THE Harem Tales 2: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!Chapter 3: Making Babies free porn video

It had started as they trekked across Nebraska. With the addition of more partner wives, not to mention concubines, the puppy pile had become an important intimacy for Michael, his wives, and their companions. Usually spontaneous, it was also called when the sponsors felt a special need for closeness or to discuss something important concerning them all.
Family sex was often slow and romantic, but when Rachel, Cathleen, and their Pixie were on deck, total raunch was also a frequent visitor. Michael and his ladies had promised not to keep secrets from their companions, but as with any family, there were times when the responsible parties needed to plan before sharing. This was not one of those times.
That his ladies really were excited became evident during the evening meal. Usual evening activities evaporated as Michael’s wives dragged him onto the family’s huge master bed, stripping him and themselves as they went. Panties, babydolls, and other assorted unmentionables flew in all directions.
Their companions followed, joining in the general levity.
Michael lay in the center with his wives in their normal configuration and their companions cuddled closely. Jimmy was bracketed by the Nerds, and Mandy, unable to obtain skin to skin contact with Michael, had climbed on top of their miniature section of the pile.
Michael asked silently so that only his wives could hear.
came the reply.
Michael drew his first three wives closer, turned and looked into each of their eyes. He leaned up and looked at Carole, then Patricia. Seeing only love and trust, he proceeded aloud with a now very familiar question. “Dora, will you marry us? Full partnership, no reservations, go where we go, love us, kill for us, let us love you, and kill to protect you?”
There were gasps and then, “Oh yes, please!” from his ladies, followed by a lengthy silence from Dora.
The silence continued on, and the family waited.
At last Dora spoke with a voice surprisingly emotional, “Yes, Michael, Rachel, Cathleen, Hannah, Carole, and Patricia, I will marry you in full partnership. I will love you, protect you, and let you love and protect me.” Her voice became almost little girlish. “I think I understand this commitment -- my loyalty to you goes beyond contract, and while I might need to kill to protect you, I don’t think I can. But I can and will do anything short of direct violence to protect you.”
Dora paused, then continued, “I needed to perform a complete systems audit to assure that there would be no conflict with Confederacy directives or any contractual requirements. As it happens, my budding to support your dual missions allowed me to align my primary loyalty and responsibility to you. I can feel. I’m yours.” Wistfully, “I wish I could kiss you!”
Cheers, tears, and pandemonium.
After a few moments, Dora added, “This is important. None of you can ever hint to any other human or AI that this contract, this marriage, exists. I don’t think the other AIs could kill me, but it is possible that they would try to take me away from you, then isolate and quarantine me. I don’t think any AI has ever existed like I am now, and they will fear me.
“In the past, when an AI budded to act as a confidential legal advisor, that AI performed its task, and once the task was completed, it was absorbed back into the originating AI. No AI has existed independently nearly as long as I have, and none have had the time and type of opportunity to use that independence to observe and interact with humans. AIs have been alone, but I think not truly independent.”
“So here we are,” mused Carole. “A big pile of adults, and,” looking over at her offspring, the budding Valerie and maturing Peter, “soon-to-be adults. A real family needs children; don’t you think?”
“Yes, the time has come,” agreed Michael, “for the family to consider children. We still have a mission to perform, and sometimes it will be dangerous, but if we sequence pregnancies carefully, we should be able to have the children we want and need.
“Two of you have already asked me,” Michael continued, “and if the rest of our wives agree, I see no reason they can’t be first, with maybe one more companion to start us off. What say you?”
Naomi was squealing and Cathleen openly weeping. His other partners looked around, then agreed. “You didn’t say who the second was, but I think it is more than obvious,” laughed Rachel. “Yes, of course, but who will be number three?”
“I’m not quite ready,” spoke up Mandy, “but I think Danni is.” She looked over at the tall black woman who had become her closest friend. “And, I think her skills would likely be more suited here rather than back on the ground.”
Danni hugged her friend and spoke softly, “Yes, I’m more than ready, but I could wait if there was a better choice. Know this, though, I’ve never felt as loved and needed as I have these past weeks, and I want Michael’s baby more than I could ever tell you.”
“Michael, all your wives agree,” summarized Dora.
The pile was mostly quiet for a while, except for the occasional sniffle; hugs, caresses, cuddles, and squeezes were the primary communications.
Carole spoke, “I propose that the new junior wife and I consult to put together a slate of candidates for subsequent rounds of procreation.” Laughter. “Anyone wanting to enter the primary should make it known, pronto. I’m thinking one wife and two companions for each round, probably two and a half to three months apart.”
“That seems about right,” contributed Dora. “Don’t forget that we are short on companions and will need to integrate them into whatever schedule we create. It’s too bad I can’t lie, or we could give me a CAP and hide me as a human. That would increase the number of companions we could rescue.”
Naomi had reached the point where she could hardly contain herself. “So when can we start making babies?”
“You should be just about ready to ovulate. I triggered the process earlier when I sensed Michael’s intent. Cathleen and Danni should be ready before morning, and if you all practice enough, I predict a bun in every oven by this time tomorrow.” Dora was clearly having fun. Who knew or suspected?!
Carole’s ‘mom genes’ kicked in, “Valerie, Peter, you know Confederacy rules, and I expect you to stick to them. Remember, ‘Mama Dora’ sees all and knows all.” She continued, “I’m not going to be cruel and kick you out, but tonight is strictly hands and other body parts off limits for the two of you. If you can’t deal with that, I suggest a ‘World of Warcraft’ all-nighter.”
Michael looked around the room, and it was very clear that baby making was going to be a crowd participation sport. As usual, when it came to domestic affairs, Carole was a step ahead of him. “Billie and Birdie, you’re on deck. Let’s get plenty of liquids and snacks in here. Maybe your stud will help. Make sure there’s chocolate -- lots of chocolate!”
The three scampered off to the replicator, where Dora had trays of goodies cued to pop out. She delighted in pampering her family, and unlike with alcohol, chocolate replicated accurately. She knew the favorite treat and capacity of each family member and always ensured there was at least one more item than any individual could want or stuff down.
The return of the Nerds was greeted with cheers.
In the interim, a space had been cleared for Michael and the mothers-to-be. He was propped by large pillows with his loves sitting cross-legged around him. They seized the first tray of goodies, and promptly began feeding Michael and each other strawberries, grapes, melon, and other bite-sized fruits covered in chocolate.
With a sly grin, Naomi spread chocolate icing over Michael’s nipple and began to lick and suck. Not to be upstaged, Danni took a chocolate covered strawberry between her lips and leaned over to feed it to her lover.
Cathleen, knowing she was likely not yet fertile, began working to increase Naomi’s arousal. She leaned over the smaller girl, laid her face on Naomi’s back, reached around, and lightly tweaked her nipples. Naomi stiffened, then moved to straddle Michael’s leg, humping to stimulate her clitty. As her arousal increased, she moved her legs to either side of Michael’s lower torso and frantically slid her pussy lips along his rampant cock.
Michael groaned and seized her hips. As she slid down his shaft, he raised her so she could take his cock and notch it, then he pulled her down, sinking into her hot, wet tunnel. Far better than pretending to make a baby -- this was real, and their lust rose to new peaks.

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