Mountain Make Out or More
- 3 years ago
- 50
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When I got back to Julian's home the guards let me through and Julian asked me, "Where were you all night? Relieving the pressure between your legs?"
"I had a naked girl there all right but she was dying. I stayed up all night to help her live. The family is poor and I sent over some food. A neighbour by the name of Iunius is pushing hard to get their land. They expect more trouble from this family."
"Did you cure her?"
"The gods and I did but I have to go back and adjust the cure."
"What did you do?"
"I will explain tonight if I may. I need my sleep and I need to send some of my men to watch the house."
"I can send some of mine too."
"One may be enough to show that you are taking an interest. I need to find out about this dispute."
"I can look into that too."
"Thank you. That is what friends are for but I don't like to be the one receiving all the time."
"You gave me a glimpse of my future and then fought with me yesterday."
"Not much of a fight. Did you find out anything?"
They look to be legionnaires that wanted vengeance on you for killing their friends but that may be the first layer of lies."
"Like an onion?"
I caught up on twelve hours of lost sleep by having eight of them. I had a bath and packed the saddle bags with clothes suitable for inside a home. I ate again because it seemed that I had used a lot of energy working on the girl.
Julian came home and I told him about what had happened yesterday and this morning. I went into the medical terms or at least the ones I knew to show what the pancreas did for the body and what I did. I then had to talk about sugars.
He said after digesting the medical facts, "The Iunius are a strong family. They have judges as members and some former senators."
"I can fight them in the courts but I do not know Roman laws. I could be there for years and spend all my money on lawyers."
"That is very true. We are no better than the Athenians with their civil litigations."
"I could shorten the family by a head but I want good laws and I cannot step outside them when it suits me."
"There are laws and then there are laws. Power seems to allow a different set to apply."
"I can fight them other ways."
"Chose to fight them through public opinion. I make sure that everybody knows how socially inferior they are. I can also start businesses where I hurt them financially."
"They could attack you physically."
I smiled widely and said, "That would be nice as long as there are witnesses."
"All those are legal but they may take you to court for spreading lies."
"They have to know it is me. You Romans have been doing this for centuries and have made it an art form."
"I am very familiar with that, especially in my family."
"Well I have to get moving. I want this area set up because soon you are going to have wars to fight and then a lot of travelling to do."
"I remember our talk. I have been making some preparations too."
"Well I need to go see about purchasing some property."
Helvius was the only man still here and we suited up and went to see the landowners. I brought two extra horses because two farms didn't have any riding animals. There was less problems with pikes this time and I had to explain my missed appointment. The old man at the first farm was ready though. We rode to the next farm and picked up more people but they used their own animals.
Salvia didn't try to shoot me this time. Our men had been hunting and were cooking game they had caught. The children were around Iulius and he was teaching them what he thought best. Salvia and Kaeso looked happy and both came outside when we arrived.
Salvia ran to my horse and hugged my armour covered leg. "I had no idea master. You cured Laeca. She was able to talk and sit up. Praise Woden and all his works."
I reached down and put my hand on her head because she was now rubbing her face against my leg. When she looked up, I said, "Salvia, I like you better as a thick skinned crotchety woman with a tongue on her that will strip the hide from anybody."
"But the gods speak through you. The gods cured my granddaughter with your help. You heal people with just your touch."
"Salvia, any ethical man would do this if he was able. Now let me get down. I want to see Laeca."
"Yes, master."
"Salvia, I am Jón. Never call me master."
She tried to bow and say this again but remained quiet and backed up.
I got down and said to the rest, "I want to check on the girl. I will be just a moment."
The old man from the first farm said, "Did you really cure her?"
"Woden and Aldúlfr worked through me and she was cured."
He gave me the strange looks and so did the other family. I walked to the house and Kaeso bowed low to me and so did the children. I had to stop.
"Kaeso, at some time in the future when there is a ceremony being performed you may bow. Do not do this now. I am a simple man that is trying to educate a great many people. Respect is necessary but I do not want it getting out of hand."
"You cured a dead girl."
"She was not dead. She was very sick. Now let me see my patient."
"Yes, master."
"Kaeso, Jón. Try to remember, please."
Laeca was awake when I came into the room. She tried to get up but couldn't. I saw an empty bowl nearby so she must have been eating.
"Hello, Laeca. You won't remember but we met just a while ago."
"Are you the hand of Woden that grandmother says cured me?"
The men must have been making converts. "Yes, I am. You were very sick."
She tried to bow from her position and I got on my knees near her. I put my hands on her face and made her look at me. "Bowing is for formal occasions only. You will call me Jón. Do you understand?"
"Yes, m... Jón."
"Good then let me work. There is some tinkering the gods and I may have to do."
As I expected her pancreas was making too much insulin. I had to search for the method the body used to regulate the insulin and tweaked it a bit. This would cut down on the production. It occurred to me that even doctors in my time had not known this mechanism or at least not in this detail.
"Well it looks like you are better. We need to do this again. You have to eat a lot more now to balance what I have done. Even if you feel full I want you to try to eat more."
I had to wait then Laeca said, "I will do what you wish."
"I wish for you to get better."
I got a smile and she said, "Yes, Jón."
"Good, now I have to see about buying some land."
I got up and left with a girl smiling at me.
Outside I said, "Laeca needs to eat a lot. Her body needs to put on weight. Over time I have to change the level of insulin her pancreas makes."
This required another statement covering food, sugar and the body's ability to burn the fuel.
Kaeso rode the second horse and we now went the rounds. There was little argument for the interior boundaries. The exterior ones were fairly simple. Kaeso said, "The boundaries here are the truth as I know them. The Iunius have pushed their fields into our lands."
"I will have to get a surveyor to set the real boundaries then. Let's go back and we can talk about a suitable price."
We went to Kaeso's home and sat on some grass while we talked. I changed out of my armour and into my clothes. The children came over and I captured a three year old boy and put him in my lap while we talked. He stayed for only a few minutes then left. The four year old girl was glad to accept the spot.
The price was hard to arrive at because the men were afraid to deal with me so we had to work from what similar land was worth. Thinking of lawyers, I said, "Are there any debts put against the land? This includes taxes." I got all nos but I had to check to make sure.
I gave each of the men a gold aureus as a deposit so I had a claim on the properties while the lawyers searched out any problems. The people now would have to think of moving but I needed people to work the land so I made a proposition to them if they worked the way I wanted even if they thought it wrong. To be safe, I added, "If any of you do not do things my way I will move people in who will." They understood this.
We had a bit of stew to eat. One of my kettles was here and so was a small stove. The last girl was captured but she was easy then the boy wanted back. Iulius had to do the honours.
Later the lawyers were contacted and so were the surveyors. I worked at finding a source of building materials and looked at the homes Julian had mentioned. I had a lot of gold but it would not go far with what I had planned so I decided to build a house on my land when the purchase was finalised.
During the coming days I found out a lot about Memmius Iunius and his family. They had mob written all over them but that was not an unusual occurrence for families to be like. They felt they were above the law and could not be fought with the law because of their connections. What irked me the most was the casual way they killed slaves. I even heard that they bought some slaves just to kill.
Four mornings after the deal had been made, Iulius rushed into Julian's home. "They burnt the house down."
Julian said, "What?"
"Kaeso's home was put to the torch. They used oil and straw. Once it started we couldn't put it out. We were lucky to get the children out alive."
"Who did this?"
"We were busy trying to save the house then save the children, to chase them down."
I had a very good guess to who had done this and I knew Julian did too. I said, "This land was to provide food. Some of it was destined for the army. Does this make it a military matter."
Julian thought then said, "Do you want me involved? The link is tenuous at best. You have not sold us anything."
I had to rethink. "Perhaps not. I want to hammer the people that did this."
Julian said, "Let's get some trackers and see where they lead us."
It took time to gather the men and get them to the farm. Some of the civil watch were asked to join us and they did so eagerly. Salvia and Kaeso were very upset and glad to see us. The children looked forlorn sitting on the grass with Laeca.
Kaeso came to me and said, "They burnt our home. We could not put it out."
I said in a quiet voice, "It is ok. I will take care of you." He exhaled and a small smile came to him because he was worried.
Julian gave orders like the Caesar he was and his men moved out to find the arsonists. The criminals were good. The arsonists had been professional and used streams and rock to hide their tracks. There were some distinctive foot marks and these were shown to be the same ones as around the house. They led to the houses of the field hands of the Iunius family.
The watch was split up with the trackers and they went into the fields and corralled all the workers. The workers were ordered to walk on the soil and those with the marks we sought were picked out.
Six men in armour hurried toward us and they were evenly matched because there were six of us mounted too.
We drew swords because they were waving theirs but they stopped before us.
"What are you doing here? This is my land and these are my people."
The Caesar now spoke. "That is good that you admit this."
The man looked at him now and paled in recognition. "I am sorry Caesar. I did not know it was you."
"Do you wish to do battle?"
"Oh no, never." Their weapons were quickly put away. "If I may ask, what are you doing here?"
"A neighbouring farm was put to the torch. We have some expert witnesses to testify that the tracks led to your farm. We followed the tracks to this group of people. We are arresting all of them for arson. They will be sold into slavery to recover the costs if they are guilty."
"But these are my people."
"Do you admit to sending them?"
"No, they could only do this on their own. They probably didn't do it though."
"We have proof that they did. We are taking them into custody."
"But there are over a hundred slaves here and many are women and children."
"Do you know who the guilty ones are?"
"No but it must have only been a few of the men not all of them."
"A house was burnt. Animals slaughtered, a well poisoned, crops fired, a man killed and property lines moved. We estimate that at least nine hundred and ninety aurii in damages were caused besides the death. We should get that at least from the sale of the guilty."
"But not all are guilty!"
"Point out the guilty and tell me how you know this."
"I cannot."
"Then your slaves are forfeit." Julian turned to his men and said, "Take them away."
"The slaves are worth four times that amount."
"Make restitution in their place and come to an agreement with the people of the man that was killed."
"But... but what about my slaves?"
"The watch will stay for an hour. You have that much time. I will go with you as a witness for the meeting."
Julian changed the orders and had the men stand down. We all hurried to where the burnt house once stood.
Kaeso and Salvia were frightened at twelve men rushing at them. Memmius Iunius didn't try to push the nine hundred and ninety aurii. He had to come to a payment for the life of a freeman and the support of his orphaned children. This turned out to be seventy aurii which he pled that he did not have.
I stepped in and offered to buy land to give him the gold he needed. Memmius was incensed at this and said, "I will find the gold in other places."
Julian said, "That is fine but you have three days. We will keep the slaves until then."
"But my fields have to be prepared."
"Then hurry. Their upkeep will be added to your bill."
Memmius hurried off with an angry look at me. Julian said, "We have made an enemy."
"No, Memmius has made an enemy."
The slaves were moved in mass here. With the guards present I said, "Some of you are guilty of arson. You are also slaves that have to do what your master says. I am going to get food for all of you but I want a new well dug. I also want a home built but all you can do is rip down the old one for me. I do not like slavery but it will not go away just yet. The soldiers and the watch have to go. Do not run or I will be angry. I will also do what I can for each of you."
Atrius separated the men and got them working.
I turned to the men of the watch and said, "Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Iulius has something for each of you for the extra effort you have had to put in for us today." There was a lot of smiles now.
I turned sideways and said to Julian, "Is it permissible to give a similar gift to those that searched out the truth?"
"You said that this sort of thing was graft?"
"It is but like slavery it will not go until the army and civil service is paid enough."
"Then you may pay them."
Now I got lots more smiles.
"I would like to thank you too."
"That is my job and I am already adequately paid." This was at least said with a smile.
"I heard that you were frugal and that is a good thing to see in a government employee."
"I never considered the position of Caesar being a government employee but I guess you are right. I cannot see the Augustus thinking that way though."
"I have a feeling that in a year he will think exactly the way you do."
"He might." This was said with another grin. "Now that you have the land, the watch as released the animals and the property of the attackers. We cannot prove that the horses or weapons are the property of the army so they can be disposed of. I think you should have all of this."
"Thank you. I read about a man that spread his wealth he gained from the Alemmani among his men. I think that fitting too."
"Give them a portion then."
"Your men should get a portion too."
"They may not fight you too hard on that matter."
"Then I can use the horses here. There is a farm to run."
We left the slaves with the men and we rode to the second farm and I bought food for the slaves and to have it delivered. There would be a lot of it too. The slaves had looked underfed and I pitied them.
We parted at the main road and I returned to the slaves. I was in time to arrive with the wagon of food. The women were given the jobs of preparing the food and I walked among them. It took a while for them to find that they had nothing to fear from me or us.
One child of three was blind. I checked more of them and found the usual diseases and infirmities. I wanted to help the slaves but not just to raise the value of Memmius' property.
I took care of minor ailments which were mainly open sores and other infections. I had no trouble with the rest once they saw that they were being cured. As usual they wanted to kneel and I got them up and back to work or to eating. This was a good way of gaining converts and it was too bad that the laws forced them to remain slaves.
Hours later Memmius came back with a dozen more men. We were all armoured now and I think itching for trouble. We had prepared for it too. One of the men was a son of Memmius and a judge.
The judge tried to push me around with legal jargon and quoted laws. The extra muscle was to make sure that we saw it their way.
I said in a quiet voice, "Pay me the money as the representative of this family or buy the slaves back at the auction block."
The judge continued to hammer at me and I just repeated the same words. We were at this for over an hour and I said, "You are wasting my time. This is the last chance. Pay up and leave or just leave."
"You cannot make us. There are only six of you."
"There are eighteen of you. If you were men you would try. I am almost thirteen years old. One of us is an old physician and the other four just guards. But I know that your kind only like to beat slaves and then only the ones in chains." I looked at Memmius and said, "Your family may once have been great but it now suffers from rot."
There were some swords drawn but I didn't reach for mine. Memmius was now livid. Before he could burst out with some expletives I added, "Perhaps if you mated with slaves your line could be improved."
That was enough for the man and he drew his sword and attacked. The rest of the men acted the same and we fell back. This had been discussed in detail and we did not fight as hard as we could. The judge judged wrong and used his own sword and he was the first to die. This got the rest angry and the ones that were thought to be members of the Iunius family died.
Our men would have died or at least been wounded except that we had the best armour. With only twelve left we really attacked but now not to kill. Some started to run but found slaves blocking their retreat. I had not planned on this and worried about their safety. One man was pulled from his mount but not before the slave was hit by the sword. More died but now I had to save as many as possible.
"Hold! I need them alive." One of the opposition was going to use his sword on a slave when my knife found his neck and I had not even realised I had thrown it.
Eight of the guards survived and I worked desperately to save the slaves that had been hurt on my behalf. One young man was close but I could not hold him. Two other men and a women died too. I put all of my energy into one older women and I pulled her back from the edge. It was that close.
When it looked safe I came out and I was fatigued more than I had been since the Picts had got me. The sky was dark and I looked around to see a ring of people. Torches gave light and I saw Iulius. This was enough and I lay back.
I woke up to the smell of food and opened my eyes. It took a while before I remembered what I was doing last. I was in a bed now and feeling much better. Turning over I saw a pretty face that I had not seen before.
It took a moment before I could speak and said, "You are a very nice sight to wake up to."
The young woman smiled and said, "I heard you were a gentleman. Do you usually say things like that?"
"I am not usually caught with someone able to get near me."
"Don't worry, I will not harm you?"
"That is good to hear because I am not feeling myself. I do need to use the chamber pot though."
"I can help you."
"I thank you my lady but I am heavy."
"We can manage." She pulled back the sheet and I knew that I was naked. I had a sort of diaper on and this opened as I got up. I was dizzy and worked on my inner ears to correct this.
The woman wore a dress that showed her features well. She was nineteen or twenty and very attractive. Her hair was curled and she smelt of a perfume. My legs were weak but I did get to sit.
"Thank you my lady. I can take care of matters now."
"Oh, I am not going to let you out of my sight."
"It might be advisable to go upwind."
"I have nursed people before. I have cleaned bums and washed faces."
I was a little self-conscious but I could deal with this and pissed then after a wait felt the pressure in my bowels reduce. I was able to use some of the moss but the woman had me at a disadvantage and pushed me over the bed and had her way with me.
When I was back in the bed she said, "That was good. You are an odd man. Most men would be red faced now."
"It has to do with accepting what I am given. Does my pretty nurse have a name?"
With a small smile she said, "Patricia."
"That is a pretty name too."
She ignored the comment and asked, "Are you hungry?"
I had to think and then said, "Yes, I am."
"Then you stay here and I will bring some food."
"I would not leave if you were coming back."
"Your words are odd for a barbarian boy of twelve."
"I am almost thirteen. We barbarians are just more like cavemen I guess."
"What is a caveman?"
"When you come back I will tell you."
"Making deals already?"
"Making a deal for your company is not a hard thing to do."
I saw the start of a smile and she turned and left the room. I increased my hearing. This smelt like Julian's home though I had not seen this room before. I wondered at my choice of words. The girl was attractive and looked well bred and possibly well educated. It could be the amount of testosterone in my blood or just meeting a person like Patricia.
My body was sore and I worked on some of the areas to repair or remove toxins. I got most of this done when Patricia came back with a tray in her hands. I pushed myself back so I could sit up.
"I am supposed to put pillows behind you."
"I am not dead yet."
"We were worried that you might die."
Now Patricia blushed but just a bit. "The Caesar thinks that you are important."
"That is nice to hear."
"Open your mouth to eat; not talk."
It sounded like I had got the best of her and I decided to comply.
After eating and against my nurse's orders I got up. I still needed Patricia's help. A few times around the room and I was ready to brave the rest of the house.
I met Julian's servants and smiled at them and they smiled back. In a sitting room I found Curtius and a thirteen men. They all stood at my approach. Curtius pulled his chair over for me to sit and said, "It is good to see you walking, Jón.
"I think it is a refection on the quality of nursing I have been getting." I got another blush from Patricia and squeezed her hand to let her know that it was not just idle chatter.
When I was comfortably seated I said, "Hello, gentlemen," and turned to Curtius and asked, "What happened after I went for a nap?"
"Quite a lot actually. Helvius went to find the Caesar and he got the watch. We all went to the farm but the slaves would not let us near." My incredulity must have shown for he said, "The slaves had armed themselves with the weapons and were not going to let anybody near you. They knew you were healing the woman."
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CuckoldWith Christmas approaching, it wasn’t uncommon for the sales and installation of TVs to drastically increase. Apparently Mrs. Patterson decided she needed a new TV in their master bedroom which, as he always happened to do, Mr. Patterson was happy to oblige for her. The call came in a week before Christmas with the plans of having it mounted and fully operational by Christmas day. Picking up the work order, I was thinking I only had to mount the new TV and then leave the old one to do as they...
Wife LoversHow am I supposed start this … I guess at the beginning.... In 1972, I was in a jungle in Vietnam I was the rear guard of our team. I was not paying attention to where I was placing my big feet and I tripped on a vine and went sprawling. That saved my life... gunfire flashed over my head. It criss crossed above the trail taking out my whole team. I slithered under some foliage and lay as still as I could. After a few minutes twenty black pajama clad Asians gathered in the middle of the trail....
**This is my first effort. Any constructive feedback will be gratefully accepted! Many thanks. Chapter 1 sets the scene.Samir: N ephewRekha: Au ntSaree: An Indian apparel;copy and paste this link to see pictures: ...
She stood at the threshold, her eyes scanning the room. She looked as if she was there to meet someone. Her auburn tresses falling over her shoulder, her emerald eyes sparkling. She had a smile that would make every man and woman have a heart beat skip. Her age, I could not make an educated guess. She was beautiful, at any age. She was a sight to behold. I lost my breath as she looked in my direction. I’m not sure, but I believe we made eye contact. I felt my face blush as I looked at my...
With a bottle of wine in tow, they walked hand in hand down the beach to Mark’s place. It was an older home, tucked back away behind some palm trees and sea oats. Only the second floor was visible to those walking along the shore.“Last chance to back out,” he said.“I’m fine,” she reassured him. “A little nervous, yes, but more excited than anything else!”He kissed her, “I love you baby. You’re the best!”Then they opened the gate and stepped into Kent’s fantasy.“Hello, Kent, great to see you...
Wife LoversWe make our way out of the build now a party of 6 rather than the party of 5 we started with. Gunga din at point, Seth and Gun flanking me and our new friend. Camulus following behind. "Why the hell do I keep end up following you," he mumbles from his place in line. "Universe, likes me," I sing out. "Your universe can bite me," He grumbles. "Knock if off you two," Gunga Din says as we near the area where we last left the rest of the Protectors. But He keeps his tone light, he...
As she was about to press the button for the second time when I opened the door, had it been anyone else I would of hid my hard on behind the door, but I didn’t feel that I had to do it with her, there were times when she would open her door to me wearing less than she would if it was anyone else at her door. I saw her eyes drop to my crotch as I signal for her to lead the way, she was definitely a woman to walk behind for she had a great behind that had a unique rhythm when she walks, not to...
Mizuki aiko a 18 year old college student was attending her swimming club and was already heading to the locker room when it was over. "Ahhh when I get home i got some stuff to do groceries to get" mizuki said as she undress to shower and walked over to the showers leaving her towel and clothes there. Mizuki couldn't hear anything when she was in the shower. The college campus isnt that loud or crowded for most of the time. mizuki found it as a relaxing day since it was quiet that day . While...
“I can’t believe I’m out in the middle of the ocean, with the Vice President, having dinner and talking about my childhood.” Jennifer was till just a bit star struck and I was gently helping her get over it. “If you think of me as just plain old Tommy, maybe you’ll enjoy our evening a little bit more.” We were past the main course but dessert hadn’t come out yet. The hot chocolate was so smooth I wanted to marry the cook, but he was married, ugly, and seventy years old, so ... maybe not....
GOING HOME -or- MY REALITY IS JUST DIFFERENT THAN YOURS "And going home for the holidays makes you feel...?" Dr Shapiro prodded. John was feeling very stressed. He'd be headed back to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving in a couple of days. It was a short visit, but there was a longer one coming up in a few weeks. "I guess 'apprehensive' would be the best way to describe how I feel." "Because?" "Because, when they came out here for the premier, they acted a...
Agent Wilkes fbi Master J janets new boyfriend and MMA instructor. E. M Hawks Auto Repair Service. Waking up with Thia in my bed was like being twenty five years old again. She looked like her mother, and god help me, she reminded me of her and those days. Of course I knew she wasn’t her mother, and when I tried to roll out of bed after only three hours of sleep, I knew I wasn’t twenty five again. I was just selfish and I knew it. I went through a few minutes of intense mental anguish...
Marie was still straddling him, eyes closed and trying to catch her breath, her body still shuddering with the pleasure of her final orgasm, when he pushed her off his lap and onto the floor. With her arms still cinched behind her she had no way to stop her fall or brace herself for the impact, and she cried out as she fell. She landed flat on her back, wrenching her shoulders painfully in the process, and cried out a second time.She was not the least bit puzzled, however. She knew she had...
BDSMThis was back years ago when I was 30 years old. This story is a true story and actually happened. I always had this fantasy about being with a much older woman. Well one day it came true. I seen this ad in a sex magazine that this older lady in her early 60s was looking for men for sexual activity. Needless to say my dick was already starting to get hard just thinking about it and looking at her picture. This was back in the early days when communication was mainly done by mail. So I wrote her...
Being raised in eastern South Dakota from 1949-63 it was a tradition that when summer arrived the local Drive In Theatre would open and show movies in the evening. In those heady days of the 1950s all the family went as it was cheaper that way(that very same theatre still exists). It was lovely as a k** to play on the swings, slides, etc till it was dark enough to show the movie which always began with a Disney cartoon then it was a race back to the car to see the rest of the cartoons before...
Characters The Halls Me - Sean - 16 Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17 Mom - Gwen - 37 Dad - Brad - 41 The Adlers Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother Amy - 16 - Susan’s sister Madge - 67 - Susan’s mom Milton (Milt) - mid 60’s - Susan’s dad The Haydens Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner Gerald - dad - late 40’s Nancy - mom - late 40’s (clit ring) Keith - bro - 18 The Hudsons (neighbors) Kate - mid 30’s (clit ring) Bill - mid 30’s Jenna - 19 (clit...
It was a boring Sunday morning. She was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee when she heard a knock at the door… To her surprise it was a man she had been dreaming about. She knew him for 6 yrs. His gorgeous blue eyes and bald head were just in her mind for days. He was wearing a tight pair of blue jeans, and a flannel sweater. He held something in his hand. It was a bag. He gave her the bag and then told her to put it on. It was sexy lingerie. Immediately she put it on. He was...
IncestAs I was lying in my bed dreaming about the wonderful sex I had with seven different girls last weekend, my oversize cock started to harden. The versions of enormous breasts dance through my head. Including my very own mother's huge breasts. Suddenly, I felt a wet and very warm mouth engulfing my hard-on. At first I thought I was still dreaming but then my eyes began to open and small moans leaked out between my lips. I looked down to see my mom's head, bobbing up and down my shaft.Her huge ass...
Numi Zarah is working as a maid while in nursing school. Brian Omally sees this as an opportunity to fuck her. She agrees to let him pay her double to take her clothes off while cleaning the house. She has a super sexy body. He starts jerking off while she’s cleaning. At first she’s creeped out but once he offers to quadruple the pay she sucks his dick real nasty. She lets him fuck her from the back, she got fucked on the couch, and she got on top of him and bounced her ass on him....
xmoviesforyouRoger has an intense fetish for nylons. It's been with him since he was a little boy and seemed to start when he was given the opportunity to play with his mother's fully fashioned nylon stockings that were still in their striking, colorful boxes. They was something so alluring, almost hypnotic about their unusual appearance. They were like clothing you could see through and he wondered why that was so. Instead of being like a pair of socks that he wore, he could see through their film like...
-Tech City- Having spent the last two months sequestered away from the world doing forging, James returned to surface only to find that the city seemed to have once again started slowly expanding. With the restoration of the monolith, the city limits had been restored to tens of kilometres as opposed to its previous few kilometres. Thanks to that, the outskirts of the city now had people buying up land and building homes and businesses. Golden grain was once again filling fields off into...
****THIS SCENE INCORPORATES A SCENARIO THAT MAY BE TRIGGERING OR OFFENSIVE TO SOME VIEWERS. IF SUCH CONTENT DISTURBS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH****** Gia’s doing it again. She’s been up late all night watching scary movies. Her daddy always told her. Don’t watch these before bed. They’re going to give you nightmares. But Gia keeps doing it anyway. She’s a bad girl. Tonight tho? She’ll wish she had. Cuz her daddy? He isn’t home. But Gia isn’t going...
xmoviesforyouWhen Mr. Tommy Pistol catches his stepdaughter going out dressed provocatively he has to set the record straight and let the girl know it could endanger her mom’s political career. But little Daizy Cooper doesn’t care about her controlling mother – she just wants to fuck her scholarly stepdaddy. By the tattoos on his back, she knows he must be a wild thing at heart and does her best to brings it back out. And does she ever as they fuck and suck all over the couch in the living...
xmoviesforyouMy Sister's Whore By Linda Laving [email protected] I was on my knees in a hotel suite, dressed in a black miniskirt, purple spandex blouse, black fishnet stockings and garter belt, and 3" lace up stiletto heels. A group of guys were surrounding me, catcalling, joking and laughing. My mouth was stuffed with a large cock which had just finished draining itself onto my tongue, and just as he pulled it out I heard 'open up', so with a gulp I swallowed the mouthful and quickly...
Mistress Suzy answered the door, quickly, as if she had been waiting.She was dressed in her bathrobe, nothing exciting at first glance."Upstairs, my bedroom and strip" she said, I went upstairs, I stripped, shaking and wondering what was about to happen.Suzy led me towards the bed and told me to lay face up and took hold of the straps she had already fixed in place, after a bit of readjusting, she strapped my arms and legs down and I lay spread-eagled and helpless.She climbed up and straddled...
Although I got a reasonable amount of pocket money from my parents, extra cash was always welcome. At college, jobs were in short supply and when I got a regular Thursday night gig at a steakhouse, I was over the moon. The actual pay was nothing to write home about but the tips were pretty good. I realized very early on that when you engaged people in a very friendly manner, without becoming too smart-arsed or familiar, the reward was always worthwhile.Naturally, being at college there was...
Gay MaleBoth Skylar and Nikki lay there in the 69 position both out of breath on the couch in the black dark room sweat rolling down there faces each others juices on each other. Nikki: “Ready for the finale?” she says while turning around and straddling his stomach Skylar: “yes, I’m ready to lose my virginity to you” he says while smiling at her Nikki smiles back at him as she rises her self putting her pussy inches away from Skylar’s quickly growing 7 inch cock. He trys to push her down by putting...
First TimeSrikar’s parents married in very early age and Srikar and usha born to them early. Srikar was 18 and usha was 15. Both were reading and sleeping in one room. Srikar’s parents sleep in anotherroom. Usha uses to go to bed early. Srikar was studying upto late hours. Sometimes he uses to hear sounds from parents room. In the beginning he was caring those sounds. But gradually he was enthusiatic and slowly started peep into the bed room of parents. Oneday when peep through the bedroom, he was...
All characters are at least 18 years old. “Are you sure you want me to put it in?” Jordan asked. “I’m sure,” I mumbled, nodding a bit too emphatically. “We could get in a lot of trouble for this,” he warned. I pulled his shoulders closer in response, and his breathing quickened. He looked down at where we were about to become one. It looked intimidating, but I had to swallow any doubt. I wanted this. Not even my rational side was going to talk me out of it. “I should be wearing a condom,” he...
IncestHi, readers this is Alex once again from Hyderabad. This incident occurred when happened when I was on holiday in Singapore when I finally plucked up the courage to visit my first nudist beach. It had fascinated me for a while and I decided it was now or never. I grabbed a towel and threw a few things into my rucksack and set off down to the sea. I had checked out the beach on the first day of my holiday and noticed the signs so I knew if I headed the right way where I would find the nudist...
One night I came home from work and saw a old beat up truck from Texas parked in in spot next to my room. As I walk to my room I looked in truck and the back was full of tools and junk, then looking in the cab I could sdee it was a mess with trash everywhere. I thought who ever it belonged to must be slobs. As I got to my room I saw my guess was right as two mexican guys came out of room next to mine and they were a dirty mess. I looked at them and said hi and sort of smiled, they both had sort...
I couldn’t believe that my mother had “volunteered” me to help one of her church friends. I didn’t know the woman well and was just back from a long road trip to a rock concert two states away. I was tired and only wanted to sleep but my mother figured it would be good for me to help her friend move into her new apartment. She had even made travel arrangements that I knew nothing about until she shook me awake that morning. She drove me the four miles to her friend’s house, introduced me to...
MatureSexy Russian slut Emily Mayers is helping her friend Lana Roy move into her new home when they take a quick break for some quick lesbian sex. After taking turns licking each other’s cunts, Lana Roy puts on a strap-on dildo and begins fucking Emily’s tight pussy from behind. All of the sudden, an unexpected knock interrupts the sensual strap-on session. Lana’s new neighbors David Perry and Josh are at the door. Half-naked and without shame, they open the door, invite the two men inside, and...
xmoviesforyouIt was a changeover day again. Haley woke Tony with the cock sucking he loved. She swung her leg over him and hummed as the long shaft filled her. He loved the visual and tactile memory of her bouncing tits when she was on top. Emptying his balls deep inside her would have to last him two weeks. He’d board a helicopter shuttle later this morning to the oil platform he was assigned to. Returning on that same shuttle would be Terry, finished with his shift. Haley knew to rest before he arrived...
Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...
Dear Readers, Some are fantastic and really make me feel erotic. I keep storing my cock as I read these stories and often it very difficult to control. I feel like reading at least 3-4 stories everyday. Often I manage but at times I can’t control and the hot fantasies and may be real experiences of people make me cum. I so far have mostly enjoyed all the bhabhi and ‘Sali’ stories as that is my most cherished fantasies. Recently I also ready some office sex stories and they aroused me too very...
The Existence is my place, it’s something of an enigma wrapped in a puzzle stuffed inside a conundrum. What it is and isn’t have been debated by the clientele on a regular basis. It started as a simple bar that I purchased with my inheritance. What it has become is an Elysium, a sanctuary of sorts for all those in the Supernatural community. I’ve expanded it over the years and will describe it to you shortly, but let’s give you some more understanding of what the Existence truly is. ...
This story is continuation of The Share Auto In Thane story. The Muslim guy took the lead and holding my hand started walking towards a lane. Being from the same area he knew the geography well. We started walking under the same umbrella, and his touch started sending shivers through my body. The office guy started following us at a distance. Suddenly we reached an old closed down factory and he took me inside. We walked into a big room which protected us from the heavy lashing rains...
Beth and Jim had been together for only four months when they decided to ditch their apartments and find a house to share. After a few weeks of searching, they found a small bungalow and fell in love with it. The yard wasn’t too large, the house was set back behind trees that blocked most of the road noise as well as giving them privacy. A modern kitchen was separated from the living room by a low counter, and two large bedrooms shared a bath with a tile floor and an open shower built for...
Laura let Patricia walk ahead and wondered why the older woman didn't want to walk with her. Then as she passed the front of a clothing store, she saw a young blonde that looked like a streetwalker walking on the other side of the aisle. Laura watched the girl's long legs and her exposed hip flexing in the too high slits of her miniskirt. She stumbled and almost fell when she realized that it wasn't a hooker after all; the girl reflected from the mirror was her! She blushed in humiliation...
???????????????? It was April and the Aboriginals in a remote part of Northern Australia asked their new elder if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was an elder in a modern community, he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn’t tell what the winter was going to be like. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the tribe should collect firewood to be...