Dark Secrets 3
- 4 years ago
- 23
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She felt his hot breath on her face, in her hair, the familiar weight of him blanketing her. She tipped her hips upward to meet and greet his as the velvety softness of his knob brushed her inner thigh. Within an instant the head of his cock was poised at her entrance, his hands in her hair. She moaned as he glided deeply inside her, her inner muscles twitching and squeezing him tightly. She could feel each ripple passing into her. Together they rocked to each other. God, they fit together so perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. She would cling to him tightly both inside and out. He groaned, his fingers curled deep in her hair. She felt the twitch inside her, the warmth of him spilling in her as she ground her hips to him hard. Driving him into her deeper. Together they gasped for air.
He finally rolled off her, still panting. "You're really going to do this?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm really going to do this," she replied breathlessly but with determination.
"Damn it, Annie, we can make it work... you aren't the first woman this ever happened to... ah, fuck it!" He rolled over on his side, turning his back to her in an effort to go to sleep.
She remained there consumed in her own thoughts until the steely light of the Arizona dawn crept through the cracks in the bedroom drapes. She rose quietly, showered, and brushed her teeth. Dressing, she tossed her bra in the bathroom trashcan. That's about the last thing she remembered until she got the Bronco turned east at Flagstaff. She quietly swore to herself, "... and if I never see another fucking saguaro again, it will be too damn soon!"
2002: Charlotte, NCThe scene had replayed in her mind hundreds of times. "Damn it," she swore to herself softly. Bubba lifted his head off the hardwood floor to look at her quizzically. Annie looked down to the right-hand corner of her monitor. 2:38 in the morning! She groaned, gazing around at the surroundings as if trying to find her bearings... the apartment, her home above the restaurant turned catering shop.
Annie rubbed her face and tried to re-focus on the spreadsheet she was working on, the invoice for Gerald's. "How about a drink, Bubba?" she asked the German shepherd that lay sprawled beside her desk. She rose from the old rolltop and padded to the tiny kitchenette. Reaching into a cabinet she withdrew a rocks glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels. She poured two fingers of the golden bourbon, topped the glass with water, took a sip, and then wandered barefoot though the tidy apartment.
Since the day she bought the building in 1999, the upper floor had always been her inner sanctum. No one from the days of the restaurant had ever been allowed in, and since 'A Woman's Space' had folded, only Jacob, her handyman/helper/jack-of-all-trades, had seen the apartment.
Jacob was timeless, about a million years old, mahogany skinned, a southern gentleman in the truest sense of the words. She had met him at the mission shortly after the restaurant opened. Annie had always made it a point to give the leftover prepared dishes to the mission after closing time.
Jacob at the mission... She had met him in the kitchen, but he was also a resident. She never inquired about his past, but asked him if he could work an old Hobart dishwasher, (referred to by her as 'the wish-dosher'). She told him he had to be reliable, and for that, he would receive a fair wage for hard work. The following morning he was waiting at the front door when she opened.
After 'A Woman's Space' closed, Jacob continued to work for Annie. He helped in the kitchen, the herb garden they planted in the small lot behind the building, and with the endless repairs on the old building. Jacob was her right-hand man. Part philosopher, part preacher, part historian, that was Jacob, and for all his parts, they respected each other's privacy, and had become close personal friends.
"Well there, lookie what da cat dragged in," said Jacob around 6:30 that morning.
"I don't need your crap this morning," replied Annie as she and Bubba trudged down the stairs, Annie nursing her sore head, her hair splashing over her shoulders. She wore an old black tank top and a tattered pair of loosely fitting purple sweat pants rolled down to her hips, "coffee ready?" she asked.
"Ya'sum Mizz Annie, coffee's ready," Jacob replied, pouring her a cup.
Rubbing her face, she took a sip from the cup and pulled up a tall stool behind her, sitting at the brushed aluminum 'prep' table in the commercial kitchen on the first floor. "God, you make the best damn coffee, Jacob," she said with a moan.
"That would be the egg shells. My mama said ifin you puts egg shells in the grounds it cuts the bitter," He grinned to her. He had told her this a hundred times at least in the two years they had been together, and it had become a ritual with them.
"You make the best," she replied still rubbing her eyes. "Okay, we gotta make a list for what we need for that company picnic. How do you feel about another pig roast?"
"Sounds like another all-nighter to me," Jacob groaned.
"Yeah, but it pays damn good," Annie sighed. Reaching for the pad and pen she began the list. She thought back to the conversation the day before with Kelly Jennsen. "Strange girl," Annie thought, but hell, people said the same thing about her.
A chance encounter with Harry's daughter on Slocum road, and two hours later a phone call asking her if she could cater a picnic. Some picnic! She was going to be the second caterer on site at Carowinds, and she'd be required to feed up to 200 people. She had told Kelly she would get back to her with a price on Monday, and then she called Harry Williams at the precinct.
Annie didn't have much use for the law, but Harry was an okay guy. He'd been the one who had gone to bat for her when that bitch wanted Bubba put down. He had treated Annie fairly and had fought the court order to end Bubba's life early. Harry was the one who had convinced the captain of Bubba's potential as a training dog, and between Harry and his partner, they had gotten a stay of execution from another judge who wasn't dirty.
When Harry had said that Kelly and her partner were good people, and confirmed that they did run a big business, it had eased Annie's mind. She was damn tired of getting screwed.
But Kelly had promised a certified check the same day that Annie had her price together, and had said the left over food would go to the homeless and shelters... hell, maybe there were some good people left in the world.
She went back to her list. Five hundred cobs of corn... She'd roast half of them, and boil the other half in the big cauldron. Two hundred pounds of baby back ribs along with homemade crusty rolls and tubs of real butter. With that and the whole pig, it was a big job. Probably the biggest she had since she started catering. Hell, and that was just the meat part. She'd have to drop some samples of her coleslaw, and cucumber-tomato salad, and potato salad with Kelly. Maybe she'd make enough on this job that she could hire some of her old staff back.
"Mizz Annie?" Jacob asked as he puttered around the enormous kitchen. "You and me been friends for few years now, right?"
Annie raised her head from her list; Bubba's tail was thumping on the floor at the back door. She rose and padded barefooted to the door to let the GSD out into the enclosed yard behind the shop. "Yeah, wazz up Jacob?" She asked in concern.
"Mizz Annie, is you one of those womens dat don't like mens? Is you one of them lez... lez... ?" Jacob asked sheepishly.
"Lesbians?" Annie interrupted.
"Yeah, one of dem." He finished, looking up from the floor he was sweeping.
She stared in to his weather beaten face in utter amazement. After pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts she replied, "Jacob, you're a man and I like you."
"Dat's not what I mean Mizz Annie. I means you ain't never had a man here since I know'd you." Jacob looked up at her earnestly.
"Ah, no, Jacob, I'm not a lesbian. Hell, I was married for 15 years. We even had a baby and everything. You see this silver ring on my foot, right next to my big toe?" Annie stuck out her bare foot for him to see the wide band on her toe. "Well, first of all it isn't silver it's platinum, and second of all it was my wedding band!"
"Where he at?" Jacob inquired.
"In Phoenix, I guess... least that's where I left him." Annie jotted something down on her note pad.
"... and the child... he wiff his daddy?" Jacob continued.
"A little girl," Annie shook her head. "She died." Annie grabbed her pad and coffee and started for the steps back to her apartment. "Let Bubba in if he starts barking."
1998: Winchester, TN"Come on, darlin', get in this house so Granny can see you."
Road weary and aching, Annie stumbled from the Bronco after her four-day drive and into her Grandmother's home in Winchester, Tennessee.
"Brought you a present Gran, all the way from New Mexico," Annie said tiredly, trying to shake off some the exhaustion.
"Wha'd you get your ole Gran?" the old woman asked in surprise.
"Some cheesy turquoise jewelry." Annie giggled. "Hmmm, a piece of petrified wood from the Petrified Forest... Some really hot salsa, it's in the back, I'll go get it." Granny was not amused. She hated stupid guessing games.
Annie returned to her grandmother's side, lugging what appeared to be a very large, and heavy banana box. From the scratching noises and whimpering inside, her Grandmother Anne knew that whatever was in there was alive, and knowing Annie it could be any number of creatures.
"Oh, Annie, what is it?" Granny asked almost afraid to look.
"What's it look like Gran, it's a puppy!" Annie lowered the box so her grandmother could look inside. The old woman lifted out a fuzzy squirming, puffball of a beast that immediately began licking her chin. "Remember, you said you wanted a dog around here, so... well, now you have one."
Gran sat in her easy chair cuddling the fuzz-bucket to her ample chest. "What kind of a puppy is he... what's his name?" she asked.
"He's a German shepherd," Annie replied, "... and his name is going to be 'Dirty Mud' if he doesn't stop puking and crapping in my car!"
"Oh, Annie, he's just a baby, that's what babies do, they puke and crap all over everything." The instant she said it, Granny covered her mouth with her hand, regretting her comments. "Oh baby, I'm sorry," she said softly.
"Its okay, Gran. Did I get any calls?" Annie asked offhandedly, changing the subject.
"If you mean from Allen, no. But I read in the Herald that someone was burning up the phone lines between Mobile and Phoenix and I can only assume it was your mama calling him."
Annie had to laugh at her Gran's wicked sense of humor.
"Anyway, I don't believe this here's a German shepherd. I think he's a wolf. You're a wolf, aren't you boy... you nothing but a baby wolf in German shepherd's clothing."
"He's not a wolf, Gran, I promise," Annie said calmly as she stretched her legs.
"Yes, you is a wolf, aren't you... come on Bubba, Granny's gonna let you outside so you don't puddle and crap all over Granny's nice clean carpet, then Granny would have to kill you, and we don't want that now, do we, Bubba." said Granny in her sweetest Granny voice.
"You're sick, you know that don't ya, Gran?" Annie asked as the puppy tumbled from the old woman's lap and onto the floor and headed toward the back door.
"Oh I know baby, but it's good to have you home anyway," replied her grandmother.
Annie remained with her grandmother for two weeks before she began to feel like a fish in a fish bowl rather than a houseguest. She was edgy and knew she couldn't stay. She had managed to avoid her Mother; still an endless parade of distant relatives, (most of whom she didn't know), seemed to troop to Granny's house offering Annie their condolences for her loss the previous year.
Referring to her road atlas Annie formed her plan. "I'm going to head east, Gran. I can't stay in East Jesus Nowhere, Tennessee and hide for the rest of my days," she announced to her grandmother.
"You ain't hiding baby, you and Bubba are on vacation... you visiting your ole Gran," said Granny, "Anyway, you can't go too much further east, you'll run out of dry land. You got that ole 'wander-lust' just like your Grandfather had."
"Maybe so, but that's what I'm going to do." said Annie.
"Well you're taking this wolf with..." Gran was cut short.
"He's not a wolf Gran, he's a..." Annie said calmly.
"Whatever the hell he is, Bubba's going with you." she stated firmly, then added quietly, "Lord, I couldn't sleep nights knowing I had a wolf in the house with me."
The envelope from the attorney's office in Mesa, Arizona, arrived at her grandmother's house a few days before Annie was set to leave. "That Allen, he doesn't waste any time," she thought grimly to herself. Not wanting to open it around Gran, she held back until she got to the first 'rest stop' just outside of Chattanooga after crossing over Lookout Mountain. All she had to do was sign the paperwork, have it notarized, and return it to the attorney; they even gave her a stamped envelope. Those attorneys think of everything. The paperwork revealed no surprises. It even included the clause that Annie would be changing her name from Anderson, back to Prince, her maiden name. The settlement was generous by most standards, but Annie cared nothing about the money. She cared more about the crashing end of a big chapter in her life than the numbers and dollar signs.
The hours on the road gave her a great deal of time to think, to plan, to try to make some sense of the last 18 months, or at least put them into some kind of perspective. Leaving Allen Anderson, her husband of 15 years, was difficult enough. In college they had called themselves the 'Triple A Team.' The fact that he had only made a half-hearted effort to try to convince her to stay was even worse. Perhaps he knew what she had been trying to tell him for over a year. After the death of their daughter, the only thing they had in common was the same last name and the same address. That had been the most difficult of all, the loss of their daughter, their one shared link to each other.
Before leaving Phoenix, Annie had run a tiny Marketing Services Agency out of the spare bedroom. Two Macintoshes, one PC and one very persnickety laser printer made up 'Custom Graphic Design' or 'CGD'. With eight small businesses for clients, it proved to be a minor thorn in the side of some of the larger advertising agencies in the area. CGD was a local small business for local small businesses, using only other local small businesses as vendors. Her clients included an appliance repair company, a power washing company for aircraft, an executive suite complex and a small family-owned bookstore, to name a few.
In glitzy Phoenix, CGD was a welcome and refreshing change for the 'mom and pop' type shops who were struggling to make ends meet and get their faces or word out to the public. By the time she closed her books a few months before leaving Allen, she had managed to sell her client base to one of those same larger agencies for a tidy sum. The new agency devoted an entire team to winning over the small business owners, and after training the team, she was confident that her clients were in good hands.
In the months before, Annie had little time for her work, she was mourning, healing, and licking her own wounds. But Annie had always loved hard work and being her own boss she had driven herself hard, perhaps too hard.
2002: Charlotte, NC"Jacob, the roast 'beast' and the turkey breast for the box lunches to go to the bank are in the fridge," Annie called to her helper as she bounced down the steps, her hair braided tight in a single long rope trailing down her back. "We need 48 sandwiches, half turkey, the other half roast 'beast'. The sandwiches rolls are proofing in the oven. If there's any dough left make some round loaves for bread bowls."
"Mizz Annie, when'd you do all this?" Jacob asked as he began to tie the long white apron around his waist. "Why don't you start buying all this stuff rather than do it all yo-self?"
"Cause, it keeps our costs down, Jacob, and we can say it's all homemade. Besides I don't have anything better to do at night," Annie replied. "I'm gonna run this invoice over to Gerald's."
"What, you ain't got no stamp? I suppose you made the brownies too?" Jacob could see Annie was back to her old self again. He had felt badly about prying or asking too many questions.
"Smart Ass!" Annie snorted, "You know baking the brownies is your job and they'll be warm and chewy when we deliver them. Don't forget the soft drinks! Come on, Bubba, let's go for a ride in the car-car!"
The shepherd's ears perked at the words "car-car" and he bounded happily to his Mistress's side to sit at a perfect heel. Annie attached the leash to his choke chain collar and offered him the slack remains of the leash to hold in his mouth. The GSD danced around Annie happily as together they headed to the rusty Bronco, Annie's huge knapsack size purse slung over her shoulder.
"You gonna hurt yo-self wiff dat purse of yours Mizz Annie," Jacob called to her from the doorway as she headed towards the truck. Annie waved to him and together she and Bubba were off.
Taking the old Bronco down the main street and making a left, Annie recalled the night "A Woman's Space" had closed. Jacob had been there, working the "wish-dosher." Thank goodness the place hadn't really been packed with customers that night. Word of these things occurring at local businesses spread fast enough through Charlotte.
2000: Charlotte, NCAnnie could sense the tension in the air when the Harley Sportster roared up to the front door of "A Woman's Space" and parked in the handicapped-parking zone. She didn't really mind 'biker chicks, ' as she called them. Hell, their money spent as good as anyone else's did. It was the noise and the rough talk that bothered her, and her other customers most.
"A Woman's Space" had a reputation as a nice, quiet, and friendly Ladies' Club. A place where women could have a good meal and a glass of wine or a beer and conduct business or pleasure without the blaring noise of a sports event on television, video machines or pool tables. There were equally good, if not fancier, places to eat in Charlotte, but none that catered directly to women not only on a gastronomic but a sensory level.
It really was "A Woman's Space" with fresh crisp linen table clothes and napkins, a smattering of antique sideboards and buffets about the dining room and fresh cut flowers on every table. The dinner menu may have been limited to three or four main items but each was lovingly and individually prepared. Annie had worked hard to turn the old storefront building into the perfect atmosphere of fine dining for women.
Even Annie peeked out of the kitchen when the biker chick and her apparently new girlfriend entered the dinning room and loudly demanded two 'Buds'. The biker chick was built like a linebacker; stocky and heavy with upper arms the size of old growth timber. Her girlfriend was a small willowy woman with a swollen lip and darkened eye. Together they had taken table nine near the door.
For her own part, Annie was probably in the best shape of her life. Two and a half years in Charlotte and a strong sense of independence had seen to that. Loading and unloading the Bronco with food, produce and supplies for the restaurant as well as training Bubba and bounding up and down the 18 steps to her apartment had made her lithe and muscular. "Not bad for 38," she would often think to herself as she glimpsed her reflection in a mirror.
It was a few minutes after the loud couple's drinks had been served that all hell broke loose. The front door of the old building flew open and an obvious male voice boomed out, "You fuckin' dyke, that's my girlfriend and I'm gonna kick your ass!" He screamed while the wispy shrieked.
"She ain't going with you fuck-face, she's mine now!" bellowed the biker chick.
"Great!" thought Annie sarcastically, "This is just what I need," as she dropped her towel and left the kitchen.
Annie was across the dinning room in a flash, and standing between them while they continued their exchange. "Look, I don't know what your problems are, and frankly I don't care, but this is my restaurant and you can take yourselves and your problems and head on down the road," Annie said calmly but forcefully, but inside, she was shaking like a leaf. By this time Jacob was standing nearby at table 7.
"Leanne, honey, you sit right there while I take this asshole outside and beat the shit outta him," the biker chick said to the willowy girl as she pushed Annie out of her way and headed towards the door.
"You cunt, I'm gonna clean your clock right out there on that sidewalk," shouted the scraggly looking man as he turned to follow the woman.
Annie turned to Jacob and to mouth the words, "Call the cops," but Jacob was already on his way behind the counter and picking up the phone, staring out the window.
The entire restaurant could hear the oaths and swearing outside. Annie saw Jacob's eyes grow wide as he cried, "Mizz Annie, she done cold-cocked dat boy wiff a pool cue!"
Within seconds the front door swung open and a battered 'biker chick' came in huffing, puffing and brandishing what looked to be the back half of a pool stick through the dining room.
"You wanna piece of this, bitch," the biker chick roared at Annie. Annie jumped backwards, catching a flash of something lunging at the woman from the corner of her eye. Annie blinked as the woman hit the floor hard, on her back, and watched as the pool cue slid across the hardwood floor of the dining room. She looked back at the woman lying on the floor and saw one very pissed off German shepherd standing over her.
Ears flat to his head, lips curled, teeth bared and hackles raised, Bubba was a menacing sight. The willowy girl took one look at her new girlfriend on the floor, screamed, and flew out the front door.
"Easy, Bubba," Annie said as calmly as possible, "No bites."
By this time many of the restaurant's dinner patrons were also starting to rush out the door, most not bothering to pay their bills.
Annie pulled up a chair and sat near Bubba and the biker chick. "You wanna piece of this, bitch?" Annie calmly asked the woman, her heart still fluttering from the excitement.
"Ge... ge... get him off!" she cried.
"... Ah, no, I don't think so. Not until we've had a few word with the cops first." Annie replied. "Jacob, go check on scraggly outside. See if he's still alive." Jacob scurried out the front door.
"Get him off me!" The biker chick howled.
"I wouldn't yell if I were you, it tends to make him nervous," Annie said calmly. She was actually beginning to enjoy this. "Good boy, easy now... easy... no bites. Damn. Now I'll have to give you a flea bath as well. No bites, Bubba. I don't think she's had all her shots."
"Mizz Annie, da po-leese is here," Jacob called through the front door, now standing open. Annie could hear Jacob talking to someone outside. As she looked to the door a uniformed officer walked in. The officer took one look at the girl on the floor and the beast standing over her and prepared to draw his weapon.
"No! Don't," Annie yelled to the policeman, jumping up out of her chair to stand between the cop and Bubba.
"Bubba, heel!" The dog stepped away from the biker chick and trotted over to Annie's left side. "Down! Stay!" Annie ordered and the shepherd dropped to the hardwoods on his belly.
The cop allowed a small smile to touch the corner of his mouth as he saw how well trained the German shepherd was. He respected the K-9 unit of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police department as valuable assets in many situations, but not even their best trained dog heeded as well as this fine looking animal. He released his grip on his pistol and took out a notepad from his vest pocket.
"You want to tell me what's going on here?" The officer asked.
"That bitch sic'd her fucking dog on me and I was just..." the 'biker chick' began to prattle.
"Tonya, I wasn't talking to you. You're in enough trouble as is... and don't try to leave 'cause Lew's outside waiting if you do!" interrupted the cop.
The policeman turned back to look at Annie, "are you the manager here?"
"I'm the proprietor," replied Annie calmly though she could feel the heat rising to her face.
"Would you tell me what happened here, please?" the officer asked in a professional tone.
"Well," Annie began, "It seems 'scruffy' out there, didn't like 'biker woman' here, messing with 'wimpy girl, ' where-ever the hell she is now. So 'biker woman' and 'scruffy', at my urging, went outside to discuss their issues. Then this one," Annie said pointing to Tonya the biker chick, "decided to take a swing at me with that thing laying over there and then Bubba," pointing to the GSD, his tail thudding against the hard wood floor after hearing his name, "gave her a little 'Come to Jesus' meeting. That's about it! Now I have a business to run, officer..." Annie looked at the name tag, "Officer Williams, so would you take her, and that," pointing to the piece of pool cue on the floor, "and get the hell out of my restaurant?" Annie had lost her sense of humor.
Officer Williams gently took Annie by the arm and led her towards the kitchen, "Listen, you may not realize this, but that's Tonya Richardson, Judge Richardson's step daughter."
"I don't give a good god damn who she is" Annie replied hotly.
"Keep your voice down. Do you want to press charges?" asked Officer Williams.
"No, just get her the hell outta here, but if you give her a breath test you're gonna find out she's drunk... just a tip ossifer Williams," Annie said. "I got girls here," nodding towards her wait staff, "on the clock, doing nothing so just take her and 'scruffy' away!"
"I'm afraid you're going to have to shut down for the night," said Sergeant Williams. "We have an incident report to write up involving an accusation by Tonya."
Harry Williams handcuffed Tonya and handed her over to his partner.
He looked remorseful. "There's no way I can cover up what happened here. Even if you don't press charges, Tonya is going to make life hell for you for having a dangerous dog loose on the premises of a public establishment."
"Bubba's not dangerous," said Annie. "He was just protecting me!"
"I understand that, Miss Prince," said Sergeant Williams, "but I don't write the laws. Ever since the whole pit-bull thing started, the rules have been that unleashed dogs in public, much less a restaurant, are serious violations. Tonya's step father is going to twist this around that once again his daughter is just a victim of inept policing, and he'll probably sign a court order to make sure you aren't around to contradict him."
"What in the sweet chocolate hell does that mean?" asked Annie.
"I'm sorry, Miss Prince," Harry said. "This looks like a real nice place, but you had the misfortune to have Tonya Richardson pay you a visit." Harry looked around before speaking again. "She'd be serving life by now with her history, if it wasn't for her daddy bailing her out every time she gets into trouble. I've been on the force twenty-two years, and I can't even count the number of times that I've arrested her just to see the charges dismissed by the court. You embarrassed her today, you saw her scared, and she's not going to let this rest. If I were you, I'd get this dog the hell out of here. Send him to relatives or something. I'll do my best to buy you some time." With that he closed the notepad, and with a sad look walked out the door.
"Jacob! Girls, let's call it a day. Go ahead and clock out!" Annie called to the three waitresses and her dishwasher. She could see Sergeant Williams outside with Tonya, having her blow into the clear plastic tube.
"Mizz Annie, I'll stay and help you clean dis mess up," Jacob said softly.
Slowly the girls streamed out of the restaurant while Annie and Jacob together bussed tables, washed dishes, and put away food. Annie released Bubba from his 'down/stay' and went behind the counter to add up meal tickets, trying to wind down from the evenings events, sipping on a glass of wine. Amazingly, most of the girls didn't even know of Bubba's existence, even Jacob had only seen him rarely but he remained at his mistress's side while she worked this evening, even closer than usual.
"Make sure you get yourself something to eat, Jacob, God knows there's enough back there... just help yourself," Annie called to her helper.
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Asian Porn SitesI am Sunil today and want to describe the real-life thing that happened in my life 7 years ago. I was just a normal guy of age 36 and from a middle-class family. I was living together with my father, mom, and wife. My life changed suddenly when I had gone to meet my friend Vishnu Vishnu lived just 6-7 km away from my house. I arrived before the scheduled time to meet him at his house and saw the door was closed from the inside. The doorbell was not working and hence I stayed there for a few...
IncestI suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. ‘That’s it, baby,’ he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...
The last contestant who had to try to outdo the others was Jaladhi, a sensual looking woman, eyes sparkling with joy. She danced as a feather so light. After about 3 minutes of dancing she took a wine pitcher, called a porron in Spain. It is a glass jar with a thin spout the you hold with one hand above your face, about 4 inches away from your open mouth and let stream in your mouth, regulating the stream by covering the top opening with your thumb. The porron was filled with water en she...
Author’s note: It’s been a while since I posted a story, so I hope this gets the ball rolling again. This chapter sets up the story, but there’s also some sex at the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading, sk11. * Tom walked into the classroom and immediately froze in his tracks. All around him, students were quietly seated at their desks, each of them with a stack of papers face down in front of them. As he hurried to find an empty seat, Tom struggled to remain calm, obviously unprepared for...
Changing Channels part 5- Three's Company By Zouscha The story thus far; Bob and Jessica's TV has been behaving very strangely. After viewing the only channel that seems to work, a rather explicit channel, Bob andJessica find themselves becoming Kim and Jason, bombshell and stud. Brenda, their neighbor down the hall, seeks refuge from George, her abusive husband. In short order, Brenda becomes Brandon, who takes revenge on her husband by screwing him as he turns into Bambi, a...
The PUNISHMENT ROOM (vol 2) TJ RyderBuxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommiesBlackMasters, femdom cuckolding!http://midnightx.com/fpage/fpage.html The further adventures of Will Graham, college student sent tothe experimental female run prison of OakDale for remedial sexualharassment punishment. A luscious prison guard on his cell block had discovered the use of the hidden cameras to detect the naked males...
On Tuesday Frank asked me to keep Sunday clear for a good talk which may become long. Remembering my last week's conversation with Jenny I hoped that Frank wanted to talk about the same things I wanted to discuss. Our fucking around and how we go on. I love Frank a lot, and I'll do anything to keep our marriage going. Well, it's Sunday now, and Frank suggested that we have breakfast in bed, something we haven't done for ages. After clearing the breakfast tray from the bed I returned and...
Christmas morning started with a phone call. I reluctantly got out of bed and looked for my pants, finding them in the hall. I dug my phone out and answered the call. “Hi, Mom,” I said sleepily, walking down the hall to the kitchen to talk. It was early, but my mother loved Christmas. Today was her Superbowl. She had a big gathering there in Phoenix every year, so she was probably calling me between getting the turkey in the oven and starting on the sides that hadn’t been prepared...
Xi Pegasi Colony One December 31, 2057 Devin and Lenna stepped out of their cottage and walked along the path toward the admin building. The large moon was high in the sky, and the party was no doubt in full swing by now. Devin inhaled the crisp night air, laden with the scent of pine, and smiled blissfully. “I know the other colony sites are beautiful, but I like it right here the best.” “I know,” Lenna reached out and touched a low-hanging branch. “Maybe I should go visit the other sites....
So it started with putting on one of my sister's dresses when I was sixteen. It was a long velvet dress and felt incredible on. Prancing around the bedroom, I felt super sexy and so turned on. I was skinny, blond, smooth and could look like a young chick. So turned on, my cock was throbbing. Within ninety seconds I shot a huge load inside the dress. Funny that I had no thoughts of men, sucking cock or getting fucked at all back then. Things change.Always having a girlfriend, it stayed a secret....
CrossdressingIt was a very different Julie who was glued to my arm as we left the Circle. Unfortunately, the old one poked out her ugly head as I guided us north along Connecticut Avenue and suggested we visit Pleasure Palace. "Ew, isn't that an adult store?" Julie incredulously asked. "Those are so dirty!" "How you would know? Have you've ever been in one?" "No, but I've heard all about them and they just sound gross." Stopping us, I turned Julie so that she faced me. "Just a few hours...
I stay in Hyderabad doing my engineering. I’m horny as fuck and I don’t have any girlfriends and then I found her ! Heaven on earth ? Yeah, man it’s on bed with her ! I love fucking every single possible hole of hers ! One fine morning I woke and I came out of my home and I looked downstairs. I saw an aunt jogging in the adjacent apartment. She has got melons. A perfect figure of height 5 feet 7 inch with sizes 36-28-36. I could see the cleavage as we stay in the 5th floor. As I have got some...
It started when I hit fifty five years of age. I work out with a trainer, dye my hair blonde. Everyone says I look forty. My boobs are still some what perky and a nice C cup, I am five foot three, one hundred twenty pounds, blonde hair brown eyes. Guys hit on me alot. I am successful realtor here in this large city. My girl friends and I get together a couple times a year at a resort or hotel for a three or four day weekend. Sometimes we just talk, sometimes we are on a mission to get laid by...
It was a warm day in May in Northern Virginia and Kelly was walking back across the campus of the College after finishing her teaching for the day. She was amused at the way it was going. Her course in Military Strategy had become the most popular course in the school. Enrollment was now so large she was thinking about breaking it up into sections, but wasn’t sure she wanted to take on the additional work. Then she ran her fingers lightly over her abdomen. It was now starting to round out. At...
I’d been out at my office pre-Xmas party, the night before Xmas eve. It was last day at work for the year, as the following day I was off up to Scotland for Xmas and the New Year with a group of friends from way back. There would be just 5 of us, three guys and two girls, if we 40 somethings could be called boys and girls. Somehow we had all escaped from or avoided our various relationships, and thought it would be good to get together again. I’d had a great time at the party, good company and...
Straight SexThe warm colors of rain-drenched sunray dawned upon the magical coconut grove, filling the shaded oasis with the crimson glow of romance. It was to be our first ever encounter, and there was no looking back. For days, my shyness had kept me from her; the fear of her apprehensive reproach would haunt me forever, the poisonous stake of rejection would tear through my heart, snuffing life out of me, leaving me a lifeless, loveless corpse. But here was the moment, and she would be there, in all her...
LesbianCandy Stroker 8: My Date I had an afternoon shift at work that Saturday. There was no way I could perform any special services, what with visiting families all over the place. Weekends, there were usually some on-call staff. One on my wing that day was a young male traveling nurse. I’d heard of that, so I asked him about it. “It’s a great way to see the country and earn money,” he said. “Like, last winter I worked a hospital in Boulder, Colorado, and went skiiing a lot when I wasn’t on duty....
The R & R time was taking a bit longer than Mark had first estimated, but he was sure he was making the right decision. It was now10:15 AM, and his sister and two classmates were happily finishing their showers together in the large bathroom. Emily stood by the open door in the connecting pantry, acting as the link that kept the group connected. Jada and Fatima stood a few feet away. Jada hadMadison’s phone plugged into a nearby outlet, and she was idly typing 911 every twenty seconds or...
One thing about us Pulaski men, we were fanatics about being on time. I think it all stemmed from my grandfather's years in the military. Being at the appointed place at the designated time, Papa called it. So on my big day my grandfather honked his horn for me at seven fifty-nine. I grabbed my backpack and sprinted out to his truck. As we motored out of town Papa looked at me wistfully when we passed Mama's Diner. "You can stop there on the way home, all you have to do is drop me off."...
With nothing planned for Saturday afternoon Steve thought he would go over to the club and play a round of golf and have dinner there afterwards. He also wanted to stop by the hospital to see how Paula, the patient who had the stents put in was doing. As he was just about to enter Paula’s room a lady doctor walked out. She was fairly attractive and Steve made an effort to read her name on her name tag. He did and saw that it said Veronica Begley. She saw him doing this and with a touch of...
Cyril Ackroyd pulled into Tia Maria just as the sun was starting to rise. The "party" was still going on at Don Juarez's main brothel. Ackroyd could tell because he could hear the occasional scream of pain in a teenaged girl's voice over the sound of music and laughter. He rushed up to the front door and knocked until he was finally heard over the noise within. A large man, dressed as a dandy, came to the door, "Si, Senor?" "I don't speak Spanish. My name is Cyril Ackroyd and I must...
NIECE'S NOOKIES by Studs Manley After my third, and messiest, divorce, I had no place to live, no car to drive and few clothes, even. Fortunately, I did have my older sister, Linda. She and her husband had a house with a basement that had a room with a foldaway bed. They said I could stay with them till I got on my feet. Thing is, my nieces lived at home. Oh, they were out of school and working, but they figured they might as well pay rent to their mom and dad as to some other landlords. ...
Morning Treat For My Girl By MK4Luvr What can I say, I have become addicted to my new lady! Now, let me explain, not only is she a complete knock-out, dark hair, eyes that could launch a thousand ships, beautiful smile and seductive lips. Oh hell, who am I kidding?! Her ass is this perfect heart shape that sits atop these long legs with the sexiest feet manicured to perfection. To top off the whole package is a stunning set of 38DDs with large nipples. They are so round and firm and I just...
Introduction: This is a short story, that I wrote about my sister and my encounters.. Please like and comment there will be more experiences to follow. All my stories are true. This will be an on going series of my different encounters with my sister. It all started in a summer in the late 90s, we were out of school for the year. We spent a lot of time home alone, due to the fact we lived on a ranch in Ohio. My sister, Caitlyn, was a year younger than me. (Brad,is my name). At the time, we...
I am Pooja Chaudhary from India. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5′ tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I have light brown color pointed nipples. One day my boy friend Sameer Ahmed call me to a park for a meeting. This park is normally popular as young couples come tome that park for love making and enjoying at that place as it have a large number of bush. ...
On the way home I thought hard about what had happened these last few weeks. I realized that what I thought of as a summer fling had become something more for Jason. The way he’d kissed me just now -- the way he often kissed me when we weren’t in bed -- suggested that he had developed serious feelings for me.Did I have serious feelings for him? Did my feelings for Shana leave room for any? I kept thinking about those questions over the following days. There was no doubt about the strength of...
BisexualThursday 9 April 2009 So it was with a heavy heart that she set off on Maundy Thursday afternoon for Joseph's cottage. She turned off the road along the track on a day which was now sunny after showers all morning. The fields looked greener, and some of the trees were already in bud ready to burst into life. There were sheep with lambs in the adjacent fields, and spring had arrived in earnest. She made the two right angle turns and shortly the cottage came into view and her spirits lifted:...
Eric was sitting downstairs one day playing an adult video game. He had bought it off a friend, and smuggled it into the house by putting it in a recycling bin. Eric was just sitting there, wondering how to make this adult game more fun, when he thought he heard someone call to him. He knew he was dreaming it though, it was in the middle of summer vacation, and the rest of his family was gone until tomorrow. So he just kept on playing. Then he heard a louder whisper calling his name....
Mind ControlHis meeting overran and so he is now on the last train back to Leeds in Yorkshire that is just leaving the station 9.30pm. There are not many passengers getting on the train so he chooses a group of 4 seats with a table, sits in the aisle seat with his back to the direction of travel, puts his bag on the window seat next to him and hopes nobody decides to join him. After a long day and with a two and half hour journey ahead, he decides to have a snooze. He leaves his tickets on the table in...
"Hey Josh," Matt said. "What?" I replied a few seconds later, looking over at him. "What if the stars were just eyes watching us?" He was looking straight up at the stars, looking a bit worried that they might really be eyes. "Man, you're just trippin'. Calm yourself." "Dude, I am calm." "Hey, you guys." Jakob said. "Look at that." "At what?" We all looked around. "Do you not see it?!" He asked us looking around. "See what?" "This...
Hey dear readers, this is my true story, most of the people claim but I am not only claiming but it is true. Anyhow let me tell you I am Khan from Lahore and 38 years old now, this is the story when i was studying in school and in order to get better marks I need to go for a private tuition to my neighbor girl. They were three sisters and one younger brother of the same age as I. So we were very good friends as well we also study the same school. This story is about the younger sister of my...
I guess I should start this story by saying this is 100% true except for our names! My name is Jack and my girlfriend’s name is Sara. We’ve been dating for nearly 2 years now. She is a very sexy 31-year-old Caucasian brunette with an amazing body, perfect round D-Size breasts, amazing butt, and seductive look that would make any guy want her, all while remaining a size 1! I’m a 29 years old fit, confident, Caucasian guy with an average size 6 inch cock. When Sara and I first started dating,...
So after last weeks episode, the viewers for Grandma Honey grew very quickly and the money shot up, so eager to cash in on it even more, I suggested we do another film pretty soon, and happily my grandmother agreed.Then a few days later me and Steve, with the college camera again, headed to my grandmothers house.Fortunately my grandfather had gone out golfing for the afternoon, my grandmother had made sure of it, but as we strolled into the house, we were greeted by another surprise."This is...
Andy was out running in the country lanes near his home. At 32 he had not yet married, but he’d had a number of girlfriends. He enjoyed running, besides it kept him in shape. He was pretty attractive and had an athletic body. As he rounded a corner he saw a young lady struggling with a puncture on her horsebox. “Can you help me please?” she asked. Andy went over to have a look at the situation, helping was the least that he could do. “The spare is in the horsebox, but it’s a bit heavy for me”...
Our hotel room is nothing special. It has a King sized bed, small shower/bathtub, a small table and 2 chairs, and a TV. I pour you another glass of Merlot. We are feeling the effects of the wine and our conversation has turned from idle chit-chat about other xHamster members to the reason you and I are in this hotel room together. I’m becoming increasingly aroused as I watch your chest heave as you laugh at my jokes. You place your hand on my forearm and I feel electricity shoot through. You do...
Hi guyzz m Rohan frm patna.. Patna ki unstisfy girls aur womens mujhe pe contact ker skti hai. Mai patna ke bahar ka hu yaha flat le kar padhai kr ta hu.. Mai apne bare mai bta du mai ek mast hot sa larka hu. Thora sawla hu per mera lund 8 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota v hai. Meri height 5 feet 10 inch hai. Main patna 2 sal pehle aaya tha jb maine yaha addmission liya tha graduation mai tvi maine makan malik ke beti ko chod chod kr aurat bnaya tha per wo sal bhar ke bad khatam ho gya. Avi mai ek...
They call her Niki Snow for her reason! Her saliva and body temperatures are about 15 degrees below normal, making her one of the COOLEST superheads in the game. Ike is lucky he didnt get frostbite from this girl! What he did get was some shivery spit filled sucks, his fleshy balls turned into snow balls, and a dickhead so numb from the cold that it could barely spit out his man goo. Luckily, Ike has actually climbed and nutted on Mount Everest before, so with a few tricks that the sherpas...
xmoviesforyouThe girl came out of the bar with a black guy and seemed to hug him goodnight. But instead of stopping there, he pulled her back to him and kissed her. I didn’t see her pull away, instead she returned the kiss and reached up around his neck and kissed him harder. I thought she looked familiar but wasn’t sure, so I let it pass that they were more than just friends. They kissed for about 5 minutes till someone came out of the bar and broke apart abruptly. I think they were doing something...
We where staying in a hotel over the new year and I had got some powder for us and we had a few drinks and I put some in her drink and as she was chatting with me and I saw her get stoned I started to joke about us meeting another couple and having a surprise swinger meet her face looked at me and she said she was a bit horny and I said maybe she would get her pussy licked and she said that would be great as we sat talking about how I liked the idea of us playing as another couple watching us...
All characters in this story are fictional. If you would like to contact me and give me some much needed feedback, my name is bondsman in the bdsm library. Specific responses are VERY helpful, and I read and carefully consider all of them. Oh yeah? and drugs are bad for you.Part 1I’ve always considered Kelly to be a mean spirited bitch, but that never seemed to matter whenever she brazenly told me what to do. For some reason I hadn’t at that time begun to understand, whatever whim it was she...
Mera naam Aashish hai, meri umar 22 saal ho gayi hai, aaj main apko meri kahani batane jaa raha hun jo ki aaj se 3 saal phele hui thi. Mere family me mai, mera chota bhai, mummy aur papa hai or meri joint family hai. Yeh story meri or meri cousin sister ki hai jo mere mama ki beti hai uska naam sweta hai, kaise maine meri cousin sister ki chudai ki or usse apne lund ka diwana banaya aap sab ko batne ja raha hun. Jab mai 19 saal ka tha meri cousin mujhe se 2 saal badi thi, uske boobs ka size 34...
GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS By Jennifer Adams (c):Jennifer Adams, 1997 It had been a month since Debbi left, and already Cindy was bored. She was going to miss her while she was at O.S.U. with Tim. Mrs. Debra L. Bishop, it had a nice ring to it. She did look great in her wedding dress, even if she had to wear off-white. I wonder what Tammy ever did with that medallion thing? It could be a lot of fun. Cindy was laying in bed thinking about these things. Her live in boyfriend had...
I am currently a 19 year old freshman college student attending a major university in Arizona. My family lives about 30 minutes from my university so I go home for weekends quite often. I am a rather tall, 5ft 10 natural brunette with a naturally thin and lanky physique. My breast are perky little b-cups with tiny pink nipples not much bigger than a dime. I decided to go home one Friday night on warm spring day to see my parents. I packed my bags and drove home, my parents have a pool and live...
At the end of Part 1, we left Fran leading Hank to her home. They had finished teaching a life-saving class, did some work, skinny dipped in the pool together and then taken a shower where they intimately came to know each other's bodies. We pick up as they reach her home. Fran opened both garage doors and shut them both once they were in. She had a beautiful home which he was appreciating for the first time as they walked through the den, the kitchen, the front hall, up the stairs and finally...
Love StoriesWhat Katie Bell Did It started with a loud click of the cage we were laid in. as I slowly began to turn and move knowing it was time to start the day, beside me was Fliss, dressed in the same humiliating baby outfit that I was and I knew from the smell that she was in the same situation as me. We were both dressed in pink flannel baby sleepers with hood, boots and fingerless mittens attached 7 buttons up the front sealed us into the sleeps, but it was what lay beneath that made...
‘Holy fucking shit, what the fuck was that thing? I’m hurt, and the manacle is damaged. Wait. I’m hurt? How is that even possible? I thought with the changes to my body that I couldn’t be hurt like this. My arm is bleeding!’ My mind was racing. I fell out of the gateway into the middle of a town, a small street. I was dazed and my vision blurred. I heard shouting. Screaming. I closed my eyes and shook my head to get things back into focus. An explosion? I think I heard an explosion. A crying...
Me and Matt had already fucked twice, and the weekend that we had previously decided to go camping with a few friends had finally come. I was so excited! Mostly because I would get some alone time with my brother, since we were going to be staying in the same tent. Matt and I, and our friends, had discussed that we would be setting up tents that would be secluded from one anothe, which was absolutely perfect. I had craved my brother's cock for weeks now, since the last time we had fucked was 3...
IncestMy wife Sharon wanted to do something special for our daughter Megan's eighteenth birthday, but with finances pretty slim, a simple backyard barbeque and pool party was the plan. It was a very hot and steamy July day and the pool was a pretty popular place that afternoon, and seeing all of Megan's girlfriends in those skimpy swim suites splashing around kept my cock twitching the entire day. Sharon, who has a killer body, was also prancing around in her yellow bikini and a lot of the guys...
I heard the words that Carmine spoke with equal parts of sadness and shock. I heard him say that he blamed himself for what he did. It was news to me that he felt that way at all since the lawyers had convinced me that he wasn't guilty of trying to kill Hugo because he was truly impaired in his judgment because of the extended hours he was working. Even the DA said so, but he couldn't do anything when Carmine decided to plead guilty! But I could see his side of things as well. Carmine was...
Dharma Jones. She’s In My Crosshairs. Oh yes she is! After just barely meeting her I said this girl is going to be back many times! She’s just one of the most natural, cute, girl next door type. See you never know. That girl does do dirtly things. So does Dharma like letting her boyfriend anal fuck her for 3 hour and letting him cum several times. Please. She tries to show off her deepthroat skills. I’ll let you judge if she is Deepthroat Sirens material. And of course a nice...
xmoviesforyou“I've just been fired... there was nothing else to say about it, no protest that would be listened to anyway. But... it’s my birthday! Even though birthdays were meant to be happy days, and everyone is meant to make it special, my new boss and the man that only six days before had been my boyfriend had just fired me." I think to myself as I sit on the hot bus wondering about how everything has changed so much in a week. I try to stop my eye from failing me, yet I still feel the burn of tears...