Robbing The BunkerChapter 5: Modernizing The MC Device free porn video

I got home that night with my head swimming from my newfound power. Digging out the schematics of the Mind Control Device, I set about figuring them out so I could build my own. My degree was in electrical engineering so I dug out my old textbooks and got to work. Drunk with the knowledge that electronics technology had exploded in the last 30 years, I was confident that I could build, if not improve upon, Brantwell's design. It was like doing an obscure homework problem.
I identified the functions of each segment of the circuitry. Some were very basic: frequency amplifiers, filters, wave transformers, and bridges. All parts of a classic transmitter and receiver set. The challenges came in some of the specialized parts. The input/output ports to the sender's brain were highly complex. I struggled for many hours trying to translate the 1950's era vacuum tube drawings to current integrated chip technology. After several sleepless nights, I had a design that I was fairly confident would work.
My next step was to call up a buddy that still worked at the college in the Electrical Technology department. A few cases of beer and I had access to all the parts I needed. I drew my circuit boards long hand and then scribed them on to boards I bought at a local hobby shop. After a couple of weeks of not sleeping, I probably looked more like a mad scientist than Dr. Brantwell but it was worth the effort.
My Mind Control device looked more like an ornate necklace than the futuristic crown that Dr. Brantwell's team had produced. Signals were picked up from the sender's lower cortex, amplified and modulated for transmission, and then transmitted to the subject.
After three weeks of hard work, I went back to the lab and ran my device on the test bench. A few minor adjustments were necessary but everything performed within specifications. All I needed now was another subject.
I decided to start testing my device at the same place I tested the older device, I looked for a neighbor to eavesdrop on. I found my target. Annette had another guest. They looked as if they had just returned from a night on the town. He was in a suit. She in a long gold sheaf dress, her hair arranged in a sophisticated style atop her head. They embraced at the door. I took a quick peek inside her mind, eager to see what she had planned for the evening.
The Aphrodite-like image of her sexual avatar was all ready in control of her mind. I let the situation develop on its own, watching her give her date a long, deep French kiss. Going "upstairs" in her mind, I looked in on her recent memories. She had been more sexually aroused than normal, masturbating twice a day and even having some uncharacteristic one night stands. I realized that by letting her sexual avatar loose without its normal restraints, I had left her in that state after our last meeting. As I explored her memories, Annette dragged her date, a young law clerk named Victor, into her apartment.
Victor was more eager than Jerry had been, quickly responding to the sexual signals that Annette had been sending him all night. Annette got Victor into her living room where she allowed him to strip and fondle her. Spurred on by her unfettered desire, she hungrily pulled his cock from his pants and got him hard. While she sucked him, I set a control that urged her toward anal sex. She had buried that desire in the back of her mind, not pursuing it as much out of dislike as disinterest.
As they traded oral pleasures, I enhanced her curiosity, tantalizing her with curiosity. Turning around on all fours, she offered him her forbidden orifice. Victor, also under the influence of one of my controls, accepted the offer and slowly worked his long cock into her ass. I amplified sensations of pleasure and damped the feelings of pain and discomfort, spurring them on. They increase the pace of their fucking, I made sure that I played up the "forbidden pleasures" of their sodomy. I made Victor felt the tightness of her ass, while at the same time, she relished the fullness of his cock inside her nether hole. After a few moments of deep, steamy sex, he pulled his dick out of her ass and came on her tits. This time, I made sure to reset the natural restrictions on the avatars before releasing my dominance over Annette and Victor.

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