RedemptionChapter 29 free porn video

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On Christmas Eve morning, Kirstin did not get up for a hot tub session with Eric. When she awoke, she was flabbergasted to find herself alone in the bed. She checked to make sure her kids were still asleep, then used the toilet. Coming back to the bed, she sprawled on her back on top of the covers, spread her arms and legs as wide as she could, and threw her head back. The feeling of wantonness collided with the feeling of freedom, and she admitted to herself that she loved both feelings.

In just three days, Kirstin had done things she just did not believe. It almost felt like someone else had taken over her mind. She was fat! Nobody would want to see her naked! Yet, she had spent more time naked in three days than in the previous three years. And nobody cared! Or if they cared, like Eric, it was in a good way. She felt a strong urge to be naked more and more, just to be sure no one was disgusted. Was Gary wrong? Was her body not really repulsive?

It must have been several minutes that Kirstin lay there, reveling in the feeling of the air on her inner labia which had been exposed by her stretching. Her eyes were closed and her arms were now extended above her head when she detected someone in the room. Instinctively trying to close her legs, she felt them restrained, and looked up to see Dex gently holding both ankles.

"Dex, I, uh..."

"It's OK, Kirstin. Were you enjoying the feeling?"

"Yeah, but..."

"I'm going to let go, but I want you to stay just like you were." When he took his hands away, she flinched, but when he put them softly back on her shins, she somehow managed to keep her legs spread. "Now, stretch your arms back up like they were, too."

Morgan was with Dex, but had been silent until now. She asked Kirstin "Not to bring up a bad subject, but did Gary ever see you like this?"

"Oh, no! He didn't want to see me naked at all."

"How about when you were first married?"

"No, he never asked me to show myself, uh... , I mean this is really, um... lewd?"

"So, you never exposed yourself on your own to tease him or excite him?"

"No, I... I guess I was afraid to."

"Hmmm. You seem to like being naked, though."

"When I was little, Mom was always after me to get my clothes on. Maybe I never outgrew that. Um, this is embarrassing, you know."

"That's not all it is."


Dex spoke up now "Your nipples. And your pussy lips. It's arousing, too, isn't it." Kirstin's only response was a moan.

"Kirstin," Morgan jumped in, "In just a few days you have impressed us so much with your intuition, your intelligence, and your compassion. You don't realize how strong a person you can really be. For a long time, you have been preoccupied with hiding what you or your husband think are your shortcomings."

"The fact that you're now spending so much time naked shows me that you desperately want to be proud of yourself - to be seen but not ridiculed or rejected. Well, we're seeing every bit of you now. Are we rejecting you?"

Kirstin looked over at Dex and noticed a bulge in the exercise shorts he still wore. "No, I guess not," she answered through a giggle.

"Kirstin, I think we should drop the 'Gary-free zone' and talk about your marriage a little," Dex told her. "You seem to have stronger hopes than you admit about getting back with him. Are you willing to talk about it?"

"I... I guess it would be good for me, wouldn't it."

"Well, if we're going to talk, I want to be comfortable," Morgan said as she undressed. She then yanked down Dex's shorts, pushed him into a chair, and plopped on his lap.

"Hey, I'm all sweaty and smelly from working out," Dex protested.

"And you know how much that turns me off, don't you?" Morgan quipped.

With a resigned sigh, Dex addressed Kirstin. "Kirstin, you have absolutely world-class tits. Doesn't Gary just love to get lost in them. I could never leave them alone if I were him."

"Oh, thank you, Dex. No, he, uh, just never seemed to be that interested in them. Oh, I know he loved how they looked, at least until I got fat, but he never touched them that much. For sure not as much as I wished he would."

"Any idea why?"

"Maybe 'cause of Jaba."

"Jaba?" Dex asked as both he and Morgan laughed.

"You know, from Star Wars? That's my private name for his mother."

"What does Jaba have to do with Gary and your tits?"

"Well, she has those enormous 72 double Qs or whatever, and I think they may have turned him off on big tits."

"I take it she's not exactly a nice person."

"God, no. Witch, queen-bitch, battle-axe - there aren't enough bad words to describe her. She sits there just like Jaba and bosses everything in her world."

"Bosses her husband? Bossed Gary?"

"For sure!"

"How about your mother?"

"Is this where the standard 'do you love your mother' question comes in?" Morgan laughed at that, but Kirstin went on. "My mother is definitely the boss, too. She's not mean like Jaba, though, and about half the size. Mom is basically a kind and considerate person. She just knows how things should be, and isn't afraid to tell people."

"How about your Dad?"

"Ever hear someone called a 'taciturn Swede?' That's Daddy. Big, strong as a bull, gentle as a lamb, and has a fifty word per day limit."

"Kirstin, you're giving me a side-ache!" complained Morgan through her laughter. "I can't believe how you joke about these things. They must be serious to you."

"Well, if I didn't joke, I might cry, and what good would that do?"

Morgan got control of her laughter, and commented "You're not like your mother. You don't rule your house, do you?"

"No. I made up my mind long ago that I wouldn't be like her. At least not that part of her."

"So Gary has to be in control, right?"

"Yeah, that's the way it should be."

"Is he good at it?"

"Ahhhhh!" This question stopped Kirstin dead, and she was silent for a while. She continued in a thoughtful tone. "Is this what you're getting at? I'm expecting Gary to be the strong, aggressive one about everything in our marriage. He's been the bossee all his life, and he's not comfortable taking charge. He get's frustrated and takes it out on me."

"Hmmm. So, you're taking psyche courses in night school, right?" Kirstin giggled at this, and Morgan continued. "You're right on, Honey. Of course, nothing's ever just that simple, but I think you've nailed one of the big problems."

"So what do I do about it."

"Here's what surprises me, Honey. The last couple of days, I've seen a strong, 'take charge' side of you. You must have been purposely suppressing that at home all these years. So, we've got a man who's expected to be the aggressive one, but he's not comfortable in the role. We've got a wife who's purposely not being all she could be because she doesn't want to be her mother. There's no reason that marriage should have any problems, is there?"

Kirstin let out a kind of a gurgling groan, and protested "But I DON'T want to be my mother. I mean, poor Daddy hardly gets a word in."

"So your Dad is a very frustrated, henpecked husband who looks miserable all the time, right? And their house is like a battle zone all the time, right."

"Well, no. Sometimes, it's embarrassing. She flirts with him and he paws at her and she giggles and he gets this baseball bat in the front of his pants, and... what are you getting at, Morgan?"

"There's this theory that men marry their mothers and women marry their fathers. Let me guess: Gary really likes your mother, right?"

"Yes. Until things went sour, they were real friendly. In fact, sometimes I think her flirted with her more than with me."

"Aha! So Gary saw your mother as a much better version of his own mother, but still what he needed. So, he married your mother, but didn't get her because you didn't want to be her."

Dex let out a groan when Morgan said this, and she thumped him on the chest. "I've never been more glad I was single," he exclaimed, gaining him another, stronger thump.

Kirstin asked "So I should be more like my mother? That's what Gary really wants?"

"What he needs! See, you didn't want to be your mother because you thought their marriage was dysfunctional and it was her fault. But, it works for them, and they're happy. You married your Dad, and he's frustrated because you're not your mother." This time, Dex's groan was a lot louder, and Morgan didn't bother to thump him.

"Well, I got a good start," Kirstin said sarcastically. "I already look like my mother, dammit!"

"We need to talk more about this, Kirstin, but I think you've been bottling up the perfect woman for Gary."

"Ahem!" Dex interjected. "I want to get back to the subject of those awesome tits."

"You men and your fixation on tits!"

"Both of you should give thanks every morning for that fixation. Anyway, why isn't Gary worshipping them like a puppy dog?"

"I'll bet I know," said Kirstin. When Gary's Dad does what Jaba wants, she hugs his face right into those monsters. I'll bet she's done that to Gary, and it turns him off. How the Hell do I get him over that?"

Dex answered her. "If you squash his face into tit Heaven enough times, then fuck his brains out right afterward, his phobia should disappear in a hurry."

When the laughter died down, Kirstin lamented "Hey guys, I hate to end on a bummer note, but we're talking like my marriage can be fixed. Right now, it's over, and I can't make the first move to fix it."

Morgan was about to say more, but just then Kirstin's eight-year-old son Sean wandered out of the office where the kids slept, rubbing his eyes as he trudged toward the bathroom. Kirstin gave a huge gasp and started to get off the bed in a panic. Morgan had stood up, and now restrained Kirstin, saying "Why don't you give him a nice 'good morning' cuddle? He really is a sweet kid, you know."

"But I'm naked!"

"Yeah, I think we were talking about that?"

"But, but..." Sean, apparently the fastest pee in the west, came back into the bedroom area, now fully aware of his surroundings. There was no way for Kirstin to escape or cover up. She looked frantically at Morgan for a moment, then called out "M... m... mornin' Sweetie. C... can Mommy h... have a hug." The boy seemed uncertain for a moment, then sprinted toward his mother. Morgan hauled Dex to his feet and they headed toward the bathroom to give mother and son some privacy and to take their delayed shower.

While showering, they felt a drop in the water temperature, and Morgan said "Courtney" to Dex, who was soaping her back at the time. When they came out of the bathroom, they saw Kirstin sitting against the headboard with her legs extended. Sean sat beside her playing with her fingers and jabbering away. Courtney had apparently decided this was the girls turn to be naked, and she was happily cuddled in her mother's lap with her head on one pillowy breast.

Noticing their entry, Kirstin looked up with a teary smile and said "They don't care!"

"About what, Honey?"

"About the fat."

"Nobody does, Honey. You've got to remember that."

"Uh, Gary does."

"His loss."

They chatted for a few minutes while Morgan dressed. Kirstin reluctantly got up and pulled on just a T-shirt. With a smirk, she turned her back to Dex and bent over, showing that her ass cheeks barely winked out under the oversized shirt. Courtney walked up to Dex with a very serious demeanor and asked him "Mr. Dex, are you going to be my new Daddy?"

"No, Courtney. You're just staying with me for a while."

"Well, can I have a hug, anyway?" This made Morgan gasp, for it was a gigantic turnaround from Sunday. Dex picked up the little girl and shared a warm hug. The feeling of a naked little girl against his own naked skin was not entirely new to him. Years ago, after considerable discussion, Jenny and Chris had brought their kids to the Saturday brunches. Their daughter Amy had early on glommed onto 'Uncle Dex' as her favorite, and the mere absence of clothes could not stop her from leaping into his arms in greeting.

Once everyone was at least minimally clad, they trooped off to what was sure to be a most interesting breakfast.

Eric came in to breakfast arm in arm with a completely different Sandra than had been seen before. Jeanette knew immediately what had happened between them, and as a credit to her more open attitude, she was not at all judgmental. Instead, she took Sandra's hand and pulled her toward the family room.

"I guess I don't have to ask if it was wonderful, do I?" Jeanette said with a warm hug.

"Jeanette, thank you! I was concerned you would be upset. I knew you would guess right away. I could probably light the whole house right now. I know it's supposed to be wrong, but, dammit, I haven't felt this good in fifteen years."

"Sandra, Honey, in three days, I have seen and done so many things that I always thought were wrong, that I just quit judging. I'm more concerned about all of you women getting better and getting on with your lives."

"You know, Jeanette, yesterday morning I watched you almost as much as I watched that hunky husband of yours. I tried to read what you were feeling from your expression. Now, I know just what you were feeling. I think I could burst with pride. For my sake, I wish he was still naked, but I know how tough it was for him." With another hug, they went back into the kitchen just as Teri came up the stairs.

Teri carried her baby boy, Matthew, and was dressed in a robe purchased the night before. Morgan had strongly encouraged all the women to come to breakfast in their nightclothes, as a way of building a feeling of home. Kendra came up alone, also in one of the robes. She went right to a place at the table without saying anything, although she looked around to see where everyone was.

Carol came in and made a point of greeting the new women. "I'm not sure if Sonja will come out here," Carol told the group. "Jessica is back there with her now, but she had a terrible night."

"Should we go ahead without them?" Patrick asked.

"Give her a couple of minutes," Carol replied.

Sure enough, in just a few minutes, Jessica came down the hall, practically towing a frightened looking Sonja. When Sonja saw the men, she seemed to relax, and walked the rest of the way under her own power. Morgan surmised that from Jessica's comment in the hot tub, Sonja had expected the men to be naked. The degree to which that terrified her told Morgan something of the challenge she faced with the girl.

It took several minutes, but Sonja did end up eating quite eagerly. Teri entered into the conversation, but Kendra said almost nothing. It appeared to be quite painful for her to chew, but she put away a decent amount of food.

While he was eating his own meal, Dex mused on how different the atmosphere was this morning. The previous two days, it had felt more like a congenial family gathering, if a rather large family. Perhaps because the original women were all sharing a first-of-its-kind experience with Dex taking them in there was a special closeness. For the newcomers, it was more like coming in as the most recent guests in an established operation. There wasn't the same sense of relief, gratitude, or whatever it was. Oh, the new women were all nice people, it was just... different. Morgan had been right to have them keep their pants on.

As the meal wound down, Teri announced that she needed to go down and feed her baby. Jeanette asked if she breast fed, and Teri answered yes. Patrick looked like he was about to say something more, but thought better of it.

While the men cleaned up after breakfast, the women launched a decorating frenzy. There seemed to be cartons, ornaments, wreaths, and lights strewn everywhere. Everyone seemed to be in on it, even Sonja, and in a surprisingly short time, the house definitely looked like Christmas, and the clutter was gone. The next item on the agenda was gifts for the newcomers, and Jeanette and Morgan took on that task, while Dex went to his office for the scheduled conference call.

"I'm guessing all of you have some news for me, right?" Carl, Randy, and Dex's hacker buddies all responded enthusiastically that they had a lot of good stuff.

"Before you tell me any of that, let me give you my perspective, and my hopes for an outcome."

Dex listed objective number one as Megan's long-term safety and freedom from any threat from Craig. His second objective was for Megan to have some compensation to help her get a good start on a new life. His third objective was the 're-direction' of Craig's suspected hidden assets for charitable use and appropriate compensation for the team. His fourth objective was some positive results for the DA as a thank you for their assistance.

In order to achieve objective number one, there were two essential requirements. First, Craig had to be removed from the scene. Second, no one must suspect any link to Megan for whatever happened to Craig.

"Define 'removed from the scene, '" Carl asked.

"In a cell for good, or in a box," Dex replied. "The box sounds good to me."

"Uh, that's not really on our price list," Carl objected.

"The only way Craig would be killed would be by his associates, or in some kind of shootout with the cops. None of us will cross that line, I assure you."

"What would keep the DA happy?"

"Kolchek in a cell or in a box. Now, let me hear some news. First, who, exactly, is Alex Kolchek, and who is he connected to?"

Dex was informed that Alex was the top local boss in the big-time mob. That made the secrecy of anything they did that much more critical.

"What does Craig do for the mob?"

As a developer and broker, Craig used real estate deals to launder mob money. Various parts of the organization bought and sold properties from each other at hugely inflated prices, using dirty money to cover the amount over true market value. Craig benefited handsomely from his normal percentage on a very large number of inflated transactions.

One of the hackers added a key new piece of information he had just uncovered. "The idiot is skimming from the mob! He's dirty on dirty."

"Megan said he has been getting more irritable and less rational for the last year. Maybe that's why," Dex opined.

"I sure would be if I was taking that kind of risk. He started about a year ago. Can you imagine anyone so greedy and down-right stupid?"

They all agreed that disclosure of Craig's skimming should buy him a bullet. At that point, they did not have a good way for the mob to 'discover' his perfidy.

If they indeed had Craig's death warrant in hand, the question was when to exercise it to best achieve the first two objectives: Megan's safety and compensation.

"What are Craig's up-front assets?" Dex asked.

"Almost nothing. His house is mortgaged to the hilt, and his car is leased. His bank accounts are nearly empty, and he has no reported portfolio."

"That means Megan would get the minimum from the proposed settlement. How about the hidden stuff?"

"There's plenty - at least $20 million worth. There are several properties owned by a blind corporation, and one large offshore cash account."

"Offshore where?"

"The Cayman's, fortunately."

"Why do you say that?"

"Siphoning a Swiss account is virtually impossible. With most of the Cayman banks, though, a really good hacker has reasonable access."

"And the best hackers?"

"Practically like having a passbook." This was greeted with chuckles.

"So, we could get the money out on short notice?"

"I couldn't do it tomorrow, but I should be ready in a week or two. What would help most is for him to make a withdrawal."

"The divorce settlement could force that, couldn't it? How about the properties? Could we steal ownership of them?"

"Absolutely. Craig is the only stockholder and only executive of the dummy corporation. We could falsify the ownership records to make our own dummy the owner of record. We would have to sell the properties quickly, in case someone started sniffing."

"Well, let's get the dummy set up."

"Already done."

"Who owns that?"

"Dead buddy of mine."

"As we're talking, it appears the only safe thing for Megan is for Craig to sign the divorce agreement. Agreed?" There were no dissenters. "How likely is that?" Carl played the tape of Craig's tirade from Monday. "Sounds like we're moving in the right direction."

They talked a while longer, then Dex wrapped up the call. "Our priorities now are anything we can do to hasten the divorce, making sure we can steal Craig's hidden assets, and figuring out how to expose his skimming to the mob. Let's talk Friday. Great work, guys, and Merry Christmas!"

As usual, Dex let Morgan do the talking on anything of importance. He was pretty sure it was no longer a concern to the original group, but he decided to continue the practice for the sake of the newcomers. After a long talk with Dex, Morgan pulled the group together.

"When you came to the reception center, Elise got names and numbers of people you wanted notified of your situation. She is very good about following up, so I don't think there are any relatives that think you are missing. This is Christmas eve, though, and it would be a great time to talk to them personally."

"When you came here, we told you not to make phone calls for fear of being traced. We want you all to start calling loved ones now. We will use an 800 access number normally used for long distance calls. It shows only 'Unavailable' for the caller ID. It's not that we don't trust your loved ones. It is really for their benefit to truthfully say they don't know where you are."

"There is another reason for calling. Every year on the Saturday between Christmas and New Years, Dex has a big party here with dancing and everything. He was thinking of canceling with the house so full, but he decided to go ahead with it and expand the invitation list to your parents or other special people." This brought a murmur of reaction from all the women.

"In order to maintain security here for as long as possible, your guests will be picked up at two or three sites and brought here in limos with the windows covered. Again, this is not done to insult them, but to free them from needing to lie about your whereabouts. When you talk to them today, just give the invitation, and describe the arrangements. You will call back tomorrow to see if they are coming."

"My guess is you are worrying about what you have to wear to a dressy party. Let me just say that you should forget about that until tomorrow. Now, Dex and I want to talk to you to find out who you are going to call, and who you are going to invite, so see us when you are ready."

Teri practically ran to Morgan when she stopped talking. The only person she wanted to talk to and invite was her father, and she got on the phone right away.

Carol and Jessica were next in line. Carol wanted her parents, and Jessica wanted to invite her best friend and neighbor. Morgan and Dex debated for a moment about bringing in another teenager, but all of the kids from the Ferguson clan would be there, so they saw no harm. They had to wait quite a while for Teri to finish on the phone.

Sandra had no relatives in town. Morgan asked if her parents might be able to come in for Saturday night, but she didn't think so. Eric had decided that seeing his two or three close friends in school Monday would be soon enough.

Kirstin wanted her parents and her sister, who lived with her parents.

Morgan sought out Sonja, who said there was no one she wanted to know where she was. She was so adamant in her answer that Morgan just told her to let them know if she changed her mind, then walked away.

After Morgan explained the calls and the party, Kendra had gone downstairs to feed her baby daughter. When she came up later with the baby, Morgan brought her to a corner of the family room where she and Dex could talk to her.

"Kendra, we know next to nothing about you, and that is OK. We will try not to pry, but is there anyone you want to call or invite to the party?" Kendra shook her head to the question. "Not even your parents?"

"I'm just glad I'm out of their reach here!"

Morgan and Dex could tell from Kendra's expression afterward that she had not wanted to say anything, so Morgan took Kendra's hand and just held it for a moment. "Kendra, let me just suggest something for you to think about. You could be completely in control if you invite your parents here. It might be a good thing for you. They would not be able to make you leave or do anything you did not want to do. If you said the word, we would escort them out and drive them back to their car. If you want, we will make sure you are never alone with them."

"You would do that?"

"Absolutely. Wouldn't they like to to see their granddaughter?"

Kendra gave out a cross between a snort and a laugh, and said "Of course not, she's just a girl." With that she hugged the baby tightly and rocked back and forth a little.

After sharing a long look with Dex, Morgan told the young mother "Kendra, I think we're pretty good listeners, and I think you know we wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You really need to tell someone all about it. Let me or Dex or both of us know if we can help, OK?" With that they both stood to walk away.

"No. Wait. You're right. I need to talk."

"Shall I leave you two?" Dex asked.

"No, both of you stay. I'm sorry if I seemed like a grump today. It's hard for me to believe I can really trust anyone right now. I talked to some of the other women while we were decorating, and I know I can trust you." With that, Kendra spent the next thirty minutes spilling her tale.

Kendra's parents were extremely wealthy, both coming from old money. When she said their name, Dex instantly recognized them as at the top of the local social ladder. They had essentially arranged her marriage to a man of similar social stature who just happened to be a total jerk and a misogynist. None of his shortcomings mattered to her parents, as long as the union produced a male heir for her husband's family. The two families were extremely close, even somewhat related.

Kendra was beautiful, intelligent, and well-schooled, but her personality was too pliable to stand up to her parents or her husband. She was desperately afraid of what would happen when she left Dex's place. Her own money had all kinds of restrictions and prohibitions tied to it, and she feared she could never get a divorce. Her parents considered the very idea of divorce the worst social calamity of the decade. With all the wealth and power surrounding her, Kendra felt helpless.

"Do you know who Jenny Ballard, the singer, is?" Dex asked.

"Oh, of course! My parents hate country music, but I have read everything I can about her. I identify with her because of her parents and her rapist's family in France and what they tried to do." Dex could not help but stiffen as her comment brought back memories of one of the darkest times of his life.

"Jenny is my cousin's wife. She will be at the party, and I'm sure she would love to talk to you." Kendra's eyes took on the look of an adoring teenaged fan for a moment. "Excuse me for a moment. I need to make a call." Dex said as he slipped away.

Dex was back shortly, and asked Kendra. "Why did you say that about your parents and your daughter."

"She's not the male heir I was supposed to have, and she's not perfect."

"What do you mean?"

"She has a lot of problems. They had to take her early and do back surgery right away. One arm may never be right, and there are some other risks. The doctor admitted it was because my husband beat me when I was pregnant."

"Oh God!" Morgan exclaimed, and dashed toward the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. She returned in a few minutes looking very pale, and apologized to Kendra. Dex pulled her onto his lap. Several others had witnessed the scene and were moving toward them, but Dex waved them away and addressed Kendra.

"Kendra, I have a Sergeant friend standing by to take a complaint against your husband. I recommend you do it. I have some very good lawyer friends, and some very good friends in the press. We can get you free, but you need to take this first step."

"Do it please, Kendra," Morgan begged. "If I could do the stuff Dex does, I would find that bastard and kill him!"

"I... I'm just afraid..." Kendra almost whimpered.

"Listen," Dex reassured her, "I promise you can stay here until you are comfortable leaving. We will get that doctor's report and testimony, and threaten to go to the press with it. That's all it will take, I'm sure. You will be free of your husband and your parents, and you will have a nice nest egg. Will you do it?"

Kendra agreed, and Susan Plonsky, who was off-duty, came and took the statement and the evidence pictures. Dex decided Kendra should have no contact with her parents. He called Marty, his lawyer, and as soon as Kendra was officially Marty's client, had Marty inform the parents of what was happening. Of course, they would hear anyway when the husband was arrested.

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Strangers In The Sauna

I left to go to the gym after work. I intended on toning up my abs some more and getting stronger. I was already in shape but could really use some muscle work. I wore a purple sports bra and black spandex shorts. I threw my towel down and hopped on a machine. ‘Hey, Bridgette,’ Brittany, my friend I see around here, greeted me. ‘Oh hey,’ I smiled. She was pouring sweat and it glistened her body. ‘Just work out real hard?’ I guessed. ‘No I just got out of the sauna. Real relaxing,’ she...

4 years ago
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The Storm

“I’m sorry, bro. You were asleep, weren’t you.” George woke to see his sister standing beside his bed. Lisa was wearing her red flannel sleeping shirt, the one she had “borrowed” from him. Her legs were a little shaky as was her voice. He could see the concern in her beautiful face. “Yeah, but no problem. Want to get in?” he said holding the cotton sheet up a little. “It’s the weather, I hate...” “Yeah, I know.” He did, that was the thing. He knew her like well like he had known her...

1 year ago
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Anna goes from being innocent housewife to her new

I am Anne, in my late 40's, size 14, curvy big tits and with great legs or so I've been told. My hubby Sam and I had decided to put a bit of a zing into our flagging love life by experimenting in the swinging scene. Sam told me he got off on the idea of me getting it on with younger single lads. How was I to argue with that? I thought at 47 what the heck, go for it girl! Having suffered the delights of timewasters and bottlers we finally agreed to meet up with a guy called Jamie, a fit looking...

1 year ago
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Wreck Beach and Beyond

As I wandered down the beach toward the shoreline my head was swirling with mixed emotions. Although I was still incredibly aroused by my flagrant self exposure to a complete stranger; I was, at the same time, feeling a little ashamed and almost humiliated by my overwhelming desire to act like a slut.The more I thought about it as I walked, the more I knew that I had to do what made me feel right and good. I knew that meant more public exposure and taking even more daring risks, I craved the...

4 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 74 The Yoga Teacher

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Pt 02

For the next several days, I tried thinking up names for the girl in my dreams, but none seemed to fit. Actually, it was like my mind wouldn’t accept and recognize what I picked to be her name. I would think up a name, and when I’d try to say it while imagining the girl and associating her with it, the name would suddenly become inaudible to me. I would hear that sound from my dreams, the muffling sound that always blocked out her name, even when I spoke it. I could feel my lips shaping the...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Kate Part 2

Rachel and Kate were the last in the changerooms after Friday gym class. Rachel was wearing a very loose kaftan dress she had pulled on after class and Kate was wearing an oversized mens polo shirt. Rachel went over to Kate and slid her hand up her dress and squeezed her boobs. Kate moaned with delight and pulled off her polo revealing a set of mountainous tits. Rachel kissed down her neck and eventually stopped and her boobs, beginning to suck her left nipple while teasing her right with her...

3 years ago
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My first true gay experience ch1

I have always been shy round girls which ment that I have never had a girl friend. I had just turned 17 when I decided to try having some fun with a guy instead and I went on a couple of sites looking through profiles trying to see what might be fun and I saw a profile that made my eyes light up. It said: Male, 6ft tall, 8 1/2 inch un-cut cock looking to dominate a slut. Strait away my cock twitched into life and became very hard and I sat at the computer staring for a while looking at his...

1 year ago
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The night I became a drug whore

??????????????? It was 11 o?clock on a Friday night and we were out of coke.? Okay, not we so much as me.? Some friends and I were out at our regular club and entertaining ourselves by doing the occasional bump in the bathroom and then making our way back to our table so that we could sit down and make fun of all of the people out on the dance floor.? I realized that I only had a little left and I didn?t want to waste my money on the low quality product that was provided by the dealer...

4 years ago
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Karlas Brainwashing Room 2 A weird punishment to break a stubborn lesbian slave

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing...

4 years ago
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Baby Boomers TaleChapter 13

It was well into Saturday and as Mum said, it was time that we set off for home. I hitched my pants and undies up, tucked everything into place and fastened my jeans. The only thing that Mum did was move closer to my side, she was seemingly happy to travel near enough to naked and she made no effort to put her dress and petticoat in order. They were still bunched at her waist and left her breasts, legs, pussy and the lower part of her tummy exposed. I made no comment, started the car and set...

4 years ago
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Magan Enaku Kanavan Aaginaan

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Vimala, vayathu 47 aagugirathu. En kanavan kalam aagi 10 varudam aagugirathu, ithu naal varai naan en kanavanai thavira veru entha aan udanum sex seithathu kidaiyathu. Naan intha vayathilum paarka gumunu irupen, enaku iru magangal irukiraargal athil mutha magan velinaatil velai paarthu varugiraan. En ilaya magan matum thaan veetil thinamum en arugil paduthu urangugiraan. En iru magangalaiyum naan nandraaga valarthu irukiren, avargalai valarka niraiya kastap patu...

2 years ago
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Love Bites and Other Poems

EMASCULATED BY LOVE My transsexual desires, spread out across desert Landscapes prickly with need, stop prospectors, sometimes, Dead in their tracks, making me a rocket rising upon streamers Of my own seminal epiphanies. Sperm falls, wriggling, like rain, To form oases in my brain, and I drink deeply, uncertain Just when the sky may ejaculate again, though clouds seed themselves, Seemingly magically, raining semen down on me in torrents, Without thunder or lightning, just the heat...

1 year ago
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I Remember Her How She Used To Be

This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. To my new muse and the reason why I wrote this story. I dedicate this story to Susan. A man finally realizes the love that he’s always had for his wife. * Rather than dwelling on how she is now, as if frozen in time and no longer aging, returning to the time when and the place where we first met, I remember her how she used to be. Total opposites, she was always so damn positive and I was always so damn negative. In her calming voice with...

4 years ago
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Womens private gym

"Hello, Women's Private Gym, this is Karen, how may I help you!?!" "Uh, my name is Winnie Andleman and I saw your ad in the underground paper and was thinking about maybe joining, could you please tell me a little bit about it, I mean the cost and everything!?!" "Well, Winnie," Karen replied smoothly, "our gym has very competitive rates with other gyms in the area, but with one big exception, we don't have any men to interrupt and bother us, so you can more or less let your hair down and get...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Lena Paul The Confused Nerd

Justin Hunt shows up to the massage parlor not expecting to be told that he’s going to be massaged by a woman. He doesn’t have much experience with women and is kind of shy. The manager assures him that he has nothing to worry about he’s still a little reluctant. Lena Paul walks into the room overhearing the conversation. She introduces herself and assures him that she’ll be gentle with him. He sees the sincerity in her eyes and follows her to the massage area, confident...

3 years ago
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First Time Anal

Robin is a very gorgeous girl; she has a beautiful face, long blonde hair to her ass and a figure that is absolutely outrageous. For 18 this girl has what Marilyn Monroe looked like with hips, tiny waist, and big tits. Honest to god she wars a 32D bra. I am 19 years old and pretty normal for a boy I love women and love to fuck them. After all I have not yet had the pleasure of fucking my gorgeous girl and I really want to. One day after university I found Robin crying her eyes out on her bed so...

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Senior Moments Chapter 7

By Jax_Teller@2018 From Chapter 6 At the Emergency room entrance we were let out of the ambulance, and guided inside by national guardsmen and the EMTs. After a barrage of questions we were told there was no way to take us anywhere, and no traffic was allowed to come get us. Furthermore there was limited space due to the hospital being used as a storm shelter. David and I were assigned a room and we both offered to work as volunteers as did Ms. Davenport. I was thinking, I would volunteer to...

3 years ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We’d just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other’s gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we’d have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

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Sandy’s heels clicked on the hard stone floor of the church. She walked between the isles noting the silently praying devotees prostrating themselves to God. She blushed a little as she was spotted by one of the hooded nuns in the frontal pews. She moved forwards towards the altar, the light from the stained glass mural playing on her figure. She reached the end of the isle and turned right towards the confessionals. She gulped, but it had to be done. Her bleach blonde hair tied back into a...

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My Sister Was a Daddys Girl

My sister Ellie was two years younger than me and the summer after she graduated from high school the secretary at our church in our small hometown went on a maternity leave and Ellie replaced her. It didn't take long for the preacher to get his pecker up her butthole. We weren't hillbillies but cornholing was a polite and respectful way to have sex, Ellie could remain a virgin and not have to worry about getting preggers. She was quite happy to do it and to accept the belt-whippings that went...

2 years ago
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New Country changed my Parents 8211 Part 1

Hello, My name is Mitesh. I am a 32-year-old Marathi man settled in Canada. I am 5″7 with a nice 7-inch long and 3-inch thick boner. This story is about how Canada changed my sober Indian parents into sex-loving parents. Let us begin. Let me introduce you to my parents. My father, Mahesh, is 59-year-old. He is fit, has no athletic body, and has no bulging stomach. He walks a lot and has a well-balanced diet. My mother, Kamini, is 51-year-old. She is a trendy woman, and her vitals are...

3 years ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 5

Nobody would tell him where Jason was. He said he was going to do something for Mrs. Turner, but Brandon could not find her either. Knowing how this sorority operated, he was probably off doing more sex stuff. Amy had lifted that prohibition on the girls to not talk with them, but they could not tell him the secrets of the cult. That was fine, he did not want to know. He just wanted them to tell him where his friend was. All of this was starting to feel weird for Brandon. It could be that...

1 year ago
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I went to a boarding school . Contrary to public perception it was not a hotbed of buggery . Actually the only instance of it I knew of was hearing a slightly distressed call from another boy ( we slept in dormitories with eight beds ) when another more physically mature boy had climbed into his bed . I was falling asleep as this happened and did not track the outcome . Of course as we progressed through puberty sex - masturbation - was common ; pretty much daily ,and joyful accusations - 'you...

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Bad Daddy POV! Oh fuck yes, let’s talk about some kinky shit. You know I like to get real nasty on this site. BadDaddyPOV is a really fucked up website with some primo A-class role-play videos that are all about pretending you have a daughter that wants to fuck you. Well, it’s not that fucked up. It’s just role-playing like you get in the bedroom. I know I’ve fucked a lot of bitches who called me daddy before. It’s some sort of fantasy they have, and I have to say it gets me hard as nails too....

Premium POV Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Adultery in the First Degree

Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom Alice felt the huge hands on her hips and the firm pull that brought her ass hard into a hardon which was quite impressive. The man knew how to get his message across. Alice knew this day would come. She got his message long before he became physical. She had ignored the other messages and expected a physical message, possibly a friendly rape. She did not expect the day to come with a house full of guests which included her husband and his wife, not...

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AmlieChapter 13 The Print Shop

August, 1678 Oxford, Oxfordshire “DO YOU HAVE sharp eyes?” The question was not a rhetorical one. It had become apparent after only a few days that Merle Heathcoate required more assistance from the two women than fetching and carrying and running errands. He already had young Harold, a scrawny kid of eleven or twelve years, for that. Harold was too small to carry the trays of heavy lead fonts, but he could be relied upon to deliver packets of printed jobs to clients, to return with payment...

3 years ago
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My Really Wild TeenAged Sexual Adventures

I was working as a gopher for an auto-body shop to earn some extra spending money before starting college. I never worked so hard for so little, but really learned a lot about remaining employed. One day around noon, I asked the boss if he had anything for me to do; he told me to take the rest of the day off. I had some change in my pocket and walked across the street to get a milkshake. As I entered the ice cream shop, I spied the sexiest woman I had ever seen in my short seventeen years. She...

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My Neighbor

I grew up in a single parent household. My father was killed in an automobile accident when I was 5. My mom had to work full time just to make ends meet. I had a car to drive to school every day, but it wasn’t very dependable, and was often broke down. One of our neighbors is school teacher, and she offered to drive me to and from school. I never gave a second glance at the schoolgirls my age. Instead I have a thing for older women. Their silky blouses and big tits are ok, but mostly I love...

4 years ago
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F I L FChapter 2

Since we had proven we could be induced to take their younger sisters out, our older daughters felt that they need not be dateless. There was some collusion between them and Nick sat down with me one evening not long after the Prom. "Dad I need you to do me two favours please." "Is it going to cost me?" "One will be free and should be painless, the other might cost a little -- how much is up to you -- but it should be worth it." "For whom?" "For you, silly!" "You want a...

3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 29

It didn’t take long to get to the Garden Inn, maybe ten minutes, but Marci had me hard and throbbing most of the way. In fact, between her touch and my imagination about what Allison might be doing to Michael, my heart was pounding and I was almost quivering with arousal. I’d been stroking Marci’s bare thigh with my free hand, steering with the other, and she had scooted forward in her seat and eagerly parted her legs to give me access. I’d taken advantage, and by the time we neared the hotel...

Wife Lovers
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5 Jessica AnnieChapter 2

The expert manner in which Jessica had manipulated this scene, and my body, were as always a source of wonder to me. Without knowing it, she was skilled well beyond her years. Was it any wonder I loved this little girl? I shifted my position so I could look into Jessica's face, and I was met with sparkling dark eyes and a warm smile which turned into a look of mock disappointment when my movement caused her finger to slip out of me. Turning back to Amy, I placed a hand under each of her...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

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Tail Blazing

Tail Blazing----------Finally, Dad had succeeded in purchasing the adjacent farm after several months of negotiations with Widow Johnson, whose family homesteaded the farmland and surrounding woodlands since the late 1800's, more than tripling our holdings. There was a single stipulation that the widow's family would keep possession several acres of land, a recently built home near the highway and its small barn and outbuilding."Frolic, it's official now. The Johnson's place is now the Wonder's...

2 years ago
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Second chapter of my Story

PS; I think i have sorted out the spelling mistakes My best friend Tony and I had showered his mother after a hen night out, in the process of drying her off he dared me to put my cock in her pussy, calling me a chicken when I refused. My true story continues. The day after I didn’t see Tony as my parents took me to see my grandparents, so Monday at school was the first chance I would have of asking what happened after his mom rode his cock. We meet up on the corner...

3 years ago
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I want to earn money

I am rishi 25 m from kanpur .this happen last weak when i am very upset because i need money so after a lot of try i was unable to get money toh mai shukla ji ka home gaya par wo ghar par nahi tha or unki wife ne pucha what happen u r looking very upset? I said i need some money its dam urgent then she told me that how much money i need ? I told her that i need rs.5000/ . Thenshe told me that one of my friend is very rich may be she will help u. I asked her to give me her address then she...

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The BlizzardChapter 12

Andrea sat in the passenger seat as I drove my car toward the duplex. Walter’s SUV was parked behind our Odyssey and I parked alongside it. Holding hands we went inside our unit. My mom was sitting on the sofa with Annette and feeding her from a nursing bottle. “How did she do?” Andrea asked. “Oh, she’s such a good baby,” Mom replied. “I take it she doesn’t feed from a bottle very often -- she prefers the real thing.” Andrea gave me the side-eye and I refrained from making a smart...

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My Bisexual wife and BBW friend

one of the great things about being part of a bi-sexual couple is the freedom to explore and try new things without feeling your other half is missing out. Alison my ex-wife is openly bi-sexual and we regularly enjoyed the pleasure of sharing our bed with other women many times, usually the women she either picked up or met were generally of the same kind each time, nothing out of the ordinary but all sharing one thing in common they liked girl on girl action. In the cafe where I used to stop...

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Jayne the Virgin Chapter 10

This is chapter 10 of the true story series of how I fucked an 85 year old virgin named Jayne. For those that have stuck with me from chapter 1 I thank you. For those that have not you should start at chapter 1 because any chapter after will not make any sense.This will be the last chapter in the series.After sticking my index finger halfway in Jayne's pussy I could tell she was really tight. She was not very big to begin with and does have a small pelvic area. My cock was really hard week me...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Shared With My Wife

Recently my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching trashy TV and enjoying a bottle of wine. At some point, we started talking about our sexual past. During this conversation my wife Kim started to tell me about some of the guys that she had hooked up with before we met. I asked a few leading questions to see how much she would tell me. She stated that I had the biggest cock of any of the white guys that she had hooked up with. I asked her how big they were and Kim said that most of the...

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My wifersquos career as a nude model part 1

This is a true story told to me by my wife shortly after we had met. When she had finished her story I realized that she had experienced so much more in her life than I had. I was an innocent lamb compared to her but I got really turned on hearing the story.When she was at the university in the 70’s she was in constant need of money. One day she saw an advert in the local newspaper from a guy who wanted to hire young women for nude photo sessions. She was quite open-minded those days and...

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Sister in Law takes a shower and even more to follow

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s sister naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV and VCR. The other day she came here for a few days to visit. The wife had the weekend off but went back to work early in the A.M. on Monday. I got up earlier then Terri and took my shower then I went out to...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach be my dad, he [b]15 FLIP TRIP After swimming Jeff asks if he can take a shower with Sean. Startled, he firmly replies, Of course not! Oh, come on! Jeff pleads. Jeffs radiant eyes melt his heart. Realizing he wants to too, No one can know. Can you keep a secret? Whats the big deal? But, yeah I can keep a tight lid on it. Having second thoughts, Are you sure? Yeah! Now get your bizatch moving, tough words said in...

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Our First Time As We Desired

So readers a brief intro, myself splat, aged 26 from Lucknow. An average looking guy and have just completed my MBBS in 2012. I was introduced to gay sex in my early teens by my Uncle who while sleep made me rub his manhood and did same to me. However I must say I was Virgin until I met him. Sanju was 26 years old and he found me on PR. Before meeting Sanju I was not sure if I want to try anal sex or not but two meetings with him and I knew I want Him. Sanju and me have been boyfriends for 1...

Gay Male
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Sarah Gets a FamilyChapter 2

Upon their arrival on Kon-at, Sarah Miller's group found themselves working hard to finish both the set up for the family pod and to work on a "community center" of sorts. Sarah's office was in the community center and only a short walk from the office of the Planetary Governor. Sarah spent a good deal of time with Mike Farris, the Governor, and his cabinet of advisors. Her official role was as an observer, but she did interject on a few occasions. Farris had sketched out a government...

1 year ago
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Shabnam Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

By: Paglishabnam Mera naam Shabnam hai. Mere pariwar mein sirf mummy, papa, mere bade Bhaiya aur mai hain. Haan, aur hamara Alsation kutta Bhaloo. Maine pichli baar bataya tha ki mera 18 saal ki umar mein pahla sex ka parichay kaise hua tha. Woh parichay mere kutte Bhaloo ne kiya tha. Jab yeh ghatna mere saath hui thee woh mujhe bahut hi achhi lagi. Mujhe in baaton mein to koi anubhav yaani experience nahin tha. Maine socha ki jaise mummy, papa se chudwa ke maza letin hain waise main bhi kyoon...

2 years ago
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Surprise Surprise

Early on, it became apparent that we weren't getting all of the help we COULD -- or even SHOULD -- get from the Confederacy. The psych boys and the policy makers and the politicians puzzled it out -- and, oddly, the AIs helped more than one would expect. Most of the Confederacy left supporting us to the Darjee -- which allowed them to ignore uncivilized behavior by both us and the Swarm. Some of them knew better, but just couldn't bring themselves to play; others apparently had an interest in...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Vengeance Fuck Plot

The Perfect Vengence Fuck Plot [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.]  The Perfect Vengeance Fuck PlotBy: Haelix   Hello, my name is Drew.? I?m 25 years old and I?m fucking pissed.? Here?s the story.? I had been dating the coolest, most beautiful girl in the world for two years.?...

1 year ago
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Under New Management

It started as any normal Monday morning would: slowly moving down the road to the office, jockeying for position among the rest of the bleary-eyed working class. I steeled myself as I finally entered the building and headed for the elevator, ready for another uneventful week. Just before reaching my destination I noticed a blonde woman that I didn’t recognize sitting in the lobby. She wore a black pencil skirt, white blouse, black blazer, and eye-catching red heels. Despite her efforts to...

3 years ago
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Make me yours

The club was hopping tonight. The rhythmic beats from the high tech sound system could be felt outside. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned against the warm concrete wall. Tonight she would give her body wholly, not just on a casual level, but on every level. Tonight she would be his. Dressed exactly as her master instructed, her latex skirt was short enough that when she bent over, her entire ass made an appearance. Jenny’s breasts were encased in a leather bra that had no cups, leaving the heavy...

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Petes inheritance chapter 34

Pete was a hard worker, and he could already handle the physical end of the ranch. He could, for the most part, handle the mental aspects of running the ranch as well. People that dealt with him would actually forget that he was just 15, because of his mature attitude and the way he carried himself. There was a few things that being 15 would cause him some difficulties. He fixed up his Dad's old Indian chief so he could drive legally. Not actually being legal to drive the truck made...

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