Second ChanceChapter 48
- 3 years ago
- 28
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The six of us rode home with no problem at the border. My two girls were upset at the slaves conditions and Sonya even cried for a while. One woman was about twenty four and looked many years older. The other two were fourteen and seventeen with the younger one being black. These two had been runaways that never made it back to the parents they thought were abusive. They didn't know anything of the Manny's of the world.
I carried the oldest one in my arms and through the house. Some of the servants saw them and their condition. They had been appraised of what I had intended to do when I found abused slaves.
The three were put in our circle and when the rest of my family got up we started work before even eating. The erotic situation was not as it should be and all of us were depressed about what had happened. There was enough love and power though to remove all of the incantations and then I put in our standard set.
When this was done Sonya, as lady of the house or head slave, gave orders and the three girls were put in a quiet place to sleep and start their long recovery process.
Manny assisted in this the next day. He made his own circle with Jacob. We strengthened it at our end and extracted all of Manny's old books. He got in return some fully charged crystals to let him continue the functions he had to for the other apprentices.
For the next few months we picked off seven more trainees. Most were not quite as bad as Manny. We would transport through the ring to various cities in both Canada and the United States. Our private investigators did the leg work and we just called them back just before we attacked. We could have used our own resources but the amount of magic used would warn those more adept at magic that something was happening.
There were only two cities with trainees in Canada and they were Vancouver and Montreal. The United States with its much larger population had more of those trained in magic but they tended to control their own numbers as if they needed a very large feeding ground.
After learning about the way Manny was protected, we came back with our captive or captives and worked on them at our base. It was getting down to just over an hour and a half to process one of the trainees so they would not appear altered. In every case their slaves came back to us as a way of regaining their sanity.
Virginia Sutton lived in Mobile Alabama. This was the first mistress I had run across. She ran her operation more efficiently than Manny but kept more slaves of both genders to assist her. One of the facts to generating the maximum power requires that there be a solid contact between at least one generator and the conductor. Virginia didn't have the right equipment to get the needed power. A plastic dildo would give pleasure to both her and her slaves but not the power.
Virginia used her hand and fist to enter her slaves. Over enough time the slaves openings could become accustomed to this. What I had objected to was that she would enjoy using her fist on a young girl or a boy and rip them unmercifully. The pain was excruciating and this too was used to gain power.
She would kidnap locals and subject them to this torture then heal them before release. Her goal was to take every young person in the city of two hundred thousand.
Virginia was treated like the rest and now she found males to supply power. The contact now was into her body which was not what she wanted before. Those slaves that were not suited for release came to me while the others were healed. I thought it ironic that the males used her anus for the first time to her pain and humiliation. The temporary spell on her caused her to heal up after a few hours and every new intrusion was as bad as the first. This sex would be her only way of gaining power until the spell faded away.
The population of our base shot up to ninety three individuals and that didn't count those in the time vault. The various masters had female slaves that ranged from a maximum of thirty down to babies. The male slaves were never older than thirteen. Sutton though was the exception in that her older males were released after they performed or were raped. The younger males kept as backups suffered the most until their anus stretched enough.
I went into father mode somehow and provided toys and play areas that kept the youngest away from the area we used to generate power. Some areas were very large and had swings and other large devices that the children had to power. Many were still frightened so I made a labyrinth of small areas where they could hide or simply play with their new friends. The small openings ensured that an adult could not get in.
The time vault had piqued my interest and there was also the fact that people were locked inside. Mordock had not been able to explain the principles of the construction to my satisfaction though he tried. Apparently Maximus had helped him to set it up and showed him the spells for collapsing and raising the vault again. This could only be done because the preliminary work had already been performed.
We went through the computer and our growing collection of books but could only find some vague references to this. Mordock and Hassan had their own empires to run but they did help me set up my own experiments in altering time.
I had been working on the first of seventeen similar spells. It was not just the words but what I had to do during this intonation that had to be completed also. The first spell had been a failure and I had to perform ninety three subtle variations to find this.
That night I cuddled up against Sonya and one of the new girls when I thought of some interesting ideas. Rather than bother the rest I went down two more floors and began the new spell with the first of the variations.
Before I started I saw the books nearby and reluctantly stopped. I wrote out the spell as I devised it and listed the many variables I would try to handle. In ten minutes I knew this would not work and went back to my notes and added the new variations. I felt confident when I was almost finished for some reason. I chanted the last syllable and waited to see what would happen.
I was shaken by a hand that instantaneously appeared. My mind reached out and I found Sonya suddenly present. Behind and to one side was Sara, Hassan and Mordock. They looked worried and I wondered how they got here so suddenly. I thought they had used a circle to transport here.
Before I could look into their minds I felt a flood of relief come from all of them but especially Sonya. Rather than look I just waited a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"
Sonya sobbed some more and hugged me to her. "You were gone when we woke up. It took hours to find you. When we did you were frozen in place. I had to get some help. We have been at it for three days now. If you hadn't made those notes we wouldn't have had a chance to bring you out of this."
I ignored the words and I could only see how frantic she had been. The rest had been driven by her to find a solution. The result required all of them to work very hard together to do this. I simply bent over and picked her up in my arms. A short distance away was a large bed that Sonya and I had used a few times. I put her into it and said, "Go to sleep slave. Thank you for my rescue and I love you."
"That is an order from your master, Slave."
I picked up Sara too but she didn't have the airs that Sonya had. I put her naked frame into the bed and said verbally, "You sleep too."
She had big eyes and said, "Yes Master."
There was a large couch and a reclining chair. I pointed to one then the other and said, "Sleep. We will talk later and thank you for saving my life." They picked their choice and no spell was needed and they were asleep in moments.
I went back to my notes and found them moved. Going through them I tried to think of what had happened. Whatever it was it took very little energy on my part and now it was another job of finding the dynamics of the spell. It would not work well if the one casting it was the one that found himself frozen in time.
The list of the spells that were used to break mine was truly impressive. The majority of them were spells from the various books but with twists to indicate time. None of the books had any true time spell and only mentioned the possibility in passing.
The latter spells had been all created from scratch. I followed most of them. The quartet had learned like me to write everything down first. The last spell held my interest but I didn't know if that was it or not. They may have written the spell after it was tried.
Matching up what I had done to the last chant seemed to work but it was not elegant. It was more of a rough and dirty solution but I had to assume it had worked because I wouldn't be here otherwise.
Thinking of my enforced dalliance I opened my mind to some of the family and told them what had happened. I got a tremendous backlash of emotion from simply saying I was alive. I found all of them had been worried. Even the servants had been told that something was wrong and I heard that Mrs Cardinalli had been praying with some of the others.
I felt pulled two ways again. I wanted to lay with Sonya and Sara but I wanted the rest to see that I was ok. The first choice was just greedy so I walked down the hall then up the elevator to the top level.
Once I was spotted the rest ran to me and I hugged them to me. Quite a few had tears in their eyes and I felt like a heel for putting them through this. Ann pulled my hand toward the gym and I knew now what she wanted to do. It was a good idea and would get the rest of the family to settle down.
Because Ann brought me here I began with her and the rest got into position. I tried to go slow but she pulled me into her vagina and said with a sigh, "Now Master, make us feel that you are really here." The thoughts in the back of her mind were instinctive and she would happily have my child to carry on if I were killed. This didn't filter to the front of her mind but now I felt even closer to her.
The grid formed very strongly with no input from me. The people around the circle knew what to do and did it almost unconsciously. Ann started to come too soon and I held her off. I could hear her thoughts giving thanks. I moved to a different position and thrust into her as I read her feelings. Today she wanted it rough and to strike her clit hard and push fast into her depths. If I bent down a bit I could rub harder across her 'G' spot and she began to get very excited.
To be different I held onto her back and I was able to get to my feet. She held onto my neck all the time. My hands went to her small bum and I picked her up and let her drop onto my pelvis. She had cooled down when I gained my feet but now she was almost too hot to touch.
I put more barriers to her orgasm and bounced her harder and harder onto me until she broke through the barriers and screamed her joy only to be cut off as the sensations got too strong for her.
The others in the room screamed but not all fainted. I filled Ann's unconscious form with my seed and just moved her a few more times.
I laid her form back on the pad and gave her a kiss though she would not know of it.
I began my moves to the right and felt compelled to now make love to them the same way as Ann. They were slaves in name but they were now family too. Those that wanted it this way got it but I had to quit after thirty. My arms were just too sore. My testicles and prostrate had given out at sixteen but I continued to give pleasure.
The children were still bypassed but they usually didn't last too long. They had their sympathetic orgasm along with the rest and couldn't take the pace. I got eleven more and found that all of the family were just twitching on the pads and didn't know if I was in them or not.
Getting cleaned I dressed and went upstairs. Mrs Cardinalli saw me first and raced to me giving me a kiss but more than what she would have given a son or close relative. I whispered after giving her a similar kiss in return, "Your husband will get mad now."
She pulled back with a smile and said, "It is nice to have you back."
"Getting a kiss like that means a lot to me too."
"Silly, You deserve the kiss and you deserve a spanking too. Every time you go down under the basement you do that thing with the girls and you make me weak in the knees."
"Hmmmm, weak in the knees? Don't you mean something else a bit higher?"
She slapped my arm and said, "That too and I am old enough to be your mother."
I bent and kissed her but didn't tell her that I was actually older than her. I found the coffee pot and drank as I walked around the house and talked to all the servants. Soon I had others that usually lived and stayed in the servant's quarters, came by to tell me that they were glad I was back.
Mrs Cardinalli promised me a good meal but I said, "It's Wednesday now. Why don't you plan for one tomorrow? You can get a lot of help and we can go outside and eat it like a picnic. Most of the children have never seen the dogs or the horses. We can exercise all of them at one time. She liked the idea and so did the few adults nearby that heard.
When I went back to the complex the family had seemed to have recovered. I removed my clothing to fit in and began a class in mathematics. At the moment we only relied on our own ingenuity and knowledge. After a certain point education had to be structured and real teachers introduced.
The family liked magic and did consistently well in it. It didn't though give a well rounded education. This would put these people into a group of other magically inclined people with little else to talk about. The fact that they would become paranoid after some tried to kill or control others would reduce the amount of talking and the actual information passed.
I loved every one in my family even if a few were less inclined to do what they were told. They would say, "Yes Master," to my face but not try very hard to accomplish what I set them out to do. Sometimes this had to deal with interactions between individuals in the family. The girls held a special position though I tried not to let this happen. They would make love to me if they were old enough but then all the girls could make love to each other too with no stigma associated with it.
The boys had been conditioned to only please a master. This had been strengthened by Mordock to the point that they could not please each other. Their only outlet now was in the circle where they were allowed to share what the older girls felt or what I felt as I moved myself in a warm willing body. Both were more than acceptable.
The womenfolk tended to be a bit greedy when it came to sex. They had lovers and changed them often. The problem arose when I was the only male to have fun with them. Hassan and Mordock were definitely not on their list of eligible males after they knew what they had been like.
The only other way would be to get the boys to play in the girl's games but the boys were not suited for this because of their conditioning. When I had removed all of the conditioning from all of those in the family this didn't bring them back to the way they should be. It took a long time if ever to get past the conditioning in a person.
The way a child was raised in the outside world was a good example. Their heads were filled with some good data and a lot of garbage and even more contradictory conditions that would cause any half way sane person to act irrationally. Religion, was one of those examples. It was good to have because it guided all of the believers into a path worked out by a long period of development. Some new facts had changed though in the last few hundred years to put a strain on the old rules. Too many people were going to be born and most would be into poverty. It was good to find ways of limiting births. This of course was against the rules of some religions.
Culture itself changed but it did so slowly. The speed was both a good and a bad point. If it went too fast bad ideas would be incorporated into it and then the culture would fall apart. Sometimes change had to move fast so that a culture could survive.
We basically consumed too much and wasted a great deal of it. We were not like a few hundred years ago when there was little waste when the size of the population was considered. Now we were running out of space to put our garbage because we refused to recycle or to refuse products that promoted this idea. People bought flashy boxes then threw them away when they were empty. People also threw away automobiles the same way.
One way around this problem was to have people control others. Politics was in a sorry state and we were led by thieves, people taking bribes, and those just inept. Having a local authority like me was unsatisfactory in that I had not found a suitable way to treat slaves correctly. I too was not always right but I did try. Feudalism didn't work well unless the serfs were uneducated and forced to work at simple jobs or die of starvation. Likewise the gentry had to be responsible which history told us that they had not.
Things just seemed to work best in small units of people. A small town may seem cramped to most residents but it is a much saner place than a large city. The checks and balances in a small community came into play and there was less conflict with local customs simply because everybody knew what everybody else was doing.
This was the way our own community was being run. We all shared ideas and I tried to form a set of goals for the whole community. If we strived toward this then we would prosper. This was the same way all the great civilisations started but they usually grew too big and then stagnated. Actually it had to because that many people could not continue to burn hotly with a single purpose without running into an immovable wall or just burning out. Society had to change from what made it great in its youth. Controlling the aims of a society as it grew was a challenging concept.
When the math class had ended I began a new one on the outside world. I showed horses being ridden in races and just out for a trip. Their size was shown against Humans. The family had all been to the stables but had not rode the horses. I just went into a listing of the tack used and what it was for.
I had never had to opportunity to ride a horse before through commitments or just he cost. The latter was not much but I usually had to work hard to put two quarters together.
I wondered how a bad luck spell had been cast on me and why it had been done. I could see that it may have been done to my ancestor and it had just followed our line until it was removed. Erasmus had later surmised this and said that it had been cast on my family a long time ago and was actually tied to my genetic structure. He had of course removed it along with giving me all the opposite effects. This genetic storage gave me hope that humans could change for the better if it were done correctly.
Horse riding now was a possibility and I had studied from a book and from Mordock's mind. He kept the horses as a status symbol but then had to ride them or seem a fool to those he was trying to impress.
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A Cure for Alzheimer's Synopsis - A teen's plan to escape from the poverty of his coal mining town succeeds - but when he and his close friend join with a number of other boys and participate in a medical trial, the results are hardly what they anticipated. Introduction - I guess that I was around ten years old, or so, before I realized how different the life that we lived in our small West Virginia coal mining community was from the way folks lived in the rest of the country - or...
I was playing the new video game that had just come out. I had no idea what was to be in store for me besides playing the new game. I was a 15 year old. And I got nothing else to do! But enough about games. Lets get to the good part. My mother, what this whole story is based upon, is extremely nice with dark brunette hair. She is a size 12, 38C breast that go perfectly with her figure. Nothing much happened in the line for the video game. Later that night I was playing this game "Now Mark, get...
What you don’t understand is that although most people think what happened was wrong, at the time there was no harm meant, no malice. I mean my first reaction was anger, but then I thought more about it. Even if the people involved knew that it was something they shouldn’t have done, they never harmed me. They never forced me to do anything. My life was my life, and although its different, and I wouldn’t do what I did again, it is like everything that we go through. The past is the past, and...
The day started like most others: up at five, work out, meditate, check for orders from the online store then downstairs to my workspace to spend the day building and filling orders that we had taken the week before at the art show.It was close to nine when she came down swimming in one of my old shirts and stopped in the doorway and called out over the machine noise. "I'm going to head into town do you want to come with me?"I took a quick look around before replying. "Sure. I'll be able...
NovelsGeorgia lay there on the side of her face for a seeming eternity after Wolf had already slid his deflating penis out of her snugly grasping anus. The animal sat in back of her, huffing and puffing, his long red tongue dangling out of its toothy jaws. It looked over at the intruder in the doorway, who was standing there motionless. Georgia opened her eyes. She couldn't remember when she had felt so unearthly relaxed and at peace with the world. The bouncing of the tapered tip of Wolf's...
The morning of my wedding dawned sunny and warm. A cool breeze wafted through the air, and as we cruised into Icy Straits, I saw in the distance a small boat headed towards us. Pulling into a small cove to the North side of the Straits, we anchored up. The small boat soon came in close enough for me to see that Sandra was coming and dressed for the wedding in formal attire. It was kind of a strange thing to see a woman all dressed up running a skiff on the waters so far out in the middle of...
Just two very short stories I wrote in the 80's. 1986 I am a 27 year old divorcee. Ever since I was a little girl my daddy would spank my bared bottom when I was bad. Dad is now 46 and also divorced from my mom. Dad lives near by and often baby-sits for my five year old son when I have a date. Last Friday night I went to, what turned out to be, a wild party, with some friends. I didn't leave the party until 4 a.m. I was still pretty drunk and not thinking straight. I went straight to...
I was inordinately proud of myself. Using a crude forge I had created using a vinyl seat cover as a bellows I had heated an aluminum alloy shaft, salvaged from the plane undercarriage, and bent and formed it. After attaching some interwoven rubber strips cut from a tire, I had, as a result, a very serviceable slingshot with a forearm brace. I was standing below a coconut tree and after several tries had finally dropped a target nut. "Monkey stew tonight," I promised myself. Turning to...
It has been several years since E-day on the war-torn world of Sera. The human survivors desperately trying to fight back the hordes of Locust invaders coming up from the bowels of the planet to retake what they believe to be theirs. Leading the charge against the Locust is the COG army, a rag-tag bunch of left-overs from the great civilization that used to control the planet’s surface. Although the leading characters in charge of the COG might change, the one thing that remains the same is...
You wake up in a bed but you don't remember how you got there or where you are. You slowly get up and look around the room it seems to be a hotel room a crappy one. You only have a plain shirt and shorts on and there are no clothes around but you are decent enough to go to the front desk and find out what happened. You exit the room it is a bright sunny day where ever you are. As you get to the front desk you see no one is there. You ring the bell on the desk hoping for a response. Nothing. You...
Hello guys, Pratik here from hyderabad. I am a student in hyderabad studying my MBA and this is a real incident which happened a week back. I am a bodybuilder who loves working out and this all started from the gym. It was 10 in the morning and I was very late to my gym most of the crowd was ladies mostly housewives so I didn’t pay attention and started my workout. I was working out on my chest that day and suddenly a aunty called me for help I completed my set and went to help her out in...
Alex Meadows was walking down the hallway to his bedroom as he passed his parents' bedroom he saw the door was ajar and like most people he unconsciously glanced inside and he saw something that made him stop dead in his tracks and crane his neck back to double check. The lock on the chest at the foot of his parent's bed wasn't fastened. It looked like they had been in a hurry to close it or something and it hadn't fully closed. Even though he was alone Alex still looked over his shoulder...
I enjoy it when a sexy man watches me parade around in sexy lingerie, teasing him with the soft silk of the fabric watching him get stiff as I trace his body with the touch of lace. The smell of perfume lingering in the air, taking away his breath. I feel so powerful as I slip off each article of clothing and toss it along his body. I have been fortunate to have found such a person. He and I enjoy the same lingerie fetish. We are interested in others who share the same or similar interest. I...
I checked in at the reception desk, handed over my charge card, signed the form and took my room key card. As I rode the elevator to my room I thought to myself that I was getting tired of all this constant traveling. I had three clients to see tomorrow and catch another plane to Memphis at six in the evening. I had to find something else. This job's constant traveling had cost me my marriage and now I had trouble even dating with my erratic schedule. One phone call from an upset client and old...
Gay MalePetite Spanish sexpot Lya Missy is an exchange student, but her interest is more in partying than in studying. As a result she can’t afford her rent again this month, like usual! But she persuades her roommate Josh to cover her part of it in exchange for a piece of her ass — and it’s well worth the price!. After she deep-throats his veiny cock, the blonde bombshell strips off her clothes, revealing her perfect rack and shaved pussy so that Josh’s johnson can get access...
xmoviesforyouMy husband has one fantasy that he’s always talking about. He dreams that I'll have sex with an African-American man who has a ten-inch cock. I’m a fair-skinned white woman, and my husband fantasizes about seeing my creamy white skin next to a chocolate brown-skinned man. He really gets off on the idea of this. My husband Jack and I have been married for twenty-five years. Our children are married and have their own families now. My husband and I are 'empty nesters'. He just thinks of all these...
Wife LoversWe got home, undressed and she was the aggressor, big time! Five minutes into it, she asked, “What happens if you die before any more of your uncles die?” I repeated that back to her, wanting her to hear it clearly, then I answered her. “It depends,” I said as she was enjoying things. “If we are married, you get what I already have, if we aren’t married, you get nothing.” “So, two of your uncles died of severe and sudden heart attacks, and now you are thinking that you could die of the same...
This is legolas1313 this is in regards to the poker night scene you would write for me. Ashley Cuminners was happy today. She had recently had a really tough time with her boyfriend who she loved very much and he decided to give her another chance. There’s no question that Ashley was in the seventh Heaven at this news and was planning to make their first renewed date hot. Of course it wasn’t too hard for her to find a guy to date, because of her sexy appearance. The girl was 5’5? tall...
Seema rested herself with her back against the pillows, and thought for a moment, whilst her daughter lay naked next to her. Your dad loves a female backside, he’s a real ass man” said Seema with a smile, after a pause. “And if I’m not mistaken, having seen the way Aditya has looked at me a few times, I think he is too,” she continued. But that’s not to say they don’t get turned on by boobs as well, it’s just that some men have a slight preference. Nisha giggled, So, are you saying we should...
Incest(Told from Cassie’s point of view, rather than Courtney’s.) “No, I am seriously pissed off.” I say to Stella, over the phone, as I walk into my house. “They think they can just cancel our practice because the gym is full of band and chorus shit? Why didn’t that just set it up AFTER practice? Complete bullshit,” I sigh, as I realize I’ve been ranting for about 15 minutes. “Listen, Stella, I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for listening to me bitch about this. I love you too. Bye.” I slip my cell...
IncestAn animalistic growl escaped his lips and his throbbing rod plunged deep into my pussy, almost slamming against my cervix. I cried out as Ethan sank his teeth into my neck, grunting as he thrust harder into my pouting hole. My legs were around his lower back, his muscular form pinning me into position. I barely managed to hold onto his biceps with my petite hands as he pummeled me, harder, faster, and with more urgency than I’d ever known.“Fucking take it, my little slut,” he growled in my...
Swingers“Though of course, not so much evidence was recorded, the sources make it fairly clear that many of the peasants were practicing some form of birth control at the time.”A girl up front raised her hand and asked, “But what did they do?”“Coitus interruptus, most commonly.”“But wasn’t that against Catholic doctrine?”“Of course. It was a sin to waste one’s seed.” Then she looked around the classroom and, looking straight into my eyes, said, “Of course, it’s really only a sin if the man’s not man...
College SexThis happened long ago when my first husband and I were just dating. I'm unsure, maybe I was always a slut inside, but this was either the beginning of my whorishness or the thing that really started it all. I'd turned 19 recently, dumped my old high school boyfriend, the only guy I had ever had sex with at that point. I'd started dating this guy from work a month or so ago (my later husband). I tried to hold off from fucking this new guy too soon. Didn't want to seem like a slut to this...
Danny: Danny berated himself as he and Elizabeth's wrists were tied tight. Of course they had to tie my hands behind me. They won't take any chance of me getting loose to overpower them. The pirates pushed and prodded them into town. As Danny stumbled along, he could hear loud voices arguing. One was Sao, but he had never heard the man's voice before. They got closer to the arguing voices; Danny could now make out the words. "I don't care miss, you will not see a penny of the ransom...
"Put this on," the driver said, holding a blindfold over his shoulder. It was of the sort people wear when they wish to sleep. "Seriously?" Wolfgang almost smiled as he took it from the man's fingers. "Are you carrying a weapon, Herr Brandt?" the other man asked as he started the car. "Yes," Wolfgang said. "Very well," the driver nodded, checking traffic before pulling away. "Put the blindfold on." "Right," Wolfgang sighed. "Wake me up when we get there." The drive...
“Wanda, I have a surprise for you come down here.” “I’m coming Michael, what is it?” “We're going to a hotel today. I have a surprise for you there. I have a business meeting tomorrow, so we have all day today and then you can go back home. But, today and tonight we'll have lots of fun." “Your mother will be home tonight so we have to go to the hotel. Dean, will be here also. I have to have your sweet pussy or I’ll go crazy.” “You’re unbelievable. I suppose you really like me, don’t you?” ...
TabooSome years ago when I was around my mid 30's, married with a couple of k**s. My family and I were on holiday in Cyprus. We had a ground floor 3 bedroom apartment on a quiet part of the complex. It was just off peak season so the place wasn't too busy. The apartment had a patio overlooking large grassed area dotted with small shrubs and trees where people would sit during the day to sunbathe. This area had a path running round the perimeter and it ran past the patios of the apartments.One...
Well as I followed this Lady into her house watching her wiggle as she walked and looking at the backs of her legs, I was sure she was wearing Stockings as I could see the darker heals poking out of her shoes of her tan stockings, her tweed skirt was making a rustling sound as she walked. Her blouse was a crisp silk and as she turned to talk to me I saw her bra and her large breasts poking out. She looked at me and then spoke to me in a harsh voice, “so you seduced a vulnerable Married woman...