MageChapter 8 free porn video

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When the meal had been put away and then the dirty plates and cutlery, I brought out a cart used to carry food. On it an one other were the props we would use. Chairs were brought in so most had a chance to sit though the boys chose the floor close to me. I was to learn later that this had been programmed into them by Mordock.

I began my discussion on magic by telling the audience, "All of us when young saw the world through our eyes and found it beautiful and complicated. The fact is that we were mostly blind. There are a great number of forces around us that we cannot see or feel. It is like we are two dimensional people on paper trying to contemplate the third dimension."

"Another way is to think of us as fish with a small brain trying to understand that area above the surface of the water. Not only is there one dimension but two. Likewise there are two more universes. It is actually possible, with enough power, to simply step from this room into another world and from there into another seemingly without end."

"It is a scary thing to contemplate but it is still our natural world. We just have just not seen beyond our usual three dimensions. To use what is around us requires power and an understanding how to use it. The first is a mind capable of manipulating what is really there. Not everybody can do this but it is in may of us to some degree at birth. It can also come about if a person with the knowledge and a strong mind can straighten out an existing mind to see what was hidden. This happened to me."

"We need the power to do this moving of forces that we cannot quite touch. This comes from a wide variety of sources but you already know that sex or better love can generate a good deal of this power."

"We channel the will to explore into experimenting with some of the power and see what can come of it. If the person is intelligent they will write down their findings the same way a chemist does an experiment. When enough tests have been conducted then some rules seem to appear. Over a long time a great deal can be found out about what can only be slightly seen by only a few people."

"The male to do this is called wizard, mage, archimage, conjurer, occultist, enchanter, magician, magus, necromancer, sorcerer, warlock or male witch. The female is called witch, bruja, enchantress, occultist, necromancer, Wiccan, hag, hex, lamia, sorceress, or witchwoman. The ideas behind all of these words bring up the idea of evil. The truth of the matter is that there is no evil. It is the same as a gun. It can be used to protect or to hunt for food but it can also be used by evil people for evil ends."

"Manipulating the real five dimensional world about us is not evil only if it is done with an evil purpose. Just as a stone can be used to build, it can also be used to kill."

"What I wanted to show you tonight is some of our real world. I will let you see what it can do for us without getting into silly superstitions that knew very little or nothing of magic and painted it all with one brush."

I brought our a dozen crystals and said, "These crystals have a special property that allows them to store and discharge power on command. Rather than making love on the floor, this is what we will use tonight."

Sonya and a few other made sounds indicating that they thought this was unfair. It did bring on a few chuckles.

A white board had been placed in the room previously and had been used for business purposes. I used a marker to phonetically spell the words of the incantation with some symbols that indicated stress and intonation. Taking some paper towels and one of Mrs Cardinalli's paring knives I cut my arm. There was a lot of gasps from the group. It sounded like they were worried about me and didn't want to see me hurt.

I said the words of the incantation that was written on the board while displaying the long cut to the most people. When the last syllable was spoken, the wound began to stitch itself together. Sonya took more paper towelling and wiped away the blood to show a fresh pink scar that would be gone completely in a day or so.

The oriental girls got up first at my silent urging and inspected the wound. Soon everybody had a chance to see. I said, "This comes in handy in saving a person's life. I used the power in one of the crystals to move forces in the true universe around us. The wound healed and I even used the power to take away the pain though that is second nature to me now."

For the next few hours we practised doing some spells that I figured some of the students could do. Healing was complex but I got thirteen people including the gardener to sprout a seed. It didn't grow very much but that was ok for now. It was the children that had the strongest ability and this was because of their age and the fact that Mordock had chosen them for their potential.

Sonya performed with pieces of wood that would dance across the table as she did not too long ago. Four people including Mrs Cardinalli held a crystal and were able to move very small articles but they happened to be small feathers or dust. It was inside an overturned tumbler so nobody could say it was the wind. I mentioned how Mrs Cardinalli might possibly help the gardener shooing away unwanted birds, insects and even small rodents.

By the end of the night we had the children pushing a ping pong ball across the floor and avoiding obstacles as it travelled. The entertainment seemed to go over well and I promised to have more classes later to bring out what talents were available.

When the servants went to their quarters the rest of us went to the complex that was far below our feet. Part of this was to put more energy into the magical construction but to be honest Sonya and I wanted to make love. This was not a private affair by any means and I knew that I would be suitably drained to sleep well.

There were quite a few people partaking and I wanted to try something new. Erasmus didn't mind some discomfort to his slaves for it reminded them of their place. I gave my orders, "Everybody that wants to participate has to get their mattress and pillow and take them to the gym. I want to make a large circle and I want all of you to be comfortable." I reached down to pinch a young girl's bum and she squeaked and hurried to do as I asked.

Sonya did the straightening out of the circle and gave her ok to the places each person had to take. The boys and young girls were spread out evenly along the circumference at my urging.

When the time came to begin I did so with Sonya. I treated her now as I did many times where we lived with Erasmus. This meant a long foreplay which is what I wanted. The grid went up very quickly and became strong right away because everybody wanted to participate.

For some odd reason I was still able to go beyond the boundaries of our environment and knew that Mrs Cardinalli was getting it on with her husband. With a little extra energy I linked the women to us but tried to do it subtly.

I kissed my way down Sonya's body but let her orgasm and the rest followed to put them in the right frame of mind for what was coming. When I got to the juncture of her legs she had her knees up to her breasts and her back arched to give me everything she had.

I teased her unmercifully while capping her ability to have another orgasm. With lips, tongue, fingers and PK I got her so high that I had to release her and the rest. This time I made sure her thighs were wrapped around my ears.

My own release was held. I had a specific place to put my seed. When Sonya came around I was looking down at her and my cock at her portal. Instead of pushing in I looked down at the woman I had known for over a year and said verbally and in a whisper, "Do you love me Sonya?"

In a second she pulled me to her and in doing so I was in her now very lubricated sheath. "Oh, yes, yes I do Master. I would have it no other way."

"That is good because I love you too."

Her love too was a part of our grid now and I could feel everybody grasping this idea to them. I did start to make love again but this time I would have my release too. It was much easier on the mattress and Sonya was forcefully pushed along the length as she wanted stronger strokes.

I moved to different positions and usually pulled her further toward the foot so we could start working up once again. It was when she had her legs over my shoulders that the time came for her release and all of ours too. She screamed loudly in the large room but not all the sound was echoes for every other person including myself did the same.

I had just enough functional neurons to drop her legs and crash to her mattress beside her. We held ourselves so tightly together that nothing else was possible. When I recovered enough I saw a small smile on Sonya's face and knew that I had made her happy and in doing so I was more than satisfied.

When I was able to get up I saw that the ladies and even the gents would like to continue. Now that everybody was comfortable with me I had the young girls take their mattresses into the centre of the circle and just sit and face me. They did this quickly and I was happy to see that they were not that worried.

I moved to my right to the next girl and it happened to be one of the many that I had not had a chance to meet intimately yet. I gave her a kiss which she returned avidly. I said, "I have some work to do, Sweetie and I just want to get around the blocks that are placed on my little girls."

"I will help Master."

I kissed her again and said, "I knew you would be kind enough to assist me."

With only a little foreplay I was in her vagina. Mordock was not as large but the girl was not uncomfortable with me. I sawed back and forth to give some of this act a personal touch with just this girl but soon I had to set up the grid once again. In no time, she was wreathing as the sensations went through her body just like the rest on the perimeter.

When the power was at its highest I looked at one of the girls in the centre. I concentrated on her face, her eyes and even her lips and nose as if to memorise her features. This girl like all the rest had a secret place that held their memories of the time before Mordock. They each had controls placed on them and I began to remove them when I saw that it was safe to do so. When this was done I started on the main block but not to remove it yet. They were protected by the strong spell that didn't allow for a simple removal. I was able to get around the shield and examine the memories of her earlier life.

Some observations were not good but I did get names and other data that would allow me to find her past. Each of the other girls were done the same way. None of the information was shared with the rest or the one who owned the thoughts. Some was just too bad to be known.

The girls in the centre were now allowed to join our grid. When they were as aroused as the rest I knew that it was time. The orgasm came when all of this was complete and I emptied myself into the twitching woman beneath me.

Later when we recovered, I looked down to the girl and kissed her lips tenderly. Her arms wrapped around my neck with surprising strength until she came to the realisation that she had to release me.

I concentrated on the complex and a bottle of water came to me. I needed the liquid and the rest called for their own refreshments. In a few minutes I called the girls and their mattresses back and sent the boys out with their mattresses.

The next girl was very anxious to get me and moved her body to engulf me in one swallow up to her uterus. I had a few words with her but she wanted the real thing and wanted it now.

In moments we had begun and the grid once more in place. The boys had better blocks and this was additionally complicated with all the spells Mordock had put on them. These spells were studied and removed. There was no extra security here and each of the boys had the same group of spells. What I found under the block was as bad or worse than the girls. Only one of the girls had a family that would have worried for her while the rest were just the issue of slaves that did this at their master's orders. There was little or no love and I could see that this would tear the mother's heart out if she invested her affections in a person that would soon be ripped from her arms.

I cringed at the thought of treating babies like livestock. Most had not even been born on this planet but were obviously very Human or extremely close. Some of the odd ways of thinking was due to what they had learned at their original home. I remembered those others still in the time vault not too far from where I was now.

Those around me had not all been assessed yet and I felt very responsible for them. I concentrated more on the lovely lady beneath me then sent more of my thoughts to the boys instead of the ones the females would prefer. In moments all of us had our climax and I was able to see the boys reacting no differently than they had when they felt a female's sensations.

I went around the entire circle that night. The youngsters were excluded except for a kiss and a caress. The older girls went into groups in the centre and I examined all of them. The majority of these women were no different than those that were younger.

Sonya, Sara and all of the oriental ladies went there too more for solidarity but I did find some hidden areas of Sonya. This was the only time I felt reluctant to peak at least until I had a better chance to think about it.

By the time I was finished I was completely dry and only kept going to make sure all of those that had not had a chance for an intimate moment with me would now get the turn.

When I woke up I had one arm around Sonya and an unnamed boy was holding onto me. He must have woken in the night and been drawn to me for some type of comfort. Many of the children had only been given names by their master and that was well after they should have had a strong identity of their own. I could imagine that any slave would remain a slave if he had to thank his master for even a name.

I got up and moved the child closer to Sonya. In moments I had a coffee compliments of the magic food service. Only a few minutes later some of the others woke and then had to look around. They had not been sleeping where they usually were. Some saw me and smiled. I wished each of them a good morning but some I had to do so with me looking directly at them. This situation would not change until I gave them names myself.

Mordock was very meek around the house and this is the way I forced him to be. Over breakfast upstairs I said, "I think you should go back to work today. You have done everything I asked of you."

"Thank you, Master," he said sincerely.

"Send over your lawyers. I want to have a chat with them and get the title to this home transferred. Tonight would be a good time."

His eyes brightened up. He knew he would make me happy with this gift.

"Is there anything else, Master?"

"Yes, I think there is. Get one of them to give me a call first. I want to set up an organisation."

"I will call right away."

"I may need you to say a few words tonight though I doubt if there will be much to sign."

"Yes, master. I will be here."

I wasn't worried about a lawyer losing some sleep or to have to cut into his private time. I never did like them but at least they now had a chance to earn my trust.

Part of the morning was spent learning more about everybody around me and staying out of the clutches of the girls that suddenly found themselves free to pursue me.

I got a telephone call from an obviously worried lawyer and not from his secretary. "Hello my name is Woodrow Vidmar. Mr Mordock asked that I contact you as soon as possible. I am sorry I was late. I just got back from a vacation."

"That sounds like a good enough reason Mr Vidmar. My name is Adam Jones. Mr Mordock is donating his house and lands north of Toronto to an organisation devoted to the care of homeless children. The charity has not been set up and has no status whatsoever. I want somebody to register the charity and perhaps even sit on the board of directors. The pay I am afraid is not much. Once the charity is in existence I want the title transferred and Mr Mordock credited with any tax breaks. Are you capable of doing any of these two tasks?"

There was a pause then, "I or my staff could do just what you want. Is it possible to have a meeting to iron out details?"

"Yes, come to Mr Mordock's home around six tonight. I suggest you bring any staff you need so we can get a comprehensive view of what we are undertaking."

There was a longer pause and this time I thought it was related to him coming to me as opposed to the other way around. "Yes Mr Jones. My staff and I can make it there at that time."

When the conversation was over Sonya asked, "What was all that about Master?"

"Mordock has been castrated in a way. Magic is something he cannot do without my permission. His drives for power have been channelled into business only and then it has been muted to what a standard businessman could or would do. The idea now is to allow him to continue with his businesses and not disrupt so many lives. This home will allow us to help some of those he has hurt but I am afraid that this is only a small fraction."

"Why is that?

"He tended to kill all of those in his way. Even this property was gained through death and intimidation."

Sonya and I went over Mordock's notes looking for the next candidate to our group of happy former followers of Maximus. I had my sights on Houston and Adrian Malochuck in particular. Sonya said, "Master, you can't do it. Hassan was really just a better trained trainee and you beat him with muscle and your ability to take pain. He lead you to Sara and it took all of us to defeat Mordock. You now need this man as well as all the ones with lesser power to take down the apprentices with more experience and power. This means that we go slower and take over all the trainees we can and bring them with us. Any other way and you will be hurt."

"That's going to take months if not years Sonya. I like Earth. It's my home but I also want the other job that Erasmus offered me. That means that I get this job done as quick as possible."

Sonya had a tear on her face but she tried to hide her thoughts but I could see them anyway. She saw that this job was still very dangerous no matter what was said to me by Erasmus. We both knew that the next would be many times more dangerous and she feared that there was little likelihood of me making it back. She didn't see her own fate as something to really worry about.

"Master, you have to take your time to learn. Everybody else has had years if not centuries to learn magic. There is so much we don't know that I am surprised we got this far. You're young and can afford to do this right even if it takes longer. Erasmus was not being nice to send you even to this job. You have no mage to learn from so you must learn yourself. Please look into what Hassan and Mordock had to learn then see how you match up."

Sonya had valid points but I still felt as if I was being held back. Against the urge to move quickly I decided to learn more about magic at least in that it would help me attack or protect myself.

Sonya almost dragged me down into the lower section then had me repeat all of the spells to allow me to get to what had been Mordock's personal quarters. The Plugga stayed in their own section and I had no idea what they did with their time but they didn't bother us.

The computer in this section was very powerful and the various passwords had been demanded of Mordock. I went into the machine and used it like one that I used to track orders. It had voice capability but as yet I didn't want to use it. The feeling for this was unfounded but my fingers could still do the walking even if it were slower.

There was a large database of spells that did a sizeable number of tasks. The difficulty of each spell was one of a great many determining factors to its choice for possible use.

Sonya and I started small and listed our own spells and then looked to see what the best one that we could do considering who we might be going up against. We had run through the spells that we could perform. Sonya and I started in with various attacks when we could get a warning first. The actual text was listed in the old tomes on racks about us. These were searched to see if there were variations that were not listed in the database but anything we found was minor.

Time had certainly flown and the lawyers were presently driving up the roadway to the manor. I shut the computer down and we hurried to get upstairs to greet our guests.

The housekeeper brought nine men and four women into the sitting room. Mordock was soon with them and acted as host until I got there.

Drinks and a snack were brought out and everybody stood as I arrived. I found that Mordock had insisted on this. I just stood for a few moments and looked at each of the people present. All of them had some magic about them but it was minor. When I was introduced I looked deeper and saw that it was mainly what Mordock had himself placed on each of them.

Mordock spoke the words I sent to his mind. The words said that he wanted to move to a different home and wanted this one to be given to a worthy charity. The house would be assessed along with all the furniture and other chattels. It was now up to the lawyers to get the best deal they could with the tax man. A fund was set up with ten million dollars to keep the charity going as well as an annual gift of an additional million dollars.

Same as Mage
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"Well, dear. Have you thought about screwing a black guy?""Yes, I thought about it a few times. I just wondered if you were serious. I could if you gave your ok. I just wonder how we would pick someone. It's not like you can put an ad in the paper.""I know this guy at work. He is really a nice guy. Well educated and seems to have it all together. I'm pretty sure he's single. I seem to remember his wife died a few years back.""OK, if you want me to do it I'm game. Set it up. Maybe invite him to...

1 year ago
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Survey To Sex With Aunty

Hello everyone! I am a regular reader of ISS. I was amazed to see everyone sharing their experiences. I thought of sharing mine too. Please write to me at and send me your feedback. Any GIRLS/AUNTIES unhappy with their sex life and would like to have some fun and share their feelings, can contact me. I would LOVE to be your FRIEND! Starting with myself, I am a young, well built guy living in Chennai. I moved to Chennai from North, a couple of years ago. I am doing my engineering currently....

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Anitha Akka Enathu Sorgam

En peyar Dinesh kumar, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru nanban irukiraan avanuku oru akka irukiraal aval peyar thaan anitha, parka sexiyaaga irupaal. Iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu udambirku etrathu pondru irukum, aval mulai azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam endru thondrum. Pinbu avalin soothai patri sola maranthu viten, iru soothum thukalaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Aval soothing azhagai paarthu kondu irunthaale suniyil vinthu vanthu vidum pola irukum. Akkavirku ippozhuthu thirumanam aagi...

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Micha and George on the Fourth of July

Micha and George on the Fourth of JulyMicha is a very sexy latina girl that I met just a couple of weeks ago. We had already spent several hours exploring and becoming intimately familiar with each other, body and mind. We discovered that we were both bisexual and had discussed a threesome, but made no firm plans. When she called me and asked me to join her and her boyfriend George for a holiday picnic, there was something in her voice that made me wonder. "Is there a threesome in the works?" I...

2 years ago
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A Daughters Love

Another Saturday night, and another dateless evening for me, this wasn't all that unusual. Sure I've had dates in the past, but ever since my wife past away 18 years ago giving birth to our daughter, who I named Sara, which had been the request of my wife, she had chosen the name if it was a girl. I had been devastated when the doctor told me that there was nothing they could do. I had never really gotten over it, even to this day, she had been my high school sweetheart and we had married...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 52

Regan was still stinging from some of Andy's accusations when they pulled into the miniature golf complex behind Chris' Toyota. If she were honest, she had little interest in this version of golf. She had played golf since she was 10 but she doubted those skills would translate to carpet. She had never played before but she had taken Andy's word that she would have fun. Now she was beginning to have her doubts. She saw Paul and Elizabeth standing out front and they waved when they...

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20th Anniversary Threesome

I gave up on the threesome idea years and years ago. Lynn shot it down right out of the gate when we were young, and it din't bother me at all. Who would have thought a month before or 20th anniversary she'd give in.Now Lynn is going to be 50 soon, and she is ridiculously hot. These pics are from last week right before we got to Florida.Just a smoke show. So, anyway, the threesome.We are talking with friends a few weeks ago about a couple who just broke up. Our friends didn't know this couple...

3 years ago
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Anal Sunday

I lay in bed listening to the birds chirping outside my window and yawned and stretched. I lay there just relaxing taking in the quiet of the morning. Richard must have gotten up as I didn’t see him which was odd. So I got up and took a shower and wrapped a towel around myself and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. There sat Richard and Tim. I didn’t pay them much attention as I got toast and coffee going as I fried an egg. I sat down at the table and Richard say hey mom, tell Timmy what...

1 year ago
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The Holiday Chapter 3

While both being very aroused at our last encounter we were both also in shock and didn’t quite know how to interact with the couple across the way from us. In the end we chose the cowards way out and simply didn’t deal with them. We smiled on those few occasions when we couldn’t help making eye contact as we reached for our bags in preparation to disembark, but somehow that just seemed easiest.Bags, customs and immigration were painless and our taxi ride was uneventful as it was still early...

3 years ago
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BrotherInLawChapter 7

"Ginny darling!" came a loud shrill voice from across the taxi ramp, almost before Ginny could climb from the plane. It was Florence, but she didn't recognize the man with her, unless Arnie had changed quite a bit since the last time she saw him. This man was taller, and very blond, like maybe he was a Scandinavian. "How are you, honey?!" Florence threw her arms around her as she stepped on the wheel cover, and then, shakily, onto the asphalt. "How was your trip? Was the weather...

3 years ago
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AssignmentChapter 11

S11 I pounded the steering wheel of the car in frustration. I had followed Lola and that cop through the city but was caught in a light just as they headed into the warehouse district. I drove like a madman to catch up but could not find them anywhere. I began to criss-cross the area growing increasingly nervous. I didn't like the looks of that cop and the other fellow in the suit. Their conversation back at the coffee shop worried me. I didn't want to mess with a cop in front of witnesses...

3 years ago
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Caveman CourtshipChapter 2

Finally! My first day of hunting with the tribe’s other hunters. I would finally be able to demonstrate my abilities at stalking and killing prey to my fellow hunters. Armed with my spear and war club, I slung my freshly filled water skin over my shoulder and secured my empty small game bag to my waist, and then hurried to get to where I was to meet the other hunters. When I arrived, the leader of the tribe’s hunters, Kamil, took me off to the side. Kamil said, “Tomms, this is your first...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Daniel get to know eachother

“Hello! Anybody home?” Rachel shouted loudly as she pounded on the door to her home. It wasn’t her home actually it was her parents home, Rachel had just forgotten to put her keys in her purse before she took off to her class. She pounded on the door again getting frustrated. Finally after what seemed like hours she heard someone run to the door and unlock it.“I’m sorry it took so long, I just got out of the shower.” Rachel’s half brother Daniel said as he hurried to open the door for her.She...

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Fateful Decision

In this exciting, arousing story, a hot wife satisfies years of intense cravings for her best girlfriend's husband; first, by seducing him, then rendering him helpless to her charms through repetitive, mutually gratifying encounters. The author tells the story in the first person from the adulterous husband’s viewpoint. Told in graphic and stimulating detail, the story will arouse the senses of most readers. It was an unusually warm evening in late October. The Santa Ana winds had blown most of...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the power of the Peverells

Chapter 1 Fire at the Burrow Harry was sitting in Ron's room in his pyjamas when he heard a crash outside.  Waking Ron, he ran outside to see  what had happened and to his horror, all he could see was fire.  Something had set fire to all of the fields surrounding the house.  Harry ran out into the flames leaving a whimpering Ron behind and nearly crashed straight into a beautiful young girl.  She looked about fifteen with a perfect body. Perky supple breasts topped with pink rosy nipples,...

4 years ago
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Horny Sister And Lucky Aunty

By : Arush7 Hey Guys This Is Arush (20) From Nagpur. I’m a Regular Visitor of this Site. Here I’am to share an Real Life Experience of mine wid u, hope u’ll enjoy and masturbate. This Story Contains My Cousin Priyanka, Me and my Small Aunt Sayali. So let me first describe you the Body posture, Sis height 5.5 nicely shaped Erect n amatureBoobs 38 D, Nice Curved Ass fair at complex an beautiful looking I love her. Aunt married to small kids. Avergae height and well figured an mature and sexy an...

2 years ago
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It was a great evening

When I got home I had the house to myself, so I thought….. Why not take advantage of it. Laying back on the cool sheets with nothing but a smile. Hand gently caressing myself until I was about half way hard. I notice the tip flopping around as I started to softly stroke on it. Finally the ridge was as hard as ever, and the skin stretched tightly over ever inch.   Slowing the stroke, and with some squeezing I managed to produce a few drops from the tip. Which I quickly used to slickin up my...

3 years ago
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Date Night Eroticas Surprise

“You showed me a new you in Mexico, MK. Let me show you a new Ms. E. I want a date night. Meet me at this club I know. I will send you a text with the details. Let’s say the night is on me. Ms. Erotica’s surprise for My’Kuyah.”MK gets to the arranged destination early. He watches Ms. E walk into the bar. It seems like everyone else in the room does as well. She’s that kind of Erotic Beauty--everyone takes note.Her plan is to pretend they don’t know each other. My’Kuyah is going to seduce her in...

2 years ago
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Love of leather Gloves

My parents announced to me that due to her mother getting ill they were going to have to go to the states for a month, but as l had my university interview coming up l would go and stay with my aunt ( my father's elder sister).Now l have a bit of a 'thing' for my aunt who is in her 50s but she looks and dresses younger and everytime l see her she is always wearing skintight black leather gloves which excite me and l've often wondered what it would be like to have my cock played with by a woman...

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NubileFilms Rebecca Volpetti Time Well Spent

Lovely Rebecca Volpetti enjoys an indulgent bath complete with a selection of fruits and some wine. She enjoys her treats and the warm soapy water as she watches her boyfriend, Sam Bourne, shave. That intimate scene is only the beginning of their time together. Stepping out of the bath, Rebecca dries herself off and puts on an outfit designed for seduction. Her top barely covers all the essentials, while her skirt is so short that it easily rides up to show off her bare pussy. No panties for...

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Malmoe Maiden II

I followed along with her the 3 or 4 blocks to her home. I followed her up the stairs – again enjoying the view. Once inside her place, she asked if I would really like a massage? I’ve had many massage ther****t, but none as attractive as her. I asked her fee, and how long that would be for. One hour in her hands might be worth every cent. She set up a portable massage table, asked if I preferred a sheet, or no sheet? I asked if her clients wore a robe, shorts or nothing? Under the sheet,...

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Never Marry an Only Daughter

Warnings to the naïve, the unwary and those who are to love struck to make wise decisions. This writing is based entirely on personal experience. (Well kinda anyway). After three years of marriage, I began to take note of certain patterns of my loving wife’s behaviors. I guess many husbands and wives do this. Now these were not behaviors that she was aware were irritating to me. Certainly they were not ones that she deliberately did to piss me off. She has consistently claimed that my...

4 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Band

Bikini Beach - The Band ElrodW A high school garage band isn't doing very well at getting opportunities to perform. Some of the band members think they'd go further if they could replace the female lead vocalist who moved away. The problem is where to find such a singer. Then one of them decides to see if he can find a girl to recruit at Bikini Beach... ********** Bikini Beach: The Band This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 40

It was almost 6 p.m. before Celina finished taking notes to draft the articles of incorporation for Subarctic Enterprises. There was some grumbling about things that had to be included and some about things she suggested be left out. But for the most part, everyone found it to be a productive few hours. Allie escorted Celina to the door, and the lawyer said she would see her in the morning. "And me if that's OK," Sarah said. "I plan to deliver official notice that I will not renew my...

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At the gym

Going to gym 4 times a week in the mornings when it's quiet, only a few people in the gym. Making it easy to do my workouts and not having to wait for the different machinery, and when i wanted to the tanning beds they were almost always epmty in the mornings. I became friends with the one of the gym's handsome instructors Mark, who helps me with drawing up and changing my workouts every three months and shows me how to do the workouts correctly. I've known him for almost 2 years, he's well...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 70

Out of the goodness in my heart I left the Car Wash quietly. In doing so I left the two women in bed. Yes they were in bed together. I figured they planned it, so that neither of them had to get out of bed at 6AM. Mikah and I left on our walk. I walked by the convenience store where everything seemed to happen. The man from a couple of weeks before pulled out out of the parking lot, then pulled up beside me. “I need your and Tripod’s help,” he said. “Sorry I can’t help you with your...

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The Anniversary Reunion CH 1

The plan was to have us come in the two days before the party and stay at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. My two cousins, Ernie and Heather, were about the same age as me, but I hadn’t seen them in several years. I was curious to see how everyone had changed. Their home was a fairly large split-level home, which had been deemed “party-central.” The main floor consisted of the kitchen and dinning room, along with some bedrooms. The lower level had a large family room and some guest...

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Personal Sex Education

When I was a senior in highschool I was the smart kid. The one with the best grades, proudest parents, and the most likely to succeed. The only thing I didn’t succeed in was girls. I tried my best but I was always a little awkward around girls, especially attractive girls. When I was little my father passed away so I was raised by my mother most of my childhood and because of that, I lacked a father figure, someone to teach me the basics of sports, school, and women. My mother tried but she...

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The Skeleton From the Cupboard Sarah and FrankChapter 3 The bad news

Sarah: I took home the PI reports and I studied them thoroughly. The reports show a happy family and Jenny was truly daddy's girl especially when the older kids left the home. The last year's report showed a very healthy husband. Frank was handsome and his entire atmosphere was friendly around him. The videos and photos demonstrated this well. According to the last written report the wife did not know the true paternity of Jenny. Jenny preferred her dad to her mother. I reread the...

2 years ago
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My Husbands Boss

My husband was a rising star and a Junior Vice President of the company he worked for. However, his immediate boss was the son of the owner and CEO. Jim knew he would eventually have to shift to another department or even a different company but as far as the latter went it wasn’t a good time.  We had just bought a new house, Jim had given me my dream car, and we had one son to finish college and the second one just starting.Jim felt more confident about things than I did.  I love my husband...

Office Sex
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch5 Private Sunbathing

‘Jennifer, do you remember me mentioning a nice secluded place where we can go and sunbathe in peace?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Would you like to go there tomorrow?’ ‘Oh, yes.’ ‘It’s quite a way off the beaten track, so what do you say we rent a couple of bicycles to get there?’ ‘Ok, but won’t that make us a bit hot and sweaty when we get there?’ ‘Oh, yes, definitely, but that’s the point. It’ll be worth it, you’ll see.’ 2 Getting Ready What should I wear? Jennifer wondered, looking through her wardrobe...

2 years ago
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Our Vacation

Our Vacation Story   It’s a cold windy day and Sherri and I are at the airport ready to leave for a warm vacation at a beautiful all inclusive resort in Aruba .   While sitting in the waiting area for loading onto the plane you start talking to the woman next to you to find they are also going to the same resort and like us so happy to get away from our miserable winter.   She introduces herself and husband Frank to us and tells us this is their 12 th year anniversary and are looking so...

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HandsOnHardcore Angelika Grays Hardcore BBC Threesome

Hardcore queen Angelika Grays is ready to treat you to some seriously extreme BBC action in this sizzling scene. Join the svelte blonde as she gets down and dirty with two of the biggest, blackest cocks – CJaybangz and Darrell Deeps – who are both hard and ready to destroy some cooch and ass. Watch as Angelika shares her puffy pussy between them, working one with her hands as she rides the other, before she is treated to a double penetration fuck as she moans with pleasure. This...

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The Player

I sat by the window in the café, drinking bad coffee and reading the paper. “Excuse me, sir. Do you know when the show in the park starts.” I looked up in irritation and into a pair huge, dark eyes in a round, brown fae framed by flaming pink hair. Whatever I had been going to say came out as, “Neurrr.” “Excuse me?” “It’s been cancelled,” I rallied. “It’s supposed to rain this afternoon.” She made a face. “Oh man. I really wanted to see that. I had my whole day planned.” “You play music,...

Oral Sex
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Milky Adventure Part 9 No More Breastfeeding

Hello, this is the next part of the milky adventure. This one really touched my heart and I could feel it while writing. Hope you guys like it too. Please read my older stories of this series to understand more about Riya. The light coming in through a chink in the curtains woke Riya from a deep sleep. She kept her eyes closed but the light still made her stir. It was warm in the bed already, and she kicked off the blanket from her leg and dangled it over the side of the bed. She stretched...

3 years ago
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OHGIRL Insatiable

My lips and tongue felt Mikey’s cock begin to throb before he ejaculated in my mouth, feeding me the third creamy, hot load of his cum that day. My husband and I had made love all afternoon and late into the evening and each time he had finished in my mouth, giving me what I had craved the most, his sweet, sticky jizz. It had been a while since we had been able to have sex all day with so much free time together, but my two youngest c***dren were off for the weekend, my son visiting his father,...

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