Stepmother's LoverChapter 2 free porn video

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Linda Morgan hated pajamas. On the few occasions when one of her schoolmates had spent the night with her, she wore a sheer gown that barely covered the chestnut triangle which her Father had repeatedly warned her was the gateway to hell.

She found it difficult to believe that the sensitive little opening between her thighs was really evil, no matter what others might say about it. Nothing that felt so good when she stroked her finger between its soft lips could be really bad.

Still trying to grasp the meaning of all that had happened during the eventful day, she finished her bath, toweled her nubile body dry, and slipped into bed completely naked, enjoying the feel of the cool sheets against her bare skin.

She was happy that the farm now belonged to Ted. In her mind, which had never managed to keep pace with the development of her body, her older brother represented a tangible security against all the bad things that might happen to her were it not for his presence.

At school, until he graduated, Ted had stood between her and the harsh teasing of those who recognized her backwardness. When some older boy tried to take advantage of her quite real innocence, it was Ted who convinced the youth to desist by pounding the warning into his head with a hammer-like fist.

He had even stood up for her to their late Father, and Linda had found her affection becoming almost painful when Ted gave her an occasional hug or a less frequent kiss.

Lying in the soft bed, she recalled the ride back from the attorney's office, when Ted had rested his hand on her thigh. If she tried very hard, she could still feel those strong fingers, and recreate the delicious tingling sensation that had spread upward to the furry Juncture of her slender legs.

Just before she had come upstairs, Ted had told her that he would drop in and kiss her goodnight, a habit they had both enjoyed until their Mother's death. After that, their Father had sternly forbidden either of them to enter the other's bedroom.

Linda stretched luxuriously, the sheet sliding against the points of her small breasts, making them stiffen. It was different now, she reminded herself happily. Ted was the boss. He could do anything he wished.

She heard her brother ascend the stairway and enter Dorothy's room, but she thought nothing of it. They would have things to discuss concerning the big farm. When they were finished, Ted would come in to deliver that promised kiss, and she could go to sleep.

Drowsiness pulled her eyelids down, and she had no idea how much time had elapsed when the opening of her door made her sit straight up in the bed, the sheet sliding down to her waist, baring the pert-nippled cones of her firm young breasts.

There was a long instant during which she felt Ted's hot eyes on her naked torso. Then, with a little gasp, she tugged the sheet up to cover herself, clutching it with both hands.

"I'm sorry," she apologized blinking at her brother's faint smile. She had never before seen that particular expression. "I got so sleepy, I guess I just dozed off."

He closed the door, one hand extending to the wall switch beside it. "You look uncomfortable," he murmured, "holding that silly sheet. I'll cut the light, and you won't have to worry about it."

With the sound of a soft click, darkness enveloped the room, leaving only the faint light from the window to outline his figure as he moved toward the bed. Linda's fingers released the sheet, her arms reaching out to welcome him.

He sat down on the side of the bed, turning slightly to slip his arms about her naked waist. Gently, his fingers caressing the soft warmth of her skin, he pulled her against his chest. Her arms tightened about his neck, and she lifted her lips for his kiss. Eyes closed, she waited.

There was something deliciously wicked about the way Ted was holding her. The darkness cloaked her nakedness, but she could feel the heat of his chest against her sensitive nipples, and she shivered at the realization that she wished he were naked, too. His voice made her eyes open, straining to make out his features in the dim light.

"Tell me, Sis," he whispered. She could feel his breath on her upturned face. "Did you ever kiss a guy with your mouth open?"

She kept her own voice low as she answered, "I've never kissed anyone else but you and Daddy. He'd have blistered me if I did that."

"Do you think you'd like it?"

The fingers were playing up and down her back, and she felt her nipples swelling against his shirt front. Her arms squeezed him.

"I'd like it with you Ted." There was an innocent eagerness in her tone. "I'd like anything with you."

She heard his soft chuckle. Then, "It's hot in here. "Mind if I take my shirt off?"

His arms released her, and she missed the feel of those powerful muscles against her tits. "It is a little warm," she agreed. While he wrestled with his shirt, she raised one leg, hooked the sheet, and pushed it down to the foot of the bed. The air bathed her nakedness, but she welcomed its caress of her excited body.

"Remember when we were just little kids, Ted?" she said. "Mom used to let us sleep together in the same bed."

"Yeah," he answered from the darkness. "We'd be as naked as a pair of jay birds."

"Why can't we do that now, Ted?" The question was plaintive.

For a moment, he was motionless. "We're not kids anymore, Sis."

"I don't care. I remember how good it felt when we cuddled up."

She heard and felt his movements as he began removing the rest of his clothing, and she shivered with anticipation. He slipped his trousers down, lifting his hips to remove them, and she asked, "When are Aunt Joyce and Uncle Ralph coming?"

"Sometime this week," he grunted, leaning over to slide his socks off. "Are you glad?"

"Oh, yes. Susan and Beth are wonderful company, and Clyde's a nice boy."

He was naked, but he seemed hesitant about touching her. She could feel his eyes in the darkness, staring at her body.

"What's wrong, Ted?"

There was a curious hoarseness in his voice as he answered, "I don't want to scare you, Sis."

"How could you do that? We've been together like this before."

He was leaning over her, arms braced on either side of her body, yet not touching her. "You're a beautiful girl, Linda," he said in that strange, husky voice. "Just being near you does things to me."

She knew what he meant, and she laughed, easily and softly. This was Ted, her brother. How could he possibly have thought that he would frighten her with a silly old hard-on. She knew boys got that way when they were excited, just as girls got all wet and soft. Just, she reminded herself, like she was at this moment.

"I know about things like that," she assured him. "I won't he scared."

He leaned closer, his chest touching the bare nipples, wiry hair teasing the tender nubs. His breath fanned her face as he said, "Open your mouth, Sis. Let's make this a real kiss."

Linda's lips parted, and she ran her tongue about them to make them moist. Then, before her tongue could retreat, his mouth claimed hers, clamping over her lips as his chest descended against her tingling breasts.

She had heard of "tongue kissing" and had found the idea exciting. Now, with Ted's tongue dipping into her mouth, she realized why it was so popular. When he scooped her tongue back into his oral chamber, she wiggled it in surrender, and she welcomed his tasty muscle with a hot suction that made the youth grip her shoulders with trembling fingers.

Sensing that he enjoyed her tongue, she waited until his lips released her. Then, with artless eagerness, she began licking his face, the writhing tip of her wet tongue sliding across his closed eyelids, and even teasing his nostrils with its flashing caress.

"I could lick you all over!" she gasped, returning to his open mouth and tracing his lips with her tongue. Her body arched, rubbing leer tits against his hairy chest. "Let me do it, Ted! Please!"

He kissed her again, blocking her pleas by shoving his tongue into her greedy mouth. Holding her, he rubbed his lips against hers.

"Why don't we do it the other way?" he asked softly. "Why don't you let me lick you all over?"

She stared at him, although the darkness made his face an indistinguishable blur. "Do you really want to?"

He nipped her chin with his strong teeth. "Baby," he grunted. "From now on, Ted Morgan doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do." He kissed her throat. "He wants to eat you up!"

Linda's arms pulled him down, and his face was buried for a moment against the warm softness of her arched throat, his mouth open, and his wet tongue caressing the tender flesh.

"Oh, yes, Ted!" she cried, her body trembling with anticipation. "Eat me up!"

She felt his lips travel downward toward one of her small tits, deliberately pausing as they reached the beginning of that gentle slope. Her hands ran excited fingers through his thick hair, urging him to kiss his way up the mound until his wet tongue flicked at the base of her sensitive nipple.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as Ted licked his way around the spongy finger, not touching it again, but leaving a trail of saliva about the delicate aureole. She pushed her chest upward, anticipating the first caress of that engorged bud.

When it came, her whole body convulsed, knees hashing up, and her torso writhing in reaction to the shattering thrills evoked by his hot suction and flaying tongue. His mouth covered almost half of firm mound, sucking the tip between his strong teeth, then nibbling gently while his tongue sped back and forth across the swollen nipple.

"Like it, Sis?" he whispered, releasing his oral grip, but keeping his lips pressed against the succulent spear. His hands, still sustaining his weight, moved closer to her sides, wrists rubbing her flesh as he transferred his attention to the other breast

"Yes!" she hissed, twisting to aid his efforts, feeding the nipple into his mouth and pulling his face against her. It makes me feel all shivery and good when you do that."

His mouth was clamping the other breast, lips straining wide as the resilient mound was pulled Into the hot wetness to he flayed by his flashing tongue. Then, with a suddenness that made her gasp, he was nibbling at the distended nipple, and sucking with a force that was almost painful.

"Do the other one again, Ted!" she cried when his lips released the tingling flesh. Her fingers clutched at his thick hair, tugging and guiding.

Using both hands, Ted pushed the two yielding, mounds closer together, shaping a tight crevice between their resilient slopes. His tongue dragged its wet, wriggling tip upward through that warm valley, leaving it slick with his saliva as he licked out to either side, caressing the taut nipples until Linda whimpered with the sensations induced in the quivering tits.

Her whimper became a sensual giggle when Ted mouthed his way down to her rib cage, flaying the smooth skin below her armpit, and tracing the soft sweep of her waist until it flared gently to shape her young hips.

He had moved lower in the bed, touching her only with wet lips and hot tongue, tasting the clean, tangy essence of her naked body, and fanning the instinctive fires of virginal passion within her trembling flesh.

His voice reached her through the darkness, breathed against one slender thigh that nuzzled against its mate with a tremorous clenching. "Spread your legs out, Linda. I'm going to make you feel something you've never felt before."

His hands touched her, fingers urging the limbs apart, pressing just above her knees. It was almost the same spot he had caressed that afternoon. But, now, it was excitingly different. Her legs were yielding, sliding across the sheet and there were no panties to shield the tingling nexus of her thighs. They were both delightfully and deliciously naked.

Linda felt her brother's lips on her belly and the tingle in her moist crotch became a demanding throbbing that seemed to reach far back inside that silk-ringed gateway her Father had denounced so vehemently.

Had it been any other man, she would have fought the strange hunger in that pulsating slit, for their position and Ted's obvious intent constituted perversion of the worst sort.

But Ted would never encourage her to do anything that was not proper. Anyway, they had cuddled together as children. Why should it be different, now that they were a little older?

Even as Linda examined those thoughts, she admitted that it was different. And the difference was swirling in her belly like a giant whirlpool, drowning her wild and her faint apprehension beneath wave after wave of ever-mounting desire.

She felt her legs being lifted, and she shifted her weight onto her torso as Ted fitted her delicately curved calves over his broad shoulders, sliding his body forward until her thighs embraced his head, their sensitive skin frictioned by the slight trace of beard on his cheeks.

"It's like I was hugging you with my legs," she murmured, tightening the softness against his face. "It feels nice, Ted."

Her brother did not answer. He was inhaling the delicate musk of her parted labia, and she could hear the soft intake of breath. Intuitively, she knew that he found the scent pleasing, and a fresh rivulet of vaginal juice surged from its mysterious spring to trickle from the quivering tissues that shaped the lips of her pussy.

Her body jerked in response to the hot tongue that licked upward through the tender valley, its tip just touching the forbidden gateway, then sliding higher to flick wetly against the protruding nub of her clitoris.

"Oh, Ted!" she whimpered, thighs tensing on his shoulders to wiggle her excited hips. Her buttocks clenched repeatedly as his tongue slid through the splayed labia again, pressing more firmly than before. "Oh! Wow!"

Her ass bucked wildly when the writhing muscle thrust its warm, wriggling tip into her pussy. Her thighs clamped his head and she shoved her crotch violently against his mouth. Thrills, more wonderful than she had ever imagined, coursed through the palpitating corridor of her cunt, and she realized that it was no longer a children's game they were playing.

Again, her hands sought his head, urgent and demanding, and her pelvis rocked the slippery lips of her pussy over that oral probe. Then, as his mouth shaped a vacuuming oval, she moaned in ecstasy at the hot suction on her spasming cunt.

Her finger had never been able to produce that delicious sensation, and she knew that only a few more strokes of his plunging tongue would make her come. She had to pull her pussy away from Ted's mouth before that happened. He would never forgive her if she spilled that warm, slippery juice while he was nursing those quivering pussy lips.

She tried to reverse the direction of her scrabbling fingers, but they only pulled his face closer, and her ass wriggled the spasming cunt against his lips until she could feel the teeth behind them. Her head rolled back and forth on the pillow, her soft, blonde hair whipping across her tortured features, their ecstatic contortion cloaked in the room's darkness.

The orgasmic shudders rippled outward from some hidden spring in her dancing pussy, convulsing her vaginal walls and clenching her labial ring about the tongue that reached farther into the undulating sheath.

Linda emitted a choked sob as the hot wetness spewed outward, meeting the tongue and flowing past it. Even as the pleasure surged through her cunt, Linda braced herself for his angry exclamation.

Then, to her happy surprise, she felt his tongue begin spooning the thick honey from her slit, and the delicious suction as his lips drew more and more of the tart juice from its hidden source.

He was swallowing it, ingesting the slippery exudation with swift gulps that were interspersed with little grunts of undeniable enjoyment. The sounds catapulted Linda beyond ecstasy to a mind-bending plateau of sensation that was almost frightening in intensity.

Gasping and moaning, she felt her legs being lowered to the bed, her pussy still shivering with the echoes of that incredible come. Her hands slipped from his retreating head and cupped the pointed mounds of her tingling breasts, fingers squeezing and rolling the distended nipples. Her heart was thumping so loudly that she hardly heard her brother's husky chuckle.

"You're a big girl, now, Linda," he said in a gentle tone. Almost big enough for this."

She gasped at the sudden pressure between her thighs, surprised at the dimensions of the thing she recognized without feeling anything but the huge head that rubbed its throbbing bulk up and down through the slippery furrow of her pussy.

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Baat un dino ki ha jab me 7 saal ki thia. Hum jaipur (Rajasthan) me rahta hia. Papa soft ware engineer hia aur aksar kaam se ghar se bhar rahta hia.Meri mummy bhout khoob surat hia un ki umr 30 saal hia gori rang gadria hua badan bada bada ****s aur mota mota round hips hai hight choti hia 5’-5” only. Who sam**** bhartiya nari hia aur aak dum gharalu wife hia.Papa kia sabhi dosto ki wife me who sab se sundar hia is liea papa ki dosto ki nizar un per raheti hia.sabhi dost aur un ki wife advance...

2 years ago
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My first night in london

As I continue my search for a more mature man. I stumbled across a website, seemingly very interesting. So I signed up, with the hopes that that I would find me a sexy mature "papa", for mine and his sexual pleasure.. So as time progressed I kissed a few frogs"literally". After months of being on the site and very close to the point of closing my account. I stumbled across his profile, and the header reader" Mature guy, seeks young companion". Instantly my mind started to create fantasies based...

3 years ago
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Ministers Wife Goes to city for new clothes

Minister's Wife Goes to city for new clothes!!“Ange Babe your new clothers are ready. I will drive you there. Same routine as before. Remember no knickers and when you reach the station you are getting off at go to the ladies and take your bra off. Wear a thin blouse if you have one that is transparent eb sure to wear it. I will be waiting for you at the station when you come off the 9.15. DON'T MISS THE TRAIN. Oh and you will be away for the full day.” Jonny told Angela all of this on the...

3 years ago
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Heaven Earth

Greater New York Jinro could see cranes dancing in the imperial garden at Kyoto. Their antics, wings flapping, necks dipping and gyrating, were graceful, choreographed by evolution over thousands of years. The vision was faded like an old photo or distant memory. He’d left Japan with to live with his American father when he was 9, and filled his head with the heat of Texas until he’d run away at 17. He’d flown to Florida, then DC and points north, until one day he’d come upon the urban core of...

1 year ago
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She Stoops to Conquer part 2

She Stoops to Conquer by Priscilla Part 2 Story so far. Peter and Jennie are a happily married couple. Jennie is a high flier in the 'City' while Peter is more laid back, and has untidy habits, which go ill with Jennie. Now read on. Wow, as I've told you, Jennie is an absolute stunner, dressed in anything, but in her long black pvc coat, micro mini skirt, and high- heeled boots, she would have any man drooling. I was surprised at the outfit; Jennie had got home well before...

2 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 3

This one made it so easy. They all did, but this one ... So naïve. So trusting. "Fuckin', dirty squaw," he muttered under his breath. "The best kind of squaw, though, a filthy half-breed. Maybe less than half. This one could even handle a little firewater." A half-breed excited him more than a full-blooded squaw. They weren't as prone to obesity, and he considered the mix more attractive. More exotic. During his search, he watched for a breed. Young, but not too young. College...

1 year ago
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ShawnChapter 32

Snow was beginning to fall again and I called a taxi from the sitter's house. Before that the woman was trying to get information from me. With my picture in the paper she knew who I was but still treated me as if I was the child I looked to be. It was early for a good sporting goods store to open. Even standing in the blowing snow now was not hard for I was able to adjust my body to put out much more heat to keep me warm and my fingers made an invisible barrier that kept away the wind. If...

3 years ago
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Maragana GirlChapter 12

Officer Vladik Dukov had been concerned about the other police officers for good reason. Several of them had a reputation for being perverted and two of them already had been reprimanded for abusing criminals. Vladik was appalled when he found out they would be part of the punishment team, which was what prompted him to take charge of the women. Along with the deviant cops, several of the medical students from the Central Police Station were present in the school auditorium. As the male...

3 years ago
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Julies Roadside Stop

Once she'd left the limits of her small town, she hit the gas as hard as she dared. The road was a straight shot to the city from here, and it was a fairly deserted route, so she shouldn't have to worry about cops. As her Mazda whipped along the road, stirring up dust and fallen leaves in its wake, she sighed dismally and checked her watch again. There was no way in hell she was going to make it on time. Maybe if she'd been driving a Formula One racecar. Maybe. Julie pressed down a little...

1 year ago
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Pascale and Cecile

She is on her hands and knees, I am behind her with my cock deep in her ass and one hand fingering her cunt She is moaning with each thrust of my dick. We are expecting you to visit on holiday, but you have arrived earlier than I expected. We did not hear you come in and you have caught us in the middle of our love making session. Pascale is starting to cum when I sense someone in the door. I turn and look, I recognize you from pictures I have seen. Our eyes lock and I notice your hand...

1 year ago
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A Special Threesome for Cindy

Introduction: This story continues the adventures of the Hank and Cindy, from the 1975 A Year to Remember series. However, this story and all subsequent stories concerning them and their playmates from that series, Bobby and Ellen, will not be sequential and will be separate, stand alone tales. The reader is urged to read the first part of chapter one of 1975 in order to identify the participants and what brought them to this particular circumstance. While we normally confined our sexual...

3 years ago
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Mouthfull of cum

Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...

4 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 66

I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping my beer, listening to the team talking to Tran. They were asking her if she had any sisters as beautiful as she was and the usual carrying on with single men. She was laughing and giving it right back to them when Butter skipped into the kitchen, sitting down across from me. I knew he wanted to talk and to get my take on it all so I started out by showing him the camera system and the little non lethal traps I had and where they were located. He...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 80

I turned the barracks over to Namur and the men with him, telling him to deal with them quickly and quietly. There were five of them in total and each of them slept twenty men. At that moment not all of them were full. I also gave a shout to Ben. There was a stable off to one side down here in the south that had a corral filled with horses. I wanted those horses and I wanted the people living over the stable dead. I even told Ben that he could torch the building once all the horses were out...

3 years ago
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Belfast RulesChapter 18

(MOLLY'S STORY – LONDON 2001) Now that she was a married woman with a husband that tended to her needs like a proper man is required to do with constant regularity, Molly was fearful of accepting the position in London not certain about her husband Danny's reaction to being uprooted from Belfast. She wondered how he would adjust to living in the midst of the English in the center of the UK and so close to the Whitehall. It was a subject that he never commented on verbally and she was loath...

3 years ago
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Pehli Baar Ka Nasha

Dosto mera naam jay hai aur main delhi ka rehne wala hu, meri yeh kaahni aaj se 3 saal pehle ki mere aur meri fiance kaya jo abhi meri biwi hai. Hamari engagment hue abhi 3 mahine se upar ho gya tha .Iss beech hum log 4-5 baar mile bhi the aur saath m ache ghumne bhi the. Movie ,lunch kiya hua tha . Hum log ek dusre se kaafi khule hue the aur sab baate bht hi aarma se krlete hai. Kiss wagera aur ek dusre ko ache se chua hua bhi hai..Bas sex nh kar paye .Na kabhi mauka mila aur na hi uske baare...

1 year ago
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Trial of the Century Part I

The imposing man flashed his bleached smile. He offered his photo ID to the uniformed woman seated behind the glass. She was an attractive sort he thought. Minimal makeup. Wet lip gloss. Sleek, pixie haircut. Decent tits. Not quite 40 years old. Probably never married with two k**s. Her face was gentle, but stern.“I’m here to see D’Clinton Lewis. I’m his lawyer,” the suited up guy declared.“Oh you are, Mr. Goode,” she quizzed looking up at him briefly from the computer screen.“Yes ma’am!”“Don’t...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 127

Darcy Stanton walked away from her meeting with Derrick Driller rather unhappy. All the good stuff he'd told her about the future was off the record. Sure, she could publish it and there would be nothing he could do about it. It wasn't like she was going to make a living covering the adult industry, so she really didn't care if anyone in that industry trusted her. But there was something about his tone and demeanor that made her think he wouldn't take a betrayal of trust lying down. He...

2 years ago
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She loved this

Introduction: She was ready for one young guy but got two! She Loved this!!! This is a true story and I have been wondering how I would go about writing it. You see my wife is 52, petite, small breasts with nipples that are incredibly sensitive and she is in great shape. She has a beautiful shaved pussy that is really tight and legs that everyone says are great looking. I guess I should mention she loves sex and her name is Beth also she is 50. Now, we have had a few threesomes with other guys...

1 year ago
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A Sissys Tale

Grocery Errand Tiffany-of-Gabriella took one last look in the mirror and declared that she was ready to face the world. As on any other day, the 19 year old sissy had spent the first couple of hours of the day primping her hair, precisely applying makeup and choosing a carefully coordinated ensemble. The wings of her black eyeliner perfectly set off the luxuriously thick and long false eyelashes that had been renewed at the salon last week. For the errands she was about to run she had...

4 years ago
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Crazy Family Wedding 8211 Part 6 Fucked The Groom

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well! So this is the final part of the series. I hope you all enjoyed it. It was really fun writing about it and brought back all the memories as I penned down the experiences. Let’s not waste any time and get right into it. Things were sorted between me, mom, and aunt Selena in a way I did not imagine. I was now feeling much better. I didn’t have a hint of fear in me now and was back to being myself again. Mom and I snuck out a few times and kissed and...

4 years ago
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A Bargain Made A House Fallen Ch 06

As the carriage made its way up the main thoroughfare of the city where the processional would begin, Deres looked upon Neral in quiet awe as the hoof beats clicked on the stone streets and the carriage jostled slightly with the uneven nature of the streets. She casually looked out, watching the city under the orange glow of the street lamps and gave waves to the inhabitants that had lined the streets of the route in hopes of catching a glimpse of the nobles. It seemed as though she could wear...

3 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 4 Pariah

"The two of you shouldn't be talking to me," Rita said to Josh and Maria. "You especially," she added rubbing Maria's neck, "You're not even at the school yet and some of the people here are already looking at you badly." Leaning over she kissed Maria and said, "Now get inside, that FUCKATHON they were announcing is about to begin. Show them you belong in that club of theirs." "Maybe I don't want to be in their club anymore," Maria said, not letting Rita go. Rita threw Josh a...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 2 The end of the beginning

(By now, you might be a bit impatient with the pace. It speeds up a bit, but not too much--this is real life.) When we got back, I dropped off my stuff at my place, and went to lab. Mostly to check e-mail and flip through a few websites. As it turned out, I noticed that Liz had also come in--she worked in the lab adjoining mine--to pick up a few papers she needed to read, I found out later. So, it seemed only natural for me to stop in and say hi. We ended up staying and talking for hours....

2 years ago
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Caught Wet Handed

I kick off the side of the deep end of the pool as hard as I can and glide under the water until I come up. I swim as fast as I can across the pool to the shallow end and once I get there, I flip and kick off the wall to start my next lap back. Once I hit the side of the pool where I started I stop and take a drink of water. I slip my goggles off my head so I can pull my swim cap off and let my ponytail down. The pool area is empty, even the lifeguard is off duty and a sign saying ‘Swim at...

3 years ago
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In My LifeChapter 5

Suddenly Maria entered the room and recognized Ellen standing alongside Emerson. She thought she could never be any more upset than she was after Michael's visit. She had been wrong! Maria's fury was complete as she marched up to Emerson. Carmella had witnessed Ellen's kiss and familiarity with Emerson from her table. She understood that it was friendship and not romance, and felt relief for Maria. Then as her daughter entered the room, Carmella knew Maria did not see it that way. Maria...

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Breed Beach 0

Erotic Eden is a pretty Paradise, full of fine femmes, young yummies and warm wanton women from all overErotic Eden is a private property, and Prof Peter can do there as he likes, as he makes all his own local lawsErotic Eden is importing interestings great girls from Africa and Asia, for reasons of love, breeding & buildingErotic Eden is intended to become self-sufficient for hundreds of my wives and offspring, so we want to buildErotic Eden offers orphans from all over a chance to help a...

1 year ago
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Seeing Matts Stars Part 3

Introduction: Aaaand part 3.Im getting close to the end of what I have written, so wish me luck on keeping going with more. For those who arent familiar with my work, it will be several parts before anything sexual happens. If thats not for you, feel free to stop reading now, I wont be offended. For everyone else, I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments on the story. Hope you enjoy! -SS The next morning, I woke up early, as I did most every morning, took my shower, ate a bowl of...

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II The Bitchin Banana

I was afraid I lost you in a sea of names. Regrets that I didn’t ask you more while I had you’re undivided attention began to come over me. My life is filled with pleasing others, so I don’t have very much time to cater to my urges. Is it too much to ask for passion and frequency? Intimate acts that aren’t immediately followed by sex are the perfect foreplay. The more I listen to my heart, the more I cannot deny something is wrong in my life. I’ve been thinking about you all this time. You’re...

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