AftermathChapter 14 free porn video

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Guard position 1 sat atop Hill 1514 outside the northwest perimeter of Garden Hill. The hill itself was sparsely populated with pine and redwood trees and rose five hundred feet above the rooftops of the town. The guard bunker was a four-foot trench that stretched thirty feet north to south at the summit of the hill. Sandbags lined the front and back of the trench and a camouflaged cover had been placed over the top of it and covered with tree branches and mud. Openings in the sandbag walls allowed for visualization of the post's area of responsibility - the Interstate stretching off to the west and the low hills to the north and immediate south of it - and served as firing ports if a battle ever became necessary.

Brett had designed the bunker so that a complete ten-person squad could occupy it during a battle and pour fire down upon any invaders approaching from the Interstate. Now, however, at 2:30 on the afternoon of January 5 (or March 26 under Matt's calendar), it was staffed only by Maria Sanchez and Leanette Benton who were two and a half hours into a standard six-hour guard shift. They were armed with one of the automatic M-16 rifles and a long-range, scoped hunting rifle in addition to their sidearms. They also had a fully charged portable radio and a set of expensive binoculars.

The inside of the trench was damp and muddy on the floor of it but relatively free of dripping water or direct rainfall. The two women were dressed warmly in jeans and flannel shirts covered by black rain jackets and hoods. They sat side by side upon small stools near one of the sandbag openings playing a game of cribbage that was set up on a small end table between them. Every few minutes one of them would stand up and make a complete scan of the area with the binoculars and then, after seeing nothing, they would go back to their game.

Maria and Leanette had once been bitter enemies. It had been they that Chrissie had had to actually separate at post because of physical fighting not too long before. Those days were tentatively over, replaced by a cautious friendship born out of their recent polygamous marriage to Hector. After Paul's legitimization of the concept by participation in it, Hector had been one of the first to jump on the bandwagon by suggesting that his semi-permanent mistress Leanette officially join the union. Maria had not been too terribly wild about the idea but she had accepted it, knowing, as most of the other women were learning, that her husband was going to sleep with Leanette with or without official sanction anyway. Since then the two had become cautious friends with each other, well on their way to developing the camaraderie with each other that marked most of the other triples. Together they were attempting to keep their man in line and so far their combined efforts seemed to be doing the trick.

"Fifteen-two, fifteen-four," Maria counted, laying down her latest hand, "fifteen-six, a pair is eight, and a three-card run is eleven." She picked up her peg and advanced it well past the last hole on the board. "And that," she said with a small smile, "puts me out. That's two in a row I've whipped your ass."

"Yeah yeah," Leanette said with a good-natured grunt as she threw down her uncounted cards. "This is a stupid game."

"It sure is," Maria agreed. "You wanna play again?"

"Screw that. What else we got in here?"

"We have Monopoly," Maria, the veteran of this particular post told her. "Chrissie actually replaced the Monopoly money inside of it with real money from the grocery store."

"You mean there's real hundreds and fifties and twenties in there?" Leanette asked.

"Everything except the five hundreds," she answered. "It's kind of fun to play that way until you remember that the real money is just as worthless as the Monopoly money was."

"Okay," Leanette said, "let's do it."

"I'll kick your ass at that too," Maria warned. "I'm the Monopoly master."

"Bring it on, girl," Leanette told her with a smile. "Why don't you start setting it up and I'll make another check outside?"

"It's a plan," she said, reaching under the end table and into a plastic garbage bag where the entertainment items were kept.

Leanette picked up the binoculars and stood up, taking two steps through the mud to the opening. Sometimes she wondered why they even bothered looking out every five minutes. Nothing was ever out there anymore, not even isolated stragglers. The last of them had apparently died out more than six weeks ago, or at least they never showed themselves anymore. But then, when her boredom at guard duty would reach a peak, she would remind herself of that terrifying day when armed invaders had come right in the wall, bent on capturing the community center and kidnapping the women. She had been one of Brett's hastily assembled squad on that day and she always remembered the horror she had felt when bullets had started whizzing in over her head, when Dale and then Rick and then Sherrie had been felled right in front of her. Those thoughts always compelled her to perform as she was told on guard duty and make her checks religiously. Never again did she want to feel the way she had at that moment.

She put the binoculars to her face and began her slow scan of the area, starting from the far south of the zone of responsibility. She looked at a magnified view of the rolling hills, of the mud flats, of the trees and shrubs. She looked over the abandoned grocery store and the abandoned gas station. At the gas station a work crew of two women was using a siphon hose to draw gasoline from the underground tank and fill up the Dodge truck that served as the town's wood gathering and general hauling vehicle. She held her gaze on them for a moment, not because she thought they were invaders - she and Maria had been informed by radio a few minutes before that a work-crew would be leaving the town - but only because they were actual people in an otherwise sterile environment. When she got her fill of looking at them, she turned her head slowly to the right, spinning her view to the north. Soon she was looking at the abandoned lanes of Interstate 80, the most likely avenue of any outsider advance. She started at the signpost that marked the official border of Garden Hill and then worked her way west, towards the small rise some three miles distant where the lanes disappeared from view. So accustomed to seeing nothing was she that she actually looked right over the two figures coming over this rise and kept scanning before her brain finally gave her a little kick in the ass and told her to pan back.

She did this quickly, the view jumping and bouncing for a moment before she was able to steady it on the two people she had seen. They were still several miles out and therefore very difficult to catch any fine details of, but they were unmistakably human beings. They were walking sedately right down the middle of the eastbound lanes, shoulder to shoulder, occasionally leaning on each other for a moment.

"Maria," Leanette said, her voice excited. "I've got two people out there on the Interstate!"

"What?" Maria said, looking at her co-wife to see if she was joking or not. She did not seem to be.

"Two people," she repeated. "They just came over the rise to the west. They're walking right down the freeway!"

Maria stood up quickly, pushing her face through the nearest opening. Her eyes were sharp and even without artificial magnification she was able to spot two tiny specks making their way forward. "Let me see those glasses," she said, holding out her hands for them.

Leanette handed them over to her and she put them to her face, getting the close-in view. "They don't look like they're carrying rifles," she said doubtfully. "They might be over their shoulders though. Who do you think they are? Where are they coming from?"

"I don't know," Leanette said, picking up the scoped rifle. She aimed it out through the opening and peered through the scope. The magnification wasn't as much as the binoculars but it was considerably more than the naked eye. "They don't look like they're very heavily loaded. You see anyone else behind them or to the sides?"

"No one," Maria said, shaking her head. "Goddammit, and Brett and Jason are gone with the helicopter right now too. They could've used the infra-red to check behind them."

Leanette nodded as she remembered this. Brett, Jason, Matt, and Paul had flown off about an hour before to continue their recon mission of the abandoned trucks on the Interstate. They also planned to do some recon to the north of the Interstate, on the secondary roads, as well. "We'd better tell Chrissie about this," she said, backing away from the rifle a little and picking up the radio. "Position one to base," she said into it. "Are you there, Chrissie?"

Chrissie was upstairs in the community center's main office, going over the schedule for the 6:00 PM crew change when the call came in. She was currently the only one in the office since Brett and Paul were both away on the recon mission. She wheeled her chair over to the shelf where the main radio set rested and picked up the microphone.

"This is Chrissie," she said, already sensing - based on the tone of Leanette's voice - that something out of the ordinary was in the works. "What's happening, Leanette?"

"Chrissie," Leanette said, "we have two people walking up the Interstate towards us. They're approximately two miles to the west at this time walking in the eastbound lanes."

She felt a jolt of adrenaline surge through her as she heard this. People approaching the town? Who were they? What could they want? Where had they come from? And Brett was out of radio range in the helicopter! What if they were hostile?

"Chrissie?" Leanette's voice said from the radio. She sounded a little worried. "Did you copy my transmission?"

"I copy," Chrissie said slowly, her mind spinning up to overdrive. "Where uh... I mean, can you tell if they're armed or not?"

"Unsure at this point," Leanette replied. "They're still too far away for us to make anything out. They're not trying to hide from us or anything, they're just walking down the roadway."

"No sign of others?" she asked next.

"Not so far," was the answer. "We're keeping our eyes peeled."

She took a few breaths, trying to think through what she should do next. Was this an emergency? Well, not really, not at this point anyway. But it was unusual and there were certain things that should probably be done. "Leanette," she said into the microphone, "keep watching them for the moment. Don't do anything until they get up to our sign. At that point, if they cross over, treat them like any other straggler."

"I copy that," Leanette replied.

"Positions 2, 3, and 4," Chrissie said next, "answer up in order please."

One by one the other guard posts all checked in with her. None of them reported anything unusual outside of their posts. She told all of them to increase their alertness until told to stand-down. This meant that they all dropped their games and conversations and picked up their guns and binoculars.

"Are they still advancing?" she asked Leanette and Maria once that was taking care of.

"That's affirmative," Leanette told her. "We have a better view of them now. It looks like two women. Still no weapons visible on them. They have packs on their backs that look like they're made out of garbage bags."

"How close to the border are they?"

"Still over a mile and a half out, but moving at a good pace."

"Copy, keep me updated."

The minutes dragged onward maddeningly. Chrissie chewed her fingernails nervously while she waited for updates, all sorts of evil possibilities running through her head. She envisioned the two women on the freeway as some sort of diversionary tactic for a main group of invaders. Maybe they were even now creeping in on one of the other guard posts. She wondered if she should activate the fast action teams. A quick blast of the fire engine siren outside would bring them running from all directions to assemble in the parking lot. Should she call them up just so they were available? Or should she wait and see for a few more minutes first? Finally, after agonizing over this, she elected not to call them up unless she had some concrete reason to think there were more than two people out there.

"They're still heading in," Leanette said after about fifteen minutes. "Under a mile away now. We can say for certain that they are two females now. They have no weapons that we can see on them."

"How do they look health-wise?" Chrissie asked.

"Not great," Leanette said, "but not bad either. They don't seem to be starving."

Another fifteen minutes crawled by, again with no new developments. None of the other guard posts reported seeing anyone or anything. Nor did post 1 report seeing anything but the rapidly approaching women.

"They're coming up on the border sign now," Leanette said. "They should be able to read it at any time."


"They're slowing down," Leanette reported a minute later. "It looks like they've spotted the sign. They're approaching it now." A pause. "Okay, they're reading the sign now."

"I copy," Chrissie said. "Remember, if they do what the sign says, let them go peacefully."

"Understood," Leanette answered. "They're still reading the sign. Now they seem to be talking to each other about something." Another long pause. "Chrissie, they're uh..." A click of the transmission closing.

"They're what Leanette?" she demanded. "What are they doing?"

"They're waving at us," Leanette said slowly.

"Waving at you?"

"Affirm. They're standing just on the other side of the border and both of them are waving their hands back and forth at us. It looks like they're yelling something too but we can't hear them."

Waving? Chrissie thought. What the hell was going on? "I copy that, Leanette," she said.

"What should we do now?"

"Nothing," she said. "Don't do anything for the moment unless they step over the line."

Leanette and Maria watched the women wave at them for almost five minutes. Leanette reported every minute or so that they were still there and Chrissie told them just to follow protocol for the time being.

"It sounds like they're trying to make contact with us for whatever reason," Chrissie told them. "It could be a trap of some sort so keep your eyes out for anything else to the flanks. I'm going to gather a couple of people together in case we have to go out there."

"Copy," Leanette replied. "We'll keep watching."

Before Chrissie was able to gather her small force together, the women became impatient with the lack of response and tried a new tactic. They stopped waving their arms and instead held them high above their heads, as in surrender. They then slowly walked forward, crossing over the invisible line that marked the Garden Hill border. Leanette, still holding the rifle, contacted Chrissie and reported this development to her before acting.

"Drive them back," Chrissie said. "Be careful not to hit them unless they insist on continuing in, but don't let them come any further."

"Copy," Leanette said. "Driving them back."

She put the radio down and flipped the safety off on the hunting rifle. She peered through the scope, aiming at a spot about twenty feet in front of the advancing females. The angle insured that the ricocheting bullet would more than likely not pose a danger to them. As she had been taught by Brett himself in the first training class after the attack on the town, she took a deep breath, held it, and then squeezed the trigger softly. The sound of the rifle shot rolled across the landscape and she was able to clearly see the chip of pavement flying into the air when the bullet impacted half a second later.

"That got their attention," Maria, still watching through the binoculars, noted.

Indeed it had. The two women stopped instantly in their tracks and quickly backed up until they were once again on the other side of the border.

"They backed off," Leanette reported to Chrissie.

"Copy," she replied. "Good work. What are they doing now?"

"They're still standing on the other side of the sign. They've gone back to waving their hands in the air."

There was a pause. "All right," she said. "It sounds like they're kind of persistent. Keep watching them. I'm gonna take a small squad out there to see what they want."

She gathered up Maggie, Michelle, and Mike Monahan, all of whom were off duty and easily accessible at the time. She armed them all up with semi-automatic rifles and then commandeered the Dodge Ram truck that had just come back from its fueling mission.

"Maggie, you drive," Chrissie instructed. "Mike, Michelle, I want you in the back of the truck with me."

"Chrissie," Michelle said a little doubtfully. "Are you sure we should be doing this? Brett never told us to go out and talk to stragglers. He just told us to drive them away."

"That was when we had stragglers coming five times a day," she said. "We haven't had any in six weeks and now all of a sudden two women show up and start signaling us. Obviously they have something to say. I think that Brett would have probably done the same thing, don't you?"

"Well..." she said, knowing of course, that Chrissie was right.

"Well that's what I'm going to do," Chrissie told her. "I've given my orders. Now let's mount up."

No one else questioned her. Maggie climbed in the cab of the truck and Michelle and Mike climbed in the back. Chrissie jumped up as well and stood up, her weapon resting on the roof of the cab. "Get on either side of me," she told her companions. "Keep your weapons trained outward. Are we all locked and loaded?"

Everyone confirmed that they were.

"All right," she said. "Let's do it." She craned her head down a little and spoke through the opened sliding rear window into the cab. "Move out, Mags," she said. "Keep it slow. We're standing up back here. Drive out and approach them at about twenty miles an hour. Stop when you get into voice range of them."

"Right," Maggie replied. She dropped the truck into gear and started driving.

They exited the gate of the subdivision a few minutes later and started heading along Route 63 towards Interstate 80. Chrissie checked with Leanette via her portable radio several times during the trip to make sure that the women were still there, that they were still waving their arms, and that no one else had appeared on the scene. Leanette reported each time that everything remained as it had been.

"I'll get out and make contact with them," Chrissie said as they pulled up the offramp in the wrong direction to access the eastbound lanes. "You two keep me covered. I'll try to stay out of your line of fire as much as I can. If there's trouble, I'll dive to the ground. If there's a lot of trouble, like troops hiding in the flanks, then forget about me and get the hell out."

"Chrissie," Michelle said, "we're not gonna leave you out there."

"If this is a large-scale attack, you're gonna have to and I expect you to do it," she said. "Is that clear?"

Michelle looked at her, the woman she loved as a sister, as a co-wife, as an occasional lover. "Yes," she said softly. "It's clear."

They came around a small bend in the freeway surface and suddenly they were able to see the two figures before them. They were about a half of a mile in front of them, standing just as Leanette had described. They were still waving their hands slowly back and forth in a gesture indicating they wanted to communicate. As soon as they saw the truck they stopped and put their hands up as high as they could physically make them go.

"Nice and slow, Mags," Chrissie said loud enough for the driver to hear. "As long as there's no trouble, stop just inside of voice range."

"Right," Maggie yelled back a little nervously.

"Stick to the right shoulder of the road," Chrissie said. "Keep the gearshift in drive and your foot on the brake. If you have to get away quick, you'll have room to make a fast U-turn."

Everyone tightened their grips on their weapons and took aim at the two females as they approached. Maggie slowly rolled forward, the powerful V-8 engine nearly at an idle, and came to a gentle stop about forty feet away from the two women. This close they were able to see that they were filthy with mud - the mark of being outside for long periods. It was hard to tell hair color or even race so dirty were they. They looked at the truck and its occupants a little fearfully.

"Are you armed?" Chrissie yelled at them.

"No," shouted the woman on the left. "We only have a few cans of food and a video camera."

"A video camera?" Mike said softly.

Chrissie ignored him. "Is there anyone else out there?"

"No," said the same woman. "We're alone. We came from Auburn."

"Auburn," Michelle said. "Jesus."

Chrissie took a deep breath, her adrenaline pumping, her mind whizzing along like mad as she considered what to do next. "What is it that you want?" she asked them. "Are you just passing through?"

"We escaped from there a little more than a week ago," the woman said. "We wish sanctuary with your town. We will trade information about Auburn and their intentions towards you for safety."

"Escaped?" Michelle said loud enough for only Chrissie and Mike to hear.

"Intentions towards us?" Mike echoed.

"Please," said the other woman, her voice seemingly near tears. "We don't have anywhere else to go. We're almost out of food. Men from Auburn are planning to attack you! We can tell you about it but you have to take us in! If you don't take us in, we'll die and you'll die!"

"Attack us?" Mike and Michelle said in unison.

"Cover me," Chrissie said, coming to decision in her mind. "I'm gonna go out and talk them from a little closer."

"Right," Michelle and Mike said.

"Stay right where you are," Chrissie told the two women. "I'm gonna approach you. Keep your hands up like you have them and don't make any sudden moves."

The two women promised that they wouldn't and Chrissie jumped down out of the truck. She trotted over to the left shoulder of the Interstate and, keeping her AR-15 trained on them, slowly walked forward. She made sure that her body did not cross between the truck and the women. She stopped about ten feet in front of them.

"What're your names?" she asked.

"I'm Anna," said the woman on the left, the first to have spoken.

"I'm Jean," said the second.

"What's this about an attack on our town?" Chrissie asked.

"There is one planned," Anna said. "That's all I'll tell you unless you give us sanctuary in your town."

"Uh huh," Chrissie said. "And how do I know that you really have any information? How do I know that you're even from Auburn?"

"You recently exiled a woman named Jessica Blakely," Anna said. "She showed up in Auburn not too long before. She was picked up by an attack force that had been planning to attack your town but that pulled back when they heard what Jessica had to tell them about your upgraded defenses. Before Jessica was exiled you were attacked by a group of men and you managed to repel them. In some strange way that I wasn't able to follow, this attack is what led to the exile of Jessica."

Chrissie relaxed her grip on her weapon the slightest bit. She knew that these women were speaking the truth - she simply knew it. "You have Jessica huh?" she asked. "Too bad for your town. What do you mean you escaped from Auburn? Are you not allowed to come and go as you please?"

"No," said Anna. "Women are slaves there. The men control all of the guns and they pass us around like joints. Escape attempts are punished by hanging. We managed to get out by using a trick we learned from you - the night vision video camera."

Any doubts about the authenticity of their tale disappeared at that moment. "I don't have the authority to grant you sanctuary," Chrissie told them. "Our town leaders are uh... well... out of town at the moment. I will take you in and keep you under guard until they get back however. You can discuss this with them."

"Thank you," Anna said, sighing a little. Jean repeated this sentiment.

"I want you two to slowly drop your packs to the ground and then lay down on the pavement," Chrissie told them. "Put your arms out in front of you and spread your legs. I'm gonna pat you down for weapons and then take you back to town in the back of the truck."

"You did what?" Brett asked upon hearing the news two hours later. He, Jason, Matt, and Paul were weary after their day of mapping the terrain and poking through abandoned trucks on the highways and byways in the area. Though they had found two more food sources - an abandoned big rig up near the snowline that had been hauling Dennison's chili and another, deeper in the backcountry, that had been hauling Skippy peanut butter - they had checked more than twenty trucks in all. And now, as they were approaching Garden Hill at last, their fuel supply dwindling, their bodies grimy and sweaty, Chrissie was telling them on the routine radio check-in that she had brought two stragglers from Auburn into the town. Brett's reaction to this revelation was more instinctive than anything else.

"I brought them inside," Chrissie repeated, her tone daring him to challenge this decision. "Isn't that what you would have done, given the same circumstances?"

Like Michelle earlier, these words had a sobering effect on him. Yes, that was what he would've done in the same circumstances. These two women were potentially valuable information sources and the very rarity of their presence in the first place would have compelled him to bring them in - as it had Chrissie apparently. It was the thought of his young wife deliberately putting herself into harm's way that caused the knee-jerk reaction. "Yes," he told her after a considerable delay. "I suppose you're right."

"So don't yell at me then, Brett Adams," she said quite huffily. "I was just doing what I knew you wanted done anyway."

"I think she put you in your place quite nicely there," Paul, who was listening in along with everyone else in the helicopter (as well as probably half the town), noted with a smile.

"It would seem so," Brett said, reluctantly smiling. He keyed back up his microphone. "My sincere apologies, Chrissie," he told her. "You did the right thing and I'm letting my emotions get in the way. So where are our guests now?"

"I have them under guard in one of the storage rooms in the community center," she replied. "I let them take baths and I've given them fresh clothes. Right now they're eating some of our leftovers from lunch. They've been living on canned food for the past eight days now."

"We know what that feels like, don't we?" Brett replied. "Good job. Have the guard posts reported anything unusual since you picked them up?"

"Negative," she said. "I've had them on high-alert ever since the first sighting and everything seems to be as it should be. However, I would suggest you make a pass around the perimeter and check everything on visual and with the FLIR, just to make sure that there's not an attack force out there."

"I concur," Brett said, taking a quick glance at his fuel gauge. It was getting pretty low but there was still enough for a quick run around the area. "We have just enough fuel to do that. It should take about ten, fifteen minutes or so. We'll report anything to you as it comes up."

"Copy that, Brett," she said. "See you on the ground."

The aerial check of the area revealed nothing but hills and trees and mud. There was no sign of a hidden attack force hiding anywhere within ten miles of Garden Hill's borders. With less than ten gallons of fuel in the tank, Brett landed the helicopter its accustomed place. He then allowed Jason, his apprentice, to go through the power-down procedure as part of his training.

"Good job," he told him after he had flipped all of the switches and turned all of the dials. "Do you think you can handle refueling by yourself? I wanna go meet our new friends as soon as I can."

"No problem," Jason assured him.

"You the man," Brett told him, opening his door and stepping out onto the wet parking lot. Behind him Matt and Paul had already gotten out. They carried their rifles, which were now safed and unloaded, over their shoulders and their packs upon their backs. Together, they all walked to the side entrance of the community center, said hello to the guard stationed there, and went inside.

First and foremost, Brett and Paul gave Chrissie a thorough debriefing on her contact with the two women so far. She only had a few details to share that she hadn't already told them over the radio. Basically the women were offering to trade everything they knew about Auburn and its inhabitants for sanctuary and citizenship in Garden Hill. As proof of their identity they had dropped Jessica's name and revealed the fact that she was now living in Auburn. As an enticement to take the deal, they had made vague assertions regarding both an upcoming attack by Auburnites and an aborted earlier attack.

Same as Aftermath
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A New Start in Life Part 15 This is a gentle tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl. I will continue with this story as long as you want me to or it comes to a natural conclusion, this will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey. We went to Uni our tutor asked Shoni if she was ok, our Shonali was back, she told Miss Thompson that she...

1 year ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 24

James had reservations about 'performing' in front of a group. It was different when it was him and the three lovers, that was a group activity in which they all participated. This was going to be a performance, and in front of three relative newcomers, one of them who may be completely innocent. He paused before he reached the bottom of the stairs and cast his mind out, reaching into the minds of Doris, Angie and Scarlett. Doris was watching the porn video with avid interest. She was...

2 years ago
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SolitudeChapter 3

When they transferred Rhonda from the ICU to the surgical floor, I was in her room waiting for her. She looked pretty rough, of course; pale, hair going every which way, IV in her arm and a tube coming out of her chest, casts on her left arm and left lower leg. In spite of her obvious misery, she smiled when she saw me and said, "Here's my hero!" Her voice was kind of hoarse from the tube that had been in her throat during her surgery. My response was a complete surprise to me. I choked...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Tryst

I was quickly approaching burn out at work. My last raise was a whopping 25 cents. Whoopee!! My girlfriend broke up with me six months prior, and I found out that two weeks before she broke up with me she got drunk and fucked her neighbor. So I was trapped in a joyless job with shit pay, and I hadn't been laid in half a year. I had tried dating in the mean time, but nothing ever worked out. I even came right out and asked a woman if she wanted to have sex. That's how desperate I was to get my...

2 years ago
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Randy Aunt

Hi Main hu Rahul, Mai abhi 21saal ka hu, ye story 5saal pehle ki hai, jab mai 16saal kaa tha tab mai 10th ka exam ki tayari kar raha tha, Mera school shahar se dur ek Industrial Development zone main tha Aur ye zone ghar se 40km tha. To roz aana jana possible nahi tha , to wahi meri aunty ek company me job ko thi. Mujhe unke pas rehne ke liye bheja gaya. Wo bahut sexy thi , bilkul Madhuri Dixit ke jaisi . Bade ball, Tight gaand. madmast figure. Aur mujhe Madhuri bahut pasand thi. Mai roz din...

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SRU The Old Mans Lesson

SRU: The Old Man's Lesson A drabble by Radioactive Loner Copyright 2000 I walked once more into the musty shop, looking at the bathrobed man. "Do you now see what I mean, friend?" he asked sadly. I shook my head. "Despite this physique, I still felt the same. I still felt repressed, the oddball out." He put a hand on my dainty shoulder; it didn't feel creepy, it felt fatherly. "You learned. The most miraculous change that can be made is in the...

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Summer Discoveries No 4 The Lake House

Needless to say, the Canada Day party exceeded expectations, with reality having been even more exciting than Steph’s dream. As you can probably imagine, Jack and Steph’s sex life was rather charged up in the following weeks. But, of course, as happens with summer, Jack and Steph got very busy over the next month with picnics and festivals and the kids’ events and family vacations and concerts and parties and on and on and on, all of which are very fun, but cumulatively exhausting. So it came...

Wife Lovers
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Birthday Wishes Like Brother Like Sister

Birthday Wishes: Like Brother Like Sister. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 "You know I'm not who I appear to be. Things weren't always as easy for me as they are now with dealing with this but after two years things aren't as bad as they were at first. You probably won't believe my tale at all anyway, but I'm warning you now magic is real. I've learned the hard way and now believe all those stories about wizards and waterparks that I've read all about." "Before I go any...

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Seven Year Itch

Jason kissed Veronica on the cheek and stroked her hair.  Then whispered in her ear "I love you".  She whispered back "I love you too".  She told him that she would be meeting a couple of friends for drinks after work.  Jason never minded when she went out with her friends he just winked and drove away.  She watched him as he drove away and thought is this how this is going to be ever day for the rest of my life?  What am I missing? She could get this off her mind while she was getting ready...

Wife Lovers
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Tesco Tart Part Two

Tesco Tart. - Part Two. Chapter Four - In for a penny... "Bit tight on top maybe" David unconsciously said out loud as he felt the fabric and cut of the Checkout Supervisor's smart navy blue suit. After a quick check of his watch and, seeing that he still had at least forty minutes alone in the store before his night shift colleagues returned from their outside 'lunch' break he set about fulfilling his perverted sissy ambition. He still couldn't believe the luck of his...

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DawnChapter 7 The Card Game

Back at the Dean mansion, they met Alan as he drove up after work. "Well, hello, ladies, where have my two lovelies been this afternoon?" he asked. Dawn glanced at Melody, but there was no hesitation in her reply. "I took Dawn to meet Tony. We had a nice time," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Did you two get along?" Alan asked Dawn. "Do you mean did he fuck me? Hell yes. That man is hot, truly hot. He's almost as hot as you are, Alan. Not hung quite as well, though," she...

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yummymy 1st Cock

I have always been curious about being with another man- well my wish came true mmm I just moved in with a guy after moving to a new town, I had just filled my waterbed & realized it would be a day or so before I could sleep on it, so I let Tom know I would have to sleep on the sofa that night. That evening we just had supper & were watching tv when he mentioned that I could sleep in his bed, his bed was a king size waterbed & he told me there is enough room for both of us, I told...

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Space Balls

I sat in my private chamber to scroll through the daily news on my hologram unit, as I did every evening after overseeing business at my secret palatial fortress on planet Droglar. I saw the usual stories about space pirates, economic disputes between the Qenons and Thorpions, and that the woman called Tawna Vex had saved the galaxy once again. Tawna Vex was the galaxy's most deadly super spy. A female human, a covert operative bounty huntress who either did contract missions for the Star...

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Arabian Paradise

A dirty dark story of forced incarceration, sex, pain and just plain misery replete with the fear of never returning to one's homeland. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis: He was a brutal misogynist who cast an international net to 'acquire' lovely ladies for his sadistic pleasure and resale. Categories Bondage Submission Involuntary Keywords High Heels Appliances...

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The Neighbors Daughter0

Shellie, my wife, had a traumatic accident when she was a teenager that caused her to be barren. We tried different things for her to get pregnant, but nothing worked. We had always planned on adopting but for one reason or the other, we never went through with it. Shellie never seemed to be bothered by not being about to have kids. Once she started teaching, she would say she had all the kids she needed. She loved her students and they loved her. Shellie was stern but fair, and her...

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Mike and MalokChapter 7 Sonya

"What do you mean?!" I thought loudly in my head. "I don't have time to explain. Do you remember the story you told Lyna about the mate you 'lost'?" asked Malok. "Yeah." "She's that mate." "But Sonya..." "I'll tell you more later, but for now treat her like Lyna and love her like Sonya, OK?" "OK." My arriving family awakened me from my internal dialogue. "Mike, who is this?" asked Lyna. I smiled, while hugging 'Soya' to me tightly. "This is my long lost...

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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife and Mother SpeaksPart Four

In the Amazon Empire: An Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Four by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Antonischard, Nanette's First Wife Hemia and Uther, his parents Nanette Penthesilea, Rylann's husband Baroness Sylvia Penthesilea and Dame Oblea Penthesilea, her noble parents Alistair, Nanette's Second Wife Ira, maid to Rylann ********** Types of Amazon men: drones~men required to have at least two children; perform service...

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Moms at the Beach Ch 01

I woke to the sound of Ann puttering in the kitchen. Andrew was fast asleep. He might fuck like a man, but he still slept like a teenager. I knew I needed to talk to Ann. I put on a short robe and found her wearing skin tight shorts and a sports bra, ready for her morning jog. "Morning sleepy head. I was wondering when I'd see you. Wanna go for a run?"That sounded like a good idea. It would clear my head and be an opportunity to chat. I got my shorts, bra, and tee-shirt from my gym bag and...

3 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 18

Monday brought more scrimmaging. Coach Caffrey switched Steve and Ed. Ed quarterbacked the squad I was on and Steve took Ed's spot from Friday. Our Red Squad 1 kept the defense off balance all morning. We moved the ball down field efficiently. Ed completed a few deep passes to me. Things felt good. When lunchtime arrived, Ed pulled me aside so we could talk. Ed said, "I wanted to tell you what happened yesterday. Stefany and I have broken up." "No! What happened?" "We had a huge...

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Super Star Cock in a Limo

My love of sex is unmatched!!! I can honestly say, I might be the greatest lover of sex on the planet!!! I am not joking either! My love for sex started at a delicate age and has only gotten more intense as I’ve gotten older. I don’t know what it is, but after I experienced my first cock, I have been on a never ending quest to get more. I just love cock and a man who knows how to use it. I have been very lucky to get to have had all different types, some have been better than others, but all of...

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Redefining the statementOnce you go black you nev

I was at a party and accidentally met this short blonde haired attractive woman and I say accidentally because I found out later all of her life she had only been with black men but I new a friend of hers from my old job and after the party a few of us ended up at her apartment and as a lot of people know I have a warped dark sense of humor well come to find out the lady in question had one also and we stayed up all night laughing. Well two days later I get a call from my co-worker/friend and...

3 years ago
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A Falling Apple

A FALLING APPLE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT HER DOCTOR'S OFFICE "I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. You need a tight genetic...

2 years ago
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One Thing Leads To Another

I was always a pushover when it came to my niece. From the time I first saw her (she was nine), I was fixated on her bubbly innocence, yet provocative demeanor. I always remained seated as much as possible when I visited. It helped me hide my betraying penis which invariably grew turgid from eyeing little Wendy. To make matters worse, Wendy was ebullient and outgoing, drawing many friends, at that tender young age, her friends were all nymphets, as well! When her parents prevailed upon me...

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The Entity Pt 08

This is the story of love lost, love explored, and love found in a place least expected. It is also a mystery that involves power, money, greed, and lust. While not as graphic as most here at Literotica I hope you find it an entertaining read. I apologize for the state of the work. It still needs proofing. Please vote and comment. I just wanted to say thanks for making it this far. JPMMURPHY Chapter 21 CNN – Still no news from the Richards camp. Democratic hopeful, Arthur Wright’s position...

3 years ago
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Bed Breakfast and Sex Ch 13

Louise watched in fascination and some jealousy as Steve masterfully made love to Dorothy Kaiser. Robby, Steve and Louise were watching the video tape Robby had made during Steve and Dorothy’s encounter in the motel room. It was Monday afternoon. Robby commented, ‘Despite the low light, the details are very sharp and clear. You can clearly identify both the people. Hell, it’s nearly good enough for a porn movie!’ Then, seeing Louise’s frown, he wisely shut up. Louise looked over at Steve,...

2 years ago
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The Ultimatum Part 2

Story note: This is the second part of the re-telling of "Daddy's Man-Cave" from the father's perspective. ************** I had become resigned to the fact that at some point, no matter how hard I tried to throw down the boundaries, the sexual attraction between me and Monica was so strong that we were inevitably going to end up doing the deed. But then what? Could I go back to being "Daddy" after I had violated the sacred parental bond of father and daughter? I didn't see how it was possible....

4 years ago
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Club Slut How I Earned My Nickname Part III

Part III I stared into Shawn's eyes as his gaze followed my face on it's descent to his cock, now twitching with anticipation. He knew well what it would feel like once my lips reached his cock, and I could see his eyes pleading for me to take him quickly. I let his cock brush against my face softly, then against my hair as I leaned further down to lightly tongue his balls. Like myself, Shawn kept himself shaved smooth, and I loved that as my tongue lapped gently around his sac. His...

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Sarahs first hard meat prt1

Chapter one:Sarah's first time meat It all started when I was in high school. One day my cousin came over to my house waiting for my brother. He brought his friend Billy over. After about 15 minutes Tim (my cousin), got bored waiting so he ran to the store down the street to get a blunt. Just so happens Billy stayed behind in case my brother showed up early. We all knew Billy and he wasn't any ones favorite. Every one knew he was a wild boy. Lucky me, I had to stay with him. I was just wearing...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Man and His Sweet Little Slut

If you had asked me a year ago to describe my perfect man - my Mister Right – I would have told you, I have no idea! I just knew I was dating Mister All Wrong.It was bad enough that my boyfriend had only a six-inch cock, and that he wouldn’t let me suck even that! It was bad enough that he fucked me only once a week, and then reluctantly, and I had to beg for it. All of that was bad enough. But why did he feel the need to be so constantly mean toward me? Even after I told him to be more...

1 year ago
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AbuseMe Kiley Jay Everythings Got A Price

My girl Kiley Jay always had this fantasy of being taken advantage of in the middle of nowhere. I decided to put this little role playing game together for us. I rolled up on my van down a desolated street. She waved me down because her car had broken down and she needed help getting to the nearest town. The poor girl was out of money for gas, so she had to offer up something else in return for the ride. I made her chock on my cock until her throat couldn’t take anymore, Then My huge cock...

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The Gigolo Chronicles III Heidi Part 1

Heidi is a beautiful thirty-year-old widow woman with a very curvaceous figure. Her husband, a very successful stockbroker was killed in a car accident a few years ago and left her with a very comfortable life insurance policy and a very good pension from the company he worked for.So Heidi didn't lack for money. What she did lack for, however, was decent and satisfying male companionship. Oh, there were plenty of "sharks" patrolling the waters around her home, but she didn't want someone...

2 years ago
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Era un tipo un po' così....un bravo ragazzo, 50 anni, padre di famiglia, marito affabile e magari anche premuroso, puntuale e preciso sul lavoro. Un po' noioso, però, tutto sommato, ma era gentile e mi tampinava da qualche mese ormai su Fb, col fatto che abitavamo nella stessa città e che aveva bisogno di evasioni dalla routine matrimoniale. Una sera di metà settembre, una di quelle belle sere settembrine in cui l'aria pesante dell'estate comincia a lasciare spazio al fresco, decisi di...

4 years ago
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BayleyPatra Goddess Beside Me WWE Diva Fanfic

by Nikolai Blagov DCBO$$ from wrestlingffp.forumcommunity. netAnother first person POV story, especially for the Bayley fans here, who would enjoy this fanfic.You watch a horror movie all alone, as suddenly Bayley comes to you.Bayley: Hey… Whatcha watching?You: Oh, just watching some Friday The 13th.Bayley: Friday the 13th…...Odd title…...wait…..this isn’t a horror movie is it? I told you before how I feel about horror movies…You: Well, it’s not really….Bayley: It’s not? You promise? Scooch...

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Tylers first day

Before leaving, Tyler quickly stopped to comb his hair at the mirror. He took a moment to look at himself. He stood just below six feet tall and had a slender build. Straight brown hair came down from his head, and rested slightly above his blue eyes. Tyler took a deep breath. He couldn’t help to feel nervous as he started his first day of college. People always seemed to love him, but that was high school. This is a whole new world. As he walked down his hallway, Tyler fished his schedule...

2 years ago
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Only Natural

The vibrator slipped inside, and she spread her legs at the same time, moaning softly as the toy brought her closer to an orgasm. Her nails dug into the sheets, and she moved her head from side to side as her back arched in the final moments of pleasure. With a long sigh, she pulled out the toy and licked her juices from it before placing it on the nightstand. She lay back, staring at the ceiling, enjoying the moment. "Laura, get your butt down here and help me with breakfast," her...

1 year ago
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Ill be a good girl Coach

Her cries were making me harder by the second; this sex goddess with her legs spread in front of me begging for my cock was more than a dream come true. I took a step closer and held the base of my cock as I slid the head just in the entrance of her hole. Then I pulled out and rubbed it along her slit keeping pressure on it so it rubbed her clit as I went. Then back inside, then out, going a bit deeper each time. Being a coach of a girls basketball team for 4 years had its up and downs, but I...

2 years ago
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The Morning After

The Morning After The sun beamed through the curtains and displayed its fresh and vibrant rays that morning. There was a feeling in the air, the feeling of youth, surging energy - a new day with limitless possibilities. We lay there in bed, with the bed-sheets covering the length of our bodies up to our collarbone. My eyes gently open to the ray of light finding its way so delicately through the window blinds onto my face. As I slowly awaken, I turn my face over to the alarm clock to my left....

Oral Sex
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Erotic story of BINITA 4

Chapter 04: Binita Around the HouseThe woman massaged the oil into his limbs. Thakur Hari Singh luxuriated in the ceremony of the long oil bath he treated himself to once every week. His weekly routines had been interrupted for a while now because of the preparations needed for his son's marriage to that saucy, town-educated girl Binita."Binita," he thought and sighed. The girl had come to talk to him about the stalled marriage when both he and she had descended into lust and for a good hour,...

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Sister Kays 50th Pt 1

Kay, my younger sister, turns 50 later in the summer and I will be out of the country doing some contract work, so I asked her if she wanted to get together this past weekend to celebrate. She agreed but told me her husband, Steve, was not available because he was going to a seminar out of town. That was fine with me, since Tina, my wife had some other plans as well. It seemed a little stupid to get two rooms so, I booked a room in a hotel about half way between where we live and the die was...

1 year ago
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Tinas Choice

She's five foot six, one hundred twenty-one beautiful pounds and at age thirty-two, she is still regularly carded for alcohol purchases. We met in college where she worked on her undergraduate degree in elementary education and I, on my Master's in chemistry. She was the proverbial girl-next-door. Short brown hair, large, brown eyes, perfect smile and a one hundred percent, head-turner. Often, I felt jealousy twinges because I knew men ogled her constantly, but over time, I got over it. Our...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part III Becoming a Slut Continued

We got to Tom’s car, and he opened the door for me, then walked around and got in himself. The drive was short and uneventful, and we parked behind the club. There were some people arriving at the same time we were, and I noticed several who looked like they could be CD’s. We approached the club’s entrance, and I began to feel more relaxed. It is always uncertainty that is anxiety-producing, and once we arrived, the uncertainty diminished considerably, I now could see, not merely imagine, what...

3 years ago
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Early Days Chapter 1

I guess the first place to start is with my best friend, my sister and my brother. Now that isn’t them together so don’t start thinking that. This is way more interesting and involved.When I was young my parents travelled a lot. They ran a business that they started when we moved to Canada. They did really well, but a lot of their clients were in Europe or Asia. So they used to pick a three month window and do everything they had to overseas and then spend the rest of the year with us. It was a...

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The Way BackChapter 18

I again thought over whether I was doing the right thing. I kept coming back to the idea that perhaps it would have been better to stay clear of Ann and let her get on with her life without me. She would easily find someone else and judging by her performance with Derek, and would in all probability be in a new man's bed in double quick time. I reprimanded myself. Though I resented her actions, she had waited a year and it seemed had rejected Derek's gentle advances for a while before...

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Planetary Agents 3g Tentacles of Doom

PLANETARY AGENTS 3: Tentacles of Doom - CHAPTER 7 ? by: Babs Yerunkle A teenaged girl, barely topping 5 foot tall, bounces into the room. She has close-cropped shaggy black hair, very large green eyes and projects WAY too much energy. The best description of her would be pixy, if not for her impressive figure. The girl looks at a second girl curled up like a cat in a pile of blankets. The second girl could be her twin, except for the open-mouthed snore, and the utter *lack* of...

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A Sissy Saga Ch 23

Mrs Pardoe’s heart pounded like steam-hammer as she made her way to her room. It had been such a long time since she’d had a young girl to herself, to take command of, to admire and to love, and she knew Mrs Amos’s niece Lizzie was a real doll. On the way she passed the Joanna television-person ensconced with Gloria in the stair well of the third floor, both of them too preoccupied to notice her. The younger woman was teetering unsteadily against the sill of a window and moaning pathetically. ...

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Best Wife Ever 12 Days of SexmasPart One

“Best Wife Ever!” 12 Days of Sexmas My wife is amazing. I have listened to man after man complain about their wives. I have heard that once she says ‘I do’, she no longer does the dirty nasty shit she did when she was trying to trap you. Well, if that is the case, I guess you married the wrong woman. I, on the other hand, married the perfect woman. A woman whose beauty is second to none; a woman whose smile lights up a room; a woman whose eyes melt me on the spot; a woman whose sex drive...

Wife Lovers
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Seducing mom

Hi All, I am back with my new story. I was so excited to see my first story to be marked as “HOT!!!” Here you go. This story is also fictional and i hope that you will enjoy this as well. Hi my name is Rajiv and I was born and brought up in a very rich family. We had a very big house in Pune and ours was a joint family with 14 members in all. My parents, younger sister, grandparents, my 2 uncle’s and their family with 2 childen each. We never had to go out to make any friends as we all 6...

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Sonu Sir Ne Mujhe Choda

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahen wali hu aur main call cente me job karti hu main ap sabko apni chudyai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi kaise sonu sir ne mujhe choda. Main ap sabko apne mare me bata du main bahut sexy ladki hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main college ke time hi bahut sare ladko se chudwa chuki thi. Ye kahani thodi purani h lekin ye kahan meri sacchi kahani h. Main apne college ki bahut maal ladki hu ap sabko to pata hoga college me bahut sari ladkiya apne boyfriends...

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His room his rules

"I’ve never done anything like this before," I thought as the car drove further and further away from the club and the streets I knew. The man driving the car, I didn’t even know his name, I met at the club and now we’re going to his house. It was his idea to have a one night stand and for some reason I just couldn’t say no to him so I got into his car and here we are. “Not long now,” he said as his hand slipped up my leg, his fingers brushing the skin hidden under my skirt. I nodded, looking...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen A sea of masked faces looked up at Ted Phillips and the tall leggy girl with the long dark hair. Jim and I watched with horror as Phillips handed the brunette beauty's leash to the man who had just bought her. Eagerly, the man took hold of the leash and looked over his prize. Her hands, like ours, where cuffed tightly behind her back, leaving her totally at his mercy. Her long and shapely legs were clad in shear dark stockings and three inch black pumps. She wore a...

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