The Pretend He Couldn't PretendChapter 3 free porn video

The Penthouse 9:07 a.m.
"Where is she!" Jarod screams again, his fingers digging into the plush carpet of the suite. Miss Parker kneels down in front of him, "They took her to Roosevelt Hospital. Jarod she wa... she was raped." Parker whispers as a tear falls down her face, not because she cares about Micheal, but because she knows she's lost Jarod forever to another woman. Jarod stands up on shaky legs, trying to control his emotions. "I have to see her." he whispers clenching his fists at his sides, wishing he could ripping this piece of shit apart with his bare hands. "I'll take you, Sydney's all ready there and I sent Broots out looking into the police mainframe for anything that we might be able to use to find him."
"I might not be her friend or whatever but nobody deserves to be hurt like that." Parker answers walking toward the door.
Roosevelt Hospital 9:32 a.m.
E.R. Room 6
Jarod and Parker walk up to Sydney who is arguing in Italian with Don Corleone. "Vincent listen to me! He'll blame himself more than you ever could. He loves her I'm sure of it!"
"Listen Sal, I know you've done allot for me in the past with Uncle Micheal but we're talking about my daughter here! If he really loved her he wouldn't have let this happen!" Vincent argues. "No one could have foreseen what was going to happen to her. He's a Pretender not a Psychic. He'd never let this happen if he could've stopped it. Just look in his eyes and you'll see what I'm talking about." Vincent sees Jarod walking towards them and ends the conversation. "She wants to see you, but don't be too long the police need to talk with her after they..." he lets the sentence trail off as a tear falls down his angry features. Jarod just nods, not knowing what to say to the man he'd promised to keep his daughter safe.
He opens the door and sees Micheal curled up on the exam table her back to the door, her hair matted in places and stringy in others. Jarod walks up reaching out to touch her but stops himself, knowing that's the last thing she wants right now. Instead walks around the bed to face her, he kneels down to where they're face to face. His stomach turns at the sight of her black eye, split lip, and bruises around her neck from where this animal tried to strangle her.
Micheal opens her eyes slowly, then begins to sob, covering her face, trying to hide from Jarod's eyes. "Jarod, I'm so sorry." she cries out, her body trembling. He smoothes the hair from her face shushing her, whispering that it wasn't her fault. Micheal reaches out and Jarod takes her in his arms, rocking her back and forth as she cries into his neck.
A doctor and a nurse as well as a female police officer walk in, the doctor clearing her throat to get their attention. "Miss Mancini, we need to do the exam now." Jarod stands up starting to walk out to leave them alone, but Micheal squeezes his hand that's holding hers, "Can he stay?" "Yes, if you'd like. After we perform the kit the police want to talk with you." She informs Micheal as she adjusts the bed, getting it ready for the GYN exam. The nurse opens a rape kit, then starts to lift the sheet covering the lower half of Micheal's body. Jarod sits down in a chair that's beside her bed looking in her eyes as he strokes her cheek.
Micheal squeezes her eyes shut tight, tears falling down the side of her face as they take semen samples and stitch places that ripped. Jarod kisses her forehead as she starts to cry, the pain becoming too much for her to take. Micheal opens her eyes, looking in Jarod's that are filled with pain for her having to go through this. "It isn't your fault either." she whispers wiping a tear off of his cheek. "I should've been with you. I shouldn't have let you go by yourself, I should've sent a bodyguard with you."
"Stop" She takes his face in her hands "This is not your fault ok? say it" Jarod looks up in the still beautiful face, "This was not my fault" he whispers, as another tear falls down his cheek. "Would you mind if I take a shower before we start with all the questions?" Micheal asks sitting up on the side of the bed, wincing in pain.
Jarod walks out as the Doctor, nurse, and police officer leave. He walks up to Vincent, standing face to face, waiting and deserving whatever punishment Vincent decides to unleash upon him. "Jarod I don't blame you, I'm just angry right now." Jarod nods, not believing that her father isn't going to take his anger out on him. The man once in a blinding rage almost beat a man to death just for leaning against his car but this was his daughter that was hurt and damaged and yet he sees he isn't even close to rage at the moment. He'll get around to me when he knows she'll be all right, he thinks, not looking at him in the eye, shoving his hands in his coat pockets. He plays with the leather box, flicking the snap closure on it. The box holding his future. Sydney steps over, laying his hand on Jarod's shoulder, "Come on Jarod, we'll go somewhere, so we can talk." He shrugs the hand off his shoulder, "No, I want to stay here in case she needs me." His voice cracking from the stress of holding back his emotions.
Miss Parker notices Vincent talking with a man, obliviously a detective, she thinks, as she assesses his suit and shoes. Everyone watches as the two men walk into Micheal's room, with Vincent carrying some of the clothes that the housekeeper had brought with her. Jarod starts pacing the hall, fighting, simming the assault. "Stop Jarod, don't do that." Jarod looks up into Sydney's emotionless face, "Why not? Isn't this what I was trained for?" he asks coolly, his voice sounding like nothing that Parker or Sydney has ever heard before, hard, cold, calculating. "Jarod she's going to need you to be with her, not trying to seek vengeance." Sydney answers calmly.
The door opens, the detective walks out and Jarod sees Vincent on his cell phone and Micheal sitting on the table, her back to the door looking out the window. 30 minutes later they walk out together, holding hands. "She wants to go back to the suite." Vincent announces as Micheal just looks at the ground unable to look at anyone. She slips on a pair of tortoiseshell ray bans, to cover her black eye. Every one follows behind Vincent and Micheal, out of the hospital. Parker watches Micheal walking in front of them. The sweat pants and matching sweat shirt, her hair hanging down and around her face still damp from the shower she must have taken, her hands wrapped around her waist holding herself, probably trying to protect herself from the people around her. Parker looks up when she does, both searching the bustling lobby of the hospital. Parker sees at least 15-20 men walking around and Micheal spotting everyone, making sure she's nowhere near them. Everyone stops their steady pace as she tugs her father off to the side. "It's time." she whispers to her father, pulling down the sunglasses for him to see her eyes. "You know don't you?" he whispers, she nods leaning over to tell him in his ear.
Every one stands back not hearing but seeing the conversation the father and daughter are having, the looks on their faces at the information exchange. Micheal looks over at Jarod, her eyes concealed by the dark sunglasses. She watches him as her father talks to her, saying how he'll take care of what she's asked of him. "But Micheal, what if he won't give you what you demand?" her father's question breaking threw. Micheal answers as she still watches him shifting his weight from one foot to the other, his face blank, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight raining down inside the lobby from the glass ceiling. This is how he's supposed to look, free, beautiful, standing unafraid in the sun, she thinks. "He'll do anything for what he wants, for his ultimate goal. You know that just as well as I do." she answers in a far away voice, "Will the amount be an issue? or the stocks?"
"I need you to make up some excuse for me to be left alone. Say I'm in shock or something," She snorts trying to smile, "Hell, that won't be such a reach. I probably have post-traumatic-stress-disorder since I'm so calm after being raped by that psycho."
Micheal climbs in the limo and Vincent turns to Jarod before getting in, making sure everyone else hears what he's saying to him. "Sit by her, she's in shock, she wouldn't tell the police anything about what happened." Jarod nods then climbs in, sitting beside her on the bench set facing the rear of the car. Everyone silently watches as Jarod holds her hand, kissing the back and Micheal looking out the tinted window with a blank look on her face, as if she doesn't even know anyone is with her in the car.
The suite 12:31 p.m.
Parker stops her pacing as Jarod emerges from the bedroom, looking more tired than she's ever seen. She stubs out her cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table then sits next to him on the couch. God he's beautiful, she thinks, looking at his face, his head thrown back on the couch, his eyes closed, lips slightly parted. She wants so badly to kiss his full lips again, not the innocent kiss they shared as children but, one filled with the passion she has for him, the passion she thought he had for her. She thinks about all the gifts, late night phone calls, hints, truths that he'd told her when everyone else lied. Damn I was so stupid, she internally screams to herself. "Jarod would you like something to eat?" He just shakes his head, not opening his eyes. "What about Micheal? She should try to eat something." Jarod sits up, leaning over holding his head in his hands, "She's taking another shower. I might be able to talk her into something later."
"She'll get through this, she's a strong woman. She'll be alright."
"I'm glad someone thinks so." he whispers, getting up from the couch. She lights up another cigarette watching him walk back into the bedroom. The Center won't have to try very hard to break him now, she thinks, wiping a tear from her cheek. She steels herself, burying her sadness, her loss deep down inside, forgetting it for now.
3:54 p.m.
Every one jumps at the sound of someone knocking on the door. Vincent rises from his seat and answers. They shake hands speaking softly, then walk into the living room. Miss Parker rises from her seat, hugging her father, pecking his cheek, "Daddy"
"Hello Angel, is Jarod still here?" "Yes he's in the bedroom."
"Good, good I wan" he stops as Micheal and Jarod walk out the bedroom. Miss Parker looks her up and down, the black Todd Old man pantsuit, a violet silk top underneath, black heels, and a violet scarf tied around her neck, hair perfect as well as makeup. She looks as though this any other day, not one starting with her being violently raped, she thinks, as Micheal lets go of Jarod's hand starting to walk toward her and her father.
Micheal walks up to Mr. Parker, who has his arms out, "Micheal what happened?" he asks, concern lacing his voice seeing the split and slightly swollen upper lip, the black eye covered by make-up. Everyone looks at him in shock because of the sincerity in his voice. "Oh nothing, a minor incident." She lies smiling, hugging him. "You just get more beautiful every time I see you. It's been too long, what, a whole year and a half since I saw you last?"
"Something like that." she says smiling, fiddling with the scarf around her neck, that's hiding her bruises. "I'll admit I was shocked to speak with you last night."
"So was I, why don't we get down to business. We are both busy people and I'm leaving the country tonight. I'd like to have this matter settled before I leave."
"Of course." Mr. Parker sits down in an armchair that's beside her's. "So, how much?"
"Now Micheal, you know that I'll have to speak with the members before I can give you an amount. This is not up to me alone, I have stock holders to consult with." "Mr. Parker, I'm the only one you need to consult with." Micheal says coolly, slowly crossing her long legs. Jarod stands back in the corner of the room, listening, but not drawing attention from anyone. "What do you mean? There are 3 other stock holders I must speak with before we'll be able to settle on a price?"
"Did you bring the information, ALL of it?" "Yes of course but, like I said." Micheal cuts her eyes at her father, who nods his head at her. "Mr. Parker" she says interrupting him, "As of 3 o'clock today I own 50.9% of the voting stock in the Center. Now, Like I said, I'm the only one you need to consult, so again. What price?"
Every one sucks in their breath at her announcement, looking back and forth at the two powerful people sitting across from one another. "Well, I think it's only fair that the Center receive at least 250 million" he says nonchantly, crossing his legs towards hers. Vincent walks over handing them both a drink, then whispers something in Micheal's ear, she nods once at his advice. She sips her drink, letting the cool water rinse the horrendous taste out of her mouth. She couldn't actually believe she was buying Jarod, like he was Mr. Parker's prize racehorse.
Micheal takes another sip casually, as if thinking about his offer, even though in her mind it's a done deal, wanting Mr. Parker to sweat a little. "250 million huh? Hmmm... Would this include no dealings whatsoever for the term? I'd hate to invest in something and then have The Center come back at some later date?"
"Forever. No involvement. Guaranteed. I'll issue the directive myself. Does this mean we have a deal?"
"I'd like the other 5 as well."
"They are of no use anymore, so if you'd like, yes." Micheal raised her crystal glass up, "Done" she announces causally, smiling at this repugent man. Every one's breath sucks in at how casually she just spent 250 million dollars, as if it were only pocket change to her. "I'll have the papers sent over to you in about an hour." Mr. Parker says clinking his glass with hers. "Oh yes, one more thing, I'd like your son, ah Mr. Lyle I believe? This point is non-negotiable." Mr. Parker recovers quickly to her demand, wanting the money more than his own children, who he thinks are more trouble than they're worth, quickly agrees. "Fine, I believe he's in Delaware but that" "I know exactly where he is. I'll have the money transferred once I sign," Micheal says menacingly.
Mr. Parker stands up with Micheal, they shake hands to seal the deal. "Mr. Parker you know who I am, as well as my family, if the Center comes back I will destroy it as well as you personally. They'll find old Jimmy Hoffa before they'll find you, are we clear on this?"
"Don't threaten me, you have no idea who you're dealing with." he growls in her face. "I know exactly who I'm dealing with I assure you but, I'm afraid you don't seem to have a clue about who YOU are dealing with." Micheal shakes her hair off her shoulder then the suite's double doors fly open. Two men with Big Paulie standing in front of them walking, dragging an unconscious man in under the arms. They walk up dropping the badly beaten man at Mr. Parker's feet. "I believe this is your son, Lyle" Mr. Parker looks down at his stupid son. "Seems the last time we met he took, how should I say this, a shine to me." Big Paulie pulls out a 22 from the inside of his coat, pointing it at Lyle, looking at Micheal for a second. He turns back then fires a single shot into the back of his head. Mr. Parker looks up shaken to his very soul, that she just killed his son. "Now, I believe you know who you're dealing with. I'll be expecting the papers in one hour." Micheal says curtly, holding her hand out, palm up. Mr. Parker pulls out a computer disk from his inside jacket pocket, placing it in her hand.
Micheal looks at the disk for a second, "Now, once I sign I'll never speak with you again. If you ever should hear from me you'll know you're about to die." she grounds out, looking in his cold eyes. "I believe you, and you'll never need to call me." he assures her. Vincent steps back over and hands him the silver briefcase, minus the DSA's. Mr. Parker turns walking out of the suite, not even looking at Miss Parker, Sydney, or Broots. Mr. Parker stops in front of Jarod just looking at him, then leaves closing the door behind him.
The two unnamed men pick up Lyle's body taking it out of the suite without a word to anyone, already knowing what to do with it. "What was all that about!" Parker yells, jumping up from her seat on the couch. Micheal just looks past her to Jarod, "Can I talk to you?" Jarod nods but stands still. "Alone?" she clarifies still looking in his eyes. Jarod starts walking toward the bedroom and Micheal starts to follow. Miss Parker grabs her arm stopping her from leaving. Micheal looks down at the arm that's holding her then up in Parker's face, "You've seen what happens when someone touches me." Parker quickly lets go realizing that Lyle was the one who'd raped her, answering the first of her two questions she has for her. "I'm sorry but, I just want to know what just happened here. What did you just buy?"
"I need to speak with Jarod first." she answers softly, looking up into her blue eyes. She releases her grip, nodding.
Micheal's father stops her before she can go into the bedroom, "Are you sure you want to do this? I know you love HIM and that he loves YOU."
"Daddy I don't have a choice." she whispers back then kisses his cheek, trying to smile. Micheal closes the door behind her softly, leaning her head against it, mustering every ounce of courage she has left. Micheal takes a deep breath then turns to face the man she loves. She walks over, standing in front of him, holding out a computer disk. "What's this?" Jarod takes it, turning it over and over in his hand. "The Past."
"What? I don't understand?"
"Everything you've ever wanted to know about your past is on that. Your family. Your name. Their location. Everything."
Jarod's hand starts to tremble. His Past. He couldn't believe it. Everything, all of his secrets were in inside this piece of flimsy plastic. "Jarod, you're free now. No more hiding, no more running, no more sweepers or Miss Parker. I want you to live your life."
"They'll always be after me." he says still looking at the disk. "No they won't. I just paid for your freedom. As well as the rest of your family's. Jarod I want you to find them and try to rebuild what they took from you. I want you to be able to walk down the street and not have to feel like you have to be looking over your shoulder, always on the guard for a sweeper." Micheal turns walking over to the window, looking out, "Without me." she finishes
Jarod looks over to where Micheal's standing, unable to believe what she's just said, "Why without you? I thought you loved me? I won't let you leave, not without me."
"Jarod, I do love you but, you need to find your family now and begin to put your life together. It'll be easier if I'm not there."
"That's a lie and you know it!" he yells jumping up off the bed, facing her back. "Look at me Dammit!"
Everyone stops immediately, hearing Jarod yelling in the next room. Vincent starts pouring himself a drink, knowing how hard it is to leave someone you love. He'd done it to Mary, for the sake of the "Family" a decision that he regrets to this day. But he understood why Micheal was doing this, because he needed to find himself and not be other people, but to just be Jarod. Vincent takes a big gulp, hearing Jarod yelling something like "You can't leave me" and "But I love you" The words taking him back to the past and to Mary. When he told her he couldn't be with her anymore. How it was his decision and his alone to not blame her father that he had nothing to do with the decision. But it was a lie, he was the one who made him choose. The Family or her. One or the other, not both. So he let his love go and then she was killed. Suddenly everything was silent. Vincent could hear everybody breathing, the slow deep breaths escaping their open mouths.
Micheal just looks out at the city, unable to face him. This was killing her, she felt like her soul was being ripped out. A gaping hole in her chest, where she's ripped out her own heart. "Micheal look at me, Please. I love you, I want you to be with me."
"Jarod you need to do this on your own, without me."
"Then why do this! Give me everything but what I want most!" he yells to her back, "LOOK AT ME!"
"It'll be easier on you this way. Someday you'll understand why I did this, maybe not now but you will soon." she answers calmly looking out at the skyline of buildings. "Where are you going?"
"I can't tell you, I don't want to tell you."
"Goddammit! Why are you doing this!"
Miss Parker looks over at Sydney, raising her eyebrows at Jarod screaming and cussing at Micheal. She leans over, "Why is her father letting him scream at her like that? Hasn't she been through enough today, without Jarod yelling at her?" she whispers, hoping that this is her second chance with him. She would definitely help him get over this spoiled rotten bitch. Sydney just looks over at the closed door and shrugs his shoulders. Parker stands up, walking over to the bar. She pours herself a drink and lights up a cigarette, inhaling the nicotine, God Bless the Tobacco Farmer she prays, smiling smugly at the silence coming from the bedroom. Then a thought crosses her mind. What if they're kissing? She's decided to stay with him? Suddenly Jarod bursts threw the door, frantically searching the room. He walks up in front of Parker and she smiles at him, but he just snatches his jacket off the side of the bar, running, almost sprinting back to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
Jarod takes the black leather box out of his jacket, opening it to show Micheal how serious he is. He looks at the 4 carat, princess cut white diamond ring, then back up to her back. "Micheal look." But she stays still, not facing him. "Micheal, will you marry me?" Someone knocks on the door before she answers him. Jarod turns,"Go away!" he yells to the closed door. "Micheal?" two male voices say together. Jarod, waiting for an answer, and her father, letting her know the papers had arrived.
Micheal finally turns to face him and sees him down on one knee, holding an enormous engagement ring. She closes her eyes but a tear escapes from under one lid. She doesn't answer instead walks up to him. Micheal holds the sides of Jarod's face, leaning down kissing his soft lips gently, slow and lingeringly, wanting to memorize the feel, his scent, his eyes. She pulls back just looking at him smiling at her. She walks out closing the door behind her seeing him fall to the ground, his back against the foot of the bed, holding his head in his hands.
Vincent hands Micheal a pen, she leans down flipping the pages, scanning them, then signs her name under Mr. Parker's signature. He's free, she thinks, closing her eyes letting her tears fall down her cheeks. "You must be the most spoiled bitch I've ever seen. Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Micheal looks up at Parker, whose standing in front of her with her hands on her hips. "Actually, I know exactly what I've just done." Micheal assures wiping her tears away. She looks at her father and he takes an envelope out of his jacket, holding out for her. "Good bye, I hope every one of you finds happiness in your lives. Just remember it's a gift." Micheal says looking at each of them in the eye. She walks up taking the envelope, quickly kissing her father on the cheek, hugging him. Micheal runs from the suite covering her mouth, heading for the airport.
"She was supposed to tell me what all this was about!" Parker yells frustrated, huffing. "I know you think my daughter thinks only of herself but, the truth is, she thinks of everybody but herself. She's freed all of you." Vincent explains, completely proud of his daughter and her generosity. "What!?"
"That's what she paid your father for. She bought Jarod, as well as everyone of you, from the Center."
"I'm not one of those lab-rats to be used and sold."
"Oh really Miss Parker? Then how come your father agreed to it so quickly, whether you realize it or not, my bitch of a daughter saved your life by adding you to the deal. All of you, would've been obsolete once the deal for Jarod was done and we all know what happens at the Center when they believe someone has outlived there usefulness." Parker flops down on the couch as the realization hits her. She thinks of how her father didn't even look at her when he left or say anything when her brother was killed right in front of him, only that there would never be a need to contact him. Which meant he didn't care about any of them, just his money. "Then why did she leave Jarod?" Parker asks looking up at Vincent. "Because she loves him, the real Jarod. But right now he doesn't quite know who that is. When he figures it out she'll be there waiting, even if it takes him forever."
Every one looks up as Jarod walks into the living room, playing with a small black leather box. He falls down into a chair, looking down at his hands turning the box over and over again. He looks up at Vincent as a tear falls down his cheek, "She told you not to tell me, didn't she?" his voice sounding rough, from unshed tears and yelling. Vincent just nods wanting to scream her destination at the top of his lungs. Hell, to pick Jarod up and carry him to her.
As every body leaves the suite Vincent hands them an envelope, except Miss Parker whose still sitting on the couch in shock. He lays her money on the bar before he leaves, "Jarod if you ever need anything just call me, day or night, you have my number." Vincent says looking at him. Jarod just nods still looking at the box in his hands, that he thought had held his future. He finally sits the box on the coffee table in front of him, standing up and walking out onto the terrace. Parker follows him out and lays her hand on his back. He turns holding her, crying in her neck like a baby.
Parker lays her cheek against his face, shushing him whispering in his ear,"It's alright Jarod. Everything will be fine, it'll all work out." Before either one of them knew what they were doing they were kissing, clawing at each other's clothing. They fell to the floor, Jarod pining Parker under him. Kissing her neck hard, pulling at her blouse trying not to rip it in the process. Parker pulls his shirt up over his head, running her hands all over his chest up to his arms, kissing him harder with all her passion and desire. After a few minutes of tugging and ripping. They're writhing around on the floor of the suite caught up in the moment of passion and comfort. Parker orgasms screaming Jarod's name over and over again. Jarod covers her screams with his mouth kissing her deeply. Trying to forget about Micheal, trying to convince himself that she never really loved him. He cums moaning in Parker's mouth, collapsing on top of her, breathing heavy, covered in sweat.
Parker's House 11:23 p.m.
2 months later
Parker rolls over laying her head on Jarod's chest, snuggling into him. Jarod wraps his arms around her as he snuggles down in her bed, tired from his pretend, and meeting his family for a vacation. He still couldn't believe he was finally safe from the Center. He starts thinking about Micheal and all she did for him. He finally knew who he was, is, Jarod Russell. Now he just needs to figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life and who he really loves. Parker or Micheal. Parker plays in his chest hair, twirling her finger around, "You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" she asks softly. "I'm sorry, I know it's not fair to you. I just don't know what to do." Parker looks up resting her chin on his chest, "It's hard for you to figure out what to do without Sydney there to help you huh?"
"I never realized how much I depended on him for help, and now with him working with Vincent and..."
"Call him, he'll still help you."
"I know, but I need to start doing this on my own sometime. Now is as good as any, I guess."
Parker lays her head back down, happy to have him there for now. Her heart aches as she realizes he doesn't really love her or her him. That all this was from years of teasing each other, both never really imagining being able to be together. Yet, here they were, in bed, holding each other as if they'd been doing it all there lives. He didn't feel like she thought he would, this felt more like holding her friend. Best friend. She looks back up at him, resting her chin back up on his chest, "Jarod?"
"Hmmm" he answers with his eyes closed. "I think it's time you found her, Micheal I mean." Jarod's eyes pop open and his brows crease in confusion, "What?"
"You heard me. I think we're better off as friends than lovers or whatever we are, convient lovers. But I'd like to stay friends, I'd love it if we could go back to being the way we were as children. You know, I thought that I really loved you. I do, don't get me wrong but, it's more like a friendship kind. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"
"Yeah, I do. I know exactly what you're saying and I'd love it if we could be there for each other the way we used to but."
"But what?"
"It's been too long for me to go back to Micheal now, it'll never be the way it was."
"It'll be better Jarod. I never told you but... I know why she left. She loved you so much that she knew the real you even threw all your pretense, she knows your soul. She knew you needed time to figure out who you were and it would have been harder on you if she was there because you'd feel the need to keep up the pretend for her." Parker finishes stroking his cheek with her thumb, wiping away his tears of finally understanding why she left him with no answer and how much she loves him.

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