The Pretend He Couldn't PretendChapter 5 free porn video

Jackson Hole, Wy.
5:25 p.m.
Jarod turns the engine off of the rental car looking at the farm house sitting in front of him and Micheal. Every time he sees his home he still can't believe he's really there. He looks over to where Micheal is asleep, in the passenger seat. He leans over and kisses her sleeping lips, waking her gently. Micheal yawns, stretching her back, smiling satisfied when her spine lets out a loud series of cracks. Jarod winces, hearing the crunching of her bones. Micheal looks out the windshield at the house in front of her, "I guess we're here." she says a little frightened at the prospect of meeting his family, especially his mother. What if she doesn't like me? What if they reject me because of my family? A million what if's swirl her mind before Jarod's voice finally breaks threw. "Micheal? Micheal honey, are you alright?"
"Huh?" Micheal looks over to him and sees the worried expression, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jarod smiles reassuringly, "Don't worry, they'll love you, almost as much as me." he says, seeing her scared smile.
Jarod pops the trunk on the way out of the car. Micheal climbs out of the car, going around to the trunk. She helps him lifting out their luggage, sitting it on the dirt driveway. Her hand freezes in position when she hears a woman yelling Jarod's name from the front porch. Jarod leaves Micheal, walking around the trunks lid, heading towards his mother. Micheal lifts out the carry-on bag, holding both of their laptops. She takes a couple of deep calming breaths as she gazes at the now empty trunk, knowing there's now nothing left to prolong her hiding place. She tentatively places her trembling hand on the trunk lid and closes it, with her eyes closed, praying a small prayer.
Micheal opens her eyes, looking at Jarod and his mother as well as an older handsome man, a young woman and a teenage boy, in a big group hug, talking. She takes another deep breath, exhaling slowly, then it catches when she sees the teenager spots her standing at the rear of the car. Micheal watches as one by one everyone turns looking at her with an almost scared look on their faces. Micheal takes a small step backwards as the teenager walks over, bouncing a basketball, "Hi!" he says brightly, smiling, holding the basketball on his hip. "Hi." Micheal greets softly, slightly smiling at the young man. "I'm JJ."
"I'm Micheal." The teenager looks at her confused, he looks up and down, studying her for a second. "You don't appear to be male. Are you a transvestite?" he asks very seriously. "Excuse me?" Micheal coughs out, insulted. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you but, Micheal is a boy's name. Correct?" Micheal smiles feeling a little better that he didn't mean anything by it. "Yes, yes it is. It's a family name. I was named after my grandfather." she explains smiling. "Here I'll help you carry these in."
JJ picks up a suitcase and another smaller bag, dropping his basketball on the ground. Micheal stands frozen in place, as everyone starts toward her. She starts breathing heavily, almost hyperventilating as Jarod and his family get closer and closer to her position. Micheal realizes she's staring at Jarod's mother, her long red and gray hair pulled up in a clip on top of her head, her long summer dress blowing in the warm breeze, her blue eyes looking at her, her lips smiling invitingly. "Hello, I'm Margaret." she says holding out her hand to her. Micheal shakes her head a little to clear it, "I'm sorry, nice to meet you, I'm Micheal." Micheal says shaking the offered hand, feeling Margaret's soft skin. "Man, that's some rock you got there." Margaret comments looking at the hand that she's shaking. Micheal's cheeks flush a little, pulling her hand back and turning the diamond around to where it's facing inside her palm, feeling like it's size is suddenly gaudy, thinking that his family might not be able to afford jewelry like that. "OOO... let me see!" Emily yells pushing her father out of the way.
Micheal smiles shyly, turning the ring back around with her thumb so his sister could see it. Emily whistles, bending Micheal's fingers and raising her hand to get a better look, "That's not a rock, that's a mountain. Damn Jarod, you really know how to pick out a ring." she comments smiling, "Oh man look at me, I'm sorry. I'm Emily by the way, his sister."
"It's alright, I'm Micheal."
"Cool name." Micheal smiles a little more confidently. Nobody had ever thought her name was cool before, plus Emily she guessed, was around her own age.
They walk into the house, after all the introductions, with Jarod holding Micheal's hand. "I told you everything would be alright." he whispers in her ear, kissing her head. Micheal smiles a little but, still unsure about this. She looks around the beautifully decorated house, not expecting it to be so nice. She notices the antique tables and artwork hanging on the cedar walls, handmade quilts laying over the couch and matching loveseat. Micheal's cell phone rings making her jump almost out of her skin, "Sorry" she says looking at everyone as she pulls it out of her jacket pocket. "Micheal Corleone" she answers in a professional tone of voice. She looks down at the floor, speaking French to the other person.
Charles pulls Jarod off to the side, wanting a little privacy. "Jarod, are you sure we can trust her? I'm sure she loves you but, the Center has ways of buying people's loyalty." Jarod starts to laugh at the thought of Micheal with more money, "I don't think Micheal knows what to do with the money she has now. Besides she owns the majority of the voting stock of the Center if she wanted to she could've had me there a thousand different times. I think she wants me free almost as much as I do."
"Alright, I trust your judgment but, I'm"
"Don't worry, she's the last person in the world who would betray my trust. That's just not who she is." Jarod explains, laying his hand on his father's shoulder.
Micheal walks up still on her cell phone, "Jarod, I'm sorry to interrupt but, I need my computer. Jean Claude screwed up the accounts for the new hospital in Quebec. I know I said that I wouldn't work but, if I don't get this done they won't be able to break ground next month." she explains frowning a little, hoping he won't get too mad at her. Jarod leans over and kisses her cheek, "I'll set it up on the kitchen table. It'll take me a second." Jarod smiles, letting her know that he's not mad at the intrusion. "I'm really sorry. I wouldn't even think about"
"Don't, it's alright really. I understand. Things go wrong all the time." He offers smiling, pulling the laptop out of the carry-on. He boots it up, getting it ready for her. Micheal kisses him before she even thinks, then looks at his family standing around her, smiling at the two of them. Micheal blushes, looking down at the floor. "It's all ready." Jarod announces getting up from the table, holding the back of the chair for her.
Micheal sits down in the offered chair, speaking French into the phone as she types away, becoming oblivious to everyone and everything around her, only focusing on the screen of accounts coming up on the laptop's screen. JJ stands behind her, watching what she's doing, and listening to what she's telling the other person. JJ's impressed at her decisions and her temperament at such a major screw up this has turned out to be for her, not even raising her voice at the person on the phone, just correcting the problem. JJ leans over seeing something that she's missed, pointing it out to her but, not saying anything aloud. Micheal looks up after adjusting the account and mouths 'thank you JJ'. He nods and keeps watching silently, trying to find any other mistakes but, not seeing any heads back outside, to finish playing his basketball game. The mistake takes Micheal a little over an hour to correct on the computer while talking to Jean Claude on her cell phone about the architects plans and other possible structure problems.
Micheal sighs tiredly as she closes down the laptop and ending the call. Micheal cuts the power off on her cell phone, to make certain of no more interruptions. "Micheal you need to keep the power on, just in case your father or someone else needs you." Micheal looks back at Jarod, who's standing there, with his hands inside his pockets, smiling at her. "No, I promised this is our time." Jarod takes her phone cutting it back on then lays it back down on the table, pulling her out of the chair. "I know you promised but I really do understand. Your the head of an international company and I told Vincent to only forward the problems that you'd have to know about." Jarod wraps his arms around her waist, smiling at her. Micheal lays her hand on his face, stroking his cheek with her thumb, looking in his eyes, "So, I guess you're going to take care of me huh? Make sure I don't work too hard and that sort of thing?" she teases "Most definitely. I think we'll both being doing it since I took your father's offer with Immobarlarie. Now your my boss."
"Well... that puts things in a whole new light. I wonder if a husband can sue his wife for sexual harassment?"
"I wouldn't worry too much about that if I were you. I won't be suing you anytime soon." he assures her. He leans over and kisses her softly, slowly, his tongue touching her bottom lip.
They stand there beside the kitchen table kissing each other's lips. Micheal scraps her manicured nails threw his hair, molding her hand to his head, moving it toward her other laying on the back of his neck. Margaret and Charles stand silently, watching as the two kiss, unaware that they are being observed, only aware of each other. Emily walks up behind her parents and Margaret presses a finger to her lips, motioning for her to be quiet. Emily smiles, nodding her head. Jarod presses Micheal's body against his as he deepens their kiss. Micheal moves a hand down from his neck to his chest and under his arm to his back, pressing closer. They jump apart, hearing the screen door slam.
They see that his family has been watching them. Micheal turns red, wiping her mouth, as if wiping away lips prints that Jarod left behind, like some kind of thief. "You two need to get a room." Emily slyly comments, making Micheal turn redder, if that was possible. "A room for what?" JJ asks walking in to the kitchen, having not been witness to the previous events, with his basketball on his hip. "Sex" Emily answers honestly. "Emily!" her parents scream in unison, horrified that she just said that. "What? I was only being honest. Aren't you both always saying we should be honest?"
"Good one Em, throw their words back at them, that won't make them mad." JJ offers sarcastically, smiling. JJ turns looking at Jarod and Micheal, "I'm sorry again about thinking you were a"
"That's alright really" Micheal says cutting him off, embarrassed enough for one day. "So... you any good?" Micheal asks changing the subject, pointing at his basketball. "Oh yeah" he says spinning the ball between his hands with a gleam in his eye, thinking, fresh meat.
Jarod goes to stop Micheal, to tell her that JJ is a pretender too. JJ takes Micheal's hand leading her out of the house, smiling, simming the whole game in his head. Micheal stands in the middle of the court looking like the quintessential girl, who has never shot a basketball, or even touched one in her whole life. "OK, we'll play horse." JJ begins smiling. He explains the game slowly to Micheal and she acts like she's listening intensely. JJ shoots first from the top of the key, making it with a bounce off the backboard. Everyone sits on the porch watching the two, feeling sorry for Micheal who looks kinda lost. "From here right?" she asks standing where JJ was. "Yeah" Micheal smiles a shy smile then shoots, making it with nothing but net. Everyone looks at her stunned, "I guess beginner's luck" she comments shrugging her shoulder's. JJ does a lay-up and Micheal matches him. She looks at him shrugging, "I'm just following you."
JJ bounces the ball thinking up a good shot. He shoots a hook shot making it. Micheal quirks her lips, bouncing the ball with both hands like a girl would, "That one looked really hard." she says, her voice laced with concern. She looks up to the hoop then JJ and shoots making it swoosh again. "You're conning me! You know how to play!" JJ accuses surprised. "I never said that I didn't know how, you just assumed that since I'm a girl that I didn't." JJ steps up and closes his eyes beginning to pretend he's Micheal Jordan,"NONONO" Micheal yells, breaking JJ concentration, also making everyone look at her. "That's cheating" she admonishes waging a finger at him. "What?"
"No fair, pretending. Hell, you were probably pretending to be Micheal Jordan for all I know." Everyone's mouths drop open at her. "I know exactly what and who you are so, no pretending. Play fair or don't play, it's not fair to whomever you're playing against, OK?" she says smiling. JJ hangs his head as if Mom had just caught him doing something wrong. "JJ I'm not mad at you just play fair and so will I, I'm sorry I let you believe that I didn't know how to play." Micheal says wrapping her arm around his shoulder.
"How about we play a little 1 on 1, just me and you?" JJ looks up smiling at her, "Sure, to 10." Margaret's walks up to Jarod wrapping her arm around his waist watching Micheal and JJ, playing basketball. "She's great."
"I didn't even know she could play." he says watching her blocking JJ's shot. "No honey, I mean she's a good person. I can see why you love her. I would've been mad as fire if JJ tried to pull that stunt on me but, she just explained how it's not fair to other people who aren't like him." Jarod smiles, nodding,"Do you know why she was on the computer so long? She heads different charities. The one she was on the phone about is one that builds hospitals for children who's parents can't afford treatment. So, she's building places that they can get treatment for free, for whatever illness and apartments for the parents to live in next to the hospital so they won't have to travel back and forth and the kids get to have their parents there so they won't be scared by themselves."
"God Jarod, that sounds like a great idea. I wonder why no one's ever thought of it before?"
"Actually, she said she got the idea from McDonald's. She pulled in one morning to get some breakfast and saw the donation container for the Ronald McDonald house. It's similar, but she went all the way with the idea."
Micheal sits next to JJ, both of them breathing heavily, smiling at each other. "So... you're going to be... my sister." JJ gasps out, smiling. "yep, looks that way."
"She will be if I have anything to do with it." Jarod comments from behind them, making the two turn back, looking at him standing there. "So, how do you know about me?" JJ asks curiosity finally winning the battle, "Did Jarod tell you?" Micheal shakes her head, "No, Mr. Parker told me, a little over a year and half ago." Micheal sees JJ flinch at the name. Micheal puts her arm around the teenager, "Don't ever worry about the Center again, OK? I took care of them for you. You're free to live a normal life, just like any other kid. Just think of all the great stuff you've got to look forward to: girlfriends, getting your heartbroken, zits, hair popping out in strange places, not too mention college parties, drugs, booze, and more women who want nothing more than to trample all over your heart." JJ's face cringes at every possibility, "Gee, you make it sound so attractive, I can't wait." he says sarcastically. Micheal starts laughing, "I was just kidding. Weelll, not really, those are just the worst possibilities. Who knows you'll probably be one of the popular kids, the kind everyone wants to hang with." she adds hugging his shoulders smiling, making JJ smile at the thought of having friends.
"Alright Micheal, you're scaring him." Jarod says sternly, pulling her up from the ground. The two stand up, wiping the back of their jeans, trying to get the dirt off. "I like you Micheal. But I still think you've got a boy's name." JJ comments walking away from them, making Jarod laugh. Micheal slaps his arm, looking at him sternly, "That's not funny."
"I'm sorry" Jarod leans over and kisses her. Micheal pulls back, "Oh no Mr. Charming, I'm not falling for that little trick." Jarod gives her his best innocent look, making Micheal smile. "Fine you cheater, you're exactly like JJ. Oh wait a minute, you two are the same." she says wryly beginning to laugh only this time he's the one looking at her sternly, "That's not funny." then breaks out into a wide smile, knowing that it is.
Everyone sits around the kitchen table, stuffed to the gills from dinner. Margaret looks over the table to Micheal, "So, have you two set a date?"she asks Jarod. Jarod holds up his hands, "Don't look at me. According to Micheal all I'm supposed to do is find 4 no, make that 3 guys and show up on time." Micheal glares at him for a good 4 seconds. "Well, that's the best idea I've ever heard." Margaret comments looking at Micheal, proud that she can stand up to her controlling son. "So, do you have a dress yet?" Jarod groans aloud earning him another glare from Micheal. "Well what's that about?"
"I was planning on going to Paris next week to search but, my best friend backed out on me. So, now she's talking with some designers in New York about making me one." Micheal says smiling at Margaret. "OOO... anyone famous?" Emily asks excited "Well I's a model so, she knows all of the designers. She already got Isaac Mizrahi to agree but" "Are you kidding! He's fabulous!"
"Yeah, well she calls him the Picasso of design, Micheal thinks he'll make the dress have 3 breasts or something." With that little comment Jarod's glare count got another notch. "Yeah, he is out there sometimes. Does she have any other friends?" "Yeah, I called her on the plane. She told me that she has an appointment with Vera Wang. So, I think I might go with her, as long as I get to approve the designs first." Micheal plays with the ring, twirling it around her finger as she talks.
Micheal pulls out a huge leather bound book from her briefcase. She lays it on the table as Margaret and Emily scoot closer. "This is my planning book. I's mother, Myrtle, is helping me do the planning, she's a professional wedding coordinator slash party planner. I'm going to need a list of all the people you want to invite, the caterer's need it. Don't worry about inviting too many people, my sides up to 195 now and that's not counting my friends."
"You have that many family members?" Micheal looks up at Jarod nervously, who just nods that it's okay to trust them. "Well, um... my father or I should say, my grandfather, was the head of one of New York's largest crime families."
"Like John Gotti?"
"Yeah, but Uncle John was in the Gambino crime family not my grandfather's." Micheal specifies nervously. "This is so cool. Do you know what this means?" Emily squeals smiling. Margaret looks at her daughter confused, "No, what?"
"At the wedding there'll wise guys there! God, this is going to be some wedding!" she yells excited. Micheal smiles, twirling her hair around her fingers.
Micheal looks up from the book, looking at Margaret, hating to ask now but needing to, "Umm Margaret my um... my father wanted me to ask if you and your family would like to stay in our home before and after the wedding? But, if not, he's more than willing to pay for hotel suites for each of you for however long you want to be in New York." Margaret squeezes Micheal's hand, smiling at her, "Of course will stay at your house. Now, Charles and I want to pay for half of the wedding costs so."
"No, really my father's more than willing to pay for everything, he said that he'll only do this once but that if there's ever another one I'll have to flip the bill." Micheal answers cutting her off, squeezing her hand back, smiling. Margaret laughs thinking she just might like her father. "Alright, I'll let him. So, what about the flowers and bridesmaids?"
"Well I'd really like Emily to be one. That's if you want to?" she asks looking over at Emily. "Are you kidding! I'd love to."
"There'll be 6 others with you."
"7!" marget says in awe. "family." Margaret nods understanding immediately. "I'm having a mixture of orchids, roses, irises, and ivy for the bouquets. If I get Vera to do my dress then she'll do the bridesmaids as well. I was thinking floor length, around the shoulders, silk, but I'm not quite sure on the color yet. I've already picked out and ordered the maid's and men's gifts from Tiffany's, let me tell you my father was not happy when he got THAT bill." Micheal shakes her head, recalling his tirade that lasted 15 minutes but ended abruptly when she started to act like she was going to cry.
Micheal yawns, covering her mouth, but keeps talking about the sit down dinner at the reception, "My father hired Wolfgang Puck as the chef so, it should be pretty good. I've never eaten at his restaurant before but my father loves him. I figured since he's paying I'd let him pick the chef at least."
"Micheal? Why don't we finish this later. I know you've got to be worn out." Margaret comments smiling. Micheal looks over at Jarod, who's fallen asleep sitting in his chair. "I think we both are." she says pointing to the sleeping Jarod, smiling. "Come on, I help you put him to bed." Margaret says standing up.
Margaret walks ahead of them down the hall. She looks back at Micheal holding Jarod up as he shuffles beside her. Margaret opens a bedroom door, pushing it open for them. Micheal lays him down on one side pulling the covers back on the other, then rolling him to the other, then covers him up kissing him on the cheek. Jarod mumbles something snuggling down into the bed, falling back asleep. Micheal smiles down at him for a second then walks back to Margaret, "So, where's my room?" Margaret looks at her confused, "What do you mean? You don't want to share?" Micheal looks at Margaret shocked that she's saying that it's alright with her for her and Jarod to share a room, much less a bed together. "Oh yeah, I mean yes but, I just didn't think that you'd want us to share a be... I mean to be in the same be... I mean" Margaret cuts off her rambling, "Honey, you two are getting married in a few months. Yes, it's alright with us for you two to share a room as well as a bed." Micheal just nods, deciding she'd better quit while she's ahead. She tells her goodnight before closing the door.
Micheal gets ready for bed, then wakes Jarod up to get undressed. Jarod stands up and strips down to his boxers then climbs back in, as Micheal climbs in on the other side. Jarod snuggles against her back, wrapping his arm around her waist, "I love you" he mumbles sleepily. "I love you too." Micheal lays her hand on his arm, drifting off.
Micheal shuffles into the kitchen, in search of some coffee. Everyone looks up from the table watching as she pours herself a cup. Micheal stretches her arms up over her head, her back to them, the cut off t-shirt rising up and the low hanging boxer shorts showing allot of her bare back. Everyone stares at the long and short scars on her lower back. Micheal turns around, sipping her coffee, completely oblivious to them. She shuffles over to the table, falling down into a chair, hanging her head down. She absently pushes some hair, that has fallen out of her ponytail, behind her ear. Her head finally falls to the table, with a loud 'thud', shaking it. "You didn't get any sleep?" Margaret asks concerned. Micheal just shakes her head in the negative, not saying anything aloud, almost back asleep. "Well why not?" Micheal raises her hand, pointing across the table to Jarod, pointing over and over again angrily. "What about me?"
Micheal raises her head, letting him see the dark circles under her eyes, "It's like sleeping in a wind test tunnel. Holy mother of God you snore." she complains, then yawns again. "I do not." he protests. "That's it, I'm break out a video camera tonight. You can see for yourself. I'm surprised there was any air left in the room with the way you were sucking it in." Micheal rubs her face hard, pushing her hair back revealing a small scar in her hairline. "Sweetie, were you in an accident or something?" Margaret asks, now really concerned after seeing the scar on her head. "Huh? I'm sorry, I mean excuse me?"
"Well, I couldn't help but notice your scars."
Micheal looks at everyone looking at her, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi. Micheal wraps her arms around her waist, excusing herself and leaving the table and the looks she's getting. Jarod watches her as she leaves the room, hugging herself. "Did I say something wrong?" Margaret asks. Jarod turns back to his mother, sighing heavily. "Micheal became Mr. Lyle's obsession. He attacked her almost a year and half ago and then about 3 months ago he found her again and finished what he didn't get to do the first time." Jarod explains, turning his coffee cup around and around, leaving out the phrase "rape her". Charles gasps, as well as JJ, both remembering what a psycho Lyle is. "He can't get her here. You make sure she understands that, we'll not let him hurt her again, OK?" Charles says, feeling very protective of her all of a sudden.
Jarod looks up, his eyebrows together confused, then realizes that they don't know. "Dad, Lyle's dead. One of Micheal's 'Uncles' killed him, right in front of her and me, hell, even in front of Mr. Parker. She told me that when he attacked her the second time that he wasn't wearing a mask that time and recognized him from meeting him at the Center. He stalked her for almost 2 years, killing her then boyfriend, Tristin Drake, making it look like a mob hit. I guess trying to make Micheal think that one of her 'Family' members did it." Jarod explains frowning, at how Micheal finally broke down, crying and telling him everything. Everyone hangs their heads down, absorbing what he just told them.
Jarod walks into his bedroom and sees the bed made but no Micheal. He hears the shower going and walks over to the bathroom door. He opens it peaking in. He sees her silhouette threw the shower curtain. He sits on the closed toilet lid, waiting for her. Micheal traces the long scar across her stomach, finally deciding to go ahead with the plastic surgery. She pushes the thoughts aside for now, wanting to get back to planning her wedding. She cuts off the water and opens the curtain. She jumps, seeing Jarod sitting there, "Christ! What are you trying to do, scare me half to death?"
"No, I'm sorry. I just thought you might want to talk." Micheal grabs a towel wrapping it around her body, shrugging. "No, I'm okay." Jarod stops her from leaving the bathroom, knowing she's lying.
Jarod wraps his arms around her, holding her, "I know you are not all right. I guess you forgot I can tell when you're lying huh?" Micheal wraps her arms around him, starting to cry. Jarod holds her head, kissing her hair, "It's ok. Everything will be alright, he can't hurt you any more. You know that." He whispers, his lips against her cheek. Micheal pulls back to look in his eyes, "I love you" she whispers as a another tear falls. She quickly wipes it away, closing her eyes for a second. "I'm alright, really. I guess I'm not quite ready to talk about it with your family. Maybe later but, it's just too soon." Jarod gives her a quick kiss smiling, "Get dressed. I want to show you something." Micheal arches her eyebrows at him, smirking.
15 Minutes later
Micheal walks into the kitchen and finds Margaret and Emily sitting at the kitchen table, quietly talking. They stop turning to her, "Hey! great shirt." Emily compliments smiling at her white cotton, sleeveless button up top. "Thanks, Wal-Mart special." Micheal smiles feeling a little better. "Well, follow me." Emily gets up heading out the back door with Micheal behind her. Micheal slips a hand into her jean shorts, the green grass pillowing her bare feet. Emily reaches back taking Micheal's hand, starting to run toward an old barn, dragging Micheal with her.
Jarod walks out leading a beautiful dark brown horse out of the open barn door, having already saddled it, going to teach Micheal how to ride. Micheal walks up stroking the horses mane, letting it sniff her. Micheal smiles at Jarod then whispers in the horses ear, "Let's show them what exactly I can do, alright fella." Micheal looks over to Jarod, "So, what's his name?" "Thunder"
"Nice name" Micheal turns back to the horse stroking it's neck, "Do you mind?" she asks looking at horse. "mind what?" Micheal hops up into the saddle, leaning down, whispering to the horse again. Micheal smirks at Jarod, "Catch up if you can." she comments, then tightens the reigns and the horse takes off galloping toward the closed fence. Jarod starts yelling to wait so he can open the fence, before he can finish Micheal make the horse jump the closed fence, galloping away. Jarod, Emily and Charles stand there stunned. None of them even knew that horse was capable of jumping. JJ comes flying out of the barn on Lightening trying to catch up with Micheal, making his horse jump the fence as well.
Jarod turns to them smiling then runs into the barn with them hot on his heels. They saddle up the other horses, heading out to find Micheal and JJ.

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