Devlin's StoryChapter 45 free porn video

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The next morning Devlin smiled sleepily as she stretched. Krissi was curled up beside her, lying on her side looking like a porcelain doll in the early morning light. All right, a nude porcelain doll. The blanket had slipped down to her waist and her breasts look perfect and flawless. Devlin resisted the urge to suck the light pink nipples--they looked so inviting in the early morning light--and pulled the blanket up to Krissi's shoulders instead.

The clock next to the bed showed 7:50. She wondered if there was any fresh coffee. If it was a typical Sunday morning there were probably a few people up--she grinned at another possibility with the word 'up'--and somebody would have made coffee. She decided to find out.

Amnita was in the kitchen, still dressed, and sipping a cup. "Sleep better?" she asked.

"It seems strange to come to Emma's and not have sex," Devlin said as she poured herself a cup. "It's like it's against the rules or something."

"I know what you mean." Amnita refreshed her coffee. "Some days it's almost like a requirement."

"Are you implying that there are days you don't want to have sex? There are a lot of people who wouldn't believe that."

Amnita shrugged. "I don't care what they think. I'm a normal woman, well, most of the time, and there are days I don't feel like doing it." She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "This morning isn't one of those mornings, though. I feel the need to be an absolute slut this morning."


"There was a new priest at Mass this morning. He made some stupid comment about how I was dressed, and hinted that I was showing a bit too much skin."

Devlin stepped back. Amnita was wearing a peach dress with short sleeves, a slight scoop to the neck that barely revealed the top of her collarbone, and a hemline that hit just above her knee.

"He calls this showing too much skin?"

"I think he tried to look down my front when I knelt this morning." She took a healthy gulp of her coffee. "He's probably more interested in boys, anyway."

"You are, too."

Amnita made a face. "True, but I like big boys, not little ones. And I am physically incapable of buggering them in the ass."

"Do you think he does that?"

"I'm going to find out. He said pointedly that he wanted to see me at Mass next week more properly dressed for a woman of the community. I only come to this church every other week. I'm going to ask my regular priest about this guy. I don't like being lectured to, especially by someone who doesn't know me."

"Or your past."

"I don't tell people about my past," Amnita said. "That's in the past, and it's none of their business." She finished her coffee. "Now where around here can I find someone to fuck?"

"I imagine just about anywhere," Devlin said. "I've heard noises from the basement."

"Downstairs it is," Amnita said. "Could you unzip me?"

Devlin did so, and settled back to finish her coffee as Amnita went down the hall. Did she feel like having sex this morning? Um, maybe, but maybe not. She closed her eyes, thinking how good it would feel to have a nice long piece of male meat sliding into her. She'd kiss his chest, savoring the power in his shoulders and back. She'd feel his butt, and how the muscles shifted as he drove himself into her.

She smiled. When she put it that way she definitely felt like getting laid. She just wasn't sure she was in the mood for it.

There was a couple in the basement, in the middle of the pillows next to the dance floor. He was on his back, and the woman was slowly riding up and down on his length. Devlin watched for a few seconds. The woman kept bending over to kiss him, so that ruled out sitting on his face. And there wasn't anyone else around. She gave up, took a shower, got dressed, and logged on to Tim's computer. There was a website she'd stumbled across at the library that she wanted to browse. It had information about every player in the minor leagues, the teams, the schedules and... well, everything, including analysis from the scouts.

A fascinating hour later she heard a noise from the living room. Curious, she decided to check it out. She needed a break, and this was a good opportunity.

When she got to the living room she stopped. Krissi was lying on a blanket in the middle of the floor, and Jesse was fucking her with slow, steady movements. Everything was visible: how Krissi's breasts shook at the end of each in-stroke; how Jesse's marvelous shoulders tensed as he flexed his hips to drive forward; the dark length of his cock gleaming from Krissi's wetness; and how his tanned skin looked so dark against the porcelain whiteness of hers.

"God, he's still fucking someone," a woman said from behind her.

Devlin turned. It was Piper, Jesse's wife. She was a short woman with a slender figure, and small breasts. Her blonde hair cut in a page boy style. She was dressed in sandals, jeans, and a light blue blouse with a strand of fake pearls visible around her neck.

"Oh, hi, Devlin. I'm surprised you're not with him."

"Just didn't really feel like it this morning."

"So he's finally going after Krissi?"

"Or she went after him."

Piper nodded. "That's possible. She's blonde, and except for you, he likes blonde women with small boobs."

"Yeah, I'm about as far from that as you can get," Devlin laughed.

"I know you're not married. I heard you have a boyfriend, though. Or do you?"

"I like to think I do." She told her a little about Evan.

"Well, good luck. I hope it works out. Who's Krissi's husband?"

"She's not married, but she's engaged."

"But Emma says this is okay?"

Devlin nodded. "She does. I know it's not normal, but..."

Piper sighed, and then shrugged. "Well, she would know." She edged into the doorway. "You know, Jesse was telling me about you. He was quite enthusiastic."

Devlin made room for Piper in the doorway. Together they watched Jesse and Krissi. "You are one lucky woman," Devlin said softly. "I've only met a couple of guys who can screw as well as he does."

"He is a marvel," Piper agreed. "He said you were so small he had trouble getting it in you."

"Really? I thought it was because he was so big. The head of that thing of his isn't exactly small." She smiled, remembering. "I wanted to be a ballet dancer when I was small, and I got in the habit of doing dance class every morning. And that really tightens up the muscles down there."

Piper glanced at Devlin's breasts. "You're not a dancer, are you? You know, exotic dancer, that sort of thing?"

Devlin shook her head. "No, I'd never even think of doing that. I'm basically a shy type. The only place where I feel comfortable with people looking at my body is at these parties."

"You'd do well with those things."

"I'd beat myself to death with these things," Devlin said. "Most people forget how heavy these things are. I wear out bras at an appalling rate, and my back sometimes just kills me."

Piper studied Devlin's breasts, her brow furrowed. "How big are you? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"34DD," Devlin said. "I have a small back, and that doesn't help." She hefted one of her breasts. "These things are all me, I grew them myself."

"God," Piper said after a few seconds. "You poor girl, they must weigh a ton."

"I weighed them, once," Devlin said. "I don't remember how much they weighed, but I was surprised."

Piper looked at her husband. "You said Krissi has a fiancé?"

"Yeah, he couldn't be here tonight. He had a family thing this weekend."

"Damn. I was thinking: if Jesse's screwing Krissi, then it would only be right for me to screw her fiancé. We like to party as a couple, though I'll make an exception for you.

"Thanks. I kind of appreciate it."

Piper watched them for a bit more. "I'll see you in a bit. I'm going to go get a cup of coffee." She stepped past them and headed for the kitchen.

Devlin glanced at the time. "You guys are going to take forever," she said after seeing Krissi's face. "It's time I did something about that."

She bent down and began fondling Jesse's balls, then knelt and licked them. After several seconds he began to move faster. Krissi wailed as her climax took her. Devlin felt Jesse's balls clench, moving beyond her lips. She squeezed his firm ass before fondling him again. With a deep groan he came.

The two slowed until they slumped together in a pile of arms and legs. Piper showed up about then, a croissant in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.

"God, are they still at it?"

"They just finished," Devlin said. Jesse and Krissi lay there with their eyes closed, both breathing hard.

"I guess I'll be the one doing the driving," Piper laughed. "It won't be the first time." She bent down. "Krissi, honey, time to go home." Piper looked over at Devlin. "Can you give me a hand here, Devlin?"

Together the two women lifted Jesse back. His wet cock slid out of Krissi, to hang there, a thin strand of jism running from his tip to her entrance. "God, that's enough to get me excited again," a woman said from behind them. "We'd better go home before we start undressing."

Jesse got his legs partially under him and sat back against the couch. Devlin bent down and got her arm around Krissi's shoulder. She helped her friend to her feet and downstairs to the bathroom. Krissi still appeared to be lost in her own private world, so, reluctantly, Devlin undressed and pulled the girl into the shower with her.

The water revived the blonde somewhat, enough that her hands began wandering familiarly over Devlin's curves. From the feel, Devlin knew Krissi was still turned on. And, truth to tell, between having her girlfriend here in her hands, the heat, the soapy water, and the slickness of each other's skin, she was getting turned on, too. When Krissi leaned forward with a kiss, Devlin parted her legs. Leg fit between leg, breast fit between breast, hands, lips, bodies, they kissed and began moving against each other.

Devlin's own climax was short and sharp, not at all like with a guy. She could feel the emptiness inside her as her body clenched. Krissi's climax was longer and harder as she spent every last bit of her energy. But finally the two lay slumped together, arms around each other, breathing in unison.

Krissi pushed at her soaked hair. "Do we have to go?" she asked plaintively.

"I think we'd better," Devlin said. She gently squeezed Krissi's breast. "Come on. We need to finish getting cleaned up."

"Damned parents," Krissi said as she got to her feet. She rinsed out her hair, wringing it out as she stepped away from the spray. "All done?"

"Done here," Devlin said. She felt better than she had since waking up. This was exactly what she had needed. She found the towels and passed one back to Krissi.

Krissi wrapped the towel around her hair. "God, I just realized: my clean clothes are out in the car."

"No they aren't. Tim brought our luggage in." Devlin started dressing again. She needed her blow dryer and 15 minutes with a brush. "It's upstairs in the dressing room."

Krissi leaned over and gave Devlin a gentle kiss. "I'll see you in a bit," she said, smiling as she looked her in the eye.

Devlin ran her finger down Krissi's face. "In a bit," she agreed, kissing the blonde tenderly.

After drying and brushing her hair, Devlin returned to the kitchen. This time she actually ate something. She could feel a 'happy bubble' deep inside her. It was kind of ironic, she thought. She hadn't needed a man at all. Krissi was good for her in so many ways, including in bed. It was too bad Krissi's parents were showing up today. Otherwise they could get together at Krissi's apartment and make the whole day go away.

Krissi, dressed in a tee-shirt and white shorts, stuck her head in the door. "Ready whenever you are, kid."

Devlin got her things, gave Tim a quick hug, and dragged Krissi down the street to the car.

"What will the neighbors say?" Krissi asked as they passed the houses.

"Quite a lot, probably." Devlin pulled her keys out of her purse. "But right now I don't care.

Krissi settled in the right front seat, and then shifted slightly. "Ooh."

"Little tender down there, are we?"

"Jesse knows how to use that thing of his," Krissi replied. "I'm so stretched open right now you could probably put your entire hand in there."

"Well, there's no time for that," Devlin said. "It's after 10, and we've got to get you back to campus."

"Are we stopping to get anything to eat?"

"We could find a fast-food place and get something to go," Devlin said. "Why? Are you hungry?"

"The only thing I've had to eat today was Jesse," Krissi said. "I'm starving."

Devlin started the car and put it in gear. "There's an Arby's just south of town." She backtracked to get to May Road. When they got to the drive-up window, Krissi surprised her by ordering an extra sandwich.

"Careful, girl, you'll get fat," Devlin said as they headed back through town.

"Right now I'm hungry enough for two people. I know I should have eaten something, but by the time we took that shower I had no willpower."

"Well, settle in. It's at least an hour back to campus. I'm wide awake, but I don't know about you."

"I'll do," Krissi said. She bit into her sandwich with enthusiasm. "I just hope my folks don't want to drag me out to lunch when they get there."

"That's a chance you'll have to take," Devlin said. She pulled onto the on-ramp and accelerated to match traffic.

All in all, this had been an interesting weekend. She couldn't wait to share parts of it with Evan. She glanced at her watch. She couldn't call him now, he was probably prepping for a game, but later...


"So how are we supposed to work this?" Devlin asked that night when Danny called.

"First we establish a pattern," Danny replied. "And then we do variations on it."

"Establish a pattern?"

"There's that place where you have a cubicle. Get in the habit of going there in the late afternoon, preferably at about the same time."

"And then... ?"

"Then, after a week or two, we'll slip off together when whoever is tailing you thinks you're in a routine."

Devlin was silent for several seconds, thinking it over. "You're sure this'll work."

"It's one of the classic ways to get rid of a tail," he said. "It usually takes a week or so for the person tailing you to settle into a rhythm."

"How do you know they aren't tailing you?"

"I know. You're the one they're after, though I have no idea why."

"All right. I assume you have some clever trick up your sleeve."

"It's not a clever trick," he said, "but yes, I do."

"Are you sure you want to put off seeing me for this long?"

"When's your mother due back from her honeymoon?"

"We're not using her place!"

He chuckled. "No, we're not. We'll use our place instead, say on Saturday. You'll have to walk a block or two, and I'll pick you up. If you go the route I outline, we won't have a problem."

She sighed. "If you say so."

"Good. I'll call you in a day or two with the details."

She'd been to her mother's twice before, on Monday and Wednesday, so going up there on Saturday afternoon shouldn't seem abnormal. She parked in front of the apartment building, just as Danny suggested, carried in Chinese and the flowers she'd bought, turned on a few lights, and the TV. After 30 minutes she went downstairs to the laundry. In the back, hidden among a lot of other things, was a door to the adjoining apartment building. Most people didn't know this door existed. Devlin slipped through and walked down the hall and around a corner to another door, this one to the outside.

She looked both ways before easing out the back door of the apartment building. She stayed in the shadows of the alley, emerging a block later right next to Danny's car. It wasn't the first time she'd wondered where he'd learned to do this, and she knew it wasn't going to be the last.

"This reminds me of going to Emma's," she said when she sat up after a few blocks. "Remember how I used to hide until we got out of Toluca?"

He flashed her a grin. "It does, doesn't it? I saw a car parked down the street from your apartment building, so I know you were followed up here." He glanced at the traffic and made the turn to the freeway on-ramp.

"What do they want? That's been bugging me for a couple of months."

"I don't know, and I'm not going to find out. We'll let the courts figure that one out during the trial."

Devlin sighed. "Well, I guess for tonight we've escaped surveillance."

"That's a plus. Sue and the kids are going to a movie tonight. This is the last time we'll be able to use this dodge. After this we'll meet in Bloomington."

She rubbed the inside of his thigh. "That'll be good. I don't care for all of this sneaking around."

"We just have to get through the summer," he said. "I saw the Triple-A Season started this week. How did Evan do?"

"He got a no-decision. Six innings, two hits, one earned run, four strikeouts, and he didn't walk anyone."

"No decision?" Danny glanced at her. "What happened?"

"The relievers gave up four runs, two of them in the bottom of the ninth. Tacoma got a walk-off double to win the game."

"Ouch! That hurts."

"He pitches again on Sunday, this time at home in Sacramento."

"And you'll be listening in, of course."

"How? They don't broadcast Rivercat games in the Midwest."

"I'll have to show you, but that'll be later."

"Why can't you do it now?"

He refused to elaborate. Instead he murmured "you'll see", and smiled.

The best part about using Sue and Danny's, she decided a couple of hours later, was her absolute familiarity with everything. There was the top sheet on the bed that would be thrown in the wash, the springiness of the bed, the smells of the house--before she'd always smelled the ointment Sue had to put on her legs, that was missing now--and the spare set of towels Sue left out for her.

The ceiling... she didn't know how many times she had looked over Danny's shoulder, staring at the white blankness of the ceiling. She knew every bump and ridge there. She smiled; she had stared at that ceiling nearly every night for four years. She should know it perfectly.

Danny was his usual self, strong, hard, and with plenty of endurance. The first time she'd barely gotten her jeans pulled down before he took her from behind. She'd had to fumble with her clothes while his hardness turned her insides into molten mush. He'd lasted long past her climax, making the bed shake when he finally came. They'd rested for a few minutes, caressing each other and trading little kisses.

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That early evening, as I came back home from work, my sweet wife said she had something to tell me…Ana poured me a nice glass of Irish whisky and we sat outside close to the pool. She was wearing a light sun dress so when she crossed her legs I had a perfect view of her long tanned legs and I noticed she was not wearing panties…Anita smiled and pulled the hem up so I could even see her nice shaven mound. Her pussy lips looked swollen and wet…Now she had my full attention, Ana told me she had...

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The Nightstalker and the Sissy or Sissy is Sodomized

The engine comes to life as I turn the ignition and switch on the headlights. It takes less than five minutes driving and I’m parked in my driveway. Checking my pockets I insure that nothing is forgotten in my zeal to begin the night’s activities. Though it is only September the night is cool as I zip my light, black jacket to my neck as rain falls lightly like heaven’s tears. With my hands jammed into my pockets and my head down I appear like anyone who is trying to get to where they...

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Fetish Life

You wake up just as the alarm on your phone blasts a corny jingle right into your ear. You lazily stretch, pull your covers off your body and slowly rise from your bed. You meander over to the mirror that hangs on your door and look at your reflection. A teenage boy with light brown hair, glowing grey eyes and an average build stares back at you. You smile. "Today's going to be a good day!" you say to yourself. You walk to your closet and throw it open. In a few minutes you're fully dressed in...

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Gypsy Healing

Gypsy Healing A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Before I answer your question, I must tell you that I am not a religious person, and I do not believe in miracles," said Dr Solander. "But spontaneous remission is a fact. It does happen. It happens rarely, but it does happen. Even without treatment, cancers can disappear." "But that is exactly what I am asking," said Emmet. "How can it happen? Can there be some external influence? I am like you - not at all religious. I am...

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Chapter 1 Tendrils of mist slipped silently over the ancient stones that stood sentinel-like before her. As the blanket of stars that enveloped the world she knew showered down their crystal light tiny silicates glinted and glistened in the hard grey stone that had been formed so many millions of years before. No one knew how or why these massive obelisks had been brought from the place far across the sea. She knew of no one who had even travelled that piece of water that separated her world...

2 years ago
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The Gift Our First Cuckold Experience

John is amazing. He knew going in to our relationship that I desired big cocks. I worried that while the IDEA of being cuckolded was something he found exciting, that when it came down to brass tacks, he'd freak and bolt. I couldn't have been more wrong.We received a message from a very well hung man. He was around our age, and said he was going to be in the area on vacation if we'd be interested in hooking up. He included a picture of his face (very handsome) and his cock ( fucking beautiful)....

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Jen Me the Wife Gets Involved

That first weekend had been fantastic, and the sex was raw and uninhibited, but where did it go from there? We had said all along we were just doing this as friends, but there's something about screwing your sister-in-law five times in a period of less than 24 hours that changes the relationship a bit.After the scene with Marisa it was clear that we were crossing some kind of boundary, and were more than just friends. I must say however that Dr. Barton is a genius, and once the swelling and...

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Sumit ki shadi ka safar

Hi lucknow ki bhabhi logo aaj mein aapko ek pyaari si kahani bhej raha hoon ummed hai aapko pusand aaygi pade aur bataye ki kaise hai yeh kahani plz reply jaroor dena aur sex ki liye plz ko milo na lucknow ya uske aas paas ki koi female. I am waiting for your sexy cunt Jaisa ki aksar kahaniyon mai hota hai ki kahani ka character ke office ki friend ya padosan ya ristedaar wali koi choot (jisko mai pya se muniya kehta hoo) mil jaati hai use turat chodne lagta hai. Par haquikat isse kahi adhik...

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DarkX Avi Love My English Teacher

Heading off for college, Avi Love wants to let her English teacher know how much she’s appreciated him. And when she gets her chance, he discovers she has more in mind than just a sweet ‘thank you’. In addition to discovering iambic pentameters, she’s noticed that big bulge in his pants every time he takes a deep look into her pretty eyes. She wants him to be her first taste of that big, black cock. And once she gets her hands on it, she shoves it into her salivating...

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Hi, everyone, this isn't my best, but then i wrote it as " therapy " anyway i hope you enjoy it, AnnaRichard had just left for the store when David came walking through the door. I was sitting in the kitchen in a towel as I’d just come in from the pool. I said hi to David as I was walking to the fridge to get a beer. David asked for a soda and I handed him one and sat back down. I wasn’t expecting the words that came out of his mouth when he asked shaved or bush? I laughed more than anything...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Jessica Annelle Busty Jessica Annelle Gets Fucked Raw

Super-MiLF Jessica Annelle’s starry good-looks and big curves helps make this scene from Manuel Ferrara’s “Raw #42” a real head-churner… The owner of a luxurious long black mane with cinnamon colored eyes, Jessica’s boobs are the focus at the opening. The tan orbs have nice big nipples that our favorite Frenchman grabs and teases. Jessica has a hollywood dimple smile as Manuel pounces. He swoops down for a taste of Anelle’s nethers, her mountainous melons rising as she arches. The couple goes...

3 years ago
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Kathali Mallu Ammavai Ootha Kathai 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathali amma oru oozhu endru therinthu aval udan nadantha kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal mallu aunty kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar mathan vayathu 22 aagiyathu. Naan siru vayathil irunthu kai adipen, naan kai adithu adithu sunniyai intha vayathile 22” valarthu vaithu irunthen. Thinamum kama kathaigal padipen, enaku tamil kama padangal athigamaaga pidikum. Naan tamilsexvids endra tamil website matum thaan padam paarpen. En...

2 years ago
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the lecturar

Uni started around eight in the morning but he always made sure to get to uni early so that he could be alone with that beautiful and mature, fine woman. Mrs. Smith was in her early forties but she looked pretty good and Goldie noticed this whenever he stared at her ass or her boobs when she talked to him. She had curly brown hair and was rather tall, standing five feet nine inches. Goldie loved this because he preferred a woman with long legs so that he could have more to grab. He was...

2 years ago
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A Day in the Park I

In some ways, the foreplay had gone on for ages: flirty glances, dirty text messages, suggestive photos. And then today… an ‘innocent’ drink. Touching at every available opportunity, kissing, hand’s sliding up my legs and the moan as you realize I’ve removed my panties… It’s getting late and we should be going our separate ways but the kissing and the flirting has got us both hot and horny, the apprehension is too much. We walk hurriedly as you lead me to a secluded place you know. A park...

2 years ago
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The Island Chpt 6 Part 2

Poor Cedric! He´d never been a captive girl. What I was about to do was no more than I expected. I did not want to do it. But I had no thought of fighting against the inevitable. I was simply about to pay the tribute that a few million other girls had paid before me. Cedric ejaculated a startled and shocked: “No! Oh no!” He was on his feet in a flash and had seized a gun from the holster of one of our captors when one of the other ruffians shot him. It was done with the indifference of any act...

3 years ago
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I Hate Christmas

I hate Christmas and always have. It’s one of those times of the year when everything becomes expensive, even the giving of gifts to loved ones. The alcohol seems expensive, Christmas parties emerge from every nook and cranny requiring taxis for transportation and it’s polite to be nice to everyone. “Merry fucking Christmas,” echoes through my head every time, but the fucking word never actually emerges from my lips. It’s a real shame. I remember a logo I once saw, it was written as a joke, it...

Group Sex
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Eine pikante Wette

Eine pikante Wette © 2001 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es gibt einige Dinge, die beginnen ausgesprochen harmlos. Zuerst sind es kleine Dinge - unbedeutend und belanglos. Dinge, ?ber die man sich keine allzu gro?en Gedanken macht - denen man vielleicht ein paar fl?chtige Momente seines Lebens widmet, ?ber die man sich ansonsten aber nicht sonderlich den Kopf zerbricht. Manchmal jedoch sind es eben die kleinen Dinge, die unversehens ein gewaltiges Eigenleben entwickeln. Was als simple ...

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Lessons in Love

This is an excerpt from a story which I wrote called ‘A Stranger At The Well’. The story is a fairy tale, set in another time and place. Rachel is not a modern day character. She is eighteen, but naive and ingenuous, having been raised in isolation before she meets Donald, a more worldly and experienced person, who falls in love with her and marries her in a private ceremony on her small farm. Donald could not help wondering how much Rachel understood about the part of marriage that took place...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 2 Who Are You

Monday, May 17, 1971 "He's waking up!" squealed a young girls' voice. Throwing my right arm over my eyes to block out the bright light, I felt the weight of the plaster cast against my left ear. "I wonder what's with these casts?" I thought. "Good. You're back with us," said a voice I recognized as Nurse Sydney's. "I'm going to turn the lights down a little. I'm sure your eyes are still a little sensitive after all this time." The nurse fiddled with something on the panel...

2 years ago
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What happens at the cabin stays at the cabin

We had been driving for about 30 minutes.  I take my eyes off the road for a moment, to look at you. You smile.  You’ve never been to the cabin with me.  You’re excited, you can’t wait to get there and see it.  I’m excited too but not for the same reasons.  You look hot in that short skirt and that top with your tits almost hanging out.  Only another 30 minutes, and we will be there.  I’ll have you to myself until tomorrow.   There’s smoke coming out of the chimney, good.  My husband told me...

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Hypothetical HitchHiker Part 1

The lad grinned across at me, pleased for the lift. I wasn't going exactly where he wanted, but I could take him to a motorway junction twenty miles short without too much of a detour. He'd have to sort himself out from there: either stand in the cold with his thumb sticking out, like he had before I pulled up, or otherwise pay for a bus.He didn't look like he had a huge amount of money, though."You were in a pretty deserted place to be hitch-hiking," I said. "No wonder you had to wait for so...

Gay Male
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Night on the WardsChapter 10

It was hot stood out on the heliport pad waiting for the chopper to arrive to take me over to the mainland. This was my monthly chance to escape from the monotony and routine of the island where sunbathing and swimming rapidly lost their appeal after several months of incarceration. Not that the small town that we traded with held much in the way of sophistication but at least it had a beauty salon with attached hairdresser, a few clothes shops and a semi-decent restaurant. I was dressed in a...

3 years ago
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From A Glance To A Kiss

It began with a glance.He hadn’t even meant to do it. He had been busy working on his desktop when his eyes had started to hurt. He had looked away for a few moments to rub them, then absentmindedly decided to look over the top of his screen around the living room. That’s when he saw her.She was sitting on the couch opposite him, her ravenous beauty deserving of a place in any museum, at least in his eyes. She was like one of the great sculptures given life, and took his breath away each time...

Love Stories
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Girls Night

You are somewhat shocked and a little displeased. This is not what you were expecting, but accept that it happens. Of course, payback is a bitch. You wipe your mouth and climb out of bed, starting to get ready for the day. As you walk to the bathroom you turn and tell me that I will pay for my little discretion. I of course feel bad and a little worried about the repercussions of my action. We go about our morning, getting ready for work and the day and nothing else is mentioned. We...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 663

A Luxury Hotel in Berlin Germany Six Weeks Earlier Continued. Phillip awoke with Dessie’s breast pushed firmly against his right chest and her groin moving slowly but rhythmically against his hip. Between his full bladder and her body, he was as erect as he was ever going to get. “Want a blowjob to start your day?” she whispered sexily into his ear. One of the hardest things he could remember doing was to say, “We agreed there would be no more sex until we were on the trail.” “That ......

2 years ago
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Dear all, I am regular reader of iss, and lots of stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in usa, specially in california, who want to have sex with me can mail me at or call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time SO HERE THE STORY STARTS, I FUCKED A GIRL RIYA, BUT FOR 15 DAYS SHE DISAPPEARED, To doston yeh hai aage ki kahani.. Us din jaane ke bad 15 days tak riya ka ki phone...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 961

Paratrooper Training: She went through the standard training, completed the practice jumps from higher and higher structures, and finally went to take her first jump from a plane. The next day she called home to tell her mother the news. “So, did you jump?” asked the mother. “Well let me tell you what happened,” the girl said. “We got up in the plane and the sergeant opened up the door and asked for volunteers. About a dozen people got up and just walked out of the plane.” “Is that when...

4 years ago
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Number 67 Story by MrsAnaC Part Three

Here we are! Almost a month later, the awaited part 3 was finally completed… I’ll admit it was somewhat complicated to put the pieces together, and I couldn’t know why. I wanted to write, hence why blogs came by easily… but this story, was a little more confusing because I didn’t actually ‘plan’ for the story. I apologize if there are errors, I have tried to arrange it better so that it’s easier to read (you cannot edit stories after they are posted, sadly ) …Ironically, alike the character...

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Gym ClassChapter 3 Sexual Capacity Aptitude and Potential

"I'm a virgin!" Harriet screeched. "This exercise will not change any of your sexual statistics or experiences and none of you will have any memory of what has happened in this phase of the examination process," the voice droned rather clinically. "You should proceed with whatever sexual experimentation you desire." "Cool," Rhonda said as she sank to her knees for a closer look at Robert's cock. She looked up at Robert and asked, "Is it alright with you if I try to make it...

3 years ago
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Stud Worship

“You know you want it…”The black stallion rumbled a snort, a hot puff of air bursting from his fluttering nostrils, sucking in a deep breath as he re-racked the barbell. Sweat glistened on his hide, lining his muscles, his forelock hanging down the side of his face, though the anthro was hardly concentrating on his workout anymore.No… No, the slut of a fox on his knees before him was far more alluring, whimpering and whining, rubbing his muzzle into the horse’s nuts and thick, heavy cock. His...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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A Magical Gift

It was a grey, gloomy day when you, John Doe, found yourself walking to an unfamiliar pawn shop all alone. It's been a very rough day for you. After a long day of school, Hannah, your girlfriend of two years decided she didn't want to be with you anymore. So here you are, trying to at least get some money back for the present you were planning on giving her for her birthday next week. You walk inside and are instantly greeted by the woman inside. "Hello young man." the old woman says to you...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Victorias Fantasies Pt1

Dear Mike, Here’s another one of my fantasies. I hope you like this one better than the other. I’ve grown to love writing these stories, not just for the erotica, but it takes the edge off sometimes. -------------------- “Harmony, I need you to get something from upstairs for me.” Ms. Evans called out from the kitchen when she was making dinner for the kids. “Yes ma’am. What is it?” “Lotion.” “Oh, I have some in my purse I can give you.” “I only use Jergens.” Is she serious? “Um,...

3 years ago
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Man And Women Vs Wild

Hi guys. This story is a sequel to my previous story “One day with my wife”. Please read my previous stories to catch up. I will share a small intro for new readers. I am married to my aunt and lead a spicy sex life. I am 24 years old and she is three years older than me. She is too hot and her itchy cunt wants my cock all the time. We indulge in sex any time we want and spend all our time naked. I will go straight into the story without wasting much time. I was requested by our company...

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Undercover AngelChapter 4

Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes. "Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said. Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of 'Michele Nylons' using a fake address. Michele was having her picture...

4 years ago
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A Bathroom Fantasy

You're done for yet another grueling day of final exams when you decide to go to the Ladies room before you begin your ride home. You ease into a stall and sit down, pondering how the exams might have went. When you finish you give yourself an extra wipe, and let your fingers play a little... Mmmmmmms you say to yourself as you let your tension roll out of your body. Suddenly, you hear a voice in the stall next to you asking, 'Miss, you sound like your having a hard time in there.... need a...

1 year ago
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Start of Incest with my mom 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, here I am with the next part of my story. Sorry to make you guys wait, and thanks a ton for showing your support and love for my experience. Straight to the story, read the first part for a better view and understanding. I returned to my room and thought of plans to have sex with my mom. I went to sleep again for some more time. I woke up hearing mom’s daily chores in the kitchen. I completed all my daily chores and started my work by 10:30 am. In between, we had our breakfast....


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