LuciChapter 12 free porn video

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I had been staring at the same passage in the email for close to 10 minutes now, and it was not making any more sense than the first time I had read it. Maybe I needed more coffee. I was already on my third cup and it was just helping me to stay focused on the job at hand, but was not helping me understand what I was reading. I was beginning to suspect the problem was me. I decided to send it to print. Maybe seeing it in hard copy would help my comprehension.

I had left Fay and Luci snuggled together, both very much asleep and come to work in the wee hours in an attempt to get something done. I had lost most of Wednesday and it was going to take all my focus to get back in the game. At least there was some good news. My office had been unsealed at some point yesterday and while it still looked like a tornado had blown through, it was accessible and that is what mattered. I had spent about an hour putting it back into something of a workable fashion. Eric had set me back more than a little bit. He had smashed two key machines on my workbench, one of which was the email gateway for Craig's project; the other was my log server. Fortunately, he had missed or did not know about my backup server which had snapshots of each of the other boxes on it. So, while I would loose time rebuilding some hardware, most of the work that Luci had done since we started this project was safe. I started moving the requisite information off to DVD and set about responding to the emails that had piled up in my absence.

I was rereading one from Jason about the state of the database when someone knocked on my door. People had been flowing in and out of the spaces for some time I just had not really been paying much attention.

"Yes," I said, sort of looking up.

"I am looking for Mr. Preston," she said with a bit of a question in her voice and I could not remember if my name was outside my door or not. She was an average looking woman, maybe mid-thirties with strawberry blond hair cut close to her head. She was dressed in a blue suit, skirt falling to below her knee, white shell. Her jewelry and makeup were normal and it looked like her shoes needed a shine. She was generally unremarkable. She was also not a member of the IT department.

"You found him, although, these spaces are restricted. How did you get in here?" I asked, indicating she should come in. The office was almost back to its normal state of chaos and she took in the mess with a critical eye as she made her way to my desk.

"Ms. Eaton gave me the code, sir," she said. Where Patricia got the code, I was not even going to speculate. Our door code was one of the most closely guarded secrets in the company (or so we liked to think). Security had a key, so they did not need it. I suspect Jerry had given it to Patricia, or maybe Missy. I would have to have it changed. It should have been done already, but I suspect someone had overlooked it and we were down two people. I typed up a quick email, having forgotten about the person in my office until she interrupted me again.

"Mr. Preston? I am Tanya Ridgeland. Your assistant," she said, extending a hand. I noticed she had a small pad of paper in the other one.

"My what?" I asked standing slightly and taking her hand. She was married the light glinted off the diamond in its setting as I sat back down and indicated that she should do the same.

"Your assistant, sir," she said again, in a clear voice.

"You must have the wrong Mr. Preston," I said as my phone started ringing.

"Gary Preston," I said answering it.

"Good morning, Gary," Maureen's voice sighed across the line. Did I mention she has a sexy voice to go with her body?

"Good morning, yourself. How did you sleep? Or did you get any?" I asked.

"Wonderfully, and you?"

"I am on my third cup of coffee and I cannot make heads or tails out of an email Louise sent me. I think it is written in English, but I have read legal briefs that are more to the point. Is she in yet by the way?"

"I did not notice," she responded. "But you have to come up here anyway so we can finish your office preparations."

"Fat chance," I said with a small laugh. "I just got back into my office, which still looks like a tornado went through it. I lost two machines to the little shit and that will take me the bulk of the day to replace and I am three days behind on Craig's email project, which I owe him a status report on yesterday. What's that line? No one get's 10 minutes today." I had already sent an email over to Jerry asking permission to spend a couple of hundred of the company's money to go and get some new machines off the shelf. If he approved it, I would not be able to start until after lunch. If he did not approve it, then I would have to go and scrounge hardware, which meant I still would have to submit a purchase order for new standby machines. I made a note on my pad as Maureen continued talking to me.

"Then I will come down there, but we really need to get this done Gary," she said, her voice firm as if she was not going to take no for an answer. Nikki chose that moment to walk in, two cups of coffee in her hand and put one down in front of me, looking at the Tanya sitting in the chair.

"Maureen, I don't need an office. The one I have is just fine, thank you, albeit a little messy at the moment," I could see Nikki nodded enthusiastically out of the corner of my eye, the brat.

"Gary, you are an officer of the company now," she said, like it would actually have an affect on my stance, "and as such, you need to have an office as befits your position."

"Maureen, you are not listening to me. While I may be an officer on some mythical org chart, at the moment, I am a technician who is way behind in his work, work that the CEO of the company expects me to have done in a timely manner and is not willing to listen to trivial excuses about why it isn't done. I still have a phone, desk, chair and data drop. This is all I need in an office. That and six bookcases," I amended.

"Gary, you don't understand... ," she started before I cut her off.

"Maureen, I don't mean to be rude, but I really do not have time for this today. I am hip deep in alligators and the boat is sinking. I will talk to you later. I'm sorry," I hung up the phone and looked up. Nikki had seen the look before and you could see her shifting as she went from brat to professional.

"Luci called. She should be here in about 10 minutes," she said. "Also, Janice needs to speak with you about Patricia's old machine and security cleared Eric's machine for reformatting."

"Tell Janice to stick her head in when she get's a minute and go ahead and reformat Eric's machine. Make sure you wipe the disk a couple of times before you do though," I said and she nodded sagely.

"Already wiping, sir," she said. She almost never called me sir. I must be grumpy today, or she was trying to be professional. She had on khakis and a red departmental golf shirt. She rarely wore red. Her diamonds glinted from her ears.

"Go then, get," I made shooing motions with me hand which got me a mock salute. "And thanks for the coffee," I said before she cleared the door.

"You're welcome," she replied. "I will collect the fee later." A class-A brat. Tanya was still sitting in front of my desk.

"At the risk of sounding rude Mrs. Ridgeland, go away. I have neither the time, nor the need for an assistant. I have more than enough help already," I turned back to reading through Louise's email and it was beginning to make some sense. I also sensed that Tanya had not moved from her position. I glanced up. There was a look of almost shock on her face. Janice chose that moment to stick her head in the door.

"Got a sec?" she asked.

"No, but I hear you need more than that, so come on in, everyone else seems to be," I sat back in my chair in a sort of dejected slump.

"You look beat, Gary. Did Fay keep you up late last night?" She had a quirk to her smile and we both knew what she meant, which got a little bit of a smile out of me.

"Yes, she did," I responded, reaching for my coffee.

"Hi, I'm Janice," she said, extending a hand to Tanya.

"Sorry, my CPU is slow this morning. Janice Williams, head of application support, this is Tanya Ridgeland," I said by way of introduction.

"Mr. Preston's assistant," she added helpfully.

I could see Janice trying not to laugh. "I thought that was Luci's job," she said looking at me with a smirk.

"I believe she means administrative assistant," I said. "Since I have not seen a resume and I do not hire anyone to assist me with out a resume or some sort of bona fides. Patricia and I will have words when I have a moment to deal with it," I concluded.

"Speaking of Patricia," Janice said all business and having seen me grumpy before, knew better than to go down any road too far. "Her infected machine has been released by security for rebuild and I will put Nikki on that."

"I just put her on a rebuild of Eric's machine," I said. "What is her workload like?"

"Not too high at the moment, why?"

"Thinking outside the box," I responded. "Patricia has a machine now. Will it hold her?"

"It should. You have a plan." she said. No need to ask the question.

"Yes, I do. I have to cut an order for about a dozen new machines, mostly for standby purposes, but a few upgrades as well are needed. What is one more?" I reasoned.

"Who needs them?" she asked. I rattled off a bunch of people that I knew were in the pipeline for new machines plus where the hot spares were most likely needed.

"Any particular specs?" She asked.

"No, standard stuff will do. Check with Patricia and see if she wants anything beyond normal. I am waiting for Jerry to get back to me on a question I put in this morning and I will cut the PO." I said, making another note.

"Don't bother, I can do that," Janice said. "You have enough going on right now without having to do that. It wouldn't be the first time I covered your load."

"Thank you, Janice, I appreciate it. Consider it delegated. I will get you some final numbers later this morning I hope."

"Let me know. I will drop Patricia's machine off with Nikki then," she said with wave as she headed out of the office.

I heard Luci in the hall before she got to my door.

"Good morning, Gary," she said, far too bright and chipper for this hour of the morning, even though it was close to 9 AM.

"Good morning yourself," I tried not to grumble. "Sleep well?" She looked beautiful as always. She was wearing khakis and a powder blue shirt, her hair bounced, revealing little hoops in her ears as she sat down in my other guest chair and looked over at Tanya.

"Luci Phelps, Tanya Ridgeland," I said, making the introduction. "Luci, we have a problem. Eric smashed the gateway server. I have a backup of the configurations, but no machine to run it on yet. I have a 'funding request' in to Jerry as we speak."

"That little..." I held up a hand forestalling her further outburst. I agreed, but there was not much more that we could do about it.

"I know. Go and get some coffee and see what else around here is in need of your tender mercies. I have a plateful at the moment. If we get approval, I will call you."

"OK. You need anything?" she asked with a grin.

"No, thank you. I have everything I need and then some," I replied.

"Pleased to meet you, Tanya. Stay out of trouble, Gary," she said and left the office.

Minx, I thought to myself. I needed to see Louise. That would mean going upstairs, which would put me in Maureen's gun sights as well, but it could not be helped if I was going to be able to answer the issues Louise had raised. I also had to talk to Patricia about my "assistant" who was still sitting in front of my desk. I reached over and picked up the phone and dialed Louise's number.

"Louise Hampton," she said picking up the phone on the second ring.

"Good morning, Louise. I have spent several minutes trying to understand your email and I think I have figured out what you want to know, but a face-to-face would be better then trying to frame an email back. Have you got a moment and when?" I asked.

"Good morning, Gary. Come on up. For you, I have more than a few minutes," she said.

"Great. Give me five minutes and I will be there," I said before hanging up the phone.

I picked up the email and took a look at the office. It needed more than five minutes worth of work and so I decided to ignore it. Tanya stood up when I did. I was going to have my own shadow. Without a word I walked out of the office and she followed me to the elevators.

"Why don't you like me," she asked while we waited for the elevators.

"I don't not like you," I responded. "I just have no need for an assistant, at least, not one that is not well schooled in technology. Further, I resent having anyone thrust at me to fill a position that does not need filling."

"But, sir, I was told you are the Chief Technology Officer," she said.

"That is the current rumor, yes," I responded as we stepped into the elevator.

"As such, you need to have someone to answer your phone and manage your schedule," she seemed to have this down to a science.

"No, actually, I don't. What I need is someone to procure and rebuild two severs, install software and get my project back on track," she was about to open her mouth and I continued on, "which is Ms. Phelp's job. One she is more than sufficiently trained to do. Beyond that I am quite capable of managing my own calendar and answering my own phone, something anyone in this company should be able to do with out assistance." I climbed down off my soapbox as the elevator doors opened. Rather than heading for Louise's office, I walked around to Patricia's office.

"Good morning, Gary," she said brightly when I knocked on her door. "What can I do for you this morning?"

"Good morning, Patricia. You know Mrs. Ridgeland?" I asked.

"Of course," she responded.

"Good, then I am sure you can find her something as befits her skills," I said, turning and leaving without a second glance. She may have called after me, but I was not in the mood.

I found Louise in her office and we sat down to tackle the problem she had laid out before me. It was not that it was complicated. It was, but not overly so. It was the arcane mechanics she was going through to make it happen. It took us about two hours to hammer through the issues. In that time we came to a series of conclusions. The first was that the accounting system we used was so byzantine that we were probably expending money instead of saving it following the procedures we had to follow to get from one point to the other. The second conclusion was that her solution to some of the technical issues was too simplistic and would take more effort than she had envisioned. It could be done, just with more effort and I would provide her with a better estimate of what was involved to pull it off. The third conclusion was that we worked well together. We set a tentative meeting for tomorrow morning to review the extra work I estimated it would take and left it at that. Maureen caught me coming out of Louise's office. Well, I knew I was not going to get away totally free. She invited me into her office.

"I really don't have time Maureen," I said as I slumped into her couch. The conversation with Louise had drained me and I was thinking about an early lunch.

"You are going to have to make time, Gary," she said. "I have an email here from Patricia that says you don't like your assistant? What's that all about?"

"I am not sure what you are talking about," I said, playing dumb. "Luci is a fabulous assistant. She has initiative, takes chances. She moves things forward. I would say she was after my job, if I had a job she would be interested in."

"Smart ass," Maureen said with a slight grin. "I meant Tanya."


"Tanya Ridgeland, the woman who is to be your administrative assistant," she said.

"She knows nothing about administration," I replied. "At least not that I have seen. Of course, no one slid a resume past me. Does she have any certifications? How long has she been in the business? How many OSs does she know?"

Maureen paused for a moment and really looked at me. "You didn't get much sleep last night did you?" she asked.

"No, but that has nothing to do with the conversation," I replied.

"No, you're right, it doesn't. But I notice you dig your heels in when you are tired."

"And behind," I mentioned. "Anything else?"

She sat and looked at me for a moment. She was wearing grey wool slacks and a light weight brown sweater with 3/4 length sleeves. It looked very good on her, but I was trying not to look at her.

"No, Gary, nothing else for the moment," she said. I took it as a dismissal and headed back down to my office. I took the stairs so I would not have to wait for the elevator. I was back in my office a few minutes later and working on the issues Louise and I had pounded out.

"You need to eat," I heard Luci say from my doorway. I was not really conscious of what time it was.

"Sorry, not today," I replied. I heard her walk around my desk.

"My sweet, darling, dunderhead," she said with some force spinning me around to look at her. "You have had nothing but coffee since dinner last night, and I believe you mentioned that you did not eat anything substantial the day before, at least nothing that contained calories," she corrected. "So, put on your coat and let us go and get some lunch. It is almost one o'clock."

She must be taking lessons from Fay. I decided that giving in to her would be easier than fighting with her. To emphasize the point, my stomach chose that moment to grumble.

"See, I knew I was right," she said smugly

Nikki was waiting for us by the elevators and we rode down together, my arm around each one of them. We took my car, since it already had seating cleared for three, well four really, but Ellen's seat was always clear and drove around the corner. The hostess seated us and took our order and left us to ponder the menu. I was hungry, I discovered as I sorted out the options I had to choose from for lunch. Nikki and Luci were both sitting across from me, their toes dancing on my legs. It was a fun lunch with a lot of innuendo and lust looks all around the table.

Jerry caught up to me as we were coming off the elevator and we went back around to his office.

"How many PCs do you need?" he asked.

"Well, I had two damaged, there are six that are needed for upgrades and another six as hot stand-bys, so that is 14."

"Make it an even 2 dozen then and we will start the rolling upgrades," he said.

"Twenty-four PCs it is," I said as I left for Janice's office where I let her know the total.

"Thanks. You better go up and see Patricia," she said.

"Oh?" I asked.

"When two rocks collide against each other, there is bound to be some friction," she said pointedly. "You and she are cut from the same cloth. Go see her it will do you some good."

"Yes, ma'am," I responded and headed back upstairs.

I knocked on Patricia's door and she motioned me in while she finished typing an email. When she finished she turned to me.

"I screwed up didn't I," she asked in a quiet voice. Instead of responding I got up and gently closed her door.

"I am not used to people doing my work for me," I responded and that got a laugh.

"Tell you what," she said. "I won't assign you an assistant again without at least letting you review the resume. Deal?"

I walked over to her and bent down and kissed her. She wrapped her fingers in my hair and I kneeled down so we were on the same level. I broke the kiss and cupped her cheek. "Deal," I said.

"I understand you lost two servers," she said, changing gears on me.

"Two workstations really," I said standing back up. "Jerry's approved the purchase of some new machines and they should be here in a week."

"When will we see the PDAs working?"

"Well, I have scrounged all the hardware that is left, I think," I said, trying to remember if there was a PC somewhere that I had missed. "The short answer is no time soon I am afraid."

"Sorry, darling," she said, standing up and molding body to mine. "That is not good enough. Craig will skin both of us," she continued, leaning in to kiss me again. Our tongues fought a small skirmish while our hands floated over each other's body. Patricia has a delicate ass, and it seems like she had forgotten her panties again as I floated my finger up and down the crack.

"Now, enough of that," she said, breaking the kiss and capturing my hand with her own. "Where is your coat?"

"In my office," I replied, half in question and half in statement.

"Go and get it and I will meet you in the lobby," she said, reaching for her own coat.

"OK," I said. She had me curious, so I decided that doing what she told me to do was the better part of valor. I rode down to the 4th floor and picked up my coat and returned in time to catch the same elevator that Patricia was in. Unfortunately, there were a couple of other people on it as well so we had to behave ourselves.

We walked out into the cold February afternoon and I followed her to her car, parked near the entrance to the building. She tossed me the keys and I unlocked the passenger door for her and held it open before walking around to the driver side and sliding behind the wheel.

"OK, so where are we going?" I asked as I put the keys in the ignition. Maybe if I was good she would let me drive her Z when it warmed up.

"To which ever computer store you frequent and will have the parts or boxes or whatever you need to get back on track," she said. "And no argument," she continued as I was about to do just that. Rather than argue, I started up the car and headed for the computer store Luci and I had visited barely a week before.

Same as Luci
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The stream of pre cum, translucent and shiny glistened in the sunshine as it hung from the tip of my very erect cock. Every now and then my over stimulated penis would jerk and a strand of pre cum would fling off falling to the ground. The stream of pre cum, translucent and shiny glistened in the sunshine as it hung from the tip of my very erect cock. Every now and then my over stimulated penis would jerk and a strand of pre cum would fling off falling to the ground. I was standing naked...

Cheating Wife
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Katy The Sex Slave SecretaryChapter 2 Schoolgirl Gangbang

For the next fortnight, Katy served her boss like a dutiful young slave. She wore whatever he told her to - always a short skirt, and often without any underwear. The pretty blonde did exactly what he said, performing the most degrading sex acts on herself, on him, or on whoever he told her to. Most days John would fuck her at lunch time, and then again after work. He would never let her clean herself up afterwards, so Katy would spend all afternoon with his cum leaking out of her shaven...

3 years ago
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கொழுக் மொழுக் மாமி - பாகம் 04 மறு நாளை காலை வளர்மதி மாமி என்னை எழுப்ப எழுந்து உட்கார்ந்தேன் வளர்மதி மாமி அழகாய் குளித்து நேற்றிடில் குங்குங்குமம் வைத்து குடம்ப குத்து விளக்கை போல வளம் வந்தால் நான்:குட் மார்னிங்டி பொண்டாட்டி…வளர்மதி மாமி:சி… நைட் தான் நான் உன் பொண்டாட்டி இப்ப வளர்மதி வளர்மதி மாமி.. வளர்மதி மாமின்னு கூப்டுடா செல்லம்… நான்:ஹா ஹா… சரிங்க கொழுத்த வளர்மதி மாமி… என்ன இவ்ளோ சீக்கிரம் குளியல் ?? செம அழகா.. மங்களகரமா இருக்கீங்க வளர்மதி மாமி… வளர்மதி மாமி:9 மணிக்கு லாம்...

4 years ago
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The Curious Case Of Cunning Uncle Pt 2 Playing Games

Deepti just gave up hope that she will be released soon from my daughter’s clutches and gave in. She was taking deep breaths and her navel was rising and falling which made me go insane. I wanted to suck her navel and lick it like a madman. I gave Deepti a thank you look for bearing with my daughter. She smiled at me reassuring me that it was fine. Deepti lay bare stomach for an uncomfortably long time after which my daughter came to the conclusion that she needed an operation and not an ENO....

3 years ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 6 Masturbating With My Brother

Not surprisingly, Sally’s mum wanted to clean herself up before going to have some lunch and find her daughter, so I went back to my own room for another shower as well. While there, I pushed a couple of fingers up into my pussy, and wondered how on earth I’d managed to get my whole hand up inside Abi’s - not just five fingers, but right up to the wrist. I certainly couldn’t do it with mine; I was much too tight. Just thinking about it made me want to come again. I even made myself pee a...

2 years ago
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You Wont Believe What I DidChapter 4

Tony called Saturday night and said he was on his way to Chicago for a few days, and then he was off to LA. Cheryl was a little disappointed because the next couple of nights, Alex did not masturbate when she went to tuck him in and kiss him goodnight. She could tell by the tent under his covers that he was erect. Cheryl listened at the door and could hear him start doing it as soon as she left and shut his door. She hoped he could not hear her when she leaned back against the door jamb and...

4 years ago
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I dressed carefully in a skintight black skirt which rides high and tight across my upper thighs and ass. Then a soft pink conservative button-up blouse, a little tight so the space between the top two buttons gapes open slightly. I have chosen my lingerie with the same careful attention, A lightweight shelf bra which showcases my ample breasts and black silk nylons supported by pink and black garters which highlight my shapely legs. The panties I leave at home as I am instructed to give him...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 88 Phillip Surprise

Phillip walked into his office and saw the cut cake. Recognising Tina hand writing he rang her. Tina in her cheeky way replied “Sorry Grandfather I do not have the privilege to give you any information other than enjoy a slice with your morning coffee.” Tina hung up. His first thought was Helena was involved. He walked into the restaurant and went to their table. He explained what he found and Tina’s reply. Both Fred and Helena laughed. Fred replied “Sorry Phillip, we cannot say anything,...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Chapter 4

  I was very worked up waiting for Miss Morgan to call me. Her earlier attentions in her office were incredibly hot. She had me on the edge when we were so cruelly interrupted. I was wanting more that night. I dressed up cute for my darling professor. I went with my favorite dress, a short little number decorated with big sunflowers. I put on some nice dangly earrings and my little black necklace as well. My heart raced as I waited for her phone call. My mind was clouded with questions about...

4 years ago
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Sailors in Silk Chapter 3B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 3B - By: Beverly Taff Our newly won pirate ship continued sailing westerly very slowly in the balmy tropical airs. More importantly, our two new crewmembers of Timothy and David continued with their remarkable recovery. Whatever secrets Elizabeth had learned in her Parisian finishing school it seemed that she had used her time wisely. Within a week, both boys were up and mincing delicately around the deck. I felt a huge sympathy for them but between...

1 year ago
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Whoa Did That Really HappenChapter 2 Jason Returns to the University

Jason drove from his family's home toward the university campus where he was a grad student and teaching assistant. His thoughts were on his newly acquired powers. Due to a recent lab accident, he could influence other people's lives merely by thinking of the changes he wanted to make for or to them. He could control their actions merely by thinking about what he wanted them to do. He had made several changes to his family, friends, and others around his home town. Jason felt his life was...

1 year ago
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Janey 2

Janey lay gasping. She could not believe her pervert stepdad had made her cum like that.Her body was still shaking form the intensity of the orgasm this old man had given her. Jim was staring at her firm teen body and laughed/“I knew you were a slut like your mum. Now my turn to cum.*Janey knew he was going to fuck her she begged him not to. She told him he was virgin.“ Fuck I assumed you had been getting cock. Especially as your mum said you were on the pill. This is going to be better than I...

2 years ago
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Ghost Gift

Ghost Gift It's Christmas eve, and it seems like everybody is rushing around, trying to get the last things done before the stores close. Except for me. I'm a ghost. No, not the house-haunting kind. I actually have a job. Given to me by The Big Guy Himself. Hey, it beats going to the Hot Place, you know what I mean? My name is ... was ... Andrew Conner. There isn't a whole lot I could tell you about me as a living guy. I was a nobody, a tiny cog in the machine, and I...

4 years ago
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Faded Pink Panties 8211 Anu8217s BackDoor

Well, where do I begin? Oh, ok, let me start off by saying that since the day I became sexually aware, older & more mature women have always held my attention more than ones in my age group. But, being an introvert and an extremely shy person, the only time I managed to get any of them in bed with me was in my frenzied fantasies when, year after year, eyes closed, imagining in vivid detail so many scenarios, I don’t know how many women brought pleasure to me in my mind. It really didn’t matter...

1 year ago
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The Determined Man Part 5

So here's the next part of The Determined Man. Sorry for the delay. I have some new responsibilities in my life which are taking up all of my spare time right now. The rest will follow I promise. And from this point on it gets fun. Part 5 - Chapter 9 Once inside the recuperation room, William wondered why he hadn't pursued the doctor for information further. Somehow he had felt that it wasn't his place. He realised with some consternation that the experience of putting his life in...

1 year ago
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Steven is Hung

*** Well hung Neighbour explores with me.... It was around 1990 give or take a year when Steven first moved in next door, i came to know soon enough he had relocated from down south a good distance away, i never knew how or why he came to end up living literally next door to me but what i did know was - looking back on that time in my life was i was very happy he did! Steven was the same age as me, in fact he was about a month younger his birthday was early June mine the beginning of May. He...

2 years ago
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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 01

Ned watched the pixel-generated stripper dance on his computer screen. She was curvaceous and supple, contorting into sensual poses that displayed the exact image she knew captured a man’s interest. And Ned was definitely interested. He squiggled in his seat, trying to relieve a bit of the crowding in his crotch. It was always this way for Ned, a balance between passion and profession. The stripper was acting out the classic business woman performance. Her pin-striped wool suit was custom fit...

1 year ago
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Horny Night In Lonely House

I left Bangalore at 9 am with intension to reach my friends village before evening. My friend Praveen was calling me to his village which is near to Sagar. I wanted to stay there for 3 to 4 days and enjoy the nature, as he was telling me that his village is surrounded by thick forest one side, and another side aracanut trees since I was fed up with Bangalore traffic and life. I had planned this mini trip to my friend’s place, thereafter to visit surrounding places like Jogfalls, Yana etc. The...

2 years ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 5

Callie and Nathan drove mostly in silence. They were heading downtown to go eat at a nice cozy restaurant that Nathan had heard about. They served the best steaks, which he knew Callie loved. Nathan kept trying to keep his eyes on the road but Callie's long legs kept distracting him. Her dress rode up high as she sat in his mustang. He felt somewhat excited being out with such a beautiful girl like Callie, his gorgeous sister. "So like I was saying this place has some of the best steaks...

2 years ago
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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch 2

Over the next couple of months, Juice and I trained together several times a week. She continued to critique my form and pushed me past boundaries that I never thought possible. As a consequence of my massage sessions, Juice’s stiff back began to loosen up and she was seriously training for the first time in several months. One Thursday evening when I arrived at the gym, passing through the reception area, I saw Juice was finishing a training session with one of her clients.“So, Juice, what are...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Oral 9 fucking and sucking until we couldnt do it any more

The hours to pass by and we continued to cover each other with cum. Hers was all over my face neck chest hands cock everywhere. I had cum in her pussy, in her mouth and once all over her chest and hands as I fucked her tits. We were all sticky and decided to shower and clean up so we could go out to dinner and explore the city a little. We walked together and entered the shower together. We washing each other for over an hour making sure we explored every inch of the other person. It was the...

3 years ago
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On the run into a new futurepart 08

The perfect moment to...Our head moved simultaneously, closing the gap between our lips. We melted into each other. I had waited for this moment, wanted this for a long time and it was finally happening. And it was so perfect.I grabbed her sides and held her tighter. I felt her lips part and soon her tongue was softly pressing against my lips. I opened my mouth without hesitation and could immediately feel her tongue sliding between my lips, searching for mine.I had imagined this moment so many...

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AIChapter 47

The car—it was a small limo, I supposed from one of the local services—took me to a rather tawdry restaurant in a tiny strip mall in one of the 'burbs. Other than telling me "good evening, sir," when he held the door open for me the driver had nothing to say. I followed instructions and kept silent, too. "We're here, sir," he told me as he pulled up. "I'm afraid the restaurant seems to be closed, though. Would you like—?" "I'm being met," I said. "Thanks." I got out, and off...

2 years ago
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Knowing what she is wearing

The car club I'm in is made up of pre nineteen sixty model cars and trucks. The fifties is the most popular era. One day while at a local cruise in a man about thirty came up and asked if I owned this fifty Mercury? I said yes its mine why? He said he was a freelance photographer and wanted to shoot it. He said he had a couple of models that dress up fifty style and pose with the cars. We set of a time and place to do a shoot.Usually while I'm at the club events my wife goes over to one of her...

1 year ago
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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 12

Dammit, I wondered if Worcester was turning into a copy of Mexico City. We just had another kidnapping! The difference from our point of view was that this time the victim was an adult. She was Mrs. Abigale Hanscomb, the wife of Clark Hanscomb, the owner and manager of the largest credit union in the Worcester area. The ransom was $750,000, not as big as some, but big enough to get everybody’s attention. Mrs. Hanscomb was 47 years old, and a surprising beauty for her age. Hanscomb wanted his...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Cadey Mercury Accidental Creampie

Pretty teen Cadey Mercury is quietly sleeping on the bed when her step-father enters her room to wake her up. She is wearing nothing but a light blue tank top. It seems her step-father needs her help calming his hard dick. He leads her hands to his hard cock. Cadey is a little bit reluctant at first but a few words from her step-daddy change her mind. Cadey gets down on her knees and starts sucking his cock. She blows his dick while maintaining eye contact. Her pretty eyes are so irresistible....

2 years ago
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The Fat GirlChapter 4

The next week was much the same. Lunch was fine; dates were rejected. The Quartet met again after physics lab and we had a great time. Jake's infatuation with Denise was obvious, but he still couldn't find the courage to invite her out. When we'd finished physics we just hung out in the music room. I sat down at the baby grand and started playing. "That sounded really good," Jake said. "What was it?" "Oh, just some tune I'm working on," I replied. "You wrote that?" Denise said....

3 years ago
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Paid in FullChapter 10

"After next week I will be able to do a little bit of loving on you girls, I hope," I told her. When Sammy came in the next morning, I asked, "What about your job, Doll?" "I am working about 6 hours a day in the hotel room. They have cable modem, so I just hook up and work," she said. "I want you to rest as much as you can while you are here with me then. Besides, I like to have you near me where I can feel you and smell your beautiful hair," I said with a kiss. "I can tell you...

1 year ago
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I Dream of Demie 22 Eroji

--- I Dream of Demie 22 - Eroji (MFF, cons, magic, oral, impreg?, rom) by Krosis of the Collective --- We found a motel because it was late and we needed to park the car somewhere it wouldn't get towed overnight. Plus, we were exhausted from the drive. Well, Kate and I were, anyway. Demie never got tired, it seemed. Kate opened the Chevelle's trunk and shrieked. I rushed to her side. The trunk was just a trunk now; the portal to her lab was gone! "How did this happen?" she cried out....

3 years ago
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Roleplay that was risky

THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION ENJOYI have been married to my wife Trish for 10 years and we have always enjoyed our sex, when we first got married we had sex every day,You see Trish has always been a bit of a tease and loves to show off her perfect body and always wore low tops or made sure she had buttons undone when wearing a blouse,She use to get turned on so quick if she thought a man was lusting after her,She also had great legs and loved wearing high heels to show them off,I always said...

2 years ago
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Doggy Styles 3 Loving Duke

Chapter Summary - Claire has a date. Previous Chapter Summary – Young Claire learned teasing Duke has unintended consequences. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't...

3 years ago
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5 dollar foot long

I normally eat lunch at a Subway Resturant near work. My schedule makes it to where I get a chance to eat well after lunch time. Usually the place isn't busy so it is a nice quiet place to sit and relax. The manager there, Jen, usually chats with me when I am in there.I went in one afternoon and placed my order. No one else was in the place except Jen, another worker and me. After I got my order I went and sat at a table. Jen came out and started cleaning the tables. I loved it when she bent...

2 years ago
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First time submission as a sissy

This is a true story. I have left the Masters name out as he is now happily married and has started a new life with a wonderful guy and I would not want to embarrass him.I have always been a sub male, a bottom where sex is concerned and had lots of sexy encounters thanks to the gay apps that put you in touch with those who are looking for this type of guy.I had joined a leather fetish app with an eye on buying a bit of gear and then dipping a toe in the BDSM world and seeing what it might...

2 years ago
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Relief is just a quick blow job away

I’m older now, not so ‘cute’ anymore but…I still love being used and providing some pleasure to other guys when I can.We recently opened a small hostel and I was spending a lot of time there because we were having problems finding people to work. Especially someone for the overnight duty because most Vietnamese are afraid of ‘spirits’. The job demanded that the person sleep in or near the front desk (common here) and be available to allow guests in and out.After a month a young guy showed up...

1 year ago
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Lehrstunden fr Alina

Professor Steuber ging unruhig in seinem Büro auf und ab. In nur drei Tagen musste er seinen Vortrag auf einer Fachtagung halten und war noch längst nicht mit dem Manuskript fertig. Er versank geradezu in Arbeit und hatte seine kostbare Zeit ausgerechnet jetzt noch mit der Beratung seiner Studenten verbringen müssen. Was für eine Verschwendung! Steuber trat ans Bücherregal, zog eines der dicken Regelwerke heraus und suchte eine Textstelle, als es an der Tür klopfte. "Ja bitte?", rief er...

1 year ago
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The lad from the sea

Maybe it was because I was a complete stranger that he felt able to tell me his secret. At least I thought so at the time. I figured out later that he had started talking to me because I had a broad, hairy chest, a beard and was older than him. It was all part of his secret. He told me he was eighteen. Actually he said he was eighteen and four months so I didn’t argue. Then he said he had a secret and was bursting to tell someone. I told him that he was welcome to tell me his secret and that my...

4 years ago
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A Planet Is SwornChapter 7

Having seen with his own eyes how much difference Thomas' engines made to the speed of prototype one, Captain Marlon was clamouring for work to begin immediately to upgrade the WS Scout. While he wouldn't admit it too publicly, he was also impressed by the fact that his ship's scanners hadn't been able to pick up the torpedo that Ben had launched at him. Ben agreed that the necessary work on the Scout should be given priority, as a second new ship couldn't be started until after the...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 15

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...

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Girls Dont Understand

“Oh come on, really? Do I have to?” I whined to my wife Dawn. “Yes, I can’t make it and someone needs to make sure she’s not buying crap.” she replied. My step-daughter Hannah was in her second year of school about 1.5 hours away. We got her an apartment close to campus so she wasn’t on the dining plan. She had a medical scare over the summer and needed to lose some weight and eat better. Hannah was a big girl, about 5’8 and 250lbs and only ate crap which didn’t help. So now, we were trying...

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