Mother-Daughter TwosomeChapter 2 free porn video

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"Bob, you just don't understand," Lani Walker was saying, "your home life was so screwed up, you just can't see what I'm talking about. I love my mother... we've got a really beautiful thing between us, you know?"

Lani lay on her back, her eyes searching the cloudless California sky, her bare toes playing little games with the golden brown grass that covered the hills of Mendocino.

"I mean, my mother doesn't have all the hangups about her kid that your parents have. She treats me like an adult, so there isn't any need for me to rebel against her. I mean I didn't run away from her like you did from your parents. There wasn't any need to."

"Look, kiddo, I didn't run away from my parents. I just left, see? And anyway, I think you're just kidding yourself, because your mother just isn't as understanding as she pretends."

"Bob, that's not true..."

"Yes it is true, baby, I know it's true... When we were all down at your mother's place, she was hanging all over you, man, like you were some kind of teddy bear or something..."

"Come on, Bob, that's not fair! Just because you can't visualize any kind of love between parents or children doesn't mean it doesn't exist, right? I mean..."

"All right! Let's just forget about it, O.K.? It's Saturday afternoon, and the sun is shining... let's talk about something else for Christ's sake! The whole thing is so fucking sentimental I think I'm going to cry."

Lani looked over at him as he turned away on his side, and then she sat up abruptly, and looked away. Her long blonde hair was tangled with strands of grass, and her eyes were moist with a few tentative tears caused by the lack of understanding on her boyfriend's part. Her face was almost an exact replica of her mother's, with the same soft brown eyes and delicately formed features, but lacking the coolness, the distance her mother had cultivated after so many years of frustration. Lani was young, but already had a figure that surpassed even her mother's, with large rounded breasts and gently flaring hips, and soft smooth thighs that were tanned a delicious golden brown by the hot California sun. Her slender arms reached out around her shapely legs, and clasped together tightly around her knees, which were trembling slightly now with emotion. She glanced over at Bob, and tried to decide why he was sometimes so harsh with her. She knew he had had a rough life, but still... sometimes it was as though he didn't have any feeling for her at all.

She quickly turned her thoughts away from this unpleasant thought, deciding that it was absurd to even suspect that Bob didn't love her. After all, wasn't he one of the main reasons she had come to the commune in the first place? She looked away, across the lush green hills covered sparsely by single standing oaks in irregular patterns, and her mind wandered aimlessly through visions of her past, her school, old friends, her mother...

"Look, kiddo, I'm sorry."

Lani's memories were invaded by Bob's deep masculine voice. She didn't turn to him immediately.

"Oh, that's all right Bob. I guess I get carried away sometimes when I think about Mom. It's my fault really."

"No, I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's my fault. But, like I don't understand one thing, kiddo."

She turned to him questioningly.

"... I mean, if everything was so fine back in San Francisco, why did you come up here? Christ, you could have stayed there in your Momma's lovin' arms!"

Lani looked at him in surprise, but saw he was serious. She'd come for him, of course!

"Oh, I don't know. I guess I just had to settle down in a place of my own, you know? I mean, ever since I remember, Mom and I have been either moving in or moving out of crummy little two bedroom apartments. I can't even remember how many. And, I never went to the same school more than a year and a half... Oh, I don't mean it was all that bed! All I'm saying is... well... I just had to find something a little more stable, you know?"

Bob leaned over to her, and drew her supple young body over to him roughly, pressing her up against him.

"Yeah, I know kiddo... something stable like me, huh?"

Lani winced a little from the unexpected roughness, and then eased herself into the curve of his huge, muscular frame. She snuggled up like an infant against his massive chest, and worked her face up against the rough stubble of his week-old bear, sighing with pleasure. She felt the crotch of his jeans begin to bulge as his hidden cock quickly grew excited by her tantalizing closeness, and laughingly reached down to touch its fabric-covered hugeness with her small tanned hand.

"Mmmm... well, I guess you're pretty stable, all right..."

With a throaty growl, Bob threw her over onto her back, and pressed her breasts back against her small frame with his powerful body He reached under her skimpy body shirt and ran one hand teasingly up over one soft unencumbered nipple, raising it to an instant hardness.

"Want to see just how stable, kiddo?" he asked laughingly.

Lani moaned with the pleasure elicited by his expert manipulations of her breasts, and answered only by reaching down seductively to slowly unbutton the top button of his straining blue jeans.

Ann Walker eased her Ford Falcon to the side of the small one lane road, and pulled out the map the man at the local postoffice had given her. Farm Road 1789. This must be it, she thought, looking up for confirmation at the billboard on her right. Past the Quaker State sign and turn right. She set the map down on the seat beside her, and eased the car into gear.

She hadn't started as early that morning as she'd wanted. As soon as she'd woke up, she'd thought of a million things she could spend that Saturday doing, errands she'd put off for months, letters she'd never planned to write... but then her mind had stopped rushing around desperately trying to think up excuses for not coming, and she'd realized she was just being silly.

She was still nervous, though, even after her long drive-- nervous about how Lani would receive her surprise visit, uncertain whether she might be intruding She was almost convinced that Lani would be overjoyed to see her, but not quite. She hoped that the single fact of her presence would not put any kind of pressure on her daughter, making her feel as though she had to choose between her mother and the commune. The reason Ann felt this way, of course, was that unconsciously she hoped Lani would make that choice, and would return to South San Francisco with her.

She drove back onto the road, and turned right onto Farm Road 1789. She drove up a long hill with the sun at her back, and continued on until the paved road turned into gravel, and the gravel finally gave way to a rutted, sun-baked dirt that threatened to wrench her old car's shock absorbers from the chassis. Bravely, she went on, and finally came to an old broken down fence stretched haphazardly across the road with a carefully painted sign hung beside it, the words "The Zodiac" emblazoned on the sign in red letters.

Well, this is it, she thought to herself nervously, and looked with apprehension at the dry hillsides around her, broke only by the line of rusted barbed wire that stretched out from the gate until it disappeared behind the curve of the hill. The isolation and apparent desolation of the place disturbed her, and she wondered how Lani could enjoy being so cut off from civilization. She got out of the car, and opened the old gate, which creaked in the hot stillness of the afternoon, eerily, like an invitation to enter another world. Getting back in her car, she drove through, stopped, got out once again, and closed the gate behind her. You're here, the gate creaked at her once again, and she hurriedly got back into her car and drove on.

After a mile or so, she came suddenly into a clearing, surrounded by homemade wooden cabins peaking out into it from under the protection of a grove of huge oak trees. The houses were all fairly small, except for one building that stood out from the others and had a long front porch built out from it, covered by a shingled roof. There didn't seem to be many people about, though Ann did see a couple of naked children playing around one of the houses in a carefree game of kick-the-can, and two woman dressed in calico sitting in the shade of a large tree, mending what looked like handmade shirts. She drove up to the main building, which she took to be some kind of meeting hall, and stopped her car in front.

As she slid her slender body from behind the wheel, she saw a man walk out on the porch in front of her, and gaze down at her with curiosity. His eyes peered out from behind a massive, tangled growth of beard and hair, that practically hid his face from view. His hands rested lazily in the pockets of his faded, patched coveralls.

"Good afternoon," Ann ventured timorously. "My name is Ann Walker."

Ann could feel the bearded man's eyes taking her in, and suddenly she felt very out of place in this almost 19th century community, dressed as she was in her modern, brightly colored, light summer dress. She waited for the man to give some response to her introduction, but he simply continued staring at her, impassively.

"My daughter lives here in this... place," Ann continued bravely. "Her name is Lani Walker."

The silent man descended the stairs slowly, and walked over to where Ann was standing. Her nervousness grew as he approached her, but then he stuck out his hand and smiled.

"Of course... Lani. I'm afraid we don't know very many last names around here. How do you do?"

Ann shook his hand gratefully, suddenly put completely at ease by the graciousness and ease of his manner.

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr... ?"

The man smiled again, quietly, and put his hands back into his pockets.

"... Moses," he said simply.

"Well, I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr. Moses."

Ann was surprised to hear him laugh out loud, and then questioned him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh," the man beamed at her, "but I'm afraid I'm not a mister. My name is just Moses. And while you're here in the Village, I hope you don't mind if we call you Ann."

Ann returned his laugh, comfortable somehow with this seemingly gentle man.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Moses then. And I'd love you to call me Ann."

"Well that's fine. Good. Now I suppose you're looking for Lani?"

"Yes, I am," Ann answered, "can you tell me where I might find her?"

"The last I saw her she was walking up toward the Chapel."

"The Chapel?" Ann echoed.

"Oh, sorry, that's what we call the hillside where we sometimes meditate and have group... gatherings," Moses said with a sly smile. "For us, it's a kind of church, so..."

"I think that's lovely," Ann laughed, "that Chapel! That's wonderful! Could you tell me how to get there? You see, I'm very anxious to see my daughter."

"Well, she's with Bob right now..."

"Oh, is that a friend of hers?" Ann asked hesitantly.

The man looked at her with a strange expression playing about his eyes.

"We're all friends here, Ann. You'll soon find that out."

"Of course, I forgot," she laughed. "After all, isn't that what a commune's for?"

"You're very right, Ann, that is exactly what a commune is for." The same strange smile formed on his lips, making Ann vaguely uneasy somehow, but she quickly dismissed it.

They chatted for a few moments more, and then Ann asked again how she could get to the Chapel. Moses indicated a path rising steeply from the Village, as he had told her the area where they were now standing was called, and said that it came out right above the Chapel. Ann thanked him and turned to make her way across the clearing.

"Oh Ann?" he called after her.

"Yes?" she answered, turning back toward him.

"You're welcome to stay and share our dinner with us."

"That would be lovely," she called to him. "In fact, I was hoping to stay the whole weekend. Would that be all right?"

"That would be fine! We'd love to have you. And you'll enjoy it."

"You know," she said smiling, "I think I will, Moses."

He watched as she waved happily to him, and turned to climb the steep path. His eyes devoured her perfectly formed hips as they swung sensuously, enticingly from side to side.

"I know you will, Ann," he whispered under his breath, an almost leering grin twisting his face under his huge beard, "I know you will!"

It was a hard climb up the narrow, rock-filled path, and Ann had to stop two or three times to catch her breath. Whew, I'm really out of shape! she panted to herself silently, standing about fifty feet below the crest of the hill. Well, one last pull... and she started again, slowly, forcing one foot ahead of the other.

She had been pleasantly surprised at the reception Moses had given her back at the meeting house. She could admit to herself now just how frightened she had been to come to the commune, frightened of people who seemed so very much different from herself. But Moses, despite his long hair and strange ways, had seemed genuinely friendly, and Ann had been pleased. She had also been impressed with the cleanliness and order of the commune. There was nothing in it that was new, of course, and all the buildings seemed to be hanging together only with chewing gum and rubber bands, but despite its very makedo character, it was clean. Most of the houses sported a fairly new coat of dark green or brown paint, the yards around them were raked clean, and Ann could see absolutely no litter or trash cluttering the place up at all. She didn't really know what she'd expected, perhaps a rural slum of tarpaper shacks with garbage and junked cars providing occasional touches of impoverished color, but the rustic beauty of "The Zodiac" as the commune was called, quickly dissolved all her preconceptions.

And now, walking breathlessly toward the crest of the hill, the pretty secretary breathed in the smokeless air, smelled the healthy scent of dusty oak trees and sun-toasted grass, and decided that Lani might just be right. If one could choose between the exhilaration of a summertime hillside under a cloudless sky, and the stench and filth of a modern city, who in his right mind would be anywhere but where she was right at this very moment, panting uncontrollably as she forced her lungs to accept more oxygen than they'd had in years.

At last, Ann reached the top, and paused again to catch her breath. She looked back over the climb she'd just made, and could just make out through the trees the tops of a few of the buildings down in the Village. Then she turned, and began to make her way through the small line of trees that separated her from the meadow on the other side of the hill. Her eyes sparkled with the exertions of her climb, and her unaccustomed ears happily caught the sound of birds talking to her from their hidden perches in the oaks around her, the wind rustling softly through the branches, the healthy sound of her own heavy breathing.

She suddenly stopped, hearing another sound she couldn't identify. It was off to her left, and sounded like small animals digging hastily into the ground. Silently, like some kind of novice big-game hunter, she moved to her left, crouched over, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever it was. She was soon surprised to hear what sounded like muffled voices as well, coming from somewhere at the edge of the line of trees, just at the top of the meadow. She crept closer, and the sounds became more distinct. They were voices, she decided, and involved in a fairly intense discussion it seemed. If she just got a little closer she could perhaps just... Ann's hand suddenly flew to her mouth, and she stifled a horrified shriek which threatened to burst from her constricting throat. Her eyes grew wide with disbelieving shock and revulsion, and she groped frantically for the tree beside her to keep from falling.

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the continuing story of Paula and her daughter Lorraine. Mother and daughter love to fuck each other, and anyone else that will pay!The house was on the sea front at Brighton. Close to the Metropole hotel. It was plush, but not flash. and over looked the sea. The sea was grey. The old grey widow maker. It was not a day to be at sea. Rain obscured what might have been a superb view. Grey and wet. They knocked on the door. It was opened immediately. They walked in, admitted by a doorman. He...

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Mother and Daughter part 13

"It's not going to go any faster by looking at it," the older man admonished Ellie as she stared at the clock on the shop's wall. "...Sorry, Chris," Ellie replied to her manager as she tried to stop her cheeks from flushing at her telling off. "I get that it's the summer holidays and it's hot and you'd rather be outside," Chris said in a calm, understanding voice. "God knows I did when I was eighteen. Then again, when I was eighteen, I couldn't afford to take weekends off to go to...

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Mother and Daughter part 11

"Have fun," Janet said as her young friend headed out of the flat's front door. "Again!" "Thanks," Ellie replied, already looking forward to the Friday ahead of her- but moreso the Saturday after that. For the prior four days, Ellie and her friends had been relaxing and enjoying a well-earned half term break. However, what had the girls- especially Ellie- most excited was the Saturday at the end of the half term break, as it marked exactly eighteen years to the day since Ellie was...

1 year ago
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Mother teaches daughter

"Where's your father," Alicia Mead asked her daughter Nancy, "I'm getting awfully tired of trying to keep track of that man!?!" "The last time I saw him was up in the bathroom," Nancy replied while pouring herself a glass of orange juice, "he was scrubbing the floor around the toilet!!!" "He should have been done with that long ago," Alicia said irritably, "if I find out he's been screwing off, I'll make him wish he damned well hadn't!!!" "Aw, take it easy on him, mom," Nancy said between sips...

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mother daughter lesbian adventures finale

lisa woke the next morning, had a shower and got dressed, kim and jen were at th table having some breakfast, lisa sat down said good morning to them and poored herself a coffee, "i was telling jen about the playroom we are building" kim said to her mother "oh yeah, about that, i have a little surprise for you, come with me" lisa led kim and jen down into the basement, the girls were gobsmacked to see the room fully kitted out, the showers the paddling pools the sex machines the shelves...

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Mother Explores Daughter

“Hello,” Janice said into receiver recognizing the number immediately as she glanced at the display. “Hey honey,” Harold said on the other end his voice distant. “I got bad news.” “You’re not going to make it for dinner are you?” “I’m sorry but the meeting ran longer than anticipated and I’ve missed my flight and now with that storm passing through they’ve cancelled the flights for the rest of the day.” “Will you be back tomorrow,” Janice asked leaning against the wall staring at the...

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Mother and Daughter Club Chris Story

Mother and Daughter Club - Chris's Story Celina Potter began telling Christine's story while he played with the other 'girls'. Christine was a pretty little 8 year old, with just over the shoulder length blond hair that was cut in a bob style and held back with a navy blue ribbon. He had on a navy blue and white party dress - it had a solid poplin bodice with polka dot pleated skirt dress and sun flower bows - very cute. "It all began about 18 months ago. Chris was 7. His father...

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Mother and Daughter part 9

"Good- evening," Janet said, checking her watch as Ellie walked through the door. "Making sure it is still evening and not early tomorrow morning." "Hilarious," Ellie snorted as she dropped her handbag on the coffee table and flopped down onto the sofa. "It's only, what, 8pm?" "And you're only, what, seventeen?" Janet replied, before smiling sympathetically. "Though in fairness, when I was seventeen, 8pm was early too, heh. And a lot earlier than you'll be back tomorrow, though...

5 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 4

"See you tonight!" Janet said with a smile as Ellie, Kacey and Monique paid for their purchases and waved goodbye to her. "Bye!" Ellie replied with a giggle that warmed Janet's heart. It had been almost four months since Ellie had moved in with Janet, and in that time, a lot had changed for both women- mostly for the better. Janet's body had reacted well to the hormone treatments she'd been prescribed in early December, and her trial had quickly become a permanent prescription....

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter Two Daughters Cherry Birthday Gift

Chapter Two: Daughter's Cherry Birthday Gift A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My forty-fourth birthday had not gone at all like I expected. How could I have anticipated that my youngest daughter Tonya would become so flirty, that she would end up impaling her virgin pussy on my cock and ride me until we both had come? The idea of having sex with Tonya, let alone any of my daughters, had been a foreign idea...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 14 FutaDaughter Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

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mother and daughter Affair

This story and contains lesbian taboo and everybody is over 18.How did this happen? I do not recall on when it happened, but all I know is that my baby girl, my own daughter Hanna, a nineteen year old beauty has her head between my legs, giving me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. “Mum, did you enjoy you Xmas gift from me?”“Oh baby, I love every time you go down on me. Let me return the gift with a gift of my love for you.” I then put my head between her legs showing my love for her.While eating...

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Mother And Daughter With Their Elderly Neighbor

This is about a family who used to be my neighbor. The husband was a busy man, 52 with work and little time for his wife. His sexual prowess had gone down. So his wife, 48 was mostly without physical love. She had a daughter 24 who had done her MBA and was looking for a job. I lived away from my wife due to work and so was alone. When I came home from work I used to cook and watch TV. I was 52. So the duo would come and chat for a while and bring me snacks and tea. We got to know each other...

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Mother Daughter 69 Plus Dad

With one hand holding the vibrator against her clit she slipped two fingers from the other into her dripping pussy. It was tight, a virgin pussy and smooth as a baby’s bottom. She was hot and wet inside, her juices oozing out onto the silk sheets. She bit down on her lip to stifle the subtle whimpers coming from her mouth as she bucked against the furious vibration. She was in a world of her own, her blond hair loose on the sheets as with closed eyes her head moved from side to side. Her chest...

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Mother and Daughter with BBC

Mother and Daughter with BBCI split from my husband on when I turned 50. To be totally honest best thing I ever did. About 6 months later my Daughter bless her decided I needed some fun.She was 24 at the time. She is hot really hot. She has straightened long blonde hair. 5ft 10 Size 12 with a C cup chest. Slender tanned sexy body. She is extremely attractive with green eyes that guys melt in. Be unlucky for men who want to be with her. Shes not the relationship type. She phoned me up and said...

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Mother and Daughter The Swimsuit edition

I had been seeing Jenny on and off for about a month when she first introduced me to her mother, Angela. It was quite an eye opener I can tell you that for free. It was close to midnight when I dropped Jenny off back at her house that she shared with Angela. Jenny’s father had run off to Somerset to be with some young tart he had knocked up from work leaving the two of them to fend for themselves. I followed Jenny in through the side door that lead straight into the kitchen. There she told me...

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MotherDaughter ModelsChapter 13

"What took you so long?" The sight that greeted Scott's eyes made his pulse quicken. When he arrived at the apartment, he opened the door and walked in. Sandra's voice from the bedroom told him that she had beaten him back. He walked in to find her stark naked and stretched out on the bed with her legs spread wide apart. She had both hands on her pussy and her fingers were holding the lips of her cunt wide open. "JESUS!" "Would I make a good whore?" Sandra giggled. "I've always...

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Mother or Daughter The Choice

I swore I could hear her heart beating in her chest as I kissed the skin between her breasts. Charlotte was a beauty. A real prize find for any man lucky enough to take her to her bed. With long sweeping blond hair, almost exotic eyes and an athletic figure endowed with plump breasts and long curves the nineteen year old was like a siren tempting me with her erotic aura. She lay on her back, her eyelids closed as she blocked out all other sensory input in order to enjoy every erotic moment....

Straight Sex
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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 7 Daughters Exam Turns Wild

Chapter Seven: Daughter's Exam Turns Wild A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Okay, Janelle, hop up into the stirrups,” said Nurse Alexis, her bob of black hair swaying about her youthful face. “I'll go let Dr. Sharma know that you're here.” “Sure,” Janelle said. She rose from the chair she was sitting by me with a groan. My eldest daughter, twenty-one and very pregnant, waddled to the chair, leaning back to...

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Mother wants a daughter

Mother wants a daughter By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: Mother wants a daughter after having four boys and is depressed. She manipulates situations where second oldest, Kelly must start wearing girl's clothes. She convinces her husband and Kelly's brothers thinking he wants to be a girl. Mother: Brenda Father: Peter Jason older brother 2 years born 1947 Kelly born in 1949 David younger brother born in 1951 Gene younger brother born in 1953 Dr Smythe Psychologist and Gender...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 3 Popping the Daughters Cherry

Chapter Three: Popping the Daughter's Cherry A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! After an hour of searching the internet, I could not find any match on the belt buckle my daughters had bought me. There were plenty that said “Best Dad,” but none were in quite the same style. Had quite the same shape to the panel. “We bought it at Target, Daddy,” Janelle had texted me along with a picture of her breasts in the...

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Mother and daughter anal gangbang

Bibi and her mother Elisa had been invited to a fancy dress party. Bibi decided to go as a sexy schoolgirl with short shirt, see through blouse (no bra) white stockings and hi heel pumps. Her mother Elisa wanted to dress like a slut and a whore. She put on bright red lipstick and black/purple mascara both waterproof a short red strapless dress that showed her cleavage just above the nipple with no bra. the dress was so short that her seamed hold up stocking tops showed. Like Bibi she wore no...

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Mother Daughter Hard Party Girls

Sunday — Harry Lynch was trimming back his shrubs on the Saturday that his safe, warm, family life came to an end. He was intent on his attack on the overgrown plants when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his neighbor, Cal Dillon. "Hey Harry, can I borrow your lawnmower? Mine just died and Marge will kill me if I don't get the yard done before her fancy-smancy tea this afternoon." Their Maryland neighborhood was made up of 'mini-estates' of homes on one and two acre lots. Everyone...

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[ This is for Megan, who is at the very heart and center of this 'story' (though certain details are omitted for privacy sake), as well as her real-life mom...and the growing number of black men both have discovered to their very good fortune! In addition, there is a deliberate 'sub-text' to the boyfriends and husbands who neglect and take for granted the women in their lives. Guys? Pay attention! You have to earn those women, or any woman you may know. Earn it, or loose it! Nothing's really...

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MotherStep Daughter Anal

For a forty year old couple Carol and I are pretty sexually active. Carol even said it was OK with her if I fucked her twenty year old step daughter Angie. No late night TV for us. Instead we still liked to hit the local bars where we trolled for fun loving couples like us. We met Kate and Al at a local singles bar and they introduced us to a local swingers group they belonged to. We had been to several “parties” and Carol loved to fuck around especially with the younger guys. Carol had no...

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Mother and Daughter

A Chance EncounterI walked out of the airport to the long term parking lot disappointed. Two weeks, two lousy weeks, wasted. I had wanted to see the Minister and all I got was the Under Secretary, blue eyed blond with big tits and no brain. With a bitter memory I now knew who she wanted to be under and it wasn't me, not that I tried. If I didn't change things now, the only way c***dren would see wolves in the future would be in zoo's or even worse, pictures. It had to change.I didn't even argue...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 12

"Hey girlies," Lindsay said with a grin as Ellie, Monique and Kacey entered the packed coffee shop and slumped heavily into their seats. "Should I ask?" "Ugh, I'd prefer it if you didn't," Monique groaned. "I HATE exams..." "Well, only a few more days to go," Kacey said with a tired chuckle. "Gonna be weird not going to college next year, heh." "Meh, I can't wait to get to uni," Jodie shrugged. "I love change, things get boring if things always stay the same, you know?" "Yeah,"...

4 years ago
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Mother and daughters gangbang part 3

Mother and daughter’s gangbang part 3.Suddenly Jenny’s anger and discomfort was overcome by her perverse imagination of what she’d like to do with Pam. It sent a shiver down her spine with all the possibilities of how they could fuck each other and she couldn’t wait to start. Without any hesitation she said, “You are one sexy lady Mrs Trent and I’d love to suck the cum from your horny cunt and get down and dirty with you.” Pam feverishly grabbed David’s cock and said, “Oh fuck Jenny. I can’t...

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