The Haunting of Charles Tate
- 3 years ago
- 30
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“Sweetie, it’s time to wake up.”
“Just five more minutes’ sis,” I muttered as I tried to bury my face in the pillow.
I snapped awake as I realized that wasn’t Hope’s voice. I jumped up, hit my head against something soft, and saw Scarlett falling back into the other seat as I remembered I was on the plane. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Scarlett! Are you okay?”
“Well your head hit my breast and knocked me off balance, but they’re soft enough that I doubt we did any damage,” she said with a grin. “Not exactly how I pictured your head and my breasts making contact though.”
“I can imagine,” I giggled. “We’ll have to try that again some time, and hopefully get it right. I’m still sorry though. Hope always had to wake me up in the mornings, and hearing someone else’s voice made me panic for a second. What time is it?”
“Well it’s almost eight o’clock here. You were asleep for almost five hours. It took longer than usual to get the flight plans filed, so I let you sleep,” she told me. “We need to change planes for the trip to Dallas though. They already have the bags moved over and are waiting for us.”
I smiled as I looked her over. “You might want to put some clothes on first. You look amazing naked, but aren’t you worried someone might see you?”
“Of course not, we’re in our private hanger. Dale won’t open the doors until you and I are on the other plane. The only people here are the flight crew, and they’re all very familiar with my body,” she said as she winked at me. “Four of them got even more familiar with it on the flight over. Come on, let’s go. We still have a nine hour flight ahead of us.”
I followed Scarlett to the door and found Dale waiting. As he helped us down the steps, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for getting us here in one piece, and for being so nice on my first flight.”
He grinned as he led me to the other plane. “I could say I was just doing my job, but the truth is I love to fly. As for helping out pretty young girls, that’s a pleasure in itself. If you are still tired, most of the seats lay back and are comfortable enough to sleep in. However, if you can stay awake until we hit cruising altitude, the couches you were using on the first flight fold out into beds. You just have to stay awake long enough to take your seat belt off before you lay down. I usually sleep there myself, but ladies always get first choice.”
I eyed him slyly before replying. “I’m fairly awake at the moment but I’m still tired, can I let you know once we are in the air?”
He nodded as he helps me up the steps, “Of course, for now just pick any seat and we can get underway.”
Scarlett was already in the rear seat so I went to sit next to her. Peter came back to check our seat belts and make sure we were ready to depart. “Ryan and Daniel will be the pilots for the first part of the flight. The rest of us will be up front if you need anything. When you decide where you would like to sleep, just let Dale or I know. We will sleep where ever is left.”
I nodded as he turned to head back up front and I saw Dale sealing the door. “Scarlett, can I ask your opinion on something and not have you be grossed out by it?”
“Faith, I just had sex with four men, and each of them came in my mouth and pussy. I have licked Master’s cock clean after he has cum in me, and most of his other pets. You, Hope and Dawn are the only pets of Masters that I haven’t eaten his cum out of,” she said with a smile. “I doubt there is anything you could ask me that would gross me out.”
I took a deep breath and hesitantly asked, “Do you think Dale would like to sleep with me on one of the couches? I know he is like four times my age, but he’s handsome, and was so nice to us on the first trip. He kept coming back to see if we were okay, or needed anything. I’m still really tired, but I kind of wanted to play a little and snuggle with him.”
Scarlett looked at me and shook her head. “I know what you’re thinking. Why would he want to sleep with me when he could be having sex with Scarlett? Let me tell you a little secret, any of them would rather have you ask them to play. They have all had me many times before and they know I enjoy playing with them. You’re just as beautiful in your own way and you’re new to them. I’m sure Dale would be delighted and honored if you asked him to sleep with you, even if you only wanted to cuddle. I haven’t even had a chance to cuddle with you yet, and I know I would love to.”
“I would love that too, but I want to have a lot more energy when I spend the night in bed with you,” I told her as I licked my lips. “Would you be willing to take a rain check for the second night after we get back? I know my ass is going to be very sore the first night back, between Master taking my anal virginity and my punishment. I would love to spend the next night with you.”
“I’ll consider it a date. Any night one of us is not with Master you are welcome to join us,” she told me. “The same applies to the other pets, if you would like to spend the night with someone, just ask. I can speak for all the pets when I say we want to get to know you better. You, your sister and Dawn are just as new to us as you are to the boys.”
We sat and talked about the other pets for a while, as I still knew almost nothing about most of them. Scarlett was happy to indulge my curiosity and I learned a lot about the others. Eventually Dale walked back to check on us.
“You’re free to take your seat belts off and move about if you like. Faith, everyone else ate during our layover, but we got something for you as well if you are hungry.” My stomach growled at the mention of food and Dale laughed. “I’ll go get your dinner.”
Scarlett turned to me after he walked away and said, “Ask him when he gets back.” I nodded that I would and she smiled slyly. “I think I’ll invite Peter to join me on the other couch, he’s off duty for this trip and will need to sleep too.”
Dale walked back with a tray and I braced myself as he set it down on the table in front of me. “Dale, would you like to join me on the couch? I don’t know how much energy I’ll have to play, but I would like to cuddle and sleep with you at least.”
The smile he got answered my question before he responded. “I would love to darlin, even if all you want to do is cuddle and sleep I would be delighted. Just let me know when you’re ready for bed. I need to get the blankets and pillows out and get them set up. Scarlett, will you be taking the other couch?” After she nodded, he went to the back of the plane to set up the beds.
As I started eating, Scarlett turned and said, “I told you he would want to. Just remember, he has no expectations. If all you want to do is sleep, he really is fine with that.”
I nodded as I continued eating. “I know I shouldn’t be so self-conscious. Half the boys I went to school with were asking me for dates. I guess it’s just being around all the pets these past few days has made my shy side come out. I feel like I don’t measure up,” I said, pushing my chest out.
“Don’t worry, they’ll grow,” Scarlett chuckles. “I know I am a bit over endowed up there, but do you see any of the other pets looking like they feel inadequate next to me? You’re only fifteen and a C-cup. I know you’ll catch up with most of Master’s pets in the next year or so.”
“I’m only a B-cup,” I told her self-consciously.
“Pfft, I saw the bra you’re wearing, and you’re about to burst out of the top of it. You are only wearing a B-cup still because your mother didn’t want to take you shopping,” she replied with disdain. “Thankfully Master wants you to look more presentable when we meet your mother. After we call her and arrange our meeting, Dale will be taking us to North Park. He told me to take you to shopping, so Nieman Marcus and possibly a side trip to Victoria’s Secret so we can get you proper underwear.”
I looked at her in shock. “You don’t need to do that. I’m sure we can find something presentable at Target. That was where mom got all of our clothes.”
“You remember that punishment you just received,” she asked me. I winced and nodded. My ass was still sore from my punishment, how could I have forgotten it? “That is about half of what Master would do to my ass if I brought you back in rags from Target. You are one of Master’s pets now, and we have an image to maintain. You can pick from Neiman Marcus or one of the designer shops in the mall. Master already spent a few million dollars on you; a few hundred on an outfit is nothing.”
“I would feel bad getting something that fancy without Hope though.” As far as mom was concerned, the height of fashion for us had been Target. She would get herself nice clothes, but her kids all got Target or Goodwill. “Mom never got us anything that nice.”
“I don’t think you need to worry about Hope,” Scarlett said with a laugh. “Master gave me strict instructions to get two of whatever you picked. I think he enjoys having a matching pair of beautiful teenagers.”
I had finished eating, so I just sat and stared at her in shock. “You’ll get used to it after a while. Just wait until he takes us skiing. He’ll actually be in the shop when you’re picking out clothing. Samantha tried to be frugal and pick out clothing by what was least expensive when he first outfitted her. He bent her over the counter and spanked her bare ass while the shop clerk just watched with a big smile on his face. Then he sent her back to try again.”
“I’ll have to remember that when he takes us skiing,” I said with a yawn. “Sorry, I’m sleepier than I thought.”
“It is okay sweetie; you had a very long day. The bathroom is the last door at the back, go get ready for bed. I’ll let Dale know and have him meet you back at the couches,” she told me. “I’ll probably be bringing Peter back shortly as well; as we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.”
I nodded as I got up, and then gave Scarlett a quick kiss before heading back to the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom to find Dale sitting on the couch fully dressed, so I pulled my shirt off and asked him to undress. As I went to unsnap my bra, I looked down and figured maybe Scarlett was right. It did feel tight, and my breasts were about to spill out of the cups. I might be bigger than I thought.
I finished undressing and looked over at Dale again. He was only a couple inches taller than my 5’1’’ and stocky. He reminded me of a big teddy bear. A tear came to my eye as I remembered Mr. Snuffles was still at mom’s house and I wondered if she would let me take him with me when we left.
Dale was down to just his boxers when he noticed my tears. He quickly came over and hugged me. “Darlin, you don’t have to do this. I can go sleep up front if you are uncomfortable.”
I laughed through my tears as I squeezed him tight. “It’s not that, I do want you to be here. It is embarrassing and somewhat childish actually. I was thinking you looked kind of like a big teddy bear, and I started thinking about my teddy bear at home. I used to sleep with him every night, and he still sits on my bed. Like I said, it’s somewhat childish.”
“I don’t think so darlin,” he said as he wiped away my tears. “We all keep mementos of our childhood around as we grow up. I still have the blanket one of the retired ponies made me over fifty years ago. It is just an old knit blanket now and she made one for each of the children as a birthday present when we turned four, but she did it out of love. I still have it on my bed to remind me of her.”
“Even Master keeps a memento of his childhood in his cabin if you can believe that,” he told me with a grin. “His father had gotten him a little stuffed dog on one of his trips, and Master carried that dog around for years. Last time I was at his cabin the little stuffed dog was sitting on top of his bookshelf.”
“I was in his cabin yesterday, and it’s still there. I was curious because it seemed out of place, but I didn’t want to ask,” I admitted with another yawn. My hand slipped between our bodies and grasped his cock through his boxers. “I’m getting pretty tired, but I would like to play some before we go to sleep. Would you like to take these off and lie back on the couch?”
“I would be delighted to, but I may disappoint you,” he admitted as he took off his boxers and laid down. “I haven’t been with a woman in a while and I may end up cumming fairly quickly.”
“That is okay, I asked you because you have been so nice to me, and I wanted to give you something special as a thank you. I enjoyed doing this with Master, and Scarlett told me I would need to practice to build up my stamina. You just need to lay back and enjoy,” I told him as I reached out and grasped his cock.
He was not as big as Master, but at just over seven inches it was still impressive. I wrapped my fingers around his cock and gently stroked it as I got down on my knees next to the couch. Remembering Scarlett’s lessons, I reached down between my legs with my free hand and began rubbing my pussy. Sliding my hand down to the base of his shaft, I leaned in and licked all the way up his cock. After running my tongue around the head a couple of times, I placed a kiss right on the tip before licking back down.
His quiet moans of pleasure told me he was enjoying himself as I licked back up and around the head again. Once the head of his cock was thoroughly wet, I opened my mouth and slowly slid my lips down around it. This wasn’t as challenging as it was with Master, but Dale’s loud moan as he entered my mouth was still rewarding.
I slowly slid my lips further down, and got a little more than half of his cock in my mouth before I started to gag and pulled back. My fingers were soaking wet and I moved them up to play with my clit as I started bobbing over the top half of his cock. After couple minutes of steady bobbing, I decided to experiment. I started stopping with just the head in my mouth and running my tongue around it before going back down.
His loud moan showed clear approval so I continued, changing up with a few fast bobs between licks or stopping to run my tongue around the head of his cock multiple times. I felt him touch my shoulder and say, “I am about to cum darlin, if you want to pull off so I don’t cum in your mouth.” I did not want him to cum in my mouth, but probably not for the reason he thought.
I quickly stood up, keeping my hold on his cock as I swung my leg over his hips. I lined his cock up and sank it deep into my pussy right as he started to cum. A few more strokes on my clit was all I needed to send myself over the edge as well. I leaned forward and kissed him as we rode out our climaxes.
After our climaxes ended, I pulled off and slid down a bit to lay my head on his chest as I heard another moan of pleasure. I looked over to see Scarlett riding Peter, and from the look on his face, he was in the middle of his own orgasm. She glanced over, saw me looking, and winked. “Sleep well sweetie.” I closed my eyes as I snuggled into Dale’s chest and drifted off to sleep.
I pulled my hand back and glared at Dale for laughing at me. We were in Neiman Marcus, but I was having a hard time picking something out. It wasn’t that I was having a hard time finding something I liked. There were dozens of outfits I liked, but every time I reached for the tag Scarlett slapped my hand and told me to pick what I wanted.
It was my own fault in a way. I’d seen this cute little dress right after we walked in that would have been perfect, but it was almost six hundred dollars so I quickly moved past it. Scarlett had seen me look at the price tag though, and was making sure I wouldn’t consider prices when I made my selection. Unfortunately the thought of how much they might cost was making me hesitate. I finally settled on one that didn’t look too expensive and gave Scarlett a hesitant look as I reached for the hanger.
“Oh god no sweetie, you don’t want THAT one. It’s totally not you.” I glanced back and saw one of the attendants watching me with an annoyed look on his face. “That color would dull your gorgeous complexion and you don’t want to look like you’re going to a funeral.”
“He’s right you know, flat black really doesn’t suit you,” Scarlett added. “Maybe you can help us though. As you can see, her mother dressed her and her twin sister like they were paupers, so she’s really out of her element here. We’ll get a proper wardrobe once we get home, but we needed something so she doesn’t look like a refugee from the bargain bin today. Could you recommend something suitable that will travel well, we’re flying out tonight.”
“Of course, I rarely get to outfit such a delectable little peach. Any price range you’re aiming for, and you said twins?”
“Identical, and prices are irrelevant as long as you have a pair of whatever you find for her, just pull the tags so she won’t have to think about prices. I’m thinking sundress, heeled sandals, and depending on your selection, undergarments,” Scarlett replied. “There’s a Victoria’s Secret down the hall if we can’t find something enticing here.”
He looked me over with a critical eye for a moment then smiled. “So vixen wrapped in a vernier of innocence, my husband is going to be SO jealous when I tell him about this one. I usually get older women trying to hide their figure with the clothes, so you’re a treat. Let’s see, we want summer but not too light. I have just the thing. Fitting rooms are at the back, take her into number one and strip those rags off her. I’ll meet you there in a minute.”
I sighed as he vanished between the racks. “He seems confident he knows my sizes.”
Scarlett chuckled as she took my arm and started steering me toward the dressing rooms. “He’s a gay man working in the clothing department at Neiman Marcus, he could probably guess your measurements to within half an inch. You’ll feel like a whole new woman by the time we leave.”
The fitting room seemed enormous, even when Scarlett followed me in and started pulling my clothes off. “I don’t think he meant that literally.” Her eyes were sparkling with laughter but she didn’t stop until I was completely naked. We only waited a couple minutes before there was a knock on the door and she called out for whoever it was to enter.
I gaped in surprise and barely had time to try covering myself before her and the attendant started laughing. “I’ve seen it all before, sweetness. I’ll admit if anyone could convince me to play for the other team it would be the two of you, but alas, I just don’t swing that way. Let’s start with the basics, if this meets your approval?”
He’d put down the pile of clothing and was holding up a semi transparent red lace demi-cup bra with matching thong. They were gorgeous and probably cost more than my entire school wardrobe from last year. Scarlett said they were perfect and he held the bra out like he was planning to dress me. When I sighed and uncovered myself to take it he laughed.
“You’re such a delicious little doll,” he said as he stepped back and watched me dress. “That will work for her even as she darkens to that gorgeous tan, just remind her to wear sunscreen. The tropical sun will destroy her complexion if you’re not careful.”
I looked up in surprise as I stepped into the thong. “How do you know we live in the tropics?”
He smirked as he held up the dress. “The same way I knew there wouldn’t be an issue when I walked in. Scarlett and Dale are in here every few months outfitting the pilots. I knew she wanted to have a little fun with you because she did the same thing when they brought Peter in the first time.”
I shook my head as I stepped into the dress smoothed it down my body before turning so he could zip it up. “That’s about as close as you get for off the rack. We could go a size smaller, but it would be too tight to pull off an innocent look. Did you want stockings? I grabbed knee-high and full length, but she doesn’t really need them with these sandals.”
I knew he wasn’t asking my opinion so I glanced over at Scarlett, who shook her head. “She certainly doesn’t need them to hide any imperfections, so I think we’ll go without.”
He nodded and helped me into the sandals before stepping back and looking me over again. “She looks delish, but we could accessorize a bit. Maybe a hairband or some barrettes so she doesn’t have to keep pushing her hair back?”
“I think that’s just nerves because the outfit she’s wearing probably cost more than her mother spent buying clothes for her in the past two years.” Scarlet reached over and pushed my hair over my ears. “A hairband would be a good idea, but nothing too extravagant. We don’t want anything to draw attention away from those sparkling eyes. You did have a matching outfit for her sister?”
“I just need to collect everything now that we’re sure on the sizes. Will that be on the regular account and will there be anything else today?”
“Dale will sign for it, and could you bag those up?”
“Of course, and I’ll grab those hairbands while I get the second outfit. It’s been a pleasure as always.”
He grabbed my old clothes and slipped out the door as I shot an accusing look at Scarlett. “You set me up. I’ll admit my reaction probably looked hilarious when you think about what we wear on the island, but I almost wet myself when he walked in.”
“You were so wrapped up in how much this would cost that I figured we needed a little surprise to loosen you up a bit. I’m just glad Fred was working today, as he’s the only one here with a sense of humor. Come on, I’ll buy you a cinnamon roll as an apology.”
I shook my head and laughed. “You don’t need to apologize, but I won’t turn down a cinnamon roll. Isn’t that way outside our diet though?”
“Most definitely, but a little indulgence never hurt anyone. We’ll just have to find a way to work off the extra calories.” She had a thoughtful look on her face as she rubbed her chin. “I wonder what we could possibly do to burn a few hundred calories?”
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By the time I was 17, I had probably had sex with over 50 guys, most of them were at least 5 years older, but some were in their 40’s. I started hanging out in a bar where a lot of lawyers, doctors and other professionals went. When I decided to dress up, I looked old enough to be in a bar. I would go there with my cousins, one of them got me a fake ID just in case, and it looked just like me. On occasion, I would make dates with some of the men there. Guys like that...
First TimeMy wife and I have taken many showers together , however, immediately upon entering the dark , steamy bathroom and hearing the steady rhythm of the shower running she saw the wanton desire blazing in my eyes as the last rays of light stream across my face before the door shuts behind us."MMM , what's this? " she asks, " Shhh , baby, just enjoy " I whispered. Standing beneath the hot relaxing water her curiosity is enhanced by the blinding darkness as the anticipation builds.Staring at the...
It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was coming for a few days. He was accepting the open invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him. My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to drink a bit much for our liking. David and I are involved regularly in Church and are our faith played a major role in our lives. I met David when I was 18 and he was 20. After a year courtship we were married. I lost my virginity to David on my wedding night and he is the only man I...
Daniel Langier opened his eyes. Everything hurt. Well, not everything. Some parts felt pretty good. The pain in his knees and neck overrode most of the pleasure. He wasn’t sure how they’d managed to do it, but he and Jo were wedged onto the tiny narrow mattress together. ‘Oh yeah, I had to say we wouldn’t fit. She had to prove me wrong.’ He was bent like a pretzel with his love cuddled up on top of him. He wanted to move to straighten out his neck or legs, but she felt so good. He raised his...
RAPING ERICA There was an email for Laura the next day, a Sunday. She read it with her tits bared for the webcam, her nipples still connected by her painful chain, the rest of her body naked. === To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his "investment". You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can't give her any of your...
I didn't have the first clue who Snooki was, but I had to admit that the boss's attempt to dress like her had a good result. Ninve was a babe in her own right, so that wasn't difficult. Every time I saw her, I had an immediate rush of blood to my cock and impulses that I dared not follow. Among those was the urge to take my supervisor and grudge-fuck her there in front of the whole office, something that would no doubt wreck my career. Even though she got her promotion based on something...
It was so quiet I couldn’t take it. Even though I promised myself I wouldn’t see my boyfriend because we were taking a break, I knew that was the only place I wanted to go. I hopped in my car and drove to his parent’s house where he was staying. After knocking several times with no reply, I tried to turn the knob. It was open so I walked in. I could hear him playing guitar upstairs and singing. With a sigh, I walked up. I softly knocked on his door and said, ‘Damian, can I come in?’ ...
For the better part of seven months, the live-in arrangement with Gary had been going very well. My ass had been officially carved out by Gary's long slender cock treatments. I had been a 'very good companion' in Gary's eyes. Even though we did everything we could to keep sex spicy, eventually Gary started fucking other college aged guys. I did my best to disguise my jealousy. I'd make videos of me masturbating in public places almost being caught a few times. I'd write on my smooth chest...
Utha, who’d been standing still, one arm wrapped around her own middle, shoulders down and looking incredibly dejected, straightened up, squared her shoulders, took one massive running leap towards the Architect’s receding back, and drove her dagger into his flank, the blade sinking deep into his unprotected flesh. Time seemed to slow. I gasped, heard Aedan shout out in surprise, saw Solona twitch, felt Alistair’s hand tighten on my shoulder; each item took only a fraction of a second, but...
Hello again this is EvA…I am a 40 year old tranny. I do not consider my self a crossdresser anymore, because I am doing that for so long that I have been transformed to a very sexy and feminine ladyboy. I have been taking also hormones for 4 years, on and off and I already saw many changes…my boobies are growing, becoming poutier and have sensitive nipples. My skin is sooo soft and my hips are getting bigger giving me a pear figure… I also see changes in my feelings, being more sensitive and...
I would like to thank everyone for your great comments. Sorry for delaying the story so much. You can contact me at . It may take me some time to respond, but I’d love to hear from you. Please read the previous parts to understand the plot. Enjoy this story about sex with hot step mom. They left their room and went to sleep on that single mattress. Somewhat exhausted, they lay on the mattress. To make optimum use of the space they had, Shahid wrapped his arm around her tummy, spooning her. His...
IncestNever thought it would end up like this, didn’t you? So yeah here I am standing before you with a sword of blood and gore .Whatever you think of me already is not even close way afar from the truth. I am not justice or truth. This is my story as a warrior who was completely driven by another force. Driven with Chaos. War. Bloodlust Evil… How do you like me so far? Hold on now! Stand your ground before me. Breathe, even with one ear you have left, and I shall tell you my tale. Not like...
She loved sports and spending time outdoors running, hiking and swimming, but her favorite sport was volleyball. Although she had a very shy, sweet personality, she was very competitive when she played volleyball. She wanted to be the best and worked hard to try to accomplish her goal of winning a scholarship to the major university located about an hour north of her town. Ginger’s parents were blue collar workers and her father had tried to start his own business, but their town was on the...
She fumbled with her key, partly from the beer but mostly in anticipation. It had been a great evening at the bar. The band was fantastic and her friends had made themselves scarce when the guy standing beside her had struck up a conversation, and eventually left with her. The key turned in the lock and they entered the darkened living room. He tossed his leather jacket on the chair as she went up the stairs towards her bedroom. This is perfect, she thought, no pretense, just a fantastic...
Ah, Masturbation.What would we shy gentlemen do without you?We will be forever grateful for your ability to sate our need. We're not like those other men that can chat up some unsuspecting young vixen. Then promptly bed her as if they'd been dating for months. Only to use them until their interest is lost, discarding them like a damp tissue. We have to wine and dine them for weeks. Just as we believe we are getting close, they hastily leave us for the former when we run across them while out...
MasturbationA couple days after we received news that she would be returning we got a knock at the door, Jo was home. As my mother opened the door I was shocked to see a thick, tanned and sexy girl with the biggest tits I'd seen in a long time. Not even some of the Playboy bunnies I had seen compared to the tits crammed into her university t-shirt. I could feel my dick get hard as I stared. She came in, gave my mom a hug and kiss and slapped me in the back of the head. "Hey where did fatass go?...
The three girls realised that Cathy had missed all the action, they went to the room, but she was gone. A side door was open. Sharon contacted the Communications room and a local alert was issued for information about Cathy. Several guards reported that Cathy had been seen walking around the base, but she was in her thinking mode and so they didn't disturb her... "But where is she now?" Charlotte asked and the girls started looking for her. Everywhere they searched people reported that...
“Jeepers creepers!” blurted out Keith. “That was quick!” Gemma looked up from the ground as she walked beside Keith back into the camp grounds at the top of the river bank. She immediately saw the same thing Keith had seen ... a police squad car parked out the front of the camp’s admin building and a male and a female cop getting out and going in through the front door. “Oh shit!” mumbled Gemma. “Surely they aren’t here because of what we have just done. Jaz and Derek surely haven’t hit...
“Wait,” I said, looking back and forth between my mother and Dr. Williamson. “He’s a hypno-therapist?” “That’s right,” the doctor said, his calm demeanor making me wonder if I was just wildly over-reacting. No. Mom’s strange behavior, the way she’d been constantly picking on me lately... Surely I wasn’t being crazy to maybe suspect the man who’d been hypnotizing her of being responsible for the changes in my mother... Now I don’t know much about hypnotism. My understanding is that you...
Prologue James Vega grew up in Los Angeles County in the city of Alma Perida. It was a quaint little city but it was far from an ideal childhood. His grandparents had been given full custody of him when he was a baby and always let him know that they could refuse to care for him anytime, sending him away to be forgotten and unloved by the social services system. His aunts, uncles, and cousins despised him and never let him forget that he was born to a freak and a runaway. Not all...
Unusual Punishment, Parts One and Two By Norman O. Johnson In 1900, two primary forces were known: electromagnetic and gravitational. During the following century, two more (the major atomic and the minor atomic) were discovered. One thing was still unknown: a fifth force to hold the other four together, and through them show to humanity the secret of the order to the universe. It came to be called the Unified Field. In the early 21st century, the Unified Field was discovered. Its...
It hurt. Sharp, tear-bringing, and it took all Ellie could not to pull away, not to get dressed, not to run home. Robbie was Him, she was sure. Robbie was just the sort of man she wanted for husband and provider. She'd started writing "Mrs. Robert James Patterson" in the margins of her notebook, even signing it a few times. She really wanted Robbie to be her husband. She wanted him to choose her, viewing all other girls at school as challengers. She could outdo them all, she forced herself...
Hi This is Seveninchheaven,i am a great fan of is4u & today i would like to share a experience which happened to me 2 years back.When i had shifted to this building where i stayed, there was a lady aged 38 whose name was Reena & i used to call her reena Bhabhi.That time my age was 18.Her figure was 40-38-40.So u can imagine her boobs & ass must be!Anyways that time i didnt had any intention nor i ever saw her or at her private parts.this happened for almost three years.For further detail she...
IncestThe following characters appear in the first two chapters: Kennard Curran O'Connell (Ken) Mike and Clare's Son, 5'-10" tall, 142 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, green eyes, dual Talents Kellen Conroy O'Connell (Kell) Pat and Cathleen's Son, 5'-10" tall, 144 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, blue eyes, dual Talents Mark Michael O'Connell Mike and Shannon's Son, 5'-10" tall, 140 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, green eyes Seamus Patrick O'Connell Pat and Sheena's Son,...
Book One of The Trust Trilogy Chapter One I SLAP THE SNOOZE BUTTON OFF and roll over to grab another nine minutes of sleep. I keep my eyes closed thinking it might delay the work day a few more minutes. It doesn’t. It just puts me behind. I feel the other side of the bed. Empty? Where’s Danny? I sit up startled. Oh, yeah. He’s with my man-child ex- Josh. Great. That’s right. I have something else to worry about for the next month. Josh texted last night that they were in St. Louis....
I went to my Nephews,who is about my age. This was when I was 22. At his place I walked in and yelled to him. He was in the shower and told me to make myself at home at wait. I had to wait quite a while. I had went to town to see these 2 other guys but they were no place around. So I stop to visit my Nephew. Finally he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. He set across the room from me on a kitchen chair. I was setting on the couch. At first he just stared at me. I noticed...
My ex father in law was in hospital and I was roped into giving my ex mother in law a lift home after visiting hour (long story, don't ask). Divorce from her daughter was long and drawn out and I hadn't seen my mother in law for a couple of years. Now, I had spent years trying to have some time with her, but in the 30 years I have known her I had never managed to arrange enough time in an empty house to try my luck. With the current dark nights and an empty house to go home to, this was my...
Readers of the earlier part might be aware of how I meet with Amulya & fucked her in the Museum. Here is the continuation in Part 2.Part 2 of my Meet & Hook-up with Sexy Slut Amulya - As it was early evening as we left the museum, I asked Amulya to get into my car where I made her sit with her legs up on the dashboard giving anyone interested a nice look under her skirt as I made her play with herself for me while I give her pussy the odd pinch. I...
Shawna settled into the black leather seat with a little trepidation, crossing her legs at the ankle as a woman leant over her shoulder to clip a microphone on to her lapel. "Is that alright there?" she asked, and Shawna nodded distractedly, reaching for the glass of water at her side. "Thirty seconds, people!" someone shouted from the studio floor, and the audience began to settle as the host jogged back out to his seat, settling comfortably into place as the clock ticked...
21 year Daniel watched as Jeff argued with his wife Beverley. Daniel didn’t argue with Jennifer though but stood very quietly knowing that quite soon he will be told to follow his 42 year old girlfriend to the spare room where he will be put across her lap and have his bare bottom spanked. Very hard. He watched as the husband and wife had a real slanging match. Both in their 40’s and have been married for years. Jeff hadn’t wanted to see the film anyway. It was a love story. No action....
SpankingThe Silent Girl "Sure, I can handle it," I said accepting the challenge. *** School went as usual. Mary had her interpreter with her everywhere on the school grounds. After school, she would tutor me on my subjects, so I wouldn't fail them. I couldn't tell whether she was just being friendly or trying to groom me into being a proper partner for her. Bullies would mess with Mary every so often. I would kick their ass. Finally, softball season began. I had always thought it...
Author: softporn ഞാൻ ഗൗരിക. നാട്ടിൽ ജനിച്ച് ബർമിംഗ്ഹാമിൽ പഠിത്തം പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയ ശേഷം, ഇപ്പോൾ ലിവർപൂളിൽ ഭർത്താവിന്റെ വീട്ടിൽ താമസിക്കുന്നു.ഏറ്റവും സ്നേഹിച്ചും എന്തു ത്യാഗങ്ങൾ സഹിച്ചും എന്നെയും ചേച്ചിയെയും പഠിപ്പിച്ച് വലിയ നിലയിൽ ആക്കണമെന്നായിരുന്നു എന്റെ മമ്മിയുടെയും പപ്പയുടെയും ആഗ്രഹം. ചേച്ചിക്ക് പപ്പയുടെ മുഖഛായ ആണ് കിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. എന്നെക്കണ്ടാൽ മമ്മിയുടെ ചെറുപ്പത്തിലെ ഫോട്ടോ പോലിരിക്കും. അതേ ഉയരവും വണ്ണവും. മമ്മിയും പപ്പയും തമ്മിൽ പതിനൊന്ന് വർഷത്തെ പ്രായവ്യത്യാസമുണ്ട്. പപ്പ ഇക്കഴിഞ്ഞ...
As she closed her laptop, Carole let out a contented sigh. She had just closed the week with gains for herself and her friends that few investors saw in a month. That was certainly satisfying. The year since her retirement had been a very, very good one, even if it had started a bit slowly. The building of the Gang's 'stable' of men had been fulfilling in more ways than just the great sex the Gang and the men all enjoyed. The project of getting Alan his captaincy and rebuilding his health...
Craig stumbled up the stairs before throwing open the bedroom door with a loud crash, his eyes blazing with a lust that Hailey hadn’t seen since before they were married. "I am glad you are up," said Craig as he tore his clothes from his body, "you got me so turned on earlier, I want you." Hailey looked at his cock which was as stiff as a steel rod and she suspected it was the sight of Julie & Marge getting fucked by dogs that had that effect on him but she wasn't going to say anything...
Scarlett appeared at Sunday morning breakfast with her daughter Rose in tow. Rose looked compliant until she saw Matthew and he saw her. The six-year-old and eight-year-old lit up like Christmas trees, made squealing noises of joy, and raced to each other and hugged. Both Dave and Scarlett were surprised at the PDA between the two children. Holly checked in with Scarlett as she passed by, “Swim lessons still all right?” “Oh, yes. She hasn’t been near water since she was here last. I don’t...
Karen bit her lips and gripped the bedrails hard. Her whole body was arching and she could feel the scream building in her lower belly. Lower even. About the spot where Mark’s tongue was flicking and probing. Her hips were writhing and she could hear the sound as his tongue worked on her driving her higher and higher into that plane of pleasure she had come to know since they had become lovers just three short months ago.The sound was bursting from her and she was at the brink of the...
I woke up with an erection. It was poking through the hole in my boxers and pointing straight at my friend's girlfriend. The truth his I'd been imagining her lips around my 8 inch shaft. Dreaming of her spit dripping over my balls and feeling the back of her throat as I pushed her head on to me. I opened my eyes and realised my duvet wasn't covering me and my friend Tom, 20, and his girlfriend Lisa, 19, were facing towards me, his arm around her asleep. I enjoyed being in front of them like...