Superman vs the goddess Callisto
- 3 years ago
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I had the new troops, I had stopped calling them recruits, practice diligently with their shotguns over the next week. By then, they were about as accurate with them as they were going to get. We were delighted to find three who looked like instructor-grade material. That would take a tremendous load off our shoulders if we had a local cadre that we could depend upon to do the basic teaching while Hasup and I went on to other things.
I wanted my people to have a speaking acquaintance with hand to hand combat in case they ever got into the situation where they needed it. Hasup and I spent three weeks teaching the basics so that they would have some chance to survive a close encounter, though they would never have the time for the training necessary to become real experts at it. After the second day of instruction, we went directly into what some would call the school of dirty tricks. We spent time on things like throwing dirt into the opponent's eyes and stuff like that. From our point of view, there was no such thing as a "fair fight."
Six weeks after Hasup and I landed here, we were way ahead of schedule. The Bustols had done us a real favor with that raid the first day we showed up at Karak-a-bolva, or Karak for short. Now that the defense force had a speaking acquaintance with combat techniques, the time had come to show them what to do with the knowledge they had.
All of the men were familiar enough with hunting that they had an easy time with the basics, though the women didn't get off so easy. We started them off with the techniques for sneaking through the woods without being noticed. After a week of solo practice, I had them try to sneak up on each other. This was where the tables turned—the women were much better than the men in spotting someone trying to sneak up on them. I have no idea why, it just worked out that way. Obviously, those women were going to make better guards than the men; that was something that Hasup and I marveled over.
Once we were satisfied with the sneaking, we moved on to small unit tactics. This was something the Inglets had an uncanny talent for. It was pretty much a case of tell them once, and they had the tactic learned. All they needed was some practice so that they could know when was the best time to apply each part of what they knew.
Fifteen weeks after Hasup and I arrived, I figured that they didn't need us anymore for defense. All they needed was to be blooded in battle to settle everything they had learned to where it should be. Therefore, Hasup and I went looking for trouble.
We assembled the ultra light and prepared it for a scouting expedition. Both Hasup and I were experienced ultra light pilots, so we were all set with the dual controls that came on the bird. With one person to pilot and another person to be an observer/gunner, we were as ready as we would ever be. Of course, the plane would fly straight and level if you gave it a chance, so it was even possible to have two shooters under special circumstances.
We loaded up with 20 of the 20-round drum magazines, all loaded with FRAG-12 HEAP (High Explosive Anti-Personnel) shells. I wanted the enemy to come to us if possible, so we went looking for trouble in the form of that spotter plane that would fly over us once a week. It had a very regular schedule, so we decided to ambush it the next time it showed up. It was due on Thursday at about 10:30 AM, so we planned to be aloft and waiting for it.
It always came in on a northwest to southeast path at about 250 meters altitude. I was the pilot and Hasup was the gunner on this occasion, and I positioned us in a tight orbit at about 400 meters, hopefully hidden in the sun. As far as we could tell, our trap worked, at least in the first part.
The plane showed up and acted as if the pilot and observer had not seen us. They tooled along at about 110 KPH as if they didn't have a care in the world. Fortunately, they were coming toward us, because we had no chance of traveling that fast. I put us into a dive with our little engine putting out all of the RPM that it had. I'm sure that the designer of our craft never intended for anybody to put this much strain on his little baby.
We were after a kill, but we would really settle for the spotter calling for the cavalry to rescue them. Our main goal was to attract a column that we could ambush, with shooting down the spotter plane as a secondary goal. I had hoped to dive in front of him and put some FRAG-12 shots into the cockpit, but he was moving a little faster than I had anticipated. As a result, we were going to miss him at the tail end, so he might not even see us. Dammit, that was not acceptable!
At the moment, we were flying over unoccupied territory, some of it meadow and some of it forest, so we had no qualms about firing at the plane with only a small chance of hitting it. The bullets were going to explode when they hit the ground, but the only harm that would do would be to scare some wild animals. That we could live with.
Hasup began shooting when we got within 150 yards of the plane. We were exactly following its path, so there was a very good chance of hitting the plane just by pointing the AA-12 in the right direction and shooting on full automatic. I kept us pointed at the spotter plane and Hasup kept shooting. She had emptied her first 20-round drum and was inserting the second one when there was an explosion on the fuselage just behind the cockpit, followed only moments later by another explosion a little nearer the tail of the airplane. There was a third explosion near the vertical stabilizer at the tail, but it made little difference, because the plane was already breaking up.
The destruction was so complete that the plane almost jerked to a halt in the air, and we were suddenly flying faster than they were. By this time, Hasup had reloaded with the next drum, so she blasted away at the cockpit, still on full automatic. The two men in the plane were in the process of trying to jump out when the first of her new rounds struck the cockpit. There was an explosion within the cabin, and then another. Neither of the two men were able to escape, and we could see blood trailing out the now open back of the cockpit. The plane was falling in pieces, so we figured that our job was done, and we headed for Karak.
I wish I knew what it meant, because I was sure the information was significant, but the Bustols were very slow to react to our attack. It was four days later when we saw a column approaching us. Hasup and I were in the ultra light again, trying to keep the enemy from sneaking up on us. There was only one road through the area, so we knew the route they would follow. Of course, we had already picked out the ambush point, so it was just a matter of waiting for the enemy to stick their heads into the noose.
We scooted back to Karak and got our people on the move toward the ambush site. There were no hills around, so we could not use them for fighting from high ground. We were forced to work with what we had, which was a swamp. I have no idea why the road was originally built that way, but it ran close to the south edge of the swamp for several hundred yards. The drop off was quite steep and the water near the road was about 130 cm deep. The south side of the road was the proverbial dry as a bone, but there were a number of very large trees growing close to the road.
Knowing soldiers the way I did, I was certain that they were not going into that water, no mater what the provocation. I put eight of our best shots high in the large trees, with everybody else strung out along the road at ground level. We didn't fool around: everybody was armed with five 20-round drums of FRAG-12 HEAP. The HEAP rounds were not as forceful with their explosions as the straight explosive rounds, but I hoped to salvage at least one of the trucks in drivable condition so that we can learn something about it. Therefore, everybody was warned not to put an explosion in the engine compartment unless there was no choice.
sex. Chapter 3 is filled with lot of sex. **************** Please rate wisely,you will surely like it when you will read future chapters. **************** Chapter 2 - The explanation *************************** Luthor laughed and said "You don't know how often I have wished for this moment and now that it has occurred, I don't know what to do. Well, let me answer your questions by asking a question. What is your name?" The woman grimaced as she said "You know who I am....
Chapter 3 – Loiss story Fucking Luthor. He cant do this to me. My head was hurting and I felt funny. As I opened my eyes, I saw my body on the medical bed. I knew it was me but it couldnt be me. I am lying here on the floor. I look down at myself and see a mans body instead of my normal sexy womans body. It is Supermans body. I look back at the bed and it is my body on the bed. With my new super hearing, I can hear the heartbeat and know that my body is still alive. But what has happened to...
Something went terribly wrong in Metropolis. At least it did for six of its citizens. And Lex Luthor was one of them. His plan was simple. He wasn’t even TRYING to destroy Superman this time. He was just feeling a little bored and thought he would use a recently invented machine created by S.T.A.R. Labs---a machine funded through his company LexCorp---to cause some minor trouble for the Man of Steel’s marriage to the Daily Planet’s star-reporter Lois Lane. But when the trap was set for Superman...
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Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...
Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...
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I took the opportunity to examine the enemy trucks. They bore a close resemblance to the 6x6, 1,000 Kg (2½-ton) truck that the Earth armies have been using for years. The main difference that I could see from a quick glance was that these trucks had a longer body. The bed must have been about 30% longer than the ones that NATO used. I guessed that the load capacity was around 1,200-1,500 Kg. From the smell, they were not powered by gasoline, but I couldn't tell what the fuel actually was. If...
Sort of "by return mail," we got the 40 mm cannon. It was on a fixed mount, not mobile, so it was up to us to figure out how to use it. I thought of putting it on a truck bed and knock down the truck's sides so that it had a 300 degree traverse. Only the truck cab would provide a problem. We had to work fast, but we managed to get the work done in time for a little practice before we had to take it to war. The gun closely resembled the Bofors pom-pom AAA gun of WW2. This particular...
At last! We had finally been spotted by the Bustols. Their security was so lousy that I almost thought we would have to send them an engraved invitation to the fight. I could only assume that their contempt for the local Inglets was such that they expected never to be attacked. We had stopped in a campsite about 20 klicks from the enemy camp. That morning we formed up into our loose groups of 34 men and women, each. We were not in the conventional military order, but standing in almost...
I wanted to hit that camp with the captives as soon a possible, before they could be shipped to a slave auction somewhere or somewhen; it was logical to assume that the auction would be held on a different time line. Our job was to mount the rescue before the auction could take place. Working on the assumption that the larger the attacking force, the more likely was the attack to succeed, we loaded our entire little army into our trucks and headed for the Bustol camp. We used the same...
Since the FAC had a lot to do under Ansa's strategy, she decided that an Eagle would be sacrificed as the FAC vehicle. Actually, her thinking now was for three squadrons of nine attack planes plus an FAC which could be used as an emergency backup in case of need. For the attack sweeps, Ansa wanted to use three flights of three planes attacking in echelon with the lead plane on the extreme left and each plane of the flight in line 20 meters behind and 20 meters to the right of the plane in...
OK, it's now worked out. The ground crew came up with a set of mounts that would let the pilot change ammunition drums in the AA-12s without having to move around too much in his seat. The bigger problem was working out how to store the drums so that the pilot could reach them without being a contortionist. However, they came up with that solution, too, so it looked to me like we were in business. We were anxious to have our fighters fly their first cover mission. Training the fighter...
We had eliminated all of the Bustol camps that were close enough to us for our Eagles to hit them without at least one refueling. Unless they sneaked in on us, we thought that we were reasonably safe from attack unless they were willing to spend the money necessary to make a move by transporter. I doubted that the criminal lords would be willing to spend that kind of money, so I didn't worry about it. Much to my surprise, it seemed that the old military axiom that "You can't win a war...
A rectangle of off-color light showed up in my tent near my desk. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. Pretty soon a voice was emitted which talked gibberish for a moment, then I could understand every word. "Hello, can you understand me?" The voice was that of a young woman. "Yes, Ma'am, I can understand you with no problem. What is going on and what can I do for you?" "Aren't you a nice man! My name is Anna Hobarth, and I represent a trading company that would like to do...
This was going to be kind of a catch-as-catch-can sort of war, since we planned to depend as much as possible on the local people to do the fighting. Since we could move anywhere we wanted to by means of the TWT transporter gates, it made no real difference where we started from. Therefore, we just made Hillora, the town where Allor Insrullor came from, as our main base. This town happened to be about 100 klicks from the ocean, so it was not an obvious place for an invasion to start. This...
The Bustols were such creatures of habit that it was boring to fight them. It was one of those things like "if we did this, they always did that." We got into a bad rut with our campaign. Step 1 was rescue the Inglets in a base. Step 2 was to bomb the shit out of them. Step 3 was to look for the next place to hit. The only time there was any fun was when we were able to bust up a "harvesting" trip. We were not able to capture anybody who could give us the schedule for those trips, so we...
We now had an SOP (Standing Operating Procedure) for attacking the walled towns that the Bustol bases had turned into. It took another year to clean out all of the remaining Bustol bases on Inglet. The operation had settled into a routine that really didn't need me for more than an occasional boost in morale. Ansa had stopped using birth control and was now pregnant, though Hasup said that she was hoping for more excitement, so she was still taking her birth control pills. Verla's baby, a...
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ExhibitionismCopyright © 2002 by Adrian Hunter. All rights reserved. Please do not repost nor repurpose without permission. Such a pretty face... pity to have to cover it with so much leather. But we can change that later. The night is young, and we have many alternatives at our disposal. She kneels before me on a coffee table, her thighs lashed tight to her ankles and her collared neck tied down to her knees. I love watching her fingers claw desperately at the knots holding each wrist to its...
I walked in the house and saw Sharon sitting at the kitchen table talking on the phone. She waved as I walked though. Her parents had left yesterday and would arrive mid morning tomorrow. She had taken the week off and had spent the weekend and today giving the house a thorough cleaning. The house was always clean, but it was one of those ‘mom is coming things’. I grabbed a beer and sat down at the table as she finished with her phone conversation. “OK, cutie. See you tomorrow. Love ya,...
I was at a rock'n'roll concert when I met them. I am 6'2" tall, and have been lifting weights for a few years. I think I'm in pretty good shape, and so did the two identical blonde beauties that had the seats in front of me. They were both 5'7" tall, about 120 lbs, with 35-22-33 figures. Both wore white jumpsuits, which really accentuated their wonderful figures. I passed them a joint and struck up a conversation. Before I knew it, we were on our way out together, and my buddies were very...
My much-anticipated letter offering me a job at ICI arrived via Mum’s postal delivery service on Wednesday evening. So too did a great big hug from Mum, and the gift of two of Mrs Johnson’s best 2lb pork pies together with a small jar of Colman’s ready made mustard; with a pot of tea they made a great celebration supper when we finally finished work that night! Julie and I also celebrated privately once we got to bed; she insisted on doing all the work “to reward you”, and although I...
After a lovely Sunday afternoon braai with the family, once it reached 6pm Mark and I made our way into the cottage where we played x box and chatted. I received a number of messages from my girlfriend Jessica as she seemed to be missing me. I was missing her as well although I had started to enjoy my matric holiday. As Mark and I continued playing games we discussed what we would do the next day. Once plans were made and after one last game Mark and I both hit the sack early and we're asleep...
– Married 38 years old stay at home mom – Mother of 3 grown kids who know she is doing porn – It was the husbands idea that she do her first porn – He is a MomPov fan and wanted to see her do a video – They are swingers and have a she is very bisexual – She is a total nympho freak and loves to cum – Very sensitive clit can orgasm from walking – The most she has gotten off in one day is 15 times – She did anal for this video, has super tight ass – She loves being pounded deep and hard – Very...
xmoviesforyouHello everyone! Greetings of the day! Thank you again for a wonderful response to Ratna’s story. For a better experience, kindly read the series. Coming to the story: I saw Sid making out with Sonali. I honked at the car, but Sid and Sonali were too busy with each other. Ratna was constantly laughing, looking at them. After a couple of dippers to his car, they realized we were watching them. Sid and Sonali came back to their senses. Sonali corrected her white top and her bra, whereas I...
CHURCH Because my father had apparently made it a point in choosing my demise as a dairy worker insisting the dairy owners be members of his annoying religious obsession, it was promised I would be “taken in tow” so I could attend church services on Sundays. I wasn’t thrilled but there was an opportunity to also get to stop by a little grocery while in town. I definitely loved the idea of a chance to spend a few dollars to buy some junk food and candy, the vital sugar-sustain of any city kid...
Hey all! So this is Pratik, from Mumbai. An old ISS reader but a new writer. For feedbacks, moods, sexts maybe, you can reach me at . A small introduction, 21 years old. I am 6 foot tall and a regular lifter, so pretty fit and in a pretty good shape. I have a structured face and good at communicating. Coming to her,26 yrs old, hiding her real name for obvious reasons, Reeti, damn! I had never thought I would ever get to have that kinda ass! Super round, she had pretty luscious love handles...
by Abe Froman(c) 2006The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature so if you are under 18 stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental.This story - from inspiration to final text - is courtesy of my muse and my Lady,...