Heather s Dilemma
- 3 years ago
- 47
- 0
When we entered the large warehouse we saw a great many Orientals. This of course was their sport and they didn't mind a bit or a lot of blood. There were vendors walking about flogging their wares in various languages but mostly Cantonese.
It was difficult to do, but if I concentrated on one person enough I could get an idea of what they were thinking. I made an incantation of understanding that had to be constantly renewed because it lasted only a few minutes. I could hear Sonya doing the same chant but she didn't have the right pitch for the invocation to be as effective.
In fifteen minutes the crowd was informed in Chinese about what was to happen. The first two contestants came out. They were both young oriental men. They had leather wrapped around their fists but no gloves. The idea here was to use the hands for grasping sometimes but to allow the fingers to do what was required. The leather allowed the fist and the blade of the hand to be used effectively.
A gong was rung and the two men went at each other with a great deal of energy. They were not pulling their punches or kicks but they were definitely not first-string fighters. The feet were used along with any body part. The fists were held in reserve. One man was struck in the sternum and that was it for he was stunned momentarily and the opponent just beat him to submission.
When the gong rang there was a lot of arguing and people looking for their bookie. Sonya and I discussed the things each did wrong and did them verbally or we would be looked on as odd for not speaking. When the money had changed hands and new wagers made the next fight began.
The second and the third fight were short. The last ended in a broken collarbone and three cracked ribs. The previous one in a broken arm. The air began to really stink as this much humanity when it got excited and began to sweat. Sonya took to rooting for one of the fighters in each bout and I naturally took the other as we cheered on our favourites.
The forth round was more professional and thus more money was bet. Both fighters looked evenly matched. Those nearby told me that the favourite would win easily. Sonya made her pick and we rooted for our proxy as if this were important. It was lots of fun though and we pretended to be either in the pits of despair if our man lost or at the heights of ecstasy if he won.
The fifth round was more serious but both Sonya and I saw that one fighter was pulling his blows. Sonya was incensed because she had picked this man to win. She called out that the man was being paid to lose and that the fight was fixed. She stood on her seat and called out all the weak blows and the slow responses. Everybody was arguing or cheering but those around us started to listen to Sonya.
When the bout was won by a KO Sonya continued to rave about the fix being put in. Many others started to voice the same opinion and this caused a bit of confusion for the officials and the bookies before the official announcement of the winner.
In moments two large men came around the ring and came up to us. One said in accented English that Sonya had to leave. Nobody else had been asked to do so and I think she was being picked on because she was the one to bring the news to the crowd's attention. I was still sitting down but I was monitoring all those around us. Sonya had a temper but she was usually a rational individual.
Sonya said at the top of her voice, "Who had the most to win if the favourite lost? Who paid the best man to sleep? Why should the bookies make the money when the best man lost?"
The two men made the mistake of grabbing her and she went into a quick series of moves and both men were sleeping at her feet in seconds. "Anybody else think that they can shut me up with two boys?" When none came she said loudly, "Give the money back to those that bet. The fight was fixed and that is the only thing to do." Since most of the people lost they agreed with her and a mob was starting to form.
I was wondering at Sonya's aggressive attitude. I had never seen it before and looked for a cause. Magic was on my mind but I could not detect much with her necklace on. It occurred to me that Erasmus had a hand in this and he had to have a reason.
Sonya looked down to me as I sat comfortably in my chair with my jacket over my knee and a leg over my other knee, "Aren't you going to do something?"
I just smiled like a little boy and said, "You are doing just fine without me." Quietly I said, "I will back you up if it is necessary."
"Some master you are. I find a bad situation and you rest your butt on a chair."
A young and beautiful oriental lady came by in a very expensive silk dress. She looked at me and I just smiled. She then looked at the two large men having an early nap then she said to Sonya, "Please do not make a disturbance. Mr. Hatoia would like to have a word with you."
"Is he the guy that paid the fighter to throw the fight?" asked Sonya.
The woman was embarrassed but I was able to sense that she believed so too. "Please, there is a great deal at stake here."
"Yes there is. A lot of innocent people have been robbed. The proper response is to give the money back," Sonya shot back.
The woman was very upset. She was not the type to be in the centre of an argument. Her own disposition was to be meek and mild. She only came over because she was ordered to.
I spoke up for the first time. "Sonya, why don't we stop hurting this young lady and just go see what Mr. Hatoia wants. Maybe we will get season's tickets to this place."
Sonya just glared at me while the woman breathed a sigh of relief. I got up and put the jacket over my shoulder. The diminutive woman looked up then up further. I was a shade over two metres tall and that made me six foot nine. My weight was up to three hundred and sixty pounds or about a hundred and seventy eight kilos. A dramatic difference from what I used to be.
The woman led us over to a segregated area partitioned off with thick rope. We passed a few obvious bodyguards or bullies. I wasn't sure which but I still hated bullies since I was a kid.
Mr. Hatoia was short and going to fat. When he saw me coming he got a worried look on his face and gave some quick orders. I knew that he didn't feel as safe as he had at the start of the fight. There were six sitting bodyguards and an equal number of beautiful women. When Sonya got close he was unsure who to address. He mistakenly picked me, "Why do you allow your woman to disrupt this fight?"
"This woman is my slave. She hasn't learned many manners and I have given her too much free choice. She has voiced what we all know to be true though. If you have a question, you should address it to her."
The man stood now and stumbled a bit before saying, "That isn't what happened. Kuan-yin may have been feeling poorly but he didn't cheat."
Sonya said loud enough for a good many people to hear, "Then you know very little about fighting. The man was very quick at avoiding blows so the people got something to see but his own strikes were slow and weak. My aged mother could have beaten him. The guy he was fighting knew the fix was in because he didn't pursue when he should. Most of the people watching the fight know that you don't show weakness and you certainly take advantage of an opponent's failings. Are you trying to tell everybody that the two were sparing for fun?"
Sonya was showing more anger than she felt so she had her arms across her chest and glared at the man while tapping her foot waiting for an answer.
Mr. Hatoia was perplexed by what to do and I suggested, "Mr. Hatoia, the fighters were both not doing their best. I think that the wagers should go back to those that made them so they can wager on the next fight."
The man looked at me and disregarded what I said, "If this woman is your slave, you should make her be quiet."
"She is my slave but I am an undemanding soft hearted master. What say we have another fight? Pick your best man and Sonya will fight him. If she wins you give back all the money that was wagered and if she loses... she will be your slave for a week until she learns her place."
Word shifted back at the speed of gossip and the crowd wanted to see this fight. They knew Sonya was good to put out two unsuspecting men but not good enough against a professional fighter that was ready to beat her.
The crowd started to chant the word 'fight' in Cantonese. Mr. Hatoia bowed his head and said, "That is suitable." The crowd cheered in response and Sonya just stared at me in wonder.
"You want me to fight one of these cretins? You want to rent me out for a week?"
"Slut," I spoke loudly. This was enough to startle her into being quiet. She also seemed to like the word I used. This made me think of later being a bit more kinky. "Do what you are told. Fight one man and win all the money back that was lost. Just like the middle ages where God made the hand of one man stronger and allowed him to win."
"But..." she hung her head and said, "Yes Master."
Mr. Hatoia moved some of his flunkies so I could sit and Sonya demanded that another move so she could sit. Hatoia asked me, "Isn't she going to get ready?"
"Get the bets down and your fighter on the mat. She's ready to fight all the time." The man was unsure but in a few moments the bets were placed and a new man came out. He was not a lightweight like the last fight but was a heavyweight and the crowd seemed to know him well.
Hatoia smiled at me as if he had just won but I just ignored him and looked at his half dozen ladies and thought of the six pills in my pocket. This seemed to anger the man. He said loudly, "You can pull out now."
"I am afraid Sonya is still too angry. I may have to take her over my knee but I happen to think she should continue."
The man on the mat was making gestures for Sonya to come up. His tone and words were very derogatory and insulting. Sonya was just getting angrier. She finally looked at me and I said, "Fight the same way we always do."
"No buts, you can wear your necklace if you want."
She thought about this for a moment then got to her feet then knelt before me. "Please undo my dress, Master. I do not want to get it dirty or have the blood from that man on it."
"Yes, my slave. I pamper you too much. I think I will have to warm your bum soon."
This seemed to excite her and she started to smile then hid it. "Yes Master, whatever you want."
I undid the clasp and Sonya stepped out of her dress. The warehouse now was very quiet. Some that started to hoot were silenced by others. Sonya made a production of turning so I could unhook her bra then took it off with a lowered gaze. Her panties came next and she did it slowly to arouse those around her and she looked to see that I was affected too. She gave me a smile and walked through the crowd and up to the platform.
Sonya was used to going naked and now that she was in an environment with other Humans she seemed to flourish. She just walked to the other side of the mat and bent down at the waist with widely spaced legs to inspect a bit of lint. Her vagina and anus were on display to the man she would fight. He had to wait a moment to think what to do next. He was not into beating women I think and especially in public. It was a good bit of strategy and I said, "Very good slut. He doesn't know what to do."
"Thank you Master," she sent me in a very subdued and slave like thought. She seemed to be getting off on been called disparaging names and of course her parading around to let everybody see that she was a beautiful and very desirable woman.
The announcer was ready to start the fight when Sonya interrupted and gave the terms of the fight. There was a good bit of cheering especially when she flaunted her status as a mere slave girl doing her master's bidding.
She kicked off her shoes and they flew directly to me one at a time. I simply put my hand up and they came directly to me as if by magic. I hadn't used any either; it was just that Sonya was good with her feet.
When I resumed my seat I turned to Mr. Hatoia and said, "I have ten thousand dollars in my wallet. Would you care to make a side bet?"
"What odds?"
"Instead of odds I was thinking of placing my money against the time with all six of your ladies for three days. I can try to make them happy and well adjusted little slaves."
I had been concentrating on the man very much and could only get his surface thoughts and then not clearly. Three of his ladies were rented so to speak and the other three were girlfriends. He could lose the first three easily but had qualms about the latter group.
"All six? You must have quite an appetite."
"I seem to get carried away sometimes and my slave suffers some chaffing and has sore muscles the next day. With a bit of help she can carry the load so to speak."
"I will give you three against half the money?"
"I can pick up ladies by myself but you happen to have had more time and picked out the very best. I would feel heartbroken if I didn't get them all."
The girls in question were shocked at my words. Some were professional and could deal in something like a monetary transaction. The other three were just in it for the same reasons but had not rented themselves out to anybody but their current employer.
Mr. Hatoia finally saw this as a win/win situation. He lost very little for a chanced to get his hands on a lot of money. "You have a deal," he said.
I stuck out my hand and we shook. I said, "I will pay immediately after the fight but if I win I would like you to drop off the girls tomorrow at noon at the Sheraton Centre."
He wondered about this condition and I could see him scheming to find a way to cheat me.
"That is acceptable."
The girls though talked quietly among themselves as if this were very important to them. Three of them didn't like the way they could be bartered for. I saw a great deal of similarity with what I had found out about Sookra. This may have been the reason for this to be added to my reason for coming to this city.
When the gong rang the bewildered opponent came at Sonya right away. Sonya pretended to cringe and put a finger to her mouth as if she were a child. The man's handholds never seemed to be able to grasp an arm or body part. The kicks and punches came later and were just avoided as if she didn't know what to do. She went into a flurry of activity that only stopped the opponent and none of them touched him.
He came rushing in again and this time Sonya turned and used her hands and feet to block or divert all of the blows. This time she was fighting in what her opponent and the audience felt was the standard way. When he rushed her she simply used her hands to propel him further in the direction he was going while staying out of his grip. She merely played a defensive role.
The fighter was fast for his size and quite strong but Sonya was not dainty for a woman. Our muscles were not normal but magically enhanced. Our training had improved our reflexes to such an extent that some moves would be almost invisible. It felt odd to see the crystal on her neck remain stationary because she didn't move her torso much at all.
I looked at the spectators when this was going on. Many of the men were aroused, as were Mr. Hatoia and all but two of his men. The women though were all excited and I wondered if it were the violence, the wagers or the woman that was doing the fighting.
Sonya had exposed a very wide streak of exhibitionism in her and she played to her audience as she played with her opponent. It was only when the man would dramatically loose face did she go on the offensive and in a few seconds he was on the mat. One final blow was enough to knock him out.
I gong sounded loudly. Sonya held one of her hands in the other over her head and walked around the mat to show that she had won. This presented her breasts to the audience and in a way she was saying how a female had defeated a male. I knew she would be very excited tonight and end up being sore for it tomorrow. She would try that particular bout with me and with the same idea in mind.
I threw her shoes to her and she quickly put them on and walked back as if she were at a tea party. She continued with her acting and knelt before me and said nothing. Her breathing was not even more than usual. I reached down to her face and raised her head by cradling her jaw. "You did very well slave. You spent a long time playing with him but you did your job professionally. I will have to find something special for you." Her head moved a bit and she just stared at my cock and licked her lips insolently.
I dressed her in front of the audience then patted her bum. The six girls took note of how gentle I was with her. Mr. Hatoia's man was being carried off and still unconscious. The spectators were holding their breath until Sonya was finally dressed then started clamouring for their money back or their winnings from Sonya's fight.
With Sonya now on her feet, I walked around to each of my rental women and said quietly, "Open." I threw a magic pill into each of their mouths and they accepted this as a master's right. I doubted if other races had women this amenable to a man, even if my bulk indicated that I should be obeyed.
Mr. Hatoia was very curious but said nothing about this. He was still in shock at what had happened.
Sonya and I left the fight after the announcer explained about the fixed fight being unfair because both men were sick at the time. Mr. Hatoia was still not over the fight himself and I doubted if he would make the same mistake again without better acting.
That night Sonya was insatiable but I went slow and made more love that the raw sex she craved. She did snuggle up to me tighter than usual and I hoped this meant that she wanted me more.
The next day was blustery but we walked west of Spadina and found ourselves in China Town. I may have been memorable by my size but word of Sonya's arrival went much faster than our walking speed. Sonya knew of my side wager and wanted to get back to the hotel before the women. She didn't think of them as guests but more as a lower level of slave. This way she would be a master in some matters. She was also curious of the specific instructions I had been given but I kept them secret. She was still a slave and I had to remind her of that for her own enjoyment.
We got inside the main doors of the hotel fifteen minutes early and I spotted four of the women from the night before sitting on some comfortable furniture but they looked nervous. They had not seen us arrive and stood up quickly as we got close. All of them were young and pretty. They were not beautiful but did hold themselves erect and wore clothing that suited their race and culture. Mr. Hatoia seemed to find the ones that not only appealed to his racial background but like the Caucasian women he now saw.
When I stopped walking, Sonya continued and stood before me with the girls. "Have each of you eaten your noon meal?" I scanned each of their faces until they nodded one way or another. "The proper response is either 'yes Master' or 'no Master' in the future. Is that understood?"
I was given, "Yes Master," from all four and even Sonya. She was going to encourage the girls as a role model.
"Good, then have a seat and we can get to know one another better." I looked at one of the professionals and said, "Tell me about yourself. Do not lie for I will know. There are no secrets between slave and master."
The first one was slow to start. Her name was Cong and meant cleaver. I asked if Connie was a good enough substitute. Normally I would not do this and rely on names chosen by their parents but I was a master now and needed to find ways to show it to the girls. I gave some encouragement by asking leading questions. The next woman's name was Jin which became Jen. Jun became June and An became Ann. The second girl was done talking about her history by the time the other two girls arrived. Sonya just patted the couch beside her for them to seat themselves.
The last two only spoke Chinese and had recently arrived from Mainland China. The women now telling her story had to do so in Chinese too. The last two when their turn came, spoke their native language and somebody else had to translate this for our benefit. The taller, more outgoing one of the two was Li Na which soon became Lena. The other was very shy and had the name Lin that became Lynn. The girls accepted these names but they also knew that they were just for fun at the moment.
From my observations and from reading their surface thoughts I saw that each woman had lied to me. Not all were whoppers but it did give me an opening to attach them to me more firmly and find some use for their services besides those they already believed.
I was getting hungry and as the master I decided that we go to one of the restaurants and I ordered for everybody. Slaves ate what they were given but nothing was objectionable. Sonya sat close and I fed her some food from my plate more from habit but both of us enjoyed it.
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The six of us were there, myself, Jessica, Max, Drew, Ashley and Mimi. We played a bunch of drinking games and were all pretty buzzed when max said, anyone interested in a little Truth or Dare? We all agreed, Jessica looked at me and said no matter what the dare is we have to agreed to do it, I not wanted to back down or seem scared said no matter what. The tension in the room was obvious, we started with the BS dares, ring the neighbor’s door and run, eat the year-old candy bar, little...
Hi everyone, this is Aryan from Hisar, Haryana. I’m 20 yrs of age and 6 feet tall with 7 inch boner ;) Mail me at Ye baat 4 months phle ki h, neha bhabhi mere pados me rhti h, 27 saal ki, figure 32-28-34 She is a sex bomb. Jb bi sari phn k vo niklti h to kya btau. She used to go for jogging everyday. I really wanted to fuck her so I also started jogging, just to get a chance to talk to her. One day I decided to approach her, she was jogging and I came near her and said hi, she said hi but...
Hiiii meenu here, i am greatest fan of iss, i read much stories in this site, i also want submit my experience fantasy in this site, mai 18 saal ki khubsurat ladki hu college mai padti hu, ghar mai mummy papa bade bhayia aur bhabhi (pinky)hai meri 1 behan hai aarti jo mujse badi jiski shadi ho chuki hai, d mere jijju (RAJ)ek smart ladke hai didi unke sath bahut khush hai, mai apni figure bata du mera kad 5.3″ hai figure 32 30 34 hai,rang gora khubsurat, meri seal meri babhi nai mere jijju aur...
100% fiction! Danielle was always my hotter of two sisters. I dreamt about her when i was young, dream came true when I turned 18 and she was 28. I walk into my room and see her, 5'2" B cup titties with long, thick, perky nipples just like our mommy. I'm 18 5'6", redhead, 170 6 in cock, and already a dad. She was older than me. and not a mom yet. But she couldn't be a mom because she works out too much, mainly a runner, but recently started getting seriously serious about her fitness and joined...
Incestsilvia asked me again, teach me how to deep throat ok? please?! she looked so cute, holding my hands while we sat on her bed, her pretty eyes looking at me all excited. i always gag when i do it, i don’t know what i’m doing wrong, she went on. oh, you just have to have the right angle and relax your throat muscles, i told her all matter of fact. i know, i know! she went on, but i always gag! teach me ok? please?! she asked, her pretty face beaming, the kind of face no one could say no to....
You smile and I take off my shirt. You run your hands across my chest and up my neck as I pull you in and kiss you deeply for the first time. Our lips melt into each other and I use my tongue to desperately fill your mouth as we dance inside each other. I'm pulling your clothes off and you help me undress your beautiful young body. My cock is starting to rise and you can feel it pressing against your thighs and I can feel your hands start to trace the outline of my cock from my...
One of the students had made a strong impression on her, however. Jason Jenkins was a fourteen-year-old boy who looked and acted younger than his age. He was cute, almost pretty, about the same height as she but plump and cuddly. Beth had an almost overpowering desire to put her arms around him and hug him, to feel his soft, round body close to hers. Perhaps it was latent lesbianism battling with her more dominant heterosexuality but, whatever the cause, she liked him a lot. A boy with the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My girlfriend seemed shy and reserved when she came overt. She had been away on a family vacation to a farm upstate, and I had been alone more than a week. I thought she would fly into my arms and show me how much she had missed me, but she could only give me a simpering grin as she looked up at me through her eyelashes. She had made it past my family OK and we were in my room. This was usual practice, as the my family watched football most nights and...
IncestAfter her night standing naked on the bus letting the bus driver fuck her, Sheri had a fire inside that she could not extinguish. She focused on her Bus Stop Boy (BSB) and fantasized about him nightly. She continued to tease him at the bus stop hoping he would make some kind of move. After a month of teasing him and getting no reaction, Sheri was to the point of exploding. She needed to be fucked and fucked badly! With no sign of her BSB all day, Sheri went into her bedroom stripped naked then...
She got up from where she was lying and sat on the bed’s edge. The towel was still under her so she stood up and removed it. As she did, she saw the huge puddle of her cum laying on top of her bureau and the droplets of it on the front of the drawers. She took the towel and wiped her bureau clean and she felt the stickiness between her legs. She needed to shower. While she was in the shower, she started thinking to herself. She finally had hit that point where she could no longer please...
Straight Sex"Jenna," I said, with a smile on my face, "Could you move out of the way, please? I'd like to get to the kitchen.""Err, how about no!" She grinned back, her big brown eyes sparkling at me. As she stood in the hallway, her legs were stretched out, with her toes touching the skirting board on either side. Her arms were positioned likewise, her left hand on one wall, her right one on the other. She was spread out like a star.I put a stern look on my face and walked toward her purposefully....
TransLaw Student Sex Hello this is Bharath, from Bangalore and this story is about Nilima (named changed ) ..and it happened few months back. I met Nilima on facebook and figured out she was in Bangalore for past 2 years and getting her graduation in law.. Nilima is a fair girl from Haryana with a figure 35-27-35…wine glass figure !! We initially got close through our conversations and later we began meeting on weekends .. After few week I took her to a bike ride and suddenly she began getting close...
I had been fucking my new neighbour on a regular basis for sometime now(See previous posts),basically her husband worked away during the week and she needed a regular fucking(Make that atleast twice a day.I certainly wasn't the only one fucking her).This particular day we had arranged to meet up after i got back from work.Usually she would leave her door unlocked and i would let myself in.I would generally find her in her bedroom,usually with a dildo between her legs,fucking herself.As i said...
Hello friends mera naam sameer hai main 28 saal ka mumbai ka rehne wala hu . Straight to the story. Ye kahani bikul real hai ruksana bhabhi meri cousin ki wife hai jo goan main rahte hai mera cousin out of country oman main kaam karta hai jo 2 saal main ek baar ghar aata hai meri nazar bhabhi par bhot pehle se hi thi par un ke saath kabhi bhi kuch karne ka mauka nahi mila kyuke wo joint family main rehti hai . Dikhne main thodi moti thi par rang doodh jaisa gora tha uske boobs kamal ke hai our...
The minute I met my English professor I knew I wanted to fuck her. She was beyond gorgeous. She was barely five feet tall, but always wore heels to class to elevate her height by a good three to four inches depending on the day. She still dwarfed me by a foot. Her hair was dark red and always pulled up, twisted in either a bun, held by a clip or in a French twist. Her eyes were pale blue green and could stare into your soul; glasses frequently framed these dangerous pools, though recently she’d...
Good things sometimes come in threes, and such was the case with a local guy I met on three separate occasions. I usually can’t meet for play in my home town because of risk of discovery (I am a married professional), but in this case I made an exception. My acquaintance was a senior manager at a local construction company. His wife allegedly had some kind of medical issue that prevented her from having/enjoying sex. I met him online, and he described himself as a middle-aged top with average...
Gay MaleIt was raining out side. The wind was blowing and the rain was crashing down above me. I ran to the phone and called a friend, asking him if he would come over and keep me company until the storm was over. When I heard his knock i ran to open the door, Standing before me was my friend Tim and a friend he had brought. ” Hope you don’t mind me bringing Stud, He hates storms too.” He said as he walked past me into the house. Closing the door behind us, we went into the living...
I have an interesting night planned for you. I want you to be nice and clean when we start. Strip and take a shower. I'll watch. When you're done, bring the toy bag out to the living room and wait for further instructions.The words in the chat window were enough to make my heart start racing. I smiled at the round unwinking eye of the tiny camera clipped to my laptop. He was off somewhere in some anonymous hotel room in Mumbai, and I could already imagine him loosening his clothes.I rose from...
Her warm breath hangs delicately in the cold night air. As the words from his letter were swirling around in her mind."Tonight my Queen, we shall watch each other indulge in our darkest fantasies. At seven o'clock you are to keep yourself at the brink of an orgasm for twenty minutes without cumming. Be dressed to impress, i'll be there at seven twenty sharp. Don't be late...or else." A smile crept across her face, As she wonders if she can truly let her wildest desires take over. Slow...
My In Laws, Jan and Dave have a nice house, with a pool outside in the backyard. My wife and I would go over sometimes to kick back and relax in the pool with the kids and her parents. I always noticed what a great ass Jan had. So while I am working on some outside trim, sanding, prepping the wood for some stain, Jan comes out and offers me something cold to drink, asking me what I would like. As I looked at her, I noticed she was wearing some short shorts, a very tight t shirt,...
As Michelle led me up the stairs to her room I stared at the envelope in my hands. I wondered what its contents would yield and how they would affect my already drastically changed life. She opened the door and led me into the room, and as she sat down on the futon, she beckoned me over. Slowly and deliberately I walked over to her and sat next to her. Turning to me she asked, 'Do you want me to stay with you or do you want to be alone'' Silently I leaned over and laid my head in her lap. 'Stay...
LesbianHi to all friends mera naam Kisshu hai aur mai Ramgarh Cantt, Jharkhand ka rahne wala hu, mai lagbhag 5 month se ISS padh raha hu aur iska bahut bada fain hu ye ek bahut hi khubsurat plateform hai apni real story ko sabke sath share karne ka. Meri umra 26 saal hai aur mai b.com graduate hu, hight 5.7″ aur weight 60 kg hai, body gym vest hai, mai jyada fair nhi hu but nain-naksh kafi achhe hain ab mai apni story pr aata hu ye story meri aur meri buwa ki ladki (sis) Sandhya ki hai, jo ki kaafi...
Annabel (Annabel Redd) tells her coworker (Violet Myers) about the adventure with her sexy client. When Violet hears Annabel’s story, she has trouble believing it. Annabel sets out to prove it to her and suggests that Violet hide and watch what happens with the next handsome customer. Sure enough, a sexy young stud (Michael Vegas) comes in for a trim and a shave. Annabel covers his face with a hot towel and goes to work. Violet becomes aroused as she watches her horny coworker sucking on a big...
xmoviesforyouAfter almost a month I awoke on a Monday morning to start my day at 6 AM. I got the fire rebuilt and then closed the draft. I did all that while I waited for the call from Jeremy or Alice. The one that told me they were on their way. While I waited I also reviewed the last few weeks of my life. I had to do that every so often to keep the big picture in mind. Otherwise I got mired down in whatever project that was most pressing at the moment. The reason I chose this morning to do the mental...
It was the following Friday and Ali was working on her investment portfolio in her office when her phone buzzed. Kathy said, "Ali, I need to see you. May I come in?" Ali agreed instantly and Kathy came in and sat down. She said, "There's a girl outside I think you will be interested in. Her name is Dolores Martinez. She goes by Debbie. She just walked in off the street looking for a job. I tested her and her secretarial and computer skills are outstanding. I think you'll like her. Will...
When I was younger, my dad had passed away leaving only my mom and I. She is 45 years old with long brown hair, bright green eyes and stood about 5'10" in height. She is also a fairly busty woman with a 30DD chest with about 35" hips and in pretty good shape for a woman her age. I had been crossdressing for a few years and my mother had caught me a few times wearing her clothes. The first few times she had a surprised look on her face and left. However, after a few times she seemed not to care...
CrossdressingThe cast party was going great. Daisy was loving it, her first cast party since she joined the drama department at the Community College. What a thrill! Each of the four nights of the performance had been a smash hit, and now it was time to celebrate with the rest of the cast and unwind. She gently tossed her long, silky chestnut hair to one side and sipped her wine cooler (she wasn't a big drinker, and it was already making her feel light and giddy), and enjoyed hugs with several of the cast...
Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...
They let me walk upstairs without any resistance, and I kept thinking about what I would say to her. I didn’t want to confront her with all these guys that I didn’t know. I felt small and weak, and there was nothing I could do to stop these boys from having their way with my wife. If anything, I would just be here for support, and make sure she was safe. Whatever feelings I had about a monogamous marriage, were gone, and I had resigned to see my wife used by other men.There were three doors...
Cuckold-So a few years ago i knew a girl , let's call her "Y" and she was very attractive the kind that make men turn their heads on the street BUT she was filthy too , and i don't mean that in a bad way , i mean she used to say the dirtiest things you can imagine , stuff that makes men blush and feel like little girls , for example the first time i ever met here outside the school we both went to was on the beach in a place called "6th October City" here in Alexandria, Egypt, So i barely knew her, me...
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 18In the months since Clarissa's stunning rise to power as President of the Confederacy Country Club (known to all as the 'CCC') near Hawksville, much had been accomplished she thought, as she drove home after another positive Board of Directors' meeting. She mentally listed and ticked off her ‘achievements’ which included the expansion of some of the committees to include more women, young...
When I had graduated from high-school and was preparing to go to college my mother said it would be great if I roomed with the son of one of her friends. The university we both had chosen allowed for students to request roommates they knew.My mother and Jason’s mother had met several years ago at the hairdressers and had become good friends. I therefore knew Jason but we had never developed a friendship, because we had nothing in common.For example, he collected stamps, which I thought was...
College Sex