Smuggler's GoldChapter 9 free porn video

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"You still looking for a new place?" Gyorgy asked in a low voice just above a whisper.

"Yes," Antal answered without looking at his friend. His eyes were tracking along the approaching riverbank. "Have a few that are interesting; the right price but just a little too close to the city to be really comfortable. The problem is the farther out you go the higher the prices, but I think I'm just going to have to cut the purse strings and do it."

"Yeah, I suppose I'd do the same in your situation," Gyorgy agreed. "Don't feel the need myself. I figure I can get myself out anytime if I really need to; but then I'm not dragging a whole harem along behind me, am I?" Antal nodded once and grunted.

"You heard the Herceg himself arrived in the city last week, didn't you?" he continued. "Might be a good time to lay low for a while."

"Already thought of that," Antal muttered back. "This might be our last run for a bit, at least until we can see what our little leader is up to. I've already seen far more army and navy types in town than makes me happy. Can't see that they've actually done anything yet but they aren't here just for show; you can bet on that."

"They've made the prices at the whorehouses go up if that counts," Gyorgy chuckled.

"They've made the prices on everything go up," Antal snorted in disgust. "From what I've heard they're not bringing in any of their own rations but are commandeering what they need and paying with scrip, not even hard coin! The stuff isn't even worth wiping your ass with. Not only is it going to be too dangerous to do this much longer, there won't be anybody left with the coin to pay for it.

"Do you see the signal fire? I can't see anything," he said changing the subject.

"Not yet," Gyorgy replied peering into the darkness. "Maybe if we get a bit closer..."

"Something doesn't feel right," Antal muttered.

"You sure this is the right place?" his friend asked. "I never could figure out which place we'd meet or why."

"That was the whole point," Antal grumped. "Just the old man and I knew; we figured the fewer people who knew the better."

"Maybe he's just late," Gyorgy shrugged.

"Maybe," Antal grudgingly admitted. "But we're not going any closer until—"

"There," Gyorgy hissed. "I see it: the signal fire!" He pointed to the small flicker of light on the shore.

"So it is. Very well, signal the others and let's move in slowly," Antal ordered. "It still doesn't feel right and it couldn't hurt to be cautious."

"You're getting to be such an old woman," Gyorgy chuckled.

"Yeah well, this old woman can still kick your ass so we do it my way," Antal growled.

"Well, since you put it that way..."

It was dark as the inside of a sack with the little bit of moon there was covered by a layer of clouds as they slowly approached the shore. It was almost impossible to distinguish any real shapes, just dark blobs broken up by even darker areas. The only sounds were those of insects, the gentle lap of the river against the sides of the boats and the grinding of gravel as they crunched against the bank.

"Start unloading but do it quietly," Antal told Gyorgy. "I'll go see if I can find the old man. I want to get this done as quickly as possible." Antal could barely make out the return nod. Jumping out of the bow and onto the bank boat pole still in his hand, Antal started moving slowly towards the signal fire.

He'd made it about half way when he heard the clanking of metal on metal and froze in place. Suddenly he heard the shouted order, "Halt! In the name of the empire, stand where you are!" Immediately afterwards the light from about twenty lanterns blazed all around him as their shrouds were pulled off.

"Gyorgy, shove off! It's a trap!" he screamed as he turned around to run towards the river. Even if he couldn't make it to the boats in time to catch them he could at least jump into the river and swim out to meet them.

"Halt! Halt I say!" someone yelled from behind and he heard the thump of heavy boots coming his way far too close to allow for an escape.

"I'll halt all right," he grunted and twisted around with his pole in front of him. The first soldier to reach him looked surprised as the heavy staff slammed into the side of his helmet dropping him stunned to his knees. The second one was driven back into his fellows by the end jamming into his breastplate. After that there was little else to do but swing like a madman until someone had enough sense to circle around behind him and Antal's head exploded in a shower of stars.

+ + +

Antal woke through a red haze of pain that seemed to run the entire length of his body. He was lying on what felt like a rough board and he groaned which caused the pain in his head to suddenly supersede any other damage his body might be trying to tell him about. He was only able to reach up to his chin before his hands were stopped and the sound of clanking metal confirming that wherever else he was, his status wasn't that of guest. Groaning again he tried to roll upright which also confirmed that his legs were shackled together along with his arms.

"Might as well stay down and rest, youngster," came a familiar voice out of the darkness. Groggily he tried to open his eyes but even after he did he couldn't tell the difference. Either he was blind or where he had been stuck was as dark as the inside of a sack.

"Old man, is that you?" he grunted.

"It is," the voice answered. "I can see they got you but it doesn't look like you came easily."

Antal grunted and finally pushed his way upright. "Not easily," he croaked, "but it sure looks like they got me." He paused for a moment and continued, "They get you last night also? I sure didn't expect them to be out that far away from the city."

"They wouldn't except I told them where to find you," came the answer.

"You? You turned on us? I'm going to strangle you, you bastard!" Antal hissed.

"Somehow I find myself quite unfrightened," the old man chuckled.

"You won't be once I get out of these things," Antal warned shaking his restraints.

"I doubt that will be before they hang me at dawn," came the snorted reply. "But if it makes you feel any better maybe you can ask for them to hang me first so you can watch."

"What's the matter? Didn't get quite the reward you expected from turning us in?" Antal quipped.

"Oh, but I did," the old man said. "They caught us as we were leaving the city. Nobody allowed in or out after dark any more, don't you know. Anyway they said if I assisted them in catching some real smugglers then they'd let my boy and his wife live. I'm sorry for your situation but honestly between choosing you or them... ? Well, it wasn't really a choice."

"Couldn't save you own hide, huh?"

"But they did give me that choice," the old man responded almost cheerily. "They said that one of us must die; either my son or me. Again it wasn't really a choice."

"Yeah, I suppose not," Antal grunted. "They really are bastards aren't they?"

"Yes he is," the old man agreed. "It was the Herceg himself that interrogated me. Green as spring grass and a dandy to look at but don't let that fool you; he's as cold and vicious as they come. If he wants to talk to you — and I'm betting he will — you'll see for yourself. Take my advice and just answer his questions; the end of a rope ain't the worst way to die."

"Maybe," Antal grunted. "Do you know if any of my men were also taken?"

"It's not like they inform me of their current guests," the old man chuckled. "But they were fairly put out when they dumped you in here. If I had to guess, then I'd say no."

"Good," Antal grunted again. "Then if I don't say anything; or at least say anything for awhile then they will probably be long gone. I suppose I could hold out for a bit and give them a good head start."

"He won't be asking about just your men," the old man replied. "He'll be asking about all the smugglers around here and if you don't come up with the answers he's looking for it could get a wee bit unpleasant."

"So you're saying it might irk him a bit if I keep my mouth shut," Antal chuckled. "That just might be worth it. Besides once my crew gets home and lights out, the others will know soon enough. The smarts ones will lay low and the dumb ones ... Well I suppose they'll get what they deserve."

"I admire your courage, youngster" the old man said. "But I'm not sure you'll think it courage or stupidity once they put the hot metal to you."

"I guess we'll see," Antal mused. As they sat in silence Antal thought about Ilona and the rest of his women hoping Gyorgy had the forethought to get them out of harm's way before he left.

+ + +

It was impossible to tell the passing of time in the cell. To Antal it seemed like it had already been days, at lest his stomach thought it had been, but it was impossible to know since there were no windows in the cell and the only light came from the torches in the hallway flickering under the crack at the bottom of the door. Finally they heard a key in the lock and Antal blinked as four burly soldiers entered and hoisted him up by his shackled arms.

"No hanging for you today, old man," one barked as they half-carried, half-dragged Antal out the door. "Maybe tomorrow if you're lucky."

"Powers, this fucker is heavy," one grunted as they continued down the dimly lighted passageway. "Can't we just make him walk?"

"Herceg wants him now," another replied. "It'd take us forever to get up there with his ankles bound the way they are and there's no fucking way I'm taking them off. This one's dangerous and he's staying trussed up like a high feast goose as long as I got my say in the matter." The complainer just grumbled and continued hauling Antal with the rest of them.

They went up two or three flights of dungeon stairs, past guard posts and into the main halls of what Antal assumed was the main city administration building. Up more stairs and down hallways until they came to a large solid door guarded by two more soldiers.

"Bringing up the smuggler to see the Herceg," his escort grunted. One of the guards checked his shackles and after confirming they were on and tight nodded and the doors were pushed open. Again he was dragged into a well lighted room and dumped at the feet of a man — a boy really — sitting in a comfortable chair. Antal looked up at the pleasant face of his Herceg who looked down at him with a faint smile. The shadow of a smile was on the lips but the eyes were as cold and heartless as any Antal had ever seen. He could easily imagine this boy/man ordering the death of thousands if he deemed it necessary.

"And you are Antal the Smuggler?" the Herceg half-asked. Antal remained silent and stared up.

"Answer His Graces' question, filth!" one of the guards yelled and clubbed Antal's face with his fist.

"Enough, Corporal," the Herceg said mildly raising one hand off the arm of his chair. "We doubt that our guest is overly impressed by your enthusiastic entreaty to join the conversation."

"Give him to the Inquisitors and he'll be talking soon enough, Your Grace," came an oily voice from Antal's side. He turned to look but before he did he noticed a slight frown disturb the seemingly permanent smile on the Herceg's lips. The owner of the new voice was a richly dressed older man whose hair and pointed beard were as well-greased as the words coming out of his mouth.

"A few moments with them and he will be babbling like a mountain brook," the man continued. "This is all just a waste of time, Your Grace. Hand him over and let them crack him open and then we can hang him quickly and be done with this farce."

"You are undoubtedly correct, Minister Malaceck," the Herceg nodded slightly. "But would those babblings be of much value to us or would they be the ranting lies we so often get? As we have so often observed, those put to the question mostly say whatever they think will stop the pain, and rarely is it the truth. Torture only works when you can distinguish the fact from the false. We believe there are better ways; more expeditious methods of determining what we want.

"We are also curious as to your insistence that these hangings be done so quickly," the Herceg continued softly. "Is there some reason we don't know about that we shouldn't take our time and be thorough with our investigations?"

"Of course not, Your Grace," the minister replied casually. "But justice delayed does not present the correct example to your subjects. A smuggler rotting in the dungeon doesn't have quite the same impact as one swinging at the end of a rope in the city square.

"And need I remind you, Your Grace, you have not yet reached your majority and your actions must still be approved by your council of advisors. As the head of that body and their only representative here, it is my burden to assist you in these matters."

"We hardly need reminding, Minister, since you see fit to bring it to my attention on a daily basis," the Herceg responded dryly. "As we remind you each time that since reaching my sixteenth year the Emperor's wish is for that advice and consent to be limited to policy issues only. We do not consider this to be a policy issue."

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She was curled up on the couch, still by the phone, when Bob walked in the front door. Exhaustion had given her sleep, though it was a twitchy, restless kind of slumber. He was riding a quieter bike, so it was the noise he made closing the door that awakened her. She blinked, cried out, and then rushed into his arms. It took him ten minutes to find out that Don and Susan weren't dead. A local driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit Don and Susan's car head on at high speed. Both were...

2 years ago
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Chan by Rae Lincoln Arnold never could explain why he had bought the misshapen piece of rock from the antique stall. A collector of glass and pottery, he regularly scoured antique shops and markets, and was rewarded with very collectible items at low cost. This item was amongst a miscellany of pottery and its overall shape was that of a squat Buddha about three inches high, except that it had no discernible features. Arnold picked it up and somehow felt that he had to...

1 year ago
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Help Im reincarnated in another world and cant stop gaining skills

[A/N: Hello! This is a new project (my own idea this time) that I will be slowly working on whilst going on with my other stories. I want to highly encourage other creators to create something here! Anyway, have a good one!] I'm not sure what hit me first. Was it the blinding light of the stadium lamp that broke and fell onto me? Or the crushing weight of the metal that slammed my body into ground, turning me into a pancake? Or was it the jolt of electricity from the lamps? Or their heat? Oh,...

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Gay sex with my asian friend

My name is Mikey, and this is the story of my first gay experience with my Asian friend Avery. Lets say we were both 18. I'm 5'6, white but pretty tan. I'm lean but not really muscular, but you can see a line of muscle at my abs. I have medium length brown hair, brown eyes and what many have said "a cute face." Avery is also about 5'6, medium length black hair and a really great body. We were good friends back then, both on the soccer team. In this experience soccer had just ended so he invited...

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Meeting my Mistress A London Adventure

I needed to gather up some will, and when need courage I sometimes lecture myself. “Girl, you're in London. You're overseas for the first time in your life. You just got divorced and you need to have some fun.” That's what I told myself when I was packing for a three-month stint working in London. I told myself that again as I checked in at my hotel, which turned out to be old and bit run-down. The lower cost had made accounting happy and what in the world could be more important than a happy...

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The leather skirt

It was a very long day and evening at the office, must have been midnight when I got to the parking garage in the basement. My Ferrari was parked in its normal place, taking two spots as usual and all I could think of was getting home and hitting the sack. The garage is very eerie at that hour, quiet as a tomb. As I was putting the key into the lock I heard these footsteps, quick ones. The sound of high heels was unmistakable and amplified in the stillness of the darkened building. Then out of...

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3D Sex Anime

A few things can match the thrill of watching a couple of 3D whores get fucked. And, man, anything is possible with kinky 3D porn. You can certainly browse through vanilla stuff like a couple of busty lesbians scissoring or have some dude plowing pussy. But you can also get wild and wacky with big-dicked futa, tentacle monsters, gangbangs, crazy penetrations, and so much more. Seriously, with 3D content, anything is possible, and any fetish can be a reality. So if you want to jerk off to a...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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The office

This is the beginning page, where you can pick whatever episode you want to work on. I'm trying to follow the episodes' story fairly closely, but add sex scenes into them. Also, the show is known for the talking head segments where they cut to an individual commenting on something that is happening since this show is a "documentary." I'm incorporating it into the story. The talking head segments will be in parentheses. Hopefully it doesn't get too confusing.

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Nikki Comes To Clean Part 2

Whichever way you look at it and in the absence of any titties Nikki does have one of the best tasting pussy’s that I have ever tasted and her arse is so rounded and fleshy even that ranks as one of the best, an absolutely super girl to have as my part time cleaner, not that much cleaning needs doing or in fact gets done, she is truly a sweetheart.I pulled my tatty old silky shorts back up as I knelt behind her and watched as she readjusted her panties and we were both pleased that we had...

1 year ago
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Naughty Stepdaughter

My wife was out and I was sitting at home waiting for my stepdaughter to get home from her date. It was already passed her curfew and she still wasn’t home yet. I was getting angrier and angrier as I waited for her, watching the clock as the minutes ticked by. Eventually, almost an hour passed her curfew, I heard the front door open quietly, and Cindy tried to sneak in. I was sitting in the darkened lounge and waited for her to shut the door quietly behind her. “Come through into the lounge...

2 years ago
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School Days Chronicles

My name is Johnathan Lovecraft though most people call me John. I would never say I was popular in high school but I had a few friends who I was close to and went to the occasional party. I was part of the basketball team but spent most of the games warming the bench. Don't get me wrong though I had a great view of the cheerleaders and it looked good on paper when I wanted to apply to whatever college a year from now. I wasn't the best looking guy at school but was no where near the worst...

3 years ago
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Conservative Mausi And Sex

Hi frnds mera naam Akash hai me Jabalpur ka rehna wala hu. Mere pass bank me manager hai n maa house wife ye story bus kuch months purani hai me ek student hu n competitive exams ki tyari karraha hu phele toh me apni masi ke bare me bata hu unka naam deepa hai vo indore me rehti hai unki sadi hochuki hai unki age 38 ke pass hogi n unke 2 bete b hai mausi dikhne me toh bahut sundar hai n unke boobs b bahut bade n tight hai ..Bat un dino ki hai jab maa papa ko bahr 15din ke lie jana tha mere ghar...

3 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 16 Jumping Juicy Jan

The girl who, inadvertently, had caused her sister's defloration was still herself a virgin. Jan had been, at fifteen, an obese teenager like Sally. Now, however, after two years of careful dieting, she was a slender, shapely girl of almost eighteen. The only visible legacy of her former obesity was her breasts which were disproportionately large for her otherwise quite slim body. They were a cause of embarrassment to her not only because of their size, which made her very top heavy but also...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 11 The Owlery

Chapter Eleven - The Owlery Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Spellbook of Desires was now in the safe confines of the Weasley twins’ room, locked in Fred’s trunk and sealed magically to prevent anyone from taking it from them. The only problem was Malfoy had copied down several useful spells before the twins...

1 year ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 18 Lucky Bastard

The first thing to clue Danny in was when Lucy sent him a message, telling him that she would not need a pick-up at the airport. That was strange. It had been a four-weekly ritual for him to pick her up when her flight from Cleveland arrived, but this time she was flying in from Burbank of all places, and on a red-eye flight to boot, arriving just two hours before the planned shoot. Danny suspected that Lucy had been trying to find a representative, an agent, to get a foothold in the...

2 years ago
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Brave New World Chapter 12 The Big Talk

The most important room in the White House existed in the building's West Wing, made iconically famous in the television series of the same name. The room earned its name by its shape, and thus it was called the Oval Office. At one side, in front of a grouping of windows, sat a large desk with more papers atop it than any man cared to believe he could have piled on his desk. Just slightly off center was a grouping of couches, maybe a couple chairs, and a small coffee table, around...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Suzy part 2

“I know about you. I know you’ve been doing to her,” she said. “What are you talking about?” I asked. The website came up. It featured pictures of children between three and sixteen, boys and girls; all of them were naked. “I can sniff out people like you. You might it’s a talent. I also run a little side business,” she said. I looked the website. “That why when the police called me I let you keep her.” “It doesn’t seem like you care about the children,” I said. “I care very deeply about...

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Preggo Party

Preggo Party By Boredsitting This a work of fiction and does not represent anyone. It's also quite a lurid story, so only read this if you are an adult. This story has detailed descriptions of sex and pregnancy. I heard so much about these parties. No, not by the usual fliers or message boards. It was the sudden introduction of a new pregnant girl at school. Sometimes it was just a girl that ended up pregnant. A couple of times it was a group. Everyone knew that no one...

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Part 3 All In

As I lay here after the most incredible sexual experience in my young life, savoring the feeling of Franks body against mine, His warm breath in my ear, the musky odor of his sweat and best of all the feeling of his thing going soft inside of me, I can’t help but think of how much my life has changed in the past 24 hrs. It started by being forced to were panties. Then Frank putting his thing in me. Then giving and receiving my first blowjob, and now this, has changed me from a normal boy to a...

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A Beach Meeting

It was early, yet already the sun’s rays were bathing my body in its warmth. With the prospect of a burning hot day ahead I had taken the opportunity to go to the white sands of the beach to relax and feel nature, in the guise of the sunlight, the air and the water, flow over me. I wandered aimlessly at the water’s edge pleasuring in the fluidity of the sand as the sea infiltrated it and tried to entice my feet to lead me into its cool depths. Then I walked a few paces from the waters edge,...

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She felt it like she always did. His large head stretching her open as it drove into her body. She loved that feeling, being opened up and the long shaft of his cock right up inside her. His muscular body on hers soft one, his chest pressing hard against her tits. His tongue in her mouth. It would soon be by her ear and she would hear his heavy breathing as he pumped in and out of her. His hands round and under her, gripping her buttocks. Her hands gripping his and her legs curled...

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There is usually nothing more enticing for Zach than to see his sister standing at the corner in a night shirt that does almost nothing to hide her assets. That is until he sees her this morning. Every morning since they moved in together Margo has become a different person. Never would she go around wearing a barely fitting night shirt back home at their parent’s house. Of course Zach isn’t complaining. He has always had a thing for his sister. They moved in together to share the expenses of...

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Big Juan

Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria Summer, 1982:I went on holiday with my mom and stepfather, I thought I was being very grown up at the time, but I realise now I was just 'acting out'.My folks spent a lot of time at the bar, and a lot of time reading on sunloungers. I didn't want to spend time with themanyway, so I was happy there were some teens to hang out with. One of the barmen was willing to slip some alcohol into our non-alcoholic cocktails, Coca Colas etc. This was before the days of All...

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My Neighbor8217s Hot Sexy Wife

Hello all.  I am Ravi from Hyderabad. I read stories regularly and inspired to share one of my experiences with you. This is a true story about how I fucked my neighbor for the first time after waiting for long. Kindly excuse me if there are any mistakes as this being my first story. It was during my college days. There was a family where a newly wedded wife and husband. The wife looks like a sex goddess. The husband never cared for her and always interested in work and be out of the house....

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 43

"Yes, Sweetheart?" Sally asked upon entering the living room. "Beth has this idea that you want me to..." Lon paused, searching for the proper word, "control you." "Yeah." "Is she right?" Lon had his answer immediately; Sally had that look on her face before her mouth opened, "Yeah." "Why?" Lon asked. "Why go that far? From what Beth tells me, there's nothing fair about it; it sounds like I get the elevator and you get the shaft!" Sally's lips curled; she didn't have...

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