Devlin's StoryChapter 42 free porn video

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"... doesn't have to be particularly long," Amnita was saying as Devlin entered the kitchen. "I don't go with a guy just because of the length of his dick. That was one of the things I learned in Olangopo: a guy's prowess in bed isn't related to the size of his dick.

"There was this one guy," she added with a giggle that seemed uncharacteristic of her. "He had a dick like you wouldn't believe. I didn't get that good a look at it as he was undressing, but when he shoved it in me it felt like it was going to come popping out my throat." She was still wearing just her green garter belt and stockings, though she'd added a matching pair of panties.

"Was he... black?" the blonde woman asked.

"White as can be," Amnita said. "I hate to spoil any ideas you have," she added, "but in all my time in Olangopo I didn't see any correlation between a guy's skin color and the length of his dick. Chet was blonde-haired, blue-eyed, corn-fed Marine from Nebraska. He had skin that was so pale it looked like it was bleached. Every girl in the house wanted to see his dick, too. While we were going at it I could see them taking quick peeks."

"They were watching?" Lisa asked. "Didn't that make you, you know, embarrassed?"

"What's to see?" Amnita said, shrugging. "I've got the same thing they've got: two tits and a pussy. No, they were spying on Chet." She giggled again. "He sure came a lot, too. Had big balls, and they must have been damned near full. He should have spent some time masturbating, would have saved him a lot of money. When he came it just poured out of me and all over the bed."

"You said it felt like it was going to come out your throat?" the blonde asked. "I thought there weren't any nerve endings that deep in a woman's body."

"It's your mind," Emma said. "You feel a guy sliding deeper and deeper in you, and he's not pulling back, so your mind sort of gives the impression that it's going farther in you than it actually does. There are nerves on the cervix, or that's what I've been told, and some guys will mash into them with the head of their cocks."

"I've been told the same thing," Devlin said. She poured herself that cup of coffee, and settled back against the kitchen counter to just listen. "With some of the bigger guys I can feel them pressing against me when they're all of the way in. One of the people who comes here regularly is an OB/GYN, and she says that's because the head of their dick is pressing against my cervix."

"It can be kind of an electric feeling," Amnita said. "Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can feel the guy's spurts against your cervix."

"You can't always feel a guy cum," Devlin added. "Some shudder, some groan, some just cum quietly and you don't even know it except that they start slowing down."

Amnita nodded. "Yeah, that's a problem. But when I feel a guy spurting against my cervix it just makes me explode. That's one of the reasons I don't like condoms, I can't get that feeling."

Lisa and the blonde both looked surprised at that. Lisa opened her mouth to say something, and then slowly closed it.

"Condoms are a choice, not a requirement here," Emma said. "Everyone who comes here has to get medically screened, either the day before the party or the day of the party, and that eliminates most of the medical risks you were asking about earlier."

"But the risks of AIDS and--" the blonde said.

"We're aware of those risks," Emma said firmly, cutting her off, "and we take precautions, a lot more than the average person does, a lot more than people in the lesbian world do. A lot of people seem to think that if you have sex with someone other you're your regular partner, you're guaranteed to come down with a sexual disease. But a little application of common sense and intelligence can go a long way towards stopping that."

"But what if--"

Lisa was interrupted by the kitchen door banging open. Krissi, naked except for a towel over her shoulder, barged into the room. "Coffee," she gasped. "Gotta have coffee!"

She took the cup Devlin poured for her and sipped it gratefully. "Ah, I needed that." She shook the hair out of her face and took in the people at the table. "Hi, Lisa! Long time no see. Who are these with you?"

Karen, Lisa and the blonde were staring at Krissi's nudity. After a couple of seconds they all looked pointedly away. The blonde snuck furtive glances at Krissi, the color rising on her cheeks.

Lisa stumbled through her introductions, her cheeks bright red.

"Good thing it's just us girls," Krissi said. "Otherwise I'd feel naked or embarrassed or something."

"You do seem a little worked up," Devlin said. Krissi's nipples were very obvious.

"You should see my pussy," Krissi said. "If I hopped in the hot tub right now I'd set the water boiling."

"Who was it?" Emma asked.

"Jack, Amnita's husband," Krissi said. "I just love everything about his body, and then some. You're one lucky gal, Amnita. I'm especially in love with his cock. I think it's curved ideally for my insides. I came three times before he popped once. And then he let me ride him until I was ready to scream."

"Yeah, I like that about him," Amnita said. "You should see how he makes me feel."

"Is this your partner Jo?" Krissi asked, pointing at the blonde. "I've never met her."

"This is Jo," Lisa said. "She's a stewardess..."

"Flight attendant," Jo said. "I'm a flight attendant. We haven't been called stewardesses in a long time."

"I keep forgetting that," Lisa said. "Anyway, we're partners."

"Ah, yes, that's right. Pleased to finally meet you, Jo. I've heard many good things about you." Krissi held out a strand of her hair for inspection. "I suppose I should shower and get dressed." She finished her coffee. "I'll see you in a bit, Devlin." She smiled at Jo and Lisa, wrapped the towel around her hair, and left.

"I should get a shower, too," Amnita said. "Jack should be awake soon and we need to get home."

"I suppose you have all sorts of questions for me," Devlin said after Amnita had left.

"Not really," Karen replied. "Your interviews are usually pretty comprehensive."

"Interviews?" Emma asked. She glanced at Devlin. "What kind of interviews?"

"She tells me what she did at these parties," Karen said. "She doesn't go into specifics about names--I don't need that information, and I try to respect everyone's privacy--but she covers how many times, and gives me minor details."

Emma smiled and looked at Devlin. "Minor details?"

"Which way we did it, and maybe if there was something that made the guy stand out in my mind." Devlin smiled back at Emma. "Minor details."

"I guess I deserved that," Emma said. "All right, I was just worried about violating anyone's privacy."

Karen got to her feet. "Emma, thank you for inviting me. I expect I'll have more questions, but not right now. I want to compile my notes and see if there was anything I missed."

"Any time," Emma said, rising as well. "You have my number."

Jo and Lisa looked at each other, and stood. "You don't mind if I ask you a few questions," Lisa said to Devlin.

"Just as long as most of them don't start with the word 'why'," Devlin responded. "'How' and 'What' are preferable."

"You don't want anyone criticizing your decisions," Jo said. "Is that it?"

"Pretty much," Devlin nodded. "I get enough of that from society in general."

"When they find out," Lisa said, "which you make sure they don't."

Devlin smiled. "What would be the point of that?"

"I do have one question that you might answer for me," Jo said. "Do people really wander around here naked?"

Suddenly aware of her own nudity, Devlin didn't want to answer. Emma stepped in, though. "Normally you don't need to worry about covering up around here," Emma said, smiling. "After all, modesty can get in the way of your socializing."

Jo started to say something more, but Lisa grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear. When she was done, she looked at Devlin. "I have a question, too. Do you and Krissi sleep together when you stay over here?"

Devlin nodded. "Once in a while we don't, but most of the time we do."

"Do you... do you... make love?"

Devlin smiled. "Usually we're too tired. We might cuddle for a few minutes, but nothing more. And in the morning we usually get up at separate times. We'll meet in here for coffee, but that's usually just before we leave."

"Don't you--" Lisa started, but Jo interrupted her.

"Do you compare notes or something? You know, about the men you were with?"

"That's an entirely unfair comment," Devlin said icily, putting down her coffee cup. "I'll thank you to retract it or apologize."

"I think that's quite enough for now," Emma said. She looked at Lisa. "I trust I've answered your questions."

Lisa got the hint and got up. "Thank you for your hospitality," she said, and practically dragged Jo from the room.

"That wasn't the best surprise I could have had," Devlin said as she picked up her coffee cup again.

"I know," Emma replied, "and I want to apologize for this." She glanced at the clock next to the refrigerator. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go. The store opens in an hour, and I've got some things I need to do, first."

She opened the door to the dining room, and stopped. Curious, Devlin looked over her shoulder. Amnita and a man were on the couch, both facing the room. The man was underneath, and Amnita was leaning back against him, riding up and down on his length. Every time she came down his cock she made a soft grunting sound, noises the man matched when he thrust up.

Everything was visible: the tuft of black hair at the base of Amnita' tummy, the slick, red lips of her sex as they stretched around his cock, every bump and ridge on his hardness, including a thick blue vein that lined the underside of it, and his balls hanging down, but drawing up as he got closer and closer.

Lisa and Jo were standing at the other end of the room, coats in hand, transfixed by the sight.

"That's more than I intended them to see," Emma said softly, sighing.

"Was Amnita on her best behavior?"

Emma shook her head. "She was telling stories of her time in Olangopo, stories that I'd never heard. And she was being graphic. I think that was her way of getting back at me for inviting them here."

Amnita let out a deeper moan. Her mouth opened slightly and she seemed to be straining at something. Finally she gasped. "Harder, harder! Give it to me!"

Jo tried to drag Lisa out the front door. It was clear that she had seen enough, but Lisa didn't want to go.

"I'll be interested in hearing what they have to say," Devlin murmured. "Talk about getting an eyeful."

"I just wish--"

She didn't get a chance to finish as Amnita gave a soft cry, her legs and tummy visibly tightening. The man answered a few seconds later, and a stream of his jism leaked out of her, running down his cock. He slowed to a stop, and both of they lay there, breathing hard as another pearl of white oozed out of her and ran down his balls.

"Well," Emma said after a deep breath. "That's over with. I'm going to be picturing that all afternoon."

"Me, too," Devlin said. She glanced at Lisa and Jo. Both were staring at Amnita's sex and the visible proof of the man's climax. "I think they will, too."

Emma ran her hand over her breasts and cleared her throat. "If I didn't have to be at work..." She sighed again. "As it is, Tim better have a hard greeting for me when I get home."

"I know what you mean," Devlin said. "I may have to call Danny." She laughed. "It's seems strange that I want to get laid after a weekend here."

Amnita and the guy were trading kisses, and his hand was on her breast. It wasn't clear if they were going to start again, or just relax.

"There they go," Emma said as Lisa and Jo left. "I don't know how comfortable they are with sex between a man and a woman."

"Couldn't have asked for a graphic demonstration," Devlin said. She looked toward the hall. "I guess I'll go see where Krissi is. Unless you want us to help clean up..."

"We'll be fine. Somebody else is helping this weekend."

"All right. I guess we'll see you next time. We'll only be here Saturday night."

"Oh, that's right, your mother's wedding. You'll forgive me if I don't come."

"I understand." Devlin glanced at Amnita and the man. His cock had slipped out of her and his jism was slipping out of her and pooling on the sofa... Devlin drew a deep breath and went to see if Krissi was ready yet.

She found Tim, instead. "Evan got traded," she said without preamble. "He's going to the Athletics, though maybe not. I'm not sure what this means."

"Calm down," Tim said. "Getting traded is a fact of life in professional sports." He grinned. "There are a lot of jokes told about it. Come on, let's see what's on the internet." He led her into the computer room. After turning it on and logging in, he set her in front of the screen.

"'... and a player to be named later'," she read. "Tim, this trade was made last January, and they just sort of threw Evan in here at the last moment."

"They do that, Devlin. Remember, first and foremost, this is a business."

"But..." She stopped when he held up his hand.

"He's not 'spare change', if that's what you're thinking. The front offices carefully weigh these trades, and the Commissioner's Office does, too, to make sure they're relatively even."


"They can't stop a stupid trade, only an unfair one." Tim gestured at the monitor. "The two classic stupid trades were Frank Robinson for Milt Pappas, and Babe Ruth for cash."

"Okay, I've heard of Babe Ruth." Devlin pictured a candy bar with a baseball mitt, though she knew that wasn't what Tim meant.

Tim chuckled. "That was in 1918, and the Boston Red Sox have been regretting that trade for 80 years. But that's the thing; you don't know how these trades are going to turn out. Who knew that Babe Ruth was going to be the hitter he turned out to be? He was a pitcher when they traded him.

"Anyway, don't worry about it. He's going to the Oakland organization, isn't he?"

Devlin nodded. "That's what his voicemail said. I tried calling him, but he's out of service at the moment."

"He's either asleep or on a plane. He'll want to report as soon as possible so he doesn't lose any training time."

Devlin pointed at the list of teams in the Oakland Athletics minor league organization. "What team do you think he'll end up on? Could he be playing for the major league team?"

"It's possible," Tim said, nodding. "I think he'll end up in Sacramento, or maybe Midlands in Texas."

Devlin looked over the list. "That's Double-A. That's lower than Triple-A."

"They'll see what he has, and then they'll put him where they think he'll get the best coaching."

Devlin thought she heard some doubt in Tim's voice, but decided to wait until she'd talked with Evan. So many things would become clearer after she talked with Evan.

"You should probably get that shower," she said. "I'm sorry I dragged you away from whatever you were doing, but I just had to know."

"That's all right," Tim chuckled. "I'm a baseball fan, you aren't, and I could see the worry in your face."

She glanced at his dick as he got up. "I could lick you clean as a thank you."

"Much as I'd appreciate that, I'll have to take a rain check. I'd want to play with your titties, and then we'd go somewhere so I could fuck your brains out, but your heart wouldn't be in it."

"That's the politest refusal I've ever had." Devlin pressed herself against him, giving him a high voltage kiss. Tim returned it with interest, his hands cupping her breasts before trailing down to linger familiarly over her bottom.

"Whew, girl," Tim said when they finally broke for air. "You give a guy a powerful reason to reconsider."


He backed away, his dick half-hard. "A rain check, though I wouldn't wait too long to cash it."

"Next time I'm here?"

He nodded. "Definitely."

She watched his bare butt as he left the room; she would love to grab that and hang on. Tim knew all sorts of ways to get her wound up and could already feel a tingle of anticipation.

She returned to the internet, and spent a few minutes reading about the minor league teams Evan might be going to. After a bit she decided she'd learned all she could without talking to Evan, logged off, and went looking for Krissi.

"What was that all about?" Krissi asked when they finally got to the car. "I've known Lisa for a couple of years, but she's the last person I would have expected to see here at Emma's."

"I think they came up with Karen," Devlin said. "Karen had a lot of questions about the lifestyle, and I suggested she talk to Emma." She took a deep breath and stretched. The day was warming up nicely, the last of the snow had disappeared more than a week before, and meteorologists were talking about sunshine and highs in the 50's. "I especially didn't expect Emma to invite her up here on a party weekend."

"My showing up naked probably wasn't my best move ever," Krissi said as she got in the car. "A lot of lesbians are pretty modest, and I probably shocked them."

"Oh, I don't know. Karen didn't seem to mind, but Lisa and Jo couldn't seem to get enough of your body, especially Jo."

"I noticed. I thought she was going to bore a hole in my sex with her staring."

"I'm not surprised. How many women actually see what they look like down there?"

Krissi smiled. "Point taken: very few. Now, are we going to have breakfast, or what? I'm starving. Oh, and did you call Evan?"

"I did so while you were still getting dressed. Still out of service."

"I'd--oh look, here comes Amnita and Jack." She rolled down her window. "Breakfast?" she called hopefully.

"Sure," Jack replied. "What did you have in mind?"

"There's this place over next to the highway--I don't want fast food, I want something a lot more filling."

"Marie and Rick were right behind us," Jack said. "And that gal with them, um..."

"Orphelia?" Devlin asked. She glanced back at Emma's. Rick, Marie and Orphelia were just leaving. "Here they come."

"Breakfast?" Jack asked when they got close enough.

Rick and Marie looked at each other. "Sure," Rick said. "Why not? Where would we go?"

"There's this place over next to the highway," Jack said. "Great food, it's called Delaney's."

"We've eaten there before," Marie said. "Come on, we'll lead the way."

"Why not?" Devlin said. "Sure. Lead on."

"And how did you sleep?" Devlin asked Orphelia when they were seated at a corner booth in Delaney's.

"With someone, surprisingly," Orphelia said. "I know I shouldn't have, but there was this woman, and..."

"We usually don't go into details," Devlin said, laughing.

Orphelia glanced around the restaurant before lowering her voice. "Well, there are advantages to being bisexual."

"Never saw the attraction in it," Marie said, "except professionally."

"Really?" Orphelia seemed surprised. "But I thought..."

"That's why it's called acting," Marie said, primly. "I've always preferred my time with the men."

"I read somewhere that most of the women in adult movies were lesbians," Amnita said.

Marie and Orphelia shared a smile. "You do it because they pay you to do it," Marie said. "And there are men who get excited by watching two women together. Most women, though?" She shook her head. "Not really. A lot of the women in the industry are bisexual, or will go with another woman for the right amount of money, but not as many as people think."

"Saying we're lesbians says we prefer women over men," Orphelia added. "That's just not true. I'm like Marie, I prefer a man to a woman, but unlike her, I will go with a woman just for the fun of it." She sighed happily. "And we do have fun."

"I prefer the strength and power of a man," Marie said. "Always have, always will."

"That's something those two gals this morning wouldn't understand," Amnita said. "I've met some lesbians who are fairly intolerant of any other viewpoint."

"Lisa's thinking she wants a baby," Devlin said. "And I don't think she wants in vitro fertilization."

"The old fashioned method, eh?" Amnita asked with a chuckle. "Well, why not? It's worked for several million years, why shouldn't she be traditional?"

"I think her partner is opposed to the idea," Devlin said. "This was the first time I've met her, but from her questions I suspect she really doesn't like men."

"Possibly," Amnita said. "Well, I hope I gave her something to think about."

"You certainly gave her an eyeful," Devlin said.

"And had fun while doing it, too." Amnita smiled and took a sip of her coffee. "She shouldn't have any illusions about what's involved."

"Who was that you were with?" Amnita asked.

"Does it matter? He was hard, I was hot, and the couch was handy." She glanced at Marie. "I suppose that's the plot of most adult movies."

"More than you might think," Marie replied.

Devlin felt her phone vibrate. Excusing herself, she answered it. As she'd hoped, it was Evan.

"What happened?" she said softly. She was on the end, so she got up and walked away so she wouldn't disturb the others.

"Trades are part of baseball," Evan said. "I think this one will work out, though."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"The Athletics are gearing up for a run at the pennant. They'll have plenty of openings for pitchers. The White Sox are a few years away from that."

"Do you think you'll have a better chance to make the Majors with the Athletics?"

"Much better. Look, I'll call you again tonight. I'm just about to get to the Athletics training facility. They'll give me a physical, and if everything checks out like they think it will, then I'll sit down with my agent, we'll go over the contract and sign on the dotted line."

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Hi I am regular reader of this site. And this is my first story.About me, I am from kerala, 5’9 bit chubby, has a bit of man boobs, not very hairy, fleshy round ass. and my penis measure upto 17cm. The following story which I am about to narrate is purely based on my first and only sexual encounter with a male. I was a student when this happened. It was during my 3rd semester leave. Usually I just go back home, but this time one of my friend Sree(name changed due to privacy issues) asked me to...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sheela And Her Sexual Urges

Hello fellows, I am Sheela, a 53 years old widow with strong sexual urges. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an Indian man, while my mother was a British woman. I married the man I loved with all my heart and soul, but he, unfortunately, passed away. Together, we made 6 babies before my husband’s untimely demise. As of now, I am a mother of 16 children (all mine, none adopted). But with yoga and gym, I have managed to keep myself in shape. I was doing the laundry one fine morning when I...

1 year ago
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My First Amazing Experience

Hello, Everyone. I am a regular reader at Indian Sex Stories. This is a story of me and my girlfriend. For obvious reasons, the name of the characters are changed. I was always a shy studious guy. But I am also very horny. I masturbate every day. I am a sporty guy and have lots of stamina. This story dates back to 2014. We met at an interview in Mumbai. She is from Nagpur. We had a nice conversation and post our interview we exchanged numbers. Initially, we used to talk mostly on a formal...

2 years ago
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The Frat Party

It was 4:00 on a Friday afternoon and Allison had just returned to her dorm room from soccer practice. She was an 18 year old soccer player who had received a college scholarship to play soccer. She was enjoying her first semester at school when her roommate Jen asked, “I heard there was a big frat party to happen tonight. Why don’t we go, Allison? I heard this fraternity is a legend with their frat parties. It is going to be wild!” “I don’t know, Jen? I got soccer practice again tomorrow....

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Rebeccas Creamy White Toes

It was my first day at college, and I went to check out my room and meet my roommate. There was this beautiful blonde girl standing in my room, so I double checked the door number. It was my room so I went in. I said, “Hello!” She asked, “Who are you?” I said, “John.” She said her name was Rebecca. Rebecca asked what I was doing here, and I told her this was my room. I then asked her what she was doing here and she told me it was her room. “I’m going to speak to the rep about this,” she said....

3 years ago
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Hosed By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Nylon teasers They came into the video store where I worked as a clerk. Almost every day. Teasers. Both of them. What made it both great and terrible for me was that it fed my deepest fetish - stockings - as it denied me any fulfillment other than frequent and frantic "self-gratification." Stephanie was the blonde. Five foot six. A full head of countless, tight curls. Swelled, pouty lips. Crystal blue...

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My Senior Year

It was my senior year I was dressing in our locker room after volleyball practice, and all I could think about was my lunch time getaway under the bleachers where I had just given one of the boys his first blow job. I had only been with guys at this point and even though I had only been giving blow jobs so far I had earned a bit of a reputation. I did not mind the reputation I had made for myself though because I enjoyed it more than them most of the time. As I was getting dressed I did not...

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Her Mothers LoverChapter 6

The weekend finally came and the night of the party Debby and Charisse slipped stealthily away from Greystokes to meet their escorts. "Thank goodness no one spotted us leaving - now our only problem is getting back in after the party's over!" Debbie giggled. "Let's worry about that when we come to it," Charisse said, "is that the boy's car coming now?" The red sports sedan slowed as it came towards them and dimmed its lights twice. "Yes, that's the gang!", Debbie said...

3 years ago
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Rising From The Ashes

Two years ago I discovered my wife Rhonda was having an affair. That led to a vicious argument that ended with me packing my bags and moving out. Of course my moving out wasn’t due to the argument. I was moving out because I wasn’t going to live with a cheating slut. Our marriage was over the second she let another man into her panties. I checked into a motel near my office. It was kind of seedy but it would do until I found something more permanent. I put the two suitcases I had packed into...

4 years ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 37

At the last moment, it registered with Uroddus that there had been a faint scarlet aura around the seal behind him. The realization came too late for him to avoid the bolt that shot from it and into his back. Q'ixanna neatly stepped out of the way as Uroddus flew towards the other seal, its red aura brightening towards discharge. Uroddus conjured another reflective shield before him. It reflected the second bolt away from him and towards Q'ixanna. But as hurried as it was, the aim was not...

2 years ago
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A Rosa in BloomChapter 2

Vicky screamed her voice out as she felt another generous serving of white goo leave Rosa’s cock, joining the slushing sea of cum contained within her outstretched womb. Rosa was simply too much for her, too much for any women Vicky could think of. The pulses along the steel rod became less frequent, telling Vicky another eruption was over. Her flailing arms reached down to feel her bloated stomach the flesh felt soft, almost inviting Vicky to press harder and feel the new addition to her...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 182

Maria was having second thoughts about leaving the girls at home, while her and Floyd celebrated their wedding. On the third day, they decided to cut it short and go home. Maria was always leery about the girls being left to their own devices, and Floyd wanted to get to know them much better than he did. After all, he only had a few short years to be a real Dad to them. He had grown fond of them, and wanted to be a bigger part of their lives.'Thea, as he called Althea, was warming up to him,...

2 years ago
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A Series of Love

We've all had our own little love stories. Our first kiss. Our first date. Our first time. What was your first love like? And, was it... Special? Awkward? Perfect? Or... did it go awry? Perhaps, you wanted it to go in a different way? Or perhaps, you've never felt love, only lust? This series of stories will focus on love. On companionship, friendship, and love of many and all forms. I plan this to be one in which many stories can join together, everyone of them detailing love from many...

3 years ago
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A Womans WrathChapter 3

Pete stood on the porch, wondering 'which way to go'. When he caught himself thinking exactly those words, a sardonic smile forced itself onto his face. "That's sure the question, which way to go," he thought. "'Tis better to face the slings and arrows of outrageous fate, or divorce?" Thinking the Bard wouldn't have been too interested in his little dilemma, he strode down the walk, then turned left. Wandering the streets aimlessly, he found himself approaching a city park near...

2 years ago
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Suanne Sunny Seeks Sex 1

Suave Suanne Sunny seeks sexual satisfaction from friends the beautiful blonde slender sweet tasty teen trustsSuave Suanne Sunny seeks sexual satisfaction from friends she trusts to thrust their tool inside her virgin pussySuave Suanne sexy Sunny hot horny holes on offer: Suanne Sunny...

2 years ago
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Part 42 End of the Beginning

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 42: End of the Beginning Looking back on it all now, Holly and I agree that this really marks the end of the beginning of our story. When you have heard the whole story I would think you would agree, but maybe not. You have seen our relationship up to this point. Part 41 leaves us at the end of the fall semester of junior year. Part 43 is going to pick up on graduation day. So we are going to fill in the gaps here. You know the sex life we...

3 years ago
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My Outlaws Come To Stay Part 2

I looked round to the door of the spare room. Tina was in the process of bending over looking in her suit case. I could see her negligee riding up. I could see her ass cheeks. She bent right over and I could see her pussy. It glistened in the sunlight coming through the window. She looked a bit flustered and I imagined that she had been masturbating. As she was bent down she looked around and saw me looking at her. She gave a big smile and a wink. “Did you have a nice steamy shower Greg?”...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Chudai Office Main

Hello all ISS readers my name is Aman and I am from Delhi and I am a regular reader of this site my age is 21 .The stories on this site are very good so I feel like submitting my real story which happened to me 2 years back it is a story of mine with my girlfriend burka.She is 19 year old hot girl. Ab main apka time waste na karte hua sidha story pe aata hu.Ye tub ki baat h jub maine 1st job k liye interview k liye gaya tha Maine waha barkha ko dekha usne tight jeans aur t-shirt daal rakhi thi...

1 year ago
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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 10

"Please don't ever tell Jake or Lynn about us Jimmy. Lynn would be very hurt and Jake, well he would be very, very angry with both of us." "It's our little secret Eva. My lips are sealed." I responded. The last two things I wanted to do was make her big husband aware that I had fucked his wife or lose out on blow jobs from her daughter Lynn by letting her know what we had done. I also knew that Eva and I would probably never have sex again. Jake didn't leave town all that often. He...

3 years ago
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Wedding day whore 4

Please let me know your thoughts good or bad. Lisa was fast asleep, she was having a dream about being groped by 1 of the hotel staff. He was black and a total stranger to her, yet she was allowing him to put his hands all over her body. As the stranger moved his hands over her body he softly played with her tits, stroked and caressed her body. Lisas breathing was increasing, her body thrusting towards the dark hands that moved over her body. Lisa didnt want his hands anywhere but on her...

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My First Time Chapter 1

My First Time Chapter 1 By Sara TV Slut It was Friday night and I had just gotten home from the bar, around 11:30 P.M. There wasn't anything on TV that I wanted to watch. So as I sometimes do late at night I decided it would be a good time to let Sara out. Sara is my female persona. First I jumped into the shower then made sure I was shaved smooth from my face to my toes with just a wisp of pussy hair above my cock-clit. Next I carefully applied makeup being sure to use my...

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the workout

She had been telling her husband for years how she had wanted to get in shape, but not lose her thickness, becuzz she knew how much he loved it. So she woke up in the morning one day feeling strong in her decision to start on losing at least 20. She would join him at the apartment gym. Putting her hair in a cute ponytail, she put on her Nikes that matches his shoes, and her cute outfit. She drank her shake and walked to the complex gym, thinking to herself that he will get her going over the...

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The Black Rooster Resort Ch04

Down by the eastern wing of the hotel, a large doorway marked the entrance to the Ferris Hall."Here we are," Henrietta said as she looked out over the assembly hall.A runway had been raised in the middle of the room. Beside it, several workers looked up at the voluptuous woman who was inspecting their work. The woman, Deborah Mckinney, wore a snug red dress that accentuated her curvy and thick body. Her enormous breasts poured out of the rounded chest area of her dress.Deborah was the owner of...

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My Hot Sexy Older Neighbor

I grew up in a large sized city and from kindergarten on, attended a large school. In high school I was enrolled in the college preparatory curriculum which required courses in Math, Science, Literature and Foreign Language. As an eighteen year old Senior, the Math course was Trigonometry. I had aced Geometry, had done pretty well in Algebra, but Trig had me buffaloed. My teacher was a beautiful, forty plus year old lady. Ms Paddyspurs had been my Algebra teacher and she knew that I could...

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Part 2 White teen boy taken by a black man

    All of that week after my encounter I was really unsettled about what I had let that gay black man do to me yet I have to admit that I ejaculated once in the bathroom at home as I recalled that weird episode.   It was on a Friday after I went to the local park to play some B-ball.   After the game I sat on the park bench near the street.    I noticed a nice car parked about 50 yards down the street and a black man was sitting inside although I couldn’t see him clearly

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I Know Hes A KingChapter 10

Hardly anyone noticed that suddenly the king had left the army to go back to the capital, Islanda. Chores were carried out as usual, as well as the training. My own training started the day he left. Until I got the hang of it — meditation — it was so dull, so boring that I could rip my eyes out. But when I mastered the relaxation technique and how to sit and clear my mind, it was the most amazing state I had ever been in. I found myself drifting into another world, somewhere beautiful. It...

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EvilAngel Freya Parker SpitSoaked BJ 3Way

Petite brunette Freya Parker wants to have her cute face glazed in hot, syrupy semen. The sexy, natural-bodied beauty models a tight shirt that reads, ‘CUM ON MY FACE,’ teasing and showing off through a hot intro. Before long, Freya drops to her knees in front of pornographer Jonni Darkko and Black stud Hollywood Cash. Slobber flows from her mouth as she gives the dudes a choking, double blowjob, stroking and choking on big Black cock throughout. The raunchy oral threesome delivers...

2 years ago
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A Model Boss Part One of Three

A Model Boss - Part One of Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Parrie] "So Stacey is out?" Allen asked. "She's out," Lila replied to her boss, shaking her head. "That's a shame." "It really is," Mary Anne interjected. "Do you think you could step in for her?" Allen asked. "Me?" "Why not? Enid and Lila are doing it." "In case you didn't realize, they're also about 100 pounds lighter than me," Mary Anne replied shaking her head as she crossed...

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JamesDeen Kate England Marilyn Moore Kate England Incites a Backroom Orgy in Las Vegas Sex Trip Part 2

Watch a quick, behind-the-scenes glimpse of James Deen directing Kate England in a hardcore anal scene with Prince Yashua. Then watch how Kate keeps going when her scheduled scene is over. James walks in on Kate and Prince fucking. And they don’t even have a camera. How rude, right? If you take dick on a James Deen Productions set, we should get to see! I mean, maybe if we ask politely? Anyway, ‘the sight of Kate getting fucked’ turns James on. It turns on Marilyn Moore too....

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Loren pt III

I lent Loren my jacket to give her some respectablility as we entered the street. My girlfriend, Liz, hailed a taxi. We got in the back and Loren sat in the front seat.It wasn't a long journey home, and very soon we we're pulling up outside my house. As we were approaching I reached for my wallet, but Liz stopped me and said 'no, Loren's paying for this one'.We arrived and the driver said how much we owed. 'How about payment in kind?', said Liz. 'What do you mean?' said the driver.'well, that...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 32

Davik He used the whip again, demanding to know how I had gotten my abilities and what had been used. I tuned him out, thinking of other things, when a strange tickle occurred in the back of my head. Not on the skin, but deep inside, not unlike when I found the fire that triggered my abilities that first time. The tickle appeared just after a strike of the whip and after two more, it became much stronger. Instead of a tickle, I began to feel emotion, but it seemed off as if it were not my...

4 years ago
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Lady May

Lady May sprawled languidly across her four post bed. The rumpled black silk blankets still glistened with moisture from her exertions. Her long blonde hair splayed out wetly across the pillow and she reached out for a cigarette. "Carson!" she cried, "My cigarettes!" Carson waited at his station beside the stairwell as was his wont when Madame was entertaining, ready to welcome guests or serve his employers with equal facility as befits a butler, so swiftly grasping a small pack of...

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Killing Time

As I stepped off the train brushing my graying hair from my face, I suddenly realized I didn't know where I was going, or even stranger who the hell I was. Stepping aside I watched as semi well dressed people moved off the train. Sitting down on a nearby wooden bench I thought that it was a lovely antique, I'd sure hate to harm it. Huh? Where had that come from? The bench was practically brand new; there was nothing antique about it. Looking around I saw that all the people were wearing...

4 years ago
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Kolkata Business Trip Part II

Read part I here ........After the long session of sex we ordered food. I was sitting there on the sofa sipping my drink and having a smoke wearing my padded bra n lace panty only. Saurabh was lying on the bed nude and facing me. We were chatting and then he told me he is a sports trainer and works out. Thats where he got his stamina i guess. The room service told us that food will take about 20 mins so we were watching tv and after i finished my smoke i got upme- i should change to normal, the...

1 year ago
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Asian Exchange Student Girlfriend Surprise

She was sitting next to me in American History, one of the first classes of my freshman year at college. Asians were not unusual at this school but I knew she was not American-born from her speech. She was having difficulty and asked my help. I offered to go to the student cafeteria after class where we could talk more freely. She asked for hot water and produced some tea from her native land. It was delicious, a lot like her I surmised. She was pretty and softspoken and let me know she wanted...

3 years ago
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Super Bowl Party Gang Bang

The excitement in the air was palpable in January 2016, when the Denver Broncos won the AFC championship game against the New England Patriots, in front of a home crowd in Denver. The Broncos were headed to the Super Bowl once again, to try to win their first title since the win in 1999, when I was only seven years old.My name is Jared, and I was born and raised in the upscale Highlands Ranch suburb, about twelve miles south of Denver. Everyone in my family is an avid Broncos fan, and my...

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The Summer I Met Nina Part One

I met Nina the summer I worked as a waiter at Pocmont Lodge, a glitzy, somewhat seedy resort in the Pocono Mountains. It was a good way to earn a lot of money in ten weeks to help pay for college because we worked for room and board and got good tips. All the waiters and bus boys bunked in a cabin that looked more like a chicken house. The shabby cabin next door housed the band that played in the lounge at night. At twenty-five, I was older than the other guys because I decided to go to college...

3 years ago
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ENHANCEXX By Persephone © 2/28/2013 Congratulations! You have purchased "EnhanceXX" the all new next generation male enhancement formula. Men, have you ever said to yourself, "It takes me all night to do what I used to do all night?" Well not anymore! Just one of these tablets and certain male part be able to go all night or all day. Achieve a happier and more fulfilled sex life. Recapture the drive and stamina of your...

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Just Stop By and Check on Me Part 2

So, after Ms K had her fun with me in the restroom at the restaurant, we actually went right back to my house.We went into the house and she began grabbing me again. She kept chuckling and her hands were everywhere, all over me. I giggled and leaned into her so she could grab me as much as she wanted. Even though it was kinda uncomfortable sometimes, I really liked when she grabbed and prodded and poked and rubbed and touched me anywhere.She even gave me a big smack on the butt too! OUCH! She...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 8

“Is it just me, or are the locals avoiding us?” I asked aloud as we walked around the town of Hancock, clothed, of course, as we were in no mood to deal with possibly irate locals. We got lucky at Hazelton, West Virginia, and we didn’t want to press our luck. I laughed to myself as I recalled that this was the second consecutive town in such a short space of time with a name that started with “Ha.” Besides, the sheer number of mosquito bites that some of us got after we tarried naked in...

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Naughty Night Nurse

The following happened to me a few years ago in Autumn. I had been at a movie theatre (watching Titanic, if you must know) when all of a sudden my stomach cramped horribly and I doubled over in pain. Naturally some of you will blame the movie -- I actually thought it was good, and was seeing it for the second time. Rushing out of the theatre, I collapsed to the sidewalk and stayed there for a while, experiencing the closest feeling I'll ever get to childbirth, I'm sure. I was finally able...

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Thats So WrongChapter 4

Day 2—Terry, Duke and Tina Tina tried to open her eyes, squinting into the morning light. She blinked, closed them for a minute. Tried again. And again. Third time was the charm. She brushed morning grit from her eyes. The sounds of multiple men snoring finally registered. She froze. She was lying on her side, facing a wall. She'd heard her dad and brothers snore before, of course. But always from the safety of a hallway, or nearby room. She slowly turned over. Froze again when someone next...

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