Hen Night
- 4 years ago
- 21
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"Close the door please, Gary, and come and have a seat." Patricia was giving me her full attention. I closed the door and sat down in one of my guest chairs. It was odd to be on this side of the desk.
"At the risk of sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong," she started, "Luci is in love with you."
"I know."
"Do you? Does Fay?"
"Know that Luci is in love with me? If she doesn't now, she will by the end of the day."
"You don't seem concerned by that, Gary."
"Concerned that Luci is in love with me or concerned that Fay will find out that Luci is in love with me?" I shook my head. "Patricia, I could tell you the story of my life with Fay and I don't think you would either believe me or begin to understand when I say that Fay knows Luci is in love with me for the same reasons that Nikki is in love with me and for the same reasons that Fay herself is in love with me. So, no, I am not concerned that Luci is in love with me. What I am concerned with is how Luci is going to act on her love for me." I shook my head again and stood up and walked around the office once.
"Gary," Patricia started to say something but I waved her down.
"I have a problem?" She nodded. "Yes, I know. That is why I did not fight when Fay said they were going shopping. Fay has a way with people that I don't have." That drew a snort from Patricia.
"Gary, you have a way with people, don't let anyone kid you. Right now I want to take off my clothes and see just how beaten down that couch really is."
"Wench," I responded with a smile and Patricia undid three buttons on her blouse in response. I raised an eyebrow at her and she undid the rest of the buttons, pulling the shirt out of her skirt and revealing a teal merry widow about the same colour as her blouse. She stood up and walked around the desk to lean against it, her breast pushing against the material, her nipples clearly erect and peeking over the edge of the garment.
"OK, lusty wench then," I smiled back at her and she reached behind her to undo the clasp on her skirt and slide down the zipper. She let the wool skirt drop to the ground and stood in front of me. Her merry widow was holding up black stockings. She had forgone the panties and her bare pussy was swelling before my eyes, the lips puffy and a hint of moisture just visible.
"Horny, lusty, wench," I said, taking off my own shirt. I never got to my belt. Patricia stepped up to me and caught my hands at my waist and started undoing my belt as our lips came together in a kiss, our tongues fencing with each other while her hands dove into my pants taking my cock firmly in her hands. She took a moment to push my pants down and followed them to the floor, taking my cock into her mouth with a powerful suction. Her hands squeezed and traced my balls and a finger found its way into my ass. My cock felt like is was in a wet, velvet vice and the more she sucked, the more my mind lost all hope of focus.
With a pop she released my member, stood up and walked over to the couch, where she sat down on the edge and with a come hither look, leaned back, wrapped her left hand around her breast, freeing it from the material and rolled the nipple between her fingers. She spread her legs and with her right hand, began tracing the outline of her sex, the lips were red and swollen and the bud of her clit poked out, a solid ball of flesh waiting to be sucked. Who was I to argue with her. I dropped to my knees in front of her and slowly ran my tongue across her lips, luxuriating in the taste of her and hearing her sigh of pleasure as I traced the outline of her ass hole. I followed the natural folds of her pussy as I slowly made my way up to her clit. I gently ran my tongue around it, feeling it get harder and her moans of pleasure seemed to increase. She was rubbing and squeezing both breast now and I focused on her clit, rubbing it with my lips and tongue, sucking on it like a little nipple and rolling it between my teeth. She moaned more and thrust her pelvis at me, trying to drive her clit into my mouth like a little cock. I slid a finger into her pussy and pressed gently, before removing it and rimming her ass. That set her off. She almost screamed out as her legs clamped across my head, holding me in position while her orgasm rode through her. She released the hold on my head and reached down to pull me up enough that she could kiss me, our tongues dancing and sparing with each other as I pinched and pulled on her nipples.
"Get up here," she ordered, "I have got to have your cock inside me," she was half moaning, half sighing as my cock traced her pussy as I stood up. I felt her hips flex as it crossed her clit.
She almost threw me onto the couch. I was sitting against the back, my cock at full attention when she pushed her cunt against me. She reached down and put me at her entrance and slid home. If I thought her mouth was a velvet vice, I have no words to describe her cunt. It was soft and tight and wet and warm and milking my cock as she bounced up and down on me, pulling and squeezing her breasts and nipples. I held onto her hips, and she started rocking uncontrollably. I could feel the muscles contract a minute before my own and she came down heavy on top of me just as I released into her. I captured a nipple in my mouth and sucked hard and she screamed into my shoulder. I suspect I would have a set of teeth marks there later, but the feeling of her pussy milking my cock was more than worth any bruises. She tightened up and then fell limp against me and I held her close as her breathing returned to normal.
She looked up and kissed me again with less force, but no less passion, her hands dancing through my hair, my own tracing lazy circles on her naked ass.
"Oh, that was good," she said a few minutes later, still not wanting to move from her position in my lap.
"I am glad you enjoyed it," I responded kissing her again. "I would hate to think I was the only one who had fun." I grinned and kissed her again and flexed my shrinking cock inside her. She responded with a sigh and a squeeze of her own that ejected me from my warm glove of flesh. That made her moan even more.
"I guess that means I have to get dressed now," she said with a pout.
"Not on my occasion," I respond squeezing her ass playfully.
"Oh, do you think anyone would complain if I went around the offices like this?"
"I wouldn't, but Craig might," I responded flicking a nipple with my tongue.
"Stop that, Gary," she said, holding my head against her breast, "or I might make you do it all over again."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" I replied kissing her again.
"A promise, but not today. Today, we have to find you an office, some funds, and a couch, although I have to agree with you, there isn't any thing wrong with this one." That got us both laughing until I kissed her which started her moaning again, especially when my cock nudged her clit.
"Enough," she said, standing up and looking down on me and tucking her breast back into the top of her merry widow. "We are both a mess."
"Tissues are on the book case, baby wipes, mirror and comb in the top of the filing cabinet," I responded.
"You are a regular Boy Scout," she said walking over the filing cabinet.
"No, just an engineer who tends to get dirty," I responded watching her wipe away the visual signs of our recent sex. She brought a baby wipe over to me and gently wiped my cock, balls and thighs. I started to get hard in her hands.
"Oh, you are so tempting," she said, bending down and giving me a quick suck, "but we have things to do." With that she stood up and passing the trash can on the way, walked around my desk and picked up her blouse from where it lay on my chair. I watched her as she buttoned it back up and walked around the desk and looked at me. The hem of her blouse was just long enough to cover her pussy, but it kept playing peek-a-boo. I reached for my own clothes and started to pull them on as she pulled up her skirt.
"Can I get you do me up please?" she asked.
"I thought I already had," I responded, walking over and slowly sliding the zipper up and rehooking her skirt.
"How do you make getting dressed seem like a seduction?" she asked turning around and putting her arms on my shoulders, her fingers again playing in my hair.
"Do I? I hadn't noticed. Ready to go out in public again, Patricia?" I asked kissing her once more.
"No, but I have to. Come upstairs in 30 minutes and we will have lunch, alright?"
"Alright. See you in 30 minutes." I kissed her again and she molded herself to me one last time and then broke free, heading for the door.
I waited a few minutes than went to use the facilities and made a lap of the floor before returning to my office. I had about 20 minutes to kill, so I checked the email and send off a little note to Luci and Nikki, telling them to keep Fay out of trouble and if they could not do that, to make sure that they tied her up really well. I got a note back a few minutes later, clearly from Fay, wanting to know what she should do if Nikki and Luci were the ones tied up. I suggested that she use a vibrator on Nikki and a strap-on with Luci, or wait until I got home. I got a lusty smiley back from both machines and turned to the more mundane issues of the corporate world.
About 30 minutes after Patricia had left; I headed up to her office. Eric had replaced her machine and brought the broken one back down to our offices. Patricia was sitting at her desk, for all to see the vision of efficiency. She smiled when I walked in and she pointed me to a chair while she finished up what she was working on, which only took her a minute. She then took us into Craig's office and closed the door. While she did not attack me, she was very clear that I was not going anywhere without kissing her, which I was more than happy to do. Once she had her way, she pointed to the small conference table where she had sandwiches and a split of champagne waiting to be opened. I did the honors and she set out our lunch. I kissed her again and we clinked glasses and sat down to lunch. Craig came in a few minutes later.
"So Patricia, have you seduced him yet?" Craig asked with a smile. I almost choked on the bite of sandwich I had just taken.
"Not yet," Patricia replied with a lurid smile. "He keeps seducing me." Craig was not looking at us but he laughed and I looked at Patricia. She licked her lips and stroked my leg with her foot. I decided to play along.
"Gary, Patricia tells me that my offer of a couch is a bad idea. She also tells me that you are butting heads with HR."
"I don't know that I said it was a bad idea, simply one that could cause other issues within the ranks. And I am not butting heads with HR that I am aware of. They have told me what the limits of my authority are and I have accepted that. Since I really don't need any more authority than I have, things are fine." I took another sip of the wine.
"No, they are not fine, Gary," he was flipping through a file as he spoke. "You are an official of this company and that means you are to have all the rights and privileges thereto." He held up a hand forestalling my response. "I heard the song and dance, that because you are not a line manager, you are not entitled blah blah blah. Bull shit. If I had a dozen of you we would be a Fortune 500 company instead of trying to figure out how to get above a billion. Yes, we could buy some of the little guys and add them to our base, but they would have to lay off people and that would not make anybody happy. I don't like that way of doing business if I can avoid it and as long as I own and run this company, than I get the say as to who and what happens." He was pissed.
"Darling," he said looking at Patricia, love in his eyes, "would you please call a meeting of the Board for first thing Monday morning and then get Mitch on the phone for me. I think it is time we put some long quiet plans in motion. Also, I want to speak to Louise and Maureen before they leave tonight. Maureen first I think."
Patricia gave my leg a squeeze and got up to do what Craig had asked. Craig looked at me again.
"Gary, thoughts?"
In for a penny, in for a pound I believe the saying goes.
"Louise is probably your most productive VP. Heck, she has made me a dozen job offers to come and join her team and I keep turning her down. I would ask her what needs to be done in the field. Here at home? I would have to think about it a little. The first reaction is cut staff, but I think cutting staff that are not performing would be a better step. Doing that without lawsuits though is not something to enter into lightly."
"Who would you get rid of in your department?"
"Rid of? No one. Replace?" I gave him a couple of names and the reasons I would replace them with more qualified people if I was running the railroad, which, I pointed out I was not. Jerry was and both Jerry and I were aware of the shortcomings of the individuals, but we also had no way to replace them short of firing them and we could not do that without addressing an even larger mess of issues.
There was a knock on the door just as his phone rang. Maureen walked in and Craig picked up the phone. I stood up and said hello to Maureen and cleaned up my portion of lunch. I was just picking up Patricia's to take out to her when the lady herself walked in and with a thankful smile, sat back down and continued to eat. Maureen took one of Craig's chairs near his desk while he finished his conversation.
"Thanks for coming in Maureen. Come join us at the table," Craig indicated the table that Patricia and I were sitting at. "Can I get you anything?"
"No thank you, Craig." Maureen has a sultry, sexy voice that you could listen to all day with a body to match.
"Any more of that?" Craig said, indicating the champagne Patricia and I were drinking.
"In the fridge," Patricia said, taking another bite of her sandwich. He changed direction for the little kitchenette in his office. "Sure I can't tempt you?" he asked.
"OK, tempt me," she said with a swing of her hair.
"That level tempting is Gary's job," Craig said from the kitchenette as he got two more glasses.
"Is that a direct order?" she asked, looking at me with a little heat in her eyes. I noticed that her nipples got hard under her cotton shirt.
"Well, if I have to make it an order," Craig continued with a chuckle.
"Oh, no, you don't have to make it an order, I was just checking." She sat down and fluttered her eyes at me. Patricia ran a foot up my calf and Craig came back into the room with a glass for Maureen and himself.
"Here's the long and the short of it," he began after taking a sip. "We need to promote Gary, chop some dead wood at all levels, promote Louise, and do it without violating any laws. Oh, and the Board will be meeting Monday to make some changes official, such as tying salary and position to performance and overall company health." He passed her a couple of pieces of paper from the folder in front of him.
"And you want my input by close today?" she asked.
"Actually, I would like it by 3:30. Patricia and I have tickets to the theatre tonight," he responded.
"No pressure, that's what I like about you Craig. Simply reorganize the company in, what, two hours?" she asked looking at me, then at Craig.
"Something like that. Do what you can."
"I can do a fair amount in a short period of time. I will see what I can do for you and have the final thoughts on your desk before the Board meeting."
"That will work for me," he said looking at me. "Do we have any offices up here?" he asked of the room in general. Me? On 15? Where would I put my lab? I think Patricia was on the same wavelength.
"You want to put him up here with all the stuff he has in his office? We would have to build a second room just for his computers."
"Maureen, what does it cost to rearrange office space in this building?" Craig asked.
"I will include that with the note," she replied shaking her head. "But I suspect, if we start something like that, I better have a sit down with Gary here and find out what his needs are." She seemed to put an emphasis on the word needs.
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Introduction: When I went walking alone one night, I never expected… This is my first time writing anything explicit, let alone a rape scene, so any helpful suggestions would be very much appreciated! More to come! It was completely deserted when I pulled into the parking lot alongside the Metal Arts building, but at eight on a week night that wasnt surprising. The majority of campus classes ended by five, so even the most devote students had given up on their masterpieces for the night and...
You wake up, not yet opening your eyes, and smell the sweet scent of roses. You stretch on your silk sheets, and feel around for him. "Aaron?" you say. As you open your eyes, you see that your bed is covered in red rose petals. There is a trail of petals leading out your bedroom door.
Zara woke up and listened to the strange sound, sitting up she looked around and smiled, there sat Tabby at the gabled bow window, the noise she had heard was Tabby's tiny talons on the glass. Quietly getting out of bed she walked over and said softly "sweetie, it's a beautiful night out tonight isn't it" Tabby looked up at her mama a little smile on her face. Zara picked Tabby up and laid down against the pillows pulling a blanket over the two of them "see the moon, it's so big and...
Hi friends, aaj mai aapko mere aur mere maami ke beech bane sharirik sambandh ke baare me bataunga. Ye sab 2010 me hua us time me 22 saal ka tha aur meri maami 37 ki. Ab mai aap logo ko apni maami ke baare me batata hu. Maami ek married sudool kaamvasna se bhari hui mahila hai, uske boobs 36 C size ke hai aur sharir bhi ekdum bhara hua hai ek ideal sexy gharelu mahila ke jaise. Maami ka ek beta 19 saal aur Beti 18 ki hai. Mera maam daroobaz hai aur maami ki kadar nahi karta kyuki maami ekdum...
It was a Friday evening and I had worked late in my shop. I run a service for digital cameras, I take the photos from a camera and doctor them up and then print them. I have a lot of customers that do not own a computer but use my service to develop pictures they take. Some own computers but want a professional to alter and print from their camera. My business had only been open for two months and I was already snowed under. It was about nine when I parked and went in Dewey's Bar, he was an...
"Hi everyone", I'm not new to this anger management class. For you first timers, my name is Paul Jefferson. My friends call me "Doc". I've been coming to these sessions for 3 years. The court ordered them as part of my early release. If you are wondering, yes I'm the scary doctor that Hank talked about in "Anger Management." I will regret what I did for the rest of my life. Things got out of hand and I will always wonder if there was a better way of handling my things. Like most of...
Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...
Benny, Carl and Raymond(Ray) dropped out of sight as they reached the lowest field and I watched anxiously to see if they would reappear or if I had gotten a reprieve. My heart dropped and mixed feelings went thru my body as I saw the three of them appear just beyond the bleachers and cross the track/football field. I started my journey to meet with them knowing that my nightmare was not going to ever be over. The more people knew the more I would have to do. I kept saying to myself that I...
Erin let her hand roam over Vanna's tight ass as the two lesbian lovers kissed passionately underneath the stinging rays of their morning shower!!! The two women couldn't have been more different, with Erin tall and lean with almost a dancer's body, perfect 36B cup breasts and short blonde hair that framed her beautiful face, while Vanna was much shorter, and not quite fat, she certainly was on the chubby side with her 38DD breasts and wide plump bottom coupled with a nice round tummy that...
Lesbian17 year old Gavin Ambrose struggled to keep quiet as he tightened his grip around his erect cock. The High School bathroom had become a recurring stage for his quick masturbatory sessions. Every Monday before 2nd period, every Wednesday before 4th period, and every Friday before last period. These were the best times to relieve his tension, because these were the times before English class- before he'd see Ms. Reed. Gavin found concentration nearly impossible in this blonde goddess'...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk Ealaín slipped out of her armor, exposing those large, taut breasts swaying as she shifted. Her nipples hard. Sven, naked beside me, groaned as the sight of the aoi si’s ebony beauty. I could feel his lust, but how would he react when Ealaín summoned her girl-dick? She could turn her clit into a cock. Would he freak out? Would he get jealous? He didn’t want other men touching me, but Ealaín was my muse. And she wasn’t a man....
Laura moped around throughout the weekend, unable to forget that she and Jonelle could have been gloriously and exhaustively fucking in the absence of Jonelle's little boy, if only Jonelle had been able to give in to it. She couldn't get rid of her feelings, which were deeper for Jonelle than for anyone since Rina. God, I love her, she thought. I can't stand it without her. But she had to. Monday at work she ran into Yvette in the bathroom. They were alone. Yvette's eyes...
Blood was pooling in Nicholas’ palm, slowly running in rivulets down his wrist and across the wooden tabletop. He sat in an excellent reproduction of a Louis XXI chair while the elegant period table was slowly stained crimson. Peter Styverson’s lifeless body lay at his feet. His chest rendered open with a fist-sized hole just under the sternum, his heart dropped haphazardly on the floor before his open, sightless eyes. Once again Michael had slipped through Nicholas’ fingers, once again a...
I was terribly shy at sixteen. Tall, ultra-thin, and totally lacking in experience. I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood less than an hour's commute to New York City. Our next door neighbors were Joseph 'Joey Goodyear' Buonanno and his wife Angelina. Mr Buonanno, when asked about his career, would dodge the question, waving his ever-present Cuban cigar, while he steered the conversation elsewhere. Apparently, he made his money in 'collections' for a dubious family business in the...
First TimeChapter 22: Dee Dee's Confession The incredible sexual encounters continued for both Jeanne and Jordan. Each girl was pushed to her limits on a daily basis, with a variety of partners, and constantly varying sexual acts. By the time the contest was near, each girl felt as though she could fuck the living daylights out of anything that lived. When she wasn't helping the other girls putting Jordan through the sexual wringer, Dee Dee continued to go through all the files and programs on...
Picking the right Guys By Ross Martin Paula gurgled in her ring gag. The intensity of the situation was amazing.Her arms were drawn apart as was the silk blouse she still wore on her shoulders.Her arse-hole was stuffed with the biggest, baddest carrot she ever saw andher cunt was occupied by a huge sweet potato big enough, she wagered, to feeda family. What was really getting to her, however, were the two lit candlesbeing trained to drip wax onto her poor, little tits. The heat was really...
Alice was never the sort of person to care much what other people thought about her strange appearance. The tattoos and the piercings were certainly her business and not a concern for others. The fact that she liked black best of all and always wore a silver cross around her pretty neck didn't make her a freak like the druggies over on Mission. Her parents had pretty much disowned her ever since the accident with the fire at the day-care center. No matter how much she protested her innocence...
This is the second installment about how my wife has made my fantasies come true - at least to this point. I surely have others that she can help me live out as well.As I stated in the first installment, typically, my wife is less inclined to be kinky and stretch the bounds of our sex life. She is perfectly happy to have me fuck and suck her to orgasm regularly. Fortunately for me, she is usually willing to try some kinky things that would probably be considered totally wild and crazy by most...
A little over a year later, I was living a much different life. Of course, I had moved into a new home which was amazing. But due to the fact that Michelle was not there it seemed empty and pretentious. I was just going through the motions day by day simply putting one foot in front of the other. As I navigated my building on a daily basis either people would look away from me or give me the pity look as I called it. I tried my best to ignore it but I wanted to say something so many times but...
He shuffled past the rooms of the house to the kitchen to help out his sister prepare breakfast. She was sleepy-eyed and as usual barely acknowledged him, so intent on her tasks. But it was what she was wearing that aroused him from his fatigue for a few minutes. She had on her shortest denim cutoffs. For a top, she was clad in a colorful Indian cotton blouse with at least three buttons open at the top and revealing plenty of midriff that flattered a developing hour glass figure. It was...
This story is a fantasy on what I wish would happen to me. Only the beginning, laying some groundwork for possible future stories. My first attempt at writing a story. Comments welcome. Ricki, the Beginning "Yes, very good. It's nice to see you can follow directions." I had arrived at my Mistresses' apartment just as she asked. I was wearing a vinyl vest over a long-sleeve fishnet shirt, a short vinyl mini-skirt, black fishnet stockings, and knee high black patent boots. I didn't...
I am Jean a 49 year old woman, an administrative worker for a local high school who is going to tell you one of my own personal stories. I date regularly but for a few years now all of the men I have been dating have not fulfilled in me what I have always craved. When I was a younger engaged in a lot of sex to men who knew how to satisfy my sexual desire to be used and abused by them for their sexual pleasure. Using me for that purpose is something that really gets me off and is what is...
James is now over two years out of the Army and almost two years working at Right Here. He’s not yet fully settled into civilian life, but he is settled into working on the farm. His life hasn’t settled down yet, due to it being in a rising turmoil with the arrangements for his marriage to Jenny in the near future. Their farmhouse is set up how she wants it. He made the table and chairs, surprising many with the top quality of the work; although, considering what was done on the truck should...