KellyChapter 30 free porn video

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She felt his hot breath on her face, in her hair, the familiar weight of him blanketing her. She tipped her hips upward to meet and greet his as the velvety softness of his knob brushed her inner thigh. Within an instant the head of his cock was poised at her entrance, his hands in her hair. She moaned as he glided deeply inside her, her inner muscles twitching and squeezing him tightly. She could feel each ripple passing into her. Together they rocked to each other. God, they fit together so perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. She would cling to him tightly both inside and out. He groaned, his fingers curled deep in her hair. She felt the twitch inside her, the warmth of him spilling in her as she ground her hips to him hard. Driving him into her deeper. Together they gasped for air.

He finally rolled off her, still panting. "You're really going to do this?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm really going to do this," she replied breathlessly but with determination.

"Damn it, Annie, we can make it work... you aren't the first woman this ever happened to... ah, fuck it!" He rolled over on his side, turning his back to her in an effort to go to sleep.

She remained there consumed in her own thoughts until the steely light of the Arizona dawn crept through the cracks in the bedroom drapes. She rose quietly, showered, and brushed her teeth. Dressing, she tossed her bra in the bathroom trashcan. That's about the last thing she remembered until she got the Bronco turned east at Flagstaff. She quietly swore to herself, "... and if I never see another fucking saguaro again, it will be too damn soon!"

2002: Charlotte, NC

The scene had replayed in her mind hundreds of times. "Damn it," she swore to herself softly. Bubba lifted his head off the hardwood floor to look at her quizzically. Annie looked down to the right-hand corner of her monitor. 2:38 in the morning! She groaned, gazing around at the surroundings as if trying to find her bearings... the apartment, her home above the restaurant turned catering shop.

Annie rubbed her face and tried to re-focus on the spreadsheet she was working on, the invoice for Gerald's. "How about a drink, Bubba?" she asked the German shepherd that lay sprawled beside her desk. She rose from the old rolltop and padded to the tiny kitchenette. Reaching into a cabinet she withdrew a rocks glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels. She poured two fingers of the golden bourbon, topped the glass with water, took a sip, and then wandered barefoot though the tidy apartment.

Since the day she bought the building in 1999, the upper floor had always been her inner sanctum. No one from the days of the restaurant had ever been allowed in, and since 'A Woman's Space' had folded, only Jacob, her handyman/helper/jack-of-all-trades, had seen the apartment.

Jacob was timeless, about a million years old, mahogany skinned, a southern gentleman in the truest sense of the words. She had met him at the mission shortly after the restaurant opened. Annie had always made it a point to give the leftover prepared dishes to the mission after closing time.

Jacob at the mission... She had met him in the kitchen, but he was also a resident. She never inquired about his past, but asked him if he could work an old Hobart dishwasher, (referred to by her as 'the wish-dosher'). She told him he had to be reliable, and for that, he would receive a fair wage for hard work. The following morning he was waiting at the front door when she opened.

After 'A Woman's Space' closed, Jacob continued to work for Annie. He helped in the kitchen, the herb garden they planted in the small lot behind the building, and with the endless repairs on the old building. Jacob was her right-hand man. Part philosopher, part preacher, part historian, that was Jacob, and for all his parts, they respected each other's privacy, and had become close personal friends.

"Well there, lookie what da cat dragged in," said Jacob around 6:30 that morning.

"I don't need your crap this morning," replied Annie as she and Bubba trudged down the stairs, Annie nursing her sore head, her hair splashing over her shoulders. She wore an old black tank top and a tattered pair of loosely fitting purple sweat pants rolled down to her hips, "coffee ready?" she asked.

"Ya'sum Mizz Annie, coffee's ready," Jacob replied, pouring her a cup.

Rubbing her face, she took a sip from the cup and pulled up a tall stool behind her, sitting at the brushed aluminum 'prep' table in the commercial kitchen on the first floor. "God, you make the best damn coffee, Jacob," she said with a moan.

"That would be the egg shells. My mama said ifin you puts egg shells in the grounds it cuts the bitter," He grinned to her. He had told her this a hundred times at least in the two years they had been together, and it had become a ritual with them.

"You make the best," she replied still rubbing her eyes. "Okay, we gotta make a list for what we need for that company picnic. How do you feel about another pig roast?"

"Sounds like another all-nighter to me," Jacob groaned.

"Yeah, but it pays damn good," Annie sighed. Reaching for the pad and pen she began the list. She thought back to the conversation the day before with Kelly Jennsen. "Strange girl," Annie thought, but hell, people said the same thing about her.

A chance encounter with Harry's daughter on Slocum road, and two hours later a phone call asking her if she could cater a picnic. Some picnic! She was going to be the second caterer on site at Carowinds, and she'd be required to feed up to 200 people. She had told Kelly she would get back to her with a price on Monday, and then she called Harry Williams at the precinct.

Annie didn't have much use for the law, but Harry was an okay guy. He'd been the one who had gone to bat for her when that bitch wanted Bubba put down. He had treated Annie fairly and had fought the court order to end Bubba's life early. Harry was the one who had convinced the captain of Bubba's potential as a training dog, and between Harry and his partner, they had gotten a stay of execution from another judge who wasn't dirty.

When Harry had said that Kelly and her partner were good people, and confirmed that they did run a big business, it had eased Annie's mind. She was damn tired of getting screwed.

But Kelly had promised a certified check the same day that Annie had her price together, and had said the left over food would go to the homeless and shelters... hell, maybe there were some good people left in the world.

She went back to her list. Five hundred cobs of corn... She'd roast half of them, and boil the other half in the big cauldron. Two hundred pounds of baby back ribs along with homemade crusty rolls and tubs of real butter. With that and the whole pig, it was a big job. Probably the biggest she had since she started catering. Hell, and that was just the meat part. She'd have to drop some samples of her coleslaw, and cucumber-tomato salad, and potato salad with Kelly. Maybe she'd make enough on this job that she could hire some of her old staff back.

"Mizz Annie?" Jacob asked as he puttered around the enormous kitchen. "You and me been friends for few years now, right?"

Annie raised her head from her list; Bubba's tail was thumping on the floor at the back door. She rose and padded barefooted to the door to let the GSD out into the enclosed yard behind the shop. "Yeah, wazz up Jacob?" She asked in concern.

"Mizz Annie, is you one of those womens dat don't like mens? Is you one of them lez... lez... ?" Jacob asked sheepishly.

"Lesbians?" Annie interrupted.

"Yeah, one of dem." He finished, looking up from the floor he was sweeping.

She stared in to his weather beaten face in utter amazement. After pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts she replied, "Jacob, you're a man and I like you."

"Dat's not what I mean Mizz Annie. I means you ain't never had a man here since I know'd you." Jacob looked up at her earnestly.

"Ah, no, Jacob, I'm not a lesbian. Hell, I was married for 15 years. We even had a baby and everything. You see this silver ring on my foot, right next to my big toe?" Annie stuck out her bare foot for him to see the wide band on her toe. "Well, first of all it isn't silver it's platinum, and second of all it was my wedding band!"

"Where he at?" Jacob inquired.

"In Phoenix, I guess... least that's where I left him." Annie jotted something down on her note pad.

"... and the child... he wiff his daddy?" Jacob continued.

"A little girl," Annie shook her head. "She died." Annie grabbed her pad and coffee and started for the steps back to her apartment. "Let Bubba in if he starts barking."

1998: Winchester, TN

"Come on, darlin', get in this house so Granny can see you."

Road weary and aching, Annie stumbled from the Bronco after her four-day drive and into her Grandmother's home in Winchester, Tennessee.

"Brought you a present Gran, all the way from New Mexico," Annie said tiredly, trying to shake off some the exhaustion.

"Wha'd you get your ole Gran?" the old woman asked in surprise.

"Some cheesy turquoise jewelry." Annie giggled. "Hmmm, a piece of petrified wood from the Petrified Forest... Some really hot salsa, it's in the back, I'll go get it." Granny was not amused. She hated stupid guessing games.

Annie returned to her grandmother's side, lugging what appeared to be a very large, and heavy banana box. From the scratching noises and whimpering inside, her Grandmother Anne knew that whatever was in there was alive, and knowing Annie it could be any number of creatures.

"Oh, Annie, what is it?" Granny asked almost afraid to look.

"What's it look like Gran, it's a puppy!" Annie lowered the box so her grandmother could look inside. The old woman lifted out a fuzzy squirming, puffball of a beast that immediately began licking her chin. "Remember, you said you wanted a dog around here, so... well, now you have one."

Gran sat in her easy chair cuddling the fuzz-bucket to her ample chest. "What kind of a puppy is he... what's his name?" she asked.

"He's a German shepherd," Annie replied, "... and his name is going to be 'Dirty Mud' if he doesn't stop puking and crapping in my car!"

"Oh, Annie, he's just a baby, that's what babies do, they puke and crap all over everything." The instant she said it, Granny covered her mouth with her hand, regretting her comments. "Oh baby, I'm sorry," she said softly.

"Its okay, Gran. Did I get any calls?" Annie asked offhandedly, changing the subject.

"If you mean from Allen, no. But I read in the Herald that someone was burning up the phone lines between Mobile and Phoenix and I can only assume it was your mama calling him."

Annie had to laugh at her Gran's wicked sense of humor.

"Anyway, I don't believe this here's a German shepherd. I think he's a wolf. You're a wolf, aren't you boy... you nothing but a baby wolf in German shepherd's clothing."

"He's not a wolf, Gran, I promise," Annie said calmly as she stretched her legs.

"Yes, you is a wolf, aren't you... come on Bubba, Granny's gonna let you outside so you don't puddle and crap all over Granny's nice clean carpet, then Granny would have to kill you, and we don't want that now, do we, Bubba." said Granny in her sweetest Granny voice.

"You're sick, you know that don't ya, Gran?" Annie asked as the puppy tumbled from the old woman's lap and onto the floor and headed toward the back door.

"Oh I know baby, but it's good to have you home anyway," replied her grandmother.

Annie remained with her grandmother for two weeks before she began to feel like a fish in a fish bowl rather than a houseguest. She was edgy and knew she couldn't stay. She had managed to avoid her Mother; still an endless parade of distant relatives, (most of whom she didn't know), seemed to troop to Granny's house offering Annie their condolences for her loss the previous year.

Referring to her road atlas Annie formed her plan. "I'm going to head east, Gran. I can't stay in East Jesus Nowhere, Tennessee and hide for the rest of my days," she announced to her grandmother.

"You ain't hiding baby, you and Bubba are on vacation... you visiting your ole Gran," said Granny, "Anyway, you can't go too much further east, you'll run out of dry land. You got that ole 'wander-lust' just like your Grandfather had."

"Maybe so, but that's what I'm going to do." said Annie.

"Well you're taking this wolf with..." Gran was cut short.

"He's not a wolf Gran, he's a..." Annie said calmly.

"Whatever the hell he is, Bubba's going with you." she stated firmly, then added quietly, "Lord, I couldn't sleep nights knowing I had a wolf in the house with me."

The envelope from the attorney's office in Mesa, Arizona, arrived at her grandmother's house a few days before Annie was set to leave. "That Allen, he doesn't waste any time," she thought grimly to herself. Not wanting to open it around Gran, she held back until she got to the first 'rest stop' just outside of Chattanooga after crossing over Lookout Mountain. All she had to do was sign the paperwork, have it notarized, and return it to the attorney; they even gave her a stamped envelope. Those attorneys think of everything. The paperwork revealed no surprises. It even included the clause that Annie would be changing her name from Anderson, back to Prince, her maiden name. The settlement was generous by most standards, but Annie cared nothing about the money. She cared more about the crashing end of a big chapter in her life than the numbers and dollar signs.

The hours on the road gave her a great deal of time to think, to plan, to try to make some sense of the last 18 months, or at least put them into some kind of perspective. Leaving Allen Anderson, her husband of 15 years, was difficult enough. In college they had called themselves the 'Triple A Team.' The fact that he had only made a half-hearted effort to try to convince her to stay was even worse. Perhaps he knew what she had been trying to tell him for over a year. After the death of their daughter, the only thing they had in common was the same last name and the same address. That had been the most difficult of all, the loss of their daughter, their one shared link to each other.

Before leaving Phoenix, Annie had run a tiny Marketing Services Agency out of the spare bedroom. Two Macintoshes, one PC and one very persnickety laser printer made up 'Custom Graphic Design' or 'CGD'. With eight small businesses for clients, it proved to be a minor thorn in the side of some of the larger advertising agencies in the area. CGD was a local small business for local small businesses, using only other local small businesses as vendors. Her clients included an appliance repair company, a power washing company for aircraft, an executive suite complex and a small family-owned bookstore, to name a few.

In glitzy Phoenix, CGD was a welcome and refreshing change for the 'mom and pop' type shops who were struggling to make ends meet and get their faces or word out to the public. By the time she closed her books a few months before leaving Allen, she had managed to sell her client base to one of those same larger agencies for a tidy sum. The new agency devoted an entire team to winning over the small business owners, and after training the team, she was confident that her clients were in good hands.

In the months before, Annie had little time for her work, she was mourning, healing, and licking her own wounds. But Annie had always loved hard work and being her own boss she had driven herself hard, perhaps too hard.

2002: Charlotte, NC

"Jacob, the roast 'beast' and the turkey breast for the box lunches to go to the bank are in the fridge," Annie called to her helper as she bounced down the steps, her hair braided tight in a single long rope trailing down her back. "We need 48 sandwiches, half turkey, the other half roast 'beast'. The sandwiches rolls are proofing in the oven. If there's any dough left make some round loaves for bread bowls."

"Mizz Annie, when'd you do all this?" Jacob asked as he began to tie the long white apron around his waist. "Why don't you start buying all this stuff rather than do it all yo-self?"

"Cause, it keeps our costs down, Jacob, and we can say it's all homemade. Besides I don't have anything better to do at night," Annie replied. "I'm gonna run this invoice over to Gerald's."

"What, you ain't got no stamp? I suppose you made the brownies too?" Jacob could see Annie was back to her old self again. He had felt badly about prying or asking too many questions.

"Smart Ass!" Annie snorted, "You know baking the brownies is your job and they'll be warm and chewy when we deliver them. Don't forget the soft drinks! Come on, Bubba, let's go for a ride in the car-car!"

The shepherd's ears perked at the words "car-car" and he bounded happily to his Mistress's side to sit at a perfect heel. Annie attached the leash to his choke chain collar and offered him the slack remains of the leash to hold in his mouth. The GSD danced around Annie happily as together they headed to the rusty Bronco, Annie's huge knapsack size purse slung over her shoulder.

"You gonna hurt yo-self wiff dat purse of yours Mizz Annie," Jacob called to her from the doorway as she headed towards the truck. Annie waved to him and together she and Bubba were off.

Taking the old Bronco down the main street and making a left, Annie recalled the night "A Woman's Space" had closed. Jacob had been there, working the "wish-dosher." Thank goodness the place hadn't really been packed with customers that night. Word of these things occurring at local businesses spread fast enough through Charlotte.

2000: Charlotte, NC

Annie could sense the tension in the air when the Harley Sportster roared up to the front door of "A Woman's Space" and parked in the handicapped-parking zone. She didn't really mind 'biker chicks, ' as she called them. Hell, their money spent as good as anyone else's did. It was the noise and the rough talk that bothered her, and her other customers most.

"A Woman's Space" had a reputation as a nice, quiet, and friendly Ladies' Club. A place where women could have a good meal and a glass of wine or a beer and conduct business or pleasure without the blaring noise of a sports event on television, video machines or pool tables. There were equally good, if not fancier, places to eat in Charlotte, but none that catered directly to women not only on a gastronomic but a sensory level.

It really was "A Woman's Space" with fresh crisp linen table clothes and napkins, a smattering of antique sideboards and buffets about the dining room and fresh cut flowers on every table. The dinner menu may have been limited to three or four main items but each was lovingly and individually prepared. Annie had worked hard to turn the old storefront building into the perfect atmosphere of fine dining for women.

Even Annie peeked out of the kitchen when the biker chick and her apparently new girlfriend entered the dinning room and loudly demanded two 'Buds'. The biker chick was built like a linebacker; stocky and heavy with upper arms the size of old growth timber. Her girlfriend was a small willowy woman with a swollen lip and darkened eye. Together they had taken table nine near the door.

For her own part, Annie was probably in the best shape of her life. Two and a half years in Charlotte and a strong sense of independence had seen to that. Loading and unloading the Bronco with food, produce and supplies for the restaurant as well as training Bubba and bounding up and down the 18 steps to her apartment had made her lithe and muscular. "Not bad for 38," she would often think to herself as she glimpsed her reflection in a mirror.

It was a few minutes after the loud couple's drinks had been served that all hell broke loose. The front door of the old building flew open and an obvious male voice boomed out, "You fuckin' dyke, that's my girlfriend and I'm gonna kick your ass!" He screamed while the wispy shrieked.

"She ain't going with you fuck-face, she's mine now!" bellowed the biker chick.

"Great!" thought Annie sarcastically, "This is just what I need," as she dropped her towel and left the kitchen.

Annie was across the dinning room in a flash, and standing between them while they continued their exchange. "Look, I don't know what your problems are, and frankly I don't care, but this is my restaurant and you can take yourselves and your problems and head on down the road," Annie said calmly but forcefully, but inside, she was shaking like a leaf. By this time Jacob was standing nearby at table 7.

"Leanne, honey, you sit right there while I take this asshole outside and beat the shit outta him," the biker chick said to the willowy girl as she pushed Annie out of her way and headed towards the door.

"You cunt, I'm gonna clean your clock right out there on that sidewalk," shouted the scraggly looking man as he turned to follow the woman.

Annie turned to Jacob and to mouth the words, "Call the cops," but Jacob was already on his way behind the counter and picking up the phone, staring out the window.

The entire restaurant could hear the oaths and swearing outside. Annie saw Jacob's eyes grow wide as he cried, "Mizz Annie, she done cold-cocked dat boy wiff a pool cue!"

Within seconds the front door swung open and a battered 'biker chick' came in huffing, puffing and brandishing what looked to be the back half of a pool stick through the dining room.

"You wanna piece of this, bitch," the biker chick roared at Annie. Annie jumped backwards, catching a flash of something lunging at the woman from the corner of her eye. Annie blinked as the woman hit the floor hard, on her back, and watched as the pool cue slid across the hardwood floor of the dining room. She looked back at the woman lying on the floor and saw one very pissed off German shepherd standing over her.

Ears flat to his head, lips curled, teeth bared and hackles raised, Bubba was a menacing sight. The willowy girl took one look at her new girlfriend on the floor, screamed, and flew out the front door.

"Easy, Bubba," Annie said as calmly as possible, "No bites."

By this time many of the restaurant's dinner patrons were also starting to rush out the door, most not bothering to pay their bills.

Annie pulled up a chair and sat near Bubba and the biker chick. "You wanna piece of this, bitch?" Annie calmly asked the woman, her heart still fluttering from the excitement.

"Ge... ge... get him off!" she cried.

"... Ah, no, I don't think so. Not until we've had a few word with the cops first." Annie replied. "Jacob, go check on scraggly outside. See if he's still alive." Jacob scurried out the front door.

"Get him off me!" The biker chick howled.

"I wouldn't yell if I were you, it tends to make him nervous," Annie said calmly. She was actually beginning to enjoy this. "Good boy, easy now... easy... no bites. Damn. Now I'll have to give you a flea bath as well. No bites, Bubba. I don't think she's had all her shots."

"Mizz Annie, da po-leese is here," Jacob called through the front door, now standing open. Annie could hear Jacob talking to someone outside. As she looked to the door a uniformed officer walked in. The officer took one look at the girl on the floor and the beast standing over her and prepared to draw his weapon.

"No! Don't," Annie yelled to the policeman, jumping up out of her chair to stand between the cop and Bubba.

"Bubba, heel!" The dog stepped away from the biker chick and trotted over to Annie's left side. "Down! Stay!" Annie ordered and the shepherd dropped to the hardwoods on his belly.

The cop allowed a small smile to touch the corner of his mouth as he saw how well trained the German shepherd was. He respected the K-9 unit of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police department as valuable assets in many situations, but not even their best trained dog heeded as well as this fine looking animal. He released his grip on his pistol and took out a notepad from his vest pocket.

"You want to tell me what's going on here?" The officer asked.

"That bitch sic'd her fucking dog on me and I was just..." the 'biker chick' began to prattle.

"Tonya, I wasn't talking to you. You're in enough trouble as is... and don't try to leave 'cause Lew's outside waiting if you do!" interrupted the cop.

The policeman turned back to look at Annie, "are you the manager here?"

"I'm the proprietor," replied Annie calmly though she could feel the heat rising to her face.

"Would you tell me what happened here, please?" the officer asked in a professional tone.

"Well," Annie began, "It seems 'scruffy' out there, didn't like 'biker woman' here, messing with 'wimpy girl, ' where-ever the hell she is now. So 'biker woman' and 'scruffy', at my urging, went outside to discuss their issues. Then this one," Annie said pointing to Tonya the biker chick, "decided to take a swing at me with that thing laying over there and then Bubba," pointing to the GSD, his tail thudding against the hard wood floor after hearing his name, "gave her a little 'Come to Jesus' meeting. That's about it! Now I have a business to run, officer..." Annie looked at the name tag, "Officer Williams, so would you take her, and that," pointing to the piece of pool cue on the floor, "and get the hell out of my restaurant?" Annie had lost her sense of humor.

Officer Williams gently took Annie by the arm and led her towards the kitchen, "Listen, you may not realize this, but that's Tonya Richardson, Judge Richardson's step daughter."

"I don't give a good god damn who she is" Annie replied hotly.

"Keep your voice down. Do you want to press charges?" asked Officer Williams.

"No, just get her the hell outta here, but if you give her a breath test you're gonna find out she's drunk... just a tip ossifer Williams," Annie said. "I got girls here," nodding towards her wait staff, "on the clock, doing nothing so just take her and 'scruffy' away!"

"I'm afraid you're going to have to shut down for the night," said Sergeant Williams. "We have an incident report to write up involving an accusation by Tonya."

Harry Williams handcuffed Tonya and handed her over to his partner.

He looked remorseful. "There's no way I can cover up what happened here. Even if you don't press charges, Tonya is going to make life hell for you for having a dangerous dog loose on the premises of a public establishment."

"Bubba's not dangerous," said Annie. "He was just protecting me!"

"I understand that, Miss Prince," said Sergeant Williams, "but I don't write the laws. Ever since the whole pit-bull thing started, the rules have been that unleashed dogs in public, much less a restaurant, are serious violations. Tonya's step father is going to twist this around that once again his daughter is just a victim of inept policing, and he'll probably sign a court order to make sure you aren't around to contradict him."

"What in the sweet chocolate hell does that mean?" asked Annie.

"I'm sorry, Miss Prince," Harry said. "This looks like a real nice place, but you had the misfortune to have Tonya Richardson pay you a visit." Harry looked around before speaking again. "She'd be serving life by now with her history, if it wasn't for her daddy bailing her out every time she gets into trouble. I've been on the force twenty-two years, and I can't even count the number of times that I've arrested her just to see the charges dismissed by the court. You embarrassed her today, you saw her scared, and she's not going to let this rest. If I were you, I'd get this dog the hell out of here. Send him to relatives or something. I'll do my best to buy you some time." With that he closed the notepad, and with a sad look walked out the door.

"Jacob! Girls, let's call it a day. Go ahead and clock out!" Annie called to the three waitresses and her dishwasher. She could see Sergeant Williams outside with Tonya, having her blow into the clear plastic tube.

"Mizz Annie, I'll stay and help you clean dis mess up," Jacob said softly.

Slowly the girls streamed out of the restaurant while Annie and Jacob together bussed tables, washed dishes, and put away food. Annie released Bubba from his 'down/stay' and went behind the counter to add up meal tickets, trying to wind down from the evenings events, sipping on a glass of wine. Amazingly, most of the girls didn't even know of Bubba's existence, even Jacob had only seen him rarely but he remained at his mistress's side while she worked this evening, even closer than usual.

"Make sure you get yourself something to eat, Jacob, God knows there's enough back there... just help yourself," Annie called to her helper.

Same as Kelly
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Hello friends! Mera naam Ammu hai name changed, aur mai Karnataka Mangalore ka rahene wala ho, muje sex stories bahut pasand hai. Mai har roz iss ki stories padta hon har story, aur unme har story such nahi hoti par sab stories achi hothi hai. Ab mai aplogo ko bore kiye bina direct story pe atha hon ye story hai kaise maine chatting friend ko patake uske sath sex kiya. Mai paheli bar story likh raha hon agar koi galti huwi hotho muje maaf karna par ye ek dum asli story hai. Koi b milawat nahi...

3 years ago
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more than friends

I have secretly wanted my friend Sam for my lover for years. He is a very handsome man who is six foot two and has very broad shoulders. His six pack abs and hot ass have always made me melt. Until yesterday, I had just thought of us as friends and as an impossible fantasy. Yesterday, he told me that he liked me and had always found me to be very attractive. He asked if I would ever like to be with him. I was dumbfounded and could not respond, and we left it at that. I woke this morning...

3 years ago
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Meri pyaari kunwari behnon, Mera naam Nagma hai. Aaj main aapko meri kahani batati hoon. Yeh meri zindagi ki sachi kahani hai. Aap log yauvan ke dahleej par kadam rakhte hi zindagi ke haseen anubhavon ke barey mein rangeen sapne dekhna shuru kar diye honge. Aise sapne maine bhi dekhi thi jab mein 18 saal ki ho gai thi. Meri janam ek madhyam vargiya parivar mein hui. Mere pitaji kisi sarkari company ke daftar mein choti si post par kaam karte the. Maa ek ache ghar se thi lekin sampradaya aur...

4 years ago
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My First Corporate Sex Experience With My Manager

Hi, guys. Thanks for the overwhelming response for my first ever sex story that I submitted here. This sex story is about my corporate life, how I had sex with my manager. You can call me jacky.And my manager Riya (name changed for obvious reason). I am sure when she will read this story she will come to know about me. As she is a regular reader of this site. Riya is almost 35 years old, but I can bet upon my own flat that anyone looking at her will say she is just 25. Big busty boobs, fair...

3 years ago
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Armpit Sex

I have always been an armpit lover since I grew up. Clean shaven ones, bushy ones – I love them all. I like the raw pungent smell that it emits and love to lick the sweat that gathers in the hollow of an armpit. I have made my women lick my armpits in turn and if they are sufficiently roused, they liked licking my armpits. I always get turned on by women in sarees and sleeveless blouses. Five years ago I fucked a buxom whore at a brothel I used to frequent. I remember her for her very big...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Kiara Cole Sexy blonde teen Kiara Cole gets a hot and sexy massage from an older man

Kiara Cole’s dad is the owner of the Kinky Spa and she’s coming in to get her usual free massage. Turns out her dad is out of the office today, but his employee Eric can help her out. Eric happens to be just her type, an older gentleman with a big long cock. She starts seducing him right away, she takes her towel off and requests that he reeeeally digs his hands in deep. Before you know it, she’s naked and his fingers are inside her tight teen pussy. You gotta do whatever the boss’s daughter...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Riley Reid Rides 2 Cocks At Once Dp8217d By The DP Masters

Riley Reid gets all her holes filled by the DP Masters in this airtight fuckfest! Porn Goddess Riley Reid is back at JJV for more hardcore action. She’s dressed in black lingerie with white gloves, a top hat, and black heels as she runs her hands across her body. Riley pulls her lingerie to the side to expose her perfect tits, then covers them back up as she teases us with her amazing assets. She pulls her panties down to show off all of her glorious holes before, again, covering herself...

4 years ago
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BeautyRemastered Ch 04

My dear readers, I’m SO sorry I haven’t updated in…oh goodness, 2 months! Lots of happenings in my life, good and bad, but that’s hardly an excuse. I’m working on chapter 5 of Beauty Remastered as hard as I possibly can, while attempting and reattempting to start Piper, which is Joey and Danny’s story =) Wish me luck, my loves. I promise, Chapter 5 will be super exciting and wonderful and out soon! Cross my heart. For everybody who commented and voted on the earlier chapters, you are the best...

3 years ago
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InjusticeChapter 4

As I reentered to the camp, I could just make out the figure of Farley off to my right, and could detect but not see someone off to my left in the deeper darkness under the interstate. Ignoring them, I made straight for where George and Albert were sitting with a small battery powered lamp between them and the bottle of Bourbon. “Hand me that bottle,” I demanded as I approached them, and they passed me the bottle. Raising it to my lips, I took a long drink, my throat working several times....

4 years ago
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A Suitable Position Chapter 8

A Suitable Position© Chapter 8 Life on the Inside. Her ladyship, Maxine von Bulow the Countess of Argyll arranged the satin cushions to her satisfaction and lowered herself gracefully onto the comfortable couch as she carefully observed her friend Rozamund Kirchen instruct her new maid on how to make the bed they had shared to her own specific standards. Under normal circumstances a lady would have little interest in such a domestic scene but this was a most unusual situation,...

4 years ago
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Jasmin the sexy air hostess 2

“Jai darling, you gave me a wonderful fucking experience. I really enjoyed it fully. To speak the truth, this is the most exciting fucking I have ever got in my life so far. And I never got this much of pleasures before. From your look, I never thought you would have so much of vigor and vitality to fuck…” she said appreciatively. “Jasmin, that makes two of us. It was all your magic. To be specific, the magic of your pussy” I complimented back. “See for yourself, Jai, what mess you have made...

2 years ago
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Bosom BuddiesChapter 2

Turned out my last thought had proven correct: Stephanie kept our little dalliance a secret from everyone, even her BFF, Elizabeth. Was it shame? Or was she just concerned about upsetting the apple cart? In any case, much as I wanted us to, Steph and I didn't have the lust-filled reunion I had hoped for after I got out of the hospital. It drove me nuts. We had been so completely comfortable with each other for so long, it was a shock to see the anxiety on Stephanie's face when I returned...

3 years ago
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The Voyeur Boyers Part I

'The Voyeur Boyers - Part I'by DizzyDRyan Boyer and his new best friend Jared Martin peddled their bikes through their neighborhood towards Ryan’s new home, which he shared with his mom and half-s1ster. The truth was Jared wasn’t only Ryan’s new best friend, he was his first and only… but to understand why Ryan had never had a best friend you have to understand the complicated life of Brooke Boyer, Ryan’s mom.Brooke was a bit a wild ch1ld when she was younger, and found herself pregnant in high...

1 year ago
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My Lucky Penny 1 Radical Honesty

Note : This story is completely fictional! *HEADNOTE* This story is not simply pornographic. Worry not, I will get into detail during sexual scenes, but I will also be concentrating on storyline as well. Enjoy the story... I don't know who intially wrote this program, but the stupid fucker ought to be fired. Hi. My name is Caleb O'Connor, and I'm a computer software programmer for a company called InaTech. Fortunately I work out of the home, meaning I never have to actually "go" to work. It's a...

1 year ago
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Latika Ki Pahli Chudai

Doston maine ajj tak bohot sari sex stories padhi hai,un me se kuch real stories hongi aur kuch nahi hongi.Mai aaj aapko meie ek baat batane ja raha hun jo sirf mujhe aur Latika ko hi pata hai. Mera naam Deepak hai aur mai Lucknow me rahta hun. Latika mere pados main rahati thi.jab woh apne family ke sath yaha rahne aayi thi tab mai 19 sal ka tha first year mein padhta tha. Latika mujhse se 4 sal badi thi aur woh M.S.C final year mein thi.woh 23 sal ki thi. thode hi dino mein uski family hamare...

1 year ago
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And There She Was

Introduction: This is a story I wrote just for fun, and I think it has the potential for a series. This isnt a fifty page sex story, its a story that has sex in it. It does focus on character development. Enjoy! School has been getting harder since my doctor had diagnosed me with depression. I guess it just hit me all at once, that there is really something wrong with me. Im a really messed up kid. I mean, who the hell gets clinically diagnosed depression? You only hear about a friend of a...

2 years ago
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Mrs Maxwell

This work of fiction is being offered to Fictionmania and Crystal's only and may not be used by any other site without the author's approval Mrs. Maxwell By DeeDee Pauca [email protected] One of the neat things about our neighborhood is that there's very little traffic. We're kind of a secluded section in the small town of Grayson - nice homes on big lots with hundreds of trees. And the lack of traffic means you can ride your bicycle right down the middle of the street...

4 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 21

Morton Clark was a regular at our place. And he wasn’t exactly a stranger. He’d gone to school in Phoenix at the same time we had, well the same era, but he was a couple of years ahead of us. He’d been a bartender in the old days too, the old days being a few years back. He made his money driving a cab now: his career change having something to do with drinking on the job. “Morty, Morty, Morty, how are the horses running for yuh?” I said. “I got Sterling in the eighth at Hialeah,” he said....

1 year ago
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Sally the Ghost Kisses Emelda

Simon’s breathing started to get deeper and louder as he neared orgasm. He stroked his erection faster. A buzzing sound filled the room punctuated by a squealing female voice. Emelda took her wide eyes off his groin and glanced across the bed, and the nude male masturbating between us, at me. ‘Goodness, Sally, this talking ‘laptop’ computer has gotten him excited. How long can he stroke himself? It looks oh so painful to me.’ Painful? I frowned. Emelda was a bit old fashioned as well as...

4 years ago
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Mene Bhabhi Ko Choda

Ye meri sachchi kahani he. Agar koi bhabhi ya ladaki mujase sex ki bate share karna ya sex karna chati ho to muje mail kare…Sp south gujarat se ..Hu ..Aapki identity guppat rakhi jayegi. Aapji khusi hi meri khusi he. .So plz kahani padhe or mail kare. Mera nam sagar he….Me veise to ..Masti me rehane vala ladaka hu. Umar 27 he.. Me aap ko bore na karte hue. Sidhe kahani pe aata hu … Ye bat 1 sal pehale ki jab me ..Apani resturant pe rehata tha …Tab ..Ek pehachan vali babhi …Aati thi ..Vise to...

3 years ago
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His Wife My SlutChapter 4

Satya and I were in the middle of eating our wonderful meal of KFC chicken and biscuits, not to mention some baked beans, mashed potatoes, green beans, and macaroni and cheese, when the phone rang. It was Ryan Thorne, who else? He definitely had some news for us, which Brenda sprung on him while they ate their pizza. I was on pins and needles, curious at to what she would want. “So, in a nutshell ... Brenda explained to me her problem, our problem as she saw it. She’s ... submissive. That’s...

3 years ago
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Butterscotch Part 3

Friday 6:30 pm   Drinks with the lads was great, a weekly rite of relaxation and male bonding. But all good things should come to an end. Not that the employees of   the respected law firm of Marmaduke, Daintree and Partners ever let their Friday drinking get out of hand, but the time inevitably came to call it a day and to say good night.   After the lads had bid me goodbye, I stepped out into the street and headed home. The evening was calm and mild by London standards and I dropped into...

3 years ago
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Dangerous Dames

I was caught in a game that I just couldn't win. You get beat and you just play again. Thinking this time is the time I win. The time that I win big. The time that for one fuckin brief moment in time everything aligns in my favour for once. Is it really asking that much to get a fuckin lucky break. Just once. That fate, fickle circumstance, God himself, is for one moment actually looking out for your interests instead of every other fucker's. Who gets to decide whose dreams live and whose get...

1 year ago
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The Working Girl

As he finished showering and dressing he left me with a quick, sweet kiss. "I'd love to see you again," he said softly, "soon, very soon." "Not a problem, you know how to contact me, I'd be happy to. In case my uh, wetness didn't let you know, I had a very pleasant time myself." He laughed softly. It was about the only 'soft' thing about him. He was about six three with a toned, but not bulky set of muscles and an eight inch cock that didn't seem to ever want to go down. He'd come twice in my...

2 years ago
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ldquofun with neighbour married lady

Hi readersI am harjeet from I like to tell all of you one true incident which happened in may 2017.I am 27 year old happily married saying with family at south delhi.I am staying here from last december, there is already a family at opposite of my flat, priya, sam and their son om(all name changed).As i am doing job , i used to leave home in morning and come at evening, When i had taken this flat wife was already pregnant and at previous flat there was no lift so changed flat where...

4 years ago
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Moms Gangbang

effrey had been away at college for almost a year, and was coming home for Thanksgiving. His mother, Sara was excitedly looking forward to it. His father had passed away right before Jeffrey left for college, and Sara was very lonely. She was 41 years old, and very shapely. She had large breasts, and dark blonde hair. Jeffrey couldn't understand why she didn't move on with her life. Jeffrey had just finished talking to his mother on the phone, and had asked if he could bring a couple of friends...

4 years ago
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Stop Watch GenesisChapter 3

I eased myself into bed beside the sleeping girl, sighing happily as I felt her smooth and cool skin against me. I slid my arm under her large t-shirt and around over her waist - tightening my grip over her taut stomach and pushing my face into her slender neck; taking a deep breath of the sweet scent of her hair. Emily murmured sleepily as she began to awaken; stirring her body languidly against mine in a most pleasing manner. I felt her muscles tense when she realised she wasn’t alone in...

3 years ago
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Husband Finds Out When How Who with

I never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...

2 years ago
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My brotherinlaw Jake

I lay on my back with my legs lifted slightly and spread wide. My left hand slowly maneuvering a smallish plexiglass dildo in and out of my hole. I bought it for myself as an 18th birthday present and it had quickly become one of my favorite possessions.I’m Ryan. My parents died in a car wreck 3 years ago, and I’ve lived with my older sister Claire ever since. She’s seven years older than me, and has been married for the past 5. Her husband Jake is the hottest man I’ve EVER seen. He’s...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alyssia Kent Real Hardcore Estate

Alyssia Kent is looking for a new place and hires real estate agent Lutro to help her. He shows her an amazing flat, central, gorgeous interior, prime location. The hot brunette wants this place so bad and would do anything for a good deal. Anything? Yes, anything. While in the bathroom, she grabs his cock and starts sucking that veiny rod immediately. He can’t resist that busty babe and lets her do her thing while getting all horny and ready to bang that Romanian vixen’s shaved...

2 years ago
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I Wonder If She Really Knew

It all started about 3 years after I married Kacie. Long story shortened when we met Kacie was married to another guy and I was married at the time too. A couple of years after we met her husband died and we finally had our chance. Kacie was my absolute soul mate personality-wise from day one, and on top of that she was gorgeous. 5'7", nice 34c tits and a tiny waist and beautiful ass. She had blonde hair with white highlights and big brown eyes. Sex was always great in bed and we experimented...

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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 4 Learning Arts

The following morning they wake-up, once again entwined in each other’s arms and legs, with Brandon up moments before Tracy. He is again watching her as she comes up out of sleep and opens her eyes. Seeing him there, looking at her with a smile, Tracy cannot help but to kiss him deeply, followed by her grinding herself against him, as he is covering her with his body as he supports himself on his elbows. Though aroused and full of desire, they quickly get out of bed, get dressed and head to...

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The Sorensons Meeting Julie

I was fifteen when I first met the Sorenson's and their daughter. Tom and Julie Sorenson were both thirty and very nice people. Tom was kinda short but good looking. Julie was taller with what I considered a nice figure. Sandy, their daughter and a year younger than me, hated me at first sight. Even after doing all the 'right' things and trying to be nice, she remained hostile and often spoke harshly at me. I decided to let it go and just leave her alone. Two months after I turned sixteen...

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R6S Tactical Disadvantage

This story was created to combat the severe lack of R6S stories that exist on the internet. Please keep your entries similar in nature to what has been published already. (Also, this story focuses on the female operators, please keep that in mind) Some examples of what is appropriate for this story would be some sort of accidental nudity, or accidents that involve the exposure of underwear, wardrobe malfunctions of some nature that involve nudity or exposed underwear, and even situations...

3 years ago
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Harrys Place

You don't fuck with Harry's money and you don't fuck Harry's girls. Those are the rules. Not too difficult you'd think. You'd be wrong on both counts. "You are one dumb shit, Bumfelt," snarled Davey Duggan- Harry's go to guy whenever somebody needed tuning up or disposing of. "What were you thinking?" I shrugged my shoulders. Not easy to do sandwiched between another two of Harry's goons in the back of the Escalade. "This a tuning up?" I asked, all smiles, trying to keep it light. Duggan...

1 year ago
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My girlfriends best friend

I started seeing this one girl, thought she was the love of my life. Soon after we got together, she started accusing me of cheating on her because i wouldn't take her everywhere I went. After we'd been together for about 3 weeks, I found out that she had intentionally fucked my upstairs neighbor because she automatically assumed that I was cheating on her, and no matter what I said or did she would not believe that I was being faithful to her. By the time I found out that she was cheating on...

Cheating Wifes
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Newfound friend gives her what hubby won

"You sure this won't hurt?" Mary asked again."Absolutely. All you have to do is push back, like you are trying to go, and relax. Things will be just fine. I slide in a little, let you have time to get used to it, and take it easy. You'll love it." At least he hoped he wouldn't hurt her. He had used enough K-Y. If she were too tense, it would hurt. If she relaxed and wanted to enjoy this, it wouldn't."God I hope so. I've heard about this enough.""Girlfriends huh?" John said as he moved closer...

4 years ago
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Kismet or Happenstance Ch 04

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006. 6:40 pm ‘I’ve met someone.’ Ana moved the frames on her desk one more time. Perfect. The sudden hush wouldn’t last long, she knew them all too well. Right on cue, Sasha used her own words against her. ‘You’ve been there, what…twenty minutes? Our girl works fast, doesn’t she?!’ ‘Funny,’ Ana tried for a flat retort but their laughter was too infectious. Michelle giggled. ‘What’s he like? How’d you meet? Details!’ Ana resisted getting swept up in Michelle’s...

3 years ago
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The Zodiac Sign Youll Have The Best Sex With

1. Aries (March 21 - April 19): Sexual Style: Passionate and impatient, these lovers want to get down to business. They're not into wooing you with flowers and romance. They're actors, not dreamers, and they prefer a spicy, energetic romp to a drawn-out lovemaking session."They want what they want, and they want it now," says Vega. If what they want is you, you'll have a partner dedicated to pleasing you between the sheets — but you'd better not be into foreplay, because you're not going to get...

4 years ago
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My brothers Keeper

Round, firm breasts. Thick, hard nipples. A distended stomach and soft, smooth pussy mound. That's what awaited him at home every night for the past six months. It was easy to understand how a girl like me could get pregnant by a guy like him. Especially when I saw him everyday, and he refused to let me wear clothes while in the house with him. Oh but I love him so. It all started a few years ago. We were both sixteen at the time and curious about our bodies and each others. It had started off...

3 years ago
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In The Club

It was my Fiances Birthday and i thought to myself what could i do to treat the woman i love. I decided on a nice meal, then a few drinks in the trendiest bar in town,. i was waiting in the kitchen while she was getting ready thinking "come on we are going to be late" when the door opened and in she walked in. She looked beautiful but a little conservatively dressed.I gave her a kiss and said you look nice, then i whispered in her ear maybe we can be naughty tonight, which she replied i'm not...

4 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 23

Julio's patience had already worn thin when Bonita and Terence arrived to pick him up, and having to wear a blindfold to the clubhouse was an additional trial. But Terence grated, "You're not a member, so the location is secret -- period! There are probably two dozen other people in your boat and they don't bitch. We can go back..." "No, no, that's fine..." Julio would be an hour behind schedule, at least, if he went out now to collect some stupid slip. "Do you have something, or am...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 15

Things finally started to settle down to a new normal. I was calling my dad, Holly, and Mandy about once a week. During one call, which we always scheduled when Linda was out, Mandy admitted she finally “did it” with Matt, and it had been really good. “He did not make me, ah, cum though. But he got better, and finally last time I did. Linda is barely here now, I think when she graduates next week she is going to move in with Melissa. I can’t wait, she has become a real cunt lately.” “Mandy,...

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An industrial gymnastics

A hard day at work for two ladies, they want to relax, but how? No males around, not a big deal, a woman always knows perfectly what it takes to make a woman cum. Wild lesbian sex can surely compensate for men, sometimes….Once, when the work day was over me and my new woman secretary working her first day stayed in the office after long and hard working hours to discuss some subjects lingering over coffee. She was medium-height 25 year old girl, single, long black haired alumna. After the...

2 years ago
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I want to take you in my arms & give you a deep soft passionate kiss. I want to feel your body against me. I want to feel the heat from your pussy through our cloths, against my groin, as you push yourself into me when we kiss. I want to feel you rub yourself against me, your juices showing through your pants, as I return the emotion thrust for thrust. I want to take your shirt off, kissing your neck, shoulders, breasts as you continue to rub against me. I want to lay with you on the floor,...

1 year ago
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Living the Dream part 20

Living the Dream, part 20 By; Malissa Madison When Erika, Tiffany, Danny and Donnie returned from their run I told Erika to hurry and shower because we had an early appointment. "Momma do we have to go?" asked Rachel, A worried look in her eyes. I reached out and took her chin between my thumb and finger, looking directly into her eyes. "Yes and you especially now that you are fully active. Now hurry up. I think it's Denise's first time and she needs her sisters there for...

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Huang Rong Sex and cheat

Chapter oneHuang Rong in the martial arts known as "Central first beauty," Guo Jing married after living in the Peach Blossom Island, sixteen years later,Guo Jing due to the Central Plains to protect against Yuan Song, so the size of Wu and two disciples live on the island, the size is Guo Jing Wu couplesIn a decade ago to accept the apprentice, are in their twenties, and Dawu looks athletic, powerful and brave; Xiao Wu is longToo handsome extraordinary, martial arts is amazing, very loved...

2 years ago
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Jans College Daze

I work with quite a few people from around the country. My company currently operates in 10 states across the south and Midwest. Consequently I meet some other employees that lean the same way I do. :) Jan is a petite woman in her late 50's. She is from the southeast. We were having a series of meetings about an upgrade of services. She was on my team. During a team dinner one night we go to talking and as one of the younger women in our group said that her college days were wild and...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 2 Seers and Dreams

I had spent an enjoyable time with Sid and his family in the Valley of the Wind, but Spirits take me, the shifts in my view of reality just wouldn't stop! First there was the mini-Transformation that Trunk and I experienced, what Andy and his family called being 'awakened', and the gifts that came with it. I can never express how utterly my life changed the moment I realized I was sharing Mat's mind, and could know, absolutely and utterly, the depth of his love for me, and see his own joy...

1 year ago
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MylfBlows Desiree Dulce Champion Cock Choker

Desiree Dulce is the kind of MILF who makes dreams come true. In fact, she is one of the most smoking hot babes we have ever seen, and she is ready to rock your world. She puckers her lush, pink lips, getting them wet and ready to service a fat cock. When she gets the chance to practice her greatest skill, penis pleasing, Desiree does not disappoint. She takes our studs thick prick down her throat and gags as spit drips down his shaft and covers his balls. She makes sure to get every inch of...

1 year ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 2

Chapter 2. Carrots and Sticks Jane watched him from the corner of her eye while she finished dressing and getting ready. He lay writhing in shame on her bed, face flushed, not knowing where to look. He still had his dummy in his mouth and a shiny stream of drool trickled down his cheek to stain the flaps of his dribble bib. Jane reflected, 'That was a clever suggestion of mother's; making him dribble copiously whenever he uses his dummies. It adds another extra element of shame to his...

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