforms. I'll grant you that we are beautiful bodies but the company is not selling us, it wants to sell uniforms and even all this equipment is just props to make the uniforms look good. I think we can save Todd a lot of time and money by working on poses that show the costumes off and how they're better than what the schools and the teams are using now."

"Hey, I just realized - I don't have to pull the costume down over my cheeks as often!" Cara exclaimed.

"You know, I hadn't even realized that, I just thought it was a better fit. Anyways, what we need are positions that show off the costumes."

Cara nodded slowly. "I think I understand. Large body poses instead of tight ones."

"That's the idea, Cara."

"Like an inverted stand on the bars, maybe spread eagle on the vault. Full body flips on the mats," Cara said.

"Yeah, you got it! We should look at all of our stuff and pick the ones that would expose our bodies, or the outfits the most. Some short routines, maybe one minute max on any piece, and change as fast as we can and do it again."

"Well," said Cara. "It's not like we have to run to the change room to switch outfits," she laughed. Todd has seen us in all our glory more than once now."

"That's what I was thinking, too," said Ami. If we do six outfits in an hour, between the two of us that means neither one of us will be doing more than 3 minutes on the equipment in an hour."

"Which means we could easily do four hours in a day," said Cara nodding enthusiastically. "God, I'm glad you started learning photography! This will make it so easy, nothing like camp or tryouts or competition. We'll barely raise a sweat!"

"That's the beauty of it," said Ami. "We do what we need to get the right poses for Todd, have lunch and a shower and we should be able to do the entire thing in one day!"

"Do you think they'll send us home early if we finish it so quick?" asked Cara.

"I doubt it," said Ami, "but let's ask. I know that Kelly loves what you do for her with your magic massaging fingers, and Todd said I'm his apprentice. I doubt they'll want us to leave until we really have to."

"That's something else I've been thinking about," said Ami. "Why can't we get our remaining class room hours here? I love my folks, but not being in gymnastics any more... there's nothing left for me in Laurel Canyon except my family. You and Erin were the only friends I ever had, and Erin is moving on. She might get lucky and make it to the next Olympics. With her new routine, she'll at least go to Worlds."

"Yeah, and I don't really want to go back to sleeping by myself either, Ami. I love you too much. I want us to be together. It just wouldn't work out back home."

"Let's get to work on figuring out what moves will suit Todd the best," said Ami. "Get showered up and changed before Vanetta's boyfriend shows up and then we can talk to Kelly and Todd about it tonight."

Vanetta had been real busy on the phones since the three lovers had gone upstairs. It felt so strange. In one afternoon, her entire world had been turned upside down. All great news, and then Todd had dropped his bombshell. What if he didn't approve of Bobby? What would she do then? Part of her brain wished she could figure Todd out. It was exactly like she had told Bobby. Todd is a real deep pool. It looks inviting on the surface, but you have no idea what lies below. It had never failed to amaze her how he had taken to her mother and her brother. She knew that Todd was totally colorblind when it came to race, but she had no idea how he would take to mixed races. Vanetta realized that in all the years she had known him, she actually knew very little about him. Maybe that was what made her nervous.

But it didn't keep her from working the phones. The body lotion company was thrilled to be invited to be part of the package, and was willing to not only sponsor 16 months worth of ads, but would supply samples via any reputable magazine and their web site. This would help raise their exposure in the North American market tremendously.

And then she had rung Jorge.

"Jorge, how are you!"

"Vanetta, darling, it's wonderful to hear your voice!" he laughed. "I have been talking only to Kelly, lately! You have been on vacation, no?"

"No, Jorge, I haven't been on vacation! Kelly wanted to handle Laura herself" -'and how!' she thought - "and I have been busy doing oth..."

"Oh Vanetta!" he interrupted in a worried voice, "you're not telling that the beautiful Laura..."

"No, Jorge, no! It's all right, Jorge! No, I am calling to tell you something that nobody else knows yet, Jorge. And Jorge," she added in a confidential voice, "I'm telling you this because you are such a good friend to Kelly and Todd and the company. And Kelly doesn't know I'm telling you, so please keep it quiet until it is announced."

"Oh ho!" he chortled, "A secret! I am good at secrets, Vanetta, you know that!"

'Only when it suits you, ' Vanetta thought. "Jorge, there are two parts to this secret. First, Kelly is pregnant!"

"WONDERFUL!" he bellowed, "Wonderful news! Oh just wait until I tell... Ohhh, Vanetta, you tell me this is a secret, no?"

"Just for a little while, Jorge, until she makes the announcement, probably week after next." Vanetta was sure that Kelly would be announcing it at the company picnic.

"Very well, Vanetta, but will be hard, oh what wonderful news! And the father Vanetta, who is father of her baby?"

"Todd is the proud new Daddy, Jorge!"

"Ohhh, wonderful news, wonderful news! About time they had family!"

"They're very happy too, Jorge, but please don't tell anyone until after the announcement."

"Oh no, Vanetta, I don't tell anybody until you tell me."

"Now Jorge, the other part of the secret. Kelly is doing a photo journal of her pregnancy, and it will appear in a national or international magazine every month for at least a year, perhaps longer."

"Yes?" Jorge sounded a little baffled. How did this mean something to him?

"And she will be endorsing and be photographed with a select range of products that she already uses, and will be using during and after her pregnancy. And Jorge, you know she already loves and wears your designs."

"Aahhh!" he said, understanding.

"But Jorge, you don't have a line in maternity wear!"


"And, Jorge, she will be getting bigger in three months or so! Not long!"

"And Todd, he will be taking the pictures?"

"Jorge, Todd will personally approve every photo released for publication. Would you expect anything less?"

"Oh dear, could be very expensive! Which magazine gets this story?"

Vanetta laughed. "Jorge, we haven't decided yet, but it will be one where we can tell them the advertisers they'll use, and I'm setting the prices. If you want to use your normal line, we can do that. If you consider a maternity line, you could use the pictures in a special maternity catalog too, and we can work that into the price."

"Ah, Vanetta, you have any other models pregnant?"

Vanetta felt like she'd been sandbagged. What an idea! TKO's models usually 'retired' while they were having babies, and with over two hundred models on their books, it was guaranteed that there were at least four or five pregnant at any one time.

"Jorge, I'm sure we have two or three ladies pregnant right now, and if you give me an hour I can tell you who. But I will have to check with them if they're willing to model."

"That's okay, you find out and tell me. We can do catalog with four models, six is better. Especially if you get me ladies different ahh... months?"

"I can do that, Jorge. So, you tell me, you are seriously considering the maternity line?"

"Oh ho yes, Vanetta, I have three ideas already! You put down into words, no, and send it to me. We see if I can make new line in two months!"

And that was the way that the next hour went. Vanetta would call agencies and companies that made products Kelly used. From her makeup to her panties to her nylons, companies that made the shampoo that Kelly favored to the vitamin company that made the bulk of her supplements. Each call started basically the same way. Vanetta would verify that the person she was talking to remembered Kelly when she was modeling and then announce that she was pregnant and putting together a complete package deal for a specialty motherhood magazine. No, she wasn't sure which one yet, but was just putting out feelers, especially to those companies that Kelly favored.

Panties, nylons, shoes, they all agreed quickly, with the vitamin company being the most enthusiastic. It was rare that a top model admitted to taking vitamins, and this would help their sales a lot. 16 months of exposure, and with a face like Kelly's, it was sure to pay off for them.

Her thoughts drifted back to Todd. What did she really know about him? He never discussed his family or where he had come from. To Vanetta, he was an enigma. She knew that he belonged to MENSA, though he never mentioned them, or attended any meetings. She knew that Todd avoided public places and people in general if he wasn't behind a camera, and that he had turned down more work for major magazines than most photographers would see in a lifetime. Then she had a thought.

Vanetta knew firsthand who made the film that Todd used, and called the president of the company. Sure, he knew who Todd Ayres was. Doing a special 16-month feature on a top model? Which photography magazine?

Vanetta almost fell off her chair. A photography magazine of course! Todd hadn't decided, she explained, but this would be a double. One magazine that Kelly would pick, and a specialty photography magazine that would have the story of the shoot itself.

Sure! They were willing to toss in 100 grand just to have the name of their film listed below his name in the credits section. Send them a contract.

Wow. Vanetta was blown away. She hadn't thought of pushing Todd's role in this but her next call was to Hasselblad's American distributor. Todd Ayres? Yep, not only did they know him, but had wanted him to be a spokesperson for them. He said he was too shy. A 16-month feature on Kelly Jennsen? How much for a "Camera by" line?

Vanetta said, "throw out a price. You realize he only uses Blads, right?"

That call ended with a promise of a brand new camera and another 100 grand.

Vanetta was so flushed with the excitement of the past hour she had completely forgotten what was waiting for her. It hit home when the doorbell rang. She hadn't even realized the time. It was 6 o'clock. With a sigh, she hung up the phone and feeling like a condemned prisoner, walked to answer the door.

Bobby waited outside the door, holding two bottles of wine. He had thought of bringing flowers, but at the last minute he remembered something Netta had said about models and cut flowers.

For a long time, Bobby had felt jealous of Todd. The way that Netta spoke about him, and that look she got in her eyes when talking about working for him and Kelly, but over time, that had changed. As he had become more and more intimate with Netta, he realized what he had mistaken for unbridled passion for Todd, was in fact a deep respectful affection. Bobby was good with computers, and though he never said anything to Vanetta, he had researched all he could on Todd Ayres. He seemed to have surfaced about 11 years ago as a photographer, but there was no prior history on him at all. The only way that this could be, based on his research, was that Todd had changed his name. His first thought was that Todd had been a convicted juvenile offender of some serious crime that had kept him in a state run institution, but as he learned more about Todd's swift rise in the fashion world, he discounted this possibility. He had to have started as a photographer in the publishing world a long time before.

Months of speculation about Todd ended with no results. It was obvious that Todd had his reasons and as he learned more about his involvement in helping Vanetta and her mother and brother obtain citizenship, he worried less and less. Over time, Netta had let it slip that Todd and Kelly paid for her schooling. Todd and Kelly had funded Delton's business, and unbeknownst to the vast majority of the people who lived in Charlotte, Todd, and Kelly sponsored many youth programs, most often not receiving any credit for the money they so freely handed out. They were quiet philanthropists.

During his research on Kelly, he had found many photographs, but they did not describe her personality. She was a beautiful woman, there was no doubt about that, but that, and what Netta had told him about her, was the extent of his knowledge. He chuckled. He knew more about Laura than he did of Todd or Kelly. He had been looking forward to this face-to-face meeting for a long time, and had been disappointed when Vanetta had turned down the invitation for dinner with them when they heard the news of Kelly's pregnancy. Vanetta had finally relented and said they would go together to the company's fifth annual picnic at Carowinds. Then out of the blue, without warning, Todd had asked Netta to invite him over for supper.

Robert was a bit nervous. His only assurance during all his time of wondering had come from Gloria, who, when asked one day when Netta wasn't home yet, had been told, "Dey be good people, Mister Todd and Kelly. Don 'ye be frettin yo self 'bout dem, or 'bout Mister Todd and my baby girl. Dey's no anky panky. You wait, you see, then evry ting be ari."

And then Vanetta dropped the bombshell that Todd had known for some time that he and Netta had been sleeping together in his studio, but had never mentioned it, not even to Kelly who they thought was the only one who knew.

Cara and Ami had heard the doorbell ring as they were drying each other off after a quick shower.

"I used to be worried about my hands and all the calluses," said Ami, but after what I saw in the pictures of us, it barely shows at all. That lotion the lady from the hair salon gave us has taken the darkness out of them, and while I wouldn't mind getting another work over with that stone they used on our feet, they aren't as bad as they were a month ago."

"I know," said Cara. "I've been watching the changes as well. In a few months it'll be hard to tell we were once contenders for the Olympic team."

Ami laughed. "You're such a dreamer, Cara," she said. "We would have made it to Worlds this year, but fate was against us. Maybe if we had won at Worlds, then you can say Olympic hopefuls, but me, I'm glad it's over."

"Must you be such a spoil sport, Ami?" Cara snapped. "I want to remember that part of my life as a nearly could have been."

"I'm sorry, Cara. Don't you see though? We got out of it lucky. No serious injuries, some medals to show off, and we look prime!" Ami yanked the towel away from Cara. "Look at you! There's not an ounce of fat on you anywhere. If we do what Kelly says, you can keep that shape all your life!"

Cara relaxed and pulled Ami's towel off. "You ain't just chopped liver yourself, lover!" she said. "But I wonder if it was all worth it. You're right, of course. We've got a head start on everything in life and getting out with the medals we have will open some doors that would never be open to ordinary kids. I sure didn't want some of those serious injuries we saw that other gymnasts had. Now come on. We've got to get dressed."

"You're not going to dry your hair?" Ami asked.

"It's dry enough. I'll just comb it back."

They slipped into their T-shirts and shorts and padded out to meet Vanetta's boyfriend.

Laura slipped on panties and a T. Thought about it for a minute and then decided to put shorts on, but she was leaving the bra off.

Kelly saw Laura putting on shorts and realized that they didn't want to scare Robert off, so she put some on as well, wondering what Cara and Ami would be wearing!

Todd was still talking as he slipped into a fresh set of scrubs. "I've got it all figured out in my head," he said, "but I need somebody to put it all together for me."

"And you figure that Robert's the one for the job?" Kelly asked.


"How did you come to that conclusion?"

Todd smiled. "Robert Payne. Graduated last semester. Qualified to teach business courses to high school seniors, can't land a job. He's been working part time at a realty office downtown doing their bookwork. A really smart guy. Graduated in the top 5 percent of his class, and could go on to earn his PhD. He's considered too young to be taken seriously as a teacher by students. His mother is a teacher as well, and his father is an editor for the North Carolina Nation. And," he added with a smile, "he loves Vanetta!"

Laura stopped and turned to look at Todd. "How in the hell did you know all that? Have you met him?"

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Mark was just returning from the gym as his phone was ringing. "You're up early," she said in a cheerful voice. "What do you mean early? Heck, I did my morning workout for thirty minutes and then ran five miles. Are you just now getting up yourself?" "Nope, been up since sun up. Couldn't sleep. End of school, you know. Don't want to waste vacation, although I do have to go in and finish up some stuff in my room for a while one day this week." "So, what's up?" "Well, I tried...

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Disciplining Sheenas Tongue

I first thought of placing a personal add. I was never really fully happy with computers and I am suspicious of the Internet I am looking for a certain kind of girl. Maybe that girl is you? I am looking for a girl who would like to fulfil a role in a play of sorts Maybe you haven’t played a role before? If you are interested read on Time is a funny thing I was thinking if I was to write a play and you read it? You might play the heroine I couldn’t decide what I wanted to be? I...

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Black Male Genius

A lot of people in this world are prejudiced. There are White men and White women who hate Black men and Black women. There are Black men and Black women who hate their White counterparts. Straight men and straight women who hate gay people. Yes, many women hate gays. Homophobic women do exist. Homophobia isn’t a uniquely male problem. And there are gay people out there who hate straight people. Hell, many gays and lesbians hate themselves. Pretty people hate ugly people and vice versa....

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“I was thinking along the lines of four concerts of music and singing, four shows, or Broadway concerts and four premier acts every ninety days starting the first week of September. December would be just the GSS doing winter/Christmas music, with January, February and March being available for Premier acts. April could be another school coming in to use the facility and May could be another Broadway show of us, or a traveling Off-Broadway show, with the place dark for our Summer...

2 years ago
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My horny neighbors daughter part one

I had a very uneven family two guys, me and my dad vs four girls, my mom and three younger sisters. I had no safe place expect my bedroom which was the attic, I moved up there to be free from my sisters. Our ages varied from me being s*******n years old; Sarah, the youngest being ten; Ana, the middle one of the sisters was twelve; and Emily, the oldest sister was sixteen.Not too long age we got a new neighbor. I wasn't too concerned being that I liked being in my room 24/7 but my parents wanted...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part II

Next morning at breakfast table I told both of them to take care that Sonia do not get pregnant. “Don’t worry, I am not at all unhappy or angry…” I patted girl… “You can have him as much you wish…we both can share young man. ” No hard feelings from my side. I got ready and went to bus stand. I ignored Vinay who was waiting for me and I boarded bus. Driver smiled seeing me but conductor gave me an angry look. “Madam , jagah nahi hai….” He said without looking at me. “Mere liye jagah nahi to...

3 years ago
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Casino du RoturierChapter 2

The long wait on the casino stage gave Alex Adams time to reflect on the extraordinary events of the last few days. He and Julie were completely exhausted by the time their wedding ceremony was over. Thanks mostly to their relatives, the blessed event had transformed itself into a nightmarish ordeal despite the young couple's joy in finally being wedded. "I am completely pooped," Alex exclaimed as he snuggled into the fragrant leather seat of their limousine headed for the...

1 year ago
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Stepmom Stacy

Step-Mom This isn't my step-mom, Stacy, but she looks like her...Just setting the stage... She raised me since I was younger than I can remember...Her name is Stacy, but since she raised me from infant/toddler - I always call her "Mom." Just saying this because xHamster might ban this if I just say it's my mother... So I was on Thanksgiving break from college. Since I, along with some of my buddies, were home from college, we decided it would be good idea to go out on Wednesday (the day before...

4 years ago
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My Best mate Dan Chptrs 2 3

Sure enough next morning Dan appeared. “Ready sleepy head” she hollered. Quick as a flash I was on my bike and racing after her. We raced all the way there, both panting, out of breath as we discarded our bikes and resumed our spot, from yesterday. I couldn’t help but notice Dan’s chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. Dan noticed me staring, perhaps it was the drool seeping out the corner of my mouth that gave it away. “There only boobs you know, haven’t you seen a girls boobs...

3 years ago
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My wifes cruel way

I can't explain why I talked my wife into the cuckold lifestyle but I did. Like most women she thought at first it was a trap but after seeing how excited I got while talking about it she was convinced I wasn't k**ding. It started out with her meeting her guy friends after work and coming home wearing panties wet with a mixture of her and his love making. It took a while before she started having me clean her with my mouth after she had been out. I hinted very carefully how I'd like this to...

4 years ago
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Dish Served Cold 2

Dish Served Cold 2 Don Abdul © Mrs. Robinson avoided Roman for the next one week. Not trusting herself to act the part of the prim and proper matron, and fearing that others might notice, she thought it best to stay away from him for the time being. Although she had been thinking of him, after almost twenty years of sex exclusively with a man her own age, she had almost forgotten the amazing sexual stamina of youth. In the course of the past week her mind had been filled with a craving for...

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GF Are you ready for Round 2

Just as we were finishing dinner, Cindy looked over at me with a sweet and seemingly innocent smile and said, "I really want to fuck you in the ass tonight. You up for it?" Cindy is nothing if not direct. I smiled back. "My ass is yours, pretty lady.""Oh, yeah," she replied.A month ago I wouldn't have believed that I had come to love being fucked in the ass by my girlfriend with her strap-on. I was too straight, too conventional for that. It all started when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass and...

3 years ago
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Space Succubi

Both despised and feared, they were banished from their world to drift endlessly on the cosmic wind. The small, self-sustaining craft provided just enough nutrients to sustain their lives as they drifted in the vacuum of cosmic isolation. Despite their apparently hopelessly bleak future, they waited patiently and silently knowing their accusers had failed to comprehend their longevity. After an eternity of endless star sprinkled cycles, a wandering nomad planet streaked past close enough...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 12 Ill Take Care of You

-- TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning. So much had been going on last night, I must not have been very careful about shutting the curtains all the way. There was about an inch of space between the two curtain halves, and at this very time on this very date, the sunlight came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where the covers didn't completely cover my head. I found myself in a familiar position, spooned around the...

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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 16

Chapter 15 — John = = = = = = = = = = Hi. Cindy's been too busy to update her Confessions lately, so she asked me to catch you up. I'm John, by the way—I’m Cindy's agent, among other things. Cindy's an amazing young woman. She's also a horny, cum-swallowing, cocksucker—among her other fine qualities, as I'm sure she'd be the first to tell you. That's how I first met Cindy in fact: I pushed my cock through a hole in the wall of a darkened video booth, and she was a warm, wet...

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Getting Mom Interested CH02

My mind drifted back over all the stuff my girlfriend and I had done over the past weekends, and I found myself almost giddy releasing Friday was fast approaching, and I couldn't wait to see what wonderful sexual things we were going to try next.Only what I wasn't aware of was how everything was about to change when Becky called on Thursday with some terrible news. Her parents had split up. I could tell she was distraught, so I went over to her house that night and tried my best to comfort...

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Vision Quest Summer Camp wk2

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk2 By: Bernice 14 It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next. And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock. I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of...

2 years ago
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Sucking Off My Brother

It started out like just a plain boring night for me. My parents were out at a party for a coworker, and my brother was out with his girlfriend probably getting laid at this very moment. Which leaves me, stuck here at home with nothing to do but sit in front of my computer and surf the net till my brain fries from the radiation off my monitor. It's not like I didn't have a choice about it though, I mean I'm not that bad a person and surely could have gotten together with a few friends, or...

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my insatiable cravings for cock

When i was in my 20's i was living in SF and got into the d**g scene. Coke made me so horny with no care on how i got off. First of all, i am a slim asian male with no body hair. I am bi and not too picky when it comes to sex. The stranger the better!.I always go to my friend Harvey's house to do some coke. My usual habit is to do some lines have a few drinks and then head to the bathroom with a stack of porn. Ialways tale off my shoe laces and bind my cock and balls really tight and then tie...

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Mom Ki Friend Ki Mast Chudai

Friend, I am sumit here from indore and I am still working in a goverment sector as a purchase manager, meri age 26 year hai aur mera body athlete type ka hai mai roj gym karta hu, meri yeh kahani aaj se 3 mahine pahle ki hai, aunty ki chudai Meri yeh kahani mere mom ki friend smita aunty ke sath mera jo anubhav hai vo mai share kar raha hu, story padhne ke baad apne vichar comment kare aur koi ladki bhabhi aunty sex chat karna chahti hai aur sex karna chahti hai to mail jaroor kare. Meri mom...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams! Do you want to see a fucking huge library of 18+ teen pornography that will make your cock huge and your balls swollen? Oh shit, did you get bit by a spider in those balls? Is that why they are so fucking swollen?Fuck bro! You need to see a doctor! But before you do that, head over to Teendreams and see what kind of lovely pornography that they have on the menu for your fucking ass. You are going to have so much fucking content to get off to on Teendreams that you may not know...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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JulesJordan Alexa Grace POV Hit Me With Your Best Cumshot

Naughty nympho Alexa Grace gets down and dirty with Manuel! Alexa’s in the bath when Manuel interrupts her because he’s feeling horny. She shows off her sexy curves while giving us an amazing view of that pussy and ass and then pulls out Manuel’s big dick. She strokes it nice and slow, getting him rock hard, then Alexa gets on her knees as she takes that huge cock deep down her tiny throat. Manuel fucks her face good and hard then lays on his back to let Alexa ride that cock....

4 years ago
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Saturday Night

Well, it was late afternoon one Saturday and a few mates I lived with were getting ready to go out. We had all planned to go out that night, but as the day went on I decided I didn’t want to go out with them, so I told them I couldn’t be bothered to go out and that I was sorry. Well being as four of us girls lived together and the other three was still going out they didn’t mind. But as it was I had been texting an old friend throughout the day that had not long got back from traveling for...

3 years ago
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The Twins Meet Phil

Kimberly and Madison Tucker lay sprawled and heaving together in Kim's bed, the huge dildo their grandfather had bought for them joining their luscious, 14-year-old bodies and deep in the their eager pussies. They moved to and fro gently together in the rays on morning sunshine, softly moaning, eyes closed, is orgasmic bliss, legs entangled, hands stroking, bare breasts rubbing together, nipples fully erect, clits jumping. "Phil," said Kimberly, blinking open her lovely eyes. "Why didn't...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriends fetish Part 1

I had been dating this lovely women for about 4 months, a very mature women for her ge of 45 and very busty with a nice figure.Always wearing tops that are tighter than you would normally wear and skirts and stockings. You get the picture?One afternoon she text me to say she was off work and asked me to go round for some fun,So i jumped in my car and travelled the 20 miles from mine to hers when i hit some traffic..took me a while but when i got to hers it was already 3pm. We didnt have much...

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Batgirl in Charge

*BUZZZZZZ *BUZZZZZZ You slowly open your eyes, irritated at the noise that has awakened you from your slumber. Your hand searches around your nightstand before grabbing the source of the noise, your phone. The light from the screen pierces the darkness momentarily blinding you. When your eyes adjust, you see the name 'Bruce.' Tapping the answer button, you put the phone up to your ear. "...Hello," you say groggily. "Barbara, it's Bruce." "You know, Bruce, there's this new thing called caller...

2 years ago
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My first cock

I'm crossdresser since I was 18. I always like to get in some women clothes and make some pics. One day I was alone at home and started to get girly. I put black panties and black stockings and painted my toes. I love foot fetish. Started to take some pics and I didn't notice that my door wasn't locked. My neighbour, who is 56 years old get to my house because he needs some tools. I didn't listen when he entered. I was in my room. He went upstairs and he saw me on my bed. I didn't know what to...

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Summer Fun

It was summertime and mom had decided that we would go in for a holiday away from the city. I can't remember the last time we were away, so I was glad.She had gotten us a villa for two weeks, the only snag was, we had to share it with two other families. I didn't know them and didn't really want to, I just wanted the chance to laze about by the pool. Naked if possible.Mom packed our bags and more or less shoved me into the car, hurrying us out before I changed my mind.The car ride was pleasant,...

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Stricken Pt2

As lunch rolled around, Ryan found out a definate perk of being in this class. Lunch was catered to the room! "Bon aptetit all," Ms Jacobs cheerfully said as the cart of food was wheeled in. It was the basic cafeteria lunch food plated up already for them. "Why do they deliver lunch to us?" Ryan asked Todd. "We are kept sheltered from the rest of the school as we go through out transiton. It's supposed to ease our social strain as we go through all of this," Todd...

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Sexy saali from bangaldesh

Hello friends i am a regular reader iss from last 3 years, basically i am a very gentlemen age 32 and live in dhaka bangladesh and doing business in dhaka. I am a married men and i have 2 salis, shormee is my elder sali age about 36 years, extremely sexy. Her height about 5.4 figure 36-30-38, fair and golden hairs. Shormee is elder then my wife, when i saw her first time i said she is too sexy. The story begun after 1 years of our marriage when me my wife and my wife whole family went to my...

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Car ride

There was this cute young guy about half my age in his early 20's I'd been talking to on Grindr. Slim and cute he sent pics of his nice 9"cock and nice round ass but it really never went anywhere. Well one day I was cruising Grindr and there he was again. Turns out he was stranded at a local gay nudist camp. His ride took off with someone and since they charge to stay there he wanted to get home rather than waste money he didn't have.I was bored and oddly free for a change so I felt bad for him...

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Appointment in Balmorhea Ch 02

Sena was between movies. Sierra was between semesters. They had talked repeatedly about a road trip, just the two of them. Why not now? ‘Okay,’ Sierra said. ‘Oregon or Montana?’ For the first time in awhile, Sena reminded Sierra that she loved filming Big Texan, in southwest Texas. Trust me, that part of Texas is beautiful, like southern Colorado, Sena explained. Most of the people she got to know there, thirty years earlier, were still living. ‘More than any place I’ve been, those Texas...

3 years ago
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Seeing you again

Introduction: four years apart but my son bringing us back together It had been years since I had seen my first love. We had met when I was sixteen almost seventeen and had fallen in love but Unforchantly it wasnt meant to last, there was too much history between us and heart ache. I used to think history made us stronger but with us it seem to force us further away. We had been too similar, or thats what everyone said. Nobody wanted us together, to me it didnt matter. I loved him. But it never...

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