MageChapter 7 free porn video

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We went through the building slowly. It made me think of the dungeon far below. A very great deal of money had been spent on building a mediaeval castle and courtyard. There were sixty-two rooms managed by nineteen servants. All of them were slaves but had different duties than those below. They were not much different than those of six centuries ago. I was told there was a kennel for the dogs and a stable for the horses that were used on occasion.

Mordock wanted to live the life of the fourteenth century gentry if anything. He may very well have had the power to do so if he could have gone back to that time and not been opposed by other mages.

I never thought of the possibility of good mages but I did think of mages in general battling each other to keep their numbers and mutual interests in check. Something like a group of lawyers governing their profession but only answerable to themselves and not the public.

Hassan used his phone to call the girls. I took the instrument and told them that we were all right. The address was given and they were asked to come out to assist us. It was three twenty in the morning so there was little traffic to obstruct them.

Mordock was put at a computer and he was compelled to call up all his defences of this property and print them out. He was still at it an hour later when the girls arrived.

They drove up the long winding cobblestone paved drive then over the drawbridge and into the courtyard. The Pakistani driver was in awe of this place and I had to push the money at him to get him to leave.

Mordock stayed at the computer much longer. He began a list of all of Maximus' followers and listed both their property and other assets. A separate listing he gave their strengths and weaknesses along with any personality quirks. When this was done he wrote out his opinion of how he would defeat the rest.

The girls stayed with us and I explained what they would find if they went deep into the earth. The plight of the slaves was openly discussed though Hassan didn't see much wrong with it.

Sonya wanted to go below and talk to the slaves but I held her off so they could get some sleep. I also talked everybody into finding a place to sleep for themselves now that the spells had been removed.

The staff got up at seven sharp and had their own breakfast. They found a message saying that there were ten more guests to prepare for.

I woke the girls who happened to all be in two adjoining rooms. They groggily got moving and came downstairs for their first meal of the day. After breakfast the stableman and groundsmen were called in with the rest of the staff.

Mordock said, "This is my Master. I am going to release you from your vows but you have to say them again to your new master." He immediately went into his chant and ended the first only to do the second one. He was even more careful of those that were able to leave.

I set my own spell but it was much more lax than the one they had been under. They would soon be able to leave but still unable to tell of this place or those that were here. I only wanted enough time for them to understand that I was not going to be like Mordock.

Mordock went to sleep after making a phone call that he would not be available for a few days. This only took care of his interests on this planet. Apparently Meg and Linda had been his assistants in dealing with the rest of this universe.

We went to the slave quarters next. They had already been awoken and had received their own breakfasts through magic. The facts of the new regime were listed point by point for clarity.

I went to the room with the single girl. She was very frightened and I sat on the bed and talked to her. She was very young and I coaxed her into my lap. Her name was Alexandra and she was eleven. After a few minutes of talk, I put her to my shoulder and carried her to the remainder of my family even if I called them my slaves.

Sonya was the new head of slaves and she was quick to say she didn't have sex with little boys or girls.

I went to the other room and found the same thing again. This time Mary was ten and Robert was just nine. Apparently all of the children had been very thoroughly trained in giving pleasure to a woman or even a man. Mordock enjoyed all of the children.

I made one more trip to the room with the six boys. They immediately got on their knees and mutely tried their best to entice me into taking my pleasure with them.

"Boys, I love you and I love the young girls but I have drawn a line as to what age I will ever have sex. You are much too young for me." The truth was that they did draw me the same as the girls of all ages but I had to keep my own morals or I would be lost. I also had to watch what I said. I couldn't let the boys know exactly how I felt. This would be devastating to them. I wasn't sure if they practised on each other but it was a viable substitute in my books.

I reached out to the two youngest and when they came with a smile I said, "We are going to see the rest of the people here. I have some more things to talk to all of you about."

We walked out the doorway that would normally magically keep them penned up. It was a short walk to that of the older slaves area. I started to get them to introduce themselves to each other but soon stopped. Some actually had no idea what their names were.

Every one of my slaves were told that they were at the same level except Sonya who would do as she thought right. I could be like Lincoln until things got too distorted with size.

Everybody in the room was ordered to sit. "I am taking over as your master as most of you have been told. It will be a lot different now. I will do my best to heal each and everyone in this room. Some of you have missed out on a childhood while others don't even know what that is. I want you to look on me as someone that is concerned with your welfare. I want you all to have a healthy mind and outlook on life.

"I am afraid that you will have to stay with me because nobody would believe the conditions you have had to live under. I am also quite sure that they can do little for you. I will use what magic I can to make you all happy and safe."

I would have promised to be a father but many of the girls were too old for this. It would have to be offered on a one to one basis and I hoped I would be able to control myself when they got older. That was not a problem before but now there were too many hormones flowing through my body and sex was always more on my mind. Their future positions though may have them remain slaves.

Hassan was eying the boys but trying to hide it. I said to everybody, "I am going upstairs. Do what Sonya says. Look at her as a smarter and more caring girlfriend that has your best interests at heart." I looked at the person in question and said, "Teach them some simple magic that they can use. Make it fun if you can. Call me if you need me and I will do the same for you."

"Thank you Master." She sprang up and kissed me with passion. "I know we will have some fun."

Hassan said nothing to me as we went to the house above. Once there I said, "Find a phone and do what business you need to do. I think you will be able to leave soon. We have found a new house that needs a lot more cleaning than your house did."

He wasn't sure what to say so he said, "Yes, Master."

I slept alone for the first time in well over a year but I needed my rest to and not exercise. My wards didn't wake me and I found June and Connie snuggling up to keep me warm when I felt it time to get up. I guess I still did not get to sleep alone.

&&& part 2

Part of me was already up and the girls assisted in trying to take the swelling down. They had to do it three times each and they were glassy eyed when I carried them to the shower.

They tried one more time but I had them just clean me and then do the drying. It was fun to be pampered this way. I found some clothing so I assumed that the dress code had changed. When we got downstairs I found children and slaves all around. They were dressed in new clothing and looked to be normal unless you saw their eyes.

Sonya came up to me and gave me a kiss then I received one from each of my playmates. She gave me her report. "Master, some of the slaves have not seen the sun for years. Some of the younger ones are even afraid to move about. None of them are used to wearing clothes. The staff have not known that there was anybody in the basement though they suspected a lot.

"The men have been warned about all of your slaves and especially about your boys. Mordock is up and continuing with the work you gave him. I put him in a far room because everybody is still afraid of him. Hassan needs to meet people personally or have them come here. I don't think you want the second choice. He will do what you want though.

"Your meal will be ready soon. The cook needed some extra help to feed us and I thought it good to have non-magic food this time. She argues with me about what is right and what isn't."

I pulled Sonya to me and kissed her soundly. Her eyes flew open because of the way I acted. "You're getting right into being the lady of the manor. It sounds like you're doing quite well. Later on tonight I want to form a circle again and see if we can integrate the new slaves into our group. It will mean a lot more power and we can begin to fix some of the damage Mordock has done."

I walked around the house and found people all over the place. They usually froze in place at seeing me but I stopped and talked to allay their fears.

A few of the boys had come to this level and were the ones that kept 'finding' me. The spell had changed them intrinsically and my only hope was to learn enough to bypass this programming or to find a way for them to be happy without me.

The young girls still saw me as both a master that magically attracted them and a male, like Mordock that could hurt them. There was nothing to do but win their affection the old way. The older ones were what was left of Mordock's coven and they would have to be courted by me. I needed their help and I needed their cooperation. I didn't have the knowledge or the dexterity to do what was needed.

The majority of this group were still on the level where they lived. Some had come up and then returned. I decided that I had to go see them. My order would get their compliance but I wanted their hearts too.

I walked into the female seraglio and all the people got on their knees including June and Connie. The children I found in the adult's beds were here too. They were still frightened.

"Get up and sit on the beds. It is a lot more comfortable there." They did this because it was an order. There was one empty bed at one end of the room and I moved it so it would be in front of them. I sat too, just as they were. It still looked like a confrontation between me and them. "Connie, honey, will you come over here and keep me company? I like a beautiful girl on my lap."

She was pleased with this too and snuggled close and I let the others see that we found pleasure in each other and not just me.

I said to the slaves, "I have to talk a bit more about us and where you live. Your old master is now my slave. He was a very bad man. With a lot of help from others we found a way to beat him. I made him change. It may not seem much to you but he would give me everything he has even if he doesn't know it. He now works for me. When he talks to other people he has to act like he did before but the rage. He pretends that he can still hurt people but he cannot do that any more. Think of him now as a guard dog with a muzzle over its mouth and a leash holding him in a small area."

I let them digest this for a minute as I caressed the naked woman in my lap. When Connie started to respond I just gave her a small kiss that tried to express how I felt about her.

When we came up for air I hugged her to me and said, "Now we get to where we now live. You must know that your home and all this area is made by magic. It means that magic is needed to keep this place from collapsing in on itself. It also means that it needs magic so we have lights, food, and even air. This magic comes from many sources. One of the best is our emotions. Making love is one of the most desirable ways for me." I smiled hoping they would agree but I was wrong.

"Making love is not what your old master did. He has sex and used spells to force your body to respond. I like to think that I am a better person. It makes me feel good to give others pleasure."

I kissed Connie and said to her, "Will you help me form a circle now? I want to show these girls what it's like."

She thought for a moment thinking of all the strange people that she would have sex in front of then I read in her mind the things she got out of our sessions. "Yes Master. I would love to help you." The last was said while looking down in embarrassment.

I kissed her with more force now and squeezed her to me. "Thank you Connie. You make our lovemaking always special."

I looked at the other girls and asked, "Please form a circle like you did before. Connie and June will show you the way I want."

Connie got up and I started to remove my clothing and Connie began to help me. When I was done I gave her a kiss on the end of her nose for the help.

The ring had already started to form and June took a position almost half way around the ring. I saw that the children and even the boy had got into position. I was about to ask them to leave but both my upper and lower mind spoke the same idea. If they stayed they would know how I felt about them even if I didn't make love to their bodies. They would know through their link to the others.

Connie was anxiously awaiting for me. I crouched down and said to everybody, "I have to say a spell that makes Connie all juicy and easy for me to enter without hurting her." I said the words clearly as I rubbed Connie's back and bum. When it was completed I heard Connie groan in want and I caressed her rear opening and she moved her body on my fingers. As more fingers entered her the more she groaned in pleasure.

Just when an orgasm was imminent I removed my fingers and a spell cleaned them for me. As Connie tried to reorganise her thoughts I shifted forward and slowly slipped into her. She groaned and shook but I hoped it was obvious that it was not in pain.

"Tell me how you feel Connie. Are you full?"

She spoke in Chinese but her thoughts were broadcast too. "Yes, I am so empty when you are not with me. I need you Master. I need you in me to make me whole. Make me come Master. Do this please." More mumbles came but I began to stroke into her and slowly withdraw. I was able to hook up June with ease and then I had my first trouble.

"Will you look at me, please?" The message was sent to all of the people present. They looked up and I could see that they could feel something of what Connie and I had. I picked a blonde haired girl beside June and as I concentrated on her eyes I tried to find a connection. It took a while but it did happen. I moved the energy around and strengthened the connection to our grid.

I picked another girl on the other side of June and did the same thing. I thought of how pretty they looked and how I would love to caress their bodies with my hands and tongue.

One more girl was added and stabilised before I saw a faint grid of lines. I closed my eyes and worked on one after another to encourage them to grow and contribute what they had to this montage of faces and personalities.

It must have taken over an hour but I saw everybody in the room in the grid. They took their feelings from Connie and then amplified them to make the union much stronger and powerful. I shared some of my own feelings. It was not just the sensation of mating but the way I felt about everybody here. I opened myself wider than I think I had ever done before. They saw my faults, my weaknesses, my joys and I think mostly my love.

The power was very high before but still grew dramatically. Connie was starting to show the strain so I pulled back and warned the rest before working harder on Connie as I thrust repeatedly into her. Her orgasm had been physically denied her and when I released the hold on it she screamed. I heard the others in the room do the same. The noise was deafening.

My own orgasm mimicked the rest and I too added to the roar that would be heard throughout this level. I pumped load after load into Connie's rectum before I felt sated. Connie continued to move in the small movements she had done before and I looked into her mind and saw that she was only working on nerve impulses from her groin. There were no higher functions working.

I lowered her to the floor and wanted to collapse on top of her but restrained myself. My own hips continued to work but in a slower rhythm. When I slipped free I heard a complaint from those on the circle. I too felt that way but I had to let them rest and me too.

Mary, the ten year old I had met yesterday on the bed with the even younger boy were crying. I couldn't see her problem but I got up and walked over to her. Looking at her tiny form on the floor broke my heart and I picked her up and held her to me.

"Don't worry Mary. I won't let you get hurt." At the moment I actually meant it from myself and I intended to keep that promise. She continued to sob and I rubbed her back and whispered small endearments trying to get her to see that there was no need to cry. I would make sure that nobody hurt her and I would try to make her as happy as I could. The crying took a long time to taper off but I ended up rocking her back and forth until she was able to go to sleep.

The others were looking at me and I said in explanation, "Mary was crying." I got my feet under me with difficulty and carried the child over to a vacant bed and laid her down easily. She was reluctant to let me go even in her sleep but she had to.

I looked down to see a flat chest on a small body then a small swelling between her legs. She was pretty and probably one of the major reasons Mordock took her. There was a thin covering and I used this to hide her charms and I guess to give some privacy though she was probably only used to wearing skin.

I was thankful that my erection had gone down when dealing with the distraught child. I bent over and gave her a kiss and knew that I had to continue with what I was doing.

Others had arrived but now came into the room. They seemed unsure of themselves. There were most of the boys along with three of the young girls and five of the older ones that usually worked in the circle for Mordock. I said, "Please find a place in the circle. We'll make it larger to fit."

June greeted me a soft kiss that showed her love even if it was too early for her to have the real emotion. I asked, "You want to make love baby?"

"Yes Master. I really want to." She said with thought alone this time.

I kissed her lips and said, "Let me do my thing and then I'll be pleased to make you feel more than just happy."

The chant was quickly said and I was able to slip into her very easily. She constricted then and I felt that I was held tightly. By the time I had made a dozen slow strokes I was integrating the rest of the group, starting with the eager Connie.

The former grouping joined me quickly and I worked to fuse the thin strands of those that had just arrived. This went quicker and I had to assume that they didn't feel threatened.

I caressed June's breast with one hand and used my PK on her clit but didn't allow her to have the come she so desperately needed. With everybody now present and in our group I worked harder on my own satisfaction and added this to the sum total of our energy. The dam blocking June was released and she screamed even louder than Connie. I felt what the orgasm had done to her mind. My ears were assaulted too and I added my own call to show what I really felt.

I fell beside June and had taken her with me. I just held her close to me because I needed her presence to make me feel the way I wanted. As I basked in the feeling I found that the woman on the other side of me was holding onto my body. I could only move one hand down and behind me to caress her leg.

We stayed like this for a while and I could feel the rest sort of floating on an insubstantial cloud of emotions and sensory data. When the girl behind me relaxed I knew it was time for her.

Same as Mage
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Daniel knew that his gorgeous female boss sometimes locked her private office door and got herself off to watching wicked man-on-man porn on her computer, whenever there was a happy lull in the workday. And she knew that he knew. He was the only one she would have trusted with that dirty little secret.She held one of Daniel’s secrets as well - that he was an active bisexual, playing with both men and women at will, sometimes even in groups. That little detail, in this company, could have had...

3 years ago
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I Dont Pick Up Guys At Bars

I entered the darkened room, uncertain as to what to expect. I could hear the sound of a low bass beat from the apartment above, but other than that there was no other noise. I hesitated for a few moments, and turned around to exit through the very door I had entered through only seconds before. “Wait,” came the voice through the darkness. “Why are you leaving?” I stopped, and tried to catch my breath before answering. “I’m not sure I should have come here at all.” I hated that my voice...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 30 New Ventures

“What do you mean ‘the French got the process?’” Colonel Conright asked. We had finished the bachelor party in Vegas, and then had come back to the offices in Stanford. Mike Keller had called us Sunday evening to let us know that three rented SUVs had arrived cross-country at the lab compound and spent several hours cutting through the wall of the shed. They had then managed to blast the safes free from their mountings and manhandle them out of the building and into the vehicles. They left...

1 year ago
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I've done this only a couple times thus far - cut off all of the downstairs lights, crept up the steps, not all the way. Settling down, with two more steps to go from the landing. I look through the gaps in the railings to see my black nineteen year old nephew and his white twenty-one year old girlfriend hookin' up, sum-thin' fierce! He's a slender six foot, she's a thin five three blond. I'm extra quiet from my years as a youth (before prison) be continued.

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My Next Client Mary

I got a call early from Amanda with my next job and it was from a lady called Mary who wanted an hours massage which I graciously accepted and after a couple of phone calls was able to hire a table for the occasion. I arrived at Mary’s house in good time and was met by a middle-aged lady dressed in a dressing gown, “Hello” she said in a soft inviting voice, “you must be Frank, please come in” and I walked in to her lounge carrying my portable table. She was very pleasant although quite plain in...

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Hitch Switch

Hitch Switch By Paul G. Jutras "This will be the easiest fin I ever made." Jason Chow thought as he stood on the side of the road with his thumb out. It had just started raining and he hoped that his subject would be along soon like his client said she would. According to Mr. Drake, his wife has been working as a paid escort in secret for weeks. As a friend at the office she didn't know, Jason was perfect to act as a private eye for him. When Mrs. Drake...

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High School DazeSenior Class Sex

In math class the teacher is a fat guy we call porky, he was a mean prick. I sat next to Debbie Mann, who was one of the most popular girls in our class. She was real pretty with auburn hair, nice body, great personality. In the middle of class she leans over to me and ask, why do they call you wiener all the time? Boy did my face get red, and I just mumble that I did not no why. But she was persistent and kept asking. All of a sudden porky is by us and hollers Miss Mann, Mr. Summer, is...

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Berenguer Babies And The Big Bang

Berenguer Babies And The Big Bang Synopsis: A young man, Mark Evans, stumbles into the universe and out again. Watcing him stumble from a shelf is Penny, a life like baby doll from the Berenguer doll makers. Mark remembers seeing the dolls face as he fell into the rift, then again a few hours later as he stands in front of a mirror. Characters in order of appearance and disappearance: Mark Evans, Penny; Dr. Susan Emerson; Chuck, security; Carl Schubert, security; Tracy Bourne,...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 18

I pondered what I should do, as I ran my morning three miles. While running might be good for your heart and circulatory system, it doesn't really take a lot of concentration. That left me with a lot of time for thinking. For the last couple of years, I had watched the US taking a large and active roll in world events, mostly concerning the Middle East. I shook my head over the terrorist situation. It was now 2005, and I was trying to decide if I should take a more active roll in...

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Eight Vials and A Syringe Part II

Eight Vials & a Syringe - Part II By Jen Moore I felt the first dash of apprehension sitting there in the back of the cab as I saw the driver's eyes flash once, then again, into the rearview mirror looking at me. It made me wonder what he saw. Who he saw. I had dashed out from the hotel quickly, riding on a high of adrenaline. But now, away from the solitude of my hotel room, I was here, thrust into the reality of the real world. Traffic was...

2 years ago
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Ashes to Ashes

‘Don’t have any more whisky Arthur, please, you don’t want to get drunk again.’ Helen Kray spoke quietly to her husband, not wanting to attract attention. ‘Oh shut up woman!’ came the alcohol slurred reply,’I can handle my drink you know, listen, the Wilkinson’s invited us to this party and who am I to refuse their hospitality.’ Helen had been married to Arthur for close to 30 years now, she knew how difficult Arthur became under the influence of alcohol and did not discuss the matter...

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Daddys New Girl Part 5

Daddy's New Girl, Part 5Stephanie is Avenged.Previously, Stephanie had been groped by her sales lady while being measured in a fitting room. Having been confronted about this, the sales lady had been ordered to bring gifts (which she stole from work) as a token of her apology. She was now submitting to further punishment and seemed to be relishing in her plight, especially to be in intimate contact with that which she lusted for in the first place.As Stephanie emptied her bladder into her...

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Latin Daddy

"Where have you been, Lexie?"It's not easy being a single dad. I hadn't even had time to grow into the role. It was thrust upon me unexpectedly when my wife of one year died in a car crash, leaving me with a 14-year old "daughter." She had no other family, so since then it's been just her and me. Lexie never knew her real dad, and I never had a daughter so we became symbiotic in a way, celebrating our newfound roles. She's always called me papi, a Spanish term of endearment for a father, as a...

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HandsOnHardcore Mary Rock Fucking The New Neighbor

Are you ready for some deep and hard ass fucking? Well, Mary Rock just moved in and has a problem getting all those moving boxes into her new apartment. Thanks to Vince Carter, it turns out to be just a matter of a couple of minutes. He finds his new neighbor super attractive and after taking off his shirt, Mary Rock gets wet instantly. His muscular body makes her moan in aw and she kneels to take his massive cock down her deep throat. The brunette hottie with sexy blue eyes can’t stop...

1 year ago
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Games Neighbors PlayChapter 8

Susie lay there exhausted, her head on Rita's thigh, feeling a fingertip toy with her clit. She did not know how many times she had cum. She was worn out, limp, though her clit did not know it, the horny little thing! Then the mirror-backed door opened and Howard came in smoking a pipe. He still wore his sarong, but the front now hung straight down. Rita raised up and looked at him. She was wiping juice from her mouth. He said, "I'm itching to know how my invention turned out." Rita...

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New World 15

We all rested and watched Sam suck and lick Bert’s cum from Linda’s sloppy pussy. Linda gripped his hair, rubbing her well used pussy all over his face. “That’s a good girl, clean it all up,” she breathed. Riley and Kristy sat close together, whispering. Kristy giggled and glanced first at Sam then me and back again. Her face flushed and she stifled another giggle as she turned back to Riley. They shared conspiratorial smiles and crawled toward my chair. Riley placed her hand on one thigh as...

Group Sex
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My wife the internet swinger Ch4

  My wife Beth had changed into someone I didn't know. The last round of sex with another guy showed me a totally different side of her. He was a teenager and she is 35. She role played with him as his Mother and he was her Son. The sex was very hot and I found a pay site that would pay for amateur movies showing incest. The movie was very believable and they paid me $1000 for it. Beth was getting more obsessed with her body at the same time she was getting obsessed with big cocks. She...

Wife Lovers
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elder sister

I was always shy around girls when I was growing up. Really the only girl that I felt comfortable talking to and being around was my older sister. Her name is Doe and I thought she was the prettiest girl in school. She was 5'9" tall, shoulder length brown hair, with the most seductive and beautiful green eyes that sparkled when she smiled. Her breasts were on the small side but I never really liked huge tits anyway, so to me they were the perfect size. She played sports so her body was tight...

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Milk Fest

I was relaxing in my favorite chair watching some old movie when the doorbell rang. Yeah, right, Saturday afternoon and I get some salesperson wanting me to buy books, or a satellite dish or it was those pesky Church guys dressed in white shirts with black pants. Whoever the hell it was I was determined to get rid of them post haste because the Allies were just about to storm the beach and, naturally, defeat the dreaded Hun. "Whatever you're selling I don't, " my words died between my...

1 year ago
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Virginal Vicky

Vaginal Vicky By way of introduction my wife Vicky is 39, average build for a woman of her age with large breasts, long brown hair and a pretty face. Some men do give her a second look from time to time particularly if she has some cleavage on display but whilst she is attractive you wouldn't say that she is a "head turner"We have an open mind set with regard to sex and take the view that if either one of us see some one we like we are free to fuck them so long as we seek tacit approval first....

2 years ago
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An Awakening Of A Young Man

So this is where it is going to go; I am going to tell you about my self, my love for cock and how I go aboutgetting it. I am not a size queen and I am not gay. If you were to give methe option of sucking cock or eating pussy, I could not chose between the twoof them, if that makes me Bisexual, then that is what I am. My first sexual experience was with a woman, I was in my mid-teens and sowas she; in retrospect, she was the initiator, taking me into her room andkissing me. Things took the...

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Computer Geek Ch 11

Returning home, Kate discovered that she had the entire house to herself for a change. She went into their bedroom and unpacked the rest of her clothes. She thought about her strategy from this point on. Should she hide herself away in wide clothes and keep her distance to Scott, hoping the distance would be enough to shield her heart from getting hurt? She already loved him. How much more damage could he cause her? It would hurt like hell having to leave him at the end of the year. If she...

4 years ago
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Wish upon a star ch1

When I was about to turn in for the night, I looked up and saw a shooting star. I don't know why, but I decided to wish that I could be a girl for a week. Just one week. My wishes had never seemed to come true before so why should this one? The next morning my alarm went off and woke me up around 5:30. When I went to reach for the snooze button I felt something on my chest. I moved my hand to my chest to see what it was and I was astonished to say the least. I immediately jumped out of bed...

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Getting Her ReadyEpilogue

When I awoke and looked up at the ceiling it all started coming back to me. We really did it, we finally actually let her be taken by another. We shared her with another man. I replayed in my own mind last nights wonderful evening of eroticism and lust. We’ve never experienced anything like this in our lovemaking before. It was an extremely erotic experience for us. We had both been nervous and worried how something like this might affect or relationship if we ever actually did go through...

4 years ago
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UniversityChapter 46

Al phoned on Sunday morning. First to thank us again for the cheque, second to pump his sister for every possible bit of data about Cait. I let them chat. After lunch we showered, dressed and drove off to meet Alf at Summer Salt in Cronulla. "He's really interested," Rachel said. "Hunh?" "Al's really struck by Cait." "So I'd gathered." "He said he'd sent her an email about his math and about moving north to Macquarie." "That should fascinate her. I can hear him: 'After...

2 years ago
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My Next Time With a Dirty Mommy

It had been a little while since my late night with Krissy. In the past, I’ve never known people who work together screwing around to be anything but a total pain in the ass. Someone always feels weird, someone always wants more, it spills over into the workplace, someone ends up quitting or fired. But this situation seemed to defy all logic. We laughed and joked when we were together. We talked about people we were dating, or wanted to date. There was nothing hostile or tense between us. It...

3 years ago
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It was Saturday morning and there was a knock at the door. When I opened it was my hot gorgeous cousinand her parents. They were on their way to the horse races and asked my parents to go with them.Dad agreed they should go. Mum said what about the k**s, Dad said they should be able to look after themselves"they are teenagers now""we may stay out and have dinner so you will have to get something yourselves" said mum"Ok we will be ok" so off they went.I went to the lounge room and turned on some...

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You Owe Me Money

You Owe Me Money Jim and I bet on lots of things like horse races, baseball, and football. We bet on our grades in school too. At first we bet nickels and dimes then that turned into dollars quickly. We required each other to pay off immediately. Then we had this really crazy bet. We had placed bets as to when his mother would dump her latest boyfriend. Every month we would place a bet. I usually took the last half of the month and he took the first half. Needless to say the amount...

1 year ago
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This story is about my late friend Burt Townshend who sadly succumbed to lung cancer last year. Burt was my best friend in c***dhood in eastern South Dakota both of us loving hunting and fishing. Being low on confidence from being bullied at home and in school Burt was also very shy and saw himself as a big brother to me. As we became teenagers it soon became apparent that the term “BIG” certainly applied to Burt. Aged fifteen he was only two inches taller than me, but on the first occasion we...

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My Black Friend Jessie

Squeezing my lips together to keep from losing any of the fluids in my mouth I slowly pulled my mouth off of the now softening head of the big brown cock I was holding in my hands.I leaned back and smiled at the black man I had just serviced… Did I know him? It wasn’t Jesse. I wasn’t sure if I knew him.I decided it didn’t matter and swallowed loudly feeling the thick slimy wad of black cum slowly slide down my throat.I was drunk again. I always ended up on my knees when I drank too much and...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 48

Phil ended the call and was ready to race into the house to talk to his mother. When he turned around he saw Hailey sitting in a deck chair staring forlornly into a backpack, tears streaming down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away when she saw Phil on his way over. “Did you figure something out?” she asked. She tried to feign a bright voice and a smile but Phil could tell they were forced. “Maybe,” he said, sitting down opposite her. “Tell me about it!” she said. She could see the...

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Cheating In Tights

Polly schemes against and cheats on ‘her’ boyfriend with his mature boss.1.My legs looked immaculate in my layered fishnet tights. I couldn’t wait to show my lover. I arrived at the meeting point in the car park early, so I could freshen up. I took my phone and called Kev. I told him exactly where and what time to meet me. Kev then started talking some crap about his mean boss, Mr. Boston. I rolled my eyes and told him I really had to go and I would see him, as arranged. I said I had a special...

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Susans Submission Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 Susan woke the next morning, only after Peter had opened the door and said, “Good morning.” She sat up, feeling somewhat stiff, and saw him as he was walking toward the bed. In his hands, he held a tray with plates a cup and a glass of orange juice. “I don’t want you to starve, and we do have things to accomplish today.” he said almost cheerily. Susan blinked her eyes, trying to focus. She watched as he set the tray on the dresser closest to the bed, then moved to the closet on the...

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The Academy Ch 01

‘JASON! IS THAT YOU?!’ yelled a familiar voice while I was in the mall. I turned around to see an old friend of mine from high school. It was Kay, a girl in my class. She hadn’t changed much except for becoming even hotter. I was still the taller of course. Standing at 6’3, about 200 lbs. (I wrestled in high school) and skin almost as dark as Kay’s hair. Still I managed to keep a nice figure with the weight on. I guess I was a lucky one. Kay was shorter… a lot shorter. She was about 5’3, 5’4,...

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Singapore GirlChapter 2

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, June and I became intimately acquainted, not simply acquainted intimately. She was very serious about her job and her work, and as much as that apartment on Greenwich must have been costing her company - I have to figure about $2,200 a month in 1978 dollars - along with the equipment and her salary, they got their money's worth. The setup was ideal for us, as well. My apartment was literally a block away, and, as I worked at home, we got to spend...

1 year ago
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The Parsons Wife Breaks Out

Sarah had been brought up by her parents to be a girl with strong Christian beliefs and ideals. So when the local bachelor vicar, a handsome young ladies man started paying court to her when she was in her late teens, and then subsequently proposed marriage, Sarah accepted, not really realising that the man she had married was a sexually warped individual, and behind the dog collar was a man with his own twisted standard of morals, his own distorted beliefs, and his own set of immoral standards...

3 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 30 Envoi

Back in the Embassy some hours later, Sharon was told that the new Ambassador wanted to speak to her on the telephone from the USA. "Mr. Ambassador," she said, very guardedly. "Professor Klein, so good of you to spare me a few moments. How are you? And how is your friend the Emir? I'll come straight to the point, that's me, straight talking, no beating about the bush, no wasted words. Now it seems to me that although our politics are from opposite parties, and some of our policy ideas...

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