Mercado LakeChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 21
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Molly Ann Simmons looked out at the smooth waters of the lake. Everyone that knew her knew her as Ann; she hated the name Molly. She rarely told anyone that her first name was Molly. Even her checks said Ann Simmons. Her maiden name had been Tyler but she had kept her married name; more for convenience than out of love or respect for Ray.
This was one of the few get-aways that she allowed herself. Her friends owned the condo on the lake and rented it out in the summer by the week and by the day in the ski season. Since it was late fall and it hadn't snowed yet, they let her use it for the weekend.
The condo was really a series of small townhouses that a developer had put up quickly when the area became popular. The units were not that well built and she knew that her friends had paid a lot for it and continued to pay a lot for upkeep. She had heard her friends talk about how there was always something going wrong at the condo.
Ann enjoyed the mountains but she could never have afforded to buy one of the condos on her own. Her florist shop supported her and her daughter fairly well but there was little left over. Now that her daughter was in college things were starting to get tight. Ann didn't have any idea what she was going to do to pay for med school. As it was, if her daughter hadn't won the scholarship, Ann wouldn't have been able to send her to college. This was why she had come to the lake. She needed time to think.
Ann had been offered a good price for the florist shop. A husband and wife wanted the shop as the husband had just taken early retirement and they thought that the shop would be perfect for them. Ann owned the building and lived above the shop with her daughter. She knew that if she took the offer for the shop she would have to find a job fast and also find a place to live. The last 2 years of college and then med school would take the money she got from the shop and plus a lot more. She had told the couple that she needed some time to think about it. If only her husband hadn't been such a louse!
The wind rattled the sliding glass door facing the lake and Ann went into the living room and turned on the TV. She started to click the remote trying to find a program that would hold her attention. She settled on the news channel and she watched it for about a half an hour and then turned the TV off.
Ann picked up her brief case and walked into the kitchen and took out the latest figures from her accountant. The offer for her florist shop was sitting on the table because she had reviewed it for the umpteenth time a short while ago. The figures in the accountant's report were familiar to her. She knew them by heart.
The florist shop had provided her a good living and the offer from the couple was more than fair. These 2 facts were causing her quandary. If she accepted the offer for the business she would have been giving up everything that she had worked for since she left her husband. The shop was like part of her family. There was just no other way to pay for her daughter's college. Selling the business created it's own set of problems.
Ann pushed the papers away and looked out at the lake. She loved the serenity of the lake. Being alone at the lake didn't bother her. She was used to being alone. She had never remarried after she left Ray. There had been some dates over the years but it seemed that many men felt that a single woman with a child was desperate for any man and was interested in only one thing. The times that she had sex with the man she was dating at the time were always unfulfilling for her. She could never get the terror of her rape out of her mind. In the past few years the dates had gotten fewer and farther in between.
Ann's grades had always been excellent in high school and she had won a full scholarship to college and dove into the college life headfirst. She kept her grades up in college but never passed up a weekend party. She saw Ray at a frat party and watched as he bedazzled the room. Ray was a star on the football team. He was making his rounds, enticing the women, and then flitting off to flirt with another. Ann was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. They soon became an item and moved in together off campus. In her senior year Ann became pregnant and gave birth to her daughter the day after graduation. She and Ray were married a month later. They decided that Ann could pursue her MBA after their child was in school.
Ann's parents threw the best wedding that they could afford and Ray's parents helped provide the extras. Ray's parents sent the pair away to Bermuda for a honeymoon and kept Brenda, their new granddaughter, for the week.
As soon as the baby was born Ann went to the doctor and went on birth control pills. Ray constantly talked about the big family he wanted but Ann knew that it would be awhile before they could afford to have another child. She didn't tell Ray that she was on the pill.
Ray had grown up in an upper middle class family as an only child and his parents indulged his every whim. Ray's father had an excellent job and, although they were not filthy rich, they didn't want for much. It became obvious right after Ann and Ray married that Ray couldn't handle money. In many ways he still had the emotional stability of a teen-ager. He would get paid and stop off at some store and buy an expensive gift for Ann or Brenda. They were constantly arguing about money. Ann took care of several of the neighbor's kids during the day to help out with the bills, but they just seemed to get deeper and deeper in debt. Several times Ray's parents gave them money to help get their heads above water. Within a month or two after accepting the money they were as deep in debt as they were before Ray's parents had given them the money.
About a year after they got married Ray started gambling. It started as small card games with the neighbors. He soon progressed to placing bets on everything that he could think of. The bills kept piling up and they continued to fight about the money problems. Often Ray would come home broke on payday and they would have a big fight. Several times Ann didn't see him for weeks. She finally sat him down with his parents and questioned him about his gambling. After he admitted that he was heavily in debt to loan sharks his parents walked out of the house and refused to help him anymore. They told Ann to pack up her things and move in with them until Ray straightened his life out. Ann refused their offer and tried to get Ray to stop gambling.
One night Ann answered the front door at 11 o'clock at night. She opened the door a little to see who was knocking at this time of night. The first thought that came to her when she heard the knock on the door was that something had happened to Ray. The door was suddenly kicked open and she was knocked to the floor and her breath was knocked out of her. As she struggled on the floor to get breathing again two pairs of hands grabbed her and started dragging her into the bedroom where her daughter was asleep in her crib. One of her attackers put his hand over her mouth.
"You'd better be quiet unless you want to wake up the kid. Come to think about it, it might be a turn on to have her watch her mother put out for us."
"Please don't," Ann wailed when the man removed his hand.
In reply the two men started tearing her pajamas off. When they had her naked the larger of the two threw her on the bed. He pulled some short lengths of rope out of his jacket pocket and knelt on her arms while he tied her wrists to the bed. As he climbed off of her the other man grabbed her ankles and tied them to the foot of the bed.
"Now pretty lady, we'll just have ourselves some fun while we wait for your husband to get home. We need to talk to him," the larger of the two said.
Ann tried to look at the men through her tears and asked hysterically, "What do you want with my husband?"
The man closest to her grabbed her breast and squeezed it and twisted it cruelly, "Your husband should learn to pay his debts. We gave him an extra week to come up with the money, but he seems to be avoiding us."
"What does he owe you money for?" she asked though her tears, "Maybe I can borrow some money from my parents. Please untie me and I'll see if they have any money in the house."
The man laughed cruelly, "Do your folks keep $30,000 around the house? No? Well we'll just have to take a little out in trade while we wait for him to come home."
The man got on the bed between her legs and put his hand between her legs. He shoved two fingers into her and began to move them in and out of her, fucking her with his fingers. She was not lubricated and it felt like there was a fire or burning acid inside of her. She heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down and the man lowered himself on top of her. He guided himself into her. As he quickly pushed forward Ann screamed in pain. Luckily Brenda didn't wake up. The man chuckled deep in his throat and urged her to fight him.
"I like it when my women fight back. It turns me on."
For the next several hours Ann was raped and sodomized repeatedly. One of the men got his kicks jabbing her with his penknife, beating her with his belt and burning her with his cigarette. She bit her lip to keep from crying out and waking Brenda, but at times she was not successful and cried out. She passed out several times from the pain and the exhaustion. Just before dawn she started to regain consciousness in time to hear one of the men talking.
"It looks like he's not coming home tonight. She's not worth screwing anymore. All she does is lie there and moan and cry."
The man saw that she had come to. He grabbed her jaw and shook her hard, "Tell your old man that if he doesn't pay up, we'll come back for a little more of that fine pussy in two days."
She felt the man doing something to her stomach. The next thing she heard was the front door closing. A minute later she lost consciousness again.
When she woke up Ray was cutting the ropes on her wrists with a kitchen knife, "I'm sorry honey. I never thought that they'd come here. If they had seen me they would have killed me. You know that I couldn't have stopped them don't you. I'm sorry honey. I'll straighten this out, I promise you."
Ann pushed him away and struggled off of the bed; he had as much as told her that he knew that the men were in the house but he was afraid to come inside and see if she was OK. As she stood up the room started to spin and Ray started to grab her. She knocked his hand away and fell against the wall and leaned on the wall until the room stopped spinning. She started toward the bathroom. The pain between her legs was horrible. She could feel the men's cum and her own blood running down her legs. She pushed the bathroom door shut so that she could see her stomach in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth when she saw what was written, in lipstick, on her stomach-$30,000 WHORE.
Ann heard Bob walk back onto the porch and stomp his feet to get some of the snow off of his boots. He opened the door and walked back into the room carrying a box. "I hate to tell you this lady but there's about ten inches of snow out there and it's coming down as hard as ever. It looks like we might get eighteen inches or more." Bob sat the box down on the counter in the kitchen area, "I almost forgot this. I meant to take it out of the car before I came up here. I hope it didn't...
Bob woke up first, on Saturday morning, because he was starting to get cold. The woodstove was starting to die down a bit and needed to be tended. Ann still had a tight grip on his hand. With a little difficulty he pulled his hand away from her and got out of the bed. He watched her sleep for a couple of minutes. He searched in the closet and found a heavy bathrobe and put it on the bed so that she would find it when she woke up. He quietly walked down to the great room. He put wood in the...
The tractor had little trouble making it's way through the snowy road. It slipped a few times going up the hills but other than that Bob kept going at a steady pace. The trip that would have taken twenty minutes in the summer in a car, on a summer day, took an hour and fifteen minutes in the snow due to the slower speed of the tractor and the caution he had to use going up and down grades. Even with the four-wheel drive the tractor almost slipped off of the road a couple of times. When he...
Just then they heard a horn blowing from the end of the driveway, "That must be the tow truck. The county must have plowed the road already; that's fast for them. I'll walk on down and help get your car hooked up and find out where they're going to take it. If the road is clear I'll see if we can get out of here. I'm sure that you're anxious to get back home." Bob walked over and put on his boots and parka and zipped it up before stepping outside. Ann watched him as he headed toward...
The Jeep station wagon pulled onto the county road and Ann saw that the sun had warmed up the road appreciably and the road was almost clear. The sun was just beginning to go below the horizon and it would be dark before they arrived in Hinley. "Do you notice anything different about this Jeep?" Ann looked around the jeep trying to find something different about it, "I can't see anything different." "It's fully armored to B6. You would notice if you were driving it. It's heavier...
Bob put wood on the fire and then sat close to the wood stove and watched the fire through the glass on the door. Ann sat in the other chair and was quiet with her thoughts. If she could do the job the extra money would ensure that Breda would realize her dream of becoming a doctor. She was aware that Bob had said something to her, "I'm sorry my mind was wondering. What did you say?" "You can tell me to mind my own business or whatever, but I'm curious why a beautiful woman like you...
Ann spent hours packing and unpacking her suitcase on Sunday. She was nervous about flying. She had only been on an airplane once in her life. Although she wasn't afraid of flying, she was happiest when they landed. She called Brenda in the afternoon and talked to her for a while. Brenda had to go to some college thing so the call was short. Ann went to bed early and it took a long time for her to fall asleep. Ann pulled into the parking lot of the Manassas Regional Airport a couple of...
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"Well, Ms. Simmons; I hope you know what you've done. You took a dead proposal and turned it into a very profitable contract. We should make millions off of this." Ann gasped. She was quiet until they sat down at the table. When the waiter set the menus in front of them she just stared at Bob Long. "Are you saying that I did it right. I didn't even know if what I was saying was right or not. I was just so mad because they were playing with us that I said whatever came to my...
Her phone ringing startled her and she turned to answer it. Bob asked her if she was ready to see Paris or if she wanted to rest a while. She told him that she was ready to see Paris. In a few minutes there was a knock of her door. "Well. Ms. Simmons. Your limo will be in front of the hotel when we get downstairs. We can either ride back or we can walk back. It will be about ten or eleven when we get done dinner." "This has been a long and strange day," she answered, "I think that...
Bob called Ann's room and woke her up. He chided her to get ready as she had a full day ahead of her. Ann got up and rushed into the shower. She was just putting on her makeup when Bob knocked on the door. "I wouldn't put too much makeup on," Bob smiled, "You're going to be pampered like you've never been pampered before." Ann looked at him with a worried look on her face, "Isn't this going to cost a fortune? You don't have to do this." Bob got a mischievous smile on his face,...
Bob called Ann's room early Saturday morning, "Ann, we'll get breakfast and then go to Orly. I'd like to takeoff about ten o'clock. Home is about six hours behind Paris so we'll land in Cleveland in early afternoon. Brenda is going to be waiting for us at the airport when we land." When they walked into the restaurant is was crowded and they had to wait a few minutes. The maitre de saw Bob at the end of the line and motioned for him to move forward. "Mr. Long you reservation is...
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We love to snuggle on the couch and watch movies. Funny thing is we've never finished a single one. I take the blame for that because my blood starts to boil after being wrapped in his arms snuggling on the couch. His strong, masculine arms embrace my soft curves and my attention starts to wander from the movie to his beautiful body. I hate it when he wears clothes in the house because I want full access to him at all times. It happens slowly at first. His strong hands reach inside my...
Pam was so upset with her father. He just married his fourth wife and she was just five years older than Pam. She ran around the house half undressed and her father was worse than a horny teenager. He was constantly putting his hands under her shirt playing with her huge tits or down her pants fingering her pussy. Tonight when Pam walked in the kitchen her dad had her bent over the counter with his cock in her cunt fucking her right there. She had caught them with the wife on her knees sucking...
Karma Rx has had it with her so-called “man.” That fool has stood her up again! He’s supposed to meet her at a party, but he claims to be working late again. Psshhh, yeah right! She’s thinks he’s probably cheating on her, but even worse, she’s embarrassed to all hell because most of the party is couples, and, without her arm around a bf, she’s sitting around with her big tits hanging out and her thumb up her butt. Their friend JMac steps outside to see what’s up with her, and when she learns...
xmoviesforyouScenes from a Kid's Life Group 4: Dances, Storms ©2006 by Jan S Dances: "By the foot prints in the butter," Josh said. "You know how to tell if your house has mice?" he asked next. "Which one do you want?" Sara Stern's mother asked Ally. "Could I have the one with the all red jelly beans? Thanks," Ally said. "Careful some of those are cinnamon," Mrs. Stern said as she put the cupcake on his plate. "Your elephant is afraid to come inside. I want that red one there....
Molly was in trouble. Not horrible trouble ... it was more along the lines of pain-in-the-ass trouble. It seemed like her whole life was like that. Things just happened to her that didn’t work out well. Most people would have said the latest was her decision to let Roger Falstaff take her virginity. She’d fooled around a little bit on dates and stuff, but nothing serious. Then, on her seventeenth birthday, she got into an argument with her parents, who firmly believed she was still just a...
This is a true story and the characters are not fictitious. Let me first introduce you to the members of the family. Mr anand in his 60s and his wife rita around 40 years of age. They have three children namely avinash the eldest son,devina their only daughter and akshaye the youngest one. Rita is typical indian housewife and is very fond of sex but unfortunately anand could no more satisfy his wife as he used to, in his younger days. He loves his wife very much and he knows how unhappy was...
IncestShawn and I finally had our second date on Friday night. I was stunned to find Shawn more nervous than I was. The idea of any woman being more nervous than me was odd enough. The idea of Shawn Michaels being nervous at all was astonishing. Maybe I was just being oversensitive. Maybe Shawn Michaels had the same insecurities and fears as everyone else. Although the look on the face of Sam Weathers as he sat in his taxi and watched us exit Shawn's apartment building suggested otherwise. His...
Raunchy teen Jewelz Blu is ready and waiting for a thick cock to fill her up. So when Small Hands arrives to have his way with her, Jewelz is one grateful little slut. He slides her panties down, burying his face in her perfect pussy. Jewelz wants a taste of him too and pulls his pants off, taking his cock down her throat. But her throat isn’t the only hole Small Hands is going to stuff, so he bends her over and slams his cock into her, pounding her as she squeals in ecstasy. It...
xmoviesforyouVirgin on the mile high club! I cleared passport control and went through the slow process of having my hand luggage checked before walking into the hustle and bustle of the Heathrow airport departure lounge. I stood there for a second, looking around at the multitude of shops and rest aurant’ s through the swarm of busy people as they passed the time while waiting for there flights to be called. Not one for shopping, and not at all hungry, the obvious choice for me was the nearest bar! I saw...
HE LAY WITH his eyes closed and took inventory. He didn’t feel too bad considering, a mild headache which could go either way when he grew brave enough to open his eyes. Thank God it was Sunday and he could enjoy the hangover if it kicked in. He lay on his side facing away from her, facing the window. He opened his eyes and blinked at the corona around the blind. He had no idea of the hour since daylight broke early at this time of year. He blinked again several times but the bleary haze...
After being asked to keep an eye on my neighbor’s 18 year old daughter while her mother went away for the weekend, I didn’t expect to find myself ending up in bed with her. But that is what happened as she went from jerking my cock and giving me a blowjob, to myself going down on her and eating her pussy out to a wonderful orgasm. But things were about to go that further step…. I moved up to the side of her body, as my cock was already beginning to get hard once more, which she noticed. ‘Did I...
Max was pretty sure he was in love with Paige Stuyvesant. He wasn’t the sort to believe in love at first sight, but he’d felt something for her since the first time they’d spoken and it had only gotten stronger in the intervening weeks. Despite how he’d framed it to Simon, her behavior on St. Martin had hardly done anything to cool his ardor. Max may not be the most secure guy on the planet, but he definitely wasn’t so insecure that he could be angry at his girlfriend for getting turned on by...