Linda's PosseChapter 03: Vacation Fun free porn video

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When Linda woke up she refused to turn the television on. She didn’t want to know anything about what was happening in America, or the world. The only thing on her mind, was to get off the Lady Whisper with Jessie and have some fun. It was something she desperately needed tonight.

In the Master suite’s luxury bathroom Linda stood under the shower and let the warm water beat down on her face and slide down her body. The girls were quiet, sensing her pensive mood. She wasn’t happy with the direction her life was headed. Flying around over major cities and zapping low-life creeps might sound like fun, but it got old. And depressing, kinda.

Okay, she told herself, time to put on my big girl panties and get busy. Jessie should be here soon enough and the fun, hopefully, would begin.

Mouse yawned and stretched, dramatically. Is the pity party over yet? How any eighteen year old girl with billions of dollars in the bank, on the cusp of a great career as a professional athlete, cute, and fun can be such a drag, I have no idea. And she can fly! Jesus! I want to go dancing and count how many boners we can find! We still have those rubbers, right?

You know what, Mouse? Me, too! I’ll do the dancing and you pop the boobs out. I bet Linda could do some TK massaging and we could make some guys shoot in their pants! Now that would be fun! Ret laughed.

The twins and I are going to sleep early. We want to go snorkeling tomorrow, Tink told them.

Can we have a pet dolphin? the Twins asked. We promise to take good care of it.

No girls. Sorry, we can’t have a pet dolphin. They’re meant to be free and wild, Linda told them.

Just like us! Gotcha Linda! We’re free and wild, too! Now stop being such a Debby Downer. Go have fun with Mouse and Ret and let us sleep. Tink and the Twins grinned at the older girls.

Jessie chose that moment to knock on the door, “Ready yet, Linda? It’s almost time to go.”

Linda hollered back through the closed door, “Soon. I’ll meet you on the rear deck place. Thing.”

Jessie laughed. Linda still couldn’t get her nautical terms down. “Okay. Don’t make me wait forever now.”

“Ten minutes.”

Linda finished drying off and donned her slinky blue party dress with the sapphire and diamond jewelry set. She blasted her hair with the blow dryer, added a touch of make-up, and hurried out the door. Halfway to the rear deck Linda decided the night would be better if she went back and put her shoes on. Too bad the steel-toed dancing shoes weren’t here! Yet. Tomorrow maybe.

Jessie was wearing a hot red dress with a plunging neckline. She looked good, and she knew it. Linda knew it, too.

“Wait just a minute, Jess. I have the perfect accessory for you,” Linda told her. She ran back to her room and brought back the ruby and diamond jewelry set from Jared’s shop in Brisbane. “Here, put these on. They’ll be perfect.”

Jessie tried to protest, but Linda insisted. The rubies and diamonds did set off her clothes perfectly and she looked great! The big ruby in the necklace settled down perfectly in her cleavage.

“Okay then, let’s go wake this island up,” Jessie declared.

A taxi was waiting patiently for them at the end of the dock. Why not be patient? The meter was running, and Linda was paying.

Jessie gave the driver the name of a semi-private club, and off they went.

It was a magical night for Linda. She danced, ate, drank, and then danced some more. She discovered her new favorite drink of all time, a tall sloe comfortable screw up against the wall. It tasted like the best, smoothest orange juice ever. On the way down.

Five glasses of the delicious concoction kicked in at about midnight. They must have snuck up on her from behind. Jessie escorted Linda quickly to the Ladies, just in time for her to worship the porcelain goddess.

Jessie had to call in help from a couple of crew members to get Linda back to the Lady Whisper. Once in her stateroom Jessie helped a semi-comatose Linda out of her clothes and into bed.

“That girl is going to have the mother of all hangovers in the morning,” Jessie mused out loud. “I’d better have Cooky make up a full batch of his day-after remedy. One of these days I’ve got to get that girl laid.” Jessie was laughing as she headed off to the Captain’s suite and her own bed.

Linda woke in the morning to the sound of hammers pounding on sheet metal. In her head. She reached up to rub her eyes and discovered her eyelids were glued together with some kind of dried ... something. Apparently she’d been drooling too because some crusty stuff was surrounding her mouth. Linda sat up suddenly and groaned. The hammers got louder! She fell back into the bed and hit the back of her head on the bed’s headboard. Fuck that hurt! She could hear a voice, way off in the distance, saying something but it must have been in Farsi. It made no sense at all to her addled mind. Linda groaned.

“Linda, can you hear me? You have to get up and drink this, then take some aspirin and then take a hot shower.” It sounded vaguely like someone she should know. Maybe Janice or Carla?

She decided the loud noise wasn’t going to stop by itself, so she slowly and very carefully sat up, holding her head in her hands. Someone put a cup of coffee in front of her nose, and she grabbed it and gulped it down. It didn’t hit her brain until the entire cup was empty, that the vile tasting concoction was not coffee! It wasn’t even warm! The liquid hit her abused stomach and tried to bounce right back up, but Linda managed to keep it down. Barely.

“Whaa? What’s happening? Who are you? Where am I?”

“Come on. Let’s get you up and in the shower. You’ll feel much better in a bit,” Janice-Kathy-Carla said.

Someone got her up and guided her stumbling, halting steps into the bathroom and the shower. The water was warm and felt good. Linda tried going back to sleep. Standing up.

“No, no, no! No more sleep for you! It’s almost noon on a beautiful day. Time to get up and face the demons. Besides, I checked out the beach. Lot’s of sexy guys are out boob-trolling today,” the annoyingly cheerful voice told her. “We’re going to go check them out while pretending not to notice them. It’s a mating ritual, and we’re half the team. You’ll love it.”

Slowly Linda’s traumatized brain began to function. She vaguely remembered dancing and partying at the club last night. There was a guy, Ramon, or Raul, something like that, who kept rubbing and pinching her butt, and whispering in her ear asking if she liked to play with the back door. When she finally asked Jessie what he meant Linda stopped dancing with Mr. Backdoor Man! Disgusting!

She couldn’t remember coming home or how she got in bed, naked apparently, which also made her wonder if she slept alone. Well, alone if you don’t count all the girls in her head.

Linda turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a fluffy towel to dry off with. Jessie hollered at her through the bathroom door, telling her she had a carafe of hot coffee waiting for her with her quart of milk and a pound of sugar. Linda smiled and then winced. Not ready for smiles, not quite yet. Soon. Smiles by Halloween sounded possible. Maybe. At least the pounding in her head was slowing down to a tapping sound now. Must be a smaller hammer.

Linda walked into the lounge of her suite and sat down at her dining table. Coffee. She poured her cup half full, doctored it into a perfect gourmet beverage, and sipped. Bliss.

Linda’s phone decided to ringtone at her. Annoying piece of junk. Can’t the damn phone just look and see the timing was wrong for this? She figured the whole concept of a ‘smart phone’ was a big lie told by advertising agencies to hide their real nefarious purposes. If they were really smart ... Oh, right. The phone. Someone was trying to call her, and very few people had her number. Very few.

“Hello? Who?”

“Hi Linda. This is Cindy. I’m calling to let you know Diane and Archer from Ping will be arriving tonight in St. Kitts. They need to take some pics of you showing off your new clothing line. Your publicity team will be there, too. They want to get all the information from you about your new home in the Caymans and some yacht you seem to have acquired. Are you staying at a hotel there? We need to know your location.”

“Hey, hello Cindy. Yes I’m here on the Lady Whisper. Yes. It’s my yacht. I’m staying onboard. Okay then. Have them call me this evening, and they can meet me here on the ship—boat—whatever ... Thanks for calling. Yes, I’m ready for the Bahamas. I’ll be leaving here in a couple of days and cruise up that way.” Linda finished the conversation after answering all of Cindy’s questions, and disconnected the call.

Okay, gang. What’s on the agenda for this afternoon? Looks like the evening is going to be taken up with visitors from Cali, Linda whispered.

The beach! Jessie said she’s taking us to the beach, and we can play in the water ‘n’ stuff, the Twins and Tink informed them.

Alright, let me buzz Jessie down and she can give us the details. We can get dressed for the beach while we wait, Linda decided.

Can we take a nap on the beach? I still feel a bit woozy, Ret asked.

If we nap who’s going to watch the kids? Linda asked.

I will, Mouse offered. I can watch them while you two snooze.

Okay, sounds like a plan to me, Linda replied.

Mouse and the kids. On a beach. What could possibly go wrong?

Linda and Jessie arrived at Cockleshell Beach and found it a bit crowded. There were no sun-blocking beach umbrellas available. They were all taken, until Ret gently convinced a young couple they would have more fun back in their room than on the beach. Linda and Jessie quickly claimed the now vacant spot.

Okay kids. Have fun now, and behave. Ret and I are going to take a short nap, Linda told Tink and the Twins. Mouse, keep a close watch on them.

No worries. You old farts get some snooze time. Everything will be just fine here, Mouse promised.

Linda didn’t give over control of her body to the others very often. Sometimes at night, when she wanted to sleep and one or more wanted to surf the net or watch TV for a bit. Never in the daytime. And never with Mouse in charge.

An hour later Linda woke to shrieks, screams, raucous laughter, and pandemonium all over the beach. She found herself waist deep in the ocean looking back at a mass of confusion and chaos on the white sand. And four girls laughing like lunatics inside her head.

Okay, what’s going on here? Linda asked as she headed back to her spot on the beach. She could see Jessie still laying there on her sunbathing towel, sleeping.

Nuthin’. Tink giggled.

We were just having a little fun, Mouse whispered.

The Twins were still laughing. Linda wasn’t going to get anything coherent from either of them. Explain, Mouse! Linda demanded with raised eyebrows.

A bunch of guys, looks like from one of the cruise ships, thought they owned the beach and started bullying other people. So we just decided they should learn a lesson or three, whispered Mouse.

And what kind of lessons did we ‘teach’ them? Linda asked as she arrived at the big sun umbrella and sat down on her towel.

Well you see, they needed to find out what it’s like to be on a nude beach when everyone else is wearing swimsuits. CFNM, Clothed Female Naked Male. So we kinda helped them with that, Tink admitted.

So you dissolved their suits? Linda asked.

Pretty much. They may have gotten the illusion of having really tiny dicks and small boobs, too, Mouse added. A few other people on the beach may have seen that illusion, also. Maybe. If they weren’t asleep or something.

How tiny and how small? Linda was curious just how far the kids took this. She included Mouse in the ‘kids’ group now.

The Twins shouted gleefully, Pencil dicks and boobies. They looked so funny!

Okay now. That may have been a lot of fun, but we have to be more careful about showing off our skills. We can’t afford to have someone catch us out here, Linda warned them while looking directly at Mouse.

In return for her rebuke, Linda got a chorus of sorries with plenty of giggles. She had to admit it was funny. When will the illusions wear off, Mouse?

I’m not exactly sure. Maybe now, maybe later. Who knows? Mouse was practicing her innocent, ‘who me‘ look. It wasn’t working.

How big were the boobs? Linda wanted to know.

Probably a C-cup size. Right kids? I would guess about a C, Mouse whispered. And before you ask, it was only four guys.

Linda sighed. I should have known better than to leave you in charge of the kids, Mouse.

Ret popped into the conversation then, Don’t look now but that super sexy guy over to our right is staring at us. His name is George Waters and he’s here on vacation from the UK.

Linda and all the girls, of course, immediately looked to the right. George was staring right at her, and when he realized he was caught he looked embarrassed. He said, “Sorry. You caught me. I can’t seem to help myself. Every time I try to look elsewhere, my eyes keep getting drawn back to you.”

He’s twenty-four and single. Just broke up with his girlfriend when he caught her cheating on him. His folks sent him here to unwind. College educated and works for the family business in London, Ret the investigator told them. He’s considered quite the catch, back home. Well-off financially, too.

“Hello then. My name is Linda. Do I have a large pimple on the end of my nose or something?”

Jessie snorted as she thought, Freshman Flirting, 101.

“My name is George, George Waters from the UK. And no, you don’t have any blemishes at all. You’re perfect. Oh my. I’m being a bit cheeky, aren’t I?”

Linda had no idea what cheeky meant, but decided it wasn’t horrible. Must be some kind of British slang thing, and as long as cheeky didn’t involve any of that back door stuff it was okay. “Why don’t you get your things and move over here so we can talk without having to let the whole beach listen in?”

George looked like the cat who caught the canary as he scooped up his gear and joined the two ladies. He spread out his beach towel beside Linda, and nodded at Jessie.

“Hello, George. My name’s Jessie. Linda and I are good friends. Be nice to her, and I won’t have to kill you,” Jessie said with a smile.

George wasn’t sure if Jessie was kidding him or not, but decided to assume, for now, that she was. He nodded at her, and said, “My pleasure, Miss Jessie. Don’t worry, the last thing I would ever do would be to harm Linda.”

Jessie winked at Linda, and whispered, low enough that George couldn’t hear, “Condoms.”

Linda blushed bright red and turned to face George. “Are you here with one of the cruise ships, then?”

“No, I’m on a week-long vacation from cold, wet London. You?”

“We’re on a private cruise, sort of. Jessie and I. We have to leave day after tomorrow for the Bahamas.”

“That’s quite the coincidence, I’ve always wanted to see the Bahamas,” George told her.

Not exactly true, Ret told them. He just decided the Bahamas sounded like a fun place very, very recently. Like ten seconds ago. He does not want to let us out of his sight. The guy is definitely taken with Linda’s charms. Mouse, you haven’t done any enhancing, have you?

Mouse giggled. No, but I admit I did think about adding some cleavage.

Linda, he’s a good guy. Let’s give him a chance to impress us, Ret added.

“Any special reason for going to the Bahamas?”

“I’m going for the women’s golf tournament. The LPGA tour season’s Winter Kickoff.”

“Oh that sounds fun. I’ve always been a big golf fan, myself.”

Lies. He’s trying hard though. Got to give him that. He’s never played golf in his life, Ret whispered, then started giggling. George really was trying. Remember Diane, Archer, and the others will all be here tonight. Let’s invite him to dinner on the Lady Whisper and see where this goes.

“George, we’re having some friends over for dinner, tonight. Would you like to join us?”

“I would love to. Where and what time?”


“We’re having friends over? What friends?” Jessie asked.

“Oh, my bad. I forgot to mention it. Cindy called from LA. Diane and Archer should be arriving any minute now. Along with some folks from Wishes and Dreams for a photo shoot. We need to get back to the Whisper.”

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Vacation Bound

VACATION BOUND by bound bob Why are the days just prior to vacation so stressful? It seems every timewe are going on vacation my wife and I fight. Work always seems to get mostunbearable right before vacation too. Our most recent vacation was no exception.Both the Mrs. and myself were working 12 hour days just so we could go on athree day vacation. The evening before we were to depart for a three-day vacation on the rockycoast of Maine my wife and I got into an argument over money....

1 year ago
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Accepting My Cuckold Role On A Houseboat Vacation

It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...

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What I Did on my Vacation

Chapter 1 Day One I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION!!! This one thought cycles through my head as I pack my overnight bag with only the essentials for the next ten days. Toiletries, brush, makeup, minimal clothing - didn't need much on the beach. No man to impress. No kids to tell me how dorky I look. Only four hours to go. Drive an hour to the airport from my podunk little town in this frigid northern climate then board a plane for sunny Florida. I even got a direct...

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Winter Vacation

There are eight of us. There is my wife Lauren and three of her sorority sisters and me (I’m Al) and three of my fraternity brothers. We all graduated within a year of each other and we all got married within a couple of years after college. We have been fast friends ever since. Every winter we all go on vacation together. We have been to exotic islands, rented houses large enough for all of us on some of the best beaches we can find but this year we had decided to do a winter vacation in a...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacation of a Lifetime

My name is Adam Rockwood and I am twenty-one years old, a country boy at heart. My dad was a hard-working logger and I inherited his rugged looks. I wear my dirty blond hair down to my shoulders, which has just a bit of a curl to it. I’m six-foot, two-inches tall, with a muscular build but I have a ruddy complexion that is a turn off to most girls. I did inherit my mom's icy blue eyes, which I think is my only redeeming feature.My dad was hoping that I would follow in his footsteps and become a...

First Time
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On Vacation With Dad

“Sometimes I wish I’d moved farther away after the divorce instead of taking the house next door,” Greg told his fourteen-year-old daughter, Marlee, setting his cup down on the table between them. They were sitting together in the open-air café at the resort they’d checked into the night before, having some fruit and coffee for breakfast before walking out to the beach just beyond the patio. “How come?” she asked. She did that thing where she cast her eyes off to the side to show how...

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Swinger Vacation Day OnePart One

**Day One - Part One** I don't know about you other dads out there, but I’m a sucker when it comes to my daughter (Sofia). She has me wrapped around her little finger.I'm a successful man and have my own business with numerous staff. I hire, fire, and make important decisions on a daily basis, yet, I'm such a soft touch when it comes to my baby girl. She knows exactly how to play me to get what she wants, especially when it comes to spending my money!Take the other day for instance. She...

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Susan is tricked into taking a 8220swinger8221 vacation

“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...

4 years ago
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Nude Vacation in France

I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...

2 years ago
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It Happened on Vacation

Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I will be...

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A nude vacation in France

I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Friend Radhika And Our Vacation

Did I ever tell you that I and my wife have a unique relationship. ? In fact that was what brought us together. We met as working adults and became friends and soon there was no subject we did not discuss or argue about. She was an air hostess and keen to pursue her career, see the world. She also said that her job meant being away from home, having temptations like a normal human being but said that she had never met a man who would accept that. She said that while a man never thought twice...

1 year ago
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Dream Vacation

This story draws on a conversation 'driving home from the Cartwrights' I sketched several years ago, forgot, partly used in "Coupled," then forgot again. I'm embarrassed to see I used some of it here too. With a different POV and leading elsewhere, but still, if a few lines of dialogue early in this story seem a little familiar, that's why. That's not why, as some observe, my other stories also somewhat resemble each other. The reason for that is, I like them that way. ...

3 years ago
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Anything Can Happen On Vacation Chapter 1

Anthony sighed again and took the brochure from his daughter. "This resort looks expensive. How did you pay for this", he asked as he looked at the papers that showed a beachside resort with a beautiful hotel. "I've been saving money for awhile and I combined that with my graduation money. Now please, come on vacation with me. It will do you good and that will make me happy." Anthony looked at his daughter, who was giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Damn it", he thought. "She knows...

2 years ago
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My Florida Vacation

MY FLORIDA VACATION What a bore. This job sucks. For a long time, it has made me depressed and frustrated. Sales were down all over and cutbacks in travel to meet old customers and generate new ones were limited. I was bored and angry, aware that there was no possible improvement in sight... My commissions were almost non-existent. I'd like to open up an artery or something. Business is soooo bad, but even when business is good, the job and the boss suck. I brought a lot of this job...

1 year ago
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Girls Getaway Vacation

Girls Getaway Vacation Friday. I climbed out of the shower and toweled off. "See any stray hairs I might have missed?" I asked. Geena looked over my naked body and then ran her fingers down my chest to my waist. "Looks god to me. Aren't you glad we had you shave all that hair off?" "Absolutely," I agreed. I looked her over, she was putting on makeup standing there in just a bra and panties. "I also like that you are wearing sexier underwear." I traced along the lace front of...

4 years ago
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Family Vacation Fun

Okay let’s get this out of the way my Dad died when I was very young. So my Mom and Sister has to take care of me my whole life. We were going to the beach on vacation, and little did I know what I was in for. Also my girlfriend named Sara was going with us as well, and I was the only boy on this trip. My girlfriend was in the back seat with me, and my girlfriend was always horny for some reason. She then started to rub my cock through my pants, and my Sister named Amber noticed. “Little bro...

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vacation for sex

It was the weekend before the 4th of July and Eric and Jennifer were getting packed for their week long vacation from their long beach California home to traverse city in Michigan making sure they had everything they needed for their vacation they have been dreaming about for a long time they were packing up and loading their Chevy suburban for their day and a half cruise to traverse in and leaving at 7 in the morning they were only a few hours into the trip before the both of them got bored...

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Vacation to Jamaica Man PT1

Traci and I just got back from another amazing vacation which I will get to later. As a couple, we have found an amazing rhythm of limiting our involvement in the swinging world. We find that when we do get back from a vacation with her enjoying well hung black lovers, that we are able to recall the memories and feelings while we are making love. Our sex life is incredibly fueled by these memories and many black realistic dildos. If we don't have an existing black dildo that is very similar to...

4 years ago
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Vacation Fun Chapter 1

Vacation Fun Chapter 1 - Vacation Fun(The girls of iCarly/Victorious/Sam & Cat go on Vacation together to catch up and relax.)With everyone off doing their own thing, there hasn’t been much time to hang out like they did in the past, so it is no shock that when everyone got the invitation Tori and Jade sent out, they accepted without a second thought. The invitation is for a week’s vacation at a private beach house, complete with a small private beach, Tori won the vacation as a prize in a...

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Our Jamaican Vacation

Disclaimer* The following story is a work of fiction. It has strong sexual content and some of the material may be offensive to some. I hope those that do read it and enjoy it will comment or contact me if you would like to offer any feedback. All the photos except the first two shown at the end are not ours, and are only offered as visual aids to add to the story’s experience. I hope you enjoy! JAMAICAN PLEASURE - My wife and I have always loved to travel. We like to explore...

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Unforgettable Summer Vacation With My Teacher

Hello everyone. I am David from Hyderabad. I have been regular reader and a big fan of ISS. I am very thankful to ISS for providing such a wonderful platform to express stories of our real life. This is my 1st story in ISS and i hope u people will like it. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. This actually motivates me to write more and girls/women in Hyderbad are also welcomed for personal chats. Give me feedback on I am 22 year old, with good height, have a athletic figure and working in a...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Summer Vacation

Chapter 1: First Day My wife really wasn't a prude, I would call her extremely conservative. She was a beautiful woman when we married and she has not lost her beauty. Our marriage of fifteen years has been a good one; I have no complaints, other than Mary being conservative. When I say conservative I mean it and every sense possible, grocery shopping, automobile purchases, necessities for the house and our clothing. Its true, our savings account is much fatter under her guidance where it...

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My Vacation with Gabika Epilog

Chapter 10.Delays because of the storm. Weird conclusion to a strange vacation.(Not much raw sex in this chapter, but don’t give up, there is some at the end!)We left the hotel at 8 AM on the way to Debrecen to bring Marika home and to shop for jewelry. I drove the Mercedes, Eva and Tamás took Esmeralda and her sister in their VW Passat and followed us. Bohunka drove her Skoda and Anne-Marie accompanied her. Although the rain had stopped and the skies were clear, the road was riddled with...

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An activity that wasnt planned on our vacation

I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...

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Haileys Vacation Part 1

When Hailey Davidson was a twenty-year-old college sophomore, her biggest worries were getting to class on time, knowing where the next party was, making sure she did her homework, styling her long, blonde hair, finding the right eye shadow for her blue eyes, and making time for her boyfriend, Alan Bryant. Alan was taller than the curvy and petite, 5’3” Hailey; standing 5’11”, with brown hair, brown eyes, muscular build. They had been dating a few months. Alan very much wanted to move forward...

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Vacation With Benefits

My girlfriend Roxanne found the ad in the paper. A free Caribbean vacation and all we had to do was listen to a sales pitch. I bitched that it probably was just a come-on, but she was intrigued. So on Saturday we sat through an hour and a half of a boring presentation for Isla Cachonda condos. The only thing that kept me awake was the amazing body of the presenter. She was built like a goddess, and her lines were well rehearsed. The twenty or so people at the presentation were...

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It Happened on Vacation Revised Chapters 1 to 4

Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I...

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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

Group Sex
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Cuckold Adventure Vacation

Let me just say that I had never really had a threesome before all this happened. I also can't say that I thought about my wife, or my girlfriends before that with other men either. After what happened to us last year though, I don't really know...I had what you would call a totally normal relationship with my wife Jennifer. Boring name, I know, but not a boring girl. We had gotten married soon after I turned 24, and I was working on Wall Street. I was doing really well, and my wife was totally...

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