Waterfall_(1) free porn video

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We moved to an area sandwiched between the sea and the mountains, and having moved from the city it was a really strange experience. The beaches were huge and the mountains vast. The valleys were covered in forests, and yet for the first couple of weeks I felt there was nothing for me to do.

I should mention that this all happened at the start of the summer holidays, so I had not even met any new friends. I had investigated the village and the local town, but quickly got bored and pretty much isolated myself in my bedroom playing computer games. Of course I was not the only person with the same problems; my sister pretty much felt the same way and we often griped to each other about our new home.

We were twins and therefore in the same year at school. We had always been good friends and got along well together. We were both slim, with brown hair; hers shoulder length and mine quite short. I think looking back you could say we were both good looking, sporty kids. She had started to ‘developed’ before me and back home had plenty of guys asking her out, although for some reason she always refused.

Anyway, after the initial moving, unpacking, settling in and inspecting our new area, we had both decided that we hated it, and so like I said we spent most of our time in the house. I couldn’t bear to think how I was going to deal with another month of boredom before school started. And so one sunny morning I was sitting on the couch, lazily watching TV with my Mom trying to do the housework. After moving several times so she could go about her work, she seemed to be getting a little irate.

‘Either help me or GO OUT’ she shouted, and given that I hated chores more than anything, I sighed ‘Fine!’, and slammed the door on the way out.

I walked for ages, through the woods, the humidity and heat making the exercise all the more difficult. I guess I had walked maybe three miles when I came across a stream running down a small valley. I splashed some water on my face and followed the stream upwards. Eventually I reached a spot that even I, being a city boy, can only think of as beautiful.

There was a waterfall above a large plunge pool, and a small clearing to the side, allowing the sunlight through to bathe the waterfall in warm light. A rainbow formed in the mist spreading from the falling water, and birds were happily singing. Now I know this sounds a bit hippie, but that really is how it was. I soaked up the scene for a while before sitting down on a large flat rock next to the pool.

Still feeling really hot from the walk, I slipped off my shoes and socks and dipped my feet into the cooling water. I stayed like that for a while, before slipping of my shirt and soaking up the sun for what seemed like an age. Eventually the sun dipped behind the hills and I started to get a bit cold so reluctantly headed home.

When I got back dinner was being cooked and we sat round as a family, and talked about this and that. The conversation soon turned to where I had been that afternoon. Now I don’t know why but I suddenly felt like I didn’t want anyone to know about the spot I had found, so I told them I went for a walk in the woods, without being too precise. After dinner it was back to telly watching and after a couple of hours, bed. That night I dreamed I was at the waterfall, sunbathing and swimming. And I awoke in the morning with a smile on my face.

After breakfast, much to the surprise of Mom, I made some sandwiches and filled a bottle of water.
“Going out somewhere?” she asked cautiously. “Yep, going for another walk” I replied. “Wow, that makes a change, have fun”. I headed for the door, hearing my Mom muttering about “now, if only I could get his sister outa the house too”.

Anyway, I headed back up to the waterfall and soon found myself stretched out on the rock listening to the tumbling water. I could feel the heat of the sun on my face, and getting a bit too warm, I stripped off my shirt. I remember how nice the sun and the slight breeze felt on my skin and without too much thinking I speedily stepped out of my jeans too. As soon as I did that I felt nervous, something in the back of my head made me look around to make sure no one was watching. I put the thought out of my head, telling myself there was no one for miles around. I piled my clothes roughly in a heap.

I lay on that rock in my briefs, and eventually fell asleep. I woke up with a start at the sound of a bird flapping in the branches above me, and as I came to my senses, I realised I was boiling hot. The sound of the tumbling water was so enticing I went for a paddle by the side of the pool. The water pleasantly cooling on my feet. I so much wanted to dive in there and then, but having no trunks with me gave me second thoughts.

I sat back on the rock and before long the heat was once again unbearable. I figured that as no one had come along so far, it was unlikely that they would, so I stood, and quickly slid down my briefs, suddenly feeling a sense of complete freedom. It felt amazing to have the sun kissing every part of my body, even for that brief moment before I took a running jump into the plunge pool.

The water caressed every inch of my body and it felt so different to swimming in trunks, and I stayed in the water a long time before cooling off. I dragged myself back onto the sun baked platform and lay there naked, the water quickly drying and the sun once again warming me.

The sensuality of these new feelings along with my hormones meant that eventually there was a stirring between my legs. Now quite comfortable that there was no one around, I lazily slid my hand down my smooth body until it met my hard cock. I lay there jerking off in the sun and until I came with intensity I have never felt before. I lay there a while my cum splattered across me getting my breath back. Soon the sun went in once again, and I went for a quick dip to clean up.

Dripping wet and not wanting to wait around in the shade to dry, I put on my shoes and walked back through the woods, naked with my clothed bundled under my arm. It was not until I was almost in sight of my house that I finally got dressed.

The same routine followed that evening, dinner, chat, TV, bed. And the next morning, again I surprised my mom by heading out with a packed lunch.

Of course there was only one place I was heading. When I got there I sat for a while, relaxing. I felt even more at ease than the previous day. I slipped off my shoes and then my socks. Feeling in no rush, I tucked my socks into my shoes, before taking off my shirt, folding it neatly and placing it on the ground. I undid my belt, and unzipped my jeans sliding them slowly to the floor, relishing ever moment of this new found freedom. They were folded and added to the pile.

I stood there for a moment in my tight white briefs before reaching both hands inside the waist and slowly slipping them off. My cock once again started to rise and the touch of the wind and I stood there proudly wanting to shout with happiness. I placed my briefs on the pile and jumped into the water. I floated around a while enjoying every moment. Every moment that is until I nearly died from shock at the sound of a voice.

“Hi Bro”. My sister had suddenly appeared, and was stood by the side of the pool.

“Enjoying yourself?” She asked casually.

“Bloody hell Em, you scared the crap outa me!” I exclaimed. Now the shock had subsided the realisation that I was naked was beginning to set in. I swam to the far side, a few metres away hoping that she would not notice and be on her way.

“Mind if I stay a while?” came those dreadful words, as she spread out on the rock ledge. All I could do was stay where I was for as long as possible. I must have been in there ages, and was starting to shiver quite a lot. Em looked like she might have nodded off, and I started to swim back. The sound of splashing however must have woken her.

“You still swimming?” she asked as the turned to me, and not waiting for an answer said "are you not cold?” By then I must have been almost blue but managed to say “no, I’m fine” trying to sound casual.

“She lazily dipped her hand in the water, and said “you’ve been in for almost twenty minutes, you must be freezing! C’mon get out and warm up” I was about to shout something to reassure her I was ok but at that moment she must have notices my briefs on top of the rest of my clothes, and suddenly it dawned on her.

“Oh my god, are you naked?” she quizzed. “You are!” and burst out laughing.

“Well it’s not like I expected anyone else to be here” I replied angrily. “And yes I AM freezing thanks to you”.

“Thanks to me?” she retorted, “well I’m not the one swimming butt naked”

“Yeah, but I can’t exactly get out with you there” I said.

“I won’t look, seriously, c’mon” She answered.

“Alright, but look away” I ordered and she turned so her back was towards me. I made for the rock close to my clothes and heaved myself out of the water and just as I got out Em turned around laughing.

“Stop looking!” I shouted, as I spun around half deciding whether to jump back in or not. My hands covering my privates and with my bum facing my sister, I looked back at her over my shoulder.

“nope, its funny came the reply”

“Please Em, throw my clothes over” I pleaded.

“Not a chance” she replied “besides you look too cute naked”

“Em, Pleeese?” I begged, slowly backing towards my clothes. As I was moving I caught a mischievous look in Em’s eye, and knowing that I was trying to manoeuvre myself to my clothes and not exactly being able to move fast, she darted towards them, gathered them up shoving them into my back swung herself into the branch of a tree overhanging the pool. Of course there was absolutely nothing I could do to follow her that would not involve exposing myself so I just stood there pleading while she laughed.

“aww come on Em, It’s not funny”

“Oh yes it is” she was almost crying with laughter “besides you’re cold and soaking, you can have them once you have dried out in the sun”. Admitting defeat and with no other option I went and laid down on the rocky platform on my belly, glowing red from not only the sun.

Eventually I was dry and warm, my sister still laughing to herself, cracking jokes “like it’s not only the cheeks on your face that are blushing”. “Em, for god’s sake can I have my clothes back now” I demanded.

“Oh ok, if you must” she said starting to move down the branch. She got about half way before losing balance. She dropped my bag, which started to float off down the stream, and as I was about to make a grab for it a huge splash as my sister screamed and hit the water. She surfaced coughing and spluttering. My eyes darted back and forth from my sister to my bag which was rapidly vanishing down the valley, but Em really looked in trouble, and instinct took over and I dived in after her. I grabbed her hand with her still sputtering and splashing about and dragged her to the edge of the pool, before heaving her back onto the rock.

We both collapsed in a soggy heap. “Are you ok” I asked, worried that she might have hurt herself but my question was answered with laughter. I realised that I had been conned. Angrily I shouted at her “you lost my clothes!”

She managed to stifle her laughter and replied “we will find them down stream, don’t worry” I sat with my back to her and my knees against my chest.

“I thought you were really drowning” I shouted,

“aww, sorry bro, just wanted to see what you would do, and thanks for saving me” she said and put her hands round me for a hug. I angrily shrugged her off, and carried on sitting in silence.

I could hear my sister moving about behind me, while I was wondering how to get my clothes back and then suddenly with a wet flop a fresh pile of soggy clothes landed on the rock in front of me.

“Hey bro” Em said

“What?” I spat in reply,

“Turn around” and I looked back over my shoulder to see my sister stood in her underwear, bra and boy shorts.

“What are you doing?” I spluttered at the sight of my sister half naked.

“Well me and my clothes need to dry now, and I feel really guilty too” she replied looking at the floor. “I got to see you naked; I suppose it’s only fair I do the same”.

And with that she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, letting it fall off her shoulders to the ground and the slid her panties off. She stood there as naked as me and I could not help but stare at her incredible body.

Now it was her turn to be embarrassed. “You can close your mouth if you want” she said. My jaw had dropped at the sight of her, and not knowing what else to say, I just nodded in agreement. She calmly sat down on the rock next to me and again put her arm around me.

“Forgive me now?” she asked.

“Umm, I guess” I stammered and suddenly felt the tension dissolve and we both started laughing together.

“It really was funny seeing you naked like that” she said, “sorry though”.

“Don’t worry sis, we’re both in the same boat now” and be laughed again.

With her arm around my shoulders she went to lie back taking me down with her and there we stayed a while stark naked basking in the sun together. After a while she propped herself up on her elbow facing me. I went to move my hand to cover myself again but she grabbed my wrist and yanked it back to my side.

“You have a great body” she said, running her eyes over me.

“umm..... Thanks” I said starting to blush again under her gaze. “You too” I replied not knowing what else to say.

The lent over me with her arm on my chest and gave me a kiss on the cheek before laying back down, her arm still draped across me, sighing happily. She started to run her hand across my chest and arms, and her touch sent a shiver down my spine. She continued moving her hand down to my belly, and I started to feel my cock harden. Guessing she was not thinking about what she was doing, I moved to roll over to hide my growing boner, but once aging she held me there.

“Umm Em, I need to move” I said, starting to worry about that she might notice what was happening.

“Why, you look so good as you are” she replied and her hand moved lower.

“Really Em, I should.....I mean I’m....”

“I know.... getting a hard-on” She said, and with that her hand moved down my belly, and straight to my cock, her hand wrapping around it. I froze at the feeling of someone touching me like that for the first time. My sister’s hand gently rubbing my erection. She put her head on my chest and watched what she was doing.

She started to build up pace, and soon my hips were bucking in time with her hand. Suddenly she stopped and in an instant she straddled my hips. Her hand guiding my cock to her pussy. She rubbed it up and down twice before lining it up with her entrance. She started to lower herself onto me and soon I was deep inside her.

She seemed to lose all self control and just rode me hard with her fingers digging into my sides. The feel of her tight pussy was too much to bear and with her growing cries of ecstasy I thrust harder into her.
Virtually together we each moaned “I Cumming” and as I felt my cum surging to my cock she finally came, and fluids ran down her legs as I shot my hot load deep into her. She collapsed onto me breathing deeply. I stayed inside her for as long as I could before pulling out as he moaned. We stayed like that for some time before she rolled off me.

“You wanna clean up?” she asked, and with that we both leapt into the pool where we hugged, kissed and touched each other all over, her playfully grabbing my cock and pinching my bum, and me tweaking her nipples, and sliding fingers into her pussy. By the time we got out I was hard again, and expected the same thing to happen.

Instead, Em said “time to go” and having notices my disappointed expression, said “don’t worry, I don’t want to wear you out.....just yet” and with a wink started getting dressed.

Of course I still needed to find my clothes so we set off following the stream. Em would keep touching me and at one point gripped my cock and guided me along like a dog on a lead. Just as soon as my hardon would vanish she would do something else.

This went on for a while before Em saw my bag floating in a small pool. She ran to get it, and as I caught up with her he once again grabbed my dick and gave it a few shakes. Catching me off guard she shoved my backwards so I tripped and fell and ran off with my bag. As quickly as I could I followed and eventually caught up to her where your back yard meets the woods
She handed me the bag and smiling over her shoulder walked into the house. After I got dressed, I too went inside, to be greeted my Mom.

“You’re soaked! what happened?”

“He fell in the river” Said Em before I could reply.

“Well at least the two of you had some fun together, be more careful next time”

“We will be sure too Mom” said Em as she followed me out of the room “next time can’t come soon enough “she whispered in my ear.

End of Part 1


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       The club was hard to find and even harder to join. Perseverance paid off though, and I was finally invited to visit. Moving through the dimly lit main room I was in heaven. As I had thought; this was a place ideally suited to my peculiar tastes. Standing just inside the entrance, where I had been subject to intense scrutiny by security, I saw a long bar down the right hand wall. There were small tables scattered around the mostly open floor. Along the left hand wall were a series of low...

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Its Just Natural

My now wife Amanda was my first piece of ass. I was probably her thousandth, give or take a few hundred, with innumerable guys. She didn’t keep score because it wasn’t important to her. We were both eighteen when the above-mentioned event happened. It was our third date and I had been thinking it was time to make a move, from what I’d heard anyway. When I got her to a private place I was surprised to hear, “Don’t you think I’m sexy?” Stuttering, I replied, “I sure do! Why do you ask me...

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Payar Bhari Chudai

Hi friends kya hall hai aap ka maine issue ka kafi fan hun kafi story padh chuka hun iss pe to main aap sab se apni dekh story share krna chata hun. Me pahle aap ko apne bare main bata du mera name sam hai or main Punjab se hu mare lund ka size 10 inch hai or muj ko sex karna bohat psand hai ager koi aunty ya ladki mare sath maja karna chati hai please muj se cont kare mare email id hai imran. Aap sab kar jayada same na late hue sidha story uper aata hun. Ye bate aaj se 2sale pahle ki hai...

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XXX College 8211 Part 1 Bestfriend

I am college student 2nd year BSc.I have an average body and I am about 6 ft 1 inches tall and. I am new here and have many sexual experiences after I came to college. You could say I am a stud. I am going to tell you the story how I started how a normal boy became this man. So it started back in the first year. I had a best friend named Aparna (36-34-38) curvy figure and dude, she was a bomb in college every boy wanted her but she said nop. It was fortunate we became friends. I used to take...

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Brotherly Love

I was eighteen and was sunbathing in our garden with my girlfriend, Kathy. We were lying on large towels on the lawn, wearing just tiny bikinis, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on our bodies. As I turned over onto my back, I caught a glimpse of something, a reflection maybe, from the window of my brother Mark's room. He was sixteen and had recently started spying on me, especially when I had friends over.Telling Kathy I was going to get drinks for us, I went into the house. Creeping upstairs...

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Sunday Morning Pt 04

It was Sunday morning and Abbie was out for her morning swim. The dinner with David’s parent’s had been Thursday evening followed by a date with David on Friday night. That date was an eventful one for both. They’d gone to the local place on their side of the lake instead of the fancier restaurant with the walking path. They sat opposite the other eating their burgers and fries talking about college and the soon to start academic year. ‘The swim team meets for first work outs in ten days. I’d...

3 years ago
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Old Friends New Lovers 2

Introduction: Wife swapping tale . . . I awoke with the sun after a great nights sleep. It was early, about 06:00. I looked over and saw Kathy sleeping next to me and had to smile as I recalled the previous evening. The warm Caribbean nights keep us from using bed covers, so there she was totally exposed. As I looked at her I began to get hard but fought off the urge to begin fondling her and take her once again. As gently as I could I moved to the edge of the mattress to get off of the bed....

1 year ago
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The Ruination of Emi Nakamura

Emi Nakamura is nothing short of an innocent, likable girl. Smart, shy, and easy on the eyes, she tends to attract attention to herself without trying. This attention has tended to clash with her shy nature, and Emi has always wished she could overcome this hurdle. To that end, the young woman decided this year to try something bold. Leaving her native Japan behind, she'd spend a year studying abroad in the United States. The US was certainly a culture shock to the shy girl, with so many things...

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Adventurous Sheryl

Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...

2 years ago
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Angel Me

We didn’t see each other for a few weeks, but we did chat several times. We always tried to get each off while we chatted and that was fun. During several conversations with Angel, she would tell me about how her boy friend would tie her up, spank her and how they “played” Master” and “sub” games. She told me she really enjoyed doing that. Her boy friend had been coming home every Sunday and going back to Montreal every Tuesday. When he would leave, she would get online and we would chat. ...

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A Good Circle of Friends

First Name is your name Last name is your friend's name (male) Amber is your ex-girl's name. She is pale with long brown hair, and brown eyes. She sports a pair of 42DD cups, but has a flattish ass, and is 5'5 in height. Elissa is your girlfriend's best friend. She is tan with shorter chestnut hair and blue eyes. She is 5'3, has a pair of 36C cups, and an ass that makes her perfect to be Kim Kardashian's double. Doe has been one of your best friends for many years, and he first introduced you...

2 years ago
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The guys in the SUV had definitely noticed

The sky was just starting to lighten and turn a beautiful red color as the sun peaked between two mountains. Christy's knuckles were white from clenching the steering wheel so tight. She hadn't realized she was gripping that hard until her fingers started to go numb. She was just so pissed at Tom.She had waited up for him last night when he went out with his friends. Before Tom got home one of her girlfriends had called her and told her she saw him coming out of a strip club. They had a huge...

Group Sex
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Mom8217s Body Mind And Soul 8211 Part 1

Clad in the softest pink silk saree with off-shoulder halter neck blouse, my mom’s each curve stood out. Her fleshy waist that flared out into wide and chubby hips, the deep sumptuous navel, the slightly fatty arms, broad smooth and fair shoulders. Her face was full and accentuated by deep red lipstick and the kohl-lined eyes with a big bindi attracted a lot of attention too. My 18th birthday seemed to be the day I would confess my love to my true soulmate, my mom. Let me take you to the...

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Chris had made it, as he always knew he would. He was a driver, typical type A personality. He was the COO of a major global marketing company and did so by the age of 41. Quite an accomplishment. Despite his powerful personality and assertiveness, he was a really nice guy, liked by all who worked with him and for him. An avid sportsman and sports fan, he was a man's man. At neighborhood barbeques, if there was a crowd huddled around laughing and yakking, it was around Chris. Women alike, loved...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ko Or Iski Behen Ko Iksath Choda

Hello frnds mera name rohan hai or mai punjab se ho, mere hight 5’10” hai, average body and gora rang. Mere tarf girls easily attract ho jate hai. Ok now come to the story Yeh story 31 dec 2015 ki raat ko start hoye jab mere gf ne mujhe ghar bhulayea new year party ke liye, uske mom dad usdin ghar nai bus uska bhai or bhen hi the. Mere gf bahut hi hot and sexy thi uska figure 36-28-37 tha or wo mera sath study karte thi, main uske ghar raat 11 bhe ek bottle daru and beer lekar pahuncha, tab tak...

1 year ago
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Jamaican Man Sucks His Sisters Pussy

I am from the island of Jamaica in the Caribbean. It is a tropical paradise known for its balmy sunshine and natural beauty. The local populations live carefree lifestyles, dancing to reggae music and swimming in the clear, warm waters off palm shaded, white-sand beaches. Yet, after all their liberal lifestyles, pussy eating is tabooed in my country where the religion of Rastafarianism predominates. In that belief-system, the purpose of sex is regarded more for its procreation value than for...

3 years ago
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Love Lust Betrayal and ConsequencesChapter 6

Deanna I awoke from my nap at 530 pm. The pain in my foot had subsided some with some help from three Advil’s and the ice had reduced some swelling. I thought about Joey in the next room. I phoned him and told him I was going to shower and I would meet him for dinner at 630 if he wanted ... just dinner. I eat alone enough, might as well have some company. Besides I was intrigued at what he would try next with his seduction of me. It was ... exciting ... and arousing and ... WRONG! I...

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My Widow Mommy Latha

Hi ISS readers, I am going to share one of my experiences with my mom. Her name is Latha. She is 38 years old widow. She has got a 38 size breast and huge ass. Her ass is so plump she is a little above average figure like Shakeela she looks after me from my childhood days. She works in her house with sewing machine and saw dresses for women. The incident happened when I started my college and when I was 19. From my 12th standard itself my dream girl was my mom because she was only available for...

2 years ago
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A caring mother pt4

Joanne was in the shower washing off the combined sperm of the two men in her family from her hands and forearms when John came into the bathroom. "Jo, are you OK?""Yes of course dear. Why wouldn't I be OK?""Oh, I mean, after what just happened on the deck. I feel fine about it, but I was just making sure you were alright too.""Well, I don't quite know where we go from here. I can't go around masturbating Chris all the time. I hope it's helping him, but I suppose we just have to wait and...

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Date Night

So, are you gonna kiss him tonight?" Aimee's eyes sparkled, her youthful face alight with playful joy as she lay on the bed, clutching a frilly pillow under her still developing breasts.Tricia applied the finishing touches to her makeup and looked at Aimee’s reflection in the mirror. "Of course. Jake's been my boyfriend for over a year now. It's not like we've never kissed.""I know you have. I saw you kiss him goodbye on the porch.” It was a secret Aimee had been dying to reveal, and her smile...

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First time masturbating with another man

I wrote this up a few years ago, and many men and women have told me that they like this story. So I figured I would post it here and see what sort of response I get. So I started getting curious about getting with another guy about 8 years or so ago. I had been doing some erotic story writing and cruising chat rooms to meet ladies to send them to. Hoping I might hear back from them on their own masturbation stories from reading them. I had been approached by some guys to cyber together but...

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Meri Mami 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I am very thankful for your response ab me aage ki story batata hu jinhone meri pahalii story nahi Padhi ho wo please pahalii story padee. Mummy ne hath me papa ka lund liya aur us ko pahalee saaf kiaa phir lund ke pass jaane lagiii aur lund ko halkaa saa kiss kiaa and ekdum se mummy ko ubkaii aane lagii to mummy ne niche muh kiaa to dekh ki nichee me hu…. Mummy ke to hosh udh gayee me to darr gayaa aur bas yahii soch rahaa tha ki mom ye dad ko naa bol deee Itne me dad uthe aur...

3 years ago
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The Lake HouseChapter 14

By the time Jim got home on Sunday night, he knew that it would be a day or two before he needed any sex. The two women he’d spent the weekend with had taxed his teenage libido nearly to its limits. He was a tired young man – something his mother chalked up to hard physical labor. He dragged himself into the house, ate his dinner, and went straight to bed. The recuperative powers of 16-year-old boys being what it is, however, Jim woke up on Monday morning refreshed, ready for school, and...

2 years ago
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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Six

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Tina Tina drove me back to the Holiday Inn and we kicked off our shoes, put up our feet on my bed and lit cigarettes. I had poured us both a tumbler of Jack. We sat upright with our backs against the cheap headboard. "That wasn't so bad," Tina said. "Sloane looks fat," I replied. "Ouch! Bitch!" Tina laughed. "'You're the celebrity around here Sarah. Everyone loves you Sarah. Come to the bar tonight Sarah....

1 year ago
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Encounter With DestinyChapter 5

He was lying. It was certainly a lovely story but Lady Claire knew how to read men and could always tell when they were evading the truth. Besides, in all the years she had known and worked with Stephen he had never once mentioned being the godparent and legal guardian to an orphaned English girl. And this delightful tale of his young benefactor taking a gap-year between school and university was obviously fabricated - as was the notion that he would give up his work with NATO to chaperone...

2 years ago
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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 4 Belindas Rules for Virgins

I woke up at midday with a mild hangover and my face burning from third-degree pash-rash. I pulled on my robe and trudged to bathroom, and as I sat on the toilet, I jerked in surprise at the crazy-woman looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. God help Emma Watson if she ever looked like this; I had bloodshot eyes, hair in a crazy tangle, and my lips and chin were glowing red and swollen. I looked like a meth-addict's mug-shot. Stretching for the medicine cabinet while I peed what felt...

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Wifes first time threesome

MY FANTASY ABOUT MY WIFE'S FIRST THREESOME (Part 1) - One of my long term fantsies - as with most husbands I suspect. Sue and I had been married for over 10 years, sex is great and our relationship strong, but I have always wanted to go a bit further in our sexual experiences....so this is what may have happened..I have always fantasized about is arranging a meet with another guy or sexy couple in a bar or club...(it's pre-arranged with me and the couple, Sue does not know). I had discussed...

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Volunteered teacher humiliated

The group chatted with Richard briefly in the hotel foyer, who informed them that it was sold out, and that there should be well over 500 people watching the event. Everyone knew Richard was a lecherous creep, and that he fancied Sarah, and she couldn't wait to get away from him, so as Mike continued to chat with his friend, Sarah and the others proceeded into the hall. The 45-year-old events organiser had previously mentioned to Mike that they always ask for a volunteer from the audience to...

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Jalandhar Ch Fuddi Maari

Hi friends its me sunny from Jalandhar, Punjab. This story is all about me and a bhabhi. So im going to narrate this in Punjabi so that Punjabi girls/babhies/boys and enjoy a lot. So lets continue in Punjabi. Please dont forget to gimme a feed back …… Mera naam sunny a mai ek pind ch rena a, ghar bahr sab wadia a mera. Average looking a mai 5’8 74 kg. Te oh bhabhi jiddi a story a us da naam pooja a. Pooja bhabi ta viah shoti umar ch e ho gea c es karke onu ashiqui maranda bhoot nai utrya c…So...

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The Doll of the Master

The Doll of the MasterPart 1Hello my name is yvonne, and i wanted to write down my life story for You - my Master of my everlasting dreams!i was born as a boy in the late 60s and had a really happy c***dhood up to the age of my 10th birthday. Then my Mother died in an accident and my father was really sad about the loss of my mother. But after a while he was screwing around to forget his mourning. He learned to know a really beautiful but very demanding woman. She was at the age of 25 years and...

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An Unknown AttractionChapter 7 A Crisis and a Change of Heart

The conversation pretty much broke up after the girls finished teasing me about my fear of commitment, both to them and to my role in this whole thing. We got into a more in-depth discussion about our new abilities, although trying to communicate with dear little Anh Ngo was agonizingly slow. Clearly she knew some English words but she simply didn’t trust herself to misspeak in front of me, so I bore with it. Victoria (or Vicky as I’d taken to calling her) was just a cutie, so it made it all...

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