LuciChapter 2 free porn video

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The alarm brought me out of a dream that I do not really remember. I got out of bed and walked over to turn the noise off. It had been too easy to turn the alarm off and then go back to sleep when it was on my night table, so I had moved it across the room. My wife had further to go to shut it off, but I was the first one out of bed these days, so it did not really matter.

I headed for the bathroom to take care of my morning absolutions. Visions of Luci from the night before had me hard before I finished putting cream on my face. I needed to focus or I was afraid I would slit my throat. That caused my erection to subside and I managed to get shaved without any damage to my body. Of course, thinking of shaving brought me back around to Luci's email which got me hard all over again. At least there would be lots of cold water I reasoned as I turned the shower on.

I had sent Luci an email before I left last night. I did it on the workbench rather than on my production machine because it was easier to blow away the evidence later on if I needed to. She had not responded by the time I went to bed so I turned off my unit and put it in my briefcase. I finished showering, thinking about her body, and dried off. I guess I would have an erection all day. I pulled on my underwear and looked through my closet. I do not normally wear a suit two days in a row, but I thought I would today. It gave me an excuse to wear slip on shoes as well. Straightening my tie, I kissed my wife good-bye and headed into the early morning chill. Forty-five minutes later, I was behind my desk, the building already a full boil and it was barely seven in the morning. Luci was not in yet but Nikki was.

"You two have fun last night?" Nikki was leering at me as she stood in my door way.

"No, we didn't," I tried to sound hurt or bored or something other than anticipating. Nikki laughed as she walked over behind my desk, spun my chair around and put both hands on the armrests and leaned down towards my face. She paused for a second, then leaned in and kissed me. Her lips were petal soft, but her tongue was like a viper striking out and pinning mine like she had me pinned to my chair. She was strong and there was no question that she was in charge. The kiss was quick and deep. Nikki pulled back and my eyes refocused.

"That was from Luci. She said she would be in around 8. She also said you should give me one of your little toys."

My head was doing flips, but I did not take my eyes off of Nikki as I reached down and grabbed another box. She still had me trapped as I tried to put the box on the desk to record the numbers. With a smirk she leaned in and kissed me again. This time with less force, our tongues dancing back and forth like old friends as I reached up to stroke her cheek and run my hands through her hair. I was rewarded with a low moan and a tremble from Nikki as she pulled away. Her eyes, as dark as any I had ever seen, were bright and slightly lidded. Without letting go of arms of my chair she sunk down to her knees and put her head in my lap, rubbing her cheek against my thighs in a very cat-like way. I responded by tracing along the ridge of her ear and her jaw. It lasted only a moment, her skin was so soft in contrast to the wirelike quality of her hair. With a little sigh she stood up and released me.

I turned slightly in my chair and recorded the numbers while she rested a hand on my shoulder, the nails on her fingers stoking my neck ever so slightly, raising the hairs on the back of my neck and making my pants fit just a little tighter than they had a moment ago. I looked back up at Nikki and she leaned in and kissed me once more before taking her unit from my hands.

"I will see you later," she said with more than a little promise in her voice. As she walked out of my office I had a chance to internalize what she was wearing. Grey flannel pants that highlighted her very tight ass, and a close fitting mock turtle neck sweater in a brilliant emerald green that flattered her small chest and waist. At almost six feet, Nikki was a presence in a room. Dressed as she was today, she would be drawing every eye in the building to her as she walked by. She had certainly gotten my attention.

I was attempting to regroup when my phone ran.

"This is Gary," I said, picking it up on the second ring.

"Gary? Bob Norton here," Bob was one of our lead accountants, a sharp man with numbers and even sharper when it came to technology. I had tried, unsuccessfully, for six months to get him to join the IT staff. We had philosophical differences when it came to the exact technology we favored, but in the end, he recognized that the company needed it and I was willing to let him promote his opinion up to the point of the actual purchase. Since my teams had to support the stuff, I usually got my way.

"Morning Bob, what can I do for you so early this morning?"

"Two things actually. First, what is up with our database? I can't seem to find Paul. Second, how many of those little email gadgets do you have and how do I get one?"

I knew there was a method to his madness. "As to question 1," I responded while pulling up the management console for our database, not happy to see the red lights and warning messages. "Bob the database is not good. Initially thoughts are that it tanked in the middle of the night. I will see if I can hunt down Paul and find out what the skinny is. Give me 20 minutes to do that. As to question 2, I have about a dozen of them, but we are still running rough on them. I only got the gateway installed yesterday and I don't know that I have even sent any messages successfully yet. They are not connected to production even."

"Oh," he seemed disappointed. "Edward led me to believe we were up and operational and they were ready for distribution."

I was going to hurt someone. It would just depend on whom.

"Sorry, you got bad information. Or Edward did. Or I did." I was quietly grinding my teeth and thinking unclean thoughts about the head shed.

"I will tell you what, Bob, give me a couple of days to actually figure out how these things are supposed to work with our system and I will send one down and you can help us break it. How's that?"

"Sounds good to me. I will let you get on to the database. Keep me posted."

"20 minutes. Talk to you later." I hung up the phone and let my annoyance build a little before I let out a bellow.

"Alex!" I had some stage training and when I was annoyed I could really reverberate through the section, even from the back of my office. I was up and moving before the last of my yell had dissipated.

"You hollered, O wise one?" Alex asked, sticking his head in my office before I reached the door. Alex was our intern. At 50, he was a little old to be an intern, but he was transitioning careers. Only Jerry and I knew that he was transitioning from prison. I had no problems with him. He was a hard worker and was picking up the stuff we threw at him. Since he shared space with Paul, he was where I started my search. I had never learned to use the intercom. The phones were too complicated for me.

"Do we know where Paul is?" I asked indicating the general direction of Paul's desk.

"Nope, I haven't seen him yet this morning, and his screen is dark. Why?"

"Database tanked overnight and accounting is already ringing my desk, which means we have about 10 minutes before Jerry's phone starts ringing. He show you any tricks yet?"

"Only some basics, but not enough to recover anything if is serious."

My bellow had drawn a crowd. I have three direct reports; the head of Network Operations, Pete Mannor, the head of Communications Steve Thoms, and the head of Support, Janice Williams. We all think of Janice as our mother, even those of us who are the same age as she is. She had served in the military and could give orders with the best of them. She was also a genius. What the artillery lost in a range engineer, we gained in a woman who could whip the best out of her staff. Nikki was her lead tech and was a step or two behind her.

"Has anyone seen Paul in the last two days?" I asked. I couldn't remember seeing him yesterday, but I had been distracted.

"Two days ago was Sunday, Gary," Janice said with aplomb.

"Oh, right," I did not even look chagrined when I said, "he wasn't here Sunday, I remember that. So, did anyone see him yesterday? Pete?"

He was part of Pete's team, but I knew Pete had been out at a training session yesterday. I was looking for something sort of report.

"No. He wasn't here?" Pete looked a little confused. I pinned everyone in the hall and was getting blank stares from everyone but Nikki. Nikki was giving me a look of lust. I tried to ignore it as my blood pressure climbed.

"OK, battle stations. Pete, get on the phone and find him. I will go and brief Jerry. Nikki, could you and Alex start sifting the log files. Maybe we will be able to fix this quick. Janice, accounting is going to need soothing. Questions?" People were already in motion as Jerry came through the door.

"Anyone seen Paul this morning?" he asked taking in the little crowd in the hall.

"No, but we were thinking of painting the walls pink, what do you think skipper?"

He paused briefly then laughed. "I take it you know about accounting's problems?"

"I was just on my way to brief you," I responded.

"We'll use your office," he said.

Jerry closed the door behind him. This was not good.

"Have you seen Paul this morning?" he asked me quietly.

"No, I haven't and no one seems to remember seeing him yesterday either."

"He was out Friday as well." I had taken Friday off to catch up on some things around the house which is why I was in briefly on Sunday. I was saved a response by my pager going off. An epithet slipped out as headed for my chair. I slid around to my system, fingers flying over the keyboard coaxing the system to life.

"Pete, Steve, Janice, Nikki, Eric, we have a problem," I said, hitting the intercom. OK, so I did know how to use it, I just chose not to most of the time. Three years ago the company had almost gone out of business when a virus got loose in the network. We spent the better part of a month rebuilding systems and another six months making sure it would never happen again. Now the intrusion detection system had indicated we had a worm loose in the network again. I had a crowd in my office as I was evaluating the data in front of me.

"Back seat the database, we have a worm. Steve, pull the connections from the world and the isolate us from the WAN, Pete, IDS says it is upstairs, so let's isolate the VLANs and shut down the switch up there. Keep your ears open I may shut down other switches. Janice, I hope to have a target for you soon, but as soon as Nikki gets the latest virus signatures, you can put your folks to work. Then we will get back to the database." Everyone knew what they had to do. All three lines on my phone started ringing and Jerry was reaching for the handset before I could even move.

"Gary Preston's office, this is Jerry. Yes, we are aware of it." I started tuning him out as people started moving to their assignments. Nikki was trying to catch my eye and I knew what she needed. I tried to make my fingers move faster, almost willing the commands into the network.

"Grab a floppy of the shelf and stick in Pedro," I said into the air, but Nikki was already moving. Pedro was one of my workbench machines, a poor step-child of a box that I had beefed up with more spare parts. He was where I had a second line to the outside world and I was already pushing commands down to him to start dialing up as I was coming out of my chair to pull the network connection. I had opened my router up yesterday to enable the gateway to talk out to the WAP and now it might come back to bite me. I was hoping my systems had not been compromised. I pulled the LAN cable connecting my system to the network as Nikki was connecting to our anti-virus provider for the latest software and signatures. There was a flurry of activity in the backroom that morning and into that chaos walked Luci. Everything seemed to slow down for a moment as she smiled at me, took one look around and became all business. She was wearing a grey pleated skirt and a jacquard purple silk blouse. It was a stunning combination as the blouse seemed to flow over her body, highlighting every curve while the skirt swished this way and that. Grey patterned stockings and black pumps finished off the ensemble. I did not even get my mouth open when Nikki brushed past me, disk in hand and Luci followed her out. Luci was not normally a desktop technician, but at a time like this, everyone was a desktop technician and I knew that once Nikki had a copy made of the disk, they would crank out a half dozen and descend on the offices that were closest to where the worm had originated. Something was nudging the back of my mind as I returned to my desk to review the logs again.

"We will have someone up there in a few minutes," I do not know who Jerry was talking to but there were only two lines lit, one on hold and the one Jerry was talking to.

"Network is isolated boss; I am on the phone to the field sites to get them up to speed. Anything I need to tell them?" Steve said sticking his head in the door.

"Thanks Steve. Yes, tell them we had an outbreak and we think we have it contained. Get the admins to check EVERY machine. Backdoors are authorized for fetching new virus signatures." Every site maintained a secondary link to the Internet. Most, like me, had a simple dial-up connection. Corporate policy forbids them. Jerry and I knew better and had implemented as a security policy a backdoor connection policy that allowed them for things like this. As long as they did not cause issues on the network and they were secured, I was not going to get upset what they used them for otherwise. Occasionally I would wander the network and see what was exposed and slap a few wrists, but it was not often that I had to do that. I really was not listening to what Steve said as I stared harder at the log files.

"Steve, wait a minute. Where is Pete?"

"At his desk."

"Ask him to locate a MAC address for me." I rattled of the hex number, then wrote it down because there was no way Steve was going to remember it. Heck, I did not remember it and I had just recited it.

"OK. Funny looking address."

"I was thinking the same thing." Steve took the paper and slipped out of the office as Jerry hung up the phone.

"Damage control is in full swing. Anything else we know?" Jerry was a heck of a manager. At some point he would put his CIO hat back on and have to report to the President, but at the moment, he was running point for us so we could clean up the problem. There would be some very unhappy users in the morning, I was betting.

"Know? No. Suspect. Yes. I suspect I have the vector. Janice, when you get a moment." Pete beat her by a half-step, but gallantly let her go first through the door. My office was beginning to resemble a hotel lobby. Was it only yesterday that Luci had accused me of hiding in my office?

"Pete, you're first," I said looking up at him. Pete was on the far side of 30 but looked 25 and when he was working he positively vibrated. He was almost bouncing, so I knew he had something.

"You are good," he said shaking his head. "It isn't one of ours." Janice looked confused.

"Where is it?"

"Fifteenth floor, north side. I bet it is a laptop."

I had guessed that. As part of installing the intrusion system, I had standardized on a network interface card for all machines. This meant that any alien card would jump out like a sore thumb and light up the intrusion system. Purchasing had complained all the way up to the CEO. Jerry had managed to convince him that it was a good thing. I had just proven my point. Score one for the good guys. Janice put the pieces together.

"Can you narrow it down?" she asked. That was still two dozen offices, many of which had laptops. We were going on a hunt and needed to be sure.

"Once I get on the switch up there, I should be able to tell you which office. I've cut it off from the network already," Steve responded.

"So why are you standing here?" I asked as the grin split Steve's face. Janice was right behind him as he left my office.

"Shall we?" Jerry asked.

"Right behind you. Let me tell Eric and Nikki where to start working," I responded as I walked towards the door and grabbed my jacket.

"I will meet you up there," Jerry was already turning for his office on the public side of our spaces. I walked down to Nikki and Luci's office and stuck my head in.

"I have a target for you, Nikki."

"Already? That was fast."

"We got lucky. 15th, executive. Hose the whole area. Steve is up there now looking for our Typhoid Mary and Jerry is on his way as well." An infected alien laptop on the network was going to get someone suspended for a week if not fired outright. Both the President and the Chairman of the Board had made it very clear after the last out break what would happen. I was happy we had managed to catch it so fast.

"Good morning, Gary," Luci smiled at me when she said it and I had to resist the urge to grin like a schoolboy. Nikki was giggling.

"Good morning, Mrs. Phelps. How are you this morning?" Nikki lost it, pounding her desk as the tremors rolled through her. Luci started giggling as well. I had called her Mrs. Phelps less than a handful of times. Today it seemed not only appropriate, but a little silly, too. We were all wound tight this morning. Eric came up behind me and wanted to know what the joke was. That set Nikki off again and Luci joined her.

"I don't get it," Eric said behind me.

"It would take too long to explain. Nikki has your marching orders," I turned to look at Luci, "Luci, while I go find this machine, can you get with Alex and look through the database logs. It has been one of those mornings." I rolled my eyes.

"Should we start building an ark?" she asked.

"Keel is already laid in my office. Attach the ribs when you get a moment," I responded and turned to leave.

"Hang on Gary, we will go with you." This came from Nikki as she gathered up a pile of floppies and passed some over to Eric. We made our way to the elevator and Nikki through her arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug, laying her head on my shoulder briefly.

"Do I get one too?" Eric asked.

"You haven't earned one yet," Nikki replied. "He didn't even get his coffee this morning before the roof fell in."

It was true. The day was well on its way and I had not had my morning coffee yet. Nikki had sandbagged me before I had finished turning on my machine and then the issue with the database followed by the worm. What a way to start a day.

There was a posse waiting in the elevator lobby when we go there. Nikki and Eric headed to the Executive area while I sized up the group standing there. Jerry and I had grabbed our jackets, but the rest of the men and some of the women were in shirt sleeves. Edward, our CFO was there as was Patricia, the CEOs lead assistant. She was standing next to the CEO and Chairman of the Board Craig Kelly. Patricia was as much Craig's wife as she was his assistant. Craig had lost his wife to cancer and Patricia's husband had died in a car accident about the same time. There was little question as to who ran the company, although officially, Mark Williams, the COO was in charge of the day-to-day operations. He was in Asia but his lieutenant, Paolo Sanchez was part of the group waiting for something. Turns out it was Pete they were waiting for. Pete caught my eye and Jerry's and we huddled for the details while the rest of posse talked among themselves. I was glad they were not about to visit my office.

Same as Luci
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good start to an amazing summer

This is not a true story! Hi I'm Dallas this is a story about me and my step sister having some fun. I always thought my Step sister was attractive even in our teen years but being away from home because of college we didn't see each other much. But seeing her at 20 she was easy hotter then I remembered! Her name is Bethany she is about 5'2, very fit body I'm guessing about a 36C bra size and a very nice butt! Well anyways since mom and my stepdad traveled all the time because of their work me...

3 years ago
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Cruising Another true story

On a cruising evening / night you can meet some strange characters. I sat in my car and I waited on my favorite cruising area, a highway parking lot, looking for horny guys to have horny fucks as well. I longed for a hard cock and a few plump balls. It was just before midnight and that was the time when the old horny grandpas had finally went home and the hot younger guys crawled out of the holes. As always, I lay naked in my car and slowly jerked my stiff cock to have the correct operating...

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So my wife Sarah were in Prague, we had been before and experienced a couples massage which had been one of the most sensual experiences we had ever had. I’m 54 and my wife Sarah is 51. We are both fairly active but the years are starting to catch up on us and we both a little heavier than we used to be. Sarah was a size 12 when we met 25 years ago, now she borders a size 16, although being 5 ft 8 she carries it well. She still has a great bottom and even though her boobs have swelled from 38C...

2 years ago
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Charity Slave AuctionChapter 2

I woke up in the morning to find Glenn throwing the sleeping bag open and moving his hands over my body possessively. I glanced over at Jerry. He’s lying on his side watching closely. I’m stone cold sober now. I would have thought that in the light of day I’d be having second thoughts. I realized, however, that I’m looking forward to this weekend as much as he probably is. I have no regrets, unless you count having lived twenty-four years before experiencing such bliss. Remembering the...

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Pussy Petals

A one-eyed-trouser-trout is quite blind so the appearance of what it gets into is irrelevant for its purposes. Other parameters come into play for a man’s small head. However, the big head generally appraises the overall female first and it’s the visuals that help play the biggest part in getting both heads ready for action. Some pussies are just a slit between the two lips, framed by the thighs, and looking like they are tightly closed against any entrant. Those are not very interesting to...

3 years ago
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Another walk in the rain

I have always loved walking around with my fly undone and seeing how longbefore my cock flops out of my pants and into the cool air. This is just asmall story about my recent masturbatory adventures.I'm around 37 years old, a white guy with an average body, I hope, and apenchant for rubbing my cock while thinking about cuming all over theplace. As I write this right now my thick cut 7.25 in cock is sticking outfrom my button flys and I'm stroking every once in a while.Recently after reading...

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I Couldnt Help ItChapter 3

My mother and I soon came to an understanding regarding our new relationship. I would continue to sleep downstairs, or pretend to sleep downstairs, until Hannah was in bed and most likely asleep. I would then go upstairs so that Mom and I could fuck. She would always be wearing her pajamas when I got up there. Then Mom would repeat what happened on that first night by removing her pajamas, having a fuck session with me and then putting the pajamas back on. She refused to sleep in the nude...

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Do I Hear A Bid Of 100

 It was the annual Charity Gala and the committee had really thought out of the box when it came to the evening’s auction. Usually, it was a silent auction, but this time they had decided to auction off twenty of the city's finest bachelors for an evening of fun and dinner. The bachelors would come from the police and fire departments.Because of this innovative auction, there were many more women than usual at the Gala. The event had been going for three hours when, finally, it was time for the...

Straight Sex
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Our Little Fuck Club

Well, since Helen introduced our friend Peter and his and my creation of a fuck club, I may as well tell you some of the details. All within a story of course...This story contains male bisexual content...I dropped in to visit my oldest friend Peter Gray one summer evening five years ago. Peter, his wife Jen and a distinguished looking couple, our elders by ten years or so, were sharing drinks on the deck. I was quickly introduced to Ted and Willa Franklin who were an amiable and attractive...

3 years ago
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Emily looked at the door twice. She was sure she had locked it on her way out. As she peered through the opening, she could clearly see that the alarm was switched off, she was sure it had been turned on when she left the house. She took a cautionary step inside, she wanted to call out to see if anyone was inside but that would have been stupid. She closed the door and looked from room to room. There was no one. No one, that is, until she noticed the thick black coat hanging from the coat...

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A Reluctant HeroChapter 12

0600 hours, December 14, 2013 – Downtown Manhattan, New York City The jangling phone awoke Josh with a start. He groaned and reached for the receiver. "Huh?" "This is your 6:00 AM wakeup call, Sergeant Warner," the night operator reported. "Major Van Dyke needs you dressed and ready to leave for Rockefeller Center in thirty minutes. The major said that you should not worry about packing. One of his assistants will handle that for you." "Thank you," Josh managed to grunt as he...

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Daddys Boy Part 2

Introduction: Uncle fucks his nephew DADDYS BOY PART 2 By Depraved Pervert DADDYS BOY PART 2 For the next week I convinced myself my son was the innocent victim of a mob of gym perverts. I mulled over ways of getting even with my mate Laurie and his gym buddies whod betrayed me, all the while jerking off to the memory of my sons gang fuck at their hands. I wondered how long it had been going on. I had no choice but to allow Justin to keep going to the gym in the afternoon until I could find...

3 years ago
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 19

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Hestia - the virgin goddess, ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. sister of Zeus. Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of...

2 years ago
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cuckold medical

Lauren was always more sexually experienced and adventurous than me. She enjoys roleplay a lot and after 5 years of marriage, we had tried pretty much anything you could think of in the bedroom. We talk very openly about our sex life so we we're both very knowledgeable about each other's kinks. Since we both liked to play submissive, cuckoldry was a good fit for us. We didn't having any long term bulls but Lauren played with other guys every so often, usually with me watching and jerking in the...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Adria Rae Let8217s Celebrate 8212 in Bed

Bethany (Adria Rae) was ready for a big celebration when she announces her engagement to Robert. There’s a round of congratulations and that’s it! But instead of sulking, she heads to her room and seduces Robert big time, stripping in front of him and mounting him. Robert (Charles Dera) is more than willing, watching as she takes every inch of his stiff cock inside of her wet, juicy mouth. Then he kisses every inch of her tight body. Robert flips her over and drives it home hard. He...

2 years ago
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My Girlie Fantasy part 3

Suddenly among the Eden of pleasure Ken was providing, the doorbell rings like thunder as lightning strikes burning away thesacred garden. Ken curses under his breath while he gets up to gosee who it is. I quickly sit up & fix my clothing as he walks to the door, watching him as he goes. Almost as soon as he disappearsaround the corner he returns proclaiming that it is his brother thathe hadn't seen in years then disappears again to let him in. I feel abit of a chill roll down my spine as I...

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Banged by Hubbyrsquos Fishing Buddies

Banged by Hubby’s Fishing Buddies Hubby and I get up around 7:00 a.m. and eat breakfast. Witch he eats a bowl of cereal and I suck his cock like normal. I call this my energy load I tell him it gives me the protein and energy for the day. (He has ask me different times if my cum is the energy you need for the day why do you suck so many cocks throw out the day then, I’ve told him because I do not like being run down) Then he tells me he needs to run down to the store for a couple things. I...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Emma Butt Titty Fuck XXXtreme

Emma Butt has an enormous cleavage. The brunette bombshell from England is blessed with absolutely impressive 36F / 80H tits which leads to turning heads wherever she goes. The curvy Queen of hardcore fucking stars in today’s Busty premium XXX porn scene by DDF Network alongside stud Marc Rose. During a chat at her place, she notices a hard-on inside his pants when he grabs her big titties! Emma Butt is very upset and surprised at first, but immediately sees the advantage of the situation...

3 years ago
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Aunt Celeste

"Matt, are you drunk?"There were legal reasons Aunt Celeste wanted to know my state of intoxication. I'd just turned 18 and she just couldn't have underage drinking in her house. Also there were reasons of propriety. She was my mother's sister, and surely she had assured mom that she would keep me out of trouble during my visit. I was college shopping and my interview with the admissions dean was scheduled for the next morning. "Nome ma'am" I slurred. I lied. I knew better. But Aunt Celeste...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 17 Friday Mahler then Tara

Editor’s Note: The next page is notes taken by Dr Koehler of a meeting between himself and Detective Mahler. Meeting held 4pm, Friday 12/3. Present: Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist), Detective Mahler, Lorna Small (legal representative for the Freeman family). Mahler: You told me you had some information from the Freeman girl. Dr K: What I’m about to tell you would normally be covered by doctor-patient privilege but Rebecca Freeman and her family, after consulting with Ms Small here, have...

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A Masters Voice

Every once in a while, someone will ask me, How do you get to be a Master. I must say, it's a good question. I mind my own business, take care of my subs, run my D/s salon here in Vegas, and am quite happy with my life, but I don't think of it as exceptional. I have plenty of days I only get off a couple of times, though I suppose four or five is more typical. I don't really know a lot of other guys like me. The Internet, I must warn you, is almost all bullshit, and I don't have time to...

4 years ago
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A Hard Road to Happiness Ch 2

I originally did not write this chapter with a sexual scene but I felt like people would complain and I didn't want to hear it. If you'd like to see the original version ask and I'll send it to you. If enough people ask I'll post it.By some miracle I managed to graduate high school. My mother went all out with graduation announcements and somehow got my family to come to the commencement ceremony to watch me graduate.After I graduated I packed my things and told my mother that I was moving out...

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Katies Education

Katie, a fourteen-year-old sophomore in high school, was the perfect student. She had nothing but perfect grades since the fourth grade, and although very smart, she was ignorant when it came to sex. Oh she learned in her sex-ed class long ago just how and where babies came from, but the joys and pleasure of sex were never discussed. Since she had attended private, and very expensive all girl schools since first grade, she had little or no contact with boys her age and even the street...

2 years ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 9

Jeff woke on the very edge of the mattress with Lori’s cold feet pressing into the small of his back. He blinked and looked back over his shoulder. Lori was sprawled out at an angle with her head nearly hanging off the edge of the mattress. One arm was flung out to the pillows and the other lay across her body with her fingers just under the edge of her panties. Her nightshirt had ridden up to expose a flat stomach with a thin slice of a navel. Light hairs were scattered across her skin with...

1 year ago
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My First Time

I was late getting to the pool and rushed in to the locker room to change. I took my clothes off and had just slipped on my swim trunks when I heard the shower door open. I looked to see who was there and my jaw dropped. A beautiful African-American girl walked out. She had the towel around her head and was rubbing to dry her hair. I watched her as she stood in front of me not more than 10 feet away. She was beautiful. Her skin was a dark golden brown. As she rubbed her hair it made her tits...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 16

That night, in a repeat of the last two nights, my bed dipped and a cold hand touched my back. “Daddy?” When I rolled toward Cara, she came into my arms, smiled slightly, her blue eyes excited, and she kissed me. The kiss started with lips touching. A brush of her tongue changed the kiss into sensual. I caressed down her back and fondled her ass, such a sensuous shape, and slowly became horny. The kiss deepened, tongues exploring, exciting, arousing. My world narrowed to me and my...

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Sarah Smile

Sarah Smile By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy "Sarah? Ms. Morrison?" "Please, call me David." "Oh yes...of course...pardon me. I'm sorry Sa-umm-David, but you're just not right for the part." "But I just finished the audition, how can you say that?" David asked the casting director, biting his lower lip. Stop pouting, he said to himself. "Believe me honey, you were wonderful in your audition, but we feel you're just not right for the role. I'm sorry, but you look far too...

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EuroTeenErotica Katya Rodriguez Babysitter Does Her

Barely legal American newcomer Katya Rodriguez makes her DDF Network debut on Euro Teen Erotica today as a babysitter that helps her boss out with much more than babysitting. Marcus London is a high powered executive that needs some help destressing, so the college cutie takes it upon herself to get out of her denim booty shorts and into her lingerie to give him something else to focus on and fuck away his troubles. One look at the Latina’s fit to fuck tight teen body in this 4K teen...

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White Man Haunted by Evil Spirits Part 2

My dramatized true story as a white man in rural Africa involving blackmail, witchcraft, and extreme sexual experiences Queenies Rules I drove home slowly through the countryside reflecting on how I got into this terrible situation. In the 1980’s I came to South Africa, it was still the time of Apartheid, and I bought a small farm in Bophuthatswana. We were just a few white Farmers there but during the independence battle and the rise of the ANC, many white farmers gave up and left the...

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Girl FagChapter 33

"Well, goddamn! Look what the cat dragged in!" Coach was waiting for me in the gym, leaning against the wall under the big round clock. He glanced up for a second, "Three whole minutes early too." "Mornin' Coach," I said, feeling so tired it hurt just standing there. I'd been sleeping good and having a nice dream when my alarm had gone off at five, but I couldn't remember what it was. My brain was still numb even after a chilly pre-dawn bike ride. "Good mornin', Russet!"...

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City LimitsChapter 9 Confrontation

Mead circulated copies of the sketch to all shakers, foremen, and teachers on Monday. Two whistles sounded in different parts of the forest as suspects were spotted by over-vigilant workers, but it took only a few moments for police to dismiss the men without even taking them to the station. One had been black and the other barely five feet tall and 200 pounds. People were on edge. It strained the limited resources of the police department. Off-duty sheriff’s deputies were stationed at the...

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Little IndiansIntroduction Torid

Helen drifted, half in sleep, half in wakefulness, half dreams, half darkness. She remembered snatches of her life from before: the archive, the books, her family, her home, her first love. She dreamed of old conversations with those she had held close, and had impressions of talking to some of them anew, confusion about their changed lives, reminiscences of old events, unfinished business. There was nothing new in her life now. Nothing ever changed, every day the same. It could have been...

2 years ago
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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 4 and 5

In our last chapter, Andy and Rachel love grows and they quickly marry both no longer willing to be apart. They spend time together, as their fathers work on building their new home. They are determined to have children as quickly as possible. Slipping my shoes on, I stand and help Rachel to her feet. I pick up the blanket and shake it out as my back turns to Rachel she playfully jumps onto my back. Like a little kid she asked, "Give me a piggyback ride please hubby." Dad and...

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Family SwappersChapter 5

Arlene slipped back into her room carefully and closed the door soundlessly behind her. She had been listening all night for the return of the various members of the family, and it was some surprise to her to look out of her window and see a taxi pulling up to the side entrance. To her wonderment, she saw Sylvie hurriedly getting out of the cab and run into the house. She was all by herself! Arlene got a good look at her younger cousin as she was climbing the stairs and saw that she was in a...

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Six Days on the RoadChapter 9

There was another cultural ceremony she needed help with and I was afraid it might turn a little delicate, but it didn't mean I didn't want to help. Catla looked young to me. In fact I pegged her at sixteen tops. Her face was beautiful - there was no other truthful description. Her hair was deep auburn and her eyes dark green. Her breasts were large and apparent even under the loose fitting sleeveless tunic type garment. She was covered below the belt by a sort of skirt - obviously made...

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