Devlin's StoryChapter 43 free porn video

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Doug was a head case, that much was clear by the time they got to the car.

"It felt... I don't know, it felt strange, Devlin. Not like anything I've experienced before." He started the car, but didn't move, letting it warm up.

"A woman's vagina doesn't feel like her anus," she replied. "Or at least that's what I've been told. I don't know about guys."

"Well, it didn't feel like any man, either. And she squeezed me. That's when I lost it. I was thinking I could maintain, you know, just keep going, and after a while pull out and maybe jerk myself off. I didn't expect... I didn't expect I'd actually cum inside her. I didn't know that a woman could do something like that with her vagina."

"I can, but I have stronger muscles down there than most women, the product of years of ballet class."

"I got so close... I was going to pull out, but... but I couldn't. It wasn't like she wouldn't let me, it was like I wanted to push even deeper in her and... and..."

She patted him on the shoulder. "There, there, I'm told the first time is always a bit of a shock."

"You mean most guys act this way their first time?"

"I'm not sure most guys act this way their first time. I've only had sex with two guys when it was their first time, and I didn't stop to take notes." She smiled. "They were so eager to get it inside me that I don't think they were noticing too much. The first time is different for a girl."

"I bet, with your hymen and blood, and they say it hurts, and the risk of pregnancy, even then, and all of the muscles and things that are being used for the first time, and..."

"It's not just physical," she said, shaking her head. She tapped her temple. "A lot of what happens is going on up here. It's a big moment in a girl's life. Oh, sure, there are some physical things going on, but I wouldn't believe everything I read in the magazines."

"But I heard it hurts because your hymen gets torn and--"

"A girl can lose that little piece of flesh any number of ways that don't have anything to do with sex." Devlin looked exasperated. "Like I said, don't believe what you read in books and magazines. I didn't have one to get torn my first time. I know because when I had a pelvic exam six months before, the doctor commented on it. As near as I can figure I must have lost it in dance class. Either that, or when I was horseback riding with my cousins when I was 11 or 12. It doesn't matter, to me, how it happened. It wasn't there my first time."

Doug held up his hand in apology. "Sorry. I only know what I've heard from Lisa and her friends. But what about pregnancy and all of the rest? You know, muscles that you'd never used before and stuff like that."

"Pregnancy wasn't a concern; I was careful, we were both careful. As for the rest, it felt different, okay? I'd never felt anything quite like it before, which is why I couldn't describe it to Lisa. And as for the muscles down there, it varies from girl to girl. For some of us, for me, it was like adjusting to something new, that's all. I was stretched in ways and places I never had before. It's not like my muscles weren't ready, I'd masturbated enough that--"


"What? Admitting that I masturbated?" He nodded. "A lot of girls masturbate, Doug. They don't always admit it, there's a lot of social pressure to keep you from admitting it, but girls do. I started masturbating when I was 11. It felt good, it didn't seem to do any harm that I could tell, and after my first climax I couldn't wait to do it again.

"Anyway," she went on, "I masturbated, and that actually got my muscles down there used to working. I've always felt a girl should masturbate so she can learn about her body. A lot of things that happen when you reach that age either hurt, or they don't feel right. Masturbation teaches you that there are things about your body developing that feel good. Besides which," she added, "it makes blood flow down there easier, and it relieves a lot of physical tension.

"But about a girl's first time, you're nervous, but you're sort of prepared for it, too. It's a big moment in your life. Before then you're a girl; afterwards you're a woman. I'm told, by guys, that it's sort of the same for them. Before that moment they're a boy, afterwards they're a man. I only have that on hearsay, of course. I really don't know for sure."

"Does that mean I wasn't a man until now?" Doug looked puzzled. "I'm 28 years old, Devlin, and--"

"I won't comment," Devlin said, cutting him off. Secretly she wondered. She didn't know how it was in the Gay community. There was that line from the movie Paint Your Wagon, where the boy was handed over to the prostitute with the words: "I give to you the boy. Return to me the man." Society seemed to think that a man was a man when he finally made love to a woman. Rani seemed to think that way, too. Devlin wasn't sure what she thought.

Maybe it was all bound up in the idea that he was starting the next generation, and he now had responsibilities. She shook her head slightly. That sounded way too simplistic. She'd have to ask Danny. He usually had an idea about things like this. Maybe he could tell her.

Thinking of the next generation, she checked her watch. It was after 10:00 p.m. That was 9:00 p.m. in Arizona. Evan should be back from dinner by now. She consigned Doug's problems to the 'pending' file and dug out her cell phone.

Evan answered on the first ring. "I just knew you'd call," he said.

"Well, it is the usual time. How did things go today?"

"We played a pre-season game against the Sky Sox. I got in three innings, no runs, two hits, no walks, and one strikeout."

"That sounds pretty good."

"It'll do. I was lucky, two Sky Sox hitters swung at what was ball four. How about you? What have you been up to?"

"Since we talked last... oh, was it as long ago as yesterday?"

He laughed with her. "Yes, I know, such a long time ago."

"Not much. School, and a little socializing with some faculty members. My mother's getting married at the end of next week and she's a bundle of nerves right now. She calls me every day, mostly for some long-distance hand-holding."

"I'd like to meet her," he said. "If I could make it, I would, but we'll be in Albuquerque that weekend for our last pre-season tune-up. That's not exactly a casual commute, and I'll probably be pitching down there, anyway. At least that's the way the rotation is shaping up."

Lesson Number One, Devlin thought. The Team comes First. You make social arrangements around the team's schedule, not the other way around.

"Yeah," she said out loud, "it'd be rather hard to do a 2 o'clock wedding, and then get to the ballpark half a continent away in time to warm up. I'm sure the pitching coach would have a few things to say."

"More than a few," Evan laughed. "And in language that would blister paint. I'll send her something through you, though, so don't worry."

Devlin made a mental note: she'd have to tell her mother about Evan, maybe even show her some pictures. Fortunately none of the pictures she had of him were x-rated. That wouldn't have been the case if he'd been a guest on the island.

She stole a glance at Doug, who was watching traffic as he drove, and pointedly trying not to listen in on the conversation. She knew he had a lot on his mind, but right now this was a lot more important than any trauma he felt.

"When are you going to be in the Midwest?"

"In just about three weeks. We play the Iowa Cubs in Des Moines the last week of the month."

"I'm going to try to get over there. It'll be good to see you."

"I miss you more and more each day."

"I do, too. I'll call you... tomorrow?"

"That's a long time from now, but I think I can wait. I'll force myself."

"I will, too." She took a deep breath, and uttered the words she felt were true. "I love you." She hoped she wasn't premature with them.

"And I love you. Same time?"

"Same time." They never said good-bye. She didn't know why, it was just something they never did. Good-bye sounded so permanent.

She suddenly felt like singing. He'd said them, he'd said the words. Oh, it sounded like an automatic response, but she'd take what she could get. And if he did love her... she hadn't decided she loved him, she'd felt it in her heart. Deciding you were in love sounded too mechanical, as if she was going over a checklist. Had he spoken from the heart? She wasn't sure. She hoped he had. This was something she'd have to figure out in the next three weeks.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Doug asked, breaking her train of thought.

"One and the same."

"Does he know about... Cindy's?"

Devlin shook her head. "No, he doesn't. And if you meet him I'd appreciate it greatly if you didn't tell him."

"I won't." He drove in silence for a few seconds. "What's he like, Devlin? What does he do?"

"He's a baseball player. Minor leagues at the moment, but there's a chance he may make it to the majors in the next year or so."

"Well good for him. He's lucky getting a girl as understanding as you."

"Thank you. Now, is there anything else about tonight you need to talk about?"

He laughed shakily. "A few things. I took... I took your advice about her breasts. I was under the impression most women thought their breasts were something to amuse the guy until he got down to fucking her."

"Sometimes it seems that way. Who did you hear that from? Lisa and Jo?"

"No, I heard a gal say something about it one night at Cindy's."

Devlin sighed. "I'm not going to spend time talking with you about a woman's breasts. They're sensitive, they're meant to be sucked, and they're bound up in a woman's self-esteem. After all, they're one of the most obvious indications that she's a woman, or at least an adult."

"Not even a little?"

"I make a living from women's breasts. Let's talk about something else."

"All right, but she did seem happier when I played with them. That was something else strange for me tonight."

"You mean you've never touched someone's breasts?"

"Most of the time I concentrate on a woman's lower-half, and leave her chest alone."

"You'll make most women a lot happier if you spend some time with her chest, especially if you're putting it to her at the same time. Comment on how nice they are. Tell her they're firm, you love sucking them, and things like that. Trust me, most women will enjoy that, especially if you're caressing and sucking them at the same time."

He nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. I was surprised by one thing."

"Only one thing?"

"A lot of guys, when you go into them, their channel narrows the farther you get into them. But Rani, it was like there was an emptiness, like a big hollow at the end of her passage."

"It's not really a hollow. That's the area around her cervix, and a woman opens up slightly there, or so I'm told. If you want to know more you should talk to a gynecologist."

"Not really. It was just... it felt different, and I was curious."

Devlin saw the parking lot for the dorm just ahead. She didn't mind answering his questions, it just seemed like there were an awful lot of them tonight. She wanted to help him, but she had things of her own to think about.

She was just about to get out of the car when Jeff walked by, holding hands with a girl with long, straight blonde hair.

For a moment Devlin thought it was Jo, but the face was all wrong. This was someone else. She looked sweet and awfully young.

"What's wrong?" Doug asked.

"Nothing," Devlin said. She waited until Jeff and the girl were out of sight. "Just someone from my past."

"That guy with the blonde?"


"Is he bothering you?"

"Not any more. At least I hope not."

"If he does, let me know."

"And you'll 'take care' of it?"

"Friends help friends, Devlin."

"He's really not a problem, Doug."


Devlin let that alone. She knew Doug was trying to help, but Jeff was in her past. Her focus was on Evan.

"I've never understood," she said, changing the subject, "if I'm supposed to say I had a wonderful time. I did, but this isn't exactly a date."

"They think it is," Doug said, waving at the dorm. "But I know what you mean." He changed his voice to a falsetto. "What did you do, Devlin? Where did you go? Oh, nothing much. We went to a party where we met this interesting couple that we fucked a couple of times. He had a nice thick cock, it curved a little to the left, and a really cute butt that I just loved grabbing and holding on to while he put it to me."

Devlin started laughing. "That's true, but I can't say that!"

Doug smiled wanly. "I can't, either. My Department Head asked me about you, you know."

"He did? What did you say?"

"I told him that you had a girlfriend, and that you'd helped me with inserts for my bra. He knows I like to wear a dress."

"Oh, great. Now it'll get all over school."

"I don't think so. He'd heard a rumor that I had gone out with a woman. If he thinks you're a lesbian he won't hassle me."

"So you're not going to tell him about tonight."

"No, especially not about tonight. I'm still having trouble believing it."

They got out of the car and walked slowly toward her dorm. "I wish I could help you more," Devlin said, "but a lot of this is stuff you have to work out yourself."

"I know," Doug sighed. "I'm sorry if I rambled on a bit, Devlin. I was just... it was..."

"No need to worry," Devlin said. "I understand. There are times where you need a sympathetic ear."

They paused at the door. "I'm busy tomorrow," Devlin said, "but if you feel you need to talk, give me a call."

Doug watched the people flowing in and out through the doors. "I probably won't have to," he said. "I'm tired, but I have this feeling I'm going to lie in bed trying to figure out some things about myself."

"I know that feeling, too," Devlin said. "Oh, we won't be going next week; my period."

"Probably just as well," Doug said. "Right now I think I'd need to nerve myself up for another trip to Cindy's."

She patted him on the hand. "Think things through. If you need me, I'll be there for you."

He turned away, clearly still troubled. She returned to her room. Connie wasn't back, yet, and she was rather glad. She felt marvelous. Vijay had been one of the better guys she'd been with in some time. She wouldn't put him up in the league with Marie's husband Rick, or Pepper's husband Jesse, or even Danny, but he was close. Her last two climaxes had left her limp and totally wrung out. A girl needed that from time to time.

The next day she was just entering Linkins when Rani waved. "I was hoping I would run into you," she said, coming up to Devlin.

"Hoping you'd run into me?"

"I have seen you in here several times," Rani said. "I did not realize you went to Cindy's."

"I didn't realize you went there, either," Devlin said. She liked Rani's slight British accent and the precise way she pronounced her words.

"We have only been there a few times. Normally we are in the other bedroom."

Devlin nodded. She selected her lunch and headed for a table in the corner. "Have you only been in the lifestyle for a short while?"

"Less than a year," Rani said. "We started when Vijay was at UNLV. When he got a job here, and I did, too, some friends recommended we look up a couple of people. Cindy was one of them."

"And how do you like it?"

Vijay looked down at the tea she was stirring. "I had fun, though your partner Doug seems hesitant for a man."

"He has... issues, problems."

"Vijay... Vijay wanted to know... I know this is against the rules, but... but Vijay wanted to know if he could see you--"

"No," Devlin said before she could finish. "I don't see people I party with outside of the party."

Rani nodded, relief evident on her face. "Vijay is... others tell me he is a good lover," she said in a low voice. "But not with me. He is... it is... mechanical. He... he puts it... you know, and then he just slides back and forth until he is through."

"You don't get any pleasure?"

"Not much," Rani said. "That is partly why we go to these parties. The men there, I... I get pleasure with them. It is like what I learned from studying the temple in the town where I was born."

"The temple?"

Rani waved that away. "Vijay said you... he said you squeezed him with your... down there, with your muscles."

Devlin nodded. "I know how to do that. Doug said when you squeezed him, that's when he came."

"Came, that is the word I was after. Where did you learn to squeeze like that?"

"I've taken ballet classes since I was 8," Devlin said. "I have strong muscles down there, and I learned how to use them."

Rani smiled shyly. "I was a dancer once. I wanted to be a dancer in the temple, but..."

"But... ?"

"They wanted me to go out in the world. I support the temple," she added in a rush. "I give them money every month. I just wanted to be a dancer, not a professor."

"Maybe someday... ?"

"Will you ever be a dancer?" Rani asked.

Devlin laughed softly. "Not with these," she said, indicating her breasts. "And I'm probably too old for it now."

"I, too, am too old. I could be a teacher in the temple." She sighed. "I would like that, even though I know my place is here, in this country. Next year, perhaps, I will become a US Citizen."

"Good for you. What's this temple you've been talking about?"

"There was a temple in our town," she said, "a very famous temple. It had carvings on the walls of every possible way a man and a woman could make love." She smiled. "Outsiders thought the temple taught us those things."

"From your tone, it didn't."

Rani smiled again and shook her head. "In the old days people might have, but not in modern India. If we did what the carvings showed, it was in private with a lover."

"And you wanted to be a dancer there? What was that all about?"

"I love to dance," Rani said, sighing wistfully. "When I am dancing I lose myself in the dance. I dreamed of living to dance, and worshiping with my dance." She sighed again. "It was not to be. I love to dance, but I am not very good at it. I learned at an early age that I am a much better mathematician than I am a dancer. I still have my dreams, but they are only that, dreams."

"It was much the same for me," Devlin said. "I wanted to be a ballet dancer, but when my body began to develop, that was closed to me. People want their dancers to be svelte, and that means they can't have big boobs." She shook her head. "The only place a girl with my figure can dance is a place I don't care to go."

"I have seen those places," Rani said. "I suppose I could dance there, but... no."

"Are you and Vijay having problems?"

Rani shook her head. "No, except in bed, of course. We are good friends, we love each other, just there is no spark in the bedroom."

"I don't know what to tell you," Devlin said. "I'm not a marriage councilor, just a girl who likes to party."

"I should not tell you my troubles," Rani said.

"But what are friends for?" Devlin asked.


"Well, we did get to know each other rather well last night."

Rani smiled, looking down. "Yes, I suppose so. Is it true Doug is a professor?"

"Sociology Department." Devlin realized how little she knew of Vijay and Rani. "Where do you and Vijay teach?"

"Vijay is a chemist," Rani said. "I am in the Mathematics Department. We do not really work together, though when we came to this country we both had job offers from one of your pharmaceutical companies. I have thought of that job since then. I may still take it." She gave Devlin a small smile. "It would pay better than teaching mathematics."

"Do you like teaching?"

"It is all right. I would be moving away, though. Is Indianapolis very far from here?"

"Several hours drive."

"Oh. Then maybe I will not." She turned her head, studying Devlin. "There is a young man in one of my classes, an engineering student. He speaks of a girl he knows named Devlin. Is that you?"

"That could be my ex-boyfriend," Devlin said. "Is his name Jeff? Medium height with brown hair?"

"That is him," Rani said. "He is a diligent student, but it is obvious the others do not care for him. Almost nobody talks to him before or after class. He seems so... rigid, not flexible at all. He only cares for the school book solution."

"He is very religious," Devlin said. "I didn't care for how religious he was. That's one of the reasons we broke up."

"A person can't live without religion."

"In this country you can be as religious as you want. I thought his Church controlled him, and through him they wanted to control me."

"You are too independent to let that happen," Rani said.

"Yeah, well, it almost did. I have a different boyfriend, now, and I choose not to see Jeff. I would appreciate it if you did not mention me to him."

Rani nodded. "As you wish. He is in one of my study groups, too. A girl picks him up afterwards. I do not think he cares for her the same way he talks of you."

"I think their church told her to be his girlfriend," Devlin said. "Anyway, that's in the past."

"In my country I have seen far too many become slaves to their religion," Rani said as she gathered her things together. "I do not think that is the fault of their religion, but in how some people interpret their religion.

"Thank you for setting my mind at ease, Devlin. I was worried that Vijay might want to see you in private. He likes you a great deal."

"I won't let that happen," Devlin replied. "I see Doug away from the parties, but we don't have sex together."

"You do not?" Rani's eyes widened in surprise. "That seems... odd."

"It's just the way it is. I think we both prefer it that way. As I said, I do have a boyfriend, Rani, he's just not here."

"Ah, then that is why you go to the parties. A girl needs the attention you get at these parties. It is not as satisfying as doing it by yourself."

"In part."

"So no one man at those parties..."

"After a while, aren't all men alike?"

"They all want the same thing," Rani said, her dark eyes crinkling as she smiled. "Occasionally you can find one who is not that way. I hope your boyfriend is that way, Devlin." She glanced toward the door. "I will see you next week. And I will tell Vijay what you said."

"I'll tell him again," Devlin said, "at the party."

Rani smiled and headed for the door. Devlin slumped in her seat. This was one of those things about the lifestyle that outsiders didn't understand. The lifestyle was a chance to cut loose and have fun. It wasn't a way to meet guys, and it certainly wasn't a way to start a relationship on the side. A lot of couples went into the lifestyle thinking it would fix anything wrong in their marriage, only to find that the exact opposite occurred.

The lifestyle was only for those people who were secure in their relationships. In that regard she was both lucky and an anomaly. In any ordinary social situation a single woman was seen as looking for a husband. That was even more the case at a lifestyle party. She wasn't, but it wasn't because of Jeff or even Evan. She liked getting laid, and if she wasn't going to be a 'kept woman', a mistress like she'd sort of been with Danny for so long, her only recourse was the dating scene. And life in the dorms had certainly taught her the problems that came with that approach.

On any given night she could talk with anyone on her floor and hear about something a guy had done, or hadn't done. Everyone, it seemed, was looking for a boyfriend. Some of the girls seemed to have impossibly high standards. Every guy they met failed to measure up in some way or other: they were too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, or some other quirk. Some had the wrong major--here she smiled, because there were only so many doctors and lawyers to go around--or the right major, but didn't pick up on the clues the girl dropped. At times it seemed as if most of the girls on her floor were more interested in finding a potential husband than learning anything in college, and failing miserably at it.

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Sarah loves being a negative attention seeking shock value slut so she is our number 7We're back in the nation’s capital. This time we’re outside a large hospital. A small group of nurses are grabbing a smoke just off the hospital grounds. One of them – youngish, slim, and looking particularly good in her uniform, turns away from the group and walks over toward the camera. She has a wide toothy smile, red cheeks, pointy nose and a high forehead, all framed with silky brunette hair tied back in...

4 years ago
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my girldfriend leave me and i did this D

Hello i want to tell all you this small history, i think is nice and a good memories:It was around 2007 to 2008 year, i was living with a woman for few years but we had many fights all the time, everyone here that have read my other post, know that i wear like a girl in private since i was lik 13 old ( no one would know it) and well, when i was with this girlfriend since i had 23 i think, i stopped to wear as girl because " respect". But things never went right, always fights, lies and more in...

2 years ago
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Owned CoupleChapter 12

We started driving towards downtown. We got onto the freeway, and I was at least glad we had some clothing on, so we would not run into anymore trouble, like we did the night before. I tried to keep my eyes forward while we were on the freeway, lest I be spotted by someone I knew. It didn't stop me from peeking every once in a while, as, one time, we passed an elderly couple. The man driving seemed to oogle at my wife, then, looked right at me. At first, he had the same look. Then, realizing...

3 years ago
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Movie Listings 4

Silver Cinema 16 listings and show times for November 21st - November 26th ***NOTICE*** Silver Cinema Theaters will be CLOSED on Black Thursday, November 27th so our employees can spend time shopping with their families. THE SORORITY SURPRISE Comedy - Rated R - 105 Minutes - Starring: Kevin McCall, Julio Juarez, Mandy McLean Frank and Dave are 18 year old best friends who have just arrived on the campus of Greenstone College to start their freshman year. They...

1 year ago
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Hot Asian GF does A2M

I was living in China and had a local gf for some time. She wasn't the best looking of the lot, but she had a smoking asian body; perfect skin, perfect small frame, and surprisingly c-cup tits and a nice round ass. She was 24 at the time. While she had been with 2 partners before, she had never given head or received anal. These were initiated in short time, but I'll never forget the first night I got her to mix the two together. I had always played with her ass with my fingers and had her lick...

2 years ago
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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 10

The Ghoul Attack on Remza in Sub-Universe Recta 6 “Colonel what are we seeing on the holograms?” Supreme Admiral Bilulus Gelex asked her aide Emrix Normalux. “Sir, ahead of us I see a miserable defensive fleet of two battleships, six cruisers and eight destroyers. There are some scattered frigates. A long way behind us near the orbit of the eighth planet I see two large ships. In front I cannot see planetary defenses. Atarax sent a message as we arrived and informs us the ships we see...

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You8217re such a Pig

Hello babes and boys. This is Abhishek Singh 20 male from Delhi again. I’m back for all of you who have supported me for writing the stories and praising it to the core. The stories which I post here are not real. They are made by me for your enjoyment. “You are such a pig,” Kyla exclaimed as she shook her head at me. My sister’s cute little brunette friend was miffed at me for trying to hook the front of her halter-top in order to check out her lovely, perky breasts. “Aww, come on, don’t be...

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HannahChapter 27 The world turns

Christmas that year was loving and enjoyable. After our gift exchange Christmas day, Lisbeth had gone to Kayla's house to spend the night. Anyone care to guess what they were planning? Or doing? I thought not. I kept my nose out of it too. Mom was visiting friends in Bismarck, and she'd said she'd be home late. Donny and I were sitting near the fireplace, enjoying the quiet companionship of simply being close to one another. I had a brandy snifter in my hand, and Donny was drinking...

4 years ago
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Changing to a new school

by po469 My name is Tony. I had gone to the same schools in the San Fernando Valley from the time I started school. There were almost 300 kids in each grade. As everyone knows Southern California is the place for beautiful beach bunnies and a free life style. Now I was about to start my senior year of high school and my father has moved us to Oklahoma because his company has given him the top job in their branch here. I have been told that my class will have 35 kids in it. I was...

3 years ago
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Natural Beauty

“Woo hoo! I’ve got a date! Finally a real, proper date!” Ellen dropped her phone onto the table and punched the air, “You little beauty!!” Her fleeting reverie was interrupted by a tinny, laughing voice from the table, “Ellen? Ellen! I’m still here.” “Bob? Is that you?” Ellen looked around, confused, until she noticed that the screen of her iPhone was still lit up. “Oh shit, fuck!” she cursed, bringing it back to her ear, she’d never been much good with technology, “Bob?” “Well,” he laughed...

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Read before you sign pt7

Six months had passed since Samantha became Paula's slave. The young woman was in her bedroom naked looking at the mirror. She had changed a lot in the past six months.Her breasts were now A cups. Her waist was now narrow with her hips widening, her ass was round and filled out. It was wasn't a big ass, but it jiggled when Paula fucked her.Samantha's face changed as her cheekbones became more define and her face became a lot softer and feminine as did the rest of her body. Her lips did receive...

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My Trip With Lauren Part 7

Sometime during the night I remember taking a shower and cleaning the sweat and combined cum off of me, Lauren of course joined me and we fucked in there again. I think we made love 4 times, maybe only three, I don't really remember. No, it was definitely 4 times if we count the second shower. Anyway, it was morning. The daylight was coming in through the open window and I felt a warm wet mouth on my cock and Lauren's head resting on my shoulder, her hair slightly over her face and across my...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 67

After a rather exhausting night, Brent and Emma both slept soundly that night, Emma falling asleep in Brent’s arms, him spooning her from behind. Neither stirred until the next morning when the alarm sounded on Brent’s phone. Silencing it, he looked at the time. “Oh shit!” he said, pulling away and swinging his legs to the floor. “I have to be at work in forty-five minutes! And I still have to get Bruiser home!” Emma stirred and yawned as she stretched. “Don’t fret. Just hop in the shower...

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Kenyan FantasyChapter 3

I put on a tight red dress that was well above my knee along with my ‘fuck me red heels’. I didn’t bother with a bra and put on a red thong which didn’t really do a great deal in covering my cunt. I went down to the hotel bar and Jane was already sitting at a table. I sat down at the table and my skirt rode up, a lot of leg was on show as she said, “you look up for it” and laughed. Immediately the waiter was at the table. I hadn’t seen him before, but he was similar to the rest. Black as...

2 years ago
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Jaimes Way part 3

As Jeff closed the door he grabbed me by the hand and spun me around, pulling my nude body close to his, breathing in my perfume before locking his lips over mine. My fingers found the button on his jeans and opened them with urgency, more than a little pleased when his huge cock sprung out. “Damn, I want you so badly, Jaime,” Jeff moaned when he broke the kiss. “I'm yours to do with as you please,” I answered and wondered where that cheesy line had come from. Pulling his jeans and shorts down,...

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Adventure in Longwood Day 05

I wake with the sky, the birds making noise to greet the light sounding a bit anxious. I get up and look out the window to see nothing I look above to see a nest and a bird coaxing the little birds to fly. I sing a prayer that the birds fly, all but one take off and swoop about. The one that does not fly almost has it, still falls toward the ground the wings out trying then just before hitting the ground gets it right. I am smiling as I pull back in to the room to see Dan looking at me. ...

1 year ago
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Aroused Nudists

All of a sudden I became aware that here were my wife and I, both totally stark naked, talking to a total stranger that was fully clothed. It wasn’t the total stranger part that caught my interest as much as the totally clothed part. My wife and I have been social naturists for the past 15 years and have practised the liberating lifestyle at naturist resorts, clubs, beaches and waterfalls in over 10 countries to date. We continue to enjoy the exhilaration that naturism gives and the privilege...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Having a birthday during a worldwide pandemic makes celebrating a challenge. No going out to eat or getting together with friends. It is the third week of working from home with no social interaction. Going to the store for necessary items gets more stressful with each trip and the restaurants are only serving takeout. My wife told me if I wanted a present or card to pick one up on a trip to the store as she is not going out till this is over.My birthday arrives, and I am working from home in...

4 years ago
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Neighbor GirlChapter 7 Shower

"What the hell?" I questioned as I stood naked in the bathtub and worked the faucets. First the cold water and then I tried the hot. Neither worked! The faucets produced no results. "What's the matter?" Katie questioned from the other side of the door. "Water's out!" I informed her. "We might have a break. It's probably the City!" The lack of water did not come as a total surprise. This was the third time since we moved in. The first time was a backhoe at new construction site....

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Started small

The day before this all started, I was mowing the yard and cut off one of the pop-up sprinkler heads that had stuck up. I told my husband about it that night and he said it was my problem to fix because I should have been paying better attention when I was mowing. “Besides” he said, “I’m going fishing with the guys tomorrow morning and we won’t be back for 2 days. I’m sure you can replace it because you’ve helped me do it before.” It was already warm at 8:00 the next morning so I put on...

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Helping Mum

I knocked on my mum's bedroom door."Mum, can I come in.""What do you want", my mum called back."I just have to get something from your bathroom.""Come in, but make it quick."I opened the door and entered her room. My mum was in jeans that covered her belly button. On top she had nothing on but a white lacy bra. Mums tits were 38 D. My mum was no skinny lady. She was a size 14, so she still looked good. I loved what I saw but did not stare. I went to the bathroom in her room, got my hair...

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Biwi Ki Hawas

Mera naam rahul hai ye lagbhag 2 saal purani baat hai mai ek bade company me general manager ki naukri karta tha mere mata pita ne mere saadi k liye ladki dekhna suru kar diya tha unhone meri saadi ek sundar ladki naam avani se saadi karai dekhne me ekdam sudaul badan 36” ki chhati chharhara badan aur bahut hi sundar maine suhagraat ko use 5 baar Choda usne bhi mera pura saath diya aise hi 3-4 mahine gujre ek din meri biwi ne kaha ki mujhe blue film dekhna hai mai achambhit ho gaya phir bhi...

4 years ago
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All down the line

After going to the sex club a number of times, and taking part in some seriously hot orgies, my girlfriend and I had been invited to join a special group. This group was made up of five other couples, and one Thursday night a month, we had the club all to ourselves.The 12 of us – six guys and six girls, would meet up to fulfill the wildest fantasy of a different member each month. Whosever turn it was, whatever they wanted, the rest of us gave it to them. Tonight, it was out turn.The 12 of...

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Two totally different parties

Two totally different parties.Now for the truth part, all about myself and my life.I am Mrs Tina Jones, 48 and married to my one and only man, we have two sons, the oldest is 20 and the youngest being 18.We have had what you can describe as a normal life, live in a semi detached house, have one holiday a year. Even our love life was normal, would never do anything silly or crazy, but I suppose that was down to me, not wanting to try anything new, I could put that down to me not having a very...

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The Night Manager1

She arrived at the grocery store and quickly found a place to park. She pulled her shopping list out of her purse and started making her way around the store. Flour is here, the wine is there, need another package of butter. She was briskly making her way through these last minute items until she came to the last item on her list. She pushed her shopping cart to the appropriate aisle, looking for the black olives; she needed them for her famous pizza. Finding them, she was a bit surprised at...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 460

After closing time at the bar, the Newfie was proudly showing off his new apartment to a couple of his friends. He led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong and a mallet. "What's up with the big brass gong?" one of the guests asked. "It's not a gong. It's a talking clock," the Newfie replied. "A talking clock? Seriously?" asked his astonished friend. "Yup," replied the Newfie. "How's it work?" the friend asked, squinting at it. "Watch," the Newfie...

1 year ago
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My Visit To Miami

I flew into Miami International on a typical south Florida day. As I headed for the car rental desk I thought about all I had heard about South Beach. I was jolted back to reality by the clerk welcome and I handed over my papers. He quickly told me my car would be around shortly. As we completed the necessary paperwork he said there she is. He proceeded to offer his hopes for a good trip and also told me if there was anything I needed during my stay to not hesitate to call and gave me his card....

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A New Style of Education Part 25

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 25 I watched as Jill and Anna descended on a brunette American girl, with them all embracing like long lost friends; which I knew they were. In the distance I saw Mr Hobson and Julia watching, with the person who appeared to be the head of the American school. "What's going on?" asked Paula, surprised at the events unfolding in front of her eyes. "I'm sure that Jill or Anna will introduce you in a minute," I said with a big grin on...

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With the Windows Open

The bed being empty had not been a problem to create her sleeping problem. Even when her ex-husband was in their bed, he was never present. He was there to touch but never there to hold. He was never there to comfort or offer constructive conversation. He would not talk but yell and belittle. He would more often than not crawl his vile body onto hers, finish his deed and then roll over and snore so loudly it gave her a headache. He did not even bother to clean himself off causing there to be a...

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Interviewinghellip Jessica

Interviewing… JessicaAuthor: Bonercreator69I’ve always been a huge Jessica Ennis fan. Ever since she won the Olympics in 2012, though, the hottest British athlete has been in high demand. It’s always been a dream for me to meet one of my favourite women and finally the opportunity has arisen. My very own TV show, interviewing famous women from the world of sport, and who was my first guest, none other than Jessica Ennis. This woman’s arse had been the centre of many men’s affections over the...

3 years ago
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Shailja pandey ki chudai

ISS ke readers ko mera “hello”. Jaisa ki aapne padha hoga ki mera naam shailja hai. Main ek shadi shuda aurat hun. Mere pati vinod ek private company mein kaam karte hain.pehle main net nahi use karti thi. Par jab iss ke bare meinpata chala to sach mein ye apni sacchi dastaan iss ke readers ko sunane ka platform hai.maine B.A tak ki padhai ki hai. Ye kahaninahin balki meri sachhi dastaan hai jo mere saath hui aaj se ek saal pehle.mein 32 saal ki hun aur dekhne mein kaafi young lagti hun.main...

4 years ago
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A night with Rachel

“So how many of your girlfriends have you been in bed with?” she asked “Considering I only had 3 girlfriends all throughout high school and into college 2. The second one was a good catholic girl thinking that sex was for making babies and not pleasure and the sex should only be after marriage” I said “Well that sucks. Too many of them are around now days. They all need to learn the sheer pleasure of sex” she mumbled as she took a sip of her wine. “How many guys have you fucked?” I...

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Love Music

Robyn arched her back, her thighs tightened around Leith’s, her eyes were closed, breathing coming in deep, heavy pantings, she put her hands out to him, clutched at his arms, pushed her hips to his, her firm, fullish breasts, flushed pink, moving slightly up and down on her chest, the pleasantly, painfully hardened nipples seemed to be screaming bite me, she gasped. Leith bent his head to hers, her lips gripped at his tongue, pulling it into her mouth, he felt her tightening more and more...

1 year ago
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Special Delivery Part Eight

As Jamie slowly opened her eyes, she quickly became aware of two things: One. She was completely naked and lying on the living room floor. Two. There was a rather loud revving sound coming from somewhere under the house. She slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. The fire was going strong in the fireplace and she could smell the sweet and invigorating smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. She looked next to her expecting to see Brian, but he was nowhere to be seen. The revving...

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Visit to Aunt Vicky Ch 1

I was 18, and had just graduated from high school. This was my last summer of freedom before going off to college. I had never really had a serious girlfriend in high school, so I was looking forward to going off to college and losing my virginity finally. I was going to be going to one of the biggest party schools in the state, so I was counting the days until college started. The summer had just begun, graduation had only occurred a couple weeks ago, and there was quite a bit of time to do...

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Adam and Eve part 4

Adam and Eve (The autobiography of a teenage Cross Dresser) This story is sexually explicit. Part 2 The Circle of Love Who's been sleeping in my bed Toad Hall was having a themed weekend culminating in a ball on the Sunday evening. The theme was a Hercule Poirot murder mystery set in the 1920's and the ball was to be a Flappers Ball. The recently released Great Gatsby movie had made this era popular. Babs and I would be working there and had to wear flapper dresses on the...

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ShawnChapter 18

I went to the clinic and picked up my other bag and filled it with drugs, bandages, tape and sutures. The bodies of our patients littered the rooms and hallways. Inside, I cried again at the sight of the dead, but it was the living who still required my help as much as I needed help too. My mind searched within the house and found some old women who had escaped detection in the basement along with some of the younger children. I went to the basement and called down telling that all who I...

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 75 Settling In To A New Life

The sound of the bedroom door opening woke her several hours later. "Oh my god!" she heard Monique's voice say. "I forgot that you two..." Lissa glanced up, and saw Monique standing in the doorway, looking embarrassed. "Well this is a little awkward," said Alya, and Lissa realized that her new girlfriend was also awake. Then both girls burst out laughing. "Caught in the act," Lissa said. "Don't worry, Monique. We're finished in here. You didn't interrupt anything." "I'll...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 76 Getting It All Out in the Open

December 1984, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning after breakfast, my usual call to Karin, and a call to Katt and Mikael, I dialed Doctor Bauer’s home number. A woman answered and called him to the phone. “Hi Doctor Bauer, this is Steve Adams. I’m sorry to bother you at home but I have some critical information about the cheating scandal that you need to know right away. I have a couple of people who will testify about what they know about it. One of them is from the University of Chicago,...

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First Encounter Part 50

I release your nipple from its confines between my lips. They are so hard right. There is a definite flush to your upper chest, too. Another wonderful indicator. So nice of you to advertise your desire. I decide that I will leave the examination of your torso and legs until you are on the bed. I’m sure that your arms are getting tired right now, along with your legs getting a bit wobbly. You have been enduring this quite well. “Hands behind your head. Move your hair up and away...

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NikkiChapter 9

The next morning started with a little soft music on the clock radio, a wake-up snuggle, and then it was off to business at hand. Forty-five minutes later I was kissing my wife as I headed out the door and she waited on a school bus. I drove up the road, thinking all was good with the world, mulling over the idea that I'd left a new fifteen year old wife waiting on a school bus. I didn't get too far, though, before my phone chimed that tune that was "Nikki": "Fur Elise". "Hello,...

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Pay it Forward and other drabbles

Pay it Forward by Incognito, Jackie Blue and Abdul Part 1 by Incognito 2146. The development of nano-modification had come far enough for people to change both their bodies and minds with the help of technology. However, lawmakers quickly saw the dangers of this. To be able to modify ones own body - or someone else's mind - at will had gigantic moral implications, and it needed to be controlled. It was decided that as long as the changes were registered, physical modification should...

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The First Futa

John and Martha had finally settled down. It had been tough, and John still wouldn't talk about Vietnam, but he'd managed to find work, unlike many of his brothers in arms. Martha was supportive, helping keep the families finances in line by working as a typist, but the pregnancy that had been growing since their joyous reunion had been slowing her down. John had wanted a son, and his face lit up every time they talked about the child thriving in Martha, every time he saw the bump in her...

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My Second Girlfriend A True Story

My Second Girlfriend, A True StoryThis is a true story about the second girlfriend I ever had, and the first time we fucked. My cock was rock hard in my pants as I drove to her house. We had been dating a few weeks now. A chance encounter had led to a friendship, which had led to soft kisses, which had progressed to frenching, which had progressed to me getting to feel and eventually see her soft 34C breasts, which had progressed to her inviting me to her house for what I hoped would soon be an...

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Arbeiten mit Rohypnol

Unsere Tochter ist seit 2 Jahren, ihrem 18. Geburtstag, mit einem jungen Studenten eng befreundet. Da sein Studienort mehr als 200 Km von uns weg liegt, besuchen sie sich abwechselnd über das Wochenende. Wenn er bei uns ist. sehen wir beide kaum, da sie fast permanet im Bett sind. Vor 1 Woche überraschte Katja uns mit der Nachricht, sie wolle ein Kind. Alle Versuche, sie davon abzubringen, schlugen fehl. Mir wurde ganz anders, als ich zum ersten Mal bewußt daran dachte, dass Sven katja...

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