Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4 Part 66 INTERLUDE THAURAN POLITICS
- 2 years ago
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Harris watched the young man disappear in his quarters and then went back to Stahl who was still there. “You know this was an exceptionally cruel test. I felt like an idiot acting that way.”
“And he had the guts to tell you.” Stahl responded. “That is a first one.”
“He is the first one I know off who went to the end, all the way to that triple rotten Light gag. I would have pissed myself without those Saresii Sonics, looking in a TKU and suddenly seeing a light.”
Stahl raised an eyebrow. “Never seen you that angry when I do my little tests.”
“Have you seen the young man’s display? He earned the MOH, for Christ sake. Not to mention the rest.”
“I think you like the boy.”
“To be frank, Admiral. I think I do. Hell of a display of courage and control.”
Commander Greer agreed. “He is bright and determined and acted like a pro in every aspect. I never thought he would carry it through. Not with Nora’s sonic tensing his nerves like guitar wires.”
The ancient Admiral still was looking down the corridor. “I tested you in a very similar fashion Captain Harris, but it has been a while since you have been a Midshipman and I think you forgot.”
“Ah yes the explosive device that was just a dummy. That was almost as cruel.I didn’t make it all the way, I do remember it now. I could not sleep for days.”
“Old friend, the Navy and the Academy have their time tested method of finding officers and doing a remarkable job churning out good officers for the most part. But I have my own way of finding the special ones; you should know that by now.”
Harris eyes stared in the distance. “Yes I remember a few of those you found.”
“Did the Dai and the Archa arrive?”
“Yes and the princess is here as well.”
“Make sure they are kept together and Olafson is to be assigned to that group.”
“I added the Saturnian and the Spider as well.I know you long enough to see your pattern and boy, this group takes the cake in diversity for sure.”
“Good, I was thinking about them as well.” Stahl put his hand to his chin. “Before Olafson returns to Midshipman Country I would like to do the Big Test with him if you’re game.”
“You haven’t done the Big Test since Cadet Bernhard turned insane, but I am game alright. Personally I think you should take it a little easier on the guy. He is basically still a kid.”
“You just mentioned his ribbon display. Our fleet isn’t handing these decorations out to kids. His collection puts some old warhorses to shame. I will have to call that old Highlander and ask him how that Midshipman earned that medal.”
“If he does, don’t forget tell me as well. I really want to know how a Midshipman ended up with the MOH, not to mention the Silver Star and all the rest. Seeing him perform under stress, I have no doubt he earned them.”
Harris was not sure if the Old Warrior had heard him. Stahl said staring down the corridor. “I kept an eye on him since he left that cold world of his. I think he will surprise you. I think he might even surprise me.”
Har-Hi and I returned to our dorm and Mao greeted us.” Have you two decided to kill each other at a later time?” “Yes we decided to postpone that.” Har-Hi answered. “That is good. Because we are complete now and I am tired to be behind in everything.” I said.” We are complete in what and where are you behind?” “First things first.” Mao replied.” You got to meet the rest, just in case so you don’t bust furniture across someone else’s back.” Mao stepped into the middle of the dorm room.”...
Elfi had not been dismissed and waited for the Captain to do so as she watched Eric leave. She too wondered about the Captain. A man she had only seen on visuals stepped into the light. He must have been there the entire time sitting on a visitor’s sofa outside the light cone of the Captain’s desk lamp. Harris first looked at the princess and then at the Admiral. “Even if he doesn’t do anything he ends up in the middle of things. Tell me. In all my years in this Navy I have never, I mean...
“I think it is safe to say, the Nul took the bait and there is a security leak as NAVINT expected.” Captain Harris said looking at the massive Nul fleet of no less than eighty carriers and sixty Nul Battle ships entering the Algeri System, already releasing their fighters. Stahl standing next to him, grunted.” Yes information about the convoy was sent to the Nul and the culprits have been identified, but the Nul responding with the largest strike force I have seen them dispatch since the...
Stahl got up and Alycia said. “Are you leaving?” He smiled at her. “Not just yet, I thought now that most of the big wigs are gone and the band plays nice old Earth tunes I know, I decided to get up and ask you for a dance.” She got up just a little too fast to appear dignified and with a deep smile. “You truly are a master tactician, old man. A simple offer and all my defenses are obliterated.” They joined a few other couples already dancing, almost all of them humans knowing the old...
The Hyperion approached Arsenal IV just as Captain Zezz said with only eight hours to spare before I had to report for my third year posting. The extended time of my stay aboard the battle ship appeared to have gone by even faster. The Klack XO touched my face with his antennae. “You have been outstanding at the OPS station. I have seen many others struggle with that position.” “Thank you Sir. Your guidance and the tutor ship of the other bridge officers was the real reason I managed.” To...
Hans and Mao had received UWASPS. That stood for ‘urban warfare protective security suits’. Not the Quasimodo super bulky frontal assault battle armor but a sleek body shaped suit with a vast array of sensors, very smart weapon systems and advanced stealth and camouflage capabilities, normally only used by NAVINT Counter Intelligence and Elite Special forces. Much of the suits capabilities were highly classified and a source of professional pride to those considered good enough to wear...
The Elevator overwrite program was active and the doors opened. Steven commanded his group inside and then the dumbest thing ever happened, he dropped the Spore bomb and the baseball sized doom device rolled away! He yelled at his followers. “Go! I will be right behind you in the next one!” The program could not be stopped. The timing was crucial. He ran after his bomb, hoping the device was not damaged, while the Elevator doors hissed close and his team went up. Sharpton sighed. “What a...
Har-Hi sat there motionless with and with expression as hard as stone. Wetmouth’s mask looked the same as ever. But her shaking shoulders told everyone she was crying. Elfi held her close; her thick black Saran style eye make-up she was always wearing had partially dissolved and ran in smears down her cheeks. Mao had his head buried between his fists and he too was crying. Hans held a wadded towel in his fists and his chin kept trembling whenever he looked at the Reagan trophy that stood...
Midshipman duty was not just intensified learning but we also rotated to different duty stations on the ship. Security, Navigation, Science, Medical, Engineering and so forth and worked alongside experienced officers who instructed us often by example. This was almost like my time on the Hyperion and what we called the real Officers, Chiefs and Crew members of the Devi were professionals through and through, proud to be good enough to be on the Devi. They were patient and if you did your job...
As they passed through the entrance, she forgot the Narth or Elena and just stared, the interior was breathtaking, a symphony of sparkling lights and surfaces, a silvery bowl shaped hall with intricate swirly columns along the concave walls uniting in a dome shaped roof that showed a view of the local group with the Milky way in its center. A full orchestra floated on a platform of rainbow colored energy fields all across the other side and played strangely beautiful music. There must have...
The Bowels It could have been any Maltyrian but I was certain it was Galmy. At the same as I said her name I realized she would not recognize me. She still had these inhuman big eyes and that translucent complexion. Her hair was the same midnight black as I remembered. She said. “You know me, Captain... ?” Her eyes scanned over my uniform blouse looking for my name tag. “Captain Olafson?” She was out of uniform so I could not see what rank she had attained since I seen her last. “Yes I...
The landing platform was above the clouds, but some of Pluribus architecture was much taller than the cloud ceiling and from the edge of the platform I had a magnificent view. The local sun was setting and produced a deep golden shine across the wispy clouds and the tall buildings. The cloud cover was light and I could see much of the breath taking city below. It stretched as far as I could see and there was flier traffic everywhere. The man in the white uniform said.” Sir, I know how...
The Devastator had excellent recreational facilities and offered something for almost any taste, but the most liked recreation area was called The Village. It was a small down town area complete with shops, cafés, micro breweries, night-clubs, restaurants, Virtu-show halls and theatres. The sky appeared real with moving clouds and a warm yellow sun. It would even rain or snow once in a while. The Village centered on a park with grass, trees, flower patches and narrow duro-crete walking paths....
Shea excused herself from the table to find the ladies room. Her highly intelligent mind analyzed her own behavior and the situation. Elfi was her best friend and so was Eric. She knew he had not asked to guard or accompany the princess, so why was she upset when she saw them like that? Because she realized she cared for Eric much more than she wanted to admit. Mostly her thoughts were influenced from her educatin at the temple. Because she was a Sojonit and trained to think of men as...
Much to everyone’s disappointment Eric and the princess had to return to the table of the Queen as the official part of the evening begun. Sif was still brooding and tried to get certain about her own feelings. Eric had changed much and at the same time he was still the Eric she knew. Did he still think about the girlish things or had he grown out of it. Did she really hate him? The last days they had spend on Nilfeheim seemed so far away and so much had changed. Perhaps she had given him too...
I woke in sick bay and an officer with the med department logo on his chest grinned at me.” Welcome back Mr. Olafson. How do you feel?” “I feel fine. Why is it always me that wakes up in med, while others are fine?” “You had a ruptured liver and internal bleeding, we also repaired a ruptured brain blood vessel, but you are fit for duty.” “Thanks Doc.” “Besides you are not the only one that came to Sickbay, we patched up seventy five casualties and two of your squadron comrades did not...
Cotton slammed his fist on my chest and put his other arm around Har-Hi’s shoulder. “The Twelfth is really going to miss you two, but this was your last sortie with us.” The commandant of the 12th Devastator fighter wing invited us to a fare well party, but Centron paged me. I had to report to the Captain himself. I wondered if I did something that required the Captain’s attention but could not think of anything. To my surprise Elfi was there in his office as well. The Captain glared at...
Sif was again a prisoner, this time not in a dungeon, but a well-lit, holding cell at the local police station. She had found out that she was on Perryton, a Union world and the place she had escaped was called the Church of Darkness. She had been charged with multiple homicides and Califerm dealing. Her Nilfeheim leathers and the sword had been confiscated and she wore a plastic coverall like the other prisoners to her left and right. She was told her parents were notified what made her cry...
Harris sat on a couch not far from Stahl who was behind his old desk. Captain Zezz was there and the Admiral of the Fleet. Not in person, but via Holo-Presence. Harris was sipping on a bottle of beer. “He is doing a fine job and he did put the pieces together about you putting Carrows on the bridge for a reason.” “He did? What was his decision?” “If in doubt, go by the book and the book says court martial. Those were his words.” The old Admiral of the fleet was sitting on a chair that...
Swybar lounged in the comfortable chair behind the conference table aboard the Red Dragon. Soon the requested supplies would arrive and make him a very dangerous man. The table was laid out with a light dinner. Both of his associates had joined him and both of them had been very respectful and lauded his genius. Swybar loved it when others realized just how smart and resourceful he was. Even the disguised Kermac treated him like an equal, as it was proper. He was no fool however and knew...
He remembered the last moments of his life quite vividly. They had led him up to the scaffold, after they had removed all his rank insignia. Commander Stone before him actually collapsed and the marines had to drag him to his spot on the scaffold. It took all his will power not to do the same and set one foot before the other. The solemn beat of the drums stopped and the Executioner asked him if he had any last words. He had none, the night before he had written a letter to his son Swybin and...
Pluribus was even more crowded and busier during Union week than usual. Egill had returned from Nilfeheim only a few days ago. He stood nor far from the Northern door and entrance into the Sphere of the Assembly, it was entrance he always used. From there it was only a short elevator ride to the Alcove of Planet Nilfeheim. The assembly sphere was a complete ball on the insie and only from the outside it appeared like a huge dome, meeting the ground at its equator. The outside area all around...
The commandant of the Newport Academy stood on the open balcony of his office, his hands wrapped around the railing. As it was his habit at this time of day he watched his Cadets run in cadence at the exercise yard. It was an exceptional well trained bunch this time and they would only need a little of his special brand of help to win the trophy this year. He was a short man, especially to Venusian standards, since natives of this Sol system planet tended to grow taller than the average...
Three days had passed since the Admiral had made me Acting Captain. I had spent the entire time so far, sitting in the Captain’s office pouring over technical specs of the Devastator and past log entries. The Devastator became a nightmare. She was so big. The elongated elliptical disc shaped main hull had a huge box shaped segment at the aft. It was there were the conventional engines, the reactors and engineering was. But there were also alien engines and an energy source called...
Sif woke, despite the sleep inducer that had been placed over her head. More out of instinct she rolled of the bed she was on and removed herself from the dazing and sleep causing Neuro-feed rays. Her mind instantly cleared up and she remembered.In her dreams she thought she felt a probing mind searching for her. In her dreams, Egill had not forgotten about her. But what would the old man say if he saw her like that? It was better he would never see her and besides those were only dreams of a...
I had followed a direction light to an Auto Dresser. Centron the ships AI said. “It is all set as per special instructions. Please step inside.” I did and the system went through the whole hygiene cycle and as I stepped out I checked myself in a mirror field. The machine had dressed me in the Class A Formal dress, reserved usually for flag officers, with shiny black boots, black pants and high collared uniform jacket. The left side of my chest was filled with ribbons and actual medals, not...
Sif had reached the surface. Her prison had been several levels underground. She had climbed the stairs and stormed the corridors.Everyone she had encountered paid with blood and life. Now she was in some sort of temple or church. Rows of benches aligned before a big stone effigy of a white skull. It had wing like ears on the side and long fangs. The skull was missing the lower jaw and she wondered what being or animal would have such a strange skull. The walls, the ceiling and everything was...
The Elevator carried Shea up and the system voice said: “Destination reached. Alternative bath room facilities can be found across the hall in the performer and staff dressing rooms.” Shea found the door right away opened it and stared at eleven girls in skimpy chiffon dancer outfits One of them hissed at her. “You are late! Sharpton will kill you for this! Hurry and get into your costume.” The woman spoke in Naidian to her. That was a secret codified language used by the VMA. This...
The commander stood at the window of his spacious office overlooking the lake and jungle with his hands clasped behind his back watching a group of cadets struggling with a heavy wooden log. They had to carry it over an obstacle course and only by working together could this task be achieved. This ancient time tested exercise promoted team work, group coordination and leadership. This exercise had been used by Navy trainers even before the Galactic Ascent on good old Earth. Of course it...
“Have we been hailed?” Harris shook his head.”No not yet, but the sphere is transmitting genuine Union Transponder Codes.” The screen changed and a hooded Narth became visible. The Comm. Officer looked at his console and shrugged. The Narth spoke. “This is the USS Narth. “There was a pause and the Narth moved his shrouded head as if he was looking at someone then he nodded and said.” One hopes to be forgiven, by the one who has command. One was uncertain of the correct address. It is the...
I wished I could have stayed with Egill and the others but my mood could not be dampened not with Narth being back and in full health. I was telling him everything that has happened and he told me that he was fully restored and well, but not able to join us on the Devastator just yet. He had to complete his third year at another posting but he was confident we would see each other after we graduated. Elfi elbowed me into the side and made me pay attention to the events around me. “The...
When we gathered at the tables in the community room, I told my friends to be careful with the served meat. I politely declined the meat and asked for porridge only. Across from me sat the human boy and while I had little time in the last hours, I did notice his continuous stare. By now he should have been getting used to another human being and I said, pointing the spoon at him. “Listen, buster, I know you have not seen another human and I tried to ignore your staring until now, but it is...
After we had witnessed the end of Duke Donheer and had returned to the ship, I had one more grave and sad duty to perform. I tugged at my completely black uniform jacket after I stepped out of the Auto Dresser. This uniform had no patches, no ribbons and did not have the white lining, only three golden rings around the cuffs of my sleeve. I did not look forward to what I had to do, but he was one of our own and it was a good and old tradition to take care of our own. The good and the bad. It...
The Slide way carried me over the landing field and while I stood on the slide segment I was staring up at the metal sky above me, trying to make out details. I had to remind myself that this was the underside of a star ship. Something that could travel and move through space at incredible speeds. Those tower like extensions, each the size of immense sky scrapers were actually landing gear and not a modern city There were countless stories, rumors and myths about this ship and everyone in the...
I went back on the bridge and while I was walking up the ramp I said. “Tactical put a situation map of our deployment area on the screen. Display all pirate and insurgence activity for the last five years. “Aye Sir, I anticipated your order and prepared Intel reports as well and correlated them into the map.” “Very good Mr. Deberaux, I appreciate that.” I leaned back in my seat and studied the map that popped up on the main-screen when Comm. reported. “Sir two new reports came just in. A...
Wulf activated his cloak and put the suit in flight mode. Like a human missile he flew towards the ware house. Another energy beam emitted from the alien craft and slammed into the ground, where he had been a second ago. “Rusty, activate weapons and open remote control. He slaved the ships weapon control to his suit and a pair of green crosshairs appeared before his eyes. As soon as he lined up the cross hairs he pressed with his thumb on a small contact on the side of his index finger and a...
The Devi dropped out of Quasi Space and one could almost hear the entire crew sigh in relieve. The huge ship and her crew was back in the Union Galaxy and was heading straight for Arsenal IV, her home port. The situation in the Fornax Cluster was not clear but progress to connect that cluster with a string of space stations was made in breakneck speed. The new 234th Fleet Command had taken permanent residence at Fornax Hub and several battle groups with battle hungry Attikan Crews patrolled...
She had big dreams and great plans, not so long ago and then things happened. At first it was like escaping prison. Leaving that backwater, male infested Nilfeheim behind and go with Egill to Pluribus. Oh what a change. Oh what a world this was. Her aunt turned out to run an escort service, earning quite a tidy sum each day from sending out girls and boys to keep well paying customers company and providing more than companion ship for an extra fee. At first she really wanted to please Egill...
Swybin had not planned to leave that fast, it turned out that he lifted off with two Oromarl technicians still aboard. The two had caused quite some damage and fought to the last breath. They spaced crates of valuable Mil Tech, including the P Bomb, before he and his robots could overcome them. Most notably it was them who blew up the Translocator cannon and causing hull damage to his beautiful ship. He and his mysterious companion had finally crossed into Freespace. No Union ship could...
Egill leaned back in his seat overlooking the Assembly and sighed. It was a great life and he enjoyed every minute of it, but in moments like this he found himself feeling a little homesick and he decided to take a vacation from the representation business and visit Nilfeheim for a month or two. Algear his Saresii friend entered and sat down in what long had ceased to be a visitor’s chair. “What is with the sighing? You look grumpier than usual even half asleep.” Egill did not open his...
For all his connections and all his psionic powers, for all his influence and knowledge, the First Son of Darkness was just a tool, another game piece in a cosmic game. Despite his blindness caused by a sense of unequaled self-importance, he was quite intelligent and was aware of this, but he had plans to elevate him above being just a game piece. The key to his quest for Godhood was knowledge. Here on Netlor, a planet in Free-space he planned to gain more. Long before the rise of the Union,...
Egill punched his PDD and tried to call Sif. He wanted to take her home as well. The girl must feel homesick as well. The system however responded. “Receiver PDD is not active. Account Arnske, Sif has been deleted.” A sudden hot flash of guilt and a feeling that something was very wrong came over the Old Norse. He called Sif’s aunt, this time the connection was successful. As soon as the woman saw him she started.” Don’t even get me started on that brat. She took over 12,000 credits from me....
Larthop had reached the bottom of the stairs and followed the narrow corridor chiseled out of the rock. The corridor was part of a burial site. Catacombs left by the same civilization that built the city now in ruins around the statue. Not many knew of these catacombs and he knew Union Xeno Archaeologistswould give their eyeteeth to examine this place. There were alcoves in the walls and in it the dry rotten bundles and shapes of a dead semi humanoid species. This was unimportant to him and...
Larthop learned about the escape of the girl and was furious. He thought of betrayal, of sheer stupidity or carelessness. Someone had failed to carry out his instructions. That did not explain how she escaped the curse of Califerm. Damage Control had to be done. Having Federal Police and perhaps even Fleet NAVINT snoop around and find out what else was going on was very dangerous at this stage of his plans. In all this he heard about the involvement of the three wise men. That cemented his...
Stahl stood behind Harris and the rest of the Officers watching the progress of the intruder simulation on Deck 54. Harris leaned sideways and whispered. “We need to find tougher challenges for that group. They waltzed through it like it was kids play.” One of the observing officers heard it and said. “We need to improve our Training bots too. That girl hacked into a level nine crypt program without the aid of a dedicated PDD and in less time it takes me to program my damn auto...
The mysterious and dangerous companion of Swybar, who seemed to have dozens of names, faces and disguises, was not so dangerous anymore. Swybar didn’t even bother to check on the true identity as he shoved the body through the energy membrane and watched it float away. He might still have been alive, one never knew the exact effects of Shaill poisons, but his good friend swallowed enough to kill a heard of Petharian. At least that what the merchant had said and it worked. His former...
It was easier than he thought. Larthop was on Koken. The place crawled with scientists, Xeno archeologists and scholars. The Union had found the planet of origin of the Kermac. Back when they were split into five societies and sub species. The Ker and the Mac united and tried to eradicate the others. One of those species were the Blue and forced into exile. The Blue, after a trip that lasted generations eventually reached the Andromeda galaxy became a thriving and somewhat mysterious society...
The Kermac Diplomatic delegation had to share a visitor’s alcove with other dignitaries, observers and diplomats. Viertlvorfier, the Kermac High Consul found it less disgusting than standing with the crowds outside, or watch the even in the Embassy on GalNet. The Nul, the Togar, the Shiss and a host of other Non-Union species had observers here. Form their spot they had a good view towards the Narth alcove. The delegate of the Karthanian said.” It appears this event is not important enough...
The man known to Steve Dunham only as Friend of Gore shook his head. “Even though we psych conditioned that looser ever since he came up with his whacko ideas, I can’t believe how easy it was.” “Seven years of careful planning and preparation were not easy at all, but we better hurry and leave this planet. I do not want to be here when the bomb goes off and the Psi Corps searches for who is responsible.” “Even if they research past the Church of Gore, they will think it was the Kermac and...
Everyone even Egill held his breath as the flyer approached the Crystal Palace in which the Diamond Ball would take place. Above the deep blue waves of Pluribus southern ocean, atop a single thin transparent column, a shimmering construct with elements that reminded them of a Nilfeheim burg, but not of gray stone and Duro-Crete but like a dream of crème and turquois shades. Everything transparent or translucent, sparkling like a precious gem in the last rays of the setting sun. Strong beams...
Larthop of course had heard of Cherubim. Being around for a long time and always connected to the hidden layer of things. Cherubim was a legendary operator in the clandestine world. That name had been whispered by those who knew things for a very long time. But like everyone else he thought of her as a myth. He never thought she still actually existed. There were a few whispered rumors about a shadowy, ghostlike woman acting on behalf of the old pre Union, Earth based Exo-terrestrial...
It was not as easy as she said it was and it took him quite a while to get the hang of this dangerous four wheeled contraption that kept bouncing like an unruly beast of burden over the uneven ground. It didn’t help that she made fun of him and told him that it would take Terran kids a few minutes to learn how to drive one of these. He asked her why the most advanced civilization in the Galaxy was not able to produce something more civilized and perhaps robotic and fully automatic. The Union...
The short Admiral leaned back in the high backed chair that had an extra thick seat cushion so he looked as tall as the others sitting there; that his feet did not reach the floor was something no one dared to notice. He stapled his fingers and nodded to Commander Becker his second in command.” All teams have arrived I gather?” “Yes Sir, they are all here now. We have confirmation that the USS Shetland will also arrive later today.” Dent was still calm.”We will show those self important...
At first he could not remember anything. All there was in his world were sensations. Then slowly the fog of oblivion lifted and he found himself floating in a tank of greenish goo. The cables and hoses to his body pumped vitalizing fluids with concentrated cell nutrition and medical nanites through his veins. At the same time memory and knowledge was added forcefully via cerebral upload into his mind. With memories and knowledge came the realization who he was. Since he was in the process of...
The next day he did as he promised and took me with is rugged freight bed flier to the southmost tip of Bifrost island a deserted dark pebble beach. Most of the rocks where about fist sized but there many much bigger and a few almost house sized. “These are carried by the glaciers from the mountains and after every Longnight they go a little further till they end in the sea.” He explained, “Eventually carrying our small mountain range away to the sea.” He took the metal box with him, handed...
The Commander still stared at the torn off rank insignia of the former Midshipman as his Desk, Then hisCom flashed with the top urgent icon. He touched the screen and a Holo transmission from Fleet headquarters solidified. It was the Old man himself, Admiral of the Fleet McElligott. “Where is Midshipman Olafson?” “Sir, the Ex Midshipman is just transferred to the brig. That subject has been dealt with swift and harsh. I doubt he is conscious. Thirty five lashes and off to Brisbane...
Yeoman O’Connell came down the ramp from the back of the bridge carrying my monster cup said. “Itheamh is no longer in Freespace, Captain. No more loopholes or justifications necessary. No treaties with the Union exist or limit what we can or cannot do.” I smiled at her and asked, “What do we know about Itheamh, anyway?”` Sobody sitting in the Observer seat that was rarely used on Union ships but had become his station. He even had a console raised from its usual stowed away position....
My life had completley changed. Almost a year had passed and I had not been in any sort of trouble. I had almost forgotten that I was in my second year and this was an Academy field class. We just returned from a diplomatic mission, ferrying a delegation of Union Diplomats to the fringes of Free Space. The Daoine a cautious species of human sized rat like beings considered Union membership, but were afraid of retaliations from other Freespace civilizations who hated nothing more than losing...