Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 3
- 3 years ago
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When Kelly and I got up the next morning, we showered, taking turns shaving one another’s genitals. Kelly took my cock in her mouth when she finished removing the stubble, sucking it for a moment. When I finished shaving her vulva, I spent a few moments kissing her smooth pussy.
Normally Kelly wouldn’t have bothered getting dressed, preferring to wear my old jersey and panties in the morning, but today, we were expecting company. Once we were dressed, we went down to the kitchen.
Rob and Jenny came into the kitchen a few moments after Kelly and I got there. We had been keeping the door to the garage unlocked, giving our friends access to the house. Jenny went to help Kelly with the coffee and breakfast while Rob and I finished packing our things in the truck. I opened the garage door and gazed outside. Rob and I commented on the lack of wind and the cloudless sky.
Paul pulled up, parking his car off to one side. He got out and so did his girlfriend Sarah.
“Hi, Justin, Rob,” Paul said as he moved toward us, extending his right hand.
“Morning,” I said, shaking his hand. Looking past Paul, I said, “Hi, Sarah.”
“Hi, guys,” Sarah said. “Kelly said she didn’t mind if I came out with Ziggy so we didn’t have to go back into town before the party. My exam was postponed.”
“No problem,” I told her.
“This is a great place, Justin. Are you and Kelly renting it?” Paul asked.
“No, it’s ours,” I replied, feeling a bit strange like I usually did when I told someone the house was Kelly’s and mine.
Paul looked at me and then at Rob. “Wow, I didn’t know.”
“Our parents helped us,” I added. “Come on in, the coffee should be ready.”
Paul and Sarah followed Rob and me into the house, stopping in the mudroom to remove their shoes when we did. I led them into the kitchen, offering them a cup of coffee.
Sarah went to the counter, saying good morning to Kelly and Jenny. Once we all had a cup of coffee, Kelly offered to show Paul and Sarah the house. Rob and I waited in the kitchen while the girls took our guests for a quick tour.
The group returned to the kitchen and Paul sat at the table with Rob and me. Sarah began helping Kelly and Jenny fix breakfast while she chattered about the house.
“Nice place,” Paul said. “How big is the yard?”
“Eighty acres. I’m bound on east and north sides by state land. A man from down state owns the property on the south side. He only comes up to hunt,” I said.
“Justin has his own trout stream on the property,” Rob said. “We plan on fishing it once he gets a little better at casting.”
The girls served scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and orange juice. We ate together, still talking about the house.
“I didn’t know you and Jenny lived here, Rob,” Paul said.
“Yeah, we moved in a couple weeks ago. Jen and I are staying up here this summer,” Rob said. “We’re going job hunting next week.”
“I was thinking about it, but I decided to go home this summer. Dad says the salmon fishing is supposed to be great this year. If you guys get a chance, you should come fishing,” Paul said.
“How about you, Sarah, are you going home too?” Kelly asked.
“Yes, for a week. Then I’m going to Wisconsin to stay at Paul’s until school starts again. I want to try salmon fishing this summer,” Sarah said. “Are you and Justin going home?”
“This is home. We’re getting married this summer. We’re having the wedding here in the backyard,” Kelly said. “If you can make it, you and Paul are invited.”
“We can talk about this later, it’s time to go fishing,” Rob said as he got up to take his plate to the sink.
“Leave your dishes, we’ll take care of them for you,” Kelly said.
Rob, Paul, and I went to the garage. Paul got his gear out of his car and put it in the back of the pickup truck. We got in the cab and headed for the stream. While moving down the road, Rob told Paul and me about the stream. It only took us a half hour to get to there.
Standing at the back of the truck, we put on our waders. Once we were ready, Rob led Paul and me to the bank of the stream.
“I’m going to head downstream a few hundred yards,” Paul said. “I’ll catch up with you two later.”
Paul left, working his way downstream. Rob helped me select a fly. I tied it on the tippet, using one of the knots Rob taught me. While Rob tied his fly on, I watched.
“Okay, let’s go. We’ll go upstream and work our way back. There are several pools we can fish,” Rob said.
As we walked, Rob pointed at the stream. He told me about things to look for, places where fish would hold. Rob pointed out sunken logs, large rocks, and indentations in the bank of the stream.
“Look, see the rock with the water flowing around it?” I nodded. “Right behind it is a fish, see it?”
I looked where Rob was pointing. After a moment, I saw the fish holding behind the rock. Using his hand to motion me down, we knelt on the bank. Rob made a cast upstream of the fish, mending the floating line as the current carried the fly toward the fish. When the small fly was above the fish, it rose to slurp the lure into its mouth. Rob took up the slack in the line, setting the hook as he stood up.
Rob waded into the water as he fought the fish. After a few moments, he scooped it into his net. “This is a nice little brown,” Rob said, using a pair of hemostats to remove the hook. “It’s about eight inches and legal. We’ll take this one for lunch.”
I looked at the fish, noting its coloring. Rob removed it from his net, placing the fish in his creel. We started walking again, looking for another target. Rob spotted another fish, pointing it out to me. He told me where to cast and guided me as the fly moved toward the fish. When the fish rose, I tried to set the hook, but did it too soon.
“It takes practice and patients, buddy. You have to wait until the fly is in the fish’s mouth before setting the hook. You pulled the fly away from the fish.”
Nodding, we continued on our way. Rob saw another fish and told me to cast to it. I watched the fly, waiting for the fish to take it before pulling back on my rod. When Rob told me to, I set the hook.
The feeling of the fish fighting against the flexible fly rod was exciting. I waded into the stream, being careful not to pull against the fish too hard. Rob kept giving me pointers and finally netted the fish for me.
“This is a nice rainbow, Justin. Congratulations on your first trout,” Rob said as he passed me the fish.
I stared at the fish for a moment, feeling very proud of what I’d done. The rush of landing the trout made me realize why Rob, and others, got so excited about fishing, fly fishing in particular. Being careful not to drop the fish, I put it in my creel.
“We’re very lucky to have such clear water. It’s usually clouded up, even muddy, this time or year. When you can’t sight fish like we’re doing today, you can still fish the same holds.” Rob pointed at the water. “See how the surface of the water changes when it goes over the rocks? You have to learn to see those things so you can fish when you can’t see what’s below the surface.”
I listened, committing what Rob told me to memory. I paid careful attention to every word, asking a question when I didn’t understand or see what he was referring to. We moved further upstream, stopping every so often so Rob could point out something else.
“Okay, let’s start working our way downstream. We’ll take turns making casts while we do.”
“I didn’t see any fish, are you sure there are some?” I asked.
Rob chuckled. “Yes, I’m sure, I’ve seen several. We passed them up so we could fish them on the way back. Now, watch and learn.”
I followed Rob into the stream, watching how he tested his footing before making a move. He cautioned me about the slippery rocks while he moved to the center of the stream. We began wading downstream, making casts. Even though there weren’t any fish where he had me cast, he made a point of telling me how do work the fly in the current.
“Over there,” Rob pointed at a small eddy. “See if there’s a fish on the outside of the eddy. Make sure your line doesn’t get ahead of the fly. You may have to make a mend or two.”
I made a cast, dropping the fly very close to where Rob told me. I made a mend, getting my fly line in place before the fly drifted though the swirling water. As Rob predicted, a fish came up to take my fly. The fish headed downstream and I let the drag slow it. Rob told me to move downstream, following the fish. Once the fish tired, I scooped it into my net.
“Nice brown. This one is more like it, it’s about ten inches,” Rob said.
“Wow, the fish fought a lot harder than the first one.”
“The bigger they are, the harder they fight. Let’s keep it and move on.”
By the time we got back to the place we started, I had three fish and Rob had five. Paul was waiting for us, holding up four fingers when he saw Rob and me. Once we were all together, we looked into each other’s creels.
“This is a great stream, Rob. How did you find it?” Paul asked.
“I’ve been fishing the streams within an hour of school. I found this one last year,” Rob said.
“It’s been a while for me, but I remember what I like about fly fishing now. You can’t beat watching a fish rise,” Paul said with a big smile.
“That’s for sure! It was great,” I said, letting my excitement show. “This is the best.”
“Wait until you go out by yourself. There’s something about being alone on a nice trout stream. I’m surprised we didn’t see any deer, I usually do,” Rob said.
“I saw one,” Paul said. “I was paying more attention to the fishing than I was the woods around me.”
Paul, Rob, and I went to the truck. Once we had our rods put away, we removed our waders. On the way home, we relived each fish we caught as well as the ones we missed. Rob made a comment about my casting, telling me how well I did for my first time on a stream.
When we got back to the house, Kelly and Jenny got their cameras so they could take pictures of our catch. The girls got all giddy while they listened to us talk about our short trip. After Kelly and Jenny took all the pictures they wanted, Rob, Paul and I cleaned the fish.
Rob fried a few of the trout for lunch. Kelly served some of the potato salad she and Jenny made for the party, saying we would have plenty. During lunch, we rehashed the trip for the girls. Kelly grinned at my enthusiasm, winking at me several times. Once the talk about fishing died down, Kelly, Jenny and Sarah brought us up to speed on what they did.
After lunch, Rob, Paul, and I went to the store with a list the girls gave us. We bought bags of ice for the keg of beer as well as the items on the list. When we returned, Rob put the keg of beer in a large tub and packed it in ice. The keg was in the basement near the tables where the girls planned to put the food. Paul suggested we use a cooler for the soda and other beverages. I went to the garage to get a cooler and brought it to the basement.
“We can put the ice in it later,” Rob said. “Do you have room for the extra bags in your freezer?”
I took Rob to the furnace room, showing him the large freezer we bought with the house. Kelly had a few things in it, but not much. Laughing, Rob and Paul put the bags of ice in the mostly empty freezer.
“We’ll have to fill this with fish and venison,” Rob said. “A freezer is more economical to run when it’s full.”
“I’m going to see if Kelly and the girls need anything,” I said.
The three of us went upstairs to check with Kelly, Jenny, and Sarah. They were at the counter, making the meat sauce for the pasta. I asked if they needed help, but they said they had everything under control.
Rob, Paul, and I sat in the kitchen, watching the girls. When they finished what they were doing, they joined us at the table.
“Where should Ziggy and I put our stuff?” Sarah asked.
“Pick one of the guest rooms and put it in there,” Kelly said. “I’m not sure how the sleeping arrangements are going to work out. First come, first serve I guess.”
“Thanks. Ziggy, will you get our bags out of the car?” Sarah said.
Paul went to get their things. When he returned, Sarah went upstairs with him. They came back a few moments later, both with smiles on their faces.
“We picked the big room,” Sarah said. “I guess we can share it if someone wants to sleep on the floor.”
“I don’t think it’ll be necessary, we have a lot of room in the great room and the basement,” I said as I glanced at the clock on the wall of the breakfast nook. “I guess I should get cleaned up, our guests should start arriving soon.”
“We still have a couple of hours. No one gets to a party on time,” Rob offered.
Kelly, Jenny, and Sarah began talking about what they planned to wear for the party. Kelly said she was going to wear one of her long skirts. Sarah said she had brought a mini skirt as well as jeans. When Jenny said she was going to wear a skirt, Sarah said she would too.
“Well, Justin, what are you going to wear tonight?” Rob said, trying hard not to chuckle. “I was thinking about my olive drab slacks and a burgundy shirt.”
Paul, Rob, and I began laughing out loud. Jenny smacked Rob, calling him a jerk. The three of us continued to talk about what outfits we planned to wear. The girls began laughing and putting their two cents in.
An hour before our guests were to start arriving, Kelly, and I went upstairs to get ready. Rob and Jenny offered to wait until we finished in case someone got there early. Paul and Sarah went up with Kelly and me, going into the guest room when they reached the door.
“You guys have been working hard,” I told Kelly. “Are you sure there isn’t anything you need me to do?”
“No, but thanks for asking. Jenny and I have everything taken care of. Sarah helped too.”
As we undressed, Kelly and I talked about our day. I told her how much I liked fishing and she told me she and the girls had fun together. We went to the bathroom, getting into the shower together. Once we were wet, I shampooed Kelly’s hair while we talked.
“Sarah thinks you’re a hottie,” Kelly said.
“Yeah right.”
Kelly turned around. She reached down, taking my cock in her hand. I worked the shampoo into her blond hair while she slowly stroked me.
“Baby, you’re a handsome sexy guy. A lot of girls think you’re hot.” Kelly grinned as she squeezed my erection. “I’m going to have to keep my eye on you.”
“You have nothing to worry about. I’m not interested in anyone except you. Turn around so I can rinse your hair.”
Kelly released my cock. She turned around, standing under the spray so I could rinse the shampoo from her hair.
“Jenny thinks you’re sexy too,” Kelly said. “I told her to keep her hands to herself.”
Chuckling I said, “How about the night in the hot tub, you didn’t seem to mind then.”
“That’s different. We were playing a joke on you.”
“I know, I’m teasing you. Honey, I love you and don’t need or want anyone else.”
Kelly turned around, stretched up, and kissed me. “Good.”
Kelly and I washed one another, playing while we did. She knelt on the shower floor, taking my cock in her mouth for a few moments. I sat her on the bench, knelt between her legs, and licked her pussy while fingering her. Neither of us became too excited, but I was on the edge. While it would have been nice to finish each other off, we decided to wait until later.
“I’m glad we have some time off, there is so much I want to do outside,” Kelly said. “Jenny and I walked around the yard today. There are a lot of flower gardens to tend to. We already have some plants coming up, I think they’re tulips. That’s what Jenny said.”
“Cool, do you think you’re going to like gardening?”
“I don’t know, but I intend to find out. Jenny says we have roses too. I’m going to ask Mom when she gets here next week,” Kelly said.
Kelly began drying and styling her hair while I dressed. I told her I was going downstairs so Rob and Jenny could get ready. After giving Kelly a kiss, I left her in our room to finish getting dressed.
Rob and Jenny went to their apartment when I got to the kitchen. I took a soda from the refrigerator, sitting at the table to drink it. I gazed out the window at the backyard, noticing how the trees were beginning to bud. The trees in the backyard would provide shade in the summer. It was surprising how much different the yard looked now the snow was gone.
I was daydreaming about the way the yard would look with the flowerbeds in full bloom. Kelly came up behind me and put her arms around my neck. She kissed the top of my head and said, “I love you, Justin.”
“I love you too, sweetie. I was thinking about how nice the yard is going to look after you plant the flowers.” I turned my head and we kissed again.
“How do you like my outfit?” Kelly said as she backed away and slowly turned around.
I gazed at her long skirt and tight sweater. Kelly smiled as she tugged at the ankle length skirt. “Well, do you like it?” Kelly asked again.
“You look great!” I reached for her hand and pulled her to my lap. Putting my hand under her skirt I said, “What’s under here?” I ran my fingertips over her mons and felt the silky material of her panties.
Kelly pulled her skirt up to show me the white lace bikini panties she wore under it. I moved my hand to her breast and she said, “It matches, want to see?”
I heard Paul and Sarah coming down the stairs. Kelly huffed as I jerked my hand away from her breast. She kissed my cheek and stood up.
“Did you find everything you needed?” Kelly asked Sarah.
“Yes thanks. I love the size of the shower.” Sarah smiled and said, “It’s big enough for two.”
Rob and Jenny came into the kitchen. Rob sat at the table with Paul and me. The girls went to the counter to finish a few things for our guests. Kelly, Jenny, and Sarah finished what they were doing. They took sodas from the refrigerator and joined us at the table.
“How did you and Justin meet?” Sarah asked Kelly.
Kelly chuckled and told our friends about our families and the adventure in the Adirondack Mountains. I jumped in once in a while too. Kelly finished telling our story and smiled.
“Your story is amazing!” Sarah said.
“I think so,” Kelly said with a grin. “Justin was such a perfect gentleman. He spent most of the time blushing.”
We laughed at what Kelly said. She put her hand on my arm and smiled at me. “Justin was my savior. He made me feel so safe.”
“I think he made you feel something else too,” Jenny said as she winked at Kelly.
“You’re damn right he did. He made me so horny I thought I was going to go crazy,” Kelly said.
“I think it went both ways,” I said.
“Our parents, Justin’s mom and my dad, are going to be married too. We’re going to have a double ceremony,” Kelly said.
The doorbell rang. Justin got up to answer the door. He greeted Tammy and the guy with her. Another car pulled up and Alex climbed out. Laura also got out of Alex’s car. All four of them carried backpacks.
“Hi, guys, how are you doing?” I said as they came into the house.
“Great, Justin. Thanks for inviting us,” Alex said as we shook hands.
“Justin, this is Hank,” Tammy said.
I led the group to the kitchen. Everyone said hello to one another. Kelly showed them where to hang their jackets in the mudroom.
We stayed in the kitchen and chatted amongst ourselves. Everyone knew each other, but seldom gathered in a social setting. Once again the doorbell announced other guests arriving. I excused myself to answer the door.
Ted Lawrence, a forestry major I knew from several of my classes, came in followed by three other people. I shook Ted’s hand and stepped back so they could enter the foyer.
“Justin, I’d like you to meet Rusty, Cora, and Gail. Guys, this is Justin, our host,” Ted said.
I shook hands with Rusty. Gail extended her hand and I shook hers too. “I’m pleased to meet you, Justin. Thanks for inviting us,” Gail said.
Ted asked if he could bring a few friends when I gave him his invitation. He assured me his friends were okay and wouldn’t cause a problem after I voiced my concern about having strangers at my house.
“You’re welcome, Gail. Have a good time. Did Ted explain our rules about drinking and driving?” I said.
“Yes he did. We have our things in the car,” Gail told me.
I led the four newest guests into the kitchen. We all went through the introduction ritual again. Kelly offered to show the newcomers the house before we went to the basement. I smiled and nudged Rob when Jenny went with Kelly and the others.
“Jen loves living here. I hope you don’t mind the fact she makes herself at home. I hope you don’t mind I feel the same way,” Rob said.
“No, I don’t mind at all. I’m happy you two feel comfortable here,” I said with a smile.
The group came back to the kitchen after touring the house and apartment above the garage. They told me how much they liked the house. We decided head to the basement to have a drink and start the party. Kelly and Jenny mentioned they invited a few other people, but said they wouldn’t be coming.
“The other kids we asked didn’t like the rules. They wanted to be able to hit a few other parties so they decided not to come,” Jenny said.
“It doesn’t matter to Justin and me, does it, honey?” Kelly said.
I nodded in agreement.
We went downstairs. Rob and I showed the people who hadn’t been to the house around. Rob began drawing cups of beer from the keg and handing them to those who wanted one. He offered the girls wine coolers. Gail asked for a beer, but the other girls decided to have wine coolers.
The girls gathered together and began to talk about school. Rob and I took the guys outside to show them the deck and sunroom. Standing on the deck and looking toward the trees, I noticed how close Rusty and Ted stood together. We milled around outside enjoying the fresh air. Paul and Rob began telling the others about our morning fishing trip.
It didn’t take long for us to start talking about school and our majors. Ted told us Rusty was studying to be a teacher. Hank said he was in the engineering program and planned to do something in the robotic industry.
We went in to refresh our drinks. Rob filled our red plastic cups with cold beer and then asked if the girls wanted anything. While we were outside, Kelly and Jenny put out trays of munchies.
I stood against the wall and gazed at the people in the basement. The girls talked as if they had known each other for years. Rob and Paul talked about fishing and hunting. Ted came over to where I stood and leaned against the wall next to me.
“Are you going with Gail or Cora?” I asked Ted.
Ted looked at me, smiled, and shook his head. He pointed to Rusty and said, “Rusty and I are partners. So are Gail and Cora.”
I nodded. Ted’s statement caught me off guard, but didn’t bother me. I didn’t know any same-sex couples.
“We don’t have many friends outside of the gay community. There’s another party going on tonight, but we decided we wanted to get away from the group for a change. I hope the fact we’re gay doesn’t make us unwelcome,” Ted said.
“Of course not. You and your friends are more than welcome here,” I said.
Ted nodded and said, “Thanks, I wanted you to know about us. If it were a problem, I wanted to be able to leave before having too much to drink.” Ted smiled and walked over to Rusty.
I looked over to where the girls were sitting. Cora and Gail sat next to each other on a couch. Watching them, I began to notice the causal touches and shared smiles between the two girls. I also noticed how they dressed and carried themselves.
Gail dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt while Cora wore a skirt and tank top. Gail was a fairly large girl compared to Cora’s petite build. The longer I watched the more I was convinced Gail was the dominate partner between the two of them.
Jenny got up to turn up the stereo. She sorted through the stack of CDs and picked one she liked. The fast rock and roll stopped and a slow song began to play. Jenny moved across the room to Rob. She kissed his cheek and then they began to dance. Taking my queue from Jenny, I asked Kelly to dance with me.
A few moments later, everyone was up and dancing. I glanced around and smiled when I saw Ted and Rusty dancing too.
“Did you know about Gail and Cora?” I whispered into Kelly’s ear.
“Yes, but I didn’t know about Ted and Rusty. It doesn’t bother you, does it?” Kelly whispered back.
“No, it doesn’t bother me at all. It’s a bit different, that’s all. I didn’t know I knew anyone who’s gay,” I replied.
“Jenny told me Gail and Cora are a couple. She said they’re nice. After talking with them, I agree, they are nice.” Kelly giggled and said, “They asked if we were going to use the hot tub tonight.”
“What did you tell them?”
“I said it was okay with me. Is it okay?” Kelly said.
“Why not? I don’t consider myself homophobic,” I said.
Kelly smiled and snuggled closer. We danced together and I relished the feeling of her against me. Over the next two hours, we all danced, talked, and drank. I watched to make sure no one was over doing it.
A couple hours later, Jenny and Kelly started to get the food out. Sarah and the other girls helped. We sat around the ping-pong table and enjoyed the food. The conversation was about each of our plans for the summer.
Ted told us he and Rusty planned to go home to Illinois for the summer. Rusty said they had summer jobs in one of Chicago’s finer restaurants. Gail would go home to Lansing and Cora was going with her. We learned Ted and Rusty lived in the same suburb and had been together since their senior year of high school.
“When did you and Laura start dating, Alex?” Kelly said.
“We got together about a month ago, Kelly. Alex and I started going out after we came out here to take pictures. It turns out we both have similar goals and we enjoy the same things,” Laura said.
“What are you guys doing for the summer?” I asked Laura.
“Alex and I are going to travel in the Southwest. We want to go to some of the places where Ansel Adams took his photographs,” Laura replied. “We bought a four by five view camera. We wanted an eight by ten, but it is too large and expensive for now.”
“I like Adams’ work. He made his black and white photos come alive,” Tammy said.
“How will you handle processing the film? I would think you’d want to do it yourselves,” Jenny said.
“We do. Laura and I are taking my dad’s motor home. We will be able to develop the film using a changing bag and then make contact prints. When we return, we’ll enlarge the pictures we want. If we shoot color, we’ll have to find a lab,” Alex said.
“The trip sounds like it will be fun,” Hank said. “How can you guys afford it?”
“My family is paying for the trip. My dad’s company is actually paying for the trip. In turn, Laura and I have to shoot the pictures for his next catalog. Dad’s company makes and sells robotic machines,” Alex said.
We finished eating, but remained at the table. I found the things everyone planned to do for the summer and in life interesting.
Kelly got up to clear the table. Ted and Rusty told her they would take care of the cleanup. Kelly thanked Ted, telling him she would do it. The rest of the guys joined Ted and Rusty in the cleanup. We took the dishes upstairs, rinsed them, and placed them in the dishwasher.
After taking care of the dishes, we went back downstairs. Jenny was giving the other girls fresh drinks and Kelly helped her. Rob started drawing beers for the guys.
“I’m going to go get our duffle bags before it’s too late. Where should I put them, Justin,” Ted said.
“You can leave them in the great room for now. We’ll figure out where everyone is sleeping later,” I said.
We drank, talked, and danced for a couple hours. I noticed Hank and Tammy preferred to sit on a couch and make out rather than dance. Kelly and I stopped dancing to get drinks. Jenny came over to us and asked Kelly if she could dance with me. Kelly agreed as long as she could dance with Rob too.
“I’m having a blast,” Jenny said as we moved to the slow music. She chuckled and added, “I think I’m getting a little blasted too.”
I was also feeling the effect of the drinking. It was one of the few times I consumed enough alcohol to make me feel the way I did. I decided to take it easy so I could sober up a bit.
After dancing with Jenny, I watched Kelly and Rob for a few minutes. They laughed as they moved around to the beat of the music. I also noticed they weren’t dancing any closer than any two friends would. Glancing at Paul and Sarah I chuckled. They pressed together as tightly as they could and held each other’s asses. I could see they were grinding their pelvises together as they danced.
“Let’s see if anyone wants to use the hot tub,” Kelly said and then she kissed my cheek.
“Okay, I’ll go fire it up. Did you have a good time dancing with Rob?” I said.
The next few days were very busy. Mom and Mr. Hillman stayed to help Kelly and I get settled. We had several meetings with the lawyers, Hank and Abby, and the title company. Mom asked our lawyer at home to wire money to an account Kelly and I had opened in a local bank. While we talked to the manager of the bank, she offered to expedite a mortgage for us. I told her I would come back to talk about it once we owned the house. The more time we spent with Hank and Abby, the more I liked them....
I woke up to the feeling of Kelly snuggling against me. She grinned, leaned over me, and gave me a kiss. “Time to get up, sweetie,” Kelly said as she gave me another kiss. “Are you okay now?” I said. Kelly nodded her head. “I know I was being silly last night.” “So, do you still want to marry me?” I said as I found Kelly’s breasts with my hands. Kelly grinned as she nodded her head. I massaged her breasts for a few moments and then got up. Kelly and I went to the bathroom to get ready for...
Kelly woke me up on Monday morning. She wiggled as she climbed on my body and began kissing me. We fooled around for a few minutes before taking our shower. Kelly fixed her hair while I sat on the counter watching. We talked about the trip and laughed. Then Kelly asked if I was going to get stuck again. “No, but you’re going to get stuck,” I said. “Goody, goody. When are you going to stick me?” Kelly replied as she smiled at me. I slipped off the counter and moved behind Kelly. Placing my...
I woke up, gave Kelly a kiss, and walked into the bathroom. When I returned to the bedroom, Kelly was sitting on the bed, smiling. She jumped up, scurrying past me on her way to the bathroom. Kelly walked back into the bedroom, came over to me, and gave me a hug. I ran my hands down her back, gripped her ass, and pulled her against me. We shared a kiss before pulling apart. “What’s the plan for today?” Kelly asked as she pulled on a pair of panties. “I want to work in the yard. The grass...
There is very little sex in this story that’s why I put it in the non-erotic category. A Cabin in the Woods My name is Dave. I enjoy fishing, ATV’s, snowmobiles or anything else that lets me be in the great outdoors. My favorite outdoor sport is hunting and the best type of hunting in my opinion is deer hunting. I would rather deer hunt than do just about anything else. Today is my favorite day of the year; no it’s not Christmas or Super bowl Sunday. Its Friday November second the day...
Rob, Jenny, Kelly, and I went back in the house. We cleaned the kitchen and then relaxed in the great room. Rob built a fire and I gave him a hand. We settled on the couches to watch the fire and rest. “Well, I think the party was a success,” Jenny said. “I do too. It was fun, but not something I would want to do all the time,” Kelly said. “To me, cuddling by the fire with the four of us is better.” Kelly took my hand and put it under her top. I gently rubbed her soft stomach. She shifted...
At first I didn’t know what to expect. I stood hugging Jenny and sharing tender kisses. During the day, we acted as a couple and so did Rob and Kelly. None of us talked about the arrangement or where it was headed. Jenny pulled her head back, looked into my eyes, and smiled. I smiled back and moved my hands to her ass. Pulling her against my body I kissed her again. She wiggled in my arms and stabbed her tongue into my mouth. As we stood kissing, I worked the back of Jenny’s dress up. I...
Kelly woke me up with a gentle blowjob. I offered to reciprocate, but she told me to relax and enjoy myself. I did. Kelly spent a long time kissing, licking, and rubbing my cock against her cheeks. She sucked my balls one at a time, rubbing them with her tongue. Several times, Kelly sat up and looked in my eyes while she slowly jacked me off. “I love you so much,” Kelly said and then she kissed my belly. “No matter what happens, I will always love you.” What Kelly said disturbed me. I...
The two riders got off the machines. When they removed their helmets, Kelly and I ran outside to greet our parents. Mom hugged me while Mr. Hillman hugged Kelly. After a moment, Mom hugged Kelly and I shook Mr. Hillman’s hand. Kelly and I invited our parents into what had become ‘our’ cabin. They looked around and smiled. After the normal questions about how we were, Mom and Mr. Hillman listened to Kelly and I tell them about our adventure. While we talked, Kelly and I cleaned the cabin,...
Greg called on Thursday to let me know he wouldn’t be there until Friday. He said something came up, but he also guaranteed it wouldn’t add to the completion date. I told Kelly what Greg said. We spent the morning working. Rob continued on the webpage while Jenny and Kelly unpacked the equipment we’d bought. They set up a makeshift studio in the basement. I helped the girls by carrying the equipment from the garage to the basement. After lunch Jenny and Kelly worked on their garden. Rob and...
Heather shooed her brother from the helm, telling Ziggy she would take over. Paul chuckled as he moved out of the way. He sat next to me, watching Kelly fight the first fish of the day. “I think we’re going for a boat ride today,” Rob said as he kept the camcorder pointed at Kelly. “Yeah, so it seems. That’s okay though, watching the girls will be fun,” I said. I used Kelly’s camera to take pictures of the action. When I pointed it at Heather, she smiled at me. A few minutes later, Jenny...
Kelly and I woke up to the alarm. We snuggled for a few minutes before getting up and ready for the day. While we showered and dressed, we talked about our plans. We went downstairs and found Mom and Donna in the kitchen. “Good morning, kids, the coffee’s ready,” Mom said. “Thanks, Mom. How are you guys this morning? Did you sleep well?” Kelly said. I poured coffee for Kelly and me. She sat at the table with Mom and Donna. “I slept very well. You have a lovely home,” Donna said as I gave...
Kelly turned off the alarm, rolled onto my body and gave me a kiss. We snuggled together and shared tender kisses. “We should get going,” I said. Kelly nodded, kissed me and got out of bed. I watched her ass as she walked to the bathroom, grinning when she looked over her shoulder and winked. I started the coffee pot and turned on the television in hopes of getting a weather report. “It looks like it’s going to be a nice day,” Rob said. I looked toward his bed and saw him...
Kelly woke me and said it was time to get going. We used the bathroom, changed into our workout clothing and left our room. Kelly knocked on Jenny’s and Rob’s bedroom door, opening it when Rob answered. “We’re going to workout. Are you going to join us?” Kelly said. “Yup, we’ll be down in a few,” Jenny said. Kelly made a pot of coffee while I sat at the table looking outside. Rob and Jenny came in as the coffee maker finished. We sat at the table sipping our coffee and trading...
Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I work at a nice resort in Lake Tahoe. It was just beginning to snow as I was driving to work. I was on call for the weekend. I'm the snow rescue guy. If you get trapped outside in the snow. Ski off a cliff and need to be rescued. Have to much to drink and hit a tree. They call me to rescue you. I've been skiing most of my life. I normally just pack a few items in a pack back to take while skiing. The forecast was for about 4-6 inches. I'm pretty sure for the...
Rob, Jenny, Kelly, and I decided to spend Monday sitting by the pool and walking around the area near the hotel. Vince, Donna, Mom, and Dad went to Benton Harbor so Vince could meet with one of his customers. While at the pool, I read my book about bowhunting. Rob answered my questions when I asked about some of the things I read. Kelly and Jenny worked out in the facility provided by the hotel. “Bowhunting is more involved than I thought it would be,” I said to Rob. “It can be, but when...
“I had fun,” Kelly said as she flopped on the couch. “I can’t wait to do it again.” “What, taking the pictures or having Rob and Jenny over?” “Both! Hiking in the woods and taking pictures was fun. I hope the ones I took turn out well. Having them stay and spend the night was fun too.” Kelly smiled at me. “Jenny said it was the first time in months they got to sleep in a full-size bed. Most of the time, they have to make love in one of their dorm rooms when their roommates are gone.” “At...
Mom and Dad, along with Vince and Donna, arrived two weeks before the wedding. They moved into two of the rooms in the house. We all went out for dinner and the women spent the entire evening talking about the wedding. The next morning, we all went to the new property to show everyone the trailer and the progress on the lodge. Dad and Mom commented on the trailer, telling us how nice it was. “This is going to be great,” Mom said as we stood at the building site looking down at the...
The next week was very busy for Kelly and me. We went to the college admissions office to give them our new address. Kelly was able to enroll in the photography class she wanted by changing one of her other classes to make room in her schedule. The sporting goods store delivered our new equipment and Kelly and I began working out every other morning. We spent a lot of time in the house, making love whenever the mood hit one of us. While my definitions of making love and sex were still...
She knows the trail well. These are her Vermont woods, and she leads us with sure steps along its winding paths through pine and birch forests, over bare bedrock, and around cedar swamps. It is a warm day in late June. I follow Jane’s mother, Linda, at a respectful distance, but as I walk behind her, I cannot help looking at her gorgeous big ass in her summer shorts as she walks casually along, swaying her generous hips side to side. Her buttocks stretch flatter as she climbs an outcrop. Her...
The drive from the city had been tiring. There seemed to be more than the usual number of idiots on the road today. Perhaps they, like us, were just hoping to take advantage of the long weekend. At least they were not coming to ‘our’ woods. We had rented a cabin from a friend of ours last month. We needed a place to just get away and be alone, together. Turning off the main road, we drive the mile and a half through the woods, on the stone lane, to the cabin. Nestled in the woods, the cabin...
One night my husband, Matt, came home from work in a very amorous mood. He kissed me hard and made my body tingle from head to toe. My pussy was wet in seconds. He asked me if I would trust him and indulge him in a fantasy tomorrow. It would be Saturday and I didn’t have anything pressing on the schedule so I said “Sure.” I asked him what the fantasy was and he said I’d just have to trust him, but that he hoped I’d enjoy it. Saturday morning came and Matt had laid out some lingerie for me. It...
One night my husband, Matt, came home from work in a very amorous mood. He kissed me hard and made my body tingle from head to toe. My pussy was wet in seconds. He asked me if I would trust him and indulge him in a fantasy tomorrow. It would be Saturday and I didn’t have anything pressing on the schedule so I said “Sure.” I asked him what the fantasy was and he said I’d just have to trust him, but that he hoped I’d enjoy it. Saturday morning came and Matt had laid out some lingerie for me. It...
Group SexKelly and I came downstairs and saw Jenny and Rob sitting at the table. Kelly got coffee for us, and we joined them. “When do you want to hit the road?” Rob said. “I’m ready as soon as everyone else is,” I replied. “Rob and I thought we’d take us out to breakfast, so we don’t have to cook and clean,” Jenny said. “We want to ask the people at the restaurant if we can show some of our pictures and sell them there.” “I think it’s a great idea,” Kelly said. We finished our coffee and then...
Chapter 1It began on the day that the thermos disappeared from the side of the road. Pam had noticed the red thermos one day on her daily commute, and it had become a sort of obsession to look at it each time she drove by. A piece of cast-off garbage gave her a way to pass the time, wondering where it had come from and how it got there. She had been watching it for years, and it had been there on the way to work. Now, on her way home, it was gone. The rest of the drive home...
Marisa Jenkins loaded her suitcase into the boot of her friend's four wheel drive as they were off for a road trip to remember in the woods. She wasn’t so sure it was a good idea as wild animals roamed the woods and murderers lurked in the dark shadows of the forest. Obviously her friends told her to stop being such a coward, so she got into the backseat of the car. She looked to her right and the girl she thought was so irritating, Sammy Pope, smacked her lips together as she chewed her...
LesbianMy mom decided to get married out at the state park, and we would all have cabins in the woods where we would sleep and eat. The cabins were nice, complete with electricity, stoves, and a fireplace. It was a six hour drive and I got there about an hour before the ceremony. My mom called be over to meet my new step brothers and one step sister. Now, I haven't been a teenager in a while so meeting my steps wasn't that big of a deal. Boy was I wrong. My new stepsister's name was Addie and she...
It was yet another miserably hot day at the cabin in the woods. Record high heat and a drought had made this annual family vacation an abysmal failure. The ground was cracked and on the rare occasion that a hot wind blew, it only managed to kick dust up in the air. Normally lush green trees hung limply with dying brown leaves. Jake sat in the shade of the porch and stared into the woods. He was quiet boy, usually hanging out with the school nerds. He was average height, a bit stocky, but not...
The sound of the coffee maker gurgling woke me the next morning. Kelly was out of bed, moving around our room. She wore her thong, but nothing else. “Good morning, honey,” Kelly said when she noticed I was awake. She came to the bed, patted my morning erection and said, “Morning, Boomer.” “Good morning, sweetie, how long have you been up?” “Not long. I’d still be asleep if something hadn’t been poking my butt.” Laughing, I rolled out of bed. I gave Kelly a hug on my way to the bathroom....
The next morning I woke up to the feeling of Kelly mouthing my cock. When I opened my eyes, I saw her crotch above my head. I said, “Good morning,” and pulled her down to my open mouth. Kelly moaned around my cock, removed it from her mouth, and said, “Good morning to you, stud!” Kelly took me back into her mouth. I screwed my tongue into her, rubbing my chin against her clitoris. We kept it up for several minutes before Kelly rolled onto her side. I pushed her on her back, flipped around,...
I woke up Sunday morning, rolled over, and gave Kelly a kiss. She stirred and her eyes fluttered open. “Good morning, Mrs. Rodgers,” I said. “Mmmm, good morning. I love how it sounds and I love the fact I’m Mrs. Rodgers.” Kelly pulled her mouth to mine and kissed me. Moving over her, I covered Kelly’s body with mine. She ran her hand over my back and down to my ass. Wiggling, I rubbed my cock against her mons until it was hard. She opened her legs, moaning as I slid into her...
I woke up spooned against Kelly the next morning. My erection nested between her butt cheeks. As I began to gently rock my hips, Kelly pushed back against me. “Mmmm, this is nice,” Kelly said, flexing her bottom against my cock. Reaching over her, I began massaging one of Kelly’s breasts. She put her hand over mine, holding it to her bosom. My fingers closed around her breast and I felt her nipple harden against my palm. “We should get up and take our shower,” I whispered in her ear. “I...
After showering and dressing, the four of us headed downstairs for breakfast. We sat in a booth and drank coffee while waiting for our food. “What time do you want to head home?” Rob said. “We can go whenever we’re ready. I need to fill my truck and we should check the ice on the fish,” I said. “Are we going to take the long way back, or head straight home?” Jenny said. “What would you like to do?” Kelly said. Jenny laughed and said, “You know what I want.” “Yeah, me too, but we’ll...
Kelly and I fell back into our routine. We worked out every other morning, went to class, and spent our nights studying. Rob and Jenny came over a few times a week to join us for dinner and to study. Several of the nights, they stayed, getting up early so they could stop at their dorms before going to class. I talked to Paul when I saw him at school. He told me he and Sarah had a good time when they met us while sledding. Paul asked if we planned to do it again, suggesting we all get...
Introduction: Her nice weekend away Hannah hadnt really paid attention when they arrived at Richards cabin. After all, the foreplay in the car dictated their first activity when they arrived. She felt very teen-age, reaching over to stroke his cock while driving down the highway. He gave her a wink and smile, as he pushed his hips out just a bit. When he turned off the main road and then eventually onto the dirt one he said, Suck it. She hadnt done that since high school. She loosened her...
When the alarm clock went off Thursday morning I reached over and smacked the snooze button. Flopping on my back, I covered my eyes with my forearm. Hovering between asleep and awake, I felt Kelly climb onto me. Kelly sat on my hips, pinning my shoulders to the bed. I removed my arm, looking up into her smiling face. Chuckling, Kelly bounced gently on me. “What’s gotten into you this morning?” I said. “Nothing, and it’s a problem, baby.” “How do you suggest we cure you problem?” I said...
On Monday, I woke up early. Kelly and I put on shorts and tee shirts before heading out of our room and down to the basement to work out. I’d been lax in my routine and decided to regroup. Kelly agreed with me. Rob and Jenny came downstairs while Kelly and I exercised. They joined us, telling Kelly and me they came down every other morning to workout. Outside, I could hear Mitch’s tractor. After working out, we showered and got ready for the day. We ate breakfast and went to work. Kelly and...
Mom and Mr. Hillman were surprised to see me when I arrived at home two weeks later. Mom asked why I wasn’t at school so I told her my plan. I explained how much I missed Kelly and couldn’t stand being apart from her. “I told administration I was leaving Northwestern. I also bought a cap for my truck and cleaned out my dorm room,” I said. Mom smiled. “So, what do you plan to do next?” “I’m going to go to Ohio and get Kelly. We can take this term over this summer so we won’t get behind,” I...
Rob, Jenny, Kelly, and I went sledding the next day. We built a fire, using it to warm ourselves and try to dry our wet clothes. The girls made tuna sandwiches for lunch. I brought two thermoses of coffee, but they didn’t last long. There were other people sledding on the hill. Some of them looked to be students while some were younger. Before we headed for home, a couple of families showed up with small kids. Like the day before, we took turns sitting in different positions on the sled. Rob...
Kelly was on her back when I woke up the next morning. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, smiling when she moved her head. As she came out of her slumber, I began kissing her breasts. Kelly put her hands on my head, holding it lightly as I flicked at her nipples with my tongue. When my mouth covered her pussy, Kelly let out a moan. She reached for my cock, stroking it while I licked her. “What a wonderful way to wake up,” Kelly moaned. “Move so I can do it for you too.” Kelly and I shifted on...
It was summer 2015, all three of us decided to plan a road trip. We ended up renting a cabin on a lake in the middle of a forest in Northern Ontario. It was very secluded, the nearest town was 30 minutes drive from us. There was no one around us, we had to drive through a forest with dirt roads just to get to the cabin. It was $1500 to rent the cabin for a week, so we each paid $500. Day 1: It was an 8 hour drive from where we lived in southern Ontario. The drive there was not too eventful....
The snow was falling so thickly that I could barely see the road. I didn't like driving alone in this type of weather, but when you walk in on your boyfriend of five years in bed humping your best friend, you do something drastic. I went online and found a selection of interesting destinations. The one that really caught my eye looked idyllic. A Swiss chalet perched on a crag overlooking a pine forest and fields of sparkling snow. It looked like the ideal place to get away from here. The...
Straight Sex“Come on old woman, it’s time to get up,” I said to Kelly as I hovered above her. I kissed her forehead and watched a smile form on her lips. “Would you be a dear and get my walker for me? I have to get to the bathroom—again,” Kelly said with a chuckle. I gave Kelly a smack on the side of her butt. She laughed and squirmed away from me. “Don’t get me started. We have to get up,” Kelly said. Kelly and I showered, dressed, and went downstairs. Mom, Dad, Vince, and Donna sat at the table in...
Rob, Jenny, Kelly, and I got up early on Sunday morning. We took turns in the shower, dressed, and went down for breakfast. After we ate, Rob, Dad, Vince, and I went to Rob’s house. The women took Vince’s Suburban and went to Jenny’s house. Rob and I connected the trailer to the truck and went to the basement to get his gear. Dad and Vince sat in the kitchen with Rob’s dad, talking. In the basement, Rob showed me his Thompson/Center Encore. He showed me how easy it was to exchange the...
I met Rob in the commons on Monday. He already heard about the spring break party from Jenny. Rob said they would be there and asked if there was anything he should bring. I told him I would let him know and I needed help with the grill. Rob agreed to come to the house the next night to help get the grill out of the barn. Kelly and Jenny came in a few minutes later. Jenny was bubbling, thanking me for inviting her and Rob to spend the week at the house. I told her it was Kelly’s idea and she...
Kelly woke me up the next morning by kissing me. I put my arms around her, pulling her on top of me. “How are you this morning, sexy?” I asked. “I’m scared. I don’t know what to say to Jen and Rob.” “Tell them what’s in your heart, honey. You can never go wrong being honest.” Kelly nodded. “What if they hate me?” “What if they don’t?” “Why do you answer my question with a question? I need you to tell me what to do.” “I’ve already told you, Kelly. Be honest and tell them how you feel....
The sun was just beginning to rise by the time the party finally came across the hunting cabin. Calling it rustic would have been an understatement, it was obviously quite old and fairly dilapidated, the forest slowly encroaching on the land that had been cleared around it. It was a squat building made from wooden paneling rather than the logs that he had expected. It had a roof and a porch, a door, and a few windows with glass too dirty to see through. Clearly, the park services didn’t pay...
"I hope they're okay," she mumbled." Oh, they'll be fine," Wayne told her, hoping that he was right. Wayne's whole family was driving up to their cabin in the mountains for a mini-vacation. Tony, Wayne's father, Kim, Krista's sister, and Wayne's little sister Marie, were in the second car somewhere behind them. They had taken both cars because Kim had to return home on Tuesday. Wayne, Krista, Tony and Marie were planning to leave the following Friday. When they had started...
It was pretty late, and the sun had begun to set not too long ago. I shrugged it off and figured that since I turned 19 and moved out recently, I can do whatever I want. I wasn’t the best looking dude, but I definitely wasn’t the worst. Especially in a small town like this, I’d probably rate myself on the more attractive side if it didn’t sound narcissistic. The girl I was looking at seemed similar in age, so I decided to approach her. She had curly dark hair which complimented her rather...
You wake up with a start as the car makes a sharp turn and your head bangs against the window. You rub your head as you look out the window. The town you were in when you drifted off to sleep has been replaced with large trees of different varieties. Looking around the vehicle, you notice everyone is pretty zoned out. Neil is passed out beside you, his head resting on his boyfriend, Rory's shoulder. Rory, meanwhile, seems to be browsing through his phone. You try to see what he's up to out of...
GayWe were alone for a few moments, separated from the others. Mark spoke very quietly. "Isn't it terrific?" "What's that?" I said, assuming it was something just between the two of us. "I mean having this intimacy between us. That we can stand here and I can remind you how lovely it is for you to put me inside your body. That moment, I mean,... especially." He grinned at me. I smiled and nodded, then looked off at the others. "Yes." The Cabin - Idyllic Family Outing The cabin on...
((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...
FantasyEveryone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...
Marisa Jenkins loaded her suitcase into the boot of her friend’s four wheel drive as they were off for a road trip to remember in the woods. She wasn’t so sure it was a good idea as wild animals roamed the woods and murderers lurked in the dark shadows of the forest. Obviously her friends told her to stop being such a coward, so she got into the backseat of the car. She looked to her right and the girl she thought was so irritating, Sammy Pope, smacked her lips together as she chewed her...
“Enough. We are getting close, and this is not how I want to cum. Though I completely support your initiative, little Niki.” He stroked her head as she lay there a moment, before she sat back up, glancing around and realizing they had left the highway again, and were indeed near the dirt road that led to the park. She sat back up, remembering to keep herself observable, and was just looking at the tall pines and other trees that lined the narrow roadway, her mind going back to the previous...
I wake up with my head spinning slightly. I’m confused as I try to focus in the darkened room. I squint, still trying to figure out where I am. I move to sit up and find myself tied to the head of the bed. I let out a soft whimper, suddenly scared. I try to pull a little harder at the ties, hoping that this was some kind of joke, when suddenly, a voice across the room speaks, causing me to jump a bit. "I wouldn't bother pulling too hard; it'll only make the bounds all that much tighter, little...
ReluctanceThe open countryside spans out in front of you from the dash of your mother's crappy SUV. You see clusters of trees dotting around the terrain and several farmhouses. Beside you engrossed in her phone is Stephanie; an athletic Hispanic girl who transferred to your school only this past year, she quickly bonded with you and your best friend over video games. She also gained popularity at an extreme rate after joining the school's varsity soccer team. You notice her long chocolate colored hair...
By Jacob Bard The way I remember it, we arrived at the cabin late afternoon. It was a dream come true. Just you and me in a picturesque cabin located on a snowy mountain side—the perfect setting for rest, relaxation, and romance. The flight to Colorado had gone as planned and we had spent the night before in a hotel near the airport so as to be rested when we arrived at the cabin. It was just as we had envisioned and we were ready for some time to do nothing but enjoy one another and catch up...