Tenchi Muyo (All Good Things)Chapter 138: Girl Talk free porn video

Azaka spared yet another glance the direction of his long time companion.
Covertly imparting a subtle, if sad shake to his head at how unkind recent events had dealt with the younger knight.
From the indignity of nearly having both eyes torn from his skull by that amazing little girl. To the hasty cut and restyling of his hair to cover portions Mayuka had managed to actually pull out during the fray!
Were they visiting during lighter times, even Sasami no doubt would have difficulties not commenting at how decidedly rough around the edges Azaka's 'second' currently looked.
Fortunately however the word 'mullet' was blessedly absent from the Jurian vocabulary.
Having to 'select' a new battle staff from the armory had hardly help to improve Kamadaki's mood.
The previous one, having seen him solidly through nearly a hundred campaigns in the emperor's service was now permanently 'rooted'. Growing out of the floor on Yadlin's main deck some twenty paces from Azaka's own.
"I still fail to see why you insist on our maintaining vigil so far from the Olsen's entrance brother!" Kamadaki suddenly grumbled softly, perhaps misinterpreting the nature of the elder knights bemused occasional glance.
"Not a word of it lad." Azaka returned soothingly.
"I find this distance more than adequate!"
"Still, I am concerned." The younger knight offered darkly after a moments regard of him. Forcing the softest of sighs from the elder knight.
"Of what pray tell?" Azaka asked mildly.
"That some unknown brigand? Having slipped past the armada undetected could have descended planet-side unannounced? Then having breached a tenth magnitude light-hawk shield could manage to enter yon edifice without answering to us?"
"Something like that." Kamadaki grumbled. Narrowing his eyes at his mentor's barb.
"Don't forget young pup." Azaka nodded down the twenty-foot hall towards the actual entry.
"Should such a transgressor succeed ... I should think our nameless assailant would find his world in a piteous state upon opening those inner doors!"
"I am still uncomfortable with this distance!" Kamadaki continued adamantly.
"Then by all means lad, sooth your conscience!" Azaka mildly shrugged, all the while gesturing at the doors behind.
"But don't say later I didn't try to restrain you!" He added with a sigh.
Prompting an angry sharp glance as Kamadaki pivoted smartly. Hefting his new staff as he all but marched back up the hall.
Once there he again made a check of the area.
Noting nothing unusual aside from the slight damage incurred five days earlier when several of the knights had forced entry as part of a thorough search of the grounds.
Distantly he could hear the sounds of laughter and the splashing of water.
Still annoyed by the apparent indifference of his mentor, Kamadaki turned assuming then a standard 'posture of vigilance' with his back against the entry door.
"Are ether of you still out there?" A muffled voice easily identifiable as Lady Funaho suddenly called just as he had settled in to place.
"Good help is so hard to find." Someone Kamadaki believed instantly had to be Professor Washu sighed.
"Your servant is here my Queen!" Kamadaki shouted hastily. Sparing a single hostile glare at Azaka's back.
Both considering then instantly dismissing the notion of summoning his companion. Wondering briefly if perhaps, the elder knight was finally going senile?
Dismissing the redundant, Kamadaki turned crisply parting the outer doors.
The anti-room or changing area, while elegantly appointed contained nothing of note.
Other than cubbyholes for shoes and personal effects plus pegs for hanging outer garments.
Less than ten running steps were required to bring him abreast of the large Jurian styled cupboards containing supplies for the bathhouse, bordering the inner door.
The report submitted by the Tanzuru who'd searched the Olsen however had no explanation as to who had all but pulverized the inner doors locking mechanism.
Thus with no impediment other than the remaining ornate latch, Kamadaki took a moment to steady before at last sliding them open.
"Do you know how many times I have called?" Funaho snapped instantly upon sighting him.
"Forgive, my liege," Kamadaki bowed respectfully, fixing eyes firmly on the floor before him.
"I and my mentor were reconnoitering the perimeter!"
his current poster, less a mater of choice as one of rigid courtesy.
Aside from the queen, Every woman of the immediate household was there. Seated variously about smiling at his arrival pleasantly.
Which was indeed fortunate for the expressions were all any presently wore.
"Searching for ... what? I might ask?" Funaho inquired glaringly.
"You can dispense with the excuses!" The queen added angrily. "Half the royal guard are presently under the shield!"
"Then I would humbly request I be allowed to beg your forgiveness..." Kamadaki replied.
"Yes, yes, Yes!" Funaho snapped. Now reclining against the decorative rock upon which she sat.
"You can grovel later! In the meantime do make yourself useful!" She gestured impatiently.
"And bring us that tray!"
Already bowed kamadaki nodded dutifully. Turning while keeping eyes glued towards the floors general vicinity. Giving silent thanks however to the treasures granted his peripheral vision.
Each and every one, a study in grace and unbridled feminine symmetry!
Grasping the tray now in front of him he took a moment to pause and consider its contents.
Wondering briefly when the queen could have developed a liking for Japanese Sake?
Kamadaki almost stumbled upon reversing directions however. Unable to completely contain his gaze from the spectacle of Ayeka reclining comfortable upon some decorative rocks, tenderly tracing the royal silver crest affixed just above Ryoko's groin.
"It suits you, you know?" The crown princess was practically purring.
The former space pirate had nothing to say in return, only favoring her companion with a contented smile. Before leaning up the distance necessary, brushing lips gently along Ayeka's cheek.
Ending the sensual gesture with a firm kiss just under her right ear.
"Oh pool boy!" Misaki called brightly. Waving energetically from where she lay by Funaho, the queen presently soaking her lower legs.
"At once!" Kamadaki mustered his courage.
Giving silent thanks his tunic was both flowing and mercifully opaque! Hefting the tray, though more an over-sized flattened wooden bucket and started that direction.
"Gezzz." Kiyone mutter where she sank low, practically a head just above water. Eyeing Ayeka and Ryoko only a few feet distant from her.
"Why don't you two get a room?"
Even given all events of the past few days, the sight was slightly more than unsettling.
'Normally' if the term even applied anymore. By this time of day they would've had one major shouting match, at least!
'Knock down drag outs' were usually reserved officially for sometime after lunch.
"The center can not hold!" Key muttered to herself.
"They are kind'a snuggled up there." Washu observed aloud. Even as Kamadaki halted at the main pools edge. Looking despairingly over the intervening water at the Queen and Misaki's location.
"I think they present a charming image." Funaho mused pleasantly.
"I remember how 'blissed' out we were!" Misaki sighed, before her gaze suddenly hardened.
"How long do you think my arm is young man?" She snapped directly at where Kamadaki hesitantly stood.
Ending the statement with a single curt wave towards her self.
Having no other recourse and with no discernible change in expression, Kamadaki stepped forwards dropping into the slightly higher than waist deep water.
He was careful not to spill the contents of his tray as he dutifully waded towards the outcropping upon which the queen and general of the armies presently lounged.
"Meyow?" Ryo-chan asked concerned, from one of the higher basins. Where she and Mayuka were presently soaking. Prompting Sasami to finally glance away from where Ryoko and Ayeka fawned over each other.
"I told you I'm ok." She smiled tightly. "How many times are you going to ask?"
"Meyow..." Ryo-chan acknowledged sadly.
"Sasami feel bad?" Mayuka asked carefully. The child's face only visible from 'nose up' from where she was peeking over side of the basin.
"Well how the hell else is she supposed to feel sugar?" Key snapped irritably, instantly angry with her self for the effort. It wasn't like Mayuka knew any better.
"How indeed?" A portion of Sasami quietly considered. Only mildly reproachful of Kiyone at her mild Faux paw.
Thinking back, much as she had done for the last day and a half upon those minutes of disorientation upon her awakening from time freeze.
There was the addressing of those immediate needs of course, healing the damages of forced metamorphosis upon her human form in mere moments. That had required no great expendature on her part, almost trivial.
She had strolled from that chamber aboard Yadlin, rage crystallizing. Angered at the betrayals upon her person to the point she had not bothered to even order the soul of the great tree, the heart of the ship to acknowledge her presence.
Choosing instead to force the bridges main portals as a melodramatic salve to her conscience.
Regarding callously in her anger the pain suffered by Yadlin from the act, a penitence for the tree's participation in these blasphemes perpetrated by her own people!
The sight of Masaki and lady Funaho as she had entered were enough to rekindle a murderous fury!
Her focus had been such that she had barely noticed the two knights interposing themselves.
Azaka openly addressing her however...
From the moment of her emergence, her mind had raced, at every possibility almost of its own accord, a hundred, a thousand directions at once!
In moments she had reached out to touch. Sensing all of her children in orbit. Firmly chastising their participation in this crime! Observing their instant repentance and submission.
Being suddenly called 'Sasami' however, amid the righteous anger of the goddess had been ... Confusing?
At the mere utterance of that single name she had returned instantly.
The sight of her old mentor and friend almost managing to disrupt her anger ... almost.
It was the sound of Ayeka's Guardian which had reminded her of course. The 'other' Azaka that had refocused her mind upon the present and brought her fury to bear once more.
The Old knights remonstrations however had served some purpose. Blunting enough of her anger so that she could at least converse with the two women suddenly before her.
Enough for her to demand they answer in some fashion before she would let fall their punishment.
She was the goddess! And these two had presumed much upon themselves.
"Azusa is dying!" How the words had echoed ... in that instant entering her heart surely as the sharpest blade.
They had continued to reverberate. Even now recalling another voice from her memory.
"Behold the sky and the clouds little one." Azuza had told her once.
The wind had been soft that day so long ago. Standing upon the hill just above and behind the palace at Juraihelm. Seated upon his broad shoulders Sasami had believed that she could almost touch those clouds.
"Father?' Sasami had asked. Responding to thoughts which had played troubling upon her mind back then from the time before ... when she had yet to join to Tsunami.
"Yes little sprig?" He had asked, the 'lilt' of his head telling her his attention was fully upon her.
"Will I ever be queen?" Sasami had asked. Her small hands had been wandering through the thick ebony forest of his hair.
"Is that what you truly desire?" Azusa had asked after a moment, clearly giving some thought to her question.
"I don't know..." Sasami had done her best to answer him in turn.
"And why would you want to?" Her father had continued. Taking that moment to lift her from his shoulders effortlessly. Shifting his hold upon her with infinite care to set her down upon her feet on the ground before him.
"Do not begrudge your sister her position." Azusa then said as he straitened. He had always seemed so tall to her eyes then. And so strong!
"Sasami, you may find in the fullness of time that the thrown makes demands upon those who would sit upon it."
"But everyone respects you ... right?" She had carefully responded.
"In a perfect world perhaps." Her father had chuckled. Appearing mildly surprised at the remark.
"But seldom is it the gala affair." Azusa told her somberly.
"The lavish tapestries, the fancy dresses and all the grand balls some would think of it."
Her father had then knelt before her lifting her chin to gaze deep within her eyes.
"Promise me that you will always be there for your sister. To help her when she needs you most.
Sometimes it is the second voice which speaks wisdom the loudest."
Those gentle words had come rushing back, washing over and through her. Confusing visions had cascaded past her perceptions.
She was Tsunami! Seeing Azusa as a child. His small hand resting upon the bark of Rexsur. Gazing up in wonder as the bond between him and the soul of his tree had taken hold for the first time.
She was Sasami! Crying unashamed as only a child could. Holding on as Funaho comforted her. After explaining why the bird she had found dead in the garden couldn't be saved.
"There are limits to even the power of a queen." Lady funaho had informed her sadly.
Images without count or number had flown past the windows of her mind all in an instant as she had confronted both her mother and Funaho!
The righteous rage of the deity had deserted her, extinguished surely as the fire before the deluge.
Oh, she was still angry! Furious in fact.
It was just that the rage had been unexpectedly tempered. Complicated by the sudden needs of the moment.
In the aftermath reason had been a poor substitute.
'What the hell was she supposed to do?' start mowing down her family left and right?
She was conflicted in the worst way imaginable!
The gentle final integration of the two selves had been denied out of brutal necessity.
In a very real sense, she was neither Sasami nor Tsunami. She was a child of their forced final 'union' with all that that entailed.
The sensations of this body were also ... distracting, overpowering!
The brushing of her young breast against the material of her shirt had sent shivers along her spine having nothing to do with the departing cold of time freeze. Touching upon something deep and unremembered. Recalling a distant time.
Had she known these sensations before?
At the same time she was adamantly aware that she could not know some of the things her mind now insisted she did!

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