Klaatu Barada Nikto free porn video

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"Happy birthday to you," the attractive woman sang. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Klaatu, happy birthday to you."

Klaatu Smith opened his sleep-blurred eyes and glared at the unwelcome intruder standing at his open bedroom door holding a gift-wrapped package. A glance at the clock told him it was much too early for festivities. "It's 6:30 in the morning, Mom. I need more sleep. Come back in a couple of hours." Klaatu liked to sleep in on weekend mornings. It was Saturday.

"I've been waiting 18 years to give this gift to you, Klaatu, and I just can't wait a minute longer. I promise to leave you alone for the rest of the day if you just open this one teensy weensy package. Pretty please? It's from your father." Klaatu groaned inwardly. Whenever the topic of his father came up his mother would always tell a variation of the same story. Well, the part about the gift was new. "Your father came from another planet," Betsy Smith began.

"Really, Mom?"

"Yes, really," his mother replied. "Oh, I know you know this story but I never get tired of telling it." Klaatu knew that too. "Your father and some friends arrived on this planet while on a secret mission for a secret galactic organization and went undercover as a rock band, Nicky and the Neptunes. Get it? Nep-tunes?"

"I get it, Mom."

"Anyway, I walked into the club where your father was playing and it was love at first sight for both of us." The attractive woman blushed prettily. "You were the result." She always blushed when she told that part of the story. "Unfortunately," Betsy continued, "your father had to leave the planet just before you were born; important business on the other side of the galaxy."

Klaatu nodded as if he understood. "That's too bad, Mom." A touring rock musician knocks up an attractive teenage airhead and then suddenly has important business on the other side of the galaxy. Naturally, the airhead is so stupid she falls for his line of bullshit hook, line and sinker. "When did he say he'd be back?"

"He didn't say," Betsy replied. "The other side of the galaxy is pretty far away, you know, but he did give me this to give to you when you turned 18 years old. That's today." Klaatu's mother smiled again and said, "Open it." Klaatu looked at the package with a feeling of dread. Some guy almost 20 years in the past gives his girlfriend a package to give to their unborn child when he turns 18. The dude sure knew how to make a joke go a long way. That's probably what it was, some practical joke. Well, the young man wouldn't get any rest until he opened the package. He took the package from his mother's hands and nervously tore at the gift wrapping. The birthday boy lifted the box lid, reached in and brought out an orange metal bowl covered in ceramic and drilled with a series of small holes into a star pattern. There were two handles for lifting and a circular base for placing on a flat surface.

"Uh, thanks for the spaghetti strainer, Mom."

"It's not a spaghetti strainer, silly."

"It's a spaghetti strainer." It couldn't be anything else.

"Well, I suppose it could be used for that but it's not a spaghetti strainer."

"What is it then?"

"It's a communication helmet. You put it on and then you can talk to your father wherever he is in the galaxy." Betsy pretended to put a hat on her head as if to give her son instruction. "Isn't that exciting?"

Klaatu sighed deeply. "It's pretty exciting, Mom," he agreed.

"Well, then put it on and talk to your father. You two have a lot to catch up on."

"Maybe later, Mom. Okay? I'm still pretty tired and you did promise you'd let me get some more sleep if I opened the gift. A couple of more hours won't matter when we're talking about 18 years, right?"

"I suppose not," Betsy replied. She bent down and gave her son a kiss on the cheek. "Your father and I love you very much." She stood up and said, "We'll have cake and ice cream tonight. Would you like that?"

"I'd like that fine, Mom." He watched his mother go to the door and then turn around.

"The funny thing about it was that your father wasn't from Neptune at all. He was from Mars." She walked out and closed the door behind her but Klaatu could hear her launch into the "Happy Birthday" song again as she walked down the hall.

Klaatu lay back on his pillow and began to feel the tears well up from his eyes. Every day of his life seemed to be a constant embarrassment or humiliation all because of his mother. She always seemed to find an excuse to tell the story of meeting her Martian boyfriend. Even as a child Klaatu knew her story was even less probable than those about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

At first people thought the story was cute until they had heard it five or six times. Then they began to avoid Betsy. As a consequence they made sure their children avoided Klaatu also. It wasn't easy having a ding-a-ling mom. Eventually someone told one of the supermarket tabloids of his mother's story. A reporter came out and asked Betsy a couple of questions and then had a photographer take a picture of Betsy and Klaatu. Two weeks later there was a front page headline, "I Married a Martian" three inches high all over the country. The newspaper had altered Klaatu's image giving him antennae and bug eyes. Of course, his mom had to cut the article out of the paper and put it in a scrapbook.

Then there was the matter of Klaatu's name. He was named after the character in an old science fiction film his mother liked. It wasn't so bad at first but then some of his classmates saw the film. If he heard "Klaatu barada nikto" once he heard it ten thousand times. Every single person thought he was being witty or original when he said it. Gosh! Even the cat was named Gort after the robot in the same film. Klaatu often dreamed of having his name changed legally to something more innocuous like Joe or Mike but he knew that would hurt his mother's feelings.

If all that wasn't bad enough Klaatu had the problem of turning green at the drop of a hat. The children on the school bus always gave him a wide berth because it looked like he was going to lose his breakfast. The kids drew lots and the losers had to sit next to Klaatu in class. His condition didn't help him at all when it came to meeting girls. In fact, the young man never had any luck with girls at all. He had gone his whole life without as much as a kiss to his credit. Klaatu begged his mother to have him checked out by a doctor but Betsy assured him he looked fine and anyway, all half-Martians turned green every once in a while. Klaatu never bothered to ask her how many other half-Martians she knew. When he finally went to a clinic on his own the physician, Dr. Butler, could find nothing wrong with him. At the same time Dr. Butler wanted to describe his condition for a medical journal and call it Butler's Syndrome. Klaatu declined to cooperate.

Klaatu often wondered if his mother hadn't had that accident things might have been different. His grandmother told him his mother was quite normal up to the time someone accidentally dropped a can of cling peaches from a second floor window as she was walking by. It landed on young Betsy's head and she was never the same after waking up from her concussion. Well, that still didn't explain Klaatu's turning green all the time. Klaatu couldn't stand the sight of cling peaches after hearing that story.

The young man looked once more at the spaghetti strainer, the so-called communication helmet. Klaatu wished he had a hammer handy. He'd smash it to bits. Well, that wasn't right. He knew his mother meant well. Klaatu closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep but his rest was fitful at best.

Klaatu finally got up a little after nine o'clock and wandered into the kitchen to get some breakfast. His mother was there and looked at him expectantly. "Haven't you talked to your father yet?"

"Uh, yeah Mom. Dad told me to say hello to you. He's playing a gig near Alpha Centauri."

"Oh, I don't believe you even talked to him at all," his mother replied. "If you did you'd be jumping up and down with joy."

"I tried, Mom. I really did but I got a busy signal. Thank goodness I did because then I got to thinking about all these long distance charges we'd incur. I'll get online today and find out if any of the phone companies offer a galaxy-wide plan."

"You can stop right now, Mr. Klaatu Smith," Betsy snapped. "Don't think I don't know when I'm being teased. I'm sure I won't mention your father to you ever again." She left the kitchen in a huff.

Klaatu sighed deeply. He did that a lot. Some days he sighed so much he'd start to hyperventilate. The young man didn't like to hurt his Mom's feelings but he seemed to have a talent for it. Klaatu really worried about his mother a lot. She was beautiful yet very vulnerable. Men seemed to sense her vulnerability and were constantly trying to hit on her; right in front of Klaatu! Even as a child, Klaatu wanted to beat up those guys. Well, he did have one secret weapon. If the guy teased Klaatu, and they invariably did, he was out the door.

Betsy Smith made a good living selling cosmetics on commission as a beauty consultant with an upscale department store. In fact, she was one of their top producers. Still, she was warned a couple of times that talking about Martians was against store policy.

Klaatu often wondered what he was going to do to make a living. He really didn't have a talent or interest to speak of. Now that the young man was through high school he thought he'd better start making some plans for his future. His high school grades were nothing to brag about and Klaatu didn't think he was college material anyway. Klaatu was too busy feeling sorry for himself to pay any attention to his mom who reentered the kitchen. It was a simple matter for Betsy to walk up beside her son and slip the spaghetti strainer/communication helmet on his head. "No, Mom," Klaatu began to protest but then he started to feel weird. Betsy looked at her son and saw the trance-like state in his eyes. She nodded in satisfaction and went off to vacuum the living room floor.

What's Mom done to me? Klaatu thought. He felt dizzy and disoriented. "You'll feel all right in a minute," a stranger's voice beside him said. He did feel better after another few moments and then cautiously looked around. Standing beside him was a man he'd never seen before.

"Where am I and... who are you? Where's my mother?"

"You're still at home on Earth. I'm sure your mother is still in the house somewhere close by. As far as who I am? Well, I'm your father."

Klaatu shook his head as if trying to wake up from a deep sleep. He was outside and it was night. Countless stars blazed brightly above him. "I'm not at home. I'm not even on Earth." The man he was staring at didn't look much older than Klaatu. "You can't be my father." The young man finally decided he'd accidentally ingested some drug and was hallucinating.

"I know what you're thinking but Martians are a long-lived people," said the man. "I won't be looking much older for a very long time. Where we're meeting is on a different plane of existence where time and distance doesn't mean much. We can meet and talk as if we were standing next to each other but we're really not. The man passed his hand through Klaatu's body. "See?"

"I see that I've finally lost it," said Klaatu. "I'm going to the mental health clinic just as soon as I've come down from whatever I'm on."

The man chuckled. "I can understand how you might think that way but, just for the sake of argument, let's pretend everything is just as it seems."

"Fine," said Klaatu. "I'll play along. I just want to say I hate your Martian guts for abandoning my mom and me and I hope I never see or hear from you again. If I could really touch you it would be with my fists." Klaatu knew it was just a hallucination but he just needed to get some things off his chest.

"Your mother told me you might be upset at our first meeting."

"Don't bullshit me! You haven't talked to my mom in over 18 years."

"I talk to your mother almost every night before she's goes to sleep. I've done it for the past 18 plus years. That's how we've remained so close; communication. You know about those Godzilla earrings she never takes off? That's her direct line to me."

Klaatu knew about the Godzilla earrings but then so would his hallucination. "I... I don't believe any of this but even if it's true, why didn't you ever talk to me? I sure wanted to. I wanted to believe in you."

"I couldn't talk to you without you using the helmet. I couldn't let you use the helmet without also giving you the powers which you're receiving now. You weren't ready for them before today. As far as not believing any of this I don't blame you," said Klaatu's father, "so let me just prove it to you. The helmet you're wearing is making some changes in your mind and body chemistry as we speak. Your mother tells me you haven't had much luck with girls. That's about to change in a big way. I won't have to explain it to you. It'll just come to you naturally."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks," said Klaatu.

"Fine," his father said. "Let's keep this meeting short, okay? If you want to talk to me again tomorrow just put the helmet back on and I'll be here."

"Dad?" Klaatu shouted but he found himself sitting alone at the kitchen table. It had seemed so real. He slipped the helmet off and set it down on the table in front of him. It's just a spaghetti strainer. I was just freaking out the young man told himself.

"That was pretty quick," said Betsy as she walked into the kitchen. "I thought you two would be at it for hours."

"We, uh... decided not to overdo it," Klaatu replied. He stood up and went back to his bedroom where he flopped down on the bed and slept soundly until noon. When the young man woke up he felt a little better but he certainly didn't feel any different. He didn't look any different either from what he could see in the mirror. The changes that were supposed to be taking place must be pretty subtle. Either that or it had just been a weird dream after all. After cleaning up and dressing he wandered out to the back yard.

Wanda Morgenstern was in the next yard sunbathing in a next to nothing bikini. "Hi, Kermit," Wanda called when she saw him. She had graduated with Klaatu.

"Hi, Wanda," Klaatu said with a sigh. Wanda had nicknamed him Kermit the first time she saw him turn green. He felt his boner coming on. Wanda did that to him whenever she was near. Klaatu once thought Wanda was going to allow him to kiss her but she backed away at the last second. That was just one more humiliation. Her girlfriends had been nearby and they had teased Wanda for backing down on their dare. A dare! In her loudest voice, Wanda told her friends that Kermit was turning green and she was afraid he was going to puke in her mouth. That brought lots of laughter and another one of the girls cracked that it wasn't easy being green.

Klaatu sighed again. The incident didn't sour his attitude toward Wanda. In fact, it made him even more enamored toward her. Wanda barely cleared five feet in height. She had dark curly hair that hung down to her waist with tits that stuck out to next year. Wanda was a classic Mediterranean beauty. Klaatu wondered if he was in love with Wanda. He certainly lusted after her but that wasn't supposed to be the same. Either that or he was a masochist. He noticed Wanda get up and walk toward him.

"Do you like my outfit? It's new."

"It's lovely," Klaatu replied. He didn't have to lie about that. She always had good taste in clothing.

"Thanks! So, where are you going to school next year?"

"I was thinking about getting a job for a year and then who knows?" I'll probably be flipping hamburgers at the Burger King for all my talent. "How about you?"

"I'm going to be traveling for a year... to Europe and Israel. I leave next week."

"That's super!" Klaatu said enthusiastically. "Be sure to send me some postcards." He wished he could go with her. Klaatu would genuinely miss her.

"I'll do that. Is there anything you want me to bring back?"

"Just yourself," said the young man sincerely.

Wanda smiled and said, "That's sweet of you to say that, Kermit. I hope I see you again before I leave." She turned to walk away.



"I'm still waiting for that kiss you promised me two years ago." Oh, gosh! Why did I say that? She'll probably laugh at me, the young man thought. Klaatu felt himself turning green with embarrassment. Instead of laughing, Wanda leaned over the low split rail fence that separated their yards and pressed her lips to his. Klaatu was so astounded he barely kissed back.

"I hope that was worth the wait," the young woman said after she broke the kiss.

"Oh, yeah," Klaatu breathed. "Uh, is any of your family home?"

"Not until four," Wanda replied.

"Let's go inside. I want to fuck you." Klaatu was amazed at his gall and waited for her outraged protest. He knew he didn't have the nerve to say anything like that so why was he saying it? The young man wanted to apologize and beat a hasty retreat but a little voice in his head started telling him this was Klaatu's new power which his father talked about. Could it be true? Wanda only nodded and started walking. The young man climbed over the fence and followed the beauty to the back door of her house. Wanda didn't make any comment as he joined her and followed the lovely girl to her bedroom. Heh! I can do anything I want and she can't stop me, Klaatu realized. The thought that Wanda wasn't really doing anything voluntarily gave the young man a brief twinge of guilt until she took off her bikini top. Her ample tits barely drooped. That's when all of Klaatu's ambivalent feelings disappeared and he quickly shucked his jeans.

Klaatu looked at Wanda's eyes. They appeared unnaturally dilated for the amount of light in the bedroom. The girl had to be in a trance. Klaatu wondered if she would remember any of this later on. Hmm. Maybe it would be better if she didn't. He'd give her some post-hypnotic instruction after this was all over. Wanda pulled down her bikini bottoms and climbed on the bed. Klaatu got a nice view of her neatly trimmed bush. Darn! I'm about to lose my cherry with this dream girl, Klaatu thought. "Are you virgin, Wanda?" The girl shook her head. Klaatu thought about asking who'd she been to bed with then decided he didn't want to know. "Are you on the pill?" This time Wanda nodded her head. That was good. Klaatu didn't have a condom. He'd never needed one before. The young man finished undressing and joined Wanda on the bed. Klaatu was in heaven. Everything about Wanda's body was touchable and waiting to be touched... and caressed... and kissed. Where should he start? Wanda wasn't waiting for Klaatu for to decide. She grasped his prick and started guiding it inside her body.

Klaatu gasped as he slid into the warm, velvety softness of Wanda's tight, wet pussy. The young man felt like he was experiencing paradise but he had barely begun to celebrate the loss of his virginity before he knew he was in trouble. The unfortunate fellow was losing control. He was already about to cum. He tried to remain still and regain some control but Wanda's vaginal muscles were massaging his prick like magic fingers. Klaatu groaned in frustration as he felt himself spurt... spurt... spurt inside the lovely girl's reproductive system. Oh no! Klaatu thought. Now Wanda's going to tell everyone I'm lousy in bed. Wait a minute! She's not supposed to remember any of this. "Wanda?" Klaatu said.

"Yes, Kermit?"

"You won't remember anything that happened between us after we kissed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Kermit."

"And Wanda?"

"Yes, Kermit?"

"I don't like to be called Kermit. My name is Klaatu. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Klaatu." Fortunately, Klaatu's recuperative powers were very good and he spent the next couple of hours learning the ins and outs of lovemaking with a most cooperative and instructive Wanda. When he bade goodbye to the young beauty, Klaatu had trouble climbing over the fence to get home.

"Where've you been, honey?" his mom asked.

"Oh, I've been talking with Wanda."

"It must have been quite a talk. You look exhausted."

"She's going abroad for a year so she was telling me all her plans."

"Oh, how nice! Well, I have everything ready for tonight so you go sit in front of the TV and relax."

"Thanks, Mom." Klaatu's birthday celebrations had always been small affairs. With no close friends and his grandparents living out of state, it had always been just Klaatu and his mom. Klaatu had always felt especially lonely on those days but this was different. He finally met his father and received a unique gift. It was his best birthday ever. Wanda was just icing on the cake.

Klaatu thought he wouldn't have any problem sleeping after his workout with Wanda but he kept having vivid dreams of erotic conquest. Any woman he wanted was now his whenever he wanted. One particular dream had him ramming his cock into the beauty's snatch. He kept cumming... cumming... cumming. This dream was even better than the real sex with Wanda. He finally woke up and found a real woman in his bed. She looked like..."Mom?"


Chapter 2

"Klaatu? What do you think you're doing in my bed, young man?"

"I-I'm sorry, Mom," he cried. "I don't know how this could have happened." The best day of his life was quickly followed by the worst day of his life as far as Klaatu was concerned. I've become a sex-crazed maniac with this power I've been given the distraught young man thought. It must have unbalanced my mind. I entered my mother's bedroom while she slept and raped her. The young man jumped out of her bed. He was filled with self-loathing, disgust and ... wait a minute. "Uh, Mom? I think it's you who's in the wrong bed. This is my room."

"Oopsy," Betsy replied after looking around to confirm her son's observation. "I wonder how that happened. I must have taken a wrong turn out of the bathroom during the night." The older woman giggled self consciously. She climbed out of her son's bed and straightened her negligee. "I'll go get dressed and fix breakfast. Would you like that?" Klaatu nodded dumbly and then watched in horror as his mother left the room. He could see rivulets of his cum coursing down her shapely thighs. The young man grabbed his communication helmet and shoved it on his head.

"Dad? Dad, are you there?" He felt a slight dizziness and was once again facing his father on the alien star-lit world.

"I'm here, Klaatu. What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Everything's wrong," Klaatu cried. "I was dreaming I was having sex with a beautiful woman but it turned out I wasn't dreaming. I woke up and Mom was in my bed. She thought it was her bed but now she knows it was my bed but she doesn't remember getting into bed with me. Anyway, we had sex but I didn't know it was Mom. I swear that's the truth. What if she's pregnant? What do I do?"

"Don't do anything."

"What? What do you mean don't do anything?"

"Calm down a bit and let me explain, okay?"

"I'm listening."

"I already told you that changes were occurring in your mind and body. One of the changes has given you the ability to make others do your bidding."

"I know that. I ... uh, already had an experience like that with the girl next door."

"Did you get laid?"

"Yeah, I did but, what about Mom? I didn't order her to do anything. I'd never do that to her."

"The experience with the neighbor girl was, without a doubt, very positive to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious wanted a repeat performance and used your new powers to telepathically call the nearest available female to your bed. That happened to be your mother. Even if your mother was awake at the time, she couldn't have done anything but obey."

"Now I feel like a bigger freak than I did yesterday. It's not safe for my own mother to be around me."

"Your mind is just trying to adjust to its new powers. That adjustment period shouldn't last for more than a couple of days at most. You'll then be in complete control. I didn't anticipate this beforehand but, since you're not fully Martian, perhaps I should have. I apologize for that. Don't worry about your mother. She's in no danger."

"But what if she's pregnant?"

"She's not pregnant. I gave her a special birth control pill to take before I left. The antidote doesn't exist on Earth. I didn't want anyone else to take advantage of Betsy. Frankly, I thought I'd be back on Earth long before now but it wasn't possible." Klaatu breathed a sigh of relief. His mother wasn't pregnant.

"Maybe I should go away for a couple of days until I'm in control. That way, Mom won't wind up in my bed again."

"Home is probably the safest place you could be for now. Your traumatic experience has already taught your subconscious that your mother is taboo. You won't have a repeat performance like that with your mother."

"I hope you're right, Dad," said Klaatu. "Is there something else I can ask you about?"

"You can ask me about anything you want, son," said the Martian. Klaatu felt his face turn warm and he knew he was blushing but from pleasure, not embarrassment. The young man didn't care whether or not he was turning green. He was so happy to be having an actual father-son conversation.

"You said you wanted to come back to Earth. I know Mom misses you like crazy and it sounds like you miss her. What's stopping you?" Klaatu's father looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Did you ever read the book "War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells?"

"No, but I've seen the film," Klaatu replied, "lots of times. I really love the scene where the top of the L.A. city hall gets zapped."

"How were the invaders defeated?"

"The Earth's germs did them in. They got sick and started dying off. That's the part of the movie where Mom starts crying. She feels sorry for them."

"That sounds like something your mother would do," said the Martian with a chuckle. He became serious then. "Well, the same thing happened to virtually all my team members and it almost happened to me."

"You mean you almost died from an Earth germ?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Are you all right now?"

"I seem to be although my physicians think I might not survive if I return to Earth."

"At least you're safe at home," said Klaatu.

"I'm not home. I can't return home without the risk of infecting my own people, son," the man replied, "so I'm quarantined on this tiny moon in the middle of nowhere. It's really lonely here. Without being able to talk with your mother ... and now see and talk with you, I don't know what I'd do."

"That's terrible, Dad. Isn't there anything your scientists can do?"

"They're trying, Klaatu, but I just might take my chances and return to Earth even if it's to hold your mother in my arms one more time. I'd like to give you a great big hug too." Klaatu could feel tears start from his eyes. The young man had been feeling so sorry for his self all these years and now he realized his father had it much worse than him.

"I know Mom misses you terribly, Dad, and she'd like nothing better than to be with you again. But I don't think she'd want you to endanger yourself. I don't want you to do that either."

"It's a moot point. My superiors confiscated my craft. The only live visitors I get here are physicians and scientists. They're always in protective gear when they're examining me. So unless I commandeer one of their craft, I'm pretty much stuck here until they say it's safe to leave ... or until I die."

"Isn't there anything I can do?"

"You're doing all you can do now, Klaatu; just talking with me."

"There has to be a way."

"Let's not talk about it right now," said the Martian. "It gets me feeling down. Tell me about your new girlfriend."

Klaatu shrugged his shoulders. "She's more of a friend rather than a girlfriend. There's not much else to tell. Wanda's family has lived next door since I was in preschool. I've had a crush on her since the very first day I met her."

"Just be sure to continue using a condom with her."

"I didn't use a condom."

"Uh oh."

"Oh don't worry about that, Dad," said Klaatu. "Wanda is on the pill."

"Martian sperm isn't affected by Earth-based pharmaceuticals, Klaatu. Your sperm is mostly Martian. It's also viable for up to a month inside the female reproductive system. I gave that special pill to your mother, not your friend."

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"Your friend is or will be pregnant. She's going to have your baby."

"What? Why didn't you warn me?"

"I didn't think I had to warn you about the dangers of unprotected sex: unplanned pregnancy is just one of them. You did have sex education in school, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did," said Klaatu, "but--"

"Yes?" his father replied.

"I guess I messed up," Klaatu finally said. Jeez! Wanda is going to hate me for getting her pregnant, the young man thought. Not using a condom was totally inconsiderate even if he had asked if she was on the pill. Now he had another reason for feeling bad.

Klaatu's conversation with his father ended soon after that revelation. He felt totally distracted thinking about what he had done to Wanda. The young man supposed he should talk to Wanda but what could he say? 'Uh, listen Wanda. You won't remember this but we fucked yesterday and well, you thought you were protected but you're not, understand? I know it might mess up your travel plans but you need to know that you're now pregnant.'

Klaatu could just imagine how that conversation would end up. He'd be arrested as a lunatic and then when Wanda discovered she was really pregnant, she'd have her ex-friend charged as a rapist. Wait a minute. I can control her mind. Wanda will have to accept it if I tell her to. 'Uh, listen Wanda. You never realized this before but you're hopelessly in love with me. In fact, you're so in love with me you've decided to have my baby. I know it'll come as a great surprise to you but you're already pregnant. That's great news to you, isn't it?'

Well, at least I wouldn't wind up in jail Klaatu thought, but he didn't feel a whole lot better about that conversation either. Of course the young man would be thrilled to death for Wanda to be truly in love with him but he would just be forcing her to believe she was in love with him. That's not how true love was supposed to happen. Klaatu wished he was a little more ruthless. He just didn't have the killer instinct.

Finally screwing up his courage, Klaatu trudged over to Wanda's front door and knocked. He felt like he had just arrived at the place of his own execution. An older woman answered the door. "Hi, Klaatu," she said.

"Hi, Mrs. Morgenstern," Klaatu replied. "May I speak to Wanda?"

"Wanda took off for Europe on an early morning flight, Klaatu. She won't be back for a year."

"But ... she said she wouldn't be leaving for a week. I need to talk to her." Klaatu could hear the panic creeping into his voice.

"Something came up and she had the opportunity to leave early so she decided to take it. I'm sorry you missed her, Klaatu. Do you have her email address? That's how we'll be communicating mostly."

"Yeah I have it," Klaatu replied. "Thanks, Mrs. Morgenstern." The young man was thinking Wanda might be bringing back a bit more than souvenirs for her parents from overseas. Maybe it was time to move away.

"Your breakfast is getting cold, Klaatu," his mom said.

"It's cold cereal anyway, Mom. I haven't even poured the milk yet."

"That's right. I forgot." Betsy Smith giggled nervously. "You seem awfully upset this morning, Klaatu. Well, I can't blame you. It's not every day you wake up to find your very own mother in bed and having her way with you. Believe me; I sure would be upset too if I woke up to discover my mother having her way with me and she didn't even ask me first. But your father was just talking to me and he told me I didn't really rape you and even if I did I couldn't help it but the good news is that you won't get pregnant."

"Guys don't get pregnant, Mom."

"Oh, then I guess he meant that I'm the one who won't get pregnant. Your father can get easily confused with English not being his first language. He was from Mars, you know, and I'm not even sure they teach English in Martian schools."

"I'm not upset about what happened this morning, Mom," said Klaatu. "I had a talk with Dad also and he reassured me. I'm upset about something else."

"Is it anything you can share with your mother?" Klaatu shrugged his shoulders. He didn't think it would do any harm to confide in his mother. Besides, she might have some valuable insight.

"I had sex with Wanda yesterday. She's on birth control but Dad told me that I gave her a baby anyway."

"That's wonderful!"

"It is?"

"Well, of course! Wanda will be having a Martian baby. That doesn't happen every day, does it? I suppose on Mars it's no big deal but this is Earth, remember? Wanda and her parents must be very excited. I'm going right over there and give Wanda a great big hug. We have so much planning to do. I'm going to be a grandmother."

"Please don't do that, Mom."

"But why not?"

"Uh ... Wanda left for Europe this morning before I had a chance to talk to her. Being pregnant will probably come as a great surprise to her."

"I was kind of surprised when I discovered I was pregnant with you, Klaatu. But a woman has to expect that possibility when she has sex with a man or a Martian even. I adjusted and so will Wanda."

"But ... Wanda won't remember having sex with me. I hypnotized her with this power that I got from the hat. I raped her! She'll probably have me thrown in jail and that's the least of what I deserve. What am I going to do?" Klaatu felt totally miserable.

"With great power comes great power, Klaatu," said Betsy. "It also rusts very easily." Klaatu nodded like he understood his mother's words. He'd figure it out later.

"But what should I do?"

"That's so obvious, Klaatu," his mother replied. "You just hypnotize Wanda into accepting your baby and then hypnotize a dozen or more of her girlfriends. I want lots and lots of grandchildren."

"What?" Klaatu had already thought of that possibility but he was surprised his mother could think so deviously.

"Just kidding, Klaatu. Not! I honestly don't know what you should do, honey. I just know I don't want my son sent to prison. Why don't you marry Wanda?"

"Even if she wanted to marry me, how could I support Wanda and a baby? I doubt if I can support myself with the job skills I have much less supporting a wife and child."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Betsy replied. "Your father set aside some money in case I needed it to help raise you but I never had to bother. So now it can be used to help raise my grandchild."

"I suppose I should look for a job first," said Klaatu. The young man didn't feel right about using his mother's money to get himself out of the jam he was in.

"That's a good idea," said Betsy. "I have to get ready for work." She got up and gave her son a kiss on the cheek. "I'll pick up a job application for you at the store."

"Thanks," said Klaatu. "I appreciate it, Mom." Maybe they had openings for a stock boy. That would pay minimum wage at least and they could save gas money by riding to work together. The young man began to feel even more depressed than before.

"Do you want me to heat up your breakfast in the microwave oven, honey?"

"I can do it, Mom. Thanks for offering."

"White and Wong," said Betsy.

"White and Wong?"

"The Law Offices of White and Wong," his mother replied. "Their motto is: 'White or Wong, we always get our fee.' Get it? I thought it was so cute when I saw it I couldn't pass them up."

"I would have tried," said Klaatu. "What about White and Wong?"

"They're the ones taking care of the money."

Klaatu spent the rest of the day looking at job openings posted on the internet. It was quickly obvious to him that he wasn't qualified for anything except for the most basic of entry level positions. He'd start applying on Monday but in the meantime it wouldn't hurt to check out White and Wong. Even if there was a couple of thousand dollars available it would be helpful at this point. He went to the phone directory and found such a law firm with that name did indeed exist.


Chapter 3

"Did you pick up a job application for me, Mom?"

"I did but they also mentioned something about a hiring freeze. Funny nothing was said until I told them you were my son and half Martian besides."

"I'm sure it was just a coincidence," Klaatu replied. "Thanks anyway."

"Did you call White and Wong?"

"I did but I can't touch any of that money until I'm 25 years of age unless it's for college expenses. It's some kind of trust."

"It sounds like some kind of lack of trust to me," Betsy replied. "I'll speak to your father about that. In the meantime, why don't I just give you the money? Will fifty be all right?" Klaatu almost laughed out loud. Fifty dollars wouldn't buy him a one way fare to the next big city much less Europe.

"I appreciate the offer, Mom but I don't want you to dip into your savings. I got myself into this mess and I'll have to deal with it myself."

"It's from the money I mentioned yesterday. Let's call it a loan, okay?" Klaatu watched his mother write out a check. He decided to take whatever money she loaned him and put it in a savings account so she could have it back whenever she needed it. The young man's eyes goggled when he looked at the check Betsy handed him.

"I think you put in too many zeros, Mom. This check is for fifty thousand dollars."

"That's how much money I meant to give you, Klaatu."

"But ... you don't have that much money lying around."

"I most certainly do and there's a lot more where that came from. Your father made some very wise investments before he left Earth and told White and Wong how to run them. I've never had to draw any money of it out before but now seems like a good time."

"But ... if you've got all this money, why are you working at the department store when you don't have to?"

"I work there because I like my job and I'm good at it."

"You could have traveled or done a ton of other things you talked about doing."

"It was only talk. I would've done them if I really wanted to. The only things I've really wanted to do were to raise you ... and have your father with us." Betsy wiped away a tear and smiled. "But the fate of the galaxy is in your father's hands and that comes first."

"I guess you're right," Klaatu replied. He looked at the check again. "I won't need nearly this much ... but I guess I'm flying to Europe." Well, he wouldn't get his hopes up until the check cleared.

"I'll help you pack. Don't forget your passport."

"Uh, I don't have a passport."

"Well, you'd better get one," Betsy replied. "I was never very good in geometry but I'm pretty sure Europe is in another country entirely. You can correct me if I'm wrong."

"I'm pretty sure you're right about Europe. I'd better apply for a passport right away."

Klaatu's money troubles seemed over but he had more hurdles to jump. He quickly realized that getting a passport issued to him so he could travel could take a while. It didn't seem like he'd be able to meet Wanda in Europe after all but Klaatu decided to go ahead and apply.

Klaatu picked up an application at the local post office and then walked across the street toward a shop that advertised passport photos in their front window.

"Look, Momma," exclaimed a young boy standing nearby. "That man is turning green just like Maya. Now he's turning even greener." Things like this happened to Klaatu all the time but he never got used to it.

"Hush, Jacob," said the woman with him. "You're being rude. I'm sorry," she told Klaatu.

"It's all right," said Klaatu.

"Are you sick," Jacob asked.

"I'm half Martian," Klaatu replied. "All half Martians turn green on occasion." He never would have offered this explanation before meeting his father but the young man now felt proud of his Martian roots. Still, Klaatu smiled to send the message he shouldn't be taken seriously.

"Maybe Maya is half Martian too, Momma. Are you packing a ray gun? Can I take a ride in your flying saucer? Are you invading Earth?"

"Jacob, you know we're not supposed to ... please don't pay any attention to him. As you can tell he has quite an imagination."

"Who's Maya?" Klaatu's curiosity was suddenly piqued. There was actually someone who turned green like he did?


"It's no one," the woman blurted and started dragging her child away.

"Relax, ma'am," said Klaatu in as soothing matter as he could. "I'm your friend. You trust me completely. Isn't that right?" The woman stared at Klaatu for a moment and then visibly relaxed. His hypnotic command seemed to be taking effect.

"I can trust you. You're my friend," the woman replied and smiled.

"What did you do to my mom, mister? Did you hypnotize her? Are you going to have sex with her? Can you make her bark like a dog?"

"I ... I didn't do anything. I'm just talking to her." Klaatu thought maybe he should put the kid in a trance too.

"You must have done something because she's always nervous when meeting strangers. I hope she stays like she is now."

"Tell me about Maya and I'll try to help you with your mother."

"Tell him anything he wants to know, Jacob," said his mother. "He's our friend and we can trust him."

"There's not much to tell. Mom visited this friend after she divorced Dad. The friend lives in this town in the middle of nowhere. That's where I saw Maya."

"Apparently her mother got involved in devil worship," said the lady. "She was supposed to have had sex with Satan himself. Her daughter turning green is part of God's punishment. The mother is a total nutcase from what I've been told. You seem like a nice man. Your mother never worshiped the devil, did she?"

"No ma'am, I'm pretty sure my mother never worshiped the devil."

"Anyway, the people at the church there are trying to save their souls. They asked us not to mention Maya to outsiders so they wouldn't come to town just to see her and try to turn her into a carnival sideshow attraction. I'm sure you understand."

"I understand," Klaatu replied. There had been times when he'd felt like a carnival sideshow attraction. The devil worship theory was a new one to Klaatu so far. Still he knew he wanted to meet Maya even if she didn't have a drop of Martian blood in her. He'd have to ask his father if he knew of any other Martian descendants on Earth. Klaatu asked where this town could be found and then told Jacob's mother she would always feel more relaxed when meeting strangers. Jacob wanted Klaatu to turn his mother into an obedient slave to her son but the half Martian politely refused and wished them well. After getting his photos taken, Klaatu deposited his check and returned home.

"Mom, are there any other kids on Earth with Martian parents?"

"You know, I asked that very same question of your father," Betsy replied. "I thought it would be real neat if we exchanged names and addresses, visited each other, attended each others birthday parties and had reunions; stuff like that. Does that answer your question?"

"I think so." He decided to ask his dad later.

"I found your birth certificate."

"Oh, yeah? Let me see." It was the first time he'd seen his original birth certificate.

"You'll need it for your passport application."

"Why did they put 'unknown' under father?"

"I can't understand why they did that, Klaatu," said Betsy. "I filled out the information properly so all they had to do was copy it: Nicky Neptune, father and birthplace, Mars."

"I guess the typist got lazy," said Klaatu.

"I guess so."

"Mom, my passport is going to take a while to get here so I was thinking about taking a road trip ... unless you need me to stick around."

"I think I can spare you. It sounds like fun. Where are you thinking about going?"

"I'm thinking about going to New Mexico."

Klaatu had never been on a long road trip before. It would be a new experience for him; his first solo outing without his mom or anyone else. His father wasn't aware of any other Martian descendants on Earth. His love affair with an Earth woman had been against strict orders by his superiors and he would have faced severe discipline on his return from Earth if he had not been very ill.

After assuring his mother that New Mexico was part of the US and he could travel there without a passport Klaatu set out on the road a few days later. He didn't pay much attention to the sights. The young man was intent on meeting and talking to the mysterious Maya, a woman who turned green occasionally just like Klaatu.

Klaatu's destination was not too far from Roswell, New Mexico. He heard about it being near the location of a UFO crash a few years after World War II. The US government had maintained it was a weather balloon that had crashed and not an alien spacecraft but there were still plenty of believers. Klaatu wondered if Maya and the UFO were somehow related.

The town wasn't too far off an interstate so it was easy for Klaatu to find a motel room. Now that he was situated it was time to find Maya. But how? The town's citizens seemed friendly enough although asking outright about Maya was not to be done if what Jacob's mom told him was to be believed. Klaatu supposed he had plenty of time. It was a small town and one of the women might suddenly turn green in front of him. That would be Maya.

Klaatu got lucky his second day in town. He was eating breakfast at a local restaurant. He caught the tail end of a conversation when he heard Maya mentioned. A lady was complaining about having to watch Maya out of turn because someone else was having guests from out of town. The waitress nodded in sympathy to the older woman's problem. Klaatu wondered why Maya would have to be "watched." Was she a nutcase just like her mother? Klaatu was having second thoughts about intruding into someone else's personal affairs but since he'd come this far he decided he might as well see it through.

"I'm on my way over there now," he heard the woman say.

Klaatu bolted down the rest of his breakfast and waited out in his car. He didn't have to wait long before the lady came out, got into her car and drove off. The young man let the lady get a block ahead before following. Traffic was light and he doubted whether he would lose track of her.

The woman parked on a side street and walked inside a house. A few minutes later another woman walked out; the changing of the guard. Klaatu waited a few minutes to screw up his courage before walking up to the door and knocking. A young woman about his age answered the door. She looked at him curiously but didn't say anything.

"Are you Maya?" The woman turned a slight shade of green and Klaatu knew he'd struck pay dirt.

"Who are you?" She sounded annoyed.

"My name is--"

"Excuse me," the woman from the restaurant interrupted from behind Maya. "Let me take care of this," she said and pulled Maya back from the doorway. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is--"

"I don't care who you are or what you want. You're not welcome and I demand you leave immediately."

"I'm your friend, ma'am," Klaatu replied. "You know that. You trust me completely."

"I ... trust you ... completely," said the woman.

"May I come in for a few minutes?"

"Of course," said the woman. "You're my friend and I trust you completely." She stepped away from the door and allowed Klaatu to enter into a darkened living room. Once he got used to the darkness Klaatu could see Maya looking at him like he was a ghost.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a trick," the young man replied and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want to frighten you. I'll leave if you want me to but I just had to see you and talk to you."

"You mean you just had to see the girl who can turn green at the drop of a hat or because I'm the spawn of Satan?" She twirled in place. "There's not much to see so I hope I haven't disappointed you."

"I don't believe any of that Satan stuff but when I heard about you I thought you and I might have something in common." He thought back on one of the many humiliating moments of his life and heard the girl gasp.

"You ... you're turning green ... just like me. But how?"

"I'll answer your question but I'd like you to answer my questions first. Is that okay with you?" Maya shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head.

"What has your mother told you about your father?"

"She's told me just what I told you; that he was Satan and I was the result of having sexual relations with him."

"That's all she told you?"

"Well, she also tells me she hates me and wishes I'd never been born."

"Is it possible to speak with her?"

"All she does is sit in her room and read the Bible."

"Where does she live?" Maya pointed down a narrow hall.

"You won't get anything out of her except some vague mumbling. The only time she's clear is when she's telling me how much she hates me."

"I've got to try." He looked at Maya's watcher. "You look tired. Take a nap." The woman sat down on a sofa and was sleeping moments later.

"If you succeed using that trick of yours there are a couple of questions I'd like to ask her. Her name is Sarah Gilbert."

Klaatu entered the bedroom and saw a woman sitting in an easy chair with a Bible. She didn't acknowledge Klaatu's presence by word or deed. She only stared. Klaatu knelt down beside Sarah and just stared back for a while. There was still some beauty left in the woman's face but it was fast fading away. He gently touched her hand. Sarah looked down at her hand and then at Klaatu's face.

"Sarah, I've come to ask you about Maya's father."

"Satan?" He heard a gasp and knew Maya was behind him.

"No, not Satan," Klaatu replied. "It was someone else. Please tell me who it was. I'm your friend and you can trust me."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Was it a man from Mars?" Sarah looked surprised. It was the first sign of emotion that Klaatu had seen in the woman's face.

"How did you know that?"

"My father was a man from Mars too."

"I don't believe this," Maya gasped.

"It's true," said Sarah and smiled. "He was a guitarist in a rock band; Nicky and the Neptunes." This time it was Klaatu's turn to gasp. Was Maya his half sister?

"Was it the lead guitarist?" Sarah shook her head.

"My guy was the bass guitarist." So Klaatu's father wasn't the only one violating regulations.

"The lead guitarist was already sweet on someone else; a real nice girl but completely ditzy. I forget her name."

"Betsy Smith," said Klaatu. "She's my mother."

"I told him I was pregnant and he said he'd take care of everything. I returned here to visit my parents. He wrote me and said he was ill but if anything happened to him the baby and I were provided for. I later heard he died. My parents were scandalized when I told them I was pregnant but nothing was said until after the baby was born. The trouble started when she started turning green. People started talking and the church's pastor showed up and told them it was Satan's work, that I'd been involved in devil worship."

"I have a question," said Maya. "What have I done to deserve your undying hatred? Is it because I'm different?"

"I don't hate you," Sarah replied with a puzzled expression. "When have I ever said that?"

"You've said it every day of my life as far back as I can remember."

"Have I? Oh my goodness, Reverend Bryce and his gang really did a job on me. When they found out Maya's father had left me a substantial sum of money, the reverend convinced my parents that the money was tainted and should be turned over to the church. Of course I refused to turn over my money. That's when they started working on my mind. I remember some of it now. I guess they broke my spirit. They got the money and you got a vegetable for a mother. Can you ever forgive me, Maya? I didn't realize what I was saying but it seemed to please the reverend so I kept on saying it. I never meant a word of it."

"It wasn't your fault," said Maya. She knelt down on the other side of the chair and the two women embraced.

"Listen to me, darling" said Sarah. "You've got to leave here with your friend. Go into hiding."

"But why? I'm not going to leave here now that I have a mother who I know really loves me."

"I'll tell you why. They talk in front of me like I'm not really there. I suppose in a lot of ways I'm not. Still, some things penetrate my mind. Reverend Bryce intends to marry you off to his son in order to gain access to your fortune."

"I don't have a fortune and I wouldn't marry that guy if my life depended on it."

"You do have a fortune and your life may very well depend on it. You get it all when you turn 18 years of age. Now you know why they watch over you 24 hours a day. They'll do to you what they did to me to get that money if you resist."

"I turn 18 tomorrow."

"Already? You've got to leave right this moment."

"I don't get anything until I turn 25 unless it's for my education. Maybe Maya's is the same," said Klaatu.

"Maya's money doesn't have any limitations after she turns 18."

"If I leave then you're coming with me." Sarah shook her head.

"I'd only slow you down."


"No buts, honey. They can't do anything worse to me than they've already done. When you're in a safe place and you have access to your money, you'll have the wherewithal to arrange my escape."

"When I have you out of here I'm going to make some people very sorry they messed with us," Maya swore.

"That's the spirit," Sarah said.

"At least you can fight them now, Mom."

"I don't want to fight them."

"I don't understand. Why not?"

"Because I don't want to go through the same thing that they put me through the first time. I couldn't live through it this time." She turned to Klaatu. "Leave me the same way you found me. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Klaatu replied. "One last question; did Maya's father leave anything with you to give to Maya on her 18th birthday? A kitchen item perhaps?" Sarah smiled.

"I'd forgotten about that. It was a spaghetti strainer."

"Where is it? Maya needs it."

"They took everything away from me including that," Sarah replied. "I haven't seen it in years." Klaatu groaned in disappointment. Well, there was nothing he could do about it now.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready. I love you, Maya. Never forget that no matter what happens."

"I won't, Mom. I love you too." Maya and Sarah were both in tears and Klaatu didn't think he was far behind. Klaatu took Sarah out of her trance. A hostile, mumbling woman stared back at the pair.

"Do you want to pack?"

"There's nothing here I want. Let's get out of here."

Maya and Klaatu didn't notice the woman staring at them from across the street as they left. She took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Let me speak to Reverend Bryce," she said to the person answering the phone. "It's very important."


Chapter 4

Klaatu drove immediately to the motel and checked out. He then tanked up at the filling station. They were soon on the interstate heading out of New Mexico. Even though he moved as quickly as possible Klaatu worried about the time. He was unsure how long it would take Maya's minder to wake up from her nap and discover them gone. Then all hell would break loose. He wanted to be as far away as possible when that happened.

The young man left Maya alone with her thoughts. She hadn't spoken a word since leaving the house.

"I never did get your name," said Maya breaking her silence.

"Klaatu Smith."

"Where are we going, Klaatu Smith?"

"I'm going to take you home with me," he replied. "After that, I don't know ... someplace safe I hope."

"Is home on Mars? I wouldn't mind visiting Mars but I'm not sure I'd want to live there permanently. Of course I'd want to finally meet my father's side of the family."

"No, it's right here on Earth. It's in--"

"Don't tell me. I want to be surprised. Just so long as it's somewhere out side of New Mexico I'll be happy. You know, I don't think I've traveled more than 40 miles from my birthplace."

"We've already driven more than 40 miles so all this is new territory to you."

"So far, it looks a lot like the old territory," Maya replied. "I'd be surprise if they're not already after us." Klaatu didn't reply but he was already speeding up. It was far faster than he'd ever driven before. Yet, other cars were still sailing past him as if he were standing still.

"What's this about a spaghetti strainer? Of all the things I think I'd need a spaghetti strainer wouldn't be anywhere near the top of my list."

"It's actually a device that allows me to talk with my dad. It's also giving me powers like the one you saw."

"Maybe I can borrow yours."

"I left mine at home but we can try it when we get there."

"So your father is still alive?"

"Yeah, but I didn't know even that much until just recently." Klaatu started giving Maya an account of what had happened since he turned 18. Naturally he omitted telling her about the incidents with Wanda and Betsy. Maya talked about growing up and Klaatu responded with his own stories. Klaatu soon realized he had things easy compared to the mental abuse Maya suffered under the dominance of Rev. Bryce. The time went quicker and they made good time but Klaatu was feeling tired.

"Would you like to take a turn at driving?"

"I don't know how to drive," said Maya. "I guess they figured I'd leave and never come back if I had the means and opportunity."

"I need to rest a bit so let's stop and eat. We should also get you some clothes and other things."

Maya didn't have much of an appetite but she did have some French fries and a Coke at a roadside McDonald's. Klaatu drove the rest of the way into a nearby town and let Maya shop for clothes, toiletries and an overnight bag to carry them in. Klaatu hated shopping so he just waited outside. When Maya was finished shopping, he went inside and paid for the purchases with his credit card.

"I'll get us a couple of rooms," said Klaatu after more hours of driving. He had just pulled into a motel parking lot. It was fairly early. The young man knew he could never make it as a long haul truck driver.

"Rooms, Klaatu?" Maya looked terrified. "You're not going to leave me alone tonight."


"I know what you're going to say. Well, we can register as husband and wife or brother and sister. I trust you and they won't know the difference anyway."

"That wasn't what I was thinking."

"I don't care, Klaatu. You're not going to leave me alone."

Klaatu shrugged his shoulders. "I'll get a room with two beds." The young man was in truth worried about his subconscious mind seducing Maya like what happened with his mother. His father told him he'd be able to control his subconscious by now but he hadn't really been tested. Still, his mother didn't wind up in his bed again since that first incident so maybe Klaatu was being overly cautious. Even so, it would perhaps be best if he warned Maya and then she could decide whether or not she still wanted to share a room.

"I think I should warn you that my system is still adjusting to physical and mental changes that I'm told comes from wearing that helmet." They were sitting in their motel room, one with two queen beds.

"You mean it can make your body turn green? I already know about that," Maya said.

"Well, no but there are other things."

"Like what? Do you turn into a werewolf at the full moon? Don't worry. The full moon doesn't come for another couple of weeks."

"Well, no but--"

"Give me an example."

"For example, I could uh ... make you do ... things ... even in my sleep and I wouldn't even be aware I was making you do them because I was asleep." Klaatu knew he was blushing green trying to explain it.

"You mean like sex?"

"Yeah ... like that."

"Has it happened before?"

"Once." Twice if you counted Wanda but that didn't count since he did it with her on purpose. There was no way Klaatu was going to give her a detailed explanation. He'd die of shame if she figured out it was his mom he had sex with. "You wouldn't even be aware that y

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Breeding Beauty Chp1 Blacked out Fun

Alcoholics have a few very enduring traits. They never want to quit and they have total memory blackouts. Women are even better in that they like to drink hidden before they go out and they generally become sexually uninhibited. So you ask what the hell is this story about. It all started 10 yrs ago on our 6th date. Nice dinner, some wine great conversation, dancing afterwards, a few more drinks, then it happened. She looked at me bewildered and asked who I was? Humm I thought is she...

3 years ago
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The next morning I was proven right. I was sitting in the kitchen in my robe drinking coffee when Shane waltzed in…. completely naked. His morning wood prominently bouncing out in front of him as he walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I was a bit surprised by the boldness of this move, but couldn’t help but be impressed with his big, college student cock, extended to its full 9”. It was pretty thick, too. As he came into the room his hard prick bounced and swayed,...

1 year ago
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Down but not out

This story is based on fact not fiction it took place nearly twenty years ago but the memories are as fresh as the day it happened My girl friend at the time Jennifer had just dumped me and in the process of tearing my heart out she also made it a point to let all are mutual friends know what a sissy i really was. You see Jennifer had stumbled on to my collection of women's panties. At first Jennifer accused me of cheating on her but i told her the panties were really mine. Jennifer then said...

2 years ago
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The Pretend He Couldnt PretendChapter 2

Micheal Mancini's Office United Nation's Building, NY A delivery man steps in the office carrying another dozen roses, these yellow. He sits them on the desk opposite the other dozen, then leaves without saying a word. Micheal lifts the card out opening it and reading "Sorry". As the day wears on her office is transformed into a floral shop with 20 vases of roses in different colors. Micheal sits at her desk laying the cards out to read them, trying to make some sense out of the...

1 year ago
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Seductive Housewife Ch 02

WEEK TWO FOR CLARA Paul was well rested after a day without sex on Sunday. He was still gloating over his good fortune of making it with the very hot Clara Faulkner. Even though his date on Saturday date had gone better than expected he was still anxious to get back to the experienced woman. At her house the weekend had been routine and she had taken good care of her husband which wasn’t hard to do. Henry was only good for one ejaculation and since he wasn’t into eating pussy, Clara was...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behen Poorvi

Hi friends this is rahul gigolo with a new story mere yeh story bhi bohoot mast hai ismai mai aap logo kooo bataunga ki kaise maine aapne friend ke behen ko choda hai. Kaise usne mujhe kaha chodne ko aur humne sex mai kya kya kiya aur humne kitne maze se sex kiya aur kab kiya aur kaise kiya yeh saab mai aap ko batata hu aur ha kise bhi ladyko jo sex mai interested ho wo mujhe mail kare par koi bhi sex kaise bhi sex I am ready to do at anytime. And if u r from Jabalpur or near then it will be...

3 years ago
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New Cleaning Lady

The cleaning lady, the one that I had been having a really great time with playing our little game of her checking out my cock, decided she was going to have to quit for a while to take care of her husband. He had been sick for a long time and had started getting worse so he couldn’t take care of himself. She felt her place was with him for now. She suggested the name of a lady that she didn’t know but had heard she was looking for work through a friend and that she was pretty good. She made a...

1 year ago
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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

3 years ago
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Dirty Dogging

another story of something that happened about 2 years ago when I used to mainly play enfemme. I had a response to an advert I had placed from a guy who was also a TV but was stuck for transport at the moment and who offered to take me dogging as his TV girlfriend.This was one of my biggest fantasies. I had often been out alone and met guys but never been taken out by anyone as boyfriend / girlfriend.We decided to place an ad together and arranged to meet several guys at Blidworth. The night...

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How I Met Your Mother Mothers Day

It was one of those traditional Friday afternoons as far as the traffic was concerned. The speakers located in the door frames of the green Toyota SUV vibrated heavily to a pounding drum and baseline as Andrew Hargreaves pushing the volume dial upwards, while carefully navigating his way through the swell of cars and people carriers, he muttered something under his breath as a red Mini pulled out in front of him and made him slam the brakes on sharply. Shaking his head, he resumed his progress...

2 years ago
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Nina On My Bed Next To Me

When I woke up, instead of on my chest where I last felt it, her hand was lain quite casually on my erection.She didn’t know I was awake, and I wasn’t keen on giving it away. I breathed harder, to pretend I was still asleep. I thought perhaps she was asleep as well, and her hand had slid down without her knowledge. When she squeezed her fingers, though, I realized this was no happy accident.My stepsister was fondling my cock.And to think I had been growing tired of her!Nina had been following...

3 years ago
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HIS POINT OF VEIW: You’d wake up wet and bucking at fingers intruding in your panties, fingers that had obviously been at it for a while considering how wet you are. You are so horny and blissed out you don’t care who it is. At hearing you gasp awake, I lift your top and begin to lick and suck your nipples. Tickling each nub with my tongue strongly, switching back and forth. You raise your ass to help me remove your panties. My thick cock is now hanging between your legs, aimed right at your...

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Highschool Threesome

First of all let me describe myself my name is Vikram I am little built, fair with a good height. my mother tongue is something else but I speak in English the most. I am not so good at talking with girls because I am scared or nervous when I see them. When I was in class 11(I was aged 19 at that time cause I joined the school lately) i used to bunk the classes and either go to cinema or just roam in a bazaar as my school is near a famous bazaar. This was found out by my parent so I was sent to...

4 years ago
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Der Rollentauschtag

Hallo liebe Leser :) Das ist nur ein kleiner luzider (denke ich mal) Traum gewesen...Deswegen ist die Story relativ klein und mit offenen Ende (Kopfkino alternativ). Der Mottotag gab es wirklich und ich habe da auch mitgemacht, also sind Teile real. Naja...Viel Spa? || Es war heute der Mottotag...Was welcher? Ach der Rolltentauschtag wo Jungs als M?dchen und andersherum aufkreuzen. Was ich angezogen habe? Ich wollte nicht so auffallen also: Eine hautenge Jeans und ein d?nnes Sw...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 7

Nobody at Linda apartment got much sleep that night. I wore the upside down shoulder with the .357 Taurus five shot two inch barrel stainless steel revolver inside. I did that just in case Barry got out of the hospital and came back for round two. I also recharged the stun gun. Funny I wasn’t one bit tempted to cat nap in the early hours of Thursday morning. When the cop came to drive Linda and Megan to work and school, Megan wouldn’t even look at me. I didn’t try to explain to her why I...

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© copyright 2003 Thanks Christa, The last five years of my life have been pretty much shit. When I married my wife she was a total babe, now she has gained over a hundred pounds and adding more each day. It's getting to the point where she just asks me to bring more food to her. She won't get up to help herself. My daughter, Beth and I had a thing between us for years. She loved turning me on. It first started when she was around fifteen or so. She would never lock the bathroom door...

2 years ago
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Un nuevo empleo

Un nuevo Empleo Esta es tan solo una fantas?a que se me ha ocurrido, el producto quiz? de una noche desvelada, pero a pesar de ello me he excitado mucho al escribirla e imaginar las situaciones que en ella describo. Perm?teme sin embargo hacer una breve introducci?n y contarte como fue que se me ocuri? esta situaci?n. Estaba yo un d?a viajando en el colectivo, cuando sube a el una mujer ya madura, aunque sin embargo sumamente atractiva, ten?a puesto un traje sastre de color bordeaux con una pollera que...

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A fantasy comes true

It is the day after my fifteenth birthday as I am writing this, and I thought it was time to share my story. I have read and heard many stories or fantasies that are similar but thought people might like to read about what happened to me.A year ago mom and dad had brought me out for the day to celebrate my birthday and spoil me for the day, we had a great time as a family and had got back to our apartment late. We were all tired and basically went straight to bed. I felt thirsty and as I was...

4 years ago
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Shortcuts are always the best Part I

“He’s sort of hot, isn’t he?” Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadn’t seen him just yet but judging by the rumours that had been flying around, he was definitely something. My name is Rachel and I’m a senior at Vanguard High. I had just turned seventeen, I stood at around 5’7”, had a lean, athletic figure, dark hair that swept around my shoulders and firm C-cup...

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What Happened Under the Moonlight

She shivered in the cool air as she sat by the cabana waiting for him. Ruby knew he'd gotten her e-card. But what had been his reaction when he found it?Here she waited for him. Not wrapped up with a bow but sitting on the chaise dressed in a robe that covered her red bikini.Everyone had given him their birthday present except her. She hadn't brought anything to her friend's house when she spent the night.Except herself, and some things in a night bag...but she knew why she had accepted...

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My First Time Serving Two Guys

Much has happened in the last month, but I will do my best to condense it as much as possible. I'm going to break it up a little, and this shared experience will focus more on what it was like as my first time with two guys. Over the last month, Jay has had me over 2-3 times a week for training. As you already know, my training sessions have consisted of long showers, varying in temperature, based on how I do with not using my hands. On top of that, there are constant anal poundings, a2m, and...

4 years ago
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Independence Day Part One

Time was a villain. As unassuming as still water and heavy enough to drown in. A cool breeze stole the searing bite from the bonfire before Daphne, and she wished it could regenerate what had already been burned. Her childhood. Early adulthood. And the end of the only relationship she’d had where someone seemed to care for her. She was going through the motions but she’d never been happy. Hopeful, but not happy. Life was prison. She watched the flames, the party around her long forgotten...

Group Sex
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EAGERTO The Ladies Loo was outside, around the back. As i said, I’d waited til they all went home then got in and found the tin where she kept her dirty rags. I’d busted the hopeless little padlock to get in and they never bothered to replace it so I had no trouble sneaking in whenever I liked and jerking off great wads of spunk into her dirty pads. They were fantastic — I would take off my pants and lie back on the toilet seat with a wet cuntrag pressed up between my legs and hold a sometimes...

4 years ago
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Explode inside me

Part 1: I was alone all day watching tv. There was pretty much nothing for me to do. Getting up, I opened the window shades and the sun shined in. It looked like it would be a good day. I headed to my room and got dressed. I grabbed my phone, wallet, backpack and my gun and went to the front door. As I opened the door, I looked back and said "Today is going to be great".I walked outside feeling the weight in my stomach. The feeling you get when you are on a roller-coaster. I could feel the...

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Africa Slave QueenChapter 8

The sweltering island looked more like an international airport than a private playground on the day of the wedding. Lear jets and helicopters taxied between the military buildings as an array of jewel encrusted dignitaries most fat with the trappings of power were each dutifully fawned over by Mobana's guards and his island madam. "This way your highness, " the oriental Chui said as she bowed to the King of a close by third world state, "and welcome to President Mobana Island." Then...

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Naked Day part 6

"Oh, um dearest Cindy, permission to fuck your sister?" "Hmm, I'm guessing from the looks of things this is an after the fact request?" "Well, yes. You were barely conscious when the opportunity arose." "Given the circumstances, permission granted. Also, if I may say so, you are the best, greatest, most wonderful husband ever. Who else would let his wife screw her little brother. Even if he was far from little." "One, we're young, we've got a whole life of you and me and...

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Doing MandyChapter 14 Taffy Becomes Closer to Mandy

Mandy was lying on her bed the next morning thinking about the way Tom had forced her to copulate with her own fully grown male Golden Retriever. She could vividly remember the feeling as she was kneeling there on the floor in front of her own bed, her husband off flying somewhere in the country on his job, and she was feeling the massive size of Taffy's hairy body covering her as her dog's engorged rampantly bucking cock suddenly found her cunthole and began penetrating her pussy. Mandy...

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5 Doors Down

i was going round to jakes to play some xbox for a few hours , we usually did this a couple times a week , so around 1pm i left my house to go to jakes , he only live 5 houses away from me , so i knocked on the door but go no answer , i was puzzled as jake told me he would be in. so i knocked again and jane answered she was in her PJ's covered by her dressing gown . "is jake home ?" i asked , "he's at stans" jane replied , "oh thats odd he told me he would be in today" i said as...

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Cousin RemovedChapter 9

The next two days went by in a blur. I hired some contractors to help me finish the guesthouse and we worked from early until late. By midday Wednesday, Amanda and Kayla were at a nearly finished guesthouse picking new furniture out of a catalog. I was going to leave them with a shower enclosure on order with a contractor to install it and blinds that would be another week. They could do those themselves. Amanda hadn’t ordered a sign for the road yet, and that was about the end of it. I knew...

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She had all of the shots and a lot more, and even though she was only eighteen, the other pros on the International Women's Professional Tennis Tour said she was a "can't miss"!!! Ever since she had picked up a racket at age three it was apparent to anyone who watched her that Raye Anne Malloy was a phenom!!! And not only was she a special tennis player, she also had the blonde good looks that plastered her face all over teeny bopper and women's sports magazines!!! It was a well known fact in...

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Pakathu Veetu Annan Sabir

Naan kalluri irandaam aandu padithu varugiren, enaku aangal endraal miga pidikum. En veetil ennai aangaludan pazhaga vida maatargal. Enaku ippozhuthu thirumana vayathu aagi vitathu, 20 vayathile kuzhanthai petru kola aasai paduven. Naan pengal kalluriyil padithu varugiren, palliyum pengal matum padikum palli enbathaal aangal vaasame en meethu padathu. En veetil naan oru pen matum thaan, athanaal ennai pothi pothi valapathaaga en thanthai ennai kodumai seithu kondu irukiraar. Naan mana...

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USAChapter 21

They were only gone for a flicker, but Heather, now dressed in a Roman toga, came back in total awe. She was positively grinning. "Gods and goddesses, time travel, history as it's taught in school is so wrong ... magic!" she exclaimed. "And I can't tell anyone." Her grin turned upside down and her bottom lip protruded. She hugged herself. "Now that that's out of the way, Wendy," Seven said. "I believe you want to know what's happening with ... or to ... your husband. Let me...

3 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 1 Negotiation

“Hey, Sal,” Lenny said as soon as the door was opened. “You look nice.”“Hi, Lenny,” Sally said, smiling broadly, then instantly looking away, feeling herself blush. “He ready?” Lenny and her brother, Rob, had planned on going to the local drive-in movie, to hang out with everyone else who would be there on this hot Saturday in July. Sally stepped aside to let Lenny in. “Not quite.”Rob and his mother were yelling over each other so loudly that no one could understand a word either was saying....

First Time
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New Years Eve Barbie

Copyright © 2003, TooMuchTime. All rights reserved. To put it nicely, Roger had not had as great a Christmas as he would have liked. To put it bluntly, as Roger sometimes did when nobody else could hear him mumbling, this Christmas had sucked ass. The presents he'd received were okay, but only okay, and nothing spectacular. Among the key items missing, of course, was the GameCube he'd practically begged his parents for. He understood why it was missing, of course -- his father had...

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Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown

Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...

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UNCLE J. That old saying “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juices.” has been a motto that my Uncle James has lived by for years. My Uncle J, as we call him and his new Jamaican wife had only been married a few months when I came to live with them. It started that first night when I caught my Uncle J staring at my boobs. It was very clear that my uncle liked young girls; young pretty black girls. My dad and his step brother was never really close, as a matter of fact they barely knew...

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Study Break to Fuck a drunk Slut

This incident happened during my first year in college. It was a Thursday night, which meant that most people at my state school were out partying, drinking, and having a good time. Unfortunately, I had to take an exam the next day, so I was stuck in my dorm, studying.I was busy reading in my floor's common room until well after midnight, when all the students eventually returned from their nights of debauchery at one of the campus frat houses or wherever they had been. Most of them were, of...

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Catching More Than Sun

As you open the door you feel the warmth cling to your skin. You leave the safety of your air conditioned room behind and close the door.  Making your way through the hallway towards the elevator you come across a man going the opposite way. Passing each other you hear his cadence change and suddenly become more aware, as if he’s looking back, staring at your behind. “Maybe I should’ve wrapped the towel around me,” you say to yourself. “Ah well.” Holding the book that you’re hoping to finish in...

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Should We Stay or Should We Go

“Honey, I really, really want to go this time,” my wife Sarah said with a bit of an annoying whine in her voice. “OK, why this time and not one of the last fifteen years of our high school reunions?” I responded. “Well, there are several very good reasons to go this year. First, they are combining the class of ‘85, my class, with the class of ‘80, your class. So, for the first time we can both see our old friends. Secondly, I don’t have any classes to teach this summer, (my wife was a...

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LifelineChapter 13

I found Elizabeth and Lauren sitting at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons when I got home. I was hours earlier than normal and my daughter, who I hadn't seen awake and alert in three weeks, jumped off the chair and raced to give me a hug. I scooped her up and kissed her on the end of her nose – which wrinkled in the most adorable manner – and tucked her on my hip as I turned to Elizabeth. My wife greeted me with a warm smile and a wink. I did my best to return the smile but...

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A Naughty Girl Becomes a Sub

A birthday gift for my Hubby opened a new door for us to explore. The world of Doms and Subs. A Naughty Girl Becomes A Sub 0livia here with another story of my erotic adventures. This one takes place at the “Raven’s Nest” a semi-private party for sex and other adventures for fun minded people. For his birthday, I wanted to do something special for my hubby. After all, he puts up with my sexual dalliances and I love him dearly. I have always had an interest in BDSM, and impact...

4 years ago
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HardassChapter 2

It finally took a part of a sleeping pill to drive her down, laying there on the couch, which Wade opened up into a bed so she'd have some more room as evening was falling. But soon, the sleeping pill and the gentle but unending whick-whick-whick of the whetsone on the K-Bar began to get to her, and uneasily, her mind blinked out into the gentle arms of sleep. It was a troubled sleep, to be sure; the memory of the pain, the helpless screaming as the whip bit at her backside again and again...

3 years ago
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My wife Snehal

My wife’s name is Snehal. She is 26 and we are married since 3 years. I had always fantasized sharing her with a stranger, Watching her, being taken by someone. I convinced her for almost a year as she was reluctant ( a typical Indian wife). At the end she agreed hesitantly. We chose a farmhouse in woods, isolated and away. I chose the stranger. His name was Veer (a professional male escort). There were just three of us in that farmhouse, far away from city. We stayed there for 8 days and this...

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Shady Rest Retirement Center

     She had a slightly defiant look in her eye as she slowly opened her dress.  Button by button, when the last button was undone she hesitantly opened it to my gaze removed it and dropped it upon her bed.  "Well, she said, it's not what you expected is it?" I closed the door to her room behind me and slowly walked to her, I took my time inspecting her, inch by inch, I moved behind her not touching, at first not speaking.  "Truth is, I said, I didn't know what to expect, didn't even know what...

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The ParkersChapter 37 Incest in five phases

The word spread quickly: Lucy Parker would be out that Friday afternoon. That meant that Martin, Sally, Laurie, Julie, Matt, Jack and Amy Parker could be free to fuck. And Jill Davis could fuck them al. It's not that their relation was only sex. But talking was something they could do with no fear of being caught. Sex, however, was special. And forbidden. And something they had started doing (with each other) very recently. It was still new. So they felt they couldn't pass an opportunity....

1 year ago
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Going under cover

?Going under cover?. Author’s note. This novel is just a product of my morbid imagination and it contains crude language and descriptions of sexual intercourses (if you are under the age of twenty-one years or you’re offended by such writings please don’t read further). FDI stands for Federal Defense Investigation, a paramilitary division of USE army, principally fighting terrorism and mafia. Events take place in the USE (United States of Europid) on a planet other than planet Earth. Probably,...

1 year ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 3

Friday evening, the week before Spring Break Week--Dee and Aaron. "Oh, God! Yes!" Dee's whole body shook as her third orgasm of the evening washed over her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung slightly open as she attempted to catch her breath following the intense orgasmic blast that had swept her entire being. Dee had begun to climax again just after she felt the swelling in her cunt of Kyle's wonderful cock, signaling his pending ejaculation inside of her. She had wrapped her...

3 years ago
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The Dare Book 2Chapter 5 A Different Kind of Game

The next morning, sitting cross legged on the couch and writing, Talia relived the most intense evening in detail. She and Mason exchanged a few notes, expressing some concern about how fast this was going, but when he seemed to back off, she demanded he keep pushing. She wanted this, or something like this, and while she could do some of it on her own, his suggestions, his dares, seemed to help her get over her reticence, helped her rationalize it a bit more in her mind. The fact that he was...

2 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 2

It was almost four in the afternoon when Kathy found herself high up in a new downtown skyscraper in front of the most impressive office entrance she had ever seen. It was all furniture-polished hardwood — it appeared to be cherry — with solid brass letters spelling out, Clifford & Jamison, and below, in smaller letters, Attorneys at Law. She was wearing her good suit for work, and that was unfortunate. Because it is quite cool in the Redwood Country, what was appropriate attire for...

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Return to KrellChapter 2 Academic Pursuits

Lena taped the wireless pickup to her throat, then brought up her wrist-mounted computer, a military model that she had recently gotten her hands on. Having the station’s security chief owe her a favor had really paid off. She calibrated it, punching in commands on the touch screen, and the computer registered the microphone. “Testing, testing, one two three...” The graph charted her voice in peaks and valleys, it was working correctly. “Ok Sleethe, are you ready?” The Krell lifted his...

1 year ago
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MommysBoy Lauren Phillips No Pants No Problem

It is a beautiful morning. Lauren Phillips gets out of bed and walks down the hall, not realizing that she is totally naked from the waist down. She enters the bathroom and greets her stepson, Dan Damage, who is shocked when he sees that Lauren isn’t wearing any pants. Lauren giggles when she realizes her mistake, and apologizes for forgetting to wear bottoms. She promises Dan that she’ll be better about that in the future. While Dan finishes his morning routine, Lauren waits in the...

2 years ago
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A Bride chapter 4

"I could just go to sleep like this" she sighed happily and reached for a cigarette."Light me one too mum will you please?""I didn't know you smoked," she said but lit me one anyway."I like a joint occasionally, but only when I'm with a girlfriend and I haven't got one of those at the moment."She passed me the cigarette and watched as I inhaled the smoke."They say that's as good as a kiss," she said smiling at me."What is?""Taking a cigarette that's been in someone else's mouth.""No." I shook...


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