Athens Queen
- 2 years ago
- 40
- 0
The next day was a Tuesday. It hardly seemed possible to Linda that she had only been in London for a week. She started to order room service mentally; but caught herself in time, and picked up the hotel phone instead. After she ordered a light breakfast Linda used the en-suite facilities to clean up, and do the necessaries. Breakfast service was quick and efficient, as one would expect from a five star hotel.
While they were eating Mouse asked, What’re our plans now? Are we going to rescue more SEALS? I thought some of them looked pretty damn good!
Linda thought things over for a few minutes. Let’s go over where we stand, just to refresh everything.
Money. We’re doing great, depending on how much it takes to buy out Waters International. We have several millions of IRS taxed dollars in our visible account, and billions in our invisible Cayman government account. The mansion and yacht are all paid for so no one is going to take those away. We have enough money to retire on tomorrow, if we wanted to.Golf. We have a tournament in Australia coming up next. I think we may skip the Asian tournaments, for now. I’m worried about confronting that Ancient One with the mind control until we’re stronger. No need to rub sand in her face. Yet.
Angels. We have Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Phoenix, Dallas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Ohio / Midwest, Boston, New York City, DC, and Miami all covered. I don’t want too many more Angels. To cover the geographic USA I want to put a snow-bunny Angel in Denver, Mouse. Another one in San Antonio to cover the area between Houston and El Paso. Make her a hot Latin lady. I want a Cajun in New Orleans to cover the deep south all the way to Florida. Last one in the forty-eight states would be Atlanta. I’ve been trying to come up with an appropriate Angel for Atlanta. I think we should go with a Cherokee Indian Angel. Atlanta was right in their homeland, before the ‘Trail of Tears’ moved them to Oklahoma. Remind me to talk to President Fredricks about improving Indian relations, too. He can start with canceling that pipe-line in North Dakota.
That gives us sixteen Angels. We may put a native Hawaiian girl Angel in Honolulu. I haven’t decided. We have to go back and check crime levels there, and see if they need an Angel of their own. The Silver Angel is the only Angel I want in Europe. I want to come up with other disguises for Europe. Like Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunt. Check her images out on the ‘net, Mouse. I think a Valkyrie for the Scandinavian countries would be good. I don’t have any clue yet about Paris or Germany. I’m not sure what to do about North Africa, either, if anything. Maybe an Egyptian Goddess of some kind. Australia ... I was reading about their history. They have an interesting myth about a ‘Rainbow Serpent.’ That might be fun. Long snake like dragons for the Asian countries, too, when we finally get around to those areas.
Today, I want to lock in those American Angel cities we haven’t been to yet. We’ll flash their new Angels, and kill any local deserving criminal types we find. We’ll also hit the prisons, like yesterday. Then tonight, we have that dinner with the Queen and Prime Minister. Those two Ambassadors, too.
It looks like we have a full day ahead of us. Jessie and the Lady Whisper should arrive in two or three days. That’s enough time for us to finish up the UK and be ready to head for the Med.
Everyone set? Twins take us back to Yuma,
Linda told the Posse.
She appeared in the very early morning skies above the Arizona town as a winged Apache girl wearing an ankle length, soft deerskin dress. Mouse’s disguise had lots of long fringe strips. Apache Angel wore her hair long and black. She was beautiful.
Take us in jumps along the border with Mexico, and memorize more locations for return trips. Ret, keep a scan going for trouble, Linda was now very comfortable passing out assignments to the Posse.
In the darkness Apache Angel jumped along the border between the United States and Mexico, pausing in Tucson, then moving to Phoenix and following Interstate Highway Ten to Las Cruces, New Mexico, and then on into El Paso.
Ret stopped their progress. We have a major Cartel right across the border from El Paso, in Juarez, Mexico. They’re as bad as we’ve seen anywhere. They have tunnels going under the border and coming out near the Interstate. A couple go all the way into El Paso. They’re using young boys who are hooked on huffing paint thinner or sniffing glue as couriers to deliver smack, meth, cocaine and Fentanyl. The stuff kills the kid’s brain cells. They also use the tunnels for running illegals into the USA. Good looking females they snatch and put to work in brothels, on both sides of the border. Mexican and American women, both. If their husband or families object, they kill them. They get the women hooked on drugs. Then they can force the girls to do all kinds of disgusting sex acts with animals or anything else they want. We have to stop this.
I agree, Linda told the Posse. We should have time to do this, and still get those four cities locked in with new Angels. Another time we’ll spend a full day just doing prisons. This mess ends, today! Ret, contact law enforcement on both sides of the border. We’ll be dropping off people needing help. When we’re done contact Juan by email and ask him to set up drug treatment centers in Ciudad Juarez and El Paso to treat the women and boys. Tell him to fund each center with one hundred million dollars. Have him tell the police officers what he’s doing, so they don’t just dump the victims back on the streets. The treatment centers will help anyone who needs it, free of charge.
Kelly, find those tunnels. I’m going to collapse any empty ones. We can deal with any occupied tunnels after that! Linda was angry. The Posse shared her mood. Angry Angels are not much fun at four in the morning. Not much fun any time of day. It was time to declare war on another Cartel.
Showtime, Ladies! The Posse is going to War! Mouse hollered out their familiar battle cry.
One of the tunnels into El Paso was empty, except for seventeen young, addicted boys living in squalor at the American end of the hidden tunnel. She scooped the boys up, a few at a time, and delivered them to the police station Ret directed her to. Most of them were virtually catatonic, and unresponsive. Apache Angel had tears in her eyes when she dropped them off. Ret made sure the cops knew financial help was coming later today. She also let them know the Angels would be very unhappy if the boys were mistreated. One cop lost control of his bladder. No one laughed. They were all intimidated by Apache Angel, and the whole Angel legend.
Linda returned and tore the empty tunnel apart. She collapsed the whole thing, starting at one end and working all the way to the other. No one would use the tunnel again. This tunnel of misery, and pain no longer existed.
The other tunnel had several Cartel thugs escorting a stream of illegal immigrants trudging north to what they hoped would be a better life. Any addicted kids had scattered out of the tunnel to avoid the Cartel nasties. Linda killed the thugs. She tore off arms and legs. Tink cut them in half. She left the immigrants alone. They were illegals, yes; but solving the immigration nightmare was not something she felt qualified to get involved with. Let ICE and the new American government deal with that problem.
Apache Angel appeared in front of the crowd of immigrants, and told them, Immigration does not concern Angels. That is between you and the American government. The Posse was shocked when all of them got down on their knees and prayed. To her. Thanking her for sparing their lives! Most of them were crying. Linda’s heart ached, but she had more work to do this day. The Twins moved the Posse to the tunnels near the Interstate. Linda and Tink destroyed the southern half of this tunnel.
There were three tunnels running from Mexico to exits close to Interstate Ten. The border was very near the major highway here. It was an easy spot for human and drug contraband to arrive and get transported deeper into the United States by vehicles driving down the Interstate. DEA and ICE agents were unaware of these newly constructed tunnels.
Ret let the Posse know one tunnel was vacant. Linda collapsed it. This far from the city none of the addicted boys were involved.
The other two tunnels were occupied. One had another stream of illegals headed into the United States. The third tunnel contained a string of human mules carrying drugs, and their Cartel escorts. Meth, cocaine, Fentanyl, and heroin. They were all bound for different cities, different distribution locations.
Linda and Tink executed the three Cartel thugs delivering the illegals in the second tunnel. She left the illegals alone. Again, they were not her business. She collapsed two thirds of the tunnel from the Mexican side toward the American side.
In the last tunnel Apache Angel arrived with a vengeance! She decapitated the thugs by using her TK to pull their heads off. Tink dissolved the drugs. Ret told the mules, in Spanish, that if she ever caught them delivering drugs to the United States again they would suffer the same fate as the Cartel’s criminals. They ran back into Mexico as fast as they could. Linda collapsed the tunnel behind them.
What’s next? Mouse asked.
We’re going to eradicate this entire Cartel. Every member. Everyone involved. That includes wives, but not children. If the kids were old enough to know and participate, that’s different. I want us to send a message here to all the Cartels. The good times are over. Hell has arrived in Mexico. So have the Angels.
Ret, did you get any information from those Cartel heavies for us? Linda asked her.
Of course I did. I wasn’t sitting around polishing my nails. Kelly follow my lead to these assholes, Ret replied with a grim look. She was just as angry as Linda.
Mouse, we’d best go invisi again. These guys have a lot of guns. Tink, you and I are going to make this a bloody mess, Linda decided. Boneless meat bags just like Tijuana, but cut them in half, too. Ret get any banking information you can. We’ll just forward that straight to the White House this time.
Won’t people link the Tijuana deaths with Juarez? Mouse asked.
Yep. I want all the Cartels to worry about losing the bones in their bodies. That’s our special Cartel recipe. Tenderized thugs. Angels can use terror as a weapon, too, Linda whispered.
The Twins moved the Posse three hundred feet above a large, walled compound. Ret told everyone there were one hundred seventy mobsters inside. Linda and Tink got busy. It was still very early in the morning. Most of the gangsters were still asleep. They died that way, too. First, Linda and Tink took care of the guards stationed around and inside the compound buildings. Then, they went after the sleepers.
Linda saved the boss and his family for last. He was called El Guapo, or The Handsome One in English. By the time Linda finished working him over he could be called ‘hamburger.’ He went to Hell cursing and screaming.
His wife was guilty, too. She ran the whore business and made sure the women were addicted to heroin and cocaine. Ret searched her mind and found the business ledgers detailing all the women current and past who were forced to work for the Cartel. Which country they came from. Where the living still worked. Where the dead were buried. Her sixteen year old son was in charge of keeping the ledgers up-to-date. He and his father sampled the merchandise till they were turned over to his men, or to the whorehouses. Mother and son died. Linda and the Posse rescued seventeen women at the compound.
Utilizing Ret’s information Kelly and Karen took the Posse to each of the whorehouses, on both sides of the border. Most of the American women were in Mexican whorehouses. Most of the Mexican women were in American whorehouses. It took the Posse several hours to round up all the women and get them transported to the police stations Ret had picked out. She delivered the ledgers, too. Any Cartel employees at the whorehouses died. After the women were rescued Tink dissolved the buildings where the women were forced to work.
After Linda and her Posse had rescued everyone, and killed those deserving death, they returned to the main compound. Ret told them the drugs and money were stashed in the huge basement under the boss’ hacienda. Linda and the girls popped downstairs and were astounded at the sheer volume of drugs and guns stored here. Tink got busy dissolving them. This stuff was too dangerous to trust law enforcement to deal with. Too tempting. The drugs and guns represented millions of dollars in street value.
In the money room the girls were surprised. El Guapo didn’t trust banks. Ret told them he had almost twenty-three billion dollars in one big stack wrapped up in cling-wrap. The stack was four feet tall and about eight feet by eight feet in width and depth. Linda decided to deliver it to the President. The Twins teleported Linda and the whole pile to the Oval Office. The room was vacant. It wasn’t quite time for the President to start his day. Linda moved furniture out of the way and left the pile of money in the middle of the room.
Mr. President, this is the Apache Angel. I have left a few dollars in the Oval Office. It belonged to a Mexican Cartel. They don’t exist any longer. Please use the money to aid American Indians. Oh, and get rid of that pipeline in North Dakota. Indians don’t want it on their land.
Linda and the Posse returned to the compound in Juarez. Tink dissolved all the buildings and the exterior wall. She left the bags of meat that were formerly Cartel gangsters laying there to rot when the hot sunshine returned.
She was getting tired, so Linda and the girls decided to wait for tomorrow to lock in San Antonio, Denver, Atlanta, and New Orleans. They had a dinner party to attend in London.
Back in her hotel room Linda showered and started going through her clothes, looking for something appropriate to wear. She was going to meet the Queen of Great Britain! She needed to get her hair done, and her nails and...
Uh, Linda? What are you doing? Ret asked.
Mouse, the Twins, and Tink started laughing.
It’s the Queen! We have to look our best. I think we should wear the emerald and diamond jewelry, with that lovely green dress we bought in LA, a harried Linda was busy talking to herself.
Linda, stop stressing. The Silver Angel is going to meet the Queen. Not Linda Spencer! Ret reminded her. We don’t have to worry about what we look like. Mouse will take care of everything.
Mouse nodded, and broke out laughing again. Tink, and the Twins had never stopped laughing.
Okay, okay. You got me. I really wanted to dress up nice, though. It just seems wrong to wear jeans and a sweater to a formal dinner with the Queen, Linda grumbled.
Anyone know exactly where this dinner’s going to be at? Tink asked.
Why don’t we just ask the Prime Minister? He should know, Linda whispered. Ret? Kelly? Can we talk to him?
Mr. Prime Minister, I have the Silver Angel calling for you on line three, Ret whispered to the British Prime Minister.
“What? What’s that you say? Who is this?” the Prime Minister, Gerald Donaldson was startled and speaking out loud to apparently no one as he was alone in his dressing room. Linda was standing in the corner, invisible.
Sir, it’s me, the Silver Angel. Sorry for that introduction. I was just being silly. You don’t need to speak. Just think, and I’ll hear you, Linda took over the ‘phone call’ from Ret.
Ret, behave now, let me speak to him, through you, and relay his answers to all of us, please.
Well now, this is a bit unusual. You’re really the Silver Angel then? And you can hear my thinking, I mean my thoughts? I’d best keep things on the up and up then! Gerald Donaldson thought back.
I want to attend the dinner tonight with you and the Queen. I saw an invitation on the television. Was that for real, or just a hoax of some sort?
Yes, yes. It was a real invitation. You don’t have a proper address and phone number. It seemed the only way to attempt contact. It seems to have worked for the Americans with that Wonder Angel, so we decided to try the same thing, here.
Good. I do want to go, but I have no idea where the dinner will be located. I would ask what should I wear, but I only have the one skin available, Linda giggled.
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No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...
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I am so ashamed. I am just so ashamed of myself, you have no idea. I have been so bad I should be punished by one or two of you fine looking women. Really, I have been a bad boy. I have let you people down big time. Oh yes, I really did it this time. Here I am on an adult web site and what do I write? Childish nonsense about lost tribes of wild women, going back to the Garden Of Eden, girls tied to fences. Utter nonsense. Here you people are out there, expecting some hot adult entertainment and...
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Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
(Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang) By: XTALES All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex. If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. PS: I am not a native English...
After Athea’s decision to leave Falkath, they sent servants to call for the Clan-Chiefs. Now back at the hall, Roban had taken his seat on the Throne of Blood. He watched the opposing forces; about fifty Norgar Clan-Chiefs, Ognar and Gyorak among them, were facing his little sister with Iane at her side. The rest of their friends had fanned out behind them. “I called for you to let you know about some decisions I have made,” Athea told the gathered Chiefs. “You mean decisions, the...
The year is 1099 and the first crusades have begun. My name is John and I am a Christian Crusader fighting for the city of Jerusalem. We have fought for many days for this city but all have died except for me. Alone in the desert, I now march to find anyone who can help a warrior like me. With only my sword, armor, and a few drops of water I begin to feel the heat affecting my body. Every step I take causes me pain and soon I give up and lie down to rest. I soon drift off into a deep sleep...
The year is 1099 and the first crusades have begun. My name is John and I am a Christian Crusader fighting for the city of Jerusalem. We have fought for many days for this city but all have died except for me. Alone in the desert, I now march to find anyone who can help a warrior like me. With only my sword, armor, and a few drops of water I begin to feel the heat affecting my body. Every step I take causes me pain and soon I give up and lie down to rest. I soon drift off into a deep sleep...
anal - crossdresser - feminization - gay - transformation - submission - first time - pantyhose - lingerieI was thrilled when my boss told me he was sending me to San Francisco for a conference. It was a location on my "Top 10 places I wanted to go". I went online and Googled the major attractions and tourist "must sees in San Francisco. The conference was Wednesday to Friday and I figured I would add a couple of days and tour this unique American city. Through the Google search, I found many...
Following Twilight's words I now understood what had happened to me, although I influence Twilight when I was fighting with it, I had opened my mind to a two-way communications! Normally Twilight had no real part to play only in protecting me and striking at my enemies, using my senses along the way. But with the emotions of Twilight coming into play it had filled me with a rage which I couldn't control. "Twilight I understand how you felt." I said which was an understatement — I felt...
Dedicated to a green-eyed girl from the Northwest. It had been such a bad day for Liz. Her cubicle at the newspaper sales office took on the feel of a cell at San Quentin. Her obnoxious co-workers had their ‘jerk-meters’ cranked up to eight, a car dealer had threatened to pull his two-page ad because the paper ran a story about their little habit of selling cars with bad titles, Fred in the cubicle across from her kept joking about stealing her account with the florist, and to top it off,...
I slowly sunk to my knees as the execution decree was read aloud. It is here by ordered by king Henry that his queen and wife be put to death by beheading for crimes of consortingand fornicating outside of the royal chambers. The words stunned me and filled me with the fear of dying by having my head chopped off. The fear of execution was so great that I felt hot piss streaming down my legs and forming a puddle at my feet. I was pulled to my feet by royal guards. Tears were streaming down my...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Meri biwi sugandha un dino 24 saal ki ek bahut hi sundar aur sushil aurat thi.Uske nayan naksh kafi tikhe aur lubhawne the.Uski body kafi perfect thi jo kisi ko barbas apni or akarshit karte the.Uske size 32”28”32” thi.Hamari nai nai shadi hui thi.Sugandha ne convent se parhai kit hi. Yahi karan tha uski awaj kafi dilkash thi jo thoda angreji bolne ke wajah se aur achhi lagti thi.Humari nai nai posting hui thi.Hum jis socity me rahte the uske sare bachhe bare ,aurtein sugandha ko kafi pasand...
Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...
King Dong was a good man and loved his life, he lived in a beautiful house in a country far far away with his Queen and two pretty princesses and it was there that a young woman entered his life, she was poor and dressed shabby unlike Queen Kay who always looked imaculate in her clothes both her outer wear and underwear, but when King Dong saw this begraggled woman he fell in love with her, so much so that when she told him she was a lesbian the King promised his Queen to her, 'use her for your...
Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...
Eleanor’s mother secured the leather pack around her small shoulders, pulling the deep green cloak across to cover it. The cloak was made of the finest fabric; its brilliant color showed even in the fading light of the sun and must have cost more than all of their possessions combined. Her mother completed one more cursory inspection as they stood outside the door to their small hut at the edge of the woods. “Remember, Eleanor,” her mother pulled her chin up to look her in the eye, “they may...
Soldiers broke the gate of the temple, she did not move. She knows that very soon she will be dead. And soldiers came inside the room killed the four guards that were trying to protect the queen, a man shouted, stand up whore. She did not move a bit, she is awaiting death. A soldier came forward to kill her with a sword, but captain stopped him, said-we must wait till the prince to see her. He stopped and ordered a soldier to check her if she has weapon. The soldier started with her legs...
Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered the department store. By now, this sort of store was familiar to it. It had been in a similar place before. It moved, sliding between the shoppers, not noticed. It was so average. So nondescript. Nothing to be concerned about. Why give it a second glance? The figure trembled. It could feel the building ecstasy. Eight panties had gone out. Eight girls mind-controlled into new beings. The rush of meddling was almost orgasmic to the...
Princess Diana returned to Themyscira within 26 days after leaving Alexander's encampment. She was immediately allowed to appear before the Queen where she asked for a private audience. She did not want to discuss offering herself sexually to Alexander in open court. "Very well, Diana," Queen Hippolyta told her daughter, "Retire to your chambers and refresh yourself with a bath. I will join you there within the hour." "Very well, my Queen," Diana replied, bowed to her mother and left...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
The state rodeo queen, Cassidy, was a high school classmate of mine, and we were good friends. We were active in many of the same things, mainly FFA and music. She was about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches tall, red head. Up until a couple years ago, she was a little on the skinnier side with about medium C breasts, but the summer after graduation, she was up to small D’s, and now a year later, she filled out a pair of Wrangler jeans a lot fuller than I had seen before. She entered the arena with...
My Father’s passing was a surprise to everyone; The royal family was the first to hear, with redundant hawks sent all over the nation to notify next of kin. The lineage has been passed on and I am the new king. My long afternoons spent studying our traditions and laws went from feeling like a boring waste of time to feeling like an opportunity to finally rule the way I wanted. My condolences are with the members of my family who knew him before his reign, but the rest knew he was a coward and...
Carnival Queen Chapter 1 - 1 in a million My family owned the best beauty parlour in the district in mid America where I lived. It did hair, make up, tattoos, permanent make up, hair removal, nails, tanning and everything a good parlour should provide including botox, etc. It even had links to a cosmetic surgery for more structural changes. I was 17 and I had an older sister of 19, Samantha, and she was very excited right now. It was time for the town carnival and every year...
Yes, yes, I freely admit I was a fan of the TV series. Shoot me. But in my humble opinion it was one the best written shows on the air. So here is my take on what I think should have happen to Buffy. Cordelia was hotter. Her body was so much better than Buffy’s. BUT ALAS?. she isn’t really a super heroine so unless my fans demand it. I will be not writing a CORDELIA GOES ON SALE. [email protected] BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND THE CURSE OF THE GYPSY QUEEN ...