Third Party
- 4 years ago
- 55
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Tuesday, one week and one day after Chellie left, Freya had that look in her eyes again. You know the look: 'husband, I need your help with a project, and don't you dare try to say no!'
We were sitting at our breakfast table, eating (surprise!) breakfast. I must have sighed because she took it as a personal affront. "What's the matter now? Am I bothering you?" Freya's voice could never be harsh, and her personality could never be shrewish, but when she thought she was being was crossed, her sweet, platinum nature became a cold, metallic front. She had that sharp, metallic ring in her voice, and that hard, metallic glint in her eyes.
Backpedalling as rapidly as I could, I began, "Sweetheart, you know there is nothing I would rather do than spend time with you, but you have the same look on your face that you had when you wanted to help Chellie. There is something you want, I can see it in your eyes." Before she could interrupt, I continued rapidly, "I love you; and I love to help you. But couldn't you just ask for my help, rather than try to trick me, or make me feel guilty?"
She did look a little sheepish, now. But she was determined to continue. Once she had a plan, Freya stuck to it. The little-girl voice that I couldn't resist was put in place. "Johnny, I promise this isn't like it was with Chellie. You don't have to do your magic spell. You don't even have to make love to her. But she needs help, and she is a friend of mine. And you are so sweet. I just know that we can help her."
Still hesitant to promise without knowing what, exactly, I was helping with, I asked, "So, how can we help her? And just who am I supposed to help?"
By this point, Freya had her pre-planned arguments lined up and her enthusiasm up to a full head of steam. "Her name is Tiennie, and she went to college the same time Chellie and I did. She was our good friend, and she just needs a little help. Not money, or anything like that. It's just that she has trouble sleeping. She's afraid all the time, and without sleep, it's even worse. Chellie and I were telling her how wonderful it is to be held, all warm and safe, in someone's arms, and how we slept so soundly and woke up feeling so good. We didn't tell her that we were both sleeping in your arms, or what you did to us before we slept and in the morning that made us feel so good, either."
"Ten-nee needs someone to hold her, so she can relax? That's all?"
"Yes! That's all. And her name is pronounced tee - EN - nee. She's from San Francisco, before you ask. I don't want you surprised again like you were with Chellie. You get so difficult when you think I'm trying to trick you; and Chellie turned out to be so sweet, didn't she?"
Arguing did no good; besides, my beautiful wife was right. Chellie turned out to be almost miraculous, after I got over my stupidity about her skin color and looked at her as a person. One day, I would learn that Freya had everybody's best interests in her precious heart, and that she knew what I needed better than I did. I almost sighed again, this time realizing that I was wrong, again, but I stopped myself before it escaped. Plastering a smile on my face, I put my best foot forward, taking it out of my mouth, first. "Beautiful, I would love to meet your friend. And, if as you say, she needs to be held so she can relax, I would be glad to hold her, for you."
That evening, the phone rang. I was closest to it, so I answered, "Hello, Rocker household."
On the other end, a soft girl's voice with a British accent said, "Hello. You must be Johnny. I'm Tiennie, Freya's friend. She's told me so much about you. When she said I could come to visit, I just had to call and schedule our meet."
Harmless: that's the word that best describes how her voice sounded that night. Like she was a little girl in a story and wouldn't hurt a fly. Things showed me, later, that she was quite the opposite, at least to her enemies. I was glad that I was counted among her friends.
"Hello? Are you still there? Or are you thinking? Freya told us about your thinking and how you sometimes get lost in thought. I really am looking forward to meeting you."
"Still here, lost in thought." I answered. "Your voice just sounded so wonderful. I'm looking forward to meeting you, too. When can you come over?"
"Is tonight too early? I mean is it too late?" The gentle voice stopped for a breath. "I'm so excited. What I mean is: I know this is the last minute, but, if it's not inconvenient, might I drop by tonight, just to meet you and say 'hi' to Freya? I don't need to stay long; or we could arrange another time soon."
Like a lost little girl, was how she sounded. How could I say no? "Of course you can come any time. We don't have anything planned for this evening, and tomorrow and the next nights are open, too. Shall I go put the light on for you?" (When I wasn't being stupidly stubborn, Freya had been teaching me manners.)
"That's wonderful! I'm staying in town for a few days and my hotel is centrally located. I can be there in ten minutes. Is that all right?"
"We are looking forward to it. Would you like to speak with Freya?"
For some reason, she almost sounded as if she were panting. "I'll see her when I get there. Thank you, Johnny! I'll ring off, now. See you soonest!" And she did.
That college must have given degrees in punctuality. My watch showed ten minutes, exactly, since she had 'rung off' when the doorbell sounded. Freya had been warned, and had set out some snacks and iced some drinks; she answered the door.
Another thing I don't understand about women is why they always greet each other as if they had been separated since birth. I surmised that Freya had eaten lunch with Tiennie that day, and it couldn't have been more than seven hours since they saw each other, but they hugged and giggled like long-lost sisters. Finally, Freya made the introductions: "Tiennie, this is my loving husband, Johann Rocker" (here she hugged her obviously pregnant stomach), "the father of my soon-to-be son." She turned to me, "Johnny, this is another old college friend of mine, Chuang Tien."
There is no way that I would call Tiennie 'old.' She couldn't have been any older than Chellie, who was barely 21. If someone had asked me, I probably would have guessed that she was seventeen, about. Her skin was smooth, and a light golden color. Her hair and eyes were dark, even darker than Chellie's. Her figure was slim and she was barely five feet tall. Where Chellie was curvy, Tiennie looked willowy; as if she would sway if you breathed in her direction. I managed to smile and say pleasant greeting-sounding things while Freya got her seated, then followed Freya into the kitchen 'to help with the drinks.'
Freya's arms went around my neck and her lips went right to my ear. She whispered, "What's wrong now, Johnny?"
Barely containing myself, I whispered back, harshly, "You said she was from San Francisco. She looks like she came straight from Beijing. And her accent is direct from London. And you never said she was Chinese!" I was working up to a real huff when Freya's lips pressed against mine. As she knew it would, I stopped talking, thinking, even breathing. She let me go after a few seconds.
"Breathe, Johnny. It's all right." I started breathing again and while my brain was rebooting, she continued. "She is from San Francisco. Her family moved there a few years ago. She grew up in Hong Kong and learned English in the schools there, so she sounds British. And, being from Hong Kong, she is Chinese. Would you expect otherwise?" This time, Freya was looking at me like a teacher with a really slow student. "Are you gong to start again about skin color and whether you would have dated her when you were young and foolish?"
"No, Ma'am." I kept my mouth shut after that. I may be dumb, but I ain't stoopid!
We carried the tray with drinks back into the living room and Freya seated herself next to Tien and pointed next to herself for me to sit. I sat.
For the next half hour or so, they chatted about school friends and the things happening in their lives. Dutifully, I offered them snacks and kept their glasses filled, and kept my mouth closed, just listening.
When I looked at her more closely, the girl looked like she was falling apart. Her hands trembled when she picked up her glass. Her eyes darted back and forth, searching for something fearful. Around her almond-shaped eyes were lines of worry. And she looked like she hadn't slept in a week. How was I supposed to help her with so much anxiety? Still, Freya had said I should offer to help, and she seemed sure that just holding her would help. The girl wasn't ugly, in fact, she reminded me of a statue I had once seen of the Chinese goddess of beauty. It was carved from ancient ivory and almost matched her skin tone. It had flowing robes and hair, done by a master carver. More than five centuries old, it could have been modeled after Tiennie.
If anything, Tiennie looked even less sure of the arrangement than I was. From time to time, her attention strayed from the conversation to me. When her eyes met mine the first time, she looked away, shyly. The second time, she blushed. The third time, she smiled, just a little.
Freya shifted gears when the conversation lagged. "I told you how great it feels when Johnny holds me. Would you like to try it?"
The blush deepened and turned Tiennie's skin from amber to orange. "Only if you two don't mind." She hesitated, then rushed ahead. "I don't sleep well away from my family; we are close and I have six sisters. Even more, since I came here I have felt like someone is watching me. When I do manage to fall asleep, I wake in a panic just a few minutes later." She was practically hyperventilating, obviously terrified. "Even if it doesn't help, I wouldn't mind being held by such a handsome man." Here, she gave a small smile, "If you're sure it's OK, Freya?"
There are times when I'm not sure if my wife is happy because she gets her way, or because she's helping people. She smiled and stood up from between us. Taking the girl's hand, she pulled until Tiennie slid next to me, then pushed gently until Tiennie leaned her head on my shoulder. A nodded cue from Freya, and I wrapped my arms around the tiny girl; she felt like a child and I could feel her body shiver when I put my arms around her.
My wife's small hands guided mine to stroke Tiennie's long, silky, black hair softly. Once I had started, she let me continue and started talking in a low voice. "Do you remember how I used to help you sleep when you had nightmares? I would start talking about almost anything: my classes, the cute boy I saw in the cafeteria, the upcoming vacations, anything. You would lay with your head on my lap and I would stroke you hair like Johnny is doing now, and pretty soon, you would just nod off.
It was working. Tiennie's shivering slowed, then stopped. Her breathing changed gradually from panic to resting. Her eyelids drooped. When I thought she was asleep, I stopped stroking her hair. Freya frowned and shook her head at me, so I started again. All the time, Freya kept up the flow of her soft, silvery voice. Tiennie looked like a china doll, and weighed very little. It was no effort to hold her in my arms. It was even soothing to stroke her long, silky black hair. I could feel my eyes getting heavy, too.
"Psst! Johnny! Don't fall asleep yet."
I moved more towards awake.
"Let me tell you about her. She was almost the same age as Chellie when she came to school. She lived in the dorm with us and we had 'hen parties' and study parties, and end of term parties, and every other kind of party we could think of. I took care of them when they were sick, or just homesick. Tiennie taught us how to make and enjoy Chinese food. She also taught us about self defense; it doesn't show, but she is a seventh degree black belt in Kung Fu, and holds black belts in three or four other martial arts. Using her hands or any of a dozen weapons, ancient or modern, she is deadly. Against attackers, she can defend herself; against her fears, she has no defense. She worked hard, and graduated early, with honors. She was Salutatorian the year she graduated. Chellie was Valedictorian the next year."
My head must have drooped. "Stay awake, Johnny. I'm afraid that if she wakes and finds you sleeping she will feel defenseless. If you're awake, she can feel safe, even though she could take you apart with one hand and have fingers left over."
We chatted about the things we usually chatted about. How was the office going? Did Freya have any other friends I should know about? How much I loved her. I barely noticed the weight of the little girl leaning on my shoulder or my hands caressing her lustrous, silky black hair.
For more than three hours, she slept. When she woke, she came instantly awake. Her eyes looked deadly, but unsure of where she was. Freya's voice comforted her, and Tiennie turned to check that her friend was still there. Tiennie even looked at me and smiled, like a little girl waking from her nap. For just an instant, her eyes went soft and unfocused, gentle and warm. Then she was fully awake again and they reverted to deadly when she woke up.
Her blush warmed my heart. She turned to Freya. "I haven't felt like that since you used to hold me when I had nightmares, at college." Her face returned to mine, "Thank you, Johnny. You were wonderful. Freya was right, you are a treasure." It was a stretch, but she moved up and gave me the smallest peck on my cheek; I felt like I had won the Nobel Peace Prize.
"My pleasure, Tiennie. I would be glad to hold you any time you like." I looked over her shiny hair and smiled at my wife. "Freya told me I would be glad to help, and as you know, she's always right."
Fortunately for me, Freya smiled back at me. (It was rather chilly and there was quite a breeze that night, sleeping outside might have been uncomfortable.)
The British accent, so incongruous and formal in such a delicate flower, said that she was feeling better. "I'd best be going now. I've made you stay up quite late. I'm truly sorry. But I'm also ever so grateful."
Standing would have been hard for me, since Tiennie was practically on top of me. Fortunately, both the ladies rose at the same time. Freya simply lifted herself regally from the sofa and turned, hand outstretched, to help Tiennie. Tiennie needed no help; she flowed upwards like silk in a breeze, graceful as a dancer. Their hands met and pulled them towards one another, in a long-practiced hug.
By the time they released, I had managed to get myself up, too. I was about to shake Tiennie's hand good-by when her arms wrapped around my waist and she hugged me tightly. She was delightful, she even smelled of some faintly asian perfume. "Thank you again, Johnny. I can't tell you how good I feel now."
She blushed again, so I took a chance, bent almost in half and kissed her cheek and whispered in her doll-sized ear, "You're welcome. Freya and I would be glad to see you any time, so come back soon."
The smile on Freya's face let me know that I had said the right thing, at least this time. "That's right. Come back soon."
What is it about these college women and phones in the early morning? Precisely at 8 AM, the phone rang and it was Tiennie. Freya answered it and was inviting her back before I could figure out who might be calling that early. (It wasn't really that early; we were ready to leave for the office, but I wasn't used to talking with anyone except Freya or Chellie that early in the day.) Freya even asked her to come stay at our house, because we had plenty of empty beds, and they could stay up later chatting if they wanted, just like in college. The move was decided before I could have managed to croak out 'Good morning.' Tiennie would bring her suitcases and herself over at six that evening, for dinner and an old-fashioned hen party.
Ten minutes 'til six that evening, I looked out our front window and saw Tiennie sitting in her car, waiting for the appointed hour. Freya would never have forgiven me if I didn't walk out immediately and insist that Tiennie come inside. She was set to wait until six, but I prevailed. I even carried her suitcases and showed her the spare room that Freya had prepared for her. Then I took hold of her miniature, porcelain-like hand and led her into the kitchen, where Freya handed her a cup of iced green tea.
Since Freya remembered the drink was Tiennie's favorite, she had made a large batch. She poured one for me and another for herself. It was cool, refreshing, fruity, slightly sweet, and totally delicious. Tiennie and I stood in the kitchen while Freya stirred several dishes in their pots. When she tipped them into serving platters, we each carried some into the breakfast area and placed them on the prepared table. The plates were exactly what I expected, but next to each place setting were two dowels and no silverware. My unasked question was clear in my face, and Freya laughed before she answered. "Those are chopsticks, Johnny. Proper Chinese meals are eaten with chopsticks rather than the less civilized knife, fork, and spoon. I think the food tastes better when eaten in the proper manner. It will take you a little practice to get used to them, and that will leave more food for us!" She laughed again, a totally delightful sound that rang in my ears. I was too happy just listening to her to be angry. That night, I learned to use chopsticks.
After dinner, Freya took Tiennie's hand and led her to the couch. This time, she placed me at one end, and put Tiennie closer to the middle, but facing away from me. She sat herself at the other end of the sofa, facing Tiennie and smiling. "You are in for a rare treat tonight. Johnny is going to massage your back. But this must be kept completely secret; if other people found out about Johnny's magical massages, they would be lining up around the block, waiting for turns. There might even be fights over who gets to go next."
Tiennie smiled at this hyperbole. "Then I am one of the very few lucky ones, and I am sworn to secrecy. Even if they torture me, I will not let this secret pass my lips."
Before she started speaking again, Freya nodded at me, so I started gently rubbing Tiennie's shoulders. Freya continued the running gag, "We are the avowed sisterhood of Johnny's masagees and we solemnly swear never to reveal the existence of our secret, nor the reason for our sworn refusal to reveal it." It must have been a game they played at college, because they both went on in this florid language for ten or fifteen minutes. I got busy working on Tiennie's shoulders and neck.
For such a small, soft-seeming girl, Tiennie had hard muscles. At first, I thought she was just tense. (She was tense, but that was not the only reason. She had well developed musculature, probably from all the martial arts. Whether she looked like it or not, she was very strong.) After a while, I started working harder to soften the tight muscles. I must have gotten something right, because at that point, she started moaning softly. When I thought the pressure on one area might have been too much, I changed places. I worked on her neck and shoulders, swapped for a while by gently massaging her scalp, then went back to her neck and shoulders. After as much pressure there as I thought she could stand, I moved down her back. The sighs and moans became almost constant and I could feel the muscles relaxing under my fingers, at last. She was also leaning forwards more and more, and ended up with her head in Freya's lap.
The exact point at which Tiennie fell asleep was never clear, but she did fall asleep. Freya signaled me to press more softly for a while. Then she touched my hand and thought at me silently that I should just caress her head, hair, neck, and back, so I followed her suggestions and gently stroked the sleeping girl while Freya spoke to her in soothing tones and soft words. I carried Tiennie to her bed that night and Freya tucked her in. Whatever was bothering her had finally relaxed its hold, at least for the night, because she slept straight through until Freya woke her in the morning to tell her we were going to work.
The office was having computer networking problems, and I had to work through lunch. Freya ate out, with Tiennie, and came back smiling. She even brought some take-out for me, so I wouldn't miss lunch entirely. She kept me company while I ate and worked on the computer problems, and told me of her plans for the evening.
Tiennie had 'stopped in' as she put it, and bought some 'takeaway' for our dinner. There was a selection of what she described as 'Curries and Veggies' and which I was informed were Indian food. I had never tried these foreign seeming dishes - the colors, smells, and textures were all unexpected. They were a gift from our guest, and Freya was there to be sure I remembered my manners, so I tried some of each, and went back for seconds on several of the dishes that pleased my palate. Especially the desserts, rice pudding with pistachios, and yogurt with several types of fruit, were delicious. I scooped up the last dribbles in the serving plates with some bits of 'naan', a thin bread that had been toasted and which I also found delectable.
Freya's plans included a full-body massage for Tiennie tonight. Tiennie had heard from my wife that, whenever she was tense, or feeling out-of-sorts because of the baby, one of my full-body massages made her feel wonderful and she always slept like a baby afterwards. Unfortunately, Tiennie's business suits or other outdoor outfits were too heavy to get the full effect. Tiennie was ready to do almost anything to feel this magical effect, so she agreed to wear her pajamas while I massaged her.
Her pajamas were silk, and consisted of a sleeveless top and a pair of short shorts. She had agreed, since Freya insisted, that she would forgo underwear. (Did I mention that Freya could sell ice to eskimos?) Tiennie giggled when she came into our bedroom wearing a robe over her pajamas. "I'm still a little embarrassed to be wearing so little, and I don't know you that well yet, but Freya promised that I would be safe in your hands, and I believe her. The robe slid off and was draped over a chair back; The tan silk of Tiennie's costume wasn't transparent, but it clung to her delicious-looking body and I could tell she had followed instructions, she wasn't wearing a bra or panties under the delicate material. The peach blush on Tiennie's skin went well with her light colored fabric as she walked over to the bed and laid her tiny body down where Freya was pointing.
"Now, don't you worry a bit. I'll be right here next to you the whole time. And Johnny is good as gold when it comes to keeping his hands away from places you don't want them. Just relax and tell him your life story while he works and I'll hold your hand. When you are tired of talking, it will be my turn. And we will just lay here and relax as if we were still in the dorm, scaring away nightmares."
A little sigh of acceptance escaped from Tiennie's soft lips as my hands started stroking her shoulders. Her voice was low, but carried well enough that Freya and I, who were only a foot away from her, could hear it. "I was born in Hong Kong. My family was fairly well off and my sisters and I went to the best schools. We learned English as well as Mandarin and Cantonese. When we reached the minimum age for the sport, we each were enrolled in Chinese martial arts. I did well and ended with black belts in Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chinese kickboxing, and a few other disciplines. Several years before Hong Kong was returned to Chinese ownership, my father managed to arrange a job here, in the States, and moved us all to San Francisco. We are now all American Citizens, and proud of it, but will not forget that we are also Chinese."
"My schooling continued here, in California, after we moved. Some of the other forms of martial arts, from countries other than China, appealed to me, and I learned Aikido, Karate, Ninjitsu, and several others during my High School years. I went to the same college as Freya, and she was a real friend to me. Because I was advanced in my schooling, I graduated from college when I was sixteen. The Air Force Academy accepted me for advanced education and I earned dual Doctorates in Security Planning and Physical Education, specializing in teaching self-defense. After I graduated, the Academy administration offered me a staff position teaching cadets the different types of self-defense and martial arts. Of course, being the military, I had to become proficient in many different types of modern weapons and I teach those in my classes, as well. I am in California for an educational conference discussing cross-training and competition between the different styles, including using the ancient weapons. We are also considering adding classes in weapons invention and competitions against modern weapons."
I worked on her neck, shoulders, and back as she continued.
"As for the problems with being unable to sleep - I have always shared my room with one or more of my sisters at home. In the Academy, I was in a dorm with lots of other cadets, or in an apartment with up to four other students. After graduation, I found a friendly girl to 'split' the expenses for my new apartment. So, I have hardly ever been alone. When I came for this conference, I discovered that I had extreme difficulties sleeping with no other people nearby. I want to thank you both for allowing me to stay here, by the way. I feel like I am back home and can finally relax."
"There is more than just feeling lonely or homesick to my current problems, however. I have had the feeling, ever since I arrived, that someone is watching me, and my nerves are constantly on edge, seeking the watcher. I have not found him, but I feel him. He must have lost me when I moved from the hotel to here, because I have felt him at the convention center, but never around your house."
Softer and softer, her voice was weakening as I relaxed the tense muscles. When is was just above a whisper, Freya took over. "What she didn't mention, Johnny, was that she is the youngest instructor, ever, in the Air Force Academy, and she is probably the smallest, too. And yet, she still throws full grown men, including Air Force Football players all around her classroom. Don't get on her bad side, if you want to live." This remark made smiles grow on both women's faces.
"There was one time, when we were at school, that one of the athletes tried to take advantage of her size on a date. Fortunately, there were witnesses that she told him multiple times to stop touching her and to leave her alone. After he was released from the hospital, he was kicked out of the college. None of the coeds missed him, even his girlfriend said she was happier with him gone. But Tiennie has been very shy of dates since that happened."
The voice Freya was using gradually got softer and softer and she moved her mouth closer to Tiennie's ear, until I was no longer able to hear her and the conversation became private, between the two of them. I continued with my massages, working on her scalp, down her arms, and even down her legs.
As I had told Freya, I had never considered even dating a girl who wasn't white, but the proximity to this girl's yellowed ivory skin and smooth body was starting to turn me on. I'm sure Freya knew, the way she kept looking up from her one-sided conversation every few minutes. She put one of her hands on my arm and I could feel her thinking, "Johnny, don't rush. Take it slow. If Tiennie isn't smart enough to want you, I'm sure I can find something to do which will make you happy."
"I'm sure you can, my love. And you do make me happy, just by being with me. You make me ecstatic, every time I can see our baby inside your beautiful body. Oh, I enjoy the sex, too."
Have you ever imagined what a giggle would sound like if it were silent. Freya's response reminded me of her platinum laughter, except it was muted. "Would you like to see her naked? I think she is relaxed enough to start on my more devious plots now."
My stern look was betrayed because Freya could feel my body's stimulation at the thought of seeing this China doll naked. She giggled silently again. "I'll try not to disappoint you." And she returned to her whispering, this time loud enough for me to hear.
"Tiennie, Johnny is going to take off your shirt so he can do your back better. Is that OK?"
Muffled moans were the only reply, but she didn't object when Freya and I started pulling Tiennie's silky shirt up her soft body. She even lifted so we could slip the top out from under her shoulders and head. Freya held Tiennie's hands over her head and slipped the fabric up to her wrists, then held it there while I applied my magic fingers to Tiennie's arms, neck, shoulders, back, and legs. I could see the side of girl's breasts, compressed under her torso. The shorts, which were the only thing she still had on, left her legs uncovered, and I could see occasional flashes of her cheeks under the shorts. Her beauty was starting to turn me on. I ran my hands up Tiennie's sides so I could feel her breasts; they were soft. I worked my way up her legs until I reached her bottom and it was warm, but firm.
Constantly, Freya was talking in Tiennie's ear. "Doesn't that feel good? Just relax and let the feelings take you. You are completely safe; I'm here, Johnny's here. Let yourself go."
“I can’t believe it, it wasn’t a dream” Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief; his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man; and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had taken place she had been under the influence of alcohol; and possibly distressed by a relative’s funeral. “Will she now return to her usual sex hating self; and hate me for my...
Introduction: Discovering its not a dream, she had been fucked. This is part two, the first part can be reached by clicking on my name at the top which will take you to my story page. I cant believe it, it wasnt a dream Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief, his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man, and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had...
This is inspired by a real life experience, meeting my mistress. She asked me to write about our meeting and so I did.Third DominationThe evening is getting darker and the first drops of rain hit the car windows as I arrive and park my car in front of the house. I glance at the clock, it is still seven minutes to the agreed time. Turning off the ignition, silence suddenly seems overwhelming and as the car lights turn automatically off after a minute, I am left sitting in the darkness,...
The next day, Mike, Mary and I talked for an hour or so. They’d gotten me a lawyer to help with the lawsuit and introduced me before they left. He was hard-nosed and middle-aged. He told me what he’d been able to find out and a lot of it was the same as Eve. Police had compelled a blood sample when she refused the breath test and she tested positive for cocaine in addition to having a blood alcohol that should have rendered her incapable of even standing up. “You should be prepared for an...
Third Crisis is a lewd tactical RPG packed with fap-worthy content. Who doesn’t love watching a proud babe get slowly but surely turned into a cum-hungry whore? It’s one of the best genres of porn games out there: corruption. Hell, I’ve even corrupted a prude girl or two. I swear I had this Catholic practically begging for me to tie her up and fuck her face until she cried. But those things come simply to alphas like me. My dick’s got a pussy magnet on it that I couldn’t shut off if I tried. I...
Free Sex Games(The author wishes to once more thank Madame Silver Grizzly for her very kind and thoughtful collaboration.) "Third Time - Part Six" The vibration of her cell phone jarred Janet back from her daydream. When she saw her home number on the caller ID, her heart jumped. It had been almost a week since the infamous injections. Living through those days of Willie's coma, Janet had been plagued with guilt and anxiety. Without the sedatives given her by Rebecca, Janet never would have...
DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...
Got the letter today. Guess what? Third time ain’t the damn charm… still not a Super.Dear Applican’t, (is probably what they wanted to write), after careful review of an impressive candidate pool, blah blah, we regret (sure) to inform you that your application is not competitive enough for entrance into Supers Academy; however, we are considering you as a candidate for blah. I scan the list of recruits. Those that made it are the who’s who of future Supers. Many were plucked from the same damn...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"I slapped her tits with my cock, rubbed my balls on her nose, and sprayed all over her face." That's the reason no one liked working with Leo. Not that he was a bad guy, he just had no filter when it came to speaking. Lines like that, to Leo, were as normal as "Good morning," or "Extra sugar with my coffee please." The early fall was the busiest time of the year for the factory. They would often run a first and second shift on the production floor and a second and third shift in the warehouse....
Gay MaleThis story as with all the others of mine may be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Follow the Standard Disclaimer, 18 years or old, offended by TG Fiction, graphical natured stories and such. Don't read it. Else, enjoy. Third World War Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 I will start by giving you the background on my story. It was in 2052 that the planetary war, or Third World War ended. It was all started by an accidental computer malfunction in 2038. It was...
*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...
You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...
“Oh come on, Annie, just a quick fuck, for old times’ sake.” “You have got to be kidding, Ollie.” “Ok, maybe not a fuck, but how about a blow-job? One last time.” “Oh, fuck it, ok, a blow-job. But it’ll have to be a quick one.” He was already undoing his belt. I pushed him back against the wash-basin, hitched up my frock, and knelt down, hoping the floor wasn’t too dirty. I unzipped his fly, and tugged down the front of his briefs as he undid the last button and his trousers descended...
Sophia was walking down the main shopping street of her home city. She had a busy last few days at college, but today she had no classes, so she had the whole day to relax. Sophia was not like other girls. She was born with both male and female reproductive organs. She didn’t have balls, but her body still produced a liquid that resembled sperm. This liquid was unique in the fact that it didn’t contain any DNA. The doctors said she was a wonder of nature. That didn’t stop the people from...
With your classes done for the week, you head back to your apartment just across the street from campus. One of the perks of sophomore year is that you got to escape the hellholes that were the freshman dorms. You're a fairly average, nondescript kind of guy, but the jocks will pick on anyone who isn't one of them. In short, you are happy to be away from all of that. Hopping into your building, you climb the stairs to your second floor apartment. On the way up, your across the hall neighbor,...
Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...
TeenWith this power, you can stop time. And while time is stopped, the people that aren't moving can be moved by you, in any way that a normal person can move. You can remove the persons cloths, and you can even turn them on so that the experience isn't so dry. (Or just bring lube, both options will be available when I get around to it!) Now, just look through the list below, and choose your target. (Feel free to comment on people that you would like added, maybe scenarios that you would like with...
"Happy Birthday Bro!", my best friend Eduardo says. He hands me a square shaped box and, curiously I open it to see what it is. I open it and I see its a nice watch with leather straps and a metal frame. "Cool, it's old school." I said. "You like it?" he asked. "Heck yeah man!", I replied. After my birthday party at night I sat in my bed before I went to sleep. I was holding the watch in my hand. I noticed it had two knobs on the side rather than one. "Hmm", I thought. "That's pretty weird. I...
I don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe next morning I wake up a hungry and I can smell food cooking. Barbara is out of the bed, so I figured she got up to make breakfast. I go wash up real quick and head to the kitchen to see Barbara and my granny Alice both in the kitchen my granny wearing a red see thru night gown with white panties and bra, and Barbara is in her black bran and panties, laughing and giggling like school girls making potatoes, eggs, pancakes and bacon. I didn't bother them, so I decided to slide into Sam's room...
For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...
So Monday Night Raw was AMAZING!!! I emptied my balls so many times. And my dreams came true with some fun time in the shower with the Hugger herself Bayley. There was so many sexy ladies of WWE there but there was plenty missing from the fun. So I had to make my way to Smackdown Live!. I didnt have any tickets but that wasnt stopping me. I got on a bus and headed to Orlando. I was so excited. I made my way to the arena as soon as I got there. Now I just had to get inside. Should be easy...
This one is quite a read, so sit back and relax with some hot cocoa or something fancy ;)P.S. Again, did not write this myself. Again found by themessengerDay 2 - ThursdayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. He had no recollection about what he was dreaming about. He felt his usual anger towards life and the beginning of the day, but nothing extra, which generally was a good sign for him. He shut off his alarm and got up to head to the shower.When he was in the hallway just about to get in...
This story is about a guy who finds he has the ability to stop time. If you don't like the concept, don't read it.A few things before it starts. There is next to nothing sexual in Day 1. Day 1 is just an introduction to the character and situation, things that are necessary to make the story work. Day 2 is where the fun stuff comes in.P.S. I did not write this story, it's just a story I read and think should be shared with all you xHam people. Enjoy! Originally posted I am sure by Day 1 -...
Again I did not write this. Sadly this is the last one, the person who wrote this didn't do any more sadly. I hope you enjoyed them and you enjoy this last one :)Day 6 – MondayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. His eyes jerked open, but he laid there for a few moments just staring at the ceiling. Then he shook his head and smiled, imagining the day before him. After spending several moments planning out his day, Warren finally reached over, slapped his alarm clock off and headed straight...
Hope all of you are enjoying them :) Day 5 – SundayWarren woke up to the sound of someone yelling. Just waking up, he couldn't make out what was said, but it was more than enough to wake him up. Looking over at his clock, Warren saw that it was just before noon. He pulled himself up into a sitting position and dropped his head to his hands, his head pulsing from having drank the night before. For awhile Warren just sat there. Then his head shot up as he remembered having woken up to the sound...
Day 4 – SaturdayThe sound of the front door slamming woke Warren up. He looked over at his alarm clock. It was 6:43 A.M. – on a Saturday. Why was he awake? His mom never came home this early after her nights out.Warren jerked his head towards his door as he heard the sound of the toilet from the bathroom he shares with his sister flushing.Then the night before suddenly rushed back into his mind, and what he had set up between Joe and his sister. The sound of the door slamming must have been Joe...
It's another long read but I hope all of you are enjoying it as much as I did.Day 3 – FridayWarren was fucking Ms. Burkhart. It was in her empty classroom, her hands were on the board, he was thrusting into her from behind, both were moaning in pleasure.Then it all disappeared as Warren's alarm went off. Warren slammed his fist into the side of his bed, pissed that his dream had been cut off mid-fuck. But only a moment after that, Warren smiled, thinking about how he could make that dream...
This one is quite a read, so sit back and relax with some hot cocoa or something fancy ;)Day 2 - ThursdayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. He had no recollection about what he was dreaming about. He felt his usual anger towards life and the beginning of the day, but nothing extra, which generally was a good sign for him. He shut off his alarm and got up to head to the shower.When he was in the hallway just about to get in the bathroom, he heard his sister shout, “Don't jerk off today, I...
This story is about a guy who finds he has the ability to stop time. If you don't like the concept, don't read it.A few things before it starts. There is next to nothing sexual in Day 1. Day 1 is just an introduction to the character and situation, things that are necessary to make the story work. Day 2 is where the fun stuff comes in. Day 1 - WednesdayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. He had been dreaming about Sarah again. He hated it when he dreamed about Sarah. He didn't even really...
It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...
Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...
TranssexualIn this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- Chapter 1 This bitch sitting in front of me will not shut up. My wife's upset next to me in...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! --------------------------------- CHAPTER 2 I awake to the perfect silence again, the world still frozen around me. I had...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! --------------------------------- CHAPTER 3 A bit later, I still lay there admiring the mess next to me, she's sweaty...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 4 Again I wake, not knowing how long I was out, no indications of time passing in...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 5 After punishing the Bitch for what seems like hours, I'm completely worn out. In...
In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 6 The Final Chapter After I clean myself up in the restroom sink, I go relax for a...
These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write about. All characters are considered 18+. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. FETISH WARNINGS -Gross pervy sniffing/tasting (armpits, sweat, everything) -Gross bodily fluids -Non-consensual / rape -Face...
DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. I do not condone any of the things I write about! All characters are 18+. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely...
Mary stood nervously on the platform. She had missed her usual train, having stayed back with some friends for a post work drink, and now it was just after nine thirty, and dark. There were fewer people on the platform than usual, probably due to the late hour, she didn’t often ride this late, Jack, her husband didn’t like her to ride the subway at night, he had heard so many tales of women being molested on trains. Mary hadn’t told him, that that had been one of her most precious fantasies....
Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...
The memory of myself as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants of the...
Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...
Mary stood nervously on the platform. She had missed her usual train, having stayed back with some friends for a post work drink, and now it was just after nine thirty, and dark. There were fewer people on the platform than usual, probably due to the late hour, she didn’t often ride this late, Jack, her husband didn’t like her to ride the subway at night, he had heard so many tales of women being molested on trains. Mary hadn’t told him, that that had been one of her most precious fantasies....
I drove a regular route through the Ozarks and frequently stopped for dinner at a little family-type restaurant. Food and prices were good and I got to know the people who ran it. The boss seemed to be a woman they called Grannie, although I wasn’t sure why. She looked barely old enough to maybe be my mom. One night the weather looked grim and I was debating whether to drive into the night. Grannie came over and said she’d just heard from the state police that the roads were getting closed. I...
After talking with Jessica and Jenny for a while, discussion petered out so they said that they would visit me tomorrow. Billy, the other patient in the ward had regained conscious but was still very ill from the anaesthetic. I could feel his constant worry about his loss of income and how it would affect his home loan, there was a chance they could loose every thing they had put into renovating the house. I was still feeling a little out of sorts so I just closed my eyes and relaxed still...
I tried to figure out what was happening, I can't for the life of me remember who I am, how did I get into the fight? My ability to hear thoughts, can I do more than just 'hear' them, the extra strength, did I always have it? The same with the slow motion thing, are these things something I achieved from the blow to my head? My thoughts were interrupted by a distinguished gentleman entering the ward. "Jimmy, how are you feeling?" I sensed this man was someone important in my life. I...
I hope Jessica is a good cook, the grub in here is bland and that's complimenting it, the sooner I'm out the better. Billy in the other bed is starting to pick up a bit, we had a brief chat, he's still brooding about his financial dilemma, I wish I could help him some way he seems a decent chap. Uncle Ron dropped in the following day and I told him about the visit from the cop and what he had to say about Fr Ryan. He told me that the cop was Ray Cook and that he was a good friend of his...
I awoke late the next morning to the sound of the shower running in the adjoining bathroom, Jenny must be getting ready for school I thought, I'll give her a little privacy and then get my own ablutions out of the way. After I had cleaned up I made my way down to the kitchen, Jess greeted me and commented that I looked a lot better than yesterday. Jen was about to leave for school and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips before taking off. "She worships you Jimmy, don't ever hurt her, she...
"Your father, Joe and I married two sisters, Joe married Mary your mother and I married Alice. Mary and Alice came from a wealthy family, their parents were early settlers and they bought up a lot of property locally. Joe and I came from similar although not so wealthy backgrounds. Alice was unable to bear children due to childhood illness that left her barren, Joe and Mary tried for several years to have children but without success, Joe had a low sperm count. Mary and Alice decided that I...
Ron called by and asked me if I would like to come out for a drive and get some fresh air, I jumped at the chance, I was starting to feel hemmed in. Once we were under way I mentioned the bet and the way that the name 'Rimfire' seemed to jump out at me, maybe it was my imagination but I felt confident in making the bet. "The way things have been shaping up Jimmy, I think there's more than an even chance that you could be right, hmmm Rimfire you say, OK lets see what the local bookie's...
There was several bank wallets containing a mixture of bank notes, a quick calculation brought the amount to just under a thousand pounds. There were several documents and a passport made out to the name of Cyril Metcalf. Very interesting I thought, why would he need a passport? I closed the safe and locked it, where to go from here? I mused, I was absently looking at the safe key in my hand, "that's it, if our friend can't get into the safe the money and passport are worthless to him....
"I would say by the look of things it was a matter of self defence Jimmy, but it will be up to the Coroner to make the final decision." Doc Downs arrived and Ray took him up to look at De Vent, when they came back down the doc was shaking his head, "Christ Jimmy, you're turning out to be a one man disaster area, will you try to keep out of trouble after this one?" "It's not me Doc all I do is try to defend myself, my poor old head was just starting to settle down when John gave me a...
Once the notice was placed in the window we bade everyone goodbye and locked the store up. Jenny decided to go to school although she really didn't feel like it, "I've got to meet it head on" she declared. "It'll be hard enough without all the supposition that will take place." On the way home Jess confided in me she was not able to manage the store on her own, De Vent took control once Dad was out of the picture, now she has to face it on her own. She didn't feel confident that any...
Jess gave Ron a call and explained our findings in the safe, he said he would give Ray Cook a call and be right over. They both arrived pretty close together. While we had been waiting for Ron and Ray to turn up Jess had counted the money, "Jesus Jimmy, there's nearly a thousand pounds here, he must have really been helping himself, we definitely have to get that audit underway now." Ray was very interested in the passport, "I'll take this Jess if you don't mind, it might shine a bit...
After we opened the store I was approached by Brian Maskell who handled all of the transporting and stock movements. "Jimmy, could I have a word with you?" "Of course Brian how can I help you?" "In three months time I become eligible for the old age pension, Helen and I are going to be travelling around Australia, we have bought on old bus and converted it into a motor home. The thing is I think you need to find someone to replace me, the three months gives us plenty of time to train...
Jess and I settled back and relaxed, we discussed how things had all come together at the store and kicked around a few ideas for the future. We lunched on the leftover ham with a salad that Jess had conjured up; we then sat out in the sun room with a couple of beers and stuffed our faces. After a while Jess went into the kitchen and returned carrying a couple of glasses and a bottle of Purple Para, a distinctively Australian wine with a deep purple hue and a very meaty consistency,...