Don't ShoutChapter 2 free porn video

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Wilton Morris worried about his friend. Cole was undeniably a real stand-up reliable guy, but the way in which he'd lost his cool so readily and shouted at Parker had him worried. Wilton had been plenty popular at school, so he hadn't banked much on needing new friends at college. His friendship with Cole had come a as a shock. They'd met on Cole's seventeenth birthday, the first day of college, bumped into each other and got to chatting. Then Wilton had discovered they had anthropology together, and the friendship had blossomed. Now Cole was his go to guy for everything, even though he had nothing in common.

Wilton had suspected that Cole was gay from about week two when Cole had failed to check out any single girl that had ever walked past them as they lounged in the common room, flicking their eyes up and down his strong frame, swooshing their hair and hips to get his attention. Cole wasn't mean to anybody, but it was really like girls didn't exist on his radar. So Wilton didn't go to him with girl trouble, and hadn't minded.

But he worried. Cole had no free time, Cole had no apparent love interests, Cole's hobbies relied on him being outdoors, and he could drink everyone else Wilton knew under the table, which was sort of scary. And now this. Cole must have been crushing on Jared Parker pretty bad to have such a strong reaction to the guy, and then he'd skipped out on college. It hadn't taken Wilton long to find out why.

Shelby Parker, Jared's sister, was in his Musical Performance and Structure class. They got on OK, chatted and stuff, but after lunch Shelby had walked in with a look that was meant to kill. Wilton practically felt the dagger digging into his back.

"You tell your stupid friend to leave my brother alone!"

"Huh?" Wilton had looked up from his (beautiful) guitar in utter confusion, and then he'd seen the acid in Shelby's eyes, "Shel, can we back up a sec?"

"Your friend. The tall bastard."

"That would be Cole," Wilton had an awful idea where this was going, "He was the one with the rugby ball the other week."

"Right," Shelby put a hand on her hip, attitude and anger seeping off her, "Him. Cole. Well you tell him to lay off Jared alright?"

"I don't get it," Wilton plucked at the strings of his (fabulous) guitar, running his fingers over the frets distractedly, "What did he do now?"

"He fucking apologised."

"What?" Wilton's brows drew low, further confused.

"Your stupid fucking friend tried to apologise. He even did it in sign."

"Shel, sorry, but why are you having a go at me about it?"

"Look," Shelby sighed and flicked her hair out of her face, "You're buddy is a well-meaning moron. I don't want me brother getting close to him just to get brushed aside when your friend gets bored." And with that she stalked off across the music room leaving Wilton feeling utterly confused. When Cole hadn't been there to meet him after college, Wilton went looking for Shelby again.

The Parker siblings were sitting on the low brick wall that ran between the college grounds and the nature reservation talking with their hands. Shelby whispered low, mouthing words as her fingers flicked, tracing lines and shapes in the air that were too fast for Wilton to follow. It had stopped raining so hard, the air full of a fine mist that made Wilton glad he had left his (gorgeous) guitar inside in its case. When Shelby saw Wilton she stopped talking, tapped her brother's shoulder and pointed.

Wilton smiled at Jared and gave a little wave, then felt stupid for that. He had no idea how to communicate with the deaf boy. For his part Jared gave Wilton a soft smile, his hand finding his sister's elbow. Jared seemed to hide behind his sister's stronger presence, and Wilton suddenly twigged that they must be twins, same age, same height, and so close. As an only child Wilton was touched with jealousy.

"What?" Shelby's voice was hard, and her fingers when she moved were sharp and quick.

"What did you say to Cole?" Wilton wasn't sure who he was directing his question at, and his gaze flicked between the twins as he spoke.

"Why do you care what I said to him?" Shelby spoke with venom, her hands flickered as she spoke. Wilton managed to catch the last sign. One hand rubbing down her chest, then out like a chubby pot-belly; then one finger pointing under the chin in a gesture that almost looked like shaving.

"What does that mean?" Wilton pointed to Shelby's hands, "What does that symbol mean?"

"Farm-boy," Shelby spoke as she repeated the symbol, "What?"

"Please, please tell me you didn't say that to him."

"That's what Jake calls him." Shelby shrugged, water off a duck's back.

Wilton pressed his fist into his forehead.

"Shit!" He stomped and scuffed his trainers on the wet tarmac, "He hates being called that. I know he was a bit of a prat but he tried to apologise." Wilton realised that Shelby was automatically translating him for her brother, "Jake hates Cole. He's only gone and driven off in a mood."

Jared tapped his twin and they had a fast heated flurry of words in the air.

"Fine, fine." Shelby muttered, "Pretend I'm him!" She threw up her hands in exasperation and then Wilton entered into the weirdest conversation of his life.

'Is he really upset?'


'What did I ever do to him anyways?'

"He's ... Cole can be really intense."

'Can I have his number?'

Wilton had been deeply unsure about handing over Cole's number to Jared, but Shelby had stepped aside, though she was obviously fuming as Wilton punched the digits into her brother's phone. Now he lay in bed and fretted. Cole might be pissed. But what was Jared going to do? Phone him up and yell at him, not likely.

Wilton scrabbled for his phone in the sheets.

Wilton: Jared asked for your number. I gave it to him.

It was done. Wilton dropped the phone, wrapped himself in blankets and went to sleep.

The hard buzz of the phones vibration half-woke Cole and he stared blearily at the screen.

2 new messages:



He opened the one from Wilton, read it and blinked hard several times to clear the fog of sleep from his brain. Wilton had spoken to Jared. Jared had his number. Jared Parker had his number. Shivers of trepidation made his fingers shake as Cole tapped the screen of the phone to show the other message.

Unknown: apology accepted

Cole gulped as he read and re-read the two glowing words. His breath came quick and short, and his heart slammed against his ribs as he began to type.

Cole: i should never have shouted at you. can we talk?

Jared: you might find that hard ;) we're talking now

Cole: sorry

Jared: stop apologising. they tell me your name is cole. like fire?

Cole: yeah. like fire.

Jared: see you around, like fire.

Cole dropped the phone on his bed with a groan. He was sure he had sounded like an idiot to Jared. Hell, he didn't 'sound' at all. And the knowledge that Jared had been awake, probably in bed, speaking to him, thinking of him, had him instantly hard. Cole ran his hands through his hair, flexing and arching his spine as arousal travelled over his body like a flash flood from groin to toes. His smooth abdomen was crusted and sticky with his earlier exertion. It would be unusual for him to go again so quickly, but not unheard of. Cole half rolled and scrabbled in his bedside cabinet for the lube he kept there.

Images came easily as Cole wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking the velvet soft skin over the head which already dripped in anticipation. His other hand flicked open the lid of the bottle and Cole's breath hitched as he raised his arse from the sheets and snaked a hand underneath himself. Jared was in his bed, touching him, his lips kissing up Cole's chest, teasing and nipping at his nipples. Cole's fingers, wet and cold, circled the entrance to his hole, and he had the presence of mind to exhale as he invaded himself. Jared's stubble grazing his neck, his hand curving under Cole's body to touch the hot wetness of him which grabbed around the digits. Cole groaned into the emptiness of his room as he touched himself, pushing his fingers into the spot which caused violent shivers to run down his spine. He knew he wouldn't last long when he was this wound up. Jared's hand wrapped around his cock, his lips kissing up the side of Cole's neck, licking and biting, and moaning his ear.

But Jared wouldn't moan would he? Cole's internal voice was enough to still his self-excitement with confusion. Cole blushed hotly to have to admit what he was doing to himself. Imagining a boy he had never spoken to, probably would never speak to, using both hands to bring himself off in the dark. Cole growled low at his inner voice. But Cole was teenage boy, and inner voices could be damned.

Cole woke late, for him, and had to wait for Caden to be finished with the bathroom. His middle brother was going through a rebellious phase, and even though his next job was to deal with the chickens and feed the ducks, he had swept his hair artfully over one eye. He sneered at Cole, dressed in pyjama trousers and an old t-shirt, and his older sibling wasted no time in clipping his brother round the ear before diving for the safety of the bathroom.

Cole was king at leaving in a hurry, and twenty minutes later he was washed, dried, dressed in work jeans, boots, hoodie and his leather three quarter coat, had eaten a flash breakfast of sausages and bacon snatched straight from the aga, shoved his school books in the ruck and was up at the stable to skip out and turn out the horses before leaving for the day. It had mercifully stopped raining, and Cole lead out the horses two by two into the paddocks that surrounded the stable yard. Dune whinnied and nickered at his human, left alone in the yard as Cole began to skip out the stables. Having completed it last night, they weren't too bad and Cole filled 3 wheel barrows full, scraped back the beds, gave the livery horses new shavings and emptied the wheel barrows onto the muck-cart. His father would drive it down the far end of the farm where the compost was and nature would take care of the rest.

Cole fitted Dune with his Dually halter, looped the rope into a rein-like arrangement and leapt up bare-back onto the rugged up horse. Dune obediently turned out of his stall and clopped along to the field next to where Cole had parked the truck. He left Dune in the field, threw the halter in the truck and drove along the long drive out to the rest of the world. Dune trotted alongside the truck until he reached the end of the field and Cole sighed to hear his horse neigh after him, head thrown up to the wind. Cole passed the Hilux through the gates which gave Black Rock its name. Either side of the driveway stood an obelisk of stone, black as thunder and taller than the truck. Cole plugged a CD into the stereo, stepped on the gas and high tailed it out to college on roads fresh from rain but blissfully empty of other traffic.

All his music was 'borrowed' from Wilton, which meant that he got an interesting mix of new bands, classic rock, unsigned local kids and really random metal from Japan. Cole hummed along vaguely to the guitar on the track and wondered what music Jared liked.

He can't hear it... Cole snarled at himself and his inner voice as the realisation spread through him that nice safe topics like music and bands were not available to him when he spoke to Jared. Jared probably didn't go to concerts or gigs, what would be the point? Did he watch films? Cole didn't watch TV, there was no time for it, and somehow he doubted that Jared drove quad bikes around muddy fields. What the hell was he going to talk to the boy about?

Cole pulled the truck up in his usual space, which was somehow always left empty for him and the great hulking shape of the Hilux. His phone buzzed against his leg and Cole pulled the device from his boot and stared at the message on the screen.

Jared: morning. coffee?

Cole got out of the truck as he hit the dial button, snatched his bag from the other side of the cab and shouldered the door shut before walking into the main college building. The phone rang, and rang, and rang. Finally it picked up, but before Cole could say anything the sharp tone of a dead line filled his ear. He shut off the phone's screen angrily.

Well how exactly did you think you were going to talk to him on the phone? Cole slung his bag over his shoulder and strode into the main common room. Why this boy? Of all the pretty things about his age in town, why had his mind been snagged on this one. His father always said people who stuck out where like nails, they snagged on everything that went near them. But Jared didn't stick out. Cole hadn't ever remembered seeing him the whole of last year. And why whenever he thought about Jared Parker did he find himself both thankful and cursing the thick material of his jeans and his heart trying to jump out of his throat? Surely he couldn't feel something that strong for a boy he'd barely met. He couldn't be in l- No. Do not think that. His inner voice chided him and clamped down on the thought as he saw his target.

Jared at a round table with his sister and the deaf girl from the other day. There was a suspiciously empty seat next to Jared, and a paperboard cup of something hot that smelt like caffeine. Shelby Parker was signing something to her brother, obviously annoyed, her brow furrowed almost comically.

"Morning." Cole stopped behind Jared and smiled, but the boy didn't turn. The girl sitting opposite him said something with her hands and pointed over Jared's shoulder and the brunette boy turned to look up at him. He didn't smile.

"Christ you are thick farm-boy," this was from Shelby, and Cole felt the muscles in his punching arm tighten automatically, ready to swing when he heard that nickname, "If you want to get a Deaf person's attention you stand where you can see them or touch them on the arm," she signed as she spoke, and Cole's brain struggled to follow the symbols, "Have you learnt nothing this past week?"

"I was busy."

Shelby stood, her slender frame tiny against Cole's towering height. Her friend got up and signed something to Jared as she gathered her bags. When Shelby spoke, she didn't move her hands, speaking just for him.

"You'd better get serious about this if you wanna get close to my brother. You hurt him and I'll kill you." She turned to her friend, speaking and signing simultaneously, "Come on Dina, let's leave the boys to it."

Cole watched her stalk away with a flick of her hair and then took the seat left for him by Jared. There was a tablet computer on the table beside him and he drank his own coffee as though it absorbed all his attention. Cole took a deep breath, running over the symbols he had rehearsed in the mirror.

"Hello," a little wave from the head, and Cole felt stupid, "My name is C-O-L-E." he counted off the symbols, making a C shape with his right hand, then touching his index finger to his third finger on his left hand, then the palm, then the other index finger. To his surprise, Jared grinned and sniggered, making an odd little sound that was half way between a cough and a snort.

His hands flashed in symbols that Cole barely had time to register. Jared shook his head, seeing his confusion, and his fingers flicked across the tablet on the table between them.

At least you spelt your name right.

Cole frowned and typed back.

What's so funny?

You fingered spelled your name, Jared repeated the four symbols that Cole knew to make up his name, But we don't call you that.

Cole frowned and shrugged,

"Huh?" apparently the expression was self-evident because Jared tapped quickly on the tablet.

We gave you a new sign nickname. Lots of people have them. Here. He touched Cole's bare forearm and Cole felt his heart thud so hard he thought he might die from the experience. Jared began to fingerspell his name, but stopped halfway through and made a gesture that obviously meant no, cutting off the word, then he smiled. He made the C shape with one hand, and then that same hand became a bundle of flickering flames. He repeated the sign and then pointed at Cole.

Cole repeated the sign back, but pointed at himself and was pleased when Jared nodded and turned to the tablet.

Pretty good.

C like fire?

So you're not as dumb as my sister makes out then? Cole looked up from the words to find Jared smiling at him. He smiled back, feeling like his heart was going to burst any minute.

Same as Don't Shout
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Another week had gone by and Kathy was jumpy with excitement about going over to Buck and Val's again. She was getting ready to go when her mother said "The Traceys sure are going out a lot." "OH?" responded Kathy, not knowing where her mother was going with this. "Yeah, they've hired you every weekend for the last month, haven't they?" "I guess so." "It just seems odd that they'd go out so much." said her mother. Fear gripped Kathy's stomach. She was plenty old enough to...

4 years ago
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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

3 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 18

"Ahhh ... Shoot!" I laughed as the clouds broke over us with a sudden downpour. I hadn't even noticed that the tropical squall had reached the island, we'd been so intent on listening to Wolfgang's story. "Hurry!" Eva was giggling as she pulled me to my feet and Wolfgang had already opened the passenger door of the Land Cruiser for us. There's no other rain like it, the deluge that comes almost without warning in the equatorial tropics. In the minute that it took for the three of us...

3 years ago
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Duel Wielding

The fiercest of the fighting was over, but she knew she couldn’t relax, there were still stragglers on the battlefield and she had long since lost her light skirmisher retinue, a team of chosen lowborn who prevented people getting in close or behind her, preventing the weaknesses of plate armour from being exploited so she could wreak havoc on those before her. At her best In the heat of battle only the most skilful of foes could break her guard, but as it stood, any idiot with a knife could...

2 years ago
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I Was a Teenaged PirateEpilogue

After years of shopping, they'd gotten lucky. Jim's bank had a large client go bust and had seized the assets. Among them was a customized 50ft, French Cutter. It slept six in three amazing cabins and had all the amenities of home. It was a steal at $87,000. The loan application was a nightmare and the final interest rate was a crime but eventually, the trio got the title and named it "The Trio's Booty". They boarded her as owners for the first time on Halloween. "It's a good date."...

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Francines personal charity

Kate and Roger Anderson were now married for five years and still loved each other deeply. One afternoon while they were at the gym working out when young women introduced her self to Kate. He name was Francine and she knew Kate from college and asked her, “Kate I remember you as person who was open minded about sex and Lesbian relationships.” Kate said, “Francine I am married now and I don’t know how my husband would feel about sharing their bed with another women.” Francine said, “I would...

1 year ago
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My Sweet Wife And Roshni 8211 Part 4

Hi friends..This is my 4th story in this series.Hope you liked my earlier three stories.To read my earlier stories visit my profile. A quick recap.I am kumar,24 working in mnc at hyderabad.My wife bindu,22 housewife.We have sexual relations with our maid,roshni and her husband shyam,a mechanic.Now quickly to story. It was Friday afternoon and I left to vizag on official  purposes for sake of my promotion. As it was weekend I knew shyam would come next day and probably stay whole weekend.I am...

2 years ago
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I've been talking in the previous stories about everything that happened to me how I built that today. She passed through gentleness, she went through brutality. Somehow I do not think I've talked enough about a man under which I was totally mentally excluded, the humility to the end of it.A few years ago it was maybe 3-4 I was not sure, some time I had been in a couple of months I did not have a relationship with a man. I do not know why, everything was in my mind, life carried out my duties...

3 years ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 14 Resolution

SPRING (May 2006) "What the hell are YOU looking at?" My eyebrows furrowed and I felt a massive headache coming on. I took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, the seconds ticking by as the air whistled out between my lips. Sensing that her joking greeting had not gone over as planned, Amber fidgeted and bit her lower lip. But even when I was done exhaling, I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say. I WAS, however, looking the hell at her. Three years had been very kind to Amber....

3 years ago
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The New Client Part 2 Dedicaed to Asofacouple

She lead me by the hand down the steep steps and as we went through a dark doorway she said take two paces forward, you'll be ok it'll help with the imagery. She stayed by the door and I heard it close. Then the lights came on. I blinked and looked around the room unable to beleve what I coulld see ahead of me. To the right was her husband standing quietly (how long ad he been in the dark) but this was not what caught my eye as I scanned the room agog as I couldn't believe what I saw, a...

1 year ago
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Submissived Alexa Grace Im The Boss Of You

Alexa Grace has a boss who is a total hard ass. He’s always on her case, and even when she does something right he always finds something to bitch about. After turning in an error filled report, Alexa’s boss really let her have it this time around. He had her crouch at the edge of his desk and get spanked. He then proceeded to strip her down and have her suck his cock as a reminder of what will happen to her when she keeps fucking up. Alexa’s submissive side really showed during this...

1 year ago
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Sexual Adventure Of Two IT Professionals

This is a true story about Sexual adventures with my wife Bhavana before our marriage. It happened after the summer vacation of 2009. Actually this story was started writing my wife. Then I dramatized the text it a little, but the events are true. I should add, it’s more about buildup than the sexual act, but it is the first story written by my wife Bhavana, so be patient with us. BTW; My wife Bhavana and I are working in a reputed IT firm at Cochin Info Park. Now read the story in her own...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 20

Kathy stuck her arm out the window and waved at Roland behind her just before she turned off for the airport. He must have figured out what she was trying to do because he flashed his lights and didn't take the turn. Smiling at how lucky she was to have such good friends, she headed for the airport and the parking lot. A little later, she walked through the office door as Bill came quickly to his feet, meeting her halfway across the office. "You sure you're okay?" he asked, concern in...

2 years ago
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Tricked for the Treat

Ray rushed up the stairs to his bedroom anxious to get there and angry at his two idiotic friends for keeping him from his night of freaky sex with his wife. His mind angrily wondering what they could have been thinking, stopping by at this time of the night, they knew he had plans. He had met them for lunch and while waiting for the pizza he couldn't help but brag about how he had finally come up with a foolproof plan on how to have his way with his wife Debra. He was so excited he couldn't...

3 years ago
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A Breeches PlayChapter 2

Sandy was amazed at how quickly two weeks of preparation went. Every day after work she'd race home to put together her personas, and then proceeded to test them against an initially extremely amused Megan. "You look like the Karate Kid." Megan smirked after Sandy had tried an outfit she thought was particularly masculine. She had gotten her hair cut in what she thought was an appropriately short style and wore a T-shirt along with loose fitting jeans. "So, that's good, right?" Sandy...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Ami Oya Ami Oya and her neighbor go into the bedroom to spend the afternoon fucking

Ami Oya is a hot sexy teen that has had a thing for her neighbor since she was younger. She has always thought about him as an older brother type of guy and she always thought he was very cute. Since she was younger she never thought he would pay attention to her. It has been her fantasy to get to know him some in a close setting and see what would happen. Since Ami still lives at home she is somewhat restrained from doing much as it would be awkward to have him over for the afternoon with her...

4 years ago
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Living the dream

The town was in darkness apart from one small bungalow on the edge of the south coast cliifs but this was a regular accurance for Daisy, every night when most of the residents went to bed would Daisy switch on her computer and start her search.Daisy who was recently divorced was just coming to terms with the latest changes in her life. She was well liked and had a warm smile but Daisy was a private person and was increasingly avoiding seeing her friends and only venturing out when she had to...

1 year ago
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Subwife shared for first time MMMF

By the time they entered the room I had already been through an emotional roller coaster…. When I came home from my classes on the Saturday evening before Valentine’s day I was looking forward to a relaxing evening with my master in the sauna. He informed me as I was getting ready that he had a room booked and two men coming to use me with him. One I will recognize from the portal and someone else… At first I didn’t want to believe him, then I felt a little sick and then on the way there I...

1 year ago
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11th GradeChapter 8

"I don't think I'll even need to convince her. After she finds out that we did it, she's going to want me to tell her all about it. When I tell her I did it with you, she'll want to do it with you too. That's what happened with Darryl." I listened as my mind played back to me everything Brenda had just said. Was Brenda saying that Emily had screwed Darryl too? I tried not to let my surprise show on my face. I was also trying to come up with some response that would keep her talking,...

3 years ago
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Employees Blacked My Wife Part II

The next morning I was woke up by Dwayne. He said nothing, but motioned for me to follow him. As I go into our bedroom, I see Sherry still asleep but still naked. Dwayne motions for me to get in the closet, which lets me have a perfect view, since it’s right by the bed. As I close the sliding closet door, I leave it a few inches open so I can have a good view & then watch as Dwayne goes over, gets the camera, and lays back back down next to my wife and starts shaking her. As she wakes up,...

3 years ago
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My first Bisexual

Our Hawaiian Escapade (Bisexual) ExtendedIt was our first trip to the beautiful islands.My girlfriend and I landed in Maui late night and checked into our resort.The rooms were spread out on several adjusant islands.There were just 2 villas on our island. . We had a lovely villa with a private pool and jacuzzi.The bedroom was spacious and had the biggest four poster bed i have ever seen.There were plenty of couches and cushions around the room.A fantastic view of the sea from the adjusant...

2 years ago
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A Family Trip To Lonvala

Hi folks, this is my first story on ISS. I want to be very straight forward in my approach and honest that whatever is penned down is true. I was planning to write about my real life experience from quite sometime, but didn’t have the courage to do so as you know, incest is considered as a taboo in India. I got the courage to do so after reading numerous stories on ISS and mainly the incest section. Only then I came to know that incest exists in India as well. I have only tired to hide the...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 104

Regan came awake and reached behind her only to find Andy gone. She heard water running in the shower and shifted slightly. She sat up with a frown. The night hadn't gone as she'd planned and she worried that Andy had grown tired of her antics. She had meant every word of her vow before they entered the boat. She was willing to anything Andy wanted to try. She had whiled away her time during the boring speeches at the gala by thinking about every sexual act two people could try that...

4 years ago
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I Thought She Made You UpChapter 3

I did call CeCe that Friday, and pretty much every Friday for months. The photos were a big hit. She said guys were actually starting to notice her. She started a collection of biker bar tee shirts, mostly from going out with me once or twice a month when she got home. Others she bought in shirt shops or motorcycle dealerships. She even bought me a couple. We still had to sneak around, which started bothering me. Normally she would get home, spend Friday night with her parents, go out with...

1 year ago
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Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 14 In The Honeymoon Suite

I opened the door and then scooped Kim up and carried her into the room setting her down inside. The look on her face was a sight to behold. A combination of confusion, bewilderment, awe and lastly love. She was literally in seventh heaven right where I wanted her. She noticed lit candles on every table, soft music playing, rose petals all over the floor and a suitcase on the table and asked "whose room is this?" I said "It's ours for the night. And the suitcase is ours." She came back...

2 years ago
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Hot Encounter With Unknown Woman In Queue

Hi, this is Aditya from vizag once again of age 19 submitting my third story. Thanks for your valuable comments on previous stories. This is partly a true experience which I want to share with you. Aunties and girls interested in sex or chat in vizag can approach me through my email Comments are always welcome. Now coming to the story once when I visited a temple in vizag on my birthday I got a wonderful gift in the temple. The temple was fully crowded but somehow I managed to get in to the...

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Cory and Tilly Part 2 Cracks in the Glass1

Hopefully the second part of this chapter will be quicker in production than this one. Many thanks for all your continued support. Ian ___________________________________ Cory and Tilly Part 2: Cracks in the Glass– “It doesn’t matter where we end up, Tilly, so long as we have each other. And you’ll always have me, I promise you that.” School was going great. In fact, everything was going great. Things were perfect for what felt like the first time in an entire lifetime...

2 years ago
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The barn

There she lay, strapped on a table or a bed. She couldn't quite make it out what it was she was lying on. It wasn't uncomfortably hard, however it wasn't very comfortably either. She felt her hands were tied at the wrists. Her feet were tied at the ankles. Her legs spread apart. She was naked. She began to realize she'd been blindfolded as well, unable to see her surroundings. She felt the jute on her face covering her eyes. She wondered where she was. Then she became aware of the sounds...


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